Всего найдено: 17
Добрый день! Скажите, пожалуйста, название замка Коль Нуар должно ли писаться через дефис? По правилам написания географических названий вроде да, но почему-то в статьях встречаю только вариант без дефиса
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Правилам русского языка соответствует дефисное написание. Пишут раздельно, подражая написанию в языке-источнике.
Скажите, нужно ли менять падеж у названия фильма «Семь» в этом примере: «Дэвид Финчер экранизирует для Netflix нуар-комикс «Убийца» вместе со сценаристом «Семи.»»
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Вы выбрали правильную форму названия. Точку нужно поставить после закрывающих кавычек.
Здравствуйте! Можно ли сказать/написать лечение какой-нибудь терапией? Например, лечение мануальной терапией. Ведь слово Терапия также обозначает лечение.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Такое употребление некорректно, сочетание избыточно.
Как правильно склоняется имя Ренуара Пьер-Огюст. (Кого) Пьера-Огюста, Пьер-Огюста?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Закрепившийся вариант: Пьера Огюста Ренуара (раздельно в связи с тем, что имя Огюст употребляется самостоятельно в сочетании с фамилией).
Добрый день, уважаемая «Грамота»! Такой вопрос по топонимам: «Первая часть сложносоставных иноязычных топонимов, как правило, не склоняется: в Алма-Ате, под Буэнос-Айресом, из Йошкар-Олы. Исключение – первая часть в конструкции «топоним на реке»: во Франкфурте-на-Майне, к Шведту-на-Одере, из Стратфорда-на-Эвоне.» — как быть с французскими «речными» топонимами, например Аньер-сюр-Сен или Нёвиль-сюр-Сен: происходило — где? — В Аньере-сюр-Сен? или Аньер-сюр-Сене? или Аньере-сюр-Сене? Благодарю
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Подобные сложные наименования, как правило, остаются несклоняемыми. Только некоторые (наиболее известные) топонимы такого типа подчиняются общему правилу: в пишущихся через дефис иноязычных топонимах склоняется только последний компонент. Вот примеры из «Словаря собственных имен русского языка» Ф. Л. Агеенко:
Аньер-сюр-Сен, Аньер-сюр-Сена [сэ] (гор., Франция)
Витри-сюр-Сен [сэ], нескл. (гор., Франция)
Шалон-сюр-Сон, нескл. (гор., Франция)
Камаре-сюр-Мер [рэ, мэ], нескл. (гор., Франция)
Рошфор-сюр-Мер [мэ], нескл. (Рошфор) (гор., Франция)
Трувиль-сюр-Мер, Трувиль-сюр-Мера [мэ] (Трувиль) (гор., Франция)
Конде-сюр-Нуаро [дэ], нескл. (Конде) (гор., Франция)
Общая рекомендация может быть такой: если название малоизвестное и не зафиксированное в словарях, лучше не изменять его по падежам.
Добрый день!
Подскажите, какое написание корректное для следующих примеров:
«врач детский хирург», «врач мануальный терапевт»?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Корректно: врач – детский хирург, врач – мануальный терапевт.
Я бы хотела узнать как правильно говорить : ЛОЖА БЕНУАРА или ЛОЖА БЕНУАР?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Правильно: ложа бенуара.
Добрый вечер! Какой из вариантов будет более грамотным: «Ложе Бенуара» или «Ложе Бенуар»?
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Правильно: ложа бенуара. Бенуар – нижний ярус лож в зрительном зале, расположенный на уровне сцены или партера.
Нужна ли запятая после слова «отец» в предложении:
Большую роль в выборе профессии сыграл отец Базарбеков Ануарбек, который в настоящее время является пенсионером.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Запятая уместна.
Добрый день!
Как правильно: «Большинство производителей предпочитаЕт» или «Большинство производителей предпочитаЮт»?
И повторю вопрос, который остался без ответа: можно ли склонять французское название сорта винограда «пино нуар» (…В смеси с Пино Нуаром).
Большое спасибо за вашу помощь.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
1. Возможны оба варианта, подробнее см. в «Письмовнике».
2. Название пино-нуар склонять не следует.
Встретилось слово «инситуация». Вопросы: Есть ли такое слово в русском языке? Если есть, то что оно обозначает?
Электронные толковые словари такого слова не знают, но в интернете, если задать поиск, в некоторых (очень немногочисленных) ссылках — встречается.
Спасибо за ответ!
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Скорее всего, речь идет о неправильно написанном слове инсинуация.
скажите, пожалуйста, и, если можно, объясните, как написать правильно «название» врачей в следующем предложении:
«Широкое применение общего рентгенологического исследования клиническими врачами мануальными терапевтами обусловлено в большей мере необходимостью формирования нозопатологического диагноза…»
т. е. интересует, будет ли здесь ставиться тире по аналогии с дефисом в одиночном присоединении «врач-терапевт»?
заранее благодарю. очень поможете)
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Да, здесь уместна постановка тире.
…положите одну ложку кофе («)Карт Нуар(«)… Нужны ли кавычки и почему? Спасибо
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Кавычки нужны. Выделяются кавычками товарные знаки, условные названия продуктовых, парфюмерных, галантерейных и др. товаров. Правильно: кофе «Карт Нуар».
Скажите, а если на визитке нужно написать, что Х заведует отделением ‘мануальной терапии’, это будет выглядеть, как ? — «Заведующий отделени(я?) (-ем) мануальной терапии», заранее спасибо, и извините за повтор темы в течение одного дня.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Верно: _заведующий отделением мануальной терапии_.
Скажите, пожалуйста, что следует выбрать при написании
«начальник отделения (-ем?) Мануальной терипии»
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
Верно: _начальник отделения_.
Пино Нуар
Пино нуар (фр. pinot noir, нем. Spätburgunder) — технический (винный) сорт винограда, используемый для производства вина. В переводе с французского название звучит, как «чёрная шишка», поскольку небольшие плотные гроздья этого винограда по внешнему виду немного напоминают шишки. Термин «пино нуар» также используется для обозначения типа сепажных вин, т. е. вин, производимых из одного сорта винограда.
Родиной пино нуар считается французский регион Бургундия, где в местных винах, как считается, он полностью раскрывает свой характер.В Бургундии находится Золотой Склон, где производятся Великие Вина Бургундии. Существуют документальные упоминания, что в IV веке на территории Бургундии культивировался предок пино нуар — морийон нуар. А в монастырских документах XIV века, пино нуар уже упоминается, как основной сорт для производства вин.
Пино нуар является одним из трёх сортов винограда, разрешённых для производства шампанского. Пино нуар выращивают по всему миру, преимущественно в регионах с умеренно прохладным климатом: Германии, Австрии, Италии, Швейцарии, Японии, США и странах Нового Света. Наиболее же выдающихся успехов достигли виноделы из Новой Зеландии, Калифорнии и Орегона.
Вина из пино нуар получаются с очень тонким и сложным ароматом. Однако производство вина из этого винограда является довольно сложной задачей. Помимо прочего, пино нуар практически не поддается купажированию, очень зависим от погодных условий и особенностей местности, подвержен мутациям. Как пример мутаций, можно привести французские клоны «пино нуар»: пино блан, пино гри и пино менье. Урожайность пино нуар невысокая и для хорошего роста он предпочитает пологие склоны с умеренно сухими известковыми почвами. Устойчив в средней степени к таким заболеваниям, как милдью и оидиум, слабо устойчив к серой гнили. Зимостойкость сорта же относительно высокая.
К слову, именно из пино нуар именитое бургундское винодельческое хозяйство Domaine de la Romanée-Conti производит одни из самых дорогих вин в мире — Romanée-Conti Grand Cru, La Tâche Grand Cru и т. д.
Значительное количество винограда сорта пино нуар выращивается в аппелясьоне Шампань для производства белых игристых вин.
- Jackson, David & Schuster, Danny, 2001, «The Production of Grapes & Wine in Cool Climates», Daphne Brasel Associates Ltd and Gypsum Press, ISBN 0-909049-17-3
- Robinson, Jancis The Oxford Companion to Wine — Second Edition. — Oxford University Press, 1999. — ISBN ISBN 0-19-866236-X.
«Noirien» redirects here. For a French wine grape that is also known as Noirien, see Négrette.
«Nagyburgundi» redirects here. For the Austrian wine grape also known as Nagyburgundi, see Blaufränkisch.
«Franc Pineau» redirects here. For the racing cyclist, see Franck Pineau.
Pinot noir | |
Grape (Vitis) | |
Pinot noir grapes in Bué, Centre-Val de Loire, France |
Color of berry skin | Black |
Also called | Blauburgunder, Spätburgunder, Rulandské modré, Pinot Nero other synonyms |
Notable regions |
Notable wines | Gevrey-Chambertin, Nuits-Saint-Georges |
Ideal soil | Chalky clay |
VIVC number | 9279 |
Wine characteristics | |
General | Light tannins |
Cool climate | Cabbage, wet leaves |
Medium climate | Strawberry, raspberry, cherry, mushroom, meaty |
Romanée-Conti, among the world’s most expensive wines, is primarily made from pinot noir
Pinot noir (French: [pino nwaʁ]) is a red-wine grape variety of the species Vitis vinifera. The name may also refer to wines created predominantly from pinot noir grapes. The name is derived from the French words for pine and black. The word pine alludes to the grape variety having tightly clustered, pinecone–shaped bunches of fruit.[1]
Pinot noir is grown around the world, mostly in cooler climates, and the variety is chiefly associated with the Burgundy region of France.[2] Pinot noir is now used to make red wines around the world, as well as champagne, sparkling white wines such as the Italian Franciacorta, and English sparkling wines. Regions that have gained a reputation for red pinot noir wines include the Willamette Valley of Oregon; the Carneros, Central Coast, Sonoma Coast, and Russian River AVAs of California; the Elgin and Walker Bay wine regions of South Africa; the Mornington Peninsula, Adelaide Hills, Great Southern, Tasmania, and Yarra Valley in Australia; and the Central Otago, Martinborough, and Marlborough wine regions of New Zealand. Pinot noir is the most planted varietal (38%) used in sparkling wine production in Champagne and other wine regions.[3]
Pinot noir is a difficult variety to cultivate and transform into wine.[4] The grape’s tendency to produce tightly packed clusters makes it susceptible to several viticultural hazards involving rot that require diligent canopy management. The thin skins and low levels of phenolic compounds lend pinot to producing mostly lightly colored, medium-bodied and low-tannin wines that can often go through phases of uneven and unpredictable aging. When young, wines made from pinot noir tend to have red fruit aromas of cherries, raspberries, and strawberries. As the wine ages, pinot has the potential to develop more vegetal and «barnyard» aromas that can contribute to the complexity of the wine.[3]
Pinot noir’s home is France’s Burgundy region, particularly Côte-d’Or. It is also planted in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, northern parts of Croatia, Czech Republic, England, the Republic of Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Hungary, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, New Zealand, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, and Uruguay. The United States has increasingly become a major pinot noir producer, with some of the best regarded coming from Oregon’s Willamette Valley, and California’s Sonoma County with its Russian River Valley and Sonoma Coast appellations. Lesser-known appellations are found in Mendocino County’s Anderson Valley, the Central Coast’s Santa Lucia Highlands appellation, the Santa Maria Valley, and Sta. Rita Hills American Viticulture Area in Santa Barbara County. In New Zealand, it is principally grown in Martinborough, Marlborough, Waipara, and Central Otago.
The leaves of pinot noir are generally smaller than those of Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah. The vine is typically less vigorous than either of these varieties. The grape cluster is small and conico-cylindrical, shaped like a pinecone. Some viticultural historians believe this shape similarity may have given rise to the name.[5] In the vineyard, pinot noir is sensitive to wind and frost, cropping levels (it must be low yielding for the production of quality wines), soil types, and pruning techniques. In the winery, it is sensitive to fermentation methods and yeast strains and is highly reflective of its terroir, with different regions producing very different wines. Its thin skin makes it susceptible to bunch rot and similar fungal diseases. The vines themselves are susceptible to powdery mildew, especially in Burgundy infection by leaf roll, and fanleaf viruses cause significant vine health problems. These complications have given the grape a reputation for being difficult to grow: Jancis Robinson calls pinot a «minx of a vine»[6] and André Tchelistcheff declared that «God made cabernet sauvignon whereas the devil made Pinot noir.»[6] It is much less tolerant of harsh vineyard conditions than the likes of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot or Grenache.
However, pinot noir wines are among the most popular in the world. Joel L. Fleishman of Vanity Fair describes them as «the most romantic of wines, with so voluptuous a perfume, so sweet an edge, and so powerful a punch that, like falling in love, they make the blood run hot and the soul wax embarrassingly poetic.»[7] Master Sommelier Madeline Triffon calls them «sex in a glass.»[7]
The tremendously broad range of bouquets, flavors, textures, and impressions that pinot noir can produce sometimes confuses tasters.[5] Broadly, the wines tend to be of light to medium body with an aroma reminiscent of black and/or red cherry, raspberry and to a lesser extent currant and many other fine small red and black berry fruits. Traditional red Burgundy is famous for its savory fleshiness and «farmyard» aromas (this latter is sometimes associated with thiol and other reductive characters), but changing fashions, modern winemaking techniques, and new easier-to-grow clones have favored a lighter, more fruit-prominent, cleaner style.
The wine’s color, when young, is often compared to that of garnet, frequently being much lighter than that of other red wines. This is entirely natural and not a winemaking fault, as pinot noir has a lower skin anthocyanin (coloring matter) content than most other classical red/black varieties. Callistephin, the 3-O-glucoside of pelargonidin, an orange-colored anthocyanidin, is also found in the berry skins of pinot noir.[8]
However, an emerging, increasingly evident style from California and New Zealand highlights a more powerful, fruit-forward, and darker wine that can tend toward Syrah (or even new world Malbec) in depth, extract, and alcoholic content.
Pinot Noir is also used in the production of Champagne (usually along with Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier) and is planted in most of the world’s wine-growing regions for use in both still and sparkling wines. Pinot Noir grown for dry table wines is generally low-yielding and of lesser vigor than many other varieties, whereas when grown for use in sparkling wines (e.g., Champagne), it is generally cropped at significantly higher yields.
In addition to being used for the production of sparkling and still red wine, Pinot Noir is also sometimes used for rosé still wines, Beaujolais Nouveau-styled wines, and even Vin Gris white wines. Its juice is uncolored.
History, mutants and clones[edit]
Pinot gris (center) and Pinot blanc (right) are color mutations of Pinot noir (left).
Pinot Noir is almost certainly a very ancient variety that may be only one or two generations removed from wild Vitis sylvestris vines.[9] Its origins are nevertheless unclear: In De re rustica, Columella describes a grape variety similar to Pinot Noir in Burgundy during the 1st century CE;[5][10] however, vines have grown wild as far north as Belgium in the days before phylloxera, and it is possible that pinot represents a direct domestication of (hermaphrodite-flowered) Vitis sylvestris.
Ferdinand Regner argued[11] that Pinot Noir is a cross between Pinot Meunier (Schwarzriesling) and Traminer, but this claim has since been refuted.[5] In fact, Pinot Meunier has been shown to be a chimerical mutation (in the epidermal cells) which makes the shoot tips and leaves prominently hairy-white and the vine a little smaller and early ripening.[12] Thus, Pinot Meunier is a chimera with two tissue layers of different genetic makeup, both of which contain a mutation making them non-identical to, and mutations of, Pinot Noir (as well as of any of the other color forms of pinot). As such, Pinot Meunier cannot be a parent of Pinot Noir, and, indeed, it seems likely that chimerical mutations which can generate Pinot Gris from other pinot (principally blanc or noir) may in turn, be the genetic pathway for the emergence of Pinot Meunier.
Pinot Gris is a pinot color sport (and can arise by mutation of Pinot Noir or Pinot Blanc), presumably representing a somatic mutation in either the VvMYBA1 or VvMYBA2 genes that control grape berry color. Pinot Blanc is a further mutation and can either naturally arise from or give rise to Pinot Gris or Pinot Noir; the mutation–reversion path is multi-directional, therefore. The general DNA profiles of both Pinot gris and blanc are identical to Pinot Noir;[13] and other Pinots, Pinot Mour, and Pinot Teinturier are also genetically similarly close. Almost any given Pinot (of whatever berry color) can occur as a complete mutation or as a chimera of almost any other pinot.[14] As such, suggestions that Pinot Noir is the fundamental and original form of the Pinots are both misleading and highly tendentious. Indeed, if anything, Pinot Blanc may be the original human-selected form of Pinot, although given the genetic variability of this longstanding genetic line, thinking of Pinot as a familial cluster of grapes sharing a fundamental and common genetic core is almost certainly nearest the truth. It is this core around which the sub-varietally identifying color variations (blanc, rouge, noir, gris, rose, violet, tenteurier, moure, etc.) occur, along with the more striking chimeric morphological mutation that is Pinot Meunier, and the interesting further mutations of this variety as Pinot Meunier Gris and as the non-hairy mutation which the Germans classify as ‘Samtrot’ (effectively ‘Pinot red velvet’).
A white berried sport of Pinot Noir was propagated in 1936 by Henri Gouges of Burgundy, and there is now 2.5ha planted of this grape which Clive Coates[15] calls Pinot Gouges, and others call Pinot Musigny. There is, however, no published evidence, nor any obvious reason, to believe that this is other than a (possibly quite fine) form of Pinot Blanc, having simply arisen as a selected natural mutation of the original Pinot Noir in the Gouges’ vineyard.
In the UK, the name ‘Wrotham Pinot’ is a permitted synonym for Pinot Meunier and stems from a vine that one of the pioneers of UK viticulture, Edward Hyams, discovered in Wrotham (pronounced ‘root-am’ or ‘root-em’) in Kent in the late 1940s. It was, in all probability, the variety known as ‘Miller’s Burgundy,’ which had been widely grown on walls and in gardens in Great Britain for many years. Archibald Barron writing in his book, Vines and Vine Culture, the standard Victorian work on grape growing in the UK, states that the ‘Millers Burgundy’ also was found by [the famous horticulturalist] Sir Joseph Banks in the remains of an ancient vineyard at Tortworth, Gloucestershire – a county well known for its medieval vineyards. Hyams took the vine to Raymond Barrington Brock, who ran what was to become the Oxted Viticultural Research Station, and he trialed it alongside the many other varieties he grew. Brock said that when compared to supplies of Meunier from France, Wrotham Pinot: had a higher natural sugar content and ripened two weeks earlier. Hyams, ever the journalist in search of a good story, claimed that this vine had been left behind by the Romans, although he provided absolutely no evidence for this. Brock sold cuttings of ‘Wrotham Pinot,’ and the variety became quite popular in early English «revival» vineyards in the late twentieth century, although it is unlikely that many vines from the cuttings supplied by Brock survive in any present UK vineyards. Indeed, despite the fact that today virtually all plantings of Meunier in the UK stem from French and German nurseries, the name Wrotham Pinot is still a legally acceptable synonym for this variety, although little, if ever, used by UK growers.
Pinot Noir can be particularly prone to mutation (suggesting it has active transposable elements), and thanks to its long history in cultivation, there are hundreds of different clones in vineyards and vine collections worldwide. More than 50 are officially recognized in France compared to only 25 of the much more widely planted Cabernet Sauvignon.[16] The French Etablissement National Technique pour l’Amelioration de la Viticulture (ENTAV) has set up a program to select the best clones of Pinot. This program has succeeded in increasing the number of quality clones available to growers. In the new world, particularly in Oregon, wines of extraordinary quality continue to be made from the (ex-University of California at Davis) Pommard (principally UCD4) and Wadensvil (UCD 1A and/or 2A) clones.[5]
Gamay Beaujolais is a Californian misnomer for a UCD clone series of upright-growing (‘Pinot Droit’) Pinot Noir. Planted mostly in California it also became established in New Zealand.[17] In New Zealand, its disposition to poor fruit set in cool-flowering conditions can be problematic. It has been claimed that the ‘Gamay Beaujolais’ Pinot Noir was brought to California by Paul Masson.[18] But it was collected in France by Harold Olmo for UCD in the 1950s and was one of the first Pinot Noir vines this institution offered as a high-health clonal line from about 1962 onward. However, it was misleadingly identified at UCD as a ‘Gamay Beaujolais’ type (of Pinot Noir). In general, these upright growing ‘Pinot Droit’ clones are highly productive (in suitable, hot-to-warm, flowering conditions) and in California and New Zealand, they give robust, burly wines favored by those who like muscle rather than charm and velvety finesse in their Pinot Noir wines.[citation needed] In Burgundy, the use of (highly productive) Pinot Droit clones is reportedly still widespread in inferior, Village appellation, or even non-appellation vineyards, and Pinot Droit is consequently regarded, arguably with very good reason, as a (genetic) sub-form significantly inferior to classical, decumbent, ‘Pinot fine’ or ‘Pinot tordu’, clonal lines of Pinot.
Frühburgunder (Pinot Noir Précoce) is an early-ripening form of Pinot Noir.[19] Across the Pinot family, ripening in typical climates can be dispersed by as much as four, and even six, weeks between the very earliest (including Précoce) clones and the very latest ripening. Virus infection and excessive cropping significantly add to the delaying of Pinot Noir ripening.
Gouget Noir is sometimes confused as being a clone of Pinot Noir but, DNA analysis has confirmed that it is a distinct variety.[20]
Genome sequencing[edit]
In August 2007, a consortium of researchers,[21] announced the sequencing of the genome of Pinot noir.[22] It is the first fruit crop to be sequenced, and only the fourth flowering plant.
A sparkling Crémant de Bourgogne blanc de noirs (white from blacks) made from Pinot noir and Gamay
In the Middle Ages, the nobility and church of northeast France grew some form of Pinot in favored plots, while peasants grew a large amount of the much more productive, but otherwise distinctly inferior, Gouais blanc. Cross-pollination may have resulted from such close proximity, with the genetic distance between the two parents imparting hybrid vigor leading to the viticultural selection of a diverse range of offspring from this cross (which may, nevertheless, have also resulted from deliberate human intervention). In any case, however, it occurred; offspring of the Pinot–Gouais cross include: Chardonnay, Aligoté, Auxerrois, Gamay, Melon and eleven others.[13] Pinot noir was not necessarily the Pinot involved here; any member of the Pinot family appears genetically capable of being the Pinot parent to these ex-Gouais crosses.
In 1925, Pinot Noir was crossed in South Africa with the Cinsaut grape (known locally by the misnomer ‘Hermitage’) to create a unique variety called Pinotage.
Pinot Noir is produced in the wine-growing regions of Mendoza (particularly in the Uco Valley),[23] Patagonia, Neuquén Province and Río Negro Province.
Pinot Noir is produced in several wine-growing areas of Australia, notably in the Southern Highlands in New South Wales, Yarra Valley, Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula, Beechworth, South Gippsland, Sunbury, Macedon Ranges and Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Adelaide Hills in South Australia, Great Southern Wine Region in Western Australia, all Tasmania, and the Canberra District in the Australian Capital Territory.
Best’s Wines in Great Western has what is believed to have some of the world’s oldest Pinot Noir plantings — having survived phyloxera, these vines were planted in 1868.[citation needed]
In Austria, Pinot Noir is usually called Blauburgunder (literally Blue Burgundy) and produced in Burgenland and Lower Austria. Austrian Pinot Noir wines are dry red wines similar in character to the red wines of Burgundy, mostly aged in French barriques. Some of the best Austrian Pinots come from Neusiedlersee and Blaufraenkischland (Burgenland), and Thermenregion (Lower Austria).
Pinot Noir has been grown in Ontario for some time in the Niagara Peninsula and especially the Niagara-on-the-Lake and Short Hills Bench wine regions, as well as in Prince Edward County and on the north shore of Lake Ontario. It has also been grown recently in the Okanagan; here it is grown predominantly on the Naramata bench and in the northern Okanagan, Lower Mainland, and Vancouver Island wine regions of British Columbia. It is also grown in the Annapolis Valley region of Nova Scotia and the Lanaudière and Brome-Missisquoi regions of Quebec.
An example from Leyda Valley, Chile
Pinot Noir is produced at the Leyda Valley, one of the minor wine districts of the Aconcagua wine region of Chile and in the southern district Biobio.
Pinot noir is increasingly being planted in the U.K. and is now the second most widely planted variety (305-ha in 2012), almost all of it for sparkling wine[citation needed].
A Sancerre rouge from the Loire Valley made from Pinot noir
Pinot Noir has made France’s Burgundy appellation famous, and vice versa. Wine historians, including John Winthrop Haeger and Roger Dion, believe that the association between Pinot and Burgundy was the explicit strategy of Burgundy’s Valois dukes. Roger Dion, in his thesis regarding Philip the Bold’s role in promoting the spread of Pinot Noir, holds that the reputation of Beaune wines as «the finest in the world» was a propaganda triumph of Burgundy’s Valois dukes.[24] In any event, the worldwide archetype for Pinot Noir is that grown in Burgundy, where it has been cultivated since AD 100.
Burgundy’s Pinot Noir produces wines that can age well in good years, developing complex fruit and forest floor flavors as they age, often reaching peak 15 or 20 years after the vintage. Many of the wines are produced in small quantities. Today, the Côte d’Or escarpment of Burgundy has about 4,500 hectares (11,000 acres) of Pinot noir. Most of the region’s finest wines are produced from this area. The Côte Chalonnaise and Mâconnais regions in southern Burgundy have another 4,000 hectares (9,900 acres).
In Jura département, across the river valley from Burgundy, the wines made from Pinot Noir are lighter.
In Champagne it is used in blending with Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier. It can also appear unblended; in which case it may be labeled Blanc de Noirs. The Champagne appellation has more Pinot planted than any other area of France.
In Sancerre it is used to make red and rosé wines, much lighter in style than those of Burgundy, refreshing served chilled, especially in warmer years when they are less thin.
In Alsace it is generally used to make Pinot-noir d’Alsace [fr], similar in character to red Burgundy and Beaujolais wines but usually consumed chilled. Prominent examples are Rouge de Barr and Rouge d’Ottrott. Pinot Noir is the only red wine produced in Alsace.
A German blanc de noir from the Baden region made from Pinot noir grapes pressed quickly after harvest to produce a white wine from the red grapes
Among countries planted with Pinot Noir, Germany ranks third behind France and the United States.[25] In Germany it is called Spätburgunder (lit. «Late Burgundian») and is now the most widely planted red grape.[26] Historically much German wine produced from Pinot Noir was pale, often rosé like the red wines of Alsace; over-cropping and bunch-rot were major contributing factors to this. However, recently, despite the northerly climate, darker, richer reds have been produced, often barrel (barrique) aged, in regions such as Baden, Palatinate (Pfalz) and Ahr. These are rarely exported and are often expensive in Germany for the better examples. In the weekend edition of the «Financial Times» of 21/22 April 2018 Jancis Robinson wrote about … alternatives to red burgundy[27] As «Rhenish», German Pinot noir is mentioned several times in Shakespearean plays as a highly prized wine.[28]
There is also a smaller-berried, early ripening, lower yield variety called Frühburgunder (Pinot Noir Précoce, lit. «Early Burgundian») which is grown in Rheinhessen and Ahr area and can produce good wines.
In Italy, where Pinot Noir is known as Pinot Nero, it has traditionally been cultivated in South Tyrol, the Collio Goriziano, Franciacorta, Oltrepò Pavese, Veneto, Friuli and Trentino. It is also planted in Tuscany.
In South Tyrol the variety is first noted 1838 as «Bourgoigne Noir» in a grape wine buy list of the «k.u.k. Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft von Tirol und Vorarlberg, Niederlassung Bozen» and later called «Blauburgunder» like in Austria. The first analytical descriptions are from Edmund Mach (founder of Ist. Agr. San Michele a.A.) in the year 1894: Friedrich Boscarolli — Rametz/Meran — Rametzer Burgunder 1890, Chorherrenstift Neustift — Blauburgunder 1890, R.v.Bressendorf — Vernaun/Meran — Burgunder 1890, C. Frank — Rebhof Gries Bozen — Burgunder 1889, Fr. Tschurtschenthaler — Bozen — Burgunder 1890 & 1891, Fr. Tschurtschenthaler — Bozen — Kreuzbichler 1889 & 1891 & 1887.[29]
Pinot noir grapes in a vineyard in Moldova
Large amounts of Pinot were planted in central Moldova during the 19th century, but much was lost to the ravages of phylloxera; Soviet control of Moldova from 1940 to 1991 also reduced the productivity of vineyards.
New Zealand[edit]
Pinot Noir is New Zealand’s largest red wine variety, and second largest variety overall behind Sauvignon Blanc. In 2014, Pinot noir vines covered 5,569 hectares (13,760 acres) and produced 36,500 tonnes of grapes.[30]
Pinot Noir is a grape variety whose «importance» in New Zealand is extremely high. However, initial results were not promising for several reasons, including high levels of leaf roll virus in older plantings, and, during the 1960s and 1970s, the limited number and indifferent quality of Pinot Noir clones available for planting. However, since this time importation of high-quality clones and much-improved viticulture and winemaking has seen Pinot Noir, from Martinborough in the north to Central Otago in the south, become a major factor in New Zealand’s reputation as a wine producer.[31]
In Slovenia, the Pinot Noir is produced especially in the Slovenian Littoral, particularly in the Goriška Brda sub-region. In smaller amounts, the Pinot Noir is also produced in Slovenian Styria.
The wine is usually called Modri Pinot (Blue Pinot) or also Modri Burgundec (Blue Burgundy).
South Africa[edit]
With the growth of the South African wine industry into newer areas, Pinot Noir is now also to be found in cool climate Walker Bay and Elgin, the two oldest Pinot regions in the country.
There are currently just over 1,200 ha of Pinot Noir in South Africa, making up 1,5% of the total plantings in the country.
The Top 5 Pinot Noir Wine Awards annually recognizes the top South African Pinot Noir red wines.[32]
In Spain, Pinot Noir is grown in many of the wine regions from the north to the south, but the vast majority of Pinot Noir is grown in Catalonia, where it is used in still wines and Cava, Spanish sparkling wine. It is an authorised variety in some of the Catalan DOPs. In 2015 there were 1,063 hectares (2,630 acres) of Pinot Noir grown in Spain.
Pinot Noir is a popular grape variety all over Switzerland. In German-speaking regions of Switzerland it is often called Blauburgunder. Pinot Noir wines are produced in Neuchâtel, Schaffhausen, Zürich, St. Gallen and Bündner Herrschaft (Grisons). In Valais, Pinot Noir is also blended with Gamay to produce the well-known Dôle.
United States[edit]
A Pinot noir from the Willamette Valley in Oregon
By volume most Pinot Noir in America is grown in California, with Oregon second in production.[33] Other growing regions are the states of Washington, Michigan, and New York.
California wine regions known for producing Pinot Noir are:
- Sonoma Coast AVA
- Russian River Valley AVA
- Central Coast AVA
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Monterey County / Santa Lucia Highlands
- Santa Cruz Mountains AVA
- Carneros District of Napa and Sonoma
- Anderson Valley
- Livermore Valley
- San Luis Obispo County / Arroyo Grande Valley, Edna Valley
Oregon wine regions known for producing Pinot Noir:
- Willamette Valley AVA
- Dundee Hills AVA
- Eola-Amity Hills AVA
- Yamhill-Carlton District AVA
- McMinnville AVA
- Chehalem Mountains AVA
- Ribbon Ridge AVA
- Umpqua Valley AVA
Washington wine regions known for producing Pinot Noir:
- Columbia Valley AVA
- Walla Walla Valley AVA
- Yakima Valley
- Wahluke Slope AVA
A Pinot noir from the Russian River Valley of California
Richard Sommers of HillCrest Vineyard in the Umpqua Valley of Oregon is the father of Oregon Pinot Noir. An early graduate of UC Davis, Sommers moved north after graduation with the idea of planting Pinot Noir in the Coastal valleys of Oregon. He brought cuttings to the state in 1959 and made his first commercial planting at HillCrest Vineyard in Roseburg Oregon in 1961. For this, he was honored by the Oregon State House of Representatives (HR 4A). In 2011 the State of Oregon honored him for this achievement and also for producing the first commercial bottling in the state in 1967. It was announced by the state of Oregon in the summer of 2012 that a historical marker would be placed at the winery in the summer of 2013.[34]
Sommers, who graduated from UC Davis in the early 1950s, brought Pinot Noir cuttings to Oregon’s Umpqua Valley in 1959 and planted them at HillCrest Vineyard in 1961. These first Pinot Noir cuttings came from Louis Martinis Sr.’s Stanley Ranch located in the Carneros region of Napa Valley. The first commercial vintage from these grapes was the noted 1967 Pinot Noir although test bottlings were made as early as 1963. In the 1970s several other growers followed suit. In 1979, David Lett took his wines to a competition in Paris, known in English as the Wine Olympics, and they placed third among Pinots. In a 1980 rematch arranged by French wine magnate Robert Drouhin, the Eyrie vintage improved to second place. The competition established Oregon as a world-class Pinot Noir-producing region.[35][36]
The Willamette Valley of Oregon is at the same latitude as the Burgundy region of France and has a similar climate in which the finicky Pinot Noir grapes thrive. In 1987, Drouhin purchased land in the Willamette Valley, and in 1989 built Domaine Drouhin Oregon, a state-of-the-art, gravity-fed winery. Throughout the 1980s, the Oregon wine industry blossomed.
While Pinot Noir is commonly blended in sparkling Champagne (with Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier), in still wines it is best-known as unblended, varietal wines; this is similar to Chardonnay, the other great variety of Burgundy. Some traditional blends of Pinot Noir include:
- Jura wine, particularly the Arbois AOC and Côtes du Jura, where it is blended with Trousseau and Poulsard.[37]
- Bourgogne Passe-Tout-Grains AOC, where it is blended with Gamay, and can also be blended with Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, and Pinot Gris. Pinot Noir is also blended with Gamay in Switzerland.[38]
- Loire Valley (wine), where it is often found in blends, including with Gamay and Cabernet Franc,[39] notably in the Touraine AOC.
Pinot Noir may also be blended with other grapes in inexpensive varietal wines, where the Pinot Noir percentage is high enough for a varietal labeling but is not 100% (75% in the United States, 85% in the European Union). Commonly a heavier grape like Syrah is used to add color and body, resulting in a wine rather unlike pure Pinot noir wines. This was traditionally done in Burgundy until the 1920s and is today found in California wine.[40] Similarly, it is sometimes blended with Malbec.[41]
Recent popularity[edit]
Being lighter in style, Pinot noir has benefited from a trend toward more restrained, less alcoholic wines around 12% alcohol by volume.
During 2004 and the beginning of 2005, Pinot noir became considerably more popular among consumers in the US, Australia, New Zealand and Asia as a result of the film Sideways,[42] and its deleterious effect on Merlot sales. Throughout the film, the main character speaks fondly of Pinot Noir while denigrating Merlot.[43][44] Following the film’s U.S. release in October 2004, Merlot sales dropped 2% while Pinot Noir sales increased 16% in the Western United States. A similar trend occurred in British wine outlets.[44][45][46][47][48][49] A 2009 study by Sonoma State University found that Sideways slowed the growth in Merlot sales volume and caused its price to fall, but the film’s main effect on the wine industry was a rise in the sales volume and price of Pinot Noir and in overall wine consumption.[50] A 2014 study by Vineyard Financial Associates estimated that Sideways cost American Merlot farmers over US$400m in lost revenue in the decade after its release.[51]
Blauburgunder, Blauer Arbst, Blauer Spätburgunder, Burgunder, Cortaillod, Mário Feld, Mário Feld Tinto, Morillon, Morillon Noir, Mourillon, Savagnin Noir or Salvagnin Noir.[20]
See also[edit]
- International variety
- ^ «Etymologie de pineau». Centre Nationale de Ressounces Textuelles et Lexicales (in French). Retrieved November 3, 2013.
- ^ «Everything You Need To Know About Pinot Noir». Filled With Wine. September 23, 2020. Retrieved May 29, 2021.
- ^ a b Wine & Spirits Education Trust Wine and Spirits: Understanding Wine Quality pp. 6–9, Second Revised Edition (2012), London, ISBN 978-1-905819-15-7
- ^ Robinson 2006.
- ^ a b c d e Haeger 2004.
- ^ a b Haeger 2004, p. 19.
- ^ a b Haeger 2004, p. 20.
- ^ He, F.; He, J.-J.; Pan, Q.-H.; Duan, C.-Q. (2010). «Mass-spectrometry evidence confirming the presence of pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside in the berry skins of Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir (Vitis vinifera L.)». Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 16 (3): 464–468. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0238.2010.00107.x.
- ^ Graves, David (2006). «On Varietal Origins: A Chat Between Wavey & The Professor». Archived from the original on July 15, 2011.
- ^ Carole Meredith; John Bowers. «The Origin of Chardonnay». University of California, Davis. Archived from the original on November 30, 2006. Retrieved August 29, 2007.
- ^ Regner F; Stadlbauer A; Eisenheld C; Kaserer H (2000). «Genetic Relationships Among Pinots and Related». Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 51 (1): 7–14.
- ^ Boss, P; Thomas M (April 25, 2002). «Association of dwarfism and floral induction with a grape ‘green revolution’ mutation». Nature. 416 (6883): 847–850. Bibcode:2002Natur.416..847B. doi:10.1038/416847a. PMID 11976683. S2CID 4314131.
- ^ a b Meredith, Carole (November 2, 2002). «Science as a Window into Wine History» (PDF). American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 3, 2016. Retrieved April 1, 2007.
- ^ Hocquigny S; Pelsy F; Dumas V; Kindt S; Heloir M; Merdinoglu D (2004). «Diversification within grapevine cultivars goes through chimeric states». Genome. 47 (3): 579–589. doi:10.1139/g04-006. PMID 15190375. Archived from the original on July 7, 2012.
- ^ Clive Coates, Cote D’Or (1997) pp. 144 and 457
- ^ Robinson 2006, p. 530.
- ^ Robinson J (2002). Vines Grapes & Wines. Mitchell Beazley. p. 227.
- ^ Adams, Leon D (1984). The Wines of America. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-395-15456-4.
- ^ Robinson 2006, p. 290.
- ^ a b J. Robinson, J. Harding and J. Vouillamoz Wine Grapes — A complete guide to 1,368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavours, p. 422, Allen Lane 2012 ISBN 978-1-84614-446-2.
- ^ Velasco, R.; Zharkikh, A.; Troggio, M.; Cartwright, D. A.; Cestaro, A.; Pruss, D.; Pindo, M.; Fitzgerald, L. M.; Vezzulli, S.; Reid, J.; Malacarne, G.; Iliev, D.; Coppola, G.; Wardell, B.; Micheletti, D.; MacAlma, T.; Facci, M.; Mitchell, J. T.; Perazzolli, M.; Eldredge, G.; Gatto, P.; Oyzerski, R.; Moretto, M.; Gutin, N.; Stefanini, M.; Chen, Y.; Segala, C.; Davenport, C.; Demattè, L.; et al. (December 19, 2007). «A high quality draft consensus sequence of the genome of a heterozygous grapevine variety». PLOS ONE. 2 (12): e1326. Bibcode:2007PLoSO…2.1326V. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001326. PMC 2147077. PMID 18094749.
- ^ Hopkin, Michael (August 26, 2007). «Grape genome unpicked». Nature News. doi:10.1038/news070820-13. S2CID 83717785.
- ^ «Domaine Nico».
- ^ Haeger 2004, p. 17.
- ^ Matthew Horkey,German Pinot Noir: Is It Worth The Hype?, October 22, 2019
- ^ Robinson 2006, pp. 659–660.
- ^ Robinson, Jancis (April 20, 2018). «Jancis Robinson on alternatives to red burgundy». Financial Times. Archived from the original on December 10, 2022.
- ^ Stuart Walton, Understanding, Choosing and Enjoying Wine Hermes House 2006, p. 180.
- ^ Peter Dipoli, Michela Carlotto: Mazon und sein Blauburgunder (in italian: Mazzon e il suo Pinot nero), Verschönerungsverein Neumarkt, Fotolito Varesco, Auer, 2009 — ISBN 978-88-8300-032-4
- ^ «New Zealand Winegrowers Annual Report 2014» (PDF). New Zealand Winegrowers. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 25, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2015.
- ^ Oliver, Henry. «We’ve come a long way, baby: Why Kiwi pinot just keeps getting better». Stuff. Retrieved October 30, 2019.
- ^ «Pinot Noir Association».
- ^ Dr. Liz Thach, MW. «Statistics on the US Wine Industry – 2011». Retrieved December 4, 2015.
- ^ Moore, Sherry L.; Welsch, Jeff (2010). Explorer’s Guide Oregon Wine Country: A Great Destination. Explorer’s Great Destinations. The Countryman Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-1-58157-123-3.
- ^ Teichgraeber, Tim (October 14, 2008). «David Lett, founder of Oregon Pinot Noir, dies». Decanter. Archived from the original on January 12, 2009. Retrieved December 15, 2009.
- ^ Colman, Tyler (October 13, 2008). «David Lett and an Eyrie Vineyards retrospective». Dr. Vino. Retrieved December 15, 2009.
- ^ «Pinot — Poulsard — Trousseau Wine».
- ^ «Gamay — Pinot Noir Wine».
- ^ «Cabernet Franc — Pinot Noir Wine».
- ^ «Pinot Noir — Syrah Wine». Archived from the original on July 31, 2018.
- ^ «Malbec — Pinot Noir Wine».
- ^ Risberg, Eric (November 2, 2006). «Merlot demand skids, perhaps ‘Sideways?’«. MSNBC. Associated Press. Retrieved March 11, 2019.
- ^ Reynolds, Julia (August 13, 2006). «Going Ape For Grape: Annual event celebrates all things wine». Monterey County Herald.
- ^ a b Harlow, John (March 6, 2006). «Oscar winner knocks sales of merlot wine sideways». The Sunday Times.
- ^ Simon, Joanna (June 4, 2006). «Sauce». Food & Drink. The Sunday Times. p. 47.
- ^ Valdespino, Anne (July 25, 2007). «Don’t forgo Merlot: The wine’s popularity has declined, but it can still be a foundation for a tantalizing tasting party». The Orange County Register.
- ^ Asimov, Eric (December 13, 2006). «Panned on Screen, Merlot Shrugs And Moves On». Dining & Wine. New York Times. pp. F10. Retrieved October 30, 2007.
- ^ Murphy, Patsey (August 13, 2005). «California dream». Irish Times.
- ^ Stimmell, Gordon (March 17, 2007). «More to merlot, you know». Arts. Toronto Star. pp. H07.
- ^ Cuellar, Steven S. (January 2009). «The ‘Sideways’ Effect A test for changes in the demand for Merlot and Pinot Noir wines». Wines & Vines.
- ^ Froymovich, Gabriel. (July 2009). «Sideways 10 Years On: The Cost to Merlot Farmers Has Been More Than $400M». Vineyard Financial Associates.
- Haeger, John Winthrop (September 14, 2004). North American Pinot Noir. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-24114-5. Archived from the original on May 16, 2008. Retrieved July 3, 2006.
- Robinson, Jancis (2006). The Oxford Companion to Wine, Third Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-860990-2.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pinot Noir.
- Pinot noir Wine Grape History, Character and Growing Areas
- South African Pinot Noir Association
«Noirien» redirects here. For a French wine grape that is also known as Noirien, see Négrette.
«Nagyburgundi» redirects here. For the Austrian wine grape also known as Nagyburgundi, see Blaufränkisch.
«Franc Pineau» redirects here. For the racing cyclist, see Franck Pineau.
Pinot noir | |
Grape (Vitis) | |
Pinot noir grapes in Bué, Centre-Val de Loire, France |
Color of berry skin | Black |
Also called | Blauburgunder, Spätburgunder, Rulandské modré, Pinot Nero other synonyms |
Notable regions |
Notable wines | Gevrey-Chambertin, Nuits-Saint-Georges |
Ideal soil | Chalky clay |
VIVC number | 9279 |
Wine characteristics | |
General | Light tannins |
Cool climate | Cabbage, wet leaves |
Medium climate | Strawberry, raspberry, cherry, mushroom, meaty |
Romanée-Conti, among the world’s most expensive wines, is primarily made from pinot noir
Pinot noir (French: [pino nwaʁ]) is a red-wine grape variety of the species Vitis vinifera. The name may also refer to wines created predominantly from pinot noir grapes. The name is derived from the French words for pine and black. The word pine alludes to the grape variety having tightly clustered, pinecone–shaped bunches of fruit.[1]
Pinot noir is grown around the world, mostly in cooler climates, and the variety is chiefly associated with the Burgundy region of France.[2] Pinot noir is now used to make red wines around the world, as well as champagne, sparkling white wines such as the Italian Franciacorta, and English sparkling wines. Regions that have gained a reputation for red pinot noir wines include the Willamette Valley of Oregon; the Carneros, Central Coast, Sonoma Coast, and Russian River AVAs of California; the Elgin and Walker Bay wine regions of South Africa; the Mornington Peninsula, Adelaide Hills, Great Southern, Tasmania, and Yarra Valley in Australia; and the Central Otago, Martinborough, and Marlborough wine regions of New Zealand. Pinot noir is the most planted varietal (38%) used in sparkling wine production in Champagne and other wine regions.[3]
Pinot noir is a difficult variety to cultivate and transform into wine.[4] The grape’s tendency to produce tightly packed clusters makes it susceptible to several viticultural hazards involving rot that require diligent canopy management. The thin skins and low levels of phenolic compounds lend pinot to producing mostly lightly colored, medium-bodied and low-tannin wines that can often go through phases of uneven and unpredictable aging. When young, wines made from pinot noir tend to have red fruit aromas of cherries, raspberries, and strawberries. As the wine ages, pinot has the potential to develop more vegetal and «barnyard» aromas that can contribute to the complexity of the wine.[3]
Pinot noir’s home is France’s Burgundy region, particularly Côte-d’Or. It is also planted in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, northern parts of Croatia, Czech Republic, England, the Republic of Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Hungary, Kosovo, the Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, New Zealand, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Ukraine, United States, and Uruguay. The United States has increasingly become a major pinot noir producer, with some of the best regarded coming from Oregon’s Willamette Valley, and California’s Sonoma County with its Russian River Valley and Sonoma Coast appellations. Lesser-known appellations are found in Mendocino County’s Anderson Valley, the Central Coast’s Santa Lucia Highlands appellation, the Santa Maria Valley, and Sta. Rita Hills American Viticulture Area in Santa Barbara County. In New Zealand, it is principally grown in Martinborough, Marlborough, Waipara, and Central Otago.
The leaves of pinot noir are generally smaller than those of Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah. The vine is typically less vigorous than either of these varieties. The grape cluster is small and conico-cylindrical, shaped like a pinecone. Some viticultural historians believe this shape similarity may have given rise to the name.[5] In the vineyard, pinot noir is sensitive to wind and frost, cropping levels (it must be low yielding for the production of quality wines), soil types, and pruning techniques. In the winery, it is sensitive to fermentation methods and yeast strains and is highly reflective of its terroir, with different regions producing very different wines. Its thin skin makes it susceptible to bunch rot and similar fungal diseases. The vines themselves are susceptible to powdery mildew, especially in Burgundy infection by leaf roll, and fanleaf viruses cause significant vine health problems. These complications have given the grape a reputation for being difficult to grow: Jancis Robinson calls pinot a «minx of a vine»[6] and André Tchelistcheff declared that «God made cabernet sauvignon whereas the devil made Pinot noir.»[6] It is much less tolerant of harsh vineyard conditions than the likes of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Merlot or Grenache.
However, pinot noir wines are among the most popular in the world. Joel L. Fleishman of Vanity Fair describes them as «the most romantic of wines, with so voluptuous a perfume, so sweet an edge, and so powerful a punch that, like falling in love, they make the blood run hot and the soul wax embarrassingly poetic.»[7] Master Sommelier Madeline Triffon calls them «sex in a glass.»[7]
The tremendously broad range of bouquets, flavors, textures, and impressions that pinot noir can produce sometimes confuses tasters.[5] Broadly, the wines tend to be of light to medium body with an aroma reminiscent of black and/or red cherry, raspberry and to a lesser extent currant and many other fine small red and black berry fruits. Traditional red Burgundy is famous for its savory fleshiness and «farmyard» aromas (this latter is sometimes associated with thiol and other reductive characters), but changing fashions, modern winemaking techniques, and new easier-to-grow clones have favored a lighter, more fruit-prominent, cleaner style.
The wine’s color, when young, is often compared to that of garnet, frequently being much lighter than that of other red wines. This is entirely natural and not a winemaking fault, as pinot noir has a lower skin anthocyanin (coloring matter) content than most other classical red/black varieties. Callistephin, the 3-O-glucoside of pelargonidin, an orange-colored anthocyanidin, is also found in the berry skins of pinot noir.[8]
However, an emerging, increasingly evident style from California and New Zealand highlights a more powerful, fruit-forward, and darker wine that can tend toward Syrah (or even new world Malbec) in depth, extract, and alcoholic content.
Pinot Noir is also used in the production of Champagne (usually along with Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier) and is planted in most of the world’s wine-growing regions for use in both still and sparkling wines. Pinot Noir grown for dry table wines is generally low-yielding and of lesser vigor than many other varieties, whereas when grown for use in sparkling wines (e.g., Champagne), it is generally cropped at significantly higher yields.
In addition to being used for the production of sparkling and still red wine, Pinot Noir is also sometimes used for rosé still wines, Beaujolais Nouveau-styled wines, and even Vin Gris white wines. Its juice is uncolored.
History, mutants and clones[edit]
Pinot gris (center) and Pinot blanc (right) are color mutations of Pinot noir (left).
Pinot Noir is almost certainly a very ancient variety that may be only one or two generations removed from wild Vitis sylvestris vines.[9] Its origins are nevertheless unclear: In De re rustica, Columella describes a grape variety similar to Pinot Noir in Burgundy during the 1st century CE;[5][10] however, vines have grown wild as far north as Belgium in the days before phylloxera, and it is possible that pinot represents a direct domestication of (hermaphrodite-flowered) Vitis sylvestris.
Ferdinand Regner argued[11] that Pinot Noir is a cross between Pinot Meunier (Schwarzriesling) and Traminer, but this claim has since been refuted.[5] In fact, Pinot Meunier has been shown to be a chimerical mutation (in the epidermal cells) which makes the shoot tips and leaves prominently hairy-white and the vine a little smaller and early ripening.[12] Thus, Pinot Meunier is a chimera with two tissue layers of different genetic makeup, both of which contain a mutation making them non-identical to, and mutations of, Pinot Noir (as well as of any of the other color forms of pinot). As such, Pinot Meunier cannot be a parent of Pinot Noir, and, indeed, it seems likely that chimerical mutations which can generate Pinot Gris from other pinot (principally blanc or noir) may in turn, be the genetic pathway for the emergence of Pinot Meunier.
Pinot Gris is a pinot color sport (and can arise by mutation of Pinot Noir or Pinot Blanc), presumably representing a somatic mutation in either the VvMYBA1 or VvMYBA2 genes that control grape berry color. Pinot Blanc is a further mutation and can either naturally arise from or give rise to Pinot Gris or Pinot Noir; the mutation–reversion path is multi-directional, therefore. The general DNA profiles of both Pinot gris and blanc are identical to Pinot Noir;[13] and other Pinots, Pinot Mour, and Pinot Teinturier are also genetically similarly close. Almost any given Pinot (of whatever berry color) can occur as a complete mutation or as a chimera of almost any other pinot.[14] As such, suggestions that Pinot Noir is the fundamental and original form of the Pinots are both misleading and highly tendentious. Indeed, if anything, Pinot Blanc may be the original human-selected form of Pinot, although given the genetic variability of this longstanding genetic line, thinking of Pinot as a familial cluster of grapes sharing a fundamental and common genetic core is almost certainly nearest the truth. It is this core around which the sub-varietally identifying color variations (blanc, rouge, noir, gris, rose, violet, tenteurier, moure, etc.) occur, along with the more striking chimeric morphological mutation that is Pinot Meunier, and the interesting further mutations of this variety as Pinot Meunier Gris and as the non-hairy mutation which the Germans classify as ‘Samtrot’ (effectively ‘Pinot red velvet’).
A white berried sport of Pinot Noir was propagated in 1936 by Henri Gouges of Burgundy, and there is now 2.5ha planted of this grape which Clive Coates[15] calls Pinot Gouges, and others call Pinot Musigny. There is, however, no published evidence, nor any obvious reason, to believe that this is other than a (possibly quite fine) form of Pinot Blanc, having simply arisen as a selected natural mutation of the original Pinot Noir in the Gouges’ vineyard.
In the UK, the name ‘Wrotham Pinot’ is a permitted synonym for Pinot Meunier and stems from a vine that one of the pioneers of UK viticulture, Edward Hyams, discovered in Wrotham (pronounced ‘root-am’ or ‘root-em’) in Kent in the late 1940s. It was, in all probability, the variety known as ‘Miller’s Burgundy,’ which had been widely grown on walls and in gardens in Great Britain for many years. Archibald Barron writing in his book, Vines and Vine Culture, the standard Victorian work on grape growing in the UK, states that the ‘Millers Burgundy’ also was found by [the famous horticulturalist] Sir Joseph Banks in the remains of an ancient vineyard at Tortworth, Gloucestershire – a county well known for its medieval vineyards. Hyams took the vine to Raymond Barrington Brock, who ran what was to become the Oxted Viticultural Research Station, and he trialed it alongside the many other varieties he grew. Brock said that when compared to supplies of Meunier from France, Wrotham Pinot: had a higher natural sugar content and ripened two weeks earlier. Hyams, ever the journalist in search of a good story, claimed that this vine had been left behind by the Romans, although he provided absolutely no evidence for this. Brock sold cuttings of ‘Wrotham Pinot,’ and the variety became quite popular in early English «revival» vineyards in the late twentieth century, although it is unlikely that many vines from the cuttings supplied by Brock survive in any present UK vineyards. Indeed, despite the fact that today virtually all plantings of Meunier in the UK stem from French and German nurseries, the name Wrotham Pinot is still a legally acceptable synonym for this variety, although little, if ever, used by UK growers.
Pinot Noir can be particularly prone to mutation (suggesting it has active transposable elements), and thanks to its long history in cultivation, there are hundreds of different clones in vineyards and vine collections worldwide. More than 50 are officially recognized in France compared to only 25 of the much more widely planted Cabernet Sauvignon.[16] The French Etablissement National Technique pour l’Amelioration de la Viticulture (ENTAV) has set up a program to select the best clones of Pinot. This program has succeeded in increasing the number of quality clones available to growers. In the new world, particularly in Oregon, wines of extraordinary quality continue to be made from the (ex-University of California at Davis) Pommard (principally UCD4) and Wadensvil (UCD 1A and/or 2A) clones.[5]
Gamay Beaujolais is a Californian misnomer for a UCD clone series of upright-growing (‘Pinot Droit’) Pinot Noir. Planted mostly in California it also became established in New Zealand.[17] In New Zealand, its disposition to poor fruit set in cool-flowering conditions can be problematic. It has been claimed that the ‘Gamay Beaujolais’ Pinot Noir was brought to California by Paul Masson.[18] But it was collected in France by Harold Olmo for UCD in the 1950s and was one of the first Pinot Noir vines this institution offered as a high-health clonal line from about 1962 onward. However, it was misleadingly identified at UCD as a ‘Gamay Beaujolais’ type (of Pinot Noir). In general, these upright growing ‘Pinot Droit’ clones are highly productive (in suitable, hot-to-warm, flowering conditions) and in California and New Zealand, they give robust, burly wines favored by those who like muscle rather than charm and velvety finesse in their Pinot Noir wines.[citation needed] In Burgundy, the use of (highly productive) Pinot Droit clones is reportedly still widespread in inferior, Village appellation, or even non-appellation vineyards, and Pinot Droit is consequently regarded, arguably with very good reason, as a (genetic) sub-form significantly inferior to classical, decumbent, ‘Pinot fine’ or ‘Pinot tordu’, clonal lines of Pinot.
Frühburgunder (Pinot Noir Précoce) is an early-ripening form of Pinot Noir.[19] Across the Pinot family, ripening in typical climates can be dispersed by as much as four, and even six, weeks between the very earliest (including Précoce) clones and the very latest ripening. Virus infection and excessive cropping significantly add to the delaying of Pinot Noir ripening.
Gouget Noir is sometimes confused as being a clone of Pinot Noir but, DNA analysis has confirmed that it is a distinct variety.[20]
Genome sequencing[edit]
In August 2007, a consortium of researchers,[21] announced the sequencing of the genome of Pinot noir.[22] It is the first fruit crop to be sequenced, and only the fourth flowering plant.
A sparkling Crémant de Bourgogne blanc de noirs (white from blacks) made from Pinot noir and Gamay
In the Middle Ages, the nobility and church of northeast France grew some form of Pinot in favored plots, while peasants grew a large amount of the much more productive, but otherwise distinctly inferior, Gouais blanc. Cross-pollination may have resulted from such close proximity, with the genetic distance between the two parents imparting hybrid vigor leading to the viticultural selection of a diverse range of offspring from this cross (which may, nevertheless, have also resulted from deliberate human intervention). In any case, however, it occurred; offspring of the Pinot–Gouais cross include: Chardonnay, Aligoté, Auxerrois, Gamay, Melon and eleven others.[13] Pinot noir was not necessarily the Pinot involved here; any member of the Pinot family appears genetically capable of being the Pinot parent to these ex-Gouais crosses.
In 1925, Pinot Noir was crossed in South Africa with the Cinsaut grape (known locally by the misnomer ‘Hermitage’) to create a unique variety called Pinotage.
Pinot Noir is produced in the wine-growing regions of Mendoza (particularly in the Uco Valley),[23] Patagonia, Neuquén Province and Río Negro Province.
Pinot Noir is produced in several wine-growing areas of Australia, notably in the Southern Highlands in New South Wales, Yarra Valley, Geelong, the Bellarine Peninsula, Beechworth, South Gippsland, Sunbury, Macedon Ranges and Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Adelaide Hills in South Australia, Great Southern Wine Region in Western Australia, all Tasmania, and the Canberra District in the Australian Capital Territory.
Best’s Wines in Great Western has what is believed to have some of the world’s oldest Pinot Noir plantings — having survived phyloxera, these vines were planted in 1868.[citation needed]
In Austria, Pinot Noir is usually called Blauburgunder (literally Blue Burgundy) and produced in Burgenland and Lower Austria. Austrian Pinot Noir wines are dry red wines similar in character to the red wines of Burgundy, mostly aged in French barriques. Some of the best Austrian Pinots come from Neusiedlersee and Blaufraenkischland (Burgenland), and Thermenregion (Lower Austria).
Pinot Noir has been grown in Ontario for some time in the Niagara Peninsula and especially the Niagara-on-the-Lake and Short Hills Bench wine regions, as well as in Prince Edward County and on the north shore of Lake Ontario. It has also been grown recently in the Okanagan; here it is grown predominantly on the Naramata bench and in the northern Okanagan, Lower Mainland, and Vancouver Island wine regions of British Columbia. It is also grown in the Annapolis Valley region of Nova Scotia and the Lanaudière and Brome-Missisquoi regions of Quebec.
An example from Leyda Valley, Chile
Pinot Noir is produced at the Leyda Valley, one of the minor wine districts of the Aconcagua wine region of Chile and in the southern district Biobio.
Pinot noir is increasingly being planted in the U.K. and is now the second most widely planted variety (305-ha in 2012), almost all of it for sparkling wine[citation needed].
A Sancerre rouge from the Loire Valley made from Pinot noir
Pinot Noir has made France’s Burgundy appellation famous, and vice versa. Wine historians, including John Winthrop Haeger and Roger Dion, believe that the association between Pinot and Burgundy was the explicit strategy of Burgundy’s Valois dukes. Roger Dion, in his thesis regarding Philip the Bold’s role in promoting the spread of Pinot Noir, holds that the reputation of Beaune wines as «the finest in the world» was a propaganda triumph of Burgundy’s Valois dukes.[24] In any event, the worldwide archetype for Pinot Noir is that grown in Burgundy, where it has been cultivated since AD 100.
Burgundy’s Pinot Noir produces wines that can age well in good years, developing complex fruit and forest floor flavors as they age, often reaching peak 15 or 20 years after the vintage. Many of the wines are produced in small quantities. Today, the Côte d’Or escarpment of Burgundy has about 4,500 hectares (11,000 acres) of Pinot noir. Most of the region’s finest wines are produced from this area. The Côte Chalonnaise and Mâconnais regions in southern Burgundy have another 4,000 hectares (9,900 acres).
In Jura département, across the river valley from Burgundy, the wines made from Pinot Noir are lighter.
In Champagne it is used in blending with Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier. It can also appear unblended; in which case it may be labeled Blanc de Noirs. The Champagne appellation has more Pinot planted than any other area of France.
In Sancerre it is used to make red and rosé wines, much lighter in style than those of Burgundy, refreshing served chilled, especially in warmer years when they are less thin.
In Alsace it is generally used to make Pinot-noir d’Alsace [fr], similar in character to red Burgundy and Beaujolais wines but usually consumed chilled. Prominent examples are Rouge de Barr and Rouge d’Ottrott. Pinot Noir is the only red wine produced in Alsace.
A German blanc de noir from the Baden region made from Pinot noir grapes pressed quickly after harvest to produce a white wine from the red grapes
Among countries planted with Pinot Noir, Germany ranks third behind France and the United States.[25] In Germany it is called Spätburgunder (lit. «Late Burgundian») and is now the most widely planted red grape.[26] Historically much German wine produced from Pinot Noir was pale, often rosé like the red wines of Alsace; over-cropping and bunch-rot were major contributing factors to this. However, recently, despite the northerly climate, darker, richer reds have been produced, often barrel (barrique) aged, in regions such as Baden, Palatinate (Pfalz) and Ahr. These are rarely exported and are often expensive in Germany for the better examples. In the weekend edition of the «Financial Times» of 21/22 April 2018 Jancis Robinson wrote about … alternatives to red burgundy[27] As «Rhenish», German Pinot noir is mentioned several times in Shakespearean plays as a highly prized wine.[28]
There is also a smaller-berried, early ripening, lower yield variety called Frühburgunder (Pinot Noir Précoce, lit. «Early Burgundian») which is grown in Rheinhessen and Ahr area and can produce good wines.
In Italy, where Pinot Noir is known as Pinot Nero, it has traditionally been cultivated in South Tyrol, the Collio Goriziano, Franciacorta, Oltrepò Pavese, Veneto, Friuli and Trentino. It is also planted in Tuscany.
In South Tyrol the variety is first noted 1838 as «Bourgoigne Noir» in a grape wine buy list of the «k.u.k. Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft von Tirol und Vorarlberg, Niederlassung Bozen» and later called «Blauburgunder» like in Austria. The first analytical descriptions are from Edmund Mach (founder of Ist. Agr. San Michele a.A.) in the year 1894: Friedrich Boscarolli — Rametz/Meran — Rametzer Burgunder 1890, Chorherrenstift Neustift — Blauburgunder 1890, R.v.Bressendorf — Vernaun/Meran — Burgunder 1890, C. Frank — Rebhof Gries Bozen — Burgunder 1889, Fr. Tschurtschenthaler — Bozen — Burgunder 1890 & 1891, Fr. Tschurtschenthaler — Bozen — Kreuzbichler 1889 & 1891 & 1887.[29]
Pinot noir grapes in a vineyard in Moldova
Large amounts of Pinot were planted in central Moldova during the 19th century, but much was lost to the ravages of phylloxera; Soviet control of Moldova from 1940 to 1991 also reduced the productivity of vineyards.
New Zealand[edit]
Pinot Noir is New Zealand’s largest red wine variety, and second largest variety overall behind Sauvignon Blanc. In 2014, Pinot noir vines covered 5,569 hectares (13,760 acres) and produced 36,500 tonnes of grapes.[30]
Pinot Noir is a grape variety whose «importance» in New Zealand is extremely high. However, initial results were not promising for several reasons, including high levels of leaf roll virus in older plantings, and, during the 1960s and 1970s, the limited number and indifferent quality of Pinot Noir clones available for planting. However, since this time importation of high-quality clones and much-improved viticulture and winemaking has seen Pinot Noir, from Martinborough in the north to Central Otago in the south, become a major factor in New Zealand’s reputation as a wine producer.[31]
In Slovenia, the Pinot Noir is produced especially in the Slovenian Littoral, particularly in the Goriška Brda sub-region. In smaller amounts, the Pinot Noir is also produced in Slovenian Styria.
The wine is usually called Modri Pinot (Blue Pinot) or also Modri Burgundec (Blue Burgundy).
South Africa[edit]
With the growth of the South African wine industry into newer areas, Pinot Noir is now also to be found in cool climate Walker Bay and Elgin, the two oldest Pinot regions in the country.
There are currently just over 1,200 ha of Pinot Noir in South Africa, making up 1,5% of the total plantings in the country.
The Top 5 Pinot Noir Wine Awards annually recognizes the top South African Pinot Noir red wines.[32]
In Spain, Pinot Noir is grown in many of the wine regions from the north to the south, but the vast majority of Pinot Noir is grown in Catalonia, where it is used in still wines and Cava, Spanish sparkling wine. It is an authorised variety in some of the Catalan DOPs. In 2015 there were 1,063 hectares (2,630 acres) of Pinot Noir grown in Spain.
Pinot Noir is a popular grape variety all over Switzerland. In German-speaking regions of Switzerland it is often called Blauburgunder. Pinot Noir wines are produced in Neuchâtel, Schaffhausen, Zürich, St. Gallen and Bündner Herrschaft (Grisons). In Valais, Pinot Noir is also blended with Gamay to produce the well-known Dôle.
United States[edit]
A Pinot noir from the Willamette Valley in Oregon
By volume most Pinot Noir in America is grown in California, with Oregon second in production.[33] Other growing regions are the states of Washington, Michigan, and New York.
California wine regions known for producing Pinot Noir are:
- Sonoma Coast AVA
- Russian River Valley AVA
- Central Coast AVA
- Sta. Rita Hills
- Monterey County / Santa Lucia Highlands
- Santa Cruz Mountains AVA
- Carneros District of Napa and Sonoma
- Anderson Valley
- Livermore Valley
- San Luis Obispo County / Arroyo Grande Valley, Edna Valley
Oregon wine regions known for producing Pinot Noir:
- Willamette Valley AVA
- Dundee Hills AVA
- Eola-Amity Hills AVA
- Yamhill-Carlton District AVA
- McMinnville AVA
- Chehalem Mountains AVA
- Ribbon Ridge AVA
- Umpqua Valley AVA
Washington wine regions known for producing Pinot Noir:
- Columbia Valley AVA
- Walla Walla Valley AVA
- Yakima Valley
- Wahluke Slope AVA
A Pinot noir from the Russian River Valley of California
Richard Sommers of HillCrest Vineyard in the Umpqua Valley of Oregon is the father of Oregon Pinot Noir. An early graduate of UC Davis, Sommers moved north after graduation with the idea of planting Pinot Noir in the Coastal valleys of Oregon. He brought cuttings to the state in 1959 and made his first commercial planting at HillCrest Vineyard in Roseburg Oregon in 1961. For this, he was honored by the Oregon State House of Representatives (HR 4A). In 2011 the State of Oregon honored him for this achievement and also for producing the first commercial bottling in the state in 1967. It was announced by the state of Oregon in the summer of 2012 that a historical marker would be placed at the winery in the summer of 2013.[34]
Sommers, who graduated from UC Davis in the early 1950s, brought Pinot Noir cuttings to Oregon’s Umpqua Valley in 1959 and planted them at HillCrest Vineyard in 1961. These first Pinot Noir cuttings came from Louis Martinis Sr.’s Stanley Ranch located in the Carneros region of Napa Valley. The first commercial vintage from these grapes was the noted 1967 Pinot Noir although test bottlings were made as early as 1963. In the 1970s several other growers followed suit. In 1979, David Lett took his wines to a competition in Paris, known in English as the Wine Olympics, and they placed third among Pinots. In a 1980 rematch arranged by French wine magnate Robert Drouhin, the Eyrie vintage improved to second place. The competition established Oregon as a world-class Pinot Noir-producing region.[35][36]
The Willamette Valley of Oregon is at the same latitude as the Burgundy region of France and has a similar climate in which the finicky Pinot Noir grapes thrive. In 1987, Drouhin purchased land in the Willamette Valley, and in 1989 built Domaine Drouhin Oregon, a state-of-the-art, gravity-fed winery. Throughout the 1980s, the Oregon wine industry blossomed.
While Pinot Noir is commonly blended in sparkling Champagne (with Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier), in still wines it is best-known as unblended, varietal wines; this is similar to Chardonnay, the other great variety of Burgundy. Some traditional blends of Pinot Noir include:
- Jura wine, particularly the Arbois AOC and Côtes du Jura, where it is blended with Trousseau and Poulsard.[37]
- Bourgogne Passe-Tout-Grains AOC, where it is blended with Gamay, and can also be blended with Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, and Pinot Gris. Pinot Noir is also blended with Gamay in Switzerland.[38]
- Loire Valley (wine), where it is often found in blends, including with Gamay and Cabernet Franc,[39] notably in the Touraine AOC.
Pinot Noir may also be blended with other grapes in inexpensive varietal wines, where the Pinot Noir percentage is high enough for a varietal labeling but is not 100% (75% in the United States, 85% in the European Union). Commonly a heavier grape like Syrah is used to add color and body, resulting in a wine rather unlike pure Pinot noir wines. This was traditionally done in Burgundy until the 1920s and is today found in California wine.[40] Similarly, it is sometimes blended with Malbec.[41]
Recent popularity[edit]
Being lighter in style, Pinot noir has benefited from a trend toward more restrained, less alcoholic wines around 12% alcohol by volume.
During 2004 and the beginning of 2005, Pinot noir became considerably more popular among consumers in the US, Australia, New Zealand and Asia as a result of the film Sideways,[42] and its deleterious effect on Merlot sales. Throughout the film, the main character speaks fondly of Pinot Noir while denigrating Merlot.[43][44] Following the film’s U.S. release in October 2004, Merlot sales dropped 2% while Pinot Noir sales increased 16% in the Western United States. A similar trend occurred in British wine outlets.[44][45][46][47][48][49] A 2009 study by Sonoma State University found that Sideways slowed the growth in Merlot sales volume and caused its price to fall, but the film’s main effect on the wine industry was a rise in the sales volume and price of Pinot Noir and in overall wine consumption.[50] A 2014 study by Vineyard Financial Associates estimated that Sideways cost American Merlot farmers over US$400m in lost revenue in the decade after its release.[51]
Blauburgunder, Blauer Arbst, Blauer Spätburgunder, Burgunder, Cortaillod, Mário Feld, Mário Feld Tinto, Morillon, Morillon Noir, Mourillon, Savagnin Noir or Salvagnin Noir.[20]
See also[edit]
- International variety
- ^ «Etymologie de pineau». Centre Nationale de Ressounces Textuelles et Lexicales (in French). Retrieved November 3, 2013.
- ^ «Everything You Need To Know About Pinot Noir». Filled With Wine. September 23, 2020. Retrieved May 29, 2021.
- ^ a b Wine & Spirits Education Trust Wine and Spirits: Understanding Wine Quality pp. 6–9, Second Revised Edition (2012), London, ISBN 978-1-905819-15-7
- ^ Robinson 2006.
- ^ a b c d e Haeger 2004.
- ^ a b Haeger 2004, p. 19.
- ^ a b Haeger 2004, p. 20.
- ^ He, F.; He, J.-J.; Pan, Q.-H.; Duan, C.-Q. (2010). «Mass-spectrometry evidence confirming the presence of pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside in the berry skins of Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir (Vitis vinifera L.)». Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research. 16 (3): 464–468. doi:10.1111/j.1755-0238.2010.00107.x.
- ^ Graves, David (2006). «On Varietal Origins: A Chat Between Wavey & The Professor». Archived from the original on July 15, 2011.
- ^ Carole Meredith; John Bowers. «The Origin of Chardonnay». University of California, Davis. Archived from the original on November 30, 2006. Retrieved August 29, 2007.
- ^ Regner F; Stadlbauer A; Eisenheld C; Kaserer H (2000). «Genetic Relationships Among Pinots and Related». Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 51 (1): 7–14.
- ^ Boss, P; Thomas M (April 25, 2002). «Association of dwarfism and floral induction with a grape ‘green revolution’ mutation». Nature. 416 (6883): 847–850. Bibcode:2002Natur.416..847B. doi:10.1038/416847a. PMID 11976683. S2CID 4314131.
- ^ a b Meredith, Carole (November 2, 2002). «Science as a Window into Wine History» (PDF). American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 3, 2016. Retrieved April 1, 2007.
- ^ Hocquigny S; Pelsy F; Dumas V; Kindt S; Heloir M; Merdinoglu D (2004). «Diversification within grapevine cultivars goes through chimeric states». Genome. 47 (3): 579–589. doi:10.1139/g04-006. PMID 15190375. Archived from the original on July 7, 2012.
- ^ Clive Coates, Cote D’Or (1997) pp. 144 and 457
- ^ Robinson 2006, p. 530.
- ^ Robinson J (2002). Vines Grapes & Wines. Mitchell Beazley. p. 227.
- ^ Adams, Leon D (1984). The Wines of America. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-395-15456-4.
- ^ Robinson 2006, p. 290.
- ^ a b J. Robinson, J. Harding and J. Vouillamoz Wine Grapes — A complete guide to 1,368 vine varieties, including their origins and flavours, p. 422, Allen Lane 2012 ISBN 978-1-84614-446-2.
- ^ Velasco, R.; Zharkikh, A.; Troggio, M.; Cartwright, D. A.; Cestaro, A.; Pruss, D.; Pindo, M.; Fitzgerald, L. M.; Vezzulli, S.; Reid, J.; Malacarne, G.; Iliev, D.; Coppola, G.; Wardell, B.; Micheletti, D.; MacAlma, T.; Facci, M.; Mitchell, J. T.; Perazzolli, M.; Eldredge, G.; Gatto, P.; Oyzerski, R.; Moretto, M.; Gutin, N.; Stefanini, M.; Chen, Y.; Segala, C.; Davenport, C.; Demattè, L.; et al. (December 19, 2007). «A high quality draft consensus sequence of the genome of a heterozygous grapevine variety». PLOS ONE. 2 (12): e1326. Bibcode:2007PLoSO…2.1326V. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001326. PMC 2147077. PMID 18094749.
- ^ Hopkin, Michael (August 26, 2007). «Grape genome unpicked». Nature News. doi:10.1038/news070820-13. S2CID 83717785.
- ^ «Domaine Nico».
- ^ Haeger 2004, p. 17.
- ^ Matthew Horkey,German Pinot Noir: Is It Worth The Hype?, October 22, 2019
- ^ Robinson 2006, pp. 659–660.
- ^ Robinson, Jancis (April 20, 2018). «Jancis Robinson on alternatives to red burgundy». Financial Times. Archived from the original on December 10, 2022.
- ^ Stuart Walton, Understanding, Choosing and Enjoying Wine Hermes House 2006, p. 180.
- ^ Peter Dipoli, Michela Carlotto: Mazon und sein Blauburgunder (in italian: Mazzon e il suo Pinot nero), Verschönerungsverein Neumarkt, Fotolito Varesco, Auer, 2009 — ISBN 978-88-8300-032-4
- ^ «New Zealand Winegrowers Annual Report 2014» (PDF). New Zealand Winegrowers. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 25, 2017. Retrieved February 6, 2015.
- ^ Oliver, Henry. «We’ve come a long way, baby: Why Kiwi pinot just keeps getting better». Stuff. Retrieved October 30, 2019.
- ^ «Pinot Noir Association».
- ^ Dr. Liz Thach, MW. «Statistics on the US Wine Industry – 2011». Retrieved December 4, 2015.
- ^ Moore, Sherry L.; Welsch, Jeff (2010). Explorer’s Guide Oregon Wine Country: A Great Destination. Explorer’s Great Destinations. The Countryman Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-1-58157-123-3.
- ^ Teichgraeber, Tim (October 14, 2008). «David Lett, founder of Oregon Pinot Noir, dies». Decanter. Archived from the original on January 12, 2009. Retrieved December 15, 2009.
- ^ Colman, Tyler (October 13, 2008). «David Lett and an Eyrie Vineyards retrospective». Dr. Vino. Retrieved December 15, 2009.
- ^ «Pinot — Poulsard — Trousseau Wine».
- ^ «Gamay — Pinot Noir Wine».
- ^ «Cabernet Franc — Pinot Noir Wine».
- ^ «Pinot Noir — Syrah Wine». Archived from the original on July 31, 2018.
- ^ «Malbec — Pinot Noir Wine».
- ^ Risberg, Eric (November 2, 2006). «Merlot demand skids, perhaps ‘Sideways?’«. MSNBC. Associated Press. Retrieved March 11, 2019.
- ^ Reynolds, Julia (August 13, 2006). «Going Ape For Grape: Annual event celebrates all things wine». Monterey County Herald.
- ^ a b Harlow, John (March 6, 2006). «Oscar winner knocks sales of merlot wine sideways». The Sunday Times.
- ^ Simon, Joanna (June 4, 2006). «Sauce». Food & Drink. The Sunday Times. p. 47.
- ^ Valdespino, Anne (July 25, 2007). «Don’t forgo Merlot: The wine’s popularity has declined, but it can still be a foundation for a tantalizing tasting party». The Orange County Register.
- ^ Asimov, Eric (December 13, 2006). «Panned on Screen, Merlot Shrugs And Moves On». Dining & Wine. New York Times. pp. F10. Retrieved October 30, 2007.
- ^ Murphy, Patsey (August 13, 2005). «California dream». Irish Times.
- ^ Stimmell, Gordon (March 17, 2007). «More to merlot, you know». Arts. Toronto Star. pp. H07.
- ^ Cuellar, Steven S. (January 2009). «The ‘Sideways’ Effect A test for changes in the demand for Merlot and Pinot Noir wines». Wines & Vines.
- ^ Froymovich, Gabriel. (July 2009). «Sideways 10 Years On: The Cost to Merlot Farmers Has Been More Than $400M». Vineyard Financial Associates.
- Haeger, John Winthrop (September 14, 2004). North American Pinot Noir. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-24114-5. Archived from the original on May 16, 2008. Retrieved July 3, 2006.
- Robinson, Jancis (2006). The Oxford Companion to Wine, Third Edition. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-860990-2.
External links[edit]
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pinot Noir.
- Pinot noir Wine Grape History, Character and Growing Areas
- South African Pinot Noir Association
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Как правильно: «Большинство производителей предпочитаЕт» или «Большинство производителей предпочитаЮт»?
И повторю вопрос, который остался без ответа: можно ли склонять французское название сорта винограда «пино нуар» (…В смеси с Пино Нуаром).
Большое спасибо за вашу помощь.
Ответ справочной службы русского языка
1. Возможны оба варианта, подробнее см. в «Письмовнике».
2. Название пино-нуар склонять не следует.
Если вы признаетесь в том, что ваш любимый сорт пино нуар, воспринять это могут по-разному. В некоторых сообществах такое признание будет выглядеть как демонстрация снобизма и высокомерия и желание похвастаться своим винным опытом и продвинутым вкусом. В других – это нечто само собой разумеющееся. Ну а что еще может любить винный профессионал или подкованный пользователь, если не пино нуар?
С каких-то пор любить пино нуар стало еще и модно. Вероятно, этому поспособствовала кинолента «На обочине», в которой главный герой восхвалял его и откровенно презирал мерло. А может, все захотели побыстрее приобщиться к винным знатокам, и самый легкий способ войти в круг избранных – признаться в любви к этому сорту.
Что же такого особенного в пино нуаре, что умудренные опытом дегустаторы говорят о нем с придыханием, а начинающие любители откровенно удивляются: как можно любить это странное бледное и водянистое вино?
На самом деле все просто: наш вкус развивается. Не все с первого раза начинают любить устрицы, фуа-гра, молекулярную кухню, блюда мишленовских ресторанов. Не все сразу улавливают кайф от аромата кружевной стружки белого трюфеля. Чаще всего мы приходим к сложным и тонким вкусам постепенно. Да и то не всегда, а только если очень сильно захотим постичь эти «таинства».
Со стороны, конечно, может казаться, что любить пино нуар и белый трюфель – это обычные «понты» и желание создать видимость «знатока и аристократа». На самом деле это не совсем так. Чем больше мы пробуем разное, прислушиваемся, присматриваемся, анализируем и предаемся ощущениям вдумчиво, тем более тонкие вкусы мы можем различить, тем больше слоев и граней мы видим в ароматах и вкусах, тем чаще нам нравится что-то не кричащее и яркое, а сдержанное, но глубокое.
«Нырнуть» на такую глубину можно только с хорошо подготовленными рецепторами. Если же рецепторы не прошли тренировку гектолитрами разнообразных вин, то их нужно бодрить и возбуждать яркими, дерзкими и сильными вкусами. Поэтому звезды любых непрофессиональных дегустаций – это новозеландские совиньоны блан и зинфандели. Они сразу вызывают яркие вау-эмоции, от них захватывает дух и уносит в страну простых и понятных удовольствий.
С пино нуаром все не так просто. Он не унесет окончательно и бесповоротно в тропическо-джемовый рай, он провоцирует задумываться, смаковать, перебирать его, как страницы любимой книги. Веселые вечеринки, тусовки и застолья – не его среда обитания: он любит тишину. Все это делает пино нуар сортом для избранных, познавших огонь, воду и медные трубы и предпочитающих теперь интеллектуальные беседы тет-а-тет и медитации у камина с бокалом пино.
Особенности вина из пино нуар
Прозрачный, не густой, не насыщенный. Молодые – вишнево-рубиновые, выдержанные – с кирпичными оттенками. Чаще всего через наполненный бокал можно читать книгу. Такой цвет у многих начинающих любителей может вызвать ощущение, что вино очень легкое и водянистое.
Деликатные, приятные, немного сладкие. В молодом пино можно встретить красные ягоды, сливы, цветы, немного джема, переливы специй и пряностей – все это будет мягким, податливым и не кричащим. В выдержанных образцах чего только не найдешь, это слои, которые сменяют друг друга: от пряностей и сухофруктов до сухих и пряных трав, бальзамических, животных, табачных, древесных, землистых тонов.
Элегантный, тонкий, изящный. Он не для любителей мощных сира, пряных зинфанделей, брутальных карменеров и пинотажей. И если в цвете пино нуар может казаться «водянистым», то вкус обязательно поспорит с визуальными впечатлениями. В хороших пино нуарах во вкусе обязательно будут точеная структура и выразительный характер.
Несмотря на, казалось бы, легкое тело, в вине могут присутствовать настойчивые шершавые танины, которые будут сглаживаться со временем. Кислотность пино нуаров заметна, но не чрезмерна, а легкая нежная сладость создает ощущение баланса и гармонии.
Корни сорта
Пино нуар предположительно родом из Бургундии, хотя существуют и другие версии его происхождения. Бесспорно одно: это один из самых старых европейских «технических», то есть винных сортов винограда. Уже в XIV веке этот сорт упоминается как основной для производства вина в Бургундии.
В переводе с французского рinot – шишка. Так сорт назвали за характерную гроздь, напоминающую по виду шишку.
За свою долгую историю сорт несколько раз мутировал. Хорошо известные нам пино гри (пино гриджо) и пино блан – это мутации сорта пино нуар. Это не дети и не клоны, это результаты естественного изменения сорта, которое происходит в природе в течение очень долгого времени. Пино гри – промежуточная мутация, его ягоды имеют серо-розовый окрас, не темный, как у пино нуара, и не светлый, как у пино блана. А вот пино блан мутировал уже из пино гри, полностью обесцветив кожу своих ягод.
Пино нуар – крепкий орешек для виноградаря. Капризный и прихотливый, он требует много внимания и чувствителен к погодным условиям и составу почвы. Поэтому недорогое и при этом хорошее вино из него – большая редкость: слишком много сил и ручного труда требует этот сорт.
Еще одна особенность пино нуара – любовь к прохладному климату. Это чуть ли не единственный черный сорт винограда, который способен выживать в климате Шампани, Германии и Австрии. Пино нуар – житель севера: здесь он обретает стройную структуру, многогранные ароматы и хороший потенциал к выдержке. В южных краях вина выходят пышные, фруктовые и конфитюрные, но могут быть лишены изящества и харизмы северян.
Слева направо: Bourgogne Hautes Cotes de Nuits Les Dames de Vergy Domaine Antonin Guyon 2017; Louis Guntrum Pinot Noir Rheinhessen QbA; Erath Pinot Noir 2015
Несколько стилей пино нуара
Аристократизм. Тонкость. Сложность. И тот самый снобизм
Пожалуй, самый сложносочиненный вкус и разноцветную палитру ароматов вы найдете у бургундцев. Здесь можно встретить все: от привычных тонов малины и вишни до причудливых землистых, табачных и животных. Пино нуар из Бургундии – это еще и невероятный разброс цен: от полутора тысяч до нескольких сотен тысяч, и это такой же невероятный разброс качества. К сожалению, часто базовое бургундское красное, самое недорогое, может изрядно разочаровать потребителя. Бургундец не может быть дешевым, а вот слишком простым и бесхарактерным бывает.
Если хочется испить бургундца, стоит искать вина не самые бюджетные, но спускать последние сбережения на вина с виноградников гран крю тоже не обязательно. В Бургундии немало прекрасных, но не совсем известных аппелласьонов, где производят пино нуары с хорошим сочетанием цена-качество. Например, можно обратить внимание на вино Bourgogne Hautes Cotes de Nuits Les Dames de Vergy, Domaine Antonin Guyon, 2017. Вино с 30-летних лоз, небольшой виноградник, расположенгый недалеко от знаменитого Нюи-Сен-Жорж. 50% вина выдерживают в дубовых бочках. Элегантное и шелковистое, сочное и изящное. В аромате красные ягоды, спелая вишня, цветы и оттенки сандалового дерева.
Золотая середина
Меньше бургундской интеллигентности и чопорности, больше мышц и фруктов. Бархат танинов, шепот цветов и ягод, щепотка ванили и пряностей. Пино нуар по-немецки – шпетбургундер, «поздний бургундский» в переводе. Немцы – это конкурентное качество и выверенный стиль, которые можно попробовать, не пробивая дыру в своем бюджете.
Шпеты сейчас в тренде – много производителей, разные регионы Германии предлагают разную стилистику. Найти свой любимый будет не сложно. Например, Louis Guntrum Pinot Noir Rheinhessen QbA – легкий и фруктово-бальзамический пино нуар на каждый день со звонкой кислотностью и почти незаметными бархатными танинами от небольшой винодельни из Рейнгессена.
Орегон, один из самых северных регионов США, поклонники пино нуара облюбовали несколько десятилетий назад. Пино нуары из Орегона – статные, сильные, фруктовые и элегантные. Цена их правда может соперничать с некоторыми бургундцами. Из доступных – Erath Pinot Noir 2015. Несмотря на свежесть, россыпь ягод в аромате и иллюзию беззаботности, есть в нем какая-то неуловимая тайна, изюминка.
Слева направо: Petit Clos Pinot Noir Clos Henri 2018; Cono Sur Ocio Oinot Noir 2015
Фруктовая роскошь
Пино нуары из жарких регионов и стран, например, калифорнийские, израильские, австралийские, чилийские, новозеландские. Жаркий климат и солнце делают южан тельными и увесистыми. Ароматы раскрываются быстро, окутывают тонами джема, варенья и специй. После выдержки в дубе к фруктам могут добавиться ваниль и древесные оттенки. Особенно любимы сейчас пино нуары из Новой Зеландии, например, беззаботный, фруктовый, но сильный Petit Clos Pinot Noir Clos Henri 2018. Производитель обещает действительно букет, причем не только фруктов, но и цветов: лаванды и лепестков засушенных роз. И все это в обрамлении пряностей, тона спелых вишен и ароматов осеннего леса.
Если же вам хочется новосветской роскоши и любопытно, каким характером обладает великий чилийский пино нуар, стоит попробовать Ocio Oinot Noir 2015 от Cono Sur. Ягоды собирают в прохладной долине Касабланка. Здесь виноград не перезревает, но накапливает много силы и энергии. Вино получается насыщенным и интенсивным, но в то же время благородным, элегантным и бархатным. В бокале оно раскрывается оттенками спелых ягод, сладких специй, табака, гвоздики, белых цветов и фиалки.
Слева направо: Blanc de Noirs Brut Ambonnay Grand Cru, Eric Rodez; Burggarten Spatburgunder Blanc de Noir
Блан де нуар
Blanc de Noirs – это белое вино, созданное из черного сорта винограда. Чаще всего основой для таких вин выступает пино нуар. Это один из основных сортов для производства шампанского. В Шампани его винифицируют по-белому, а затем превращают в игристое. Вот, например, шикарный вариант – Blanc de Noirs Brut Ambonnay Grand Cru Eric Rodez. Пино нуар, винифицированный по-белому, да еще и частично выдержанный в дубе в духе лучших бургундских вин. Глубокое, объемное, сильное шампанское с ароматами красного апельсина, вишневого ликера, пряностей и цветов.
Также некоторые умельцы делают из пино нуара белое тихое вино. Интересный опыт и дегустационные ощущения: сила и стать красного и ароматы красных ягод и свежесть и чистота белого вина. На пробу такой экзотики можно взять Burggarten Spatburgunder Blanc de Noir из немецкого региона Ар.
Слева направо: Pinot Noir Cantina Terlano; Noir Reserve Trimbach 2018; Le Grand Noir Pinot Noir Les Celliers Jean d’Alibert 2018
Специалитеты: пино нуары из разных стран и регионов, попробовать которые как минимум любопытно
Итальянский пино неро из Альто-Адидже будет менее чопорный, чем бургундцы, но более строгий и сухой, чем некоторые бархатные и сладковатые немцы. Pinot Noir Cantina Terlano – увесистая бутылка от серьезной во всех смыслах винодельни. Внутри – ароматы ежевики, черники и вишни, стройное северное тело и сладость фруктов, подаренная солнцем Южного Тироля.
В Эльзасе пино нуар – единственный черный сорт винограда. Эльзасский пино легкий и высококислотный. Прохладный климат воспитывает в нем северный, сухой и лаконичный характер. Noir Reserve Trimbach 2018 – тонкое и стройное вино с ароматами красных ягод (малины и клубники) и минеральными оттенками.
Пино нуары из французского Лангедок-Руссильона – новый тренд в масс-маркете. Легкие, приятные ненавязчивые компотики. Они не откроют вам всех тайн великого сорта винограда, но позаботятся о настроении и станут хорошим выбором для тех, кто не любит сильные и навязчивые вина, которые предлагают страны Нового света в данной ценовой категории. Le Grand Noir Pinot Noir Les Celliers Jean d’Alibert 2018 – пино нуар в бургундском стиле с южным темпераментом и изюминкой (небольшим количеством гренаша в ассамбляже). Гренаш отвечает за пряности, а пино нуар – за фруктовую ароматику и изящный, почти бургундский стиль вина.
Фото на обложке: © Андрей Ковалев.
Значение слова «пино-нуар»
- «Пино́-нуа́р» (фр. pinot noir, нем. Spätburgunder) — технический (винный) сорт винограда, используемый для производства вина. В переводе с французского название звучит как «чёрная шишка», поскольку небольшие плотные гроздья этого винограда по внешнему виду немного напоминают шишки. Термин «пино-нуар» также используется для обозначения типа сепажных вин, то есть вин, производимых из одного сорта винограда.
Источник: Википедия
Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе
Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!
Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.
Вопрос: дурра — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?
Синонимы к слову «пино-нуар»
Предложения со словом «пино-нуар»
- – Моё любимое пино-нуар. Для меня большая честь знакомство с вами, – призналась она с уместной долей восхищения.
- Через несколько лет его пино-нуар стало одним из лучших в регионе.
- Её мысли были заняты мужчиной, который сейчас разливал по бокалам пино-нуар.
- (все предложения)
Понятия, связанные со словом «пино-нуар»
Сотерн (Sauternes) — французское белое десертное вино, производимое в регионе Грав, Бордо. Его делают из винограда Семильон, Совиньон блан и Мускадель (или Мюскадель), подвергнутых естественному воздействию так называемой «благородной плесени» ботритис. Это приводит к частичному заизюмливанию ягод и, как следствие, к более концентрированным винам, с более выразительным ароматом.
Просе́кко (итал. Prosecco) — итальянское вино, сухое, игристое. Изготовляется из винограда сорта Глера (до 2009 года Просекко использовалось как синоним наименования сорта; согласно регламенту ЕС №1166/2009 сорт носит название Глера, а наименование Просекко может использоваться только в качестве названия вина), иногда с добавлением сортов Вердизо, Перера и Бьянкетта. Производится в 9 провинциях Италии в областях Фриули-Венеция-Джулия и Венеция.
Брют (др.-сканд. bryti) — в Скандинавии во времена переселения народов и эпохи викингов наименование трэлла, получавшего высокое положение в хозяйстве. Он обладал административными и контрольными функциями, осуществляли надсмотр за остальными трэллами и прочим хозяйством. Женским аналогом являлась дэжа.
Купа́ж (также купажи́рование; от фр. coupage) в алкогольной промышленности — смешивание в определённом соотношении различных видов алкогольного напитка для улучшения его качества, вывода нового сорта, обеспечения типичности напитка и выпуска однородных по органолептическим характеристикам партий. Наиболее часто применяется при производстве вина, коньяка, виски, рома и пива.
Ликёрное вино, также ликёр — в российской классификации вин сладкое крепленое вино, виноградное или плодово-ягодное, с содержанием сахара свыше 20-22 % и крепостью — 12-16 % объема. Содержание сахара может доходить до 35 гр. на 100 мл; по старой классификации М. А. Ховренко, к ликерным относились только вина содержащие свыше 30 гр. сахара на 100 мл. Ликерные вина могут рассматриваться как подвид десертных вин, по признаку содержания спирта, либо как отдельный тип крепленых вин, наряду с десертными…
- (все понятия)
Отправить комментарий
Смотрите также
– Моё любимое пино-нуар. Для меня большая честь знакомство с вами, – призналась она с уместной долей восхищения.
Через несколько лет его пино-нуар стало одним из лучших в регионе.
Её мысли были заняты мужчиной, который сейчас разливал по бокалам пино-нуар.
- (все предложения)
- вино из винограда
- голубые сыры
- винодельческое хозяйство
- апельсиновый ликёр
- горький апельсин
- (ещё синонимы…)