Пак чимин на корейском как пишется


Сценическое имя: Чи Мин / 지민 / Jimin
Настоящее имя: Пак Чи Мин / 박지민 / Park Ji Min
Позиция в группе: вокалист, танцор
Дата рождения: 13 октября 1995
Родной город: Пусан
Рост: 175 см
Вес: 60 кг
Группа крови: A
Прозвища: Пак Чиминни, Дули (Dooly the Baby Dinosaur)
Семья: отец, мать, младший брат
Знак зодиака: Весы

Мне было очень интересно, какое сценическое имя я получу. Были такие варианты, как Baby J, Baby G и Young Kid, но мы остановились на моем настоящем имени. (Шуга: «Мы все согласились, что «Чимин» звучит лучше всего»). Я вижу свое лицо каждый день, поэтому думаю: «Изменилось ли мое лицо хоть немного?». Но окружающие говорят, что я сбросил много веса. Мои родители очень волнуются обо мне, потому что видят меня лишь несколько раз в год, и спрашивают, хорошо ли я питаюсь. Лично я ощущаю, что стал более привлекательным после диеты, когда… у фанатов получаются хорошие фотографии? (смеется) Я ем то же, что и другие участники, но чаще занимаюсь физическими упражнениями. На самом деле, я ничего не чувствовал, когда начал качать мышцы, но как только я стал выступать на сцене, реакция публики была настолько положительной, что мои мысли по этому поводу немного изменились. (Джин: «Чимин был в хорошей форме, когда мы познакомились»). Я не говорил об этом прежде, потому что мне неловко (смеется). В хореографии к No More Dream есть часть, когда я пинаю хёнов, стоящих в одной линии, но я всегда чувствую себя виноватым за то, что делаю это очень сильно. Однажды я пнул Рэпмон-хёна с такой силой, что он на время «исчез». Когда следом идет другая часть хореографии, всё, о чем я могу думать, — это: «А, мне так жаль. Как быть? Им больно?» (Чонгук: «Вы и, правда, можете услышать звук пинков»). Я танцевал в стиле поппинг с 8 класса и заинтересовался этим родом деятельности после просмотра выступлений Рэйна-сонбэнима. Затем я поступил в Пусанскую академию искусств на отделение современного танца и пришел в агентство после предложения моего учителя по танцам пойти на прослушивание в развлекательную компанию. Занимаясь современными танцами, однажды мы с друзьями станцевали под песню «Mirotic» TVXQ-сонбэ, и реакция была действительно хорошей. До такой степени, что я почувствовал себя знаменитостью (смеется). (Чонгук: «Хён сказал, что были девушки, которые ждали его возле туалета»). Это стало моим первым и последним воспоминанием. Я снимал свой первый влог, когда едва мог открыть глаза. Это случилось сразу после того, как я закончил урок по танцу, поэтому мое лицо оставляло желать лучшего, и в то время в комнате находилось восемь человек, следовательно, я неловко себя чувствовал. Съемка прошла бы более удачно, если бы я был один. Я последним был добавлен в группу, поэтому я очень усердно практикуюсь. (Джин: «Чимин практикуется каждый раз, когда у него появляется свободное время; он одержим тренировками. Он спит три часа в день и практикуется так много, что я переживаю, не умрет ли он, практикуясь»). Однажды я написал стихи и показал их Шуге-хёну, но в ответ я услышал: «Ты называешь это лирикой?». Он сказал принести текст, который мы действительно сможем использовать в песне. (Шуга: «Он написал стихи, которые подошли бы только для детской песни»). Я знаю очень много ноу-хау в области ухода за кожей. Очищение лица и последующее нанесение увлажняющего лосьона занимает у меня много времени. Важно наносить его спустя три секунды после протирания лица полотенцем.

Любимая еда: мясо (любое), фрукты, рагу.
Любимый цвет: синий, черный.
Любимые вещи: снэпбэки от New Era, банданы.
Идеальный тип: Хорошенькая милая девушка. Должна быть меньше его.
Привычки: Танцевать/двигаться под музыку, где бы ни находился.
Слово, которое описывает его: очаровательный участник Bangtan, милашка.
Пример для подражания: «Тэян-сонбэ из Big Bang. Я его очень уважаю и хочу быть похожим на него.»
Через 10 лет будет: классным певцом, который наслаждается пребыванием на сцене.
1. Со времен трейни Шуга очень заботился о Чимине. Он всегда угощал его едой и питьем.
2. Чимин сказал, что хотел бы станцевать с Каем из EXO.
3. У Чимина всегда чисто в комнате.
4. Однажды Чимин пытался написать текст к песне, но Шуга, после того, как прочитал, сказал: *»Ты называешь это текстом?» Он сказал, что текст Чимина больше был похож на детскую колыбельную песенку.
5. Когда спросили, каким животным вы бы хотели стать, Чимин ответил: «Хочу летать высоко, как птица»
6. Чимин сказал, что любит, когда его называют Минни.
7. Когда у Чимина проблемы, он обычно справляется со всем сам. Если же не может, разговаривает с Ви.
8. Чимин считает, что Чонгук очень милый.
9. Чимин считает, что Джин красивый, и иногда завидует ему.
10. Чимин и Ви лучшие друзья, так как они одногодки.
11. Есть младший брат, которого он очень любит.
12. Любимое число: 3
13. Любит в прохладную солнечную погоду слушать в наушниках хорошую музыку
14. Считает себя очарованием группы.
15. Большего всего в себе ему нравятся глаза.

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Чимин (지민) — южнокорейский певец, танцор и автор песен компании BigHit Music. Он является участником мужской группы BTS.


Ранняя жизнь

Пак Чимин родился 13 октября 1995 года в Пусане, Южная Корея. У него есть младший брат.

Обучался в Пусане в младшей школе Ходонга, позже учился в средней школе Ёнсана.[2] С 8 класса Чимин начал посещать танцевальную академию, где изучал поппинг и локинг.[3] Получив среднее образование, Чимин приступает к учёбе в Пусанской старшей школе искусств. Здесь он углублённо изучает современную хореографию, позже переводится в более престижное учебное заведение – Корейскую высшую школу искусств. В старшей школе Чимин приступил к изучению контемпорари и стал лучшим учеником в области современных танцев.[4] После рекомендации учителя пойти на прослушивание, Чимин стал частью BigHit Music. Пройдя кастинг в 2012 году, Чимин перевёлся в Корейскую школу искусств, окончив её двумя годами позже.[5] Затем он поступил в Сеульский кибер-университет.[6]

2013: Дебют с BTS и начало карьеры

13 июня 2013 года Чимин дебютировал в составе BTS с первым сингловым альбомом группы «2 Cool 4 Skool».[7] В группе он выпустил две сольные композиции — «Lie» и «Serendipity». «Lie» была выпущена в октябре 2016 года и вошла во второй студийный альбом Wings. Композиция была описана как «Завораживающая и драматичная, проявляющая тёмные эмоции, которые помогают отразить концепцию всего альбома».[8] «Serendipity» для Love Yourself: Her стала контрастом к предыдущей сольной песне Чимина — она была более мягкой и чувственной.[9][10] «Lie» и «Serendipity» набрали свыше 50 миллионов прослушиваний на Spotify, что сделало песни первыми корейскими композициями за последние 5 лет, достигшими такого показателя. Они также стали единственными сольными композициями среди участников BTS, достигшими топ-20 самых скачиваемых песен в Великобритании.[11][12]

2014-настоящее время: Сольная деятельность

В 2014 году Чимин записал корейскую версию «Mistletoe» Джастина Бибера вместе с одногруппником Чонгуком.[13] 3 июня 2017 года был выпущен кавер на хит-сингл «We Don’t Talk Anymore» Чарли Пута и Селены Гомес, снова записанный при участии Чонгука.[14] С 2016 года Пак начал участвовать в различных телевизионных шоу, таких как Ток-шоу Привет, Пожалуйста, позаботьтесь о моём холодильнике и Рабочее место бога.[15][16] С того же года Чимин неоднократно становился МС на музыкальных программах, таких как Show! Music Core и M Countdown.[17][18] В декабре он принял участие в танцевальной коллаборации с Тэмином в рамках KBS Song Festival.[19] С января по май 2018 года Чимин выигрывал ежемесячную награду «Лучший индивидуальный к-поп-артист» по версии Peeper x Billboard; проводилось специальное голосование через приложение Peeper и корейского Billboard, с помощью которого и определялся победитель. Призом было пожертвование в UNICEF от его имени.[20] 31 декабря он выпустил свою первую сольную песню вне деятельности BTS — «Promise» для свободного прослушивания на SoundCloud. Песня написана Чимином и Намджуном, обложка была создана Тэхёном. За первые сутки прослушивания трека составили более 8,5 миллионов, что стало лучшим результатом на SoundCloud за всё время.[21]

Личная жизнь


С 2016 по 2018 годы Чимин поддерживал свою начальную школу, покрывая расходы на приобретение школьной формы. После известия о закрытии учреждения он купил зимние и летние формы для последних выпускников и подарил альбомы с автографами каждому обучающемуся.[22]

24 августа 2020 года Чимин сделал пожертвование в сумме 100 миллионов вон в «Фонд будущего образование Чоннама». 29 июля отец Чимина передал сумму Чан Сокуну, председателю фонда, от имени айдола и попросил использовать её на студентов провинции Чолла-Намдо, на что получил обещание помочь обучающимся региона.

21 сентября 2021 года Чимин пожертвовал 100 миллионов вон на помощь детям с полиомиелитом. По данным района 3590 «International Rotary» от 21 сентября, в июле этого года Чимин пожертвовал «Rotary Club» 100 миллионов вон «Rotary Clu№» — некоммерческая волонтёрская организация, насчитывающая более 1,3 миллионов волонтёров по всему миру. Чимин пожертвовал 100 миллионов вон району 3590, в состав которого входят порядка 3900 человек в Кёнсан-Намдо.


Песни с другими артистами

  • Lauv — «Who» (вместе с Чонгуком, отмечены BTS) (2020)
  • Тэян — «Vibe» (2023)


  • «BTS World OST Part 1» («Dream Glow» вместе с Джином, Чонгуком и Charli XCX) (2019)
  • «Our Blues OST Part.4» («With You» вместе с Ха Сонуном) (2022)

Другие релизы

  • «Promise» (2018)
  • «Christmas Love» (2020)


Появление в клипах

  • GLAM — «Party (XXO)» (2012)

Участие в записи песен

  • Всё авторство взято с KOMCA.[23]

Интересные факты

  • Любимая еда: мясо (свинина, говядина, утка, курица), фрукты, рагу.
  • Любимый цвет: синий, чёрный.
  • Любимые вещи: кепки от New Era, банданы.
  • Чимин чаще, чем другие участники занимается физическими упражнениями. Он очень следит за своим телом.
  • По мнению Чимина его самые лучшие качества – это его тело и глаза, которые всегда улыбаются.
  • Заветная мечта Чимина – иметь возможность делиться танцем с другими. Танцуя, быть по настоящему счастливым и запомниться как Чимин из BTS.
  • Иногда он признается, что бывают моменты, когда он впадает в уныние, тогда ему помогает горячий шоколад и все сразу приходит в норму.


Основная статья: Чимин (BTS)/Галерея

Официальные ссылки

  • Instagram


  1. (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  2. All Schools Park Jimin Graduated From Are Now Closed (2018-10-22). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  3. 12월의 JUST DANCE 소식│방탄소년단의 콘서트와 더보이즈의 첫 데뷔무대. Naver (2017-12-13). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  4. Get to Know BTS: Jimin. Billboard (2017-06-30). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  5. Guess who? BTS members’ pre-debut photos revealed [PHOTOS]. The Korea Times (2018-10-15). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  6. Meski Jadwal Super Sibuk, Ternyata BTS Telah Mendaftar Kuliah di Kampus ini, Bareng-bareng Loh!. Tribun Style (2017-12-15). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  7. How BTS is changing K-pop for the better. Daily Dot (2016-05-12). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  8. How BTS is changing K-pop for the better. Daily Dot (2016-05-12). Заархивировано, оригинал 2018-01-02. Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  9. Love Yourself 承 ‘Her’ Review. IZM. Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  10. ‘Love Yourself: Her’: K-pop group BTS plays by the book. Star2 (2017-10-18). Заархивировано, оригинал 2019-03-28. Дата обращения — 2019-03-02.
  11. BTS 지민, 英(UK) 오피셜 차트와 ‘스포티파이’서 솔로곡 ‘라이’ ‘세렌디피티’로 최고 기록 세워. Naver (2018-10-21). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  12. BTS 지민, 英(UK) 오피셜 차트와 ‘스포티파이’서 솔로곡 ‘라이’ ‘세렌디피티’로 최고 기록 세워. Daum (2018-10-21). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  13. Christmas Day By JIMIN, JUNGKOOK Of BTS. Bangtan Blog (December 25, 2014). Дата обращения — February 3, 2019.
  14. We don’t talk anymore (2017, Cover). Bangtan Blog (2017-06-03). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  15. ‘신의 직장’ 방탄소년단 지민-제이홉, ‘인턴 사원’으로 깜짝 등장. 10 Asia (2017-08-02). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  16. ‘냉장고를 부탁해’ 방탄소년단 지민, 현대무용과 수석 입학…“춤 못 춰서 연습생 잘릴 뻔”. EToday (2017-10-30). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  17. [단독 «진행 불타오르네»…방탄소년단 지민·정국 ‘음악중심’ 스페셜MC]. Instiz (2017-07-25). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  18. Live Streaming Mnet Countdown — 3 Anggota BTS Bakal Jadi Spesial MC Hari ini, Tonton di Sini!. Tribun Style (2017-09-28). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  19. ‘KBS 가요대축제’ 태민X지민, 댄스 유닛 결성…»브로맨스 기대». Joins (2016-12-27). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  20. 피퍼 ‘3월 최고 K팝 아티스트’ 그룹 부문 방탄소년단 선정, 지민은 3연속 개인 수상. Joins (2018-04-17). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  21. BTS’ Jimin Releases First Solo Single, ‘Promise’: Listen. US Weekly (2018-12-30). Дата обращения — 2019-02-03.
  22. 방탄소년단 지민, 모교 폐교 소식에 사인CD+교복 선물…훈훈 선행. Naver (2018-02-20). Дата обращения — 2019-02-04.
  23. KOMCA: Searching Works (10005241 в строке Writers & Publishers)
BTS с  п
Джин • Шуга • Джей-Хоуп • RM • Чимин • V • Чонгук
Студийные альбомы Dark & WildWings (You Never Walk Alone)Love Yourself: TearMap of the Soul : 7
Сборники лучшего Proof
Мини-альбомы O!RUL8,2?Skool Luv Affair (Skool Luv Affair Special Addition)The Most Beautiful Moment In Life, Pt. 1The Most Beautiful Moment In Life, Pt. 2Love Yourself: HerMap of the Soul : PersonaBe
Альбомы-саундтреки BTS World Original Soundtrack
Особые альбомы The Most Beautiful Moment In Life: Young ForeverLove Yourself: Answer
Сингловые альбомы «2 Cool 4 Skool»
Цифровые синглы «Come Back Home» • «MIC Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)» • «Fake Love (Rocking Vibe Mix)» • «Black Swan»
Другие релизы «With Seoul»
Студийные альбомы Wake UpYouthFace YourselfMap of the Soul : 7 ~ The Journey ~
Сборники лучшего 2 Cool 4 Skool / O!RUL8,2?The Best of BTS: Japan EditionThe Best of BTS: Korea EditionBTS, The Best
Синглы «No More Dream (Japanese Ver.)» • «Boy in Luv (Japanese Ver.)» • «Danger (Japanese Ver.)» • «For You» • «I Need U (Japanese Ver.)» • «Run (Japanese Ver.)» • «Blood Sweat & Tears» • «MIC Drop/DNA/Crystal Snow» • «Fake Love/Airplane Pt.2» • «Lights/Boy With Luv»
Цифровые синглы «Stay Gold» • «Film Out»
Цифровые синглы «Boy in Luv (Chinese Ver.)»
Сингловые альбомы «Butter»
Цифровые синглы «Dynamite» • «Butter»
Ремикс синглы «Dynamite (Holiday Remix)» • «Butter (Hotter Remix)» • «Permission to Dance (R&B Remix)» • «Butter (Megan Thee Stallion Remix)»
Коллаборации «Savage Love (Laxed — Siren Beat) [BTS Remix]» • «My Universe»
Песни с другими артистами «Waste It On Me»
Награды и номинации
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BigHit Music • ARMY
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people with the same name, see Ji-min.


Park Jimin at the White House, May 31, 2022.jpg

Jimin in May 2022


Park Ji-min

October 13, 1995 (age 27)

Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea

Education Korean Arts High School
Global Cyber University
  • Singer
  • dancer
Awards Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit (2018)
Musical career
  • K-pop
  • alternative R&B[1]
Instrument(s) Vocals
Years active 2013–present
Labels Big Hit
Member of BTS
Korean name




Revised Romanization Bak Ji-min
McCune–Reischauer Pak Chimin
Park Jimin Signature (BTS).svg

Park Ji-min (Korean: 박지민; born October 13, 1995), known mononymously as Jimin, is a South Korean singer and dancer. In 2013, he made his debut as a member of the South Korean boy band BTS, under the record label Big Hit Entertainment.

Jimin has released three solo tracks under BTS’ name—»Lie» in 2016, «Serendipity» in 2017, and «Filter» in 2020—all of which have charted on South Korea’s Gaon Digital Chart. In 2018, he released his first credited solo song, the digital track «Promise», which he co-wrote. He recorded the duet «With You» with Ha Sung-woon for the soundtrack for the TvN drama Our Blues in 2022 and featured on Taeyang’s single «Vibe» in 2023.

Early life and education

Park Ji-min was born on October 13, 1995, in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea.[2] His immediate family includes his mother, father, and younger brother. When he was a child, he attended Busan’s Hodong Elementary School and Yonsan Middle School.[3] During middle school, he attended Just Dance Academy and learned popping and locking dance.[citation needed] Prior to becoming a trainee, Jimin studied contemporary dance at Busan High School of Arts and was a top student in the modern dance department.[4] A teacher suggested that he join an entertainment company, leading him to Big Hit Entertainment. Once he passed the auditions in 2012, he transferred to Korean Arts High School, graduating in 2014.[5]

Jimin graduated from Global Cyber University in August 2020 with a major in Broadcasting and Entertainment.[6] As of 2021, he is enrolled at Hanyang Cyber University, pursuing a Master of Business Administration in Advertising and Media.[7]


2013–present: BTS

Main article: BTS

Jimin performing at Incheon Sky Festival in September 2013.

Jimin debuted as a vocalist and dancer in BTS on June 13, 2013.[8] Under the band’s name, he released three solo songs: «Lie», «Serendipity», and «Filter». «Lie» was released in 2016, as part of the band’s second Korean studio album, Wings. It was described as stunning and dramatic, conveying dark undertones and emotions in line with the overall concept of the album.[9] In contrast, «Serendipity», from the band’s Love Yourself: Her (2017) extended play (EP), was soft and sensual, expressing the joy, conviction, and curiosity of love.[10] «Filter», a track from BTS’ 2020 studio album Map of the Soul: 7, had a Latin pop flair, with lyrics reflecting the different sides of Jimin that he shows to the world and those around him.[11]

«Serendipity» and «Lie» both surpassed fifty million streams on Spotify in 2018, followed shortly thereafter by the former’s full length version from BTS’ Love Yourself: Answer (2018) compilation album, which achieved the milestone in early 2019. Jimin became the first Korean artist to have three solo tracks accumulate over 50 million streams each, surpassing Psy, who was previously crossed the 50 million streams mark twice with «Gangnam Style» (2012) and «Gentleman» (2013).[12][13] Both songs were also the only solos by a BTS member included in the Official Chart Companys (OCC) list of the top 20 most streamed BTS songs in the United Kingdom as of October 2018, ranking at number 17 and 19 respectively.[14] In April 2019, the list was expanded to reflect the top 40, and both tracks were the highest ranked solo songs included that year, at numbers 18 and 20 respectively.[15][16]

In May 2019, Jimin became the first BTS member to have a solo music video achieve 100 million views on YouTube when «Serendipity» surpassed the milestone.[17][18] He remained the only BTS member with multiple solo songs in the January 2020 update of the OCC’s top 40 list.[19] «Lie» and «Serendipity» were the second and third most-streamed solos, at numbers 24 and 29 respectively, with the full-length version of the latter at number 38.[20] In February, «Filter» set a record for the biggest streaming debut among all Korean songs on Spotify, with over 2.2 million streams in its first 24 hours of release, and went on to become the fastest Korean solo in the platform’s history to surpass 20–60 million streams.[21][22] It was also the only solo album track by BTS to receive a Song of the Year nomination at the Gaon Chart Music Awards.[23][24] «Filter» charted at number 87 on the Billboard Hot 100.[25] In March 2021, «Filter» became the 15th BTS song to spend a full year on Billboards World Digital Song Sales chart.[26][better source needed] It was the longest-charting Korean song released in 2020 on the ranking,[27] having spent 80 weeks on the chart as of the issue dated October 9, 2021.[28]

Jimin was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit in 2018, alongside his bandmates, by the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, for their contributions to the promotion of Korean culture.[29] Three years later, Moon appointed him Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture, alongside his bandmates, to help «lead the global agenda for future generations» and «expand South Korea’s diplomatic efforts and global standing» in the international community.[30]

2014–present: Solo work

Jimin on the set of the «Boy with Luv» music video, March 2019.

In 2014, Jimin collaborated with bandmate Jungkook on a song called «Christmas Day», a Korean rendition of Justin Bieber’s «Mistletoe»; Jimin wrote the Korean lyrics himself.[31] The two collaborated again in 2017, on a cover of Charlie Puths «We Don’t Talk Anymore» featuring Selena Gomez.[32] Jungkook previously released a solo version of the song in February, and the two prepared the duet as a special gift to the band’s fandom, releasing it on June 2, during BTS’ fourth anniversary celebrations.[33][34] Teen Vogue wrote that «adding Jimin’s voice to the mix makes the rendition all the more lovely»,[33] while the Canadian outlet Flare magazine stated that «it honestly might be better than the original».[35] Elite Daily described the cover as «nothing short of flawless».[31]

Jimin appeared on several variety shows such as Hello Counselor, Please Take Care of My Refrigerator, and God’s Workplace in 2016.[36] He also served as a special MC on domestic television music programs such as Show! Music Core and M Countdown.[37][38] In December 2016, he participated in a dance duet at the KBS Song Festival with Taemin from Shinee.[39]

On December 30, 2018, Jimin released «Promise», his first credited song as a soloist, for free on BTS’ SoundCloud page.[40] It earned the biggest 24-hour debut in SoundCloud history with 8.5 million streams, surpassing previous record holder Drake’s «Duppy Freestyle» which received 4.9 million streams,[41] and would go on to become the most streamed song on the platform by December 2021, with over 300 million streams.[42] Described by Billboard as a «mellow pop ballad»,[43] the song was composed by Jimin and Big Hit producer Slow Rabbit, who also produced the track,[44] and features lyrics written by Jimin and bandmate RM.[43] Jimin released his second solo song «Christmas Love», about his childhood memories of the holidays, on December 24, 2020.[45] In 2022, he contributed the single «With You», a duet with Ha Sung-woon, to the soundtrack of the TvN drama Our Blues; the single was released on April 24.[46]

In January 2023, Jimin co-wrote and featured on the single «Vibe» by Taeyang.[47][48] His first official solo project since BTS announced an increased focus on individual music endeavors a year prior,[49] the single earned Jimin his first entry on the Billboard Hot 100, at number 76.[50] He was announced as a global ambassador for Dior later that month,[51] and as a brand ambassador for Tiffany & Co. in March.[52] Jimin’s debut solo album Face is slated for release on March 24, and will be preceded by the single «Set Me Free Pt. 2» on March 17.[53][54]


Jimin stands on a stage holding his belt while dancing.

Jimin’s vocals have been described as delicate and sweet.[55] He is regarded as an exceptional dancer among the members of BTS and in K-pop in general,[4][56] often praised for his «smooth and elegant movements» and charm on stage. In the documentary Burn the Stage, Jimin addressed his perfectionism, stating that even the smallest mistakes on stage make him feel guilty and stressed.[56]

He has cited singer Rain as an inspiration and one of the reasons why he wanted to become a singer and performer.[57]

Impact and influence

In 2016, Jimin was ranked as the 14th most popular idol in an annual survey conducted by Gallup Korea.[58] He subsequently ranked seventh in 2017, and then consecutively ranked first in 2018 and 2019,[59] as the only idol to top the survey for two consecutive years.[60] In 2018, Jimin was the ninth most-tweeted about celebrity and the eighth most-tweeted about musician globally.[61] He was named the 17th best boy band member in history by The Guardian.[62] From January to May 2018, Jimin won the monthly «Top K-Pop Artist–Individual» award fro Peeper x Billboard, a collaboration between the Peeper social media app and Billboard Korea that collects fan votes for their favorite K-pop artists. The prize was a donation to UNICEF in his name.[63]

The Cultural Conservation Society awarded Jimin a plaque of appreciation in 2019, for performing buchaechum, a traditional Korean fan dance, during the 2018 Melon Music Awards and helping spread the dance outside of Korea.[64] In October 2021, he became the first idol to spend 34 consecutive months atop the brand reputation ranking for individual boy group idols[65] and the only one to top the overall ranking for three consecutive years.

Jimin is often cited as a role model by various idols in the K-pop industry, many of whom try to emulate his style of dance, mannerisms, and stage presence; media outlets have called him the «Idol of Idols», «Idol’s Bible», and «Rookies’ Bible». Artists who have cited him as an influence include Arthur of Kingdom, Bic of MCND, Kim Si-hun of BDC, Woochul of Newkidd, Hyunjin of Stray Kids, Wooyoung of Ateez, Lim Se-jun of Victon, Huening Kai and Beomgyu of Tomorrow X Together, and Ni-ki and Jay of Enhypen.[66][67] British internet personality Oli London underwent 18 cosmetic surgeries costing up to £150,000 to resemble Jimin.[68]


Jimin is a supporter of education and the arts. From 2016 to 2018, he covered uniform expenses of students at his alma mater, Busan Hodong Elementary School. After the school’s closing was announced, he donated summer and winter middle school uniforms to the final graduates and gifted autographed albums to the entire student body.[69] In early 2019, Jimin donated KRW₩100 million (US$88,000) to the Busan Department of Education to help support students from low income families. Of the total, ₩30 million ($23,000) went to his alma mater, Busan Arts High School.[70] In July 2020, he donated ₩100 million to the Jeonnam Future Education Foundation to fund the creation of a scholarship fund for talented students from South Jeolla Province who were struggling financially.[71] In September 2022, Jimin made a personal donation to the Gangwon-do Education Office.[72]

In July 2021, Jimin donated ₩100 million to Rotary International to help polio patients. As with previous donations, the benefaction was made privately but became public in September, when the Go-seong Rotary Club displayed a banner thanking him for the donation.[73] He was announced as a member of the Green Noble Club, a group of major donors to the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation who have made donations of ₩100 million or more, on October 12.[74] In February 2023, he donated ₩100 million, through the Korean UNICEF Committee, towards emergency relief for children affected by the Turkey–Syria earthquake.[75]

Personal life

Since 2018, Jimin has lived in Hannam-dong, Seoul, South Korea, with his bandmates.[76] In 2021, he purchased property in the area worth US$5.3 million.[77][better source needed]


In 2017, during BTS’ Wings Tour, Jimin was unable to participate in the show in Macau due to neck and shoulder cramping.[78] The following year, while in London for the Love Yourself World Tour, he withdrew from the band’s scheduled performance on The Graham Norton Show because of «severe muscle pain in his neck and back», according to a statement released by Big Hit Entertainment.[79]


Studio albums

  • Face (2023)[53]

Charted songs

Other songs

Writing credits

All song credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association’s database, unless otherwise noted.[102]


Trailers and short films

Year Title Length Director(s) Ref.
2016 «Lie #2» 2:33 Yong-seok Choi (Lumpens) [104]
2017 «Intro: Serendipity» 2:31 Yong-seok Choi & Won-ju Lee (Lumpens) [105]


Year Program Note(s) Ref.
2016 Show! Music Core with Jungkook [37]
M Countdown with Jin [106]
2017 with RM & J-Hope [38]

Awards and nominations


  1. ^ includes the Billboard K-pop Hot 100 (defunct as of April 2022) and the South Korea Songs chart (part of Billboards Hits of the World chart series launched in May 2022)[81]
  2. ^ released under BTS, but is a solo track performed by Jimin[90]
  3. ^ released under BTS, but is a solo track performed by Jimin[1]
  4. ^ An extended version of the song was later released on Love Yourself: Answer (2019) as just «Serendipity».[92]
  5. ^ a b c reached by the full-length version
  6. ^ «Serendipity» did not enter the NZ Singles or Hot Singles Charts, but debuted at number eight on the component Heatseekers chart.[93]
  7. ^ «Serendipity» did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but debuted at number 64 on the component Download chart.[94]
  8. ^ released under BTS, but is a solo track performed by Jimin[11]
  9. ^ «With You» did not enter the Billboard Hot 100 chart, but debuted at number one on the Digital Song Sales chart.[98]
  10. ^ original and English versions[103]
  11. ^ credited as co-composer


  1. ^ a b Herman, Tamar (September 4, 2018). «BTS Reveal ‘Serendipity’ Comeback Trailer for ‘Love Yourself: Her’ Album». Billboard. Archived from the original on April 12, 2020. Retrieved September 7, 2018.
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  9. ^ Cho, Jin-young (January 2017). «BTS – WINGS: Album Review». IZM (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 12, 2021. Retrieved April 16, 2017.
  10. ^ References for «Serendipity»:
    • Kim, Doohyeon. «방탄소년단(BTS) – Love Yourself 承 ‘Her’: Album Review». IZM (in Korean). Archived from the original on June 3, 2020. Retrieved September 7, 2018.
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  18. ^ Choo, Young-joon (May 16, 2019). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘세렌디피티’ 뮤비, BTS 솔로곡 최초 1억뷰 달성 기록 세워 [BTS Jimin’s ‘Serendipity’ music video sets the record for achieving 100 million views for the first time on a BTS solo song]. Segye Daily News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 13, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2021 – via Naver.
  19. ^ Seo, Byung-ki (January 16, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 솔로곡 3곡 모두 영국에서 BTS 인기곡 TOP 40에 포함 [All three of BTS Jimin’s solo songs are included in the Top 40 popular BTS songs in the UK.]. Herald POP (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 12, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2021 – via Naver.
  20. ^ Copsey, Rob (January 15, 2020). «BTS’s Top 40 biggest songs in the UK». Official Charts. Archived from the original on November 9, 2020. Retrieved January 11, 2021.
  21. ^ Kim, Ji-yeon (March 3, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘Filter’, 스포티파이 한국 솔로 역대 최단 2000만 돌파 «전세계적 인기» [BTS Jimin ‘Filter’ solo has reached 20 million on Spotify, the shortest number in history, «Worldwide Popularity»]. Xports News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 12, 2021. Retrieved January 12, 2021 – via Naver.
  22. ^ Additional references for Filter’s streaming records:
    • (50 mil streams) Moon, Wan-sik (June 4, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘Filter’ 빌보드 ‘월드 디지털 송 세일즈’ 12주째 차트인 [BTS Jimin ‘Filter’ Billboard ‘World Digital Song Sales’ in its 12th Week Chart]. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 12, 2021. Retrieved January 12, 2021 – via Naver.
    • (60 mil streams) Im, La-ra (July 10, 2020). «기록에 또 기록» 지민 ‘Filter’, 스포티파이 최단기간 6000만 스트리밍 달성…韓 솔로아티스트 최초 [«Another record» BTS Jimin ‘Filter’ achieved 60 millions streams in the shortest period on Spotify…First Korean solo artist]. TopStar News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 13, 2021. Retrieved January 12, 2021.

  23. ^ Melendez, Michelle (December 7, 2020). «The Tweets About Jimin’s Gaon Chart Music Awards Nominations Are A Mood». Elite Daily. Archived from the original on January 20, 2021. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  24. ^ Moon, Wan-sik (December 8, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘필터’ BTS 솔로 최초·유일 가온차트뮤직어워즈 음원상 후보..첫 프로듀싱곡 ‘친구’도 나란히 [BTS Jimin ‘Filter’ is the first and only BTS solo nominated for the Gaon Chart Music Awards Digital Song Award..His first produced song ‘Friends’ is also side by side.]. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 13, 2021. Retrieved January 14, 2021 – via Naver.
  25. ^ «Three BTS songs hit Billboard Hot 100, while band reclaims Artist 100». Yonhap News. March 4, 2020. Archived from the original on April 13, 2021. Retrieved January 27, 2023.
  26. ^ McIntyre, Hugh (March 22, 2021). «Another One Of BTS’s Biggest Hits Celebrates A Full Year On The World Songs Chart». Forbes.com. Archived from the original on March 23, 2021. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
  27. ^ Moon, Wan-shik (August 24, 2021). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘필터’ 빌보드 월디송 14위-74주 차트인 ..2020 K팝 솔로 ‘최장’ [BTS Jimin’s «Filter» #14 on Billboard’s World Song Sales chart, 74th week. 2020 K-pop solos ‘Longest-charting song’]. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on August 24, 2021. Retrieved August 28, 2021 – via Naver.
  28. ^ Moon, Wan-shik (October 9, 2021). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘필터’ 세계에서 가장 인기있는 BTS솔로곡 1위..13일 생일 내내 美라디오 송출 ‘짐토버’ 고조. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on March 6, 2022. Retrieved March 6, 2022 – via Naver.
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External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jimin.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For other people with the same name, see Ji-min.


Park Jimin at the White House, May 31, 2022.jpg

Jimin in May 2022


Park Ji-min

October 13, 1995 (age 27)

Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea

Education Korean Arts High School
Global Cyber University
  • Singer
  • dancer
Awards Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit (2018)
Musical career
  • K-pop
  • alternative R&B[1]
Instrument(s) Vocals
Years active 2013–present
Labels Big Hit
Member of BTS
Korean name




Revised Romanization Bak Ji-min
McCune–Reischauer Pak Chimin
Park Jimin Signature (BTS).svg

Park Ji-min (Korean: 박지민; born October 13, 1995), known mononymously as Jimin, is a South Korean singer and dancer. In 2013, he made his debut as a member of the South Korean boy band BTS, under the record label Big Hit Entertainment.

Jimin has released three solo tracks under BTS’ name—»Lie» in 2016, «Serendipity» in 2017, and «Filter» in 2020—all of which have charted on South Korea’s Gaon Digital Chart. In 2018, he released his first credited solo song, the digital track «Promise», which he co-wrote. He recorded the duet «With You» with Ha Sung-woon for the soundtrack for the TvN drama Our Blues in 2022 and featured on Taeyang’s single «Vibe» in 2023.

Early life and education

Park Ji-min was born on October 13, 1995, in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea.[2] His immediate family includes his mother, father, and younger brother. When he was a child, he attended Busan’s Hodong Elementary School and Yonsan Middle School.[3] During middle school, he attended Just Dance Academy and learned popping and locking dance.[citation needed] Prior to becoming a trainee, Jimin studied contemporary dance at Busan High School of Arts and was a top student in the modern dance department.[4] A teacher suggested that he join an entertainment company, leading him to Big Hit Entertainment. Once he passed the auditions in 2012, he transferred to Korean Arts High School, graduating in 2014.[5]

Jimin graduated from Global Cyber University in August 2020 with a major in Broadcasting and Entertainment.[6] As of 2021, he is enrolled at Hanyang Cyber University, pursuing a Master of Business Administration in Advertising and Media.[7]


2013–present: BTS

Main article: BTS

Jimin performing at Incheon Sky Festival in September 2013.

Jimin debuted as a vocalist and dancer in BTS on June 13, 2013.[8] Under the band’s name, he released three solo songs: «Lie», «Serendipity», and «Filter». «Lie» was released in 2016, as part of the band’s second Korean studio album, Wings. It was described as stunning and dramatic, conveying dark undertones and emotions in line with the overall concept of the album.[9] In contrast, «Serendipity», from the band’s Love Yourself: Her (2017) extended play (EP), was soft and sensual, expressing the joy, conviction, and curiosity of love.[10] «Filter», a track from BTS’ 2020 studio album Map of the Soul: 7, had a Latin pop flair, with lyrics reflecting the different sides of Jimin that he shows to the world and those around him.[11]

«Serendipity» and «Lie» both surpassed fifty million streams on Spotify in 2018, followed shortly thereafter by the former’s full length version from BTS’ Love Yourself: Answer (2018) compilation album, which achieved the milestone in early 2019. Jimin became the first Korean artist to have three solo tracks accumulate over 50 million streams each, surpassing Psy, who was previously crossed the 50 million streams mark twice with «Gangnam Style» (2012) and «Gentleman» (2013).[12][13] Both songs were also the only solos by a BTS member included in the Official Chart Companys (OCC) list of the top 20 most streamed BTS songs in the United Kingdom as of October 2018, ranking at number 17 and 19 respectively.[14] In April 2019, the list was expanded to reflect the top 40, and both tracks were the highest ranked solo songs included that year, at numbers 18 and 20 respectively.[15][16]

In May 2019, Jimin became the first BTS member to have a solo music video achieve 100 million views on YouTube when «Serendipity» surpassed the milestone.[17][18] He remained the only BTS member with multiple solo songs in the January 2020 update of the OCC’s top 40 list.[19] «Lie» and «Serendipity» were the second and third most-streamed solos, at numbers 24 and 29 respectively, with the full-length version of the latter at number 38.[20] In February, «Filter» set a record for the biggest streaming debut among all Korean songs on Spotify, with over 2.2 million streams in its first 24 hours of release, and went on to become the fastest Korean solo in the platform’s history to surpass 20–60 million streams.[21][22] It was also the only solo album track by BTS to receive a Song of the Year nomination at the Gaon Chart Music Awards.[23][24] «Filter» charted at number 87 on the Billboard Hot 100.[25] In March 2021, «Filter» became the 15th BTS song to spend a full year on Billboards World Digital Song Sales chart.[26][better source needed] It was the longest-charting Korean song released in 2020 on the ranking,[27] having spent 80 weeks on the chart as of the issue dated October 9, 2021.[28]

Jimin was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit in 2018, alongside his bandmates, by the President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, for their contributions to the promotion of Korean culture.[29] Three years later, Moon appointed him Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture, alongside his bandmates, to help «lead the global agenda for future generations» and «expand South Korea’s diplomatic efforts and global standing» in the international community.[30]

2014–present: Solo work

Jimin on the set of the «Boy with Luv» music video, March 2019.

In 2014, Jimin collaborated with bandmate Jungkook on a song called «Christmas Day», a Korean rendition of Justin Bieber’s «Mistletoe»; Jimin wrote the Korean lyrics himself.[31] The two collaborated again in 2017, on a cover of Charlie Puths «We Don’t Talk Anymore» featuring Selena Gomez.[32] Jungkook previously released a solo version of the song in February, and the two prepared the duet as a special gift to the band’s fandom, releasing it on June 2, during BTS’ fourth anniversary celebrations.[33][34] Teen Vogue wrote that «adding Jimin’s voice to the mix makes the rendition all the more lovely»,[33] while the Canadian outlet Flare magazine stated that «it honestly might be better than the original».[35] Elite Daily described the cover as «nothing short of flawless».[31]

Jimin appeared on several variety shows such as Hello Counselor, Please Take Care of My Refrigerator, and God’s Workplace in 2016.[36] He also served as a special MC on domestic television music programs such as Show! Music Core and M Countdown.[37][38] In December 2016, he participated in a dance duet at the KBS Song Festival with Taemin from Shinee.[39]

On December 30, 2018, Jimin released «Promise», his first credited song as a soloist, for free on BTS’ SoundCloud page.[40] It earned the biggest 24-hour debut in SoundCloud history with 8.5 million streams, surpassing previous record holder Drake’s «Duppy Freestyle» which received 4.9 million streams,[41] and would go on to become the most streamed song on the platform by December 2021, with over 300 million streams.[42] Described by Billboard as a «mellow pop ballad»,[43] the song was composed by Jimin and Big Hit producer Slow Rabbit, who also produced the track,[44] and features lyrics written by Jimin and bandmate RM.[43] Jimin released his second solo song «Christmas Love», about his childhood memories of the holidays, on December 24, 2020.[45] In 2022, he contributed the single «With You», a duet with Ha Sung-woon, to the soundtrack of the TvN drama Our Blues; the single was released on April 24.[46]

In January 2023, Jimin co-wrote and featured on the single «Vibe» by Taeyang.[47][48] His first official solo project since BTS announced an increased focus on individual music endeavors a year prior,[49] the single earned Jimin his first entry on the Billboard Hot 100, at number 76.[50] He was announced as a global ambassador for Dior later that month,[51] and as a brand ambassador for Tiffany & Co. in March.[52] Jimin’s debut solo album Face is slated for release on March 24, and will be preceded by the single «Set Me Free Pt. 2» on March 17.[53][54]


Jimin stands on a stage holding his belt while dancing.

Jimin’s vocals have been described as delicate and sweet.[55] He is regarded as an exceptional dancer among the members of BTS and in K-pop in general,[4][56] often praised for his «smooth and elegant movements» and charm on stage. In the documentary Burn the Stage, Jimin addressed his perfectionism, stating that even the smallest mistakes on stage make him feel guilty and stressed.[56]

He has cited singer Rain as an inspiration and one of the reasons why he wanted to become a singer and performer.[57]

Impact and influence

In 2016, Jimin was ranked as the 14th most popular idol in an annual survey conducted by Gallup Korea.[58] He subsequently ranked seventh in 2017, and then consecutively ranked first in 2018 and 2019,[59] as the only idol to top the survey for two consecutive years.[60] In 2018, Jimin was the ninth most-tweeted about celebrity and the eighth most-tweeted about musician globally.[61] He was named the 17th best boy band member in history by The Guardian.[62] From January to May 2018, Jimin won the monthly «Top K-Pop Artist–Individual» award fro Peeper x Billboard, a collaboration between the Peeper social media app and Billboard Korea that collects fan votes for their favorite K-pop artists. The prize was a donation to UNICEF in his name.[63]

The Cultural Conservation Society awarded Jimin a plaque of appreciation in 2019, for performing buchaechum, a traditional Korean fan dance, during the 2018 Melon Music Awards and helping spread the dance outside of Korea.[64] In October 2021, he became the first idol to spend 34 consecutive months atop the brand reputation ranking for individual boy group idols[65] and the only one to top the overall ranking for three consecutive years.

Jimin is often cited as a role model by various idols in the K-pop industry, many of whom try to emulate his style of dance, mannerisms, and stage presence; media outlets have called him the «Idol of Idols», «Idol’s Bible», and «Rookies’ Bible». Artists who have cited him as an influence include Arthur of Kingdom, Bic of MCND, Kim Si-hun of BDC, Woochul of Newkidd, Hyunjin of Stray Kids, Wooyoung of Ateez, Lim Se-jun of Victon, Huening Kai and Beomgyu of Tomorrow X Together, and Ni-ki and Jay of Enhypen.[66][67] British internet personality Oli London underwent 18 cosmetic surgeries costing up to £150,000 to resemble Jimin.[68]


Jimin is a supporter of education and the arts. From 2016 to 2018, he covered uniform expenses of students at his alma mater, Busan Hodong Elementary School. After the school’s closing was announced, he donated summer and winter middle school uniforms to the final graduates and gifted autographed albums to the entire student body.[69] In early 2019, Jimin donated KRW₩100 million (US$88,000) to the Busan Department of Education to help support students from low income families. Of the total, ₩30 million ($23,000) went to his alma mater, Busan Arts High School.[70] In July 2020, he donated ₩100 million to the Jeonnam Future Education Foundation to fund the creation of a scholarship fund for talented students from South Jeolla Province who were struggling financially.[71] In September 2022, Jimin made a personal donation to the Gangwon-do Education Office.[72]

In July 2021, Jimin donated ₩100 million to Rotary International to help polio patients. As with previous donations, the benefaction was made privately but became public in September, when the Go-seong Rotary Club displayed a banner thanking him for the donation.[73] He was announced as a member of the Green Noble Club, a group of major donors to the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation who have made donations of ₩100 million or more, on October 12.[74] In February 2023, he donated ₩100 million, through the Korean UNICEF Committee, towards emergency relief for children affected by the Turkey–Syria earthquake.[75]

Personal life

Since 2018, Jimin has lived in Hannam-dong, Seoul, South Korea, with his bandmates.[76] In 2021, he purchased property in the area worth US$5.3 million.[77][better source needed]


In 2017, during BTS’ Wings Tour, Jimin was unable to participate in the show in Macau due to neck and shoulder cramping.[78] The following year, while in London for the Love Yourself World Tour, he withdrew from the band’s scheduled performance on The Graham Norton Show because of «severe muscle pain in his neck and back», according to a statement released by Big Hit Entertainment.[79]


Studio albums

  • Face (2023)[53]

Charted songs

Other songs

Writing credits

All song credits are adapted from the Korea Music Copyright Association’s database, unless otherwise noted.[102]


Trailers and short films

Year Title Length Director(s) Ref.
2016 «Lie #2» 2:33 Yong-seok Choi (Lumpens) [104]
2017 «Intro: Serendipity» 2:31 Yong-seok Choi & Won-ju Lee (Lumpens) [105]


Year Program Note(s) Ref.
2016 Show! Music Core with Jungkook [37]
M Countdown with Jin [106]
2017 with RM & J-Hope [38]

Awards and nominations


  1. ^ includes the Billboard K-pop Hot 100 (defunct as of April 2022) and the South Korea Songs chart (part of Billboards Hits of the World chart series launched in May 2022)[81]
  2. ^ released under BTS, but is a solo track performed by Jimin[90]
  3. ^ released under BTS, but is a solo track performed by Jimin[1]
  4. ^ An extended version of the song was later released on Love Yourself: Answer (2019) as just «Serendipity».[92]
  5. ^ a b c reached by the full-length version
  6. ^ «Serendipity» did not enter the NZ Singles or Hot Singles Charts, but debuted at number eight on the component Heatseekers chart.[93]
  7. ^ «Serendipity» did not enter the UK Singles Chart, but debuted at number 64 on the component Download chart.[94]
  8. ^ released under BTS, but is a solo track performed by Jimin[11]
  9. ^ «With You» did not enter the Billboard Hot 100 chart, but debuted at number one on the Digital Song Sales chart.[98]
  10. ^ original and English versions[103]
  11. ^ credited as co-composer


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  19. ^ Seo, Byung-ki (January 16, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 솔로곡 3곡 모두 영국에서 BTS 인기곡 TOP 40에 포함 [All three of BTS Jimin’s solo songs are included in the Top 40 popular BTS songs in the UK.]. Herald POP (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 12, 2021. Retrieved January 11, 2021 – via Naver.
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  22. ^ Additional references for Filter’s streaming records:
    • (50 mil streams) Moon, Wan-sik (June 4, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘Filter’ 빌보드 ‘월드 디지털 송 세일즈’ 12주째 차트인 [BTS Jimin ‘Filter’ Billboard ‘World Digital Song Sales’ in its 12th Week Chart]. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 12, 2021. Retrieved January 12, 2021 – via Naver.
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  23. ^ Melendez, Michelle (December 7, 2020). «The Tweets About Jimin’s Gaon Chart Music Awards Nominations Are A Mood». Elite Daily. Archived from the original on January 20, 2021. Retrieved January 14, 2021.
  24. ^ Moon, Wan-sik (December 8, 2020). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘필터’ BTS 솔로 최초·유일 가온차트뮤직어워즈 음원상 후보..첫 프로듀싱곡 ‘친구’도 나란히 [BTS Jimin ‘Filter’ is the first and only BTS solo nominated for the Gaon Chart Music Awards Digital Song Award..His first produced song ‘Friends’ is also side by side.]. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 13, 2021. Retrieved January 14, 2021 – via Naver.
  25. ^ «Three BTS songs hit Billboard Hot 100, while band reclaims Artist 100». Yonhap News. March 4, 2020. Archived from the original on April 13, 2021. Retrieved January 27, 2023.
  26. ^ McIntyre, Hugh (March 22, 2021). «Another One Of BTS’s Biggest Hits Celebrates A Full Year On The World Songs Chart». Forbes.com. Archived from the original on March 23, 2021. Retrieved March 23, 2021.
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  28. ^ Moon, Wan-shik (October 9, 2021). 방탄소년단 지민 ‘필터’ 세계에서 가장 인기있는 BTS솔로곡 1위..13일 생일 내내 美라디오 송출 ‘짐토버’ 고조. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on March 6, 2022. Retrieved March 6, 2022 – via Naver.
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External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Jimin.

It’s like I’m at another time and space, feels like when I first loved dancing, the stage is the world that heals me.

–Jimin, 2017.07.02, Japan.

Park Ji-min (박지민), better known by the mononym Jimin (지민), is a South Korean singer-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member in the boy group BTS, and has the positions of vocalist and dancer.

As a solo artist, he has released two self-composed digital singles, «Promise» in 2018 and «Christmas Love» in 2020. He then will made his official solo debut with his first mini album FACE on March 24, 2023.

Life and career

Early life and education

Jimin was born on October 13, 1995 in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea. His immediate family includes mother, father, and a younger brother. When he was a child, he attended Busan’s Hodong Elementary School[7] and Yonsgan Middle School. During middle school, he attended Just Dance Academy and learned popping and locking dance. Prior to becoming a trainee, Jimin studied contemporary dance at Busan High School of Arts and was a top student in the modern dance department. After a teacher suggested he audition with an entertainment company, it led him to Big Hit Entertainment. Once he passed the auditions in 2012, he transferred to Korean Arts High School, graduating in 2014.[8]

Jimin graduated from Global Cyber University in August 2020, with a major in Broadcasting and Entertainment. As of 2021, he is enrolled at Hanyang Cyber University, pursuing a Master of Business Administration in Advertising and Media.


Jimin shooting «Serendipity» comeback trailer in 2017.

On June 13, 2013, Jimin made his debut as a member of BTS with the release of the single «No More Dream». In the group, Jimin holds the position of vocalist and dancer. Under BTS, he has released three solo songs: «Lie», «Serendipity», and «Filter». «Lie» was released in 2016, as part of the group’s second Korean studio album, Wings. It was described as stunning and dramatic, conveying dark undertones and emotions that helped reflect the overall concept of the album. In contrast, «Serendipity», released on the Love Yourself: Her (2017) extended play (EP), was soft and sensual, unraveling the joy, conviction, and curiosity of love. «Filter», from the group’s 2020 studio album, Map of the Soul: 7, was very different from its predecessor, with a distinct Latin pop-esque flair and lyrics that reflected on the different sides of himself that Jimin shows to the world and those around him.

«Serendipity» and «Lie» both surpassed fifty million streams on Spotify in 2018, followed shortly thereafter by the former’s full length version from BTS’ Love Yourself: Answer (2018) compilation album, which achieved the milestone in early 2019. With this, Jimin set a new record as the only Korean artist to have three solo tracks accumulate over 50 million streams each—previously Psy was the only Korean artist to ever cross the 50 million streams mark with «Gangnam Style» (2012) and «Gentleman» (2013). Both songs were also the only solos by a BTS member included in the Official Chart Company’s list of the top 20 most streamed BTS songs in the United Kingdom as of October 2018, ranking at number 17 and 19 respectively. In April 2019, the list was expanded to reflect the top 40, and both tracks ranked at numbers 18 and 20 respectively, the highest of five solo songs included that year.

In May 2019, Jimin became the first BTS member to have a solo music video achieve 100 million views on YouTube with «Serendipity». It was the nineteenth BTS music video overall to achieve the milestone. He was the only BTS member with multiple solo songs in the January 2020 update of the Official Chart’s top 40 list. «Lie» and «Serendipity» were the second and third most-streamed solos at numbers 24 and 29, behind only «Euphoria» by Jung Kook at number 19. «Serendipity»‘s full length version debuted at number 38, behind «Intro: Boy Meets Evil» by j-hope at number 35 but ahead of «Trivia 轉: Seesaw» by SUGA at number 39. In February, «Filter» set a record for the biggest streaming debut among all Korean songs on Spotify with over 2.2 million streams in its first 24 hours of release, and went on to become the fastest Korean solo in the platform’s history to surpass 20–60 million streams. It is also the first and only solo BTS b-side track to receive a Song of The Year nomination at the Gaon Chart Music Awards. As of March 2021, «Filter» has spent 53 weeks on Billboard‘s World Digital Song Sales chart—it is BTS’ 15th song to spend a full year on the ranking.

Jimin was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea in 2018, along with other members of BTS for their contributions to the promotion of Korean culture.

Solo Work

In 2014, Jimin collaborated with fellow BTS member and vocalist Jung Kook on a song called «Christmas Day», a Korean rendition of Justin Bieber’s «Mistletoe»—the Korean lyrics were written by Jimin himself. The two collaborated again in 2017 for a cover of American singer Charlie Puth’s «We Don’t Talk Anymore» (2016), with Jimin singing the parts of Selena Gomez who featured on the original with Puth. Jung Kook had previously released a solo version of the song earlier that year in February, and the two prepared the duet as a special gift to the band’s fandom, releasing it on June 2 during BTS’ fourth anniversary celebrations. Commenting on Jimin’s appearance on the track, Teen Vogue wrote that «adding Jimin’s voice to the mix makes the rendition all the more lovely». Canadian outlet Flare magazine also praised his rendition saying, «…no shade, Selena—it honestly might be better than the original». Elite Daily described the cover as «nothing short of flawless».

Jimin appeared on several variety shows such as Hello Counselor, Please Take Care of My Refrigerator, and God’s Workplace in 2016. He also served as a special MC on domestic music programs such as Show! Music Core and M Countdown. In December, he participated in a dance duet at the KBS Song Festival with Taemin from Shinee.

On December 30, 2018, Jimin released his first solo song outside of BTS releases, «Promise», for free on BTS’ SoundCloud page. On January 3, 2019, the platform announced that «Promise» had surpassed the record set by Drake’s «Duppy Freestyle» for the biggest 24-hour debut ever. Described by Billboard as a «mellow pop ballad», the song was composed by Jimin and Big Hit producer Slow Rabbit, who also produced the track, and features lyrics written by Jimin and fellow BTS member RM. On December 24, 2020, Jimin released his second solo effort «Christmas Love», a song about his childhood memories of the holidays.


Jimin’s vocals have been described as delicate and sweet. He is regarded as an exceptional dancer among the members of the group and in K-pop in general. Noelle Devoe of Elite Daily wrote that he is often praised for his «smooth and elegant movements» as well as his charm on stage. In the BTS documentary Burn The Stage, Jimin said that he thinks of himself as a perfectionist, stating even the smallest mistakes on stage makes him feel guilty and stresses him.

He has cited singer Rain as one of his inspirations and reasons why he wanted to become both a singer and performer.

Impact and influence

In 2016, Jimin was ranked as the 14th most popular idol in an annual survey conducted by Gallup Korea. He ranked 7th in 2017, before ranking 1st consecutively in 2018 and 2019. Jimin is the only idol to top the survey for two consecutive years. In 2018, Jimin was the ninth most-tweeted about celebrity and the eighth most-tweeted about musician in the world. He was picked as the seventeenth best boyband member in history by The Guardian. From January to May 2018, Jimin won the monthly Peeper x Billboard Award for «Top K-Pop Artist – Individual». Peeper x Billboard is a collaboration between the Peeper social media app and Billboard Korea that collects fan votes for their favorite K-pop artists and announces monthly winners. The prize was a donation to the charity UNICEF in his name. In 2019, he received a plaque of appreciation from the Cultural Conservation Society for performing buchaechum, a traditional Korean fan dance, during the 2018 Melon Music Awards and helping spread the dance outside of Korea. As of 2021, Jimin has topped the brand reputation ranking for individual boy group idols for 27 consecutive months.


From 2016 to 2018, Jimin supported graduates of Busan Hodong Elementary School, his alma mater, by covering uniform expenses. After news of the school’s closing was released, he donated summer and winter middle school uniforms to the final graduates and gifted autographed albums to the entire student body. In early 2019, Jimin donated 100 million Korean won (roughly 88,000 US dollars) to the Busan Department of Education to help support lower income students. Of the total, ₩30 million (roughly US$23,000) went to Busan Arts High School, Jimin’s alma mater. In July 2020, Jimin donated another 100 million Korean won, this time to the Jeonnam Future Education Foundation, for the creation of a scholarship fund for talented but financially struggling students from South Jeolla Province.


See also: BTS Discography

Mini albums

  • FACE (2023)

Digital singles

  • «약속 (Promise)» (2018)
  • «Christmas Love» (2020)
  • «Set Me Free Pt.2» (2023)


  • Lauv — «Who (feat. BTS)» (with Jung Kook) (credited as BTS) (2020)
  • Benny Blanco — «Bad Decisions» (with Jung Kook, Jin, V and Snoop Dogg) (credited as BTS) (2022)
  • Taeyang — «VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)» (2023)


  • «With You» from «Our Blues OST Part.4« (with Ha Sung-woon) (2022)

Songs credited under BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • «Lie» from WINGS (2016)
  • «Intro: Serendipity» from Her (2017)
  • «Serendipity (Full Length Edition)» from LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)
  • «Filter» from MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 (2020)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Adapted songs

  • «방탄소년들의 졸업 (Graduation Song)» (with j-hope and Jung Kook) (2013)
  • «Beautiful» (with j-hope, V and Jung Kook) (2013)
  • «흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas)» (with Jin, SUGA, j-hope and V) (2013)
  • «졸업송 Pt.2 (95 Graduation)» (with V) (2014)
  • «Christmas Day» (with Jung Kook) (2014)

Cover songs

  • «We Don’t Talk Anymore Pt.2» (with Jung Kook) (2017)
  • «Santa Claus Is Coming To Town» (with RM) (2019)



Year Title Role Notes
2018 Burn The Stage: The Movie Himself Screening in select Theatres
2019 BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul
Bring The Soul: The Movie
2020 Break The Silence: The Movie
2022 BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — Seoul Live broadcast and screening in select global theatres
BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — LA Disney+ release
2023 BTS: Yet To Come in Cinemas Screening in select Theatres

Variety shows

Year Title Network Notes
2014 After School Club Arirang TV Guest with RM (Ep.56)
Guest with RM and Jung Kook (Ep.68,70)
2015 My Pet 상담소 (My Pet Clinic) Guest with j-hope and V (Ep.6)
2016 놀라운 대회 스타킹 (Star King) SBS Guest with RM and j-hope (Ep.447)
신의직장 (God’s Workplace) Guest with j-hope (Pilot Episode)
2017 미스터리 음악쇼 복면가왕 (King of Mask Singer) MBC Guest (Ep.93)
안녕하세요 (Hello Counselor) KBS2 Guest with Jin (Ep.316)
냉장고를 부탁해 (Please Take Care of My Refrigerator) JTBC Guest with Jin (Ep.152–153)
2018 PON! Nippon TV Guest with j-hope
(Episode of February 7)
火曜サプライズ (Tuesday Surprise) Guest with j-hope
(Episode of February 13)
ZIP! Guest with j-hope
(Episode of February 21)
2023 j-hope IN THE BOX Disney+ Guest

Music shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 쇼! 음악중심 (Show! Music Core) MBC Special host with Jung Kook (Ep.515)
엠카운트다운 (M Countdown) Mnet Special host with Jin (Ep.497)
2017 Special host with RM and j-hope (Ep.543)

Music videos

Year Title Role Notes
2012 «Party(XXO)» Extra Pre-debut, GLAM’s music video
2023 «VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)» Himself with Taeyang
«Set Me Free Pt.2» Music videos for solo debut
«Like Crazy»


Year Title Role Notes
2016 «LIE» Park Ji-min WINGS Short Film #2, BU content certified
2017 «Serendipity» Himself LOVE YOURSELF 承 ‘Her’ comeback trailer


On January 16, 2023, Dior revealed that they have selected Jimin as their new brand global ambassador.[9]

  • Dior (2023–present)


  • Me, Myself, and Jimin ‘ID: Chaos’ (2022)

Producing and writing credits

◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer, ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer,
W = Writing, C = Composer, P = Producer, R. = Reference

Artist Album Song W C P R.
BTS 2 COOL 4 SKOOL «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» [10]
Jimin and
Jung Kook
Unofficial song «Christmas Day» [11]
BTS 화양연화 Pt.1 «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun)» [12]
WINGS «피 땀 눈물 (Blood Sweat & Tears)» [13]
«Lie» [14]
Jimin Digital single «약속 (Promise)» [15]
BTS MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 «친구 (Friends)» [16]
Unofficial song «In the SOOP» [17]
BE «Skit» [18]
«병 (Dis-ease)» [19]
Jimin Digital single «Christmas Love» [20]
BTS Proof «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun) (Demo Ver.)» [21]
Taeyang (feat. Jimin) Digital single «VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)» [22]
Jimin FACE «Face-off» [23]
«Like Crazy» [23]
«Alone» [23]
«Set Me Free Pt.2» [23]
«Like Crazy (English Version)» [23]

Awards and nominations

Award Year Category Recipient Result
APAN Star Awards 2022 Best Original Soundtrack «With You» (with Ha Sung-woon) Nominated
MAMA Awards 2022 Best OST Nominated
Song of the Year «With You» (with Ha Sung-woon) (initial nominee) Nominated
Prêmio Anual K4US 2022 OST of the Year «With You» (with Ha Sung-woon) Pending


  • His Zodiac sign is Libra.
  • He is the shortest as well as the third youngest in the group.
  • He is 27 years old in the US age and 29 years old in the Korean age.
  • He is part of the dance line in BTS
  • He is close friends with SHINee’s Taemin, EXO’s Kai, Wanna One’s Ha Sung Woon and HOTSHOT’s Timoteo.[24]
  • When he was three years old, Lee Young-ja went to Busan for an event. She held him at the event and said that he was cute.[25]
  • It was revealed that him, Wanna One’s Kang Daniel and Park Woojin were in a dance competition called Busan City Kids Vol. 2. Jimin’s team beat Woojin’s team in the semifinal, while in the final Jimin and Daniel’s teams confronted. [26]
  • What he loves most about himself are his eyes.[27]
  • During the 3rd Muster, he was featured in Suga’s song, «Tony Montana».
  • He was featured in «Intro: Serendipity», being the first intro track that featured a vocal line member.
  • According to the other members, he is the one who takes more time to get ready to performances.[27]
  • He and J-Hope are the only ones who are still roommates.[28]
  • If he had to choose, his English stage name would be ‘Christian Chim Chim’.[29]
  • He is known for his endearing clumsiness as well as aegyo.
  • He is dubbed a ‘Cute Mochi’ by fans as well as other members of the group.
  • He is extremely hard working and is easily upset if he makes mistakes onstage.
  • He is very expressive in his style of dance; the other members praise him for it.
  • He was part of the list 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2017 in the number #64.[30]
  • He was on student council throughout his school life.
  • His favorite school subjects were math and physics.
  • He can speak Korean, Japanese, and basic English.
  • He contributed to writing his solo «Lie».
  • He graduated Seoul High School of Arts as the top student from all the departments based on his outstanding dance skills as well as his exceptional academic achievements.
  • He studied contemporary dance in school.
  • He says that in 10 years he wants to be a cool artist living his best life.
  • His BT21 character is a puppy named Chimmy. He wears a yellow hoodie and his tongue is always sticking out.
  • He listens to music on cold and sunny days.
  • He learned ‘popping’ in 8th grade .
  • His favorite colors are light brown, purple and black.
  • His favorite number is number 13.
  • He is known as the most energetic person in the group.
  • Hisrole models are Tori Kelly and Chris Brown.
  • His favorite avenger is Hulk.
  • All members agreed that Jimin has changed and improved a lot since debut.
  • In BTS mini drama ‘Flower Boys’, Jimin was the Physical Education teacher.
  • He unknowingly once spent over 7 hours straight playing on his phone. (Burn The Stage EP.3)
  • The members have said Jimin is the scariest when he’s angry or irritated.
  • He had three choices of stage names; which were ‘Baby J’, ‘Baby G’, and ‘Young Kid’. However, he decided that his real name suited him best and used it.
  • He likes sour things. (i.e lemons, lemon juice, etc..)
  • When asked what his favorite hair color, Jimin says he likes every hair colour he’s tried so far and they are all unique in their own way. (Buzzfeed Interview 2018)
  • His ideal type are girls that are nice, cute, charming, and must be smaller than him.
  • Jimin, along with Jin, Jungkook, and V were voted as one of the Asian Heartthrobs of 2018, earning him a spot at #33.
  • He was named one of the «Precious Yet Powerful» Idols that prove duality man undoubtedly exists. Article
  • His Spotify playlist is called  Jimin’s JOAH? JOAH!.
  • He was valedictorian in his pre-debut years (hightest ranked student aka no.1 overall) and he was class president for 9 years.
  • Once he wrote some lyrics and gave them to Suga. Suga said: “You called these lyrics?!” (the lyrics sounded like a children song). Suga asked him to redo the lyrics, but in the end he still couldn’t use Jimin’s lyrics.
  • If he’d get a day off, Jimin jokingly said he wants to go on a date with Jungkook while holding hands together. And when Jungkook talked about his wishes, Jimin shouted: “Live happily together with me!” -MCD Backstage 140425-
  • He appeared in GLAM’s MV Party (XXO).
  • His “Fake Love” fancam already reach 29.3 million on Youtube, which is the most viewed fancam in Kpop.
  • Has a total of 6 ear piercings. (2 on the right, and 4 on the left)


Wiki-wordmark.png To view the Jimin gallery, click here.

Video Gallery

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her 'Serendipity' Comeback Trailer

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her ‘Serendipity’ Comeback Trailer

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 2 LIE

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 2 LIE


  1. Jimin Earned The Nickname “Mochi” For Doing This For Years
  2. «“Manggaetteok” belonged to Jimin and he explained that during their early debut days, he had a lot of fat on his cheeks so fans gave him the nickname because they said he looked like a manggaetteok.» from Soompi
  3. Jimin’s profile on BTS Official Website
  4. 4.0 4.1 BTS’ Tweet (November 13, 2020)
  5. Jimin’s profile on BTS Japan Official Fanclub [1]
  6. YouTube: BTS (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  7. «Busan’s Hoedong Elementary School, where Jimin attended as a child[…]»
    from Soompi
  8. BTS V-Jimin And NU’EST Ren, Graduating From Korea Art School Today
  9. @Dior on Twitter (January 16, 2023)
  10. Information of the Song «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» on Melon
  11. Bangtan Blog Post
  12. Information of the Song «Boyz with Fun» on Melon
  13. FESTA 2017 BTS (방탄소년단) 꿀 FM 06.13 Happy BTS birthday (41:40) – via YouTube.
  14. Information of the Song «Lie» on Melon
  15. Track Info of «Promise» on Genius
  16. Information of the Song «Friends» on Melon
  17. Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). Enter «IN THE SOOP» or «100003014323» in the field «Title and/or Alternative title» and hit enter.
  18. Information of the Song «Skit» on Melon
  19. Information of the Song «Dis-ease» on Melon
  20. Christmas Love by Jimin of BTS on Soundcloud
  21. @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: #BTS #방탄소년단 #BTS_Proof Tracklist CD 3 (May 10, 2022)
  22. @Realtaeyang on Twitter: VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS) — TAEYAN 2023.01.13 2PM (KST) Lyrics by TAEYANG, Vince Composed by TEDDY, KUSH, Vince, TAEYANG, Jimin, 24 Arranged by 24, KUSH #VIBE #바이브 #TAEYANG #태양 #Jimin #지민 #THEBLACKLABEL #더블랙레이블 (January 9, 2023)
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: #지민 #Jimin #Jimin_FACE Tracklist #LikeCrazy #SetMeFree_Pt2 (February 23, 2023)
  24. Taemin Talks About Designing Matching Parkas With His Group Of Close Friends
  25. BTS’s Jimin Reveals An Old Connection With Lee Young Ja That Surprises Everyone
  26. BTS’s Jimin, Produce 101’s Kang Daniel and Park Woojin Spotted In Same Dance Competition
  27. 27.0 27.1 BTS Answers Fans’ Most Asked Questions – via YouTube.
  28. Here’s Why J-Hope And Jimin Are The Only BTS Members Who Share A Room
  29. We caught up with BTS backstage before their second sold-out show at the Prudential Center to ask them some questions about their tour, music, and English stage names! – via Facebook.
  30. Korean Stars On The 100 Most Handsome Faces Of 2017 List


It’s like I’m at another time and space, feels like when I first loved dancing, the stage is the world that heals me.

–Jimin, 2017.07.02, Japan.

Park Ji-min (박지민), better known by the mononym Jimin (지민), is a South Korean singer-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member in the boy group BTS, and has the positions of vocalist and dancer.

As a solo artist, he has released two self-composed digital singles, «Promise» in 2018 and «Christmas Love» in 2020. He then will made his official solo debut with his first mini album FACE on March 24, 2023.

Life and career

Early life and education

Jimin was born on October 13, 1995 in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea. His immediate family includes mother, father, and a younger brother. When he was a child, he attended Busan’s Hodong Elementary School[7] and Yonsgan Middle School. During middle school, he attended Just Dance Academy and learned popping and locking dance. Prior to becoming a trainee, Jimin studied contemporary dance at Busan High School of Arts and was a top student in the modern dance department. After a teacher suggested he audition with an entertainment company, it led him to Big Hit Entertainment. Once he passed the auditions in 2012, he transferred to Korean Arts High School, graduating in 2014.[8]

Jimin graduated from Global Cyber University in August 2020, with a major in Broadcasting and Entertainment. As of 2021, he is enrolled at Hanyang Cyber University, pursuing a Master of Business Administration in Advertising and Media.


Jimin shooting «Serendipity» comeback trailer in 2017.

On June 13, 2013, Jimin made his debut as a member of BTS with the release of the single «No More Dream». In the group, Jimin holds the position of vocalist and dancer. Under BTS, he has released three solo songs: «Lie», «Serendipity», and «Filter». «Lie» was released in 2016, as part of the group’s second Korean studio album, Wings. It was described as stunning and dramatic, conveying dark undertones and emotions that helped reflect the overall concept of the album. In contrast, «Serendipity», released on the Love Yourself: Her (2017) extended play (EP), was soft and sensual, unraveling the joy, conviction, and curiosity of love. «Filter», from the group’s 2020 studio album, Map of the Soul: 7, was very different from its predecessor, with a distinct Latin pop-esque flair and lyrics that reflected on the different sides of himself that Jimin shows to the world and those around him.

«Serendipity» and «Lie» both surpassed fifty million streams on Spotify in 2018, followed shortly thereafter by the former’s full length version from BTS’ Love Yourself: Answer (2018) compilation album, which achieved the milestone in early 2019. With this, Jimin set a new record as the only Korean artist to have three solo tracks accumulate over 50 million streams each—previously Psy was the only Korean artist to ever cross the 50 million streams mark with «Gangnam Style» (2012) and «Gentleman» (2013). Both songs were also the only solos by a BTS member included in the Official Chart Company’s list of the top 20 most streamed BTS songs in the United Kingdom as of October 2018, ranking at number 17 and 19 respectively. In April 2019, the list was expanded to reflect the top 40, and both tracks ranked at numbers 18 and 20 respectively, the highest of five solo songs included that year.

In May 2019, Jimin became the first BTS member to have a solo music video achieve 100 million views on YouTube with «Serendipity». It was the nineteenth BTS music video overall to achieve the milestone. He was the only BTS member with multiple solo songs in the January 2020 update of the Official Chart’s top 40 list. «Lie» and «Serendipity» were the second and third most-streamed solos at numbers 24 and 29, behind only «Euphoria» by Jung Kook at number 19. «Serendipity»‘s full length version debuted at number 38, behind «Intro: Boy Meets Evil» by j-hope at number 35 but ahead of «Trivia 轉: Seesaw» by SUGA at number 39. In February, «Filter» set a record for the biggest streaming debut among all Korean songs on Spotify with over 2.2 million streams in its first 24 hours of release, and went on to become the fastest Korean solo in the platform’s history to surpass 20–60 million streams. It is also the first and only solo BTS b-side track to receive a Song of The Year nomination at the Gaon Chart Music Awards. As of March 2021, «Filter» has spent 53 weeks on Billboard‘s World Digital Song Sales chart—it is BTS’ 15th song to spend a full year on the ranking.

Jimin was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea in 2018, along with other members of BTS for their contributions to the promotion of Korean culture.

Solo Work

In 2014, Jimin collaborated with fellow BTS member and vocalist Jung Kook on a song called «Christmas Day», a Korean rendition of Justin Bieber’s «Mistletoe»—the Korean lyrics were written by Jimin himself. The two collaborated again in 2017 for a cover of American singer Charlie Puth’s «We Don’t Talk Anymore» (2016), with Jimin singing the parts of Selena Gomez who featured on the original with Puth. Jung Kook had previously released a solo version of the song earlier that year in February, and the two prepared the duet as a special gift to the band’s fandom, releasing it on June 2 during BTS’ fourth anniversary celebrations. Commenting on Jimin’s appearance on the track, Teen Vogue wrote that «adding Jimin’s voice to the mix makes the rendition all the more lovely». Canadian outlet Flare magazine also praised his rendition saying, «…no shade, Selena—it honestly might be better than the original». Elite Daily described the cover as «nothing short of flawless».

Jimin appeared on several variety shows such as Hello Counselor, Please Take Care of My Refrigerator, and God’s Workplace in 2016. He also served as a special MC on domestic music programs such as Show! Music Core and M Countdown. In December, he participated in a dance duet at the KBS Song Festival with Taemin from Shinee.

On December 30, 2018, Jimin released his first solo song outside of BTS releases, «Promise», for free on BTS’ SoundCloud page. On January 3, 2019, the platform announced that «Promise» had surpassed the record set by Drake’s «Duppy Freestyle» for the biggest 24-hour debut ever. Described by Billboard as a «mellow pop ballad», the song was composed by Jimin and Big Hit producer Slow Rabbit, who also produced the track, and features lyrics written by Jimin and fellow BTS member RM. On December 24, 2020, Jimin released his second solo effort «Christmas Love», a song about his childhood memories of the holidays.


Jimin’s vocals have been described as delicate and sweet. He is regarded as an exceptional dancer among the members of the group and in K-pop in general. Noelle Devoe of Elite Daily wrote that he is often praised for his «smooth and elegant movements» as well as his charm on stage. In the BTS documentary Burn The Stage, Jimin said that he thinks of himself as a perfectionist, stating even the smallest mistakes on stage makes him feel guilty and stresses him.

He has cited singer Rain as one of his inspirations and reasons why he wanted to become both a singer and performer.

Impact and influence

In 2016, Jimin was ranked as the 14th most popular idol in an annual survey conducted by Gallup Korea. He ranked 7th in 2017, before ranking 1st consecutively in 2018 and 2019. Jimin is the only idol to top the survey for two consecutive years. In 2018, Jimin was the ninth most-tweeted about celebrity and the eighth most-tweeted about musician in the world. He was picked as the seventeenth best boyband member in history by The Guardian. From January to May 2018, Jimin won the monthly Peeper x Billboard Award for «Top K-Pop Artist – Individual». Peeper x Billboard is a collaboration between the Peeper social media app and Billboard Korea that collects fan votes for their favorite K-pop artists and announces monthly winners. The prize was a donation to the charity UNICEF in his name. In 2019, he received a plaque of appreciation from the Cultural Conservation Society for performing buchaechum, a traditional Korean fan dance, during the 2018 Melon Music Awards and helping spread the dance outside of Korea. As of 2021, Jimin has topped the brand reputation ranking for individual boy group idols for 27 consecutive months.


From 2016 to 2018, Jimin supported graduates of Busan Hodong Elementary School, his alma mater, by covering uniform expenses. After news of the school’s closing was released, he donated summer and winter middle school uniforms to the final graduates and gifted autographed albums to the entire student body. In early 2019, Jimin donated 100 million Korean won (roughly 88,000 US dollars) to the Busan Department of Education to help support lower income students. Of the total, ₩30 million (roughly US$23,000) went to Busan Arts High School, Jimin’s alma mater. In July 2020, Jimin donated another 100 million Korean won, this time to the Jeonnam Future Education Foundation, for the creation of a scholarship fund for talented but financially struggling students from South Jeolla Province.


See also: BTS Discography

Mini albums

  • FACE (2023)

Digital singles

  • «약속 (Promise)» (2018)
  • «Christmas Love» (2020)
  • «Set Me Free Pt.2» (2023)


  • Lauv — «Who (feat. BTS)» (with Jung Kook) (credited as BTS) (2020)
  • Benny Blanco — «Bad Decisions» (with Jung Kook, Jin, V and Snoop Dogg) (credited as BTS) (2022)
  • Taeyang — «VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)» (2023)


  • «With You» from «Our Blues OST Part.4« (with Ha Sung-woon) (2022)

Songs credited under BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • «Lie» from WINGS (2016)
  • «Intro: Serendipity» from Her (2017)
  • «Serendipity (Full Length Edition)» from LOVE YOURSELF 結 ‘Answer’ (2018)
  • «Filter» from MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 (2020)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Adapted songs

  • «방탄소년들의 졸업 (Graduation Song)» (with j-hope and Jung Kook) (2013)
  • «Beautiful» (with j-hope, V and Jung Kook) (2013)
  • «흔한 아이돌의 크리스마스 (A Typical Idol’s Christmas)» (with Jin, SUGA, j-hope and V) (2013)
  • «졸업송 Pt.2 (95 Graduation)» (with V) (2014)
  • «Christmas Day» (with Jung Kook) (2014)

Cover songs

  • «We Don’t Talk Anymore Pt.2» (with Jung Kook) (2017)
  • «Santa Claus Is Coming To Town» (with RM) (2019)



Year Title Role Notes
2018 Burn The Stage: The Movie Himself Screening in select Theatres
2019 BTS World Tour: Love Yourself in Seoul
Bring The Soul: The Movie
2020 Break The Silence: The Movie
2022 BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — Seoul Live broadcast and screening in select global theatres
BTS Permission to Dance on Stage — LA Disney+ release
2023 BTS: Yet To Come in Cinemas Screening in select Theatres

Variety shows

Year Title Network Notes
2014 After School Club Arirang TV Guest with RM (Ep.56)
Guest with RM and Jung Kook (Ep.68,70)
2015 My Pet 상담소 (My Pet Clinic) Guest with j-hope and V (Ep.6)
2016 놀라운 대회 스타킹 (Star King) SBS Guest with RM and j-hope (Ep.447)
신의직장 (God’s Workplace) Guest with j-hope (Pilot Episode)
2017 미스터리 음악쇼 복면가왕 (King of Mask Singer) MBC Guest (Ep.93)
안녕하세요 (Hello Counselor) KBS2 Guest with Jin (Ep.316)
냉장고를 부탁해 (Please Take Care of My Refrigerator) JTBC Guest with Jin (Ep.152–153)
2018 PON! Nippon TV Guest with j-hope
(Episode of February 7)
火曜サプライズ (Tuesday Surprise) Guest with j-hope
(Episode of February 13)
ZIP! Guest with j-hope
(Episode of February 21)
2023 j-hope IN THE BOX Disney+ Guest

Music shows

Year Title Network Notes
2016 쇼! 음악중심 (Show! Music Core) MBC Special host with Jung Kook (Ep.515)
엠카운트다운 (M Countdown) Mnet Special host with Jin (Ep.497)
2017 Special host with RM and j-hope (Ep.543)

Music videos

Year Title Role Notes
2012 «Party(XXO)» Extra Pre-debut, GLAM’s music video
2023 «VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)» Himself with Taeyang
«Set Me Free Pt.2» Music videos for solo debut
«Like Crazy»


Year Title Role Notes
2016 «LIE» Park Ji-min WINGS Short Film #2, BU content certified
2017 «Serendipity» Himself LOVE YOURSELF 承 ‘Her’ comeback trailer


On January 16, 2023, Dior revealed that they have selected Jimin as their new brand global ambassador.[9]

  • Dior (2023–present)


  • Me, Myself, and Jimin ‘ID: Chaos’ (2022)

Producing and writing credits

◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer, ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer,
W = Writing, C = Composer, P = Producer, R. = Reference

Artist Album Song W C P R.
BTS 2 COOL 4 SKOOL «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» [10]
Jimin and
Jung Kook
Unofficial song «Christmas Day» [11]
BTS 화양연화 Pt.1 «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun)» [12]
WINGS «피 땀 눈물 (Blood Sweat & Tears)» [13]
«Lie» [14]
Jimin Digital single «약속 (Promise)» [15]
BTS MAP OF THE SOUL : 7 «친구 (Friends)» [16]
Unofficial song «In the SOOP» [17]
BE «Skit» [18]
«병 (Dis-ease)» [19]
Jimin Digital single «Christmas Love» [20]
BTS Proof «흥탄소년단 (Boyz with Fun) (Demo Ver.)» [21]
Taeyang (feat. Jimin) Digital single «VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS)» [22]
Jimin FACE «Face-off» [23]
«Like Crazy» [23]
«Alone» [23]
«Set Me Free Pt.2» [23]
«Like Crazy (English Version)» [23]

Awards and nominations

Award Year Category Recipient Result
APAN Star Awards 2022 Best Original Soundtrack «With You» (with Ha Sung-woon) Nominated
MAMA Awards 2022 Best OST Nominated
Song of the Year «With You» (with Ha Sung-woon) (initial nominee) Nominated
Prêmio Anual K4US 2022 OST of the Year «With You» (with Ha Sung-woon) Pending


  • His Zodiac sign is Libra.
  • He is the shortest as well as the third youngest in the group.
  • He is 27 years old in the US age and 29 years old in the Korean age.
  • He is part of the dance line in BTS
  • He is close friends with SHINee’s Taemin, EXO’s Kai, Wanna One’s Ha Sung Woon and HOTSHOT’s Timoteo.[24]
  • When he was three years old, Lee Young-ja went to Busan for an event. She held him at the event and said that he was cute.[25]
  • It was revealed that him, Wanna One’s Kang Daniel and Park Woojin were in a dance competition called Busan City Kids Vol. 2. Jimin’s team beat Woojin’s team in the semifinal, while in the final Jimin and Daniel’s teams confronted. [26]
  • What he loves most about himself are his eyes.[27]
  • During the 3rd Muster, he was featured in Suga’s song, «Tony Montana».
  • He was featured in «Intro: Serendipity», being the first intro track that featured a vocal line member.
  • According to the other members, he is the one who takes more time to get ready to performances.[27]
  • He and J-Hope are the only ones who are still roommates.[28]
  • If he had to choose, his English stage name would be ‘Christian Chim Chim’.[29]
  • He is known for his endearing clumsiness as well as aegyo.
  • He is dubbed a ‘Cute Mochi’ by fans as well as other members of the group.
  • He is extremely hard working and is easily upset if he makes mistakes onstage.
  • He is very expressive in his style of dance; the other members praise him for it.
  • He was part of the list 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2017 in the number #64.[30]
  • He was on student council throughout his school life.
  • His favorite school subjects were math and physics.
  • He can speak Korean, Japanese, and basic English.
  • He contributed to writing his solo «Lie».
  • He graduated Seoul High School of Arts as the top student from all the departments based on his outstanding dance skills as well as his exceptional academic achievements.
  • He studied contemporary dance in school.
  • He says that in 10 years he wants to be a cool artist living his best life.
  • His BT21 character is a puppy named Chimmy. He wears a yellow hoodie and his tongue is always sticking out.
  • He listens to music on cold and sunny days.
  • He learned ‘popping’ in 8th grade .
  • His favorite colors are light brown, purple and black.
  • His favorite number is number 13.
  • He is known as the most energetic person in the group.
  • Hisrole models are Tori Kelly and Chris Brown.
  • His favorite avenger is Hulk.
  • All members agreed that Jimin has changed and improved a lot since debut.
  • In BTS mini drama ‘Flower Boys’, Jimin was the Physical Education teacher.
  • He unknowingly once spent over 7 hours straight playing on his phone. (Burn The Stage EP.3)
  • The members have said Jimin is the scariest when he’s angry or irritated.
  • He had three choices of stage names; which were ‘Baby J’, ‘Baby G’, and ‘Young Kid’. However, he decided that his real name suited him best and used it.
  • He likes sour things. (i.e lemons, lemon juice, etc..)
  • When asked what his favorite hair color, Jimin says he likes every hair colour he’s tried so far and they are all unique in their own way. (Buzzfeed Interview 2018)
  • His ideal type are girls that are nice, cute, charming, and must be smaller than him.
  • Jimin, along with Jin, Jungkook, and V were voted as one of the Asian Heartthrobs of 2018, earning him a spot at #33.
  • He was named one of the «Precious Yet Powerful» Idols that prove duality man undoubtedly exists. Article
  • His Spotify playlist is called  Jimin’s JOAH? JOAH!.
  • He was valedictorian in his pre-debut years (hightest ranked student aka no.1 overall) and he was class president for 9 years.
  • Once he wrote some lyrics and gave them to Suga. Suga said: “You called these lyrics?!” (the lyrics sounded like a children song). Suga asked him to redo the lyrics, but in the end he still couldn’t use Jimin’s lyrics.
  • If he’d get a day off, Jimin jokingly said he wants to go on a date with Jungkook while holding hands together. And when Jungkook talked about his wishes, Jimin shouted: “Live happily together with me!” -MCD Backstage 140425-
  • He appeared in GLAM’s MV Party (XXO).
  • His “Fake Love” fancam already reach 29.3 million on Youtube, which is the most viewed fancam in Kpop.
  • Has a total of 6 ear piercings. (2 on the right, and 4 on the left)


Wiki-wordmark.png To view the Jimin gallery, click here.

Video Gallery

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her 'Serendipity' Comeback Trailer

BTS (방탄소년단) LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her ‘Serendipity’ Comeback Trailer

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 2 LIE

방탄소년단 (BTS) WINGS Short Film 2 LIE


  1. Jimin Earned The Nickname “Mochi” For Doing This For Years
  2. «“Manggaetteok” belonged to Jimin and he explained that during their early debut days, he had a lot of fat on his cheeks so fans gave him the nickname because they said he looked like a manggaetteok.» from Soompi
  3. Jimin’s profile on BTS Official Website
  4. 4.0 4.1 BTS’ Tweet (November 13, 2020)
  5. Jimin’s profile on BTS Japan Official Fanclub [1]
  6. YouTube: BTS (방탄소년단) MBTI Lab 1
  7. «Busan’s Hoedong Elementary School, where Jimin attended as a child[…]»
    from Soompi
  8. BTS V-Jimin And NU’EST Ren, Graduating From Korea Art School Today
  9. @Dior on Twitter (January 16, 2023)
  10. Information of the Song «Outro: Circle Room Cypher» on Melon
  11. Bangtan Blog Post
  12. Information of the Song «Boyz with Fun» on Melon
  13. FESTA 2017 BTS (방탄소년단) 꿀 FM 06.13 Happy BTS birthday (41:40) – via YouTube.
  14. Information of the Song «Lie» on Melon
  15. Track Info of «Promise» on Genius
  16. Information of the Song «Friends» on Melon
  17. Korean Music Copyright Association (KOMCA). Enter «IN THE SOOP» or «100003014323» in the field «Title and/or Alternative title» and hit enter.
  18. Information of the Song «Skit» on Melon
  19. Information of the Song «Dis-ease» on Melon
  20. Christmas Love by Jimin of BTS on Soundcloud
  21. @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: #BTS #방탄소년단 #BTS_Proof Tracklist CD 3 (May 10, 2022)
  22. @Realtaeyang on Twitter: VIBE (Feat. Jimin of BTS) — TAEYAN 2023.01.13 2PM (KST) Lyrics by TAEYANG, Vince Composed by TEDDY, KUSH, Vince, TAEYANG, Jimin, 24 Arranged by 24, KUSH #VIBE #바이브 #TAEYANG #태양 #Jimin #지민 #THEBLACKLABEL #더블랙레이블 (January 9, 2023)
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 @BIGHIT_MUSIC on Twitter: #지민 #Jimin #Jimin_FACE Tracklist #LikeCrazy #SetMeFree_Pt2 (February 23, 2023)
  24. Taemin Talks About Designing Matching Parkas With His Group Of Close Friends
  25. BTS’s Jimin Reveals An Old Connection With Lee Young Ja That Surprises Everyone
  26. BTS’s Jimin, Produce 101’s Kang Daniel and Park Woojin Spotted In Same Dance Competition
  27. 27.0 27.1 BTS Answers Fans’ Most Asked Questions – via YouTube.
  28. Here’s Why J-Hope And Jimin Are The Only BTS Members Who Share A Room
  29. We caught up with BTS backstage before their second sold-out show at the Prudential Center to ask them some questions about their tour, music, and English stage names! – via Facebook.
  30. Korean Stars On The 100 Most Handsome Faces Of 2017 List


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Спасибо большое. Очень интересно было. :+1: :blush:

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