Плэйбой как пишется

Как правильно пишется слово «плейбой»


плейбо́й, -я

Источник: Орфографический
академический ресурс «Академос» Института русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова РАН (словарная база

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Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!

Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.

Вопрос: пичуга — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?

Ассоциации к слову «плейбой»

Синонимы к слову «плейбой»

Предложения со словом «плейбой»

  • И это при том, что внешне он должен был сохранять полнейшее спокойствие, разыгрывая роль состоятельного холостяка, эдакого стареющего плейбоя.
  • А на то, чтобы по полной программе раскрутить легенду о богатом плейбое, у него просто не было времени.
  • Скорее всего это было недолгое, но яркое увлечение потихоньку сдававшего одну позицию за другой завзятого плейбоя, которое не оставило заметного следа.
  • (все предложения)

Значение слова «плейбой»

  • 1. богатый молодой человек, ведущий разгульный образ жизни, живущий только в своё удовольствие (Викисловарь)

    Все значения слова ПЛЕЙБОЙ

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Скажите, пожалуйста, как правильно образовать прилагательное от слова «плейбой«:
плейбойское поведение или плейбоевское?
Спасибо за ответ

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

Верно: плейбойское поведение.

Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйст, правильно ли расставлены знаки препинания:
1.Так вот, вчера, по меркам Черного мира, и девять месяцев назад по земному времени мы с тобой провели генеральную репетицию.
2. Я не то что не знал, я даже не представлял…
И как правильно писать по-русски : журнал «Плей Бой» и Баба Яга?

Ответ справочной службы русского языка

1. Корректно: _Так вот, вчера, по меркам Черного мира, и девять месяцев назад, по земному времени, мы с тобой провели генеральную репетицию._ Обстоятельства выделяются для попутного пояснения. 2. Вы написали верно. Правильно: _журнал «Плейбой», Баба-яга_ (персонаж) и _баба-яга_ (злая старуха).

playboy — перевод на русский


OPAL: He’s not a playboy.

Он не плейбой.

Glib talker, ladies’ man, playboy. I could almost believe that he was my fourth husband, Mike.

Плейбой, ловелас, язык хорошо подвешен, я почти готова поверить, что это мой четвертый муж Майк.

So he’s not a playboy like some cornballs I could mention.

Я не буду говорить — кто. Плейбой?

A real playboy.

Настоящий плейбой.

He’s the most fascinating playboy, lover, sportsman.

Это самый обаятельный плейбой, любовник, спортсмен.

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A playboy who hasn’t had a day’s banking experience in his life.

Плэйбой и дня не провел в банковской сфере.

He’s probably a 60 year old playboy.

Он — шестидесятилетний плэйбой.

He’s a divine playboy, hurtling from party to party seducing everyone in all directions.

Он плэйбой, скачет по вечеринкам, совращает всех подряд.

-Looking at a Playboy.

— Смотрим Плэйбой.

Then who’s younger, Victoria or the playboy?

А кто младше, Виктория или плэйбой?

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Time magazine’s woman of the year or Playboy’s playmate of the year?

Женщину года из толстого журнала… Или красотку из плэйбоя?

Time magazine’s woman of the year or Playboy’s playmate of the year?

Женщину года из журнала или красотку из плэйбоя?

You do read it Disgusting Like Playboy, or whatever

Типа Плэйбоя, или что там ещё.

So I’m probably delivering you to some billionaire playboy… who purchased you off the Internet.

Чтобы оказаться в койке миллиардера— плэйбоя, купившего её через Интернет?

but I am getting a delicious millionaire playboy vibe here.

Ох, не знаю, как вы, ребята, но я улавливаю аромат восхитительного плэйбоя с кучей денег.

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People say he’s a playboy.

Говорят, он бабник

It’s because he drank too much and he pulled me into the room. Aren’t you a playboy!

Он был слишком пьян, поэтому потащил меня туда… ну ты и бабник.

Who cares if he’s a nutjob or if he’s a playboy?

Кому какое дело — чокнутый или бабник?

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This way, playboy.

Сюда, повеса.

Academy graduate, single playboy, jock, part of the DC social scene.

Выпускник академии, холостой повеса, спортсмен, светский парень.

Aren’t you the playboy.

Да ты повеса.

Of course, they say he’s a bit of a playboy.

Хотя говорят, что он повеса.

And he was a total playboy.

Был настоящим повесой.

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It’s like you’re living in the Playboy Mansion.

Ты будто живёшь в особняке Плейбоя.

Softer than Liberace at the Playboy Mansion.

Мягче, чем Либераче в особняке Плейбоя.

That bird on reception belongs in the Playboy mansion, not answering calls for you bunch of knob-heads.

Эта пташка с ресепшена должна быть в особняке Плейбоя, а не отвечать за тебя на звонки всяких идиотов.

You said you spent New Year’s Eve at the Playboy Mansion.

А еще говорил, что встретил Новый год в особняке Плейбоя.

This is not the Playboy Mansion, you know.

Здесь тебе не особняк Плейбоя, знаешь ли.

Показать ещё примеры для «в особняке плейбоя»…

Big O, big ups and congratulations, playboy player.

Красавчик… на вершине славы.

Hey, look here, playboy. I heard you out here, all scraping up some serious paper.

Слушай, красавчик, говорят, ты до фигища капусты срубил.

Which one are you, playboy?

Вот ты, красавчик, кто будешь?

I see you, playboy.

Ну, ты красавчик.

Seems like you made the wrong turn somewhere, playboy.

— Ты, красавчик, адресом не ошибся?

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Yeah, that’s right, playboy, walk.

Да, вот так, плейбой, гуляй.




Cleve, please, we’re busy lookin ‘at Playboy.

Клив, пожалуйста, мы смотрим плэйбой.






Yeah, that’s right, playboy, walk.

Да, вот так, плейбой, гуляй.



(Текстильная промышленность)

This is a Braille edition of Playboy magazine.

Это выпуск журнала Playboy для слепых.



Yeah, that’s right, playboy, walk.
Да, вот так, плейбой, гуляй.

Cleve, please, we’re busy lookin ‘at Playboy.
Клив, пожалуйста, мы смотрим плэйбой.

This is a Braille edition of Playboy magazine.
Это выпуск журнала Playboy для слепых.

I know you posed for Playboy on satin.
Я знаю, для «Плейбоя» ты снималась на атласных.

Grew up rich, family comes from old money, successful, educated, white males living a playboy lifestyle.
Вырос в достатке, семья жила за счет старых денег, успешный, образованный, белый мужчина живущий жизнью плэйбоя.


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  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > playboy

  • 2

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > playboy

  • 3

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > playboy

  • 4

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Playboy

  • 5


    playboy повеса, прожигатель жизни

    English-Russian short dictionary > playboy

  • 6



    плейбой, повеса, бездельник, прожигатель жизни

    2. молодой актёр

    3. ненадёжный, безответственный человек

    НБАРС > playboy

  • 7

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Playboy

  • 8

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > playboy

  • 9


    бражник, гуляка, кутила

    повеса, плейбой, бабник


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > playboy

  • 10

    (n) бездельник; безответственный человек; молодой актер; плейбой; повеса; прожигатель жизни

    * * *

    1) бражник, гуляка, кутила 2) плейбой, бабник

    * * *

    журнал «Плейбой»; плейбой, повеса, прожигатель жизни

    * * *

    1) бражник
    2) плейбой
    3) брит. сленг «плейбой»

    Новый англо-русский словарь > playboy

  • 11

    «Плейбой», журнал для мужчин. Известен прежде всего фотографиями полуобнажённых женщин и статьями на тему секса, хотя публикует и серьёзные статьи. Издаётся с 1953

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > ‘Playboy’

  • 12

    плейбой, прожигатель жизни, богатый повеса, живущий в своё удовольствие. Сфера интересов — спортивные автомобили и красивые женщины

    США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь > playboy

  • 13

    English-Russian media dictionary > Playboy

  • 14

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > playboy

  • 15



    1) гуляка, кутила


    2) повеса, плейбой, бабник

    Come on, mate, give it a try. I got good pills, those Amsterdam Playboys. The best ever. (I. Welsh, Lorraine goes to Livingston) — Ну, приятель, давай попробуем. У меня есть хорошие таблетки — «Плейбойчики» из Амстердама. Самые клёвые.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > playboy

  • 16

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > playboy

  • 17

    1. n разг. плейбой, повеса, бездельник, прожигатель жизни

    2. n молодой актёр

    3. n ненадёжный, безответственный человек

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. hired lover (noun) escort; gigolo; hired lover; lover; male stripper; paid companion; paramour; pimp

    2. spendthrift (noun) carouser; prodigal; profligate; spendthrift; wastrel

    English-Russian base dictionary > playboy

  • 18

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > playboy

  • 19

    Conversation vocabulary and slang. English-Russian dictionary > playboy

  • 20
    Playboy Enterprises, Inc.

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Playboy Enterprises, Inc.


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • Playboy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el canal de televisión, véase Playboy TV. Playboy es una revista de entretenimiento para adultos fundada en 1953 por Hugh Hefner, que ha crecido en Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Playboy es una de las marcas más… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Playboy — Логотип журнала «Playboy» Специализация: Мужской журнал …   Википедия

  • Playboy — bezeichnet: Playboy (Person), ein Begriff für einen Lebenskünstler Playboy (Magazin), ein US amerikanisches Männermagazin Playboy, ein Roman von Armin Kratzert Musik: Playboys (Band), eine britische Rock ’n’ Roll Band (1958–1961) Playboys (The… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Playboy UK — is based in West London, England. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Playboy Enterprises, Inc.Playboy UK covers several areas of broadcast, with Television (See Playboy TV,Playboy One for more details) and Online (Playboy.co.uk) being the main… …   Wikipedia

  • Playboy TV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Playboy TV es un canal estadounidense de pago de televisión por cable/satélite disponible en varios países, basado en la revista erótica del mimo nombre. Transmite las 24 horas del día con contenido variado erótico.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Playboy TV — Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Playboy — Sm erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. playboy junger Mann, der nur ans Spielen (d.h. an sein Vergnügen, vor allem erotischer Art) denkt . Zu ne. play spielen und ne. boy Junge .    Ebenso nndl. playboy, ne. playboy …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • Playboy TV — es un canal estadounidense de pago de televisión por cable/satelitar disponible en el varios países, basado en la revista pornográfica del mismo nombre. El contenido en Playboy TV solo se emite porno llamado light, es decir contenido suave… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Playboy — Playboy: Die Bezeichnung für einen ‹wirtschaftlich unabhängigen› Mann, der vor allem seinem Vergnügen lebt, wurde im 20. Jh. aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. playboy entlehnt. Das engl. amerik. Wort bedeutet eigentlich etwa »Spieljunge«; es gehört zu …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • playboy — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. plejboj] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}rz. mos V, lm M. e, D. ów {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} z lekceważeniem, obraźliwie: bogaty mężczyzna, chłopak szukający w życiu zabawy i przyjemności, głównie seksualnych : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Nie bądź …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • playboy — / pleibɔi/, it. /plei bɔi/ s. ingl. [comp. di (to ) play divertirsi e boy ragazzo ], usato in ital. al masch. 1. [uomo affascinante, generalm. ricco, che fa vita mondana accompagnandosi a belle donne] ▶◀ (fam.) vitaiolo, viveur. 2. (estens.) [chi …   Enciclopedia Italiana

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «плейбой» на английский


Он миллиардер, гений, бывший плейбой и филантроп.

He was a billionaire, genius, former playboy, and philanthropist.

Ладно, плейбой, я понял.

All right playboy, you got that one.

Ты бы на дорогу лучше смотрел, плейбой.

You might want to keep your eyes on the road, playboy.

Это самый обаятельный плейбой, любовник, спортсмен.

He’s the most fascinating playboy, lover, sportsman.

Ты плейбой, который не стоит преследования.

You, you playboy, aren’t worth stalking.

Просто он не такой плейбой, как некоторые.

So he’s not a playboy like some cornballs I could mention.

Это тебе больше не понадобится, плейбой.

You won’t be needing this no more, playboy.

Среди приглашенных — неуравновешенный медик, взбудораженный предприниматель, беспечный плейбой и таинственная гувернантка.

Among the guests is an unstable doctor, an anxious businessman, an irresponsible playboy, and a governess with a secret.

Он начал выглядеть как плейбой и вести жизнь рок-звезды, покупая роскошные вещи и организовывая дикие вечеринки.

He had the looks of a playboy and led the life of a rock star, buying luxury stuff and throwing wild parties.

Прасил это охотник за наживой, миллионер плейбой, с огромным орудием.

Pradeep’s a bounty hunter, millionaire playboy with a massive unit.

Это — все хорошо, плейбой.

Его сын — известный плейбой, и, кажется, он всех пригласил только ради тебя.

You know, his son’s a notorious playboy, and I think he’s asked everyone just to get you there.

Я не знал, что плейбой был одним из вас.

I didn’t know the playboy was one of you…

Гений, миллиардер, плейбой, филантроп.

Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

По-моему, вот этот — плейбой.

I think that one is the playboy.

Влюбленная девушка, обеспокоенный брат и бессердечный и развратный плейбой — это довольно отвратительная мыльная опера.

An infatuated woman, a worried brother, and a heartless and dissolute playboy; this is quite the detestable soap opera.

Его новый имидж… плейбой, спокойный, приветливый, уверенный…

His new persona… the playboy, calm, affable, confident…

Некоторые фанаты давно предполагали, что самый известный в мире вымышленный плейбой может связать себя узами брака в следующей части.

Some fans have guessed that the world’s most famous fictitious playboy could tie the knot in the next installment.

Молодой плейбой, который учится у него есть один месяц, пока он не становится бесплодным устанавливает рожать как можно больше.

A young playboy who learns he has one month until he becomes infertile sets out to procreate as much as possible…

Он немного плейбой, но не настолько, чтобы приставать к 13-летним девочкам.

He is a bit of a playboy but would not get involved with 13-year-old girls.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Oh, Donna.

Did you buy Playboy for me?

No, they’re college brochures.

О, Донна.

Ты купила мне Плейбой?

Нет, это брошюры из колледжа.

He from Eastside, went to Dunbar.

What’s up, playboy?

How come you wearing that suit?

Он из Истсайда, в Данбаре учится.

В чем дело, плейбой?

Чего это ты костюм нацепил?

Wow, that is serious.

Playboy voted Fiesta de las Margaritas…

Latin America’s number one singles party.

Точно серьезное.

Плейбой поставил фестиваль «Маргарита»

на первое место среди холостяцких тусовок во всей Латинской Америке.

It’ll be okay.

You used to be a playboy, right?


Всё будет хорошо.

Ты раньше был плейбоем, да?

Да никогда!

No sister of mine is gonna be taken in by any cheap, chiselling, tinhorn, playboy like…

OPAL: He’s not a playboy.

You know it.

Моя сестра не будет встречаться с дешевкой, лгуном, хвастуном, плейбоем…

Он не плейбой.

Ты знаешь.

You’re supposed to be my brother not a watchdog.

No sister of mine is gonna be taken in by any cheap, chiselling, tinhorn, playboy like…

OPAL: He’s not a playboy.

Тебе полагается быть моим братом, а не сторожевым псом.

Моя сестра не будет встречаться с дешевкой, лгуном, хвастуном, плейбоем…

Он не плейбой.

I know him.

I’ve become a playboy.

Hey, gangsters, listen to this…

Этого я знаю.

Пришел плейбой.

Бандюги, у меня для вас новость:

Pizza box.

Oh, a subscription to «Playboy.» My kind of woman.

That’s my roommate’s.

Коробка из-под пиццы.

О, и подписка на Р_BAR_ауbоу. Люблю таких женщин.

Это моего соседа.

— It’s a foil.

I’m guessing it’s a gift from our favourite millionaire playboy.

He’s thinking of moving back to Metropolis.

-Это рапира.

Я так полагаю, это подарок от нашего любимого плэйбоя-миллионера.

Он подумывает о возвращении в Метрополис.

«Tho» long, «thuckerth!»

It’s like Playboy… but girls look at it.

I know.

«До фвстфречи, лофары!»

Это как «Плебой», только девчонки его рассматривают.



Yeah, that’s right, playboy, walk.

Go on, man!


Да, вот так, плейбой, гуляй.

Дуй отсюда, чувак!

And let them drop, let them drop.

18 years, a little Playboy.

Look at that.

Свободнее, свободнее.

18 лет, немного «Плейбоя». Надо всё планировать.

Посмотри на неё.

— I will do with it what I will.

You know, I might even send this in to Playboy.

I hear their layouts can be quite tasteful.

— Я сделаю с ней все, что захочу. — Балда.

Я даже могу отослать ее в Плейбой.

Говорят, у них там есть очень аппетитные картинки.

You all right?

You might want to keep your eyes on the road, playboy.

— You think we’re gonna crash?

Все в порядке?

Ты бы на дорогу лучше смотрел, плейбой.

— Думаешь, мы куда-нибудь врежемся?

Are you crazy?

What are you doing with this playboy?

I’d rather be with a playboy who knows how to love me, than a kid like you who doesn’t even know what love is.

Ты что, совсем тронулась?

Зачем тебе этот плейбой?

Я лучше предпочту быть с плейбоем, который знает, как любить меня, чем с мальчишкой, который не имеет даже представления, что такое любовь.

God, he’s so loud.

So he’s admitting he’s a playboy?

Is he retarded or what?

Боже, как же он громко кричит.

Так он признает, что он плейбой?

Он дурак, что ли?

Isn’t it…more dangerous?

Though I look like a playboy, I’m a good bloke.

Look at my face…

А разве это… менее опасно?

Может я и похож на плейбоя, но меня не надо бояться.

Посмотри на меня…

You know who should do a swimsuit issue?


Why would you put clothes on a centerfold?

Знаешь, кто должен выпустить приложение с купальниками?


И зачем печатать одетых на самом развороте?

The double fail stands.

Aren’t you the guy… that got caught in the school shower with the lotion and the Playboy?

Pass, pass.

Двойная ошибка, я сказал.

Секундочку, а ты не тот парень, которого застукали в школьном душе с лосьоном и «Плейбоем»?

Комиссия пройдена.

Now, I am supposed to be many things which are not complimentary.

I have been called a playboy.

I’ve even been called an eccentric but I do not believe that I have the reputation of being a liar.

Я знаю, что обо мне говорят кучу нелицеприятного.

Говорят, я непостоянен, меня называют плейбоем.

Меня считают эксцентричным, но не думаю, что у меня репутация вора и лжеца.

What does he do?

Sort of a playboy.

Where did you get this?

— Чем он занимается?

Боюсь, ничем особенным, он плейбой.

А откуда у тебя это?

Glib talker, ladies’ man, playboy. I could almost believe that he was my fourth husband, Mike.

He was a playboy too.

Coffee, Mrs. Stroud?

Плейбой, ловелас, язык хорошо подвешен, я почти готова поверить, что это мой четвертый муж Майк.

Он тоже был плейбоем.

— Хотите кофе, миссис Страуд?

A slippery character, Mr. Randolph.

Glib talker, ladies’ man, playboy. I could almost believe that he was my fourth husband, Mike.

He was a playboy too.

Окользкий тип этот Рэндольф.

Плейбой, ловелас, язык хорошо подвешен, я почти готова поверить, что это мой четвертый муж Майк.

Он тоже был плейбоем.

He’s not quiet like you.

People say he’s a playboy.


Он совсем не такой как вы

Говорят, он бабник


Live without a little social life.

So he’s not a playboy like some cornballs I could mention.


Просто он не такой плейбой, как некоторые.

Я не буду говорить — кто. Плейбой?

Да он натуральный человек невидимка.

I’ll have to sleep elsewhere

You playboy

So he acts the young man at balls

Мне придется прикорнуть где попало.

Ах ты, гуляка!

Значит, он изображает молодого человека на маскарадах?

So he’s not a playboy like some cornballs I could mention.


He’s the original Invisible Man! You never see him anywhere.

Я не буду говорить — кто. Плейбой?

Да он натуральный человек невидимка.

Его нельзя встретить в обычных местах: отелях, ресторанах, ночных клубах.

Look out!

Georges killed Evan famous journalistic activist found dead in the bar playboy!

— What happened?


«УБИТ ЖОРЖ ИВЭН» Известный журналист-активист найден мёртвым в баре «Плейбой!

— Что случилось?

My fiancee.

She works in Playboy.

We’re getting married.

Моей невестой.

Она работает в «Плейбое».

Мы собираемся пожениться.

Ladies. And gentlemen!

Playboy on stage.

We bring you the electric chair!

Дамы… и господа!

Сегодня, впервые… в истории… на сцене «Плейбоя»… мы представляем вам…

электрический стул!

Показать еще

Морфемный разбор слова:

Однокоренные слова к слову:


1 плейбой

2 плейбой

3 плейбой

4 плейбой

5 плейбой

См. также в других словарях:

ПЛЕЙБОЙ — [англ. playboy Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

плейбой — повеса Словарь русских синонимов. плейбой сущ., кол во синонимов: 9 • бабник (63) • гуляка … Словарь синонимов

Плейбой — Playboy Обложка первого журнала «Playboy» Специализация: Мужской журнал Периодичность выхода: Ежемесячно Язык: Многоязычный Главный редактор: Хью Хефнер Издатель (страна) … Википедия

плейбой — плейб ой, я … Русский орфографический словарь

плейбой — (2 м); мн. плейбо/и, Р. плейбо/ев … Орфографический словарь русского языка

плейбой — я, ч. Багата молода людина, яка проводить час у насолодах … Український тлумачний словник

плейбой — я; м. [англ. playboy] Богатый молодой человек, ведущий разгульный образ жизни, живущий только в своё удовольствие. ◁ Плейбоский, ая, ое. П ие забавы … Энциклопедический словарь

плейбой — я; м. (англ. playboy) см. тж. плейбоский Богатый молодой человек, ведущий разгульный образ жизни, живущий только в своё удовольствие … Словарь многих выражений

плейбой — іменник чоловічого роду гуляка … Орфографічний словник української мови

плейбой — [4/1] название таблетки наркотика экстази, происходящее из за изображения вытисненного на таблетке. Жаргон наркоманов … Cловарь современной лексики, жаргона и сленга


Как пишется плейбой по английски

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Смотрите перевод слов и устойчивых выражений, транскрипцию и произношение в онлайн cловаре. Словари PROMT для английского, немецкого, французского, русского, испанского, итальянского и португальского языков включают миллионы слов и словосочетаний, самую современную разговорную лексику, которая постоянно отслеживается и пополняется нашими лингвистами.

Изучайте времена и формы глаголов в английском, немецком, испанском, французском и русском языках в разделе Спряжение и склонение. Учите употребление слов и выражений в разных Контекстах. Мы собрали для вас миллионы примеров перевода на разные языки, которые помогут вам в изучении иностранных языков и подготовке домашних заданий.



1 playboy

2 playboy

3 Playboy

4 playboy

5 playboy

6 playboy

7 Playboy

8 playboy

9 playboy

10 playboy

11 ‘Playboy’

12 playboy

13 Playboy

14 playboy

15 playboy

16 playboy

17 playboy

18 playboy

19 playboy

См. также в других словарях:

Playboy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el canal de televisión, véase Playboy TV. Playboy es una revista de entretenimiento para adultos fundada en 1953 por Hugh Hefner, que ha crecido en Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Playboy es una de las marcas más… … Wikipedia Español

Playboy — Логотип журнала «Playboy» Специализация: Мужской журнал … Википедия

Playboy — bezeichnet: Playboy (Person), ein Begriff für einen Lebenskünstler Playboy (Magazin), ein US amerikanisches Männermagazin Playboy, ein Roman von Armin Kratzert Musik: Playboys (Band), eine britische Rock ’n’ Roll Band (1958–1961) Playboys (The… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Playboy UK — is based in West London, England. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Playboy Enterprises, Inc.Playboy UK covers several areas of broadcast, with Television (See Playboy TV,Playboy One for more details) and Online (Playboy.co.uk) being the main… … Wikipedia

Playboy TV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Playboy TV es un canal estadounidense de pago de televisión por cable/satélite disponible en varios países, basado en la revista erótica del mimo nombre. Transmite las 24 horas del día con contenido variado erótico.… … Wikipedia Español

Playboy TV — Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang … Deutsch Wikipedia

Playboy — Playboy: Die Bezeichnung für einen ‹wirtschaftlich unabhängigen› Mann, der vor allem seinem Vergnügen lebt, wurde im 20. Jh. aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. playboy entlehnt. Das engl. amerik. Wort bedeutet eigentlich etwa »Spieljunge«; es gehört zu … Das Herkunftswörterbuch

playboy — <><>[wym. plejboj] <><>rz. mos V, lm M. e, D. ów <><> z lekceważeniem, obraźliwie: bogaty mężczyzna, chłopak szukający w życiu zabawy i przyjemności, głównie seksualnych : <><>Nie bądź … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

playboy — / pleibɔi/, it. /plei bɔi/ s. ingl. [comp. di (to ) play divertirsi e boy ragazzo ], usato in ital. al masch. 1. [uomo affascinante, generalm. ricco, che fa vita mondana accompagnandosi a belle donne] ▶◀ (fam.) vitaiolo, viveur. 2. (estens.) [chi … Enciclopedia Italiana



1 playboy

2 playboy

3 cake-eater

4 womanizer

5 play-boy

6 playboy

7 centerfold

8 Hefner, Hugh Marston

9 Playboy

10 Playboy bunny

11 Playboy Enterprises, Inc.

12 Playboy playmate

13 playboy

14 Hefner, Hugh

15 ‘Playboy’

16 playboy

17 bunny

18 tough cat

19 playboy

20 playboy

См. также в других словарях:

ПЛЕЙБОЙ — [англ. playboy Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

плейбой — повеса Словарь русских синонимов. плейбой сущ., кол во синонимов: 9 • бабник (63) • гуляка … Словарь синонимов

Плейбой — Playboy Обложка первого журнала «Playboy» Специализация: Мужской журнал Периодичность выхода: Ежемесячно Язык: Многоязычный Главный редактор: Хью Хефнер Издатель (страна) … Википедия

плейбой — плейб ой, я … Русский орфографический словарь

плейбой — (2 м); мн. плейбо/и, Р. плейбо/ев … Орфографический словарь русского языка

плейбой — я, ч. Багата молода людина, яка проводить час у насолодах … Український тлумачний словник

плейбой — я; м. [англ. playboy] Богатый молодой человек, ведущий разгульный образ жизни, живущий только в своё удовольствие. ◁ Плейбоский, ая, ое. П ие забавы … Энциклопедический словарь

плейбой — я; м. (англ. playboy) см. тж. плейбоский Богатый молодой человек, ведущий разгульный образ жизни, живущий только в своё удовольствие … Словарь многих выражений

плейбой — іменник чоловічого роду гуляка … Орфографічний словник української мови

плейбой — [4/1] название таблетки наркотика экстази, происходящее из за изображения вытисненного на таблетке. Жаргон наркоманов … Cловарь современной лексики, жаргона и сленга



1 playboy

2 Playboy

3 playboy

4 playboy

5 playboy

6 playboy

yks.nom. playboy; yks.gen. playboyn; yks.part. playboyta; yks.ill. playboyhyn; mon.gen. playboyiden; mon.part. playboyita; mon.ill. playboyihinplayboy «шалун», плейбой, повеса

«шалун», плейбой, повеса

7 playboy

8 Playboy

9 playboy

10 playboy

11 Playboy

12 playboy

13 playboy

14 Playboy

15 playboy

16 Playboy

17 playboy

18 playboy

19 Playboy

20 playboy

См. также в других словарях:

Playboy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Para el canal de televisión, véase Playboy TV. Playboy es una revista de entretenimiento para adultos fundada en 1953 por Hugh Hefner, que ha crecido en Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Playboy es una de las marcas más… … Wikipedia Español

Playboy — Логотип журнала «Playboy» Специализация: Мужской журнал … Википедия

Playboy — bezeichnet: Playboy (Person), ein Begriff für einen Lebenskünstler Playboy (Magazin), ein US amerikanisches Männermagazin Playboy, ein Roman von Armin Kratzert Musik: Playboys (Band), eine britische Rock ’n’ Roll Band (1958–1961) Playboys (The… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Playboy UK — is based in West London, England. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Playboy Enterprises, Inc.Playboy UK covers several areas of broadcast, with Television (See Playboy TV,Playboy One for more details) and Online (Playboy.co.uk) being the main… … Wikipedia

Playboy TV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Playboy TV es un canal estadounidense de pago de televisión por cable/satélite disponible en varios países, basado en la revista erótica del mimo nombre. Transmite las 24 horas del día con contenido variado erótico.… … Wikipedia Español

Playboy TV — Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang … Deutsch Wikipedia

Playboy — Playboy: Die Bezeichnung für einen ‹wirtschaftlich unabhängigen› Mann, der vor allem seinem Vergnügen lebt, wurde im 20. Jh. aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. playboy entlehnt. Das engl. amerik. Wort bedeutet eigentlich etwa »Spieljunge«; es gehört zu … Das Herkunftswörterbuch

playboy — <><>[wym. plejboj] <><>rz. mos V, lm M. e, D. ów <><> z lekceważeniem, obraźliwie: bogaty mężczyzna, chłopak szukający w życiu zabawy i przyjemności, głównie seksualnych : <><>Nie bądź … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

playboy — / pleibɔi/, it. /plei bɔi/ s. ingl. [comp. di (to ) play divertirsi e boy ragazzo ], usato in ital. al masch. 1. [uomo affascinante, generalm. ricco, che fa vita mondana accompagnandosi a belle donne] ▶◀ (fam.) vitaiolo, viveur. 2. (estens.) [chi … Enciclopedia Italiana


Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется плейбой по английски, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется плейбой по английски», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.

Смотреть что такое PLAYBOY в других словарях:


[`pleɪbɔɪ]бражник, гуляка, кутилаповеса, плейбой, бабник«плейбой»


Playboy: übersetzungSalonlöwe (umgangssprachlich); Lebemann
* * *Play|boy [‘ple:bɔy̮], der; -s, -s:[jüngerer] Mann, der aufgrund seiner wirtschaftliche… смотреть


playboy: translationSynonyms and related words:Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, Romeo, bon vivant, carouser, clubman, clubwoman, contestant, cutup, debauc… смотреть


сущ. 1) бражник, гуляка, кутила Syn: reveller, flaneur 2) повеса, плейбой, бабник 3) брит. сл. «плейбой» (таблетка экстази с изображением логотипа журнала Playboy — забавным зайчиком) Come on, mate, give it a try. I got good pills, those Amsterdam Playboys. The best ever. — Ну, приятель, давай попробуем. У меня есть хорошие таблетки — Плейбойчики из Амстердама — самые клевые. (I.Welsh, «Lorraine goes to Livingston») Syn: pill, acid, ecstasy, MDMA… смотреть


сущ. 1) бражник, гуляка, кутила Syn: reveller, flaneur 2) повеса, плейбой, бабник 3) брит. сл. «плейбой» (таблетка экстази с изображением логотипа журнала Playboy — забавным зайчиком) Come on, mate, give it a try. I got good pills, those Amsterdam Playboys. The best ever. — Ну, приятель, давай попробуем. У меня есть хорошие таблетки — Плейбойчики из Амстердама — самые клевые. (I.Welsh, «Lorraine goes to Livingston») Syn: pill, acid, ecstasy, MDMA… смотреть


play-boy: übersetzungplay-boy
play-boy [plεbɔj] &LT;play-boys&GT; Substantif masculin
Playboy masculin


• Bunny empire • Certain pleasure-seeker • Hefner’s magazine & ’20s Jordan model • Hugh Hefner’s magazine • Mack • Magazine since 1953 • Magazine that… смотреть


{ʹpleıbɔı} n 1. разг. плейбой, повеса, бездельник, прожигатель жизни 2. молодой актёр 3. ненадёжный, безответственный человек


[ʹpleıbɔı] n1. разг. плейбой, повеса, бездельник, прожигатель жизни2. молодой актёр3. ненадёжный, безответственный человек


{plɛbɔj}m (pl ø + s) плейбой; молодой богатый повеса; прожигатель жизни; соблазнитель


Rzeczownik playboy m плейбой m


m (pl ø + s)плейбой; молодой богатый повеса; прожигатель жизни; соблазнитель


n1) амер. гульвіса2) ірл. штукар3) розм. стиляга


playboy [ʹpleıbɔı] n 1. разг. плейбой, повеса, бездельник, прожигатель жизни 2. молодой актёр 3. ненадёжный, безответственный человек


Playboy {‘ple:»bC} m -s, -s плейбой


англ. m -s, -sплейбой, плэйбой, прожигатель жизни


n 1) амер. розм. гульвіса, гультяй; 2) амер. молодий актор; 3) ненадійна, безвідповідальна людина; 4) розм. стиляга.


{pl’ej:båj}1. плейбой, светский лев


(n) бездельник; безответственный человек; молодой актер; плейбой; повеса; прожигатель жизни


m англ.
плейбой, повеса; волокита, донжуан
Итальяно-русский словарь.2003.


n. журнал «Плейбой»; плейбой, повеса, прожигатель жизни


play-boy noun повеса, прожигатель жизни


(sl) волокита, «плей-бой» ср. playgirl


Слова русского языка,
поиск и разбор слов онлайн


Правильно слово пишется: плейбой

Всего в слове 7 букв, 2 гласных, 5 согласных, 2 слога.
Гласные: е, о;
Согласные: п, л, й, б, й.

Номера букв в слове

Номера букв в слове «плейбой» в прямом и обратном порядке:

  • 7
  • 6
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1

Разбор по составу

Разбор по составу (морфемный разбор) слова плейбой делается следующим образом:
Морфемы слова: плейбой — корень, нулевое окончание, плейбой — основа слова.


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. плейбо́й плейбо́и
Р. плейбо́я плейбо́ев
Д. плейбо́ю плейбо́ям
В. плейбо́я плейбо́ев
Тв. плейбо́ем плейбо́ями
Пр. плейбо́е плейбо́ях


Существительное, одушевлённое, мужской род, 2-е склонение (тип склонения 6a по классификации А. А. Зализняка).

Корень: -плейбой- [Тихонов, 1996].


  • МФА: [pɫɛɪ̯ˈboɪ̯]

Семантические свойства


  1. богатый молодой человек, ведущий разгульный образ жизни, живущий только в своё удовольствие ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).


  1. ловелас, повеса


  1. ?


  1. мужчина


Родственные слова

Ближайшее родство


Происходит от англ. playboy «гуляка, повеса, бабник», из play + boy. Англ. playboy — с 1829 г. Использованы материалы Online Etymology Dictionary Дугласа Харпера. См. Список литературы.

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания


Список переводов
  • Английскийen: playboy


  • Новые слова и значения. Словарь-справочник по материалам прессы и литературы 60-х годов / Под редакцией Н. З. Котеловой и Ю. С. Сорокина. — М. : Советская энциклопедия, 1971.

CEO Ben Kohn
Categories Men’s magazines
Frequency Monthly (1953–2016)
Bimonthly (2017–2018)
Quarterly (2019–2020)
Online (since 2020)
Publisher PLBY Group
Total circulation
400,000 (December 2017)[1]
Founder Hugh Hefner
Founded 1953[2]
First issue December 1, 1953
Final issue March 17, 2020 (print)
Country United States
Based in Beverly Hills, California
Language English
Website Official website Edit this at Wikidata
ISSN 0032-1478

Playboy is an American men’s lifestyle and entertainment magazine, formerly in print and currently online. It was founded in Chicago in 1953, by Hugh Hefner and his associates, and funded in part by a $1,000 loan from Hefner’s mother.[3]

Known for its centerfolds of nude and semi-nude[4] models (Playmates), Playboy played an important role in the sexual revolution[5] and remains one of the world’s best-known brands, having grown into Playboy Enterprises, Inc. (PEI), with a presence in nearly every medium.[6] In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide, including those by licensees, such as Dirk Steenekamp’s DHS Media Group.[7][8][9][11]

The magazine has a long history of publishing short stories by novelists such as Arthur C. Clarke,[12] Ian Fleming,[12] Vladimir Nabokov,[13] Saul Bellow, Chuck Palahniuk, P. G. Wodehouse,[12] Roald Dahl,[14] Haruki Murakami, and Margaret Atwood.[12] With a regular display of full-page color cartoons, it became a showcase for cartoonists such as Harvey Kurtzman, Jack Cole,[15] Eldon Dedini,[16] Jules Feiffer,[17] Shel Silverstein,[18] Erich Sokol,[12] Roy Raymonde,[19] Gahan Wilson, and Rowland B. Wilson.[20]

Playboy features monthly interviews of public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes, and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance, although it often interviews conservative celebrities.[21]

After a year-long removal of most nude photos in Playboy magazine, the March–April 2017 issue brought back nudity.[22]

Publication history


By spring 1953, Hugh Hefner—a 1949 University of Illinois psychology graduate who had worked in Chicago for Esquire magazine writing promotional copy; Publisher’s Development Corporation in sales and marketing; and Children’s Activities magazine as circulation promotions manager[23]—had planned out the elements of his own magazine, that he would call Stag Party.[24] He formed HMH Publishing Corporation, and recruited his friend Eldon Sellers to find investors.[24] Hefner eventually raised just over $8,000, including from his brother and mother.[25] However, the publisher of an unrelated men’s adventure magazine, Stag, contacted Hefner and informed him it would file suit to protect their trademark if he were to launch his magazine with that name.[23][26] Hefner, his wife Millie, and Sellers met to seek a new name, considering «Top Hat», «Gentleman», «Sir'», «Satyr», «Pan» and «Bachelor» before Sellers suggested «Playboy».[26][27]

The first issue, in December 1953, was undated, as Hefner was unsure there would be a second. He produced it in his Hyde Park kitchen. The first centerfold was Marilyn Monroe, although the picture used originally was taken for a calendar rather than for Playboy.[28] Hefner chose what he deemed the «sexiest» image, a previously unused nude study of Marilyn stretched with an upraised arm on a red velvet background with closed eyes and mouth open.[29] The heavy promotion centered around Marilyn’s nudity on the already-famous calendar, together with the teasers in marketing, made the new Playboy magazine a success.[30][31]
The first issue sold out in weeks. Known circulation was 53,991.[32] The cover price was 50¢. Copies of the first issue in mint to near-mint condition sold for over $5,000 in 2002.[33]

The novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, was published in 1953 and serialized in the March, April and May 1954 issues of Playboy.[34]

An urban legend started about Hefner and the Playmate of the Month because of markings on the front covers of the magazine. From 1955 to 1979 (except for a six-month gap in 1976), the «P» in Playboy had stars printed in or around the letter. Urban legend stated that this was either a rating that Hefner gave to the Playmate according to how attractive she was, the number of times that Hefner had slept with her, or how good she was in bed. In actuality, stars, between zero and 12 indicated the domestic or international advertising region for that printing.[35]


The Editorial Board of Playboy in 1970. Back, left to right: Robie Macauley, Nat Lehrman, Richard M. Koff, Murray Fisher, Arthur Kretchmer; front: Sheldon Wax, Auguste Comte Spectorsky, Jack Kessie.

In the 1960s, the magazine added «The Playboy Philosophy» column. Early topics included LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, censorship, and the First Amendment.[36] Playboy was an early proponent of cannabis reform and provided founding support to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in 1970.[37]

From 1966 to 1976, Robie Macauley was the fiction editor at Playboy. During this period the magazine published fiction by Saul Bellow, Seán Ó Faoláin, John Updike, James Dickey, John Cheever, Doris Lessing, Joyce Carol Oates, Vladimir Nabokov, Michael Crichton, John le Carré, Irwin Shaw, Jean Shepherd, Arthur Koestler, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bernard Malamud, John Irving, Anne Sexton, Nadine Gordimer, Kurt Vonnegut and J. P. Donleavy, as well as poetry by Yevgeny Yevtushenko.[38]

In 1968, at the feminist Miss America protest, symbolically feminine products were thrown into a «Freedom Trash Can». These included copies of Playboy and Cosmopolitan magazines.[39] One of the key pamphlets produced by the protesters was «No More Miss America!», by Robin Morgan, which listed 10 characteristics of the Miss America pageant that the authors believed degraded women;[40] it compared the pageant to Playboys centerfold as sisters under the skin, describing this as «The Unbeatable Madonna–Whore Combination».[41]

Macauley contributed all of the popular Ribald Classics series published between January 1978 and March 1984.[citation needed]

After reaching its peak in the 1970s, Playboy saw a decline in circulation and cultural relevance due to competition in the field it founded—first from Penthouse, then from Oui (which was published as a spin-off of Playboy) and Gallery in the 1970s; later from pornographic videos; and more recently from lad mags such as Maxim, FHM, and Stuff. In response, Playboy attempted to re-assert its hold on the 18–35-year-old male demographic through slight changes to content and focusing on issues and personalities more appropriate to its audience—such as hip-hop artists being featured in the «Playboy Interview».[42]

Christie Hefner, daughter of founder Hugh Hefner, joined Playboy in 1975 and became head of the company in 1988. She announced in December 2008 that she would be stepping down from leading the company, effective in January 2009, and said that the election of Barack Obama as the next President had inspired her to give more time to charitable work, and that the decision to step down was her own. «Just as this country is embracing change in the form of new leadership, I have decided that now is the time to make changes in my own life as well», she said.[43] Hefner was succeeded by company director and media veteran Jerome H. Kern as interim CEO, who was in turn succeeded by publisher Scott Flanders.[44][45]


The magazine celebrated its 50th anniversary with the January 2004 issue. Celebrations were held at Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, and Moscow during the year to commemorate this event. Playboy also launched limited-edition products designed by fashion houses such as Versace, Vivienne Westwood and Sean John. As a homage to the magazine’s 50th anniversary, MAC Cosmetics released two limited-edition products, namely a lipstick and a glitter cream.[46]

The printed magazine ran several annual features and ratings. One of the most popular was its annual ranking of the top «party schools» among all U.S. universities and colleges. In 2009, the magazine used five criteria: bikini, brains, campus, sex and sports in the development of its list. The top-ranked party school by Playboy for 2009 was the University of Miami.[47]

In June 2009, the magazine reduced its publication schedule to 11 issues per year, with a combined July/August issue. On August 11, 2009, London’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that Hugh Hefner had sold his English manor house (next door to the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles) for $18 m ($10 m less than the reported asking price) to another American, Daren Metropoulos, the President and co-owner of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and that due to significant losses in the company’s value (down from $1 billion in 2000 to $84 million in 2009), the Playboy publishing empire was for sale for $300 million.[48] In December 2009, the publication schedule was reduced to 10 issues per year, with a combined January/February issue.

On July 12, 2010, Playboy Enterprises Inc. announced Hefner’s $5.50 per share offer ($122.5 million based on shares outstanding on April 30 and the closing price on July 9) to buy the portion of the company he did not already own and take the company private with the help of Rizvi Traverse Management LLC. The company derived much of its income from licensing, rather than from the magazine.[49] On July 15, Penthouse owner FriendFinder Networks Inc. offered $210 million (the company is valued at $185 million), though Hefner, who already owned 70 percent of voting stock, did not want to sell.[50] In January 2011, the publisher of Playboy magazine agreed to an offer by Hefner to take the company private for $6.15 per share, an 18 percent premium over the price of the last previous day of trading.[51] The buyout was completed in March 2011.[52]

2016–2018 changes and brief ending of full-frontal nudity

This is what I always intended Playboy Magazine to look like.

— Hugh Hefner, when asked about ending nudity in Playboy[53]

In October 2015, Playboy announced the magazine would no longer feature full-frontal nudity beginning with the March 2016 issue.[54] Company CEO Scott Flanders acknowledged the magazine’s inability to compete with freely available internet pornography and nudity; according to him, «You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passé at this juncture».[55] Hefner agreed with the decision.[56] The redesigned Playboy, however, would still feature a Playmate of the Month and pictures of women, but they would be rated as not appropriate for children under 13.[56] The move would not affect PlayboyPlus.com (which features nudity at a paid subscription).[57] Josh Horwitz of Quartz argued that the motivation for the decision to remove nudity from the magazine was to give Playboy Licensing a less inappropriate image in India and China, where the brand is a popular item on apparel and thus generates significant revenue.[58]

Among other changes to the magazine included ending the popular jokes section and the various cartoons that appeared throughout the magazine. The redesign eliminated the use of jump copy (articles continuing on non-consecutive pages), which in turn eliminated most of the space for cartoons.[59] Hefner, himself a former cartoonist, reportedly resisted dropping the cartoons more than the nudity, but ultimately obliged. Playboys plans were to market itself as a competitor to Vanity Fair, as opposed to more traditional competitors GQ and Maxim.[53]

Playboy announced in February 2017, however, that the dropping of nudity had been a mistake and furthermore, for its March/April issue, reestablished some of its franchises, including the Playboy Philosophy and Party Jokes, but dropped the subtitle «Entertainment for Men», inasmuch as gender roles have evolved. The announcement was made by the company’s chief creative officer on Twitter with the hashtag #NakedIsNormal.[60]

In early 2018, and according to Jim Puzzanghera of the Los Angeles Times, Playboy was reportedly «considering killing the print magazine», as the publication «has lost as much as $7 million annually in recent years».[61] However, in the July/August 2018 issue a reader asked if the print magazine would discontinue, and Playboy responded that it was not going anywhere.

Following Hefner’s death, and his family’s financial stake in the company, the magazine changed direction. In 2019, Playboy was relaunched as a quarterly publication without adverts. Topics covered included an interview with Tarana Burke, a profile of Pete Buttigieg, coverage of BDSM and a cover photo representing gender and sexual fluidity.[1]


In March 2020, Ben Kohn, CEO of Playboy Enterprises, announced that the Spring 2020 issue would be the last regularly scheduled printed issue and that the magazine would now publish its content online. The decision to close the print edition was attributed in part to the COVID-19 pandemic which interfered with distribution of the magazine.[62]

Publicly traded

In autumn 2020, Playboy announced a reverse merger deal with Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp.—a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). In February 2021, the stock of a combined company, PLBY Group, began trading on the Nasdaq exchange as “PLBY.”[63][64]

Circulation history and statistics

In 1971, Playboy had a circulation rate base of seven million, which was its high point.[65] The best-selling individual issue was the November 1972 edition, which sold 7,161,561 copies. One-quarter of all American college men were buying or subscribing to the magazine every month.[66] On the cover was model Pam Rawlings, photographed by Rowland Scherman. Perhaps coincidentally, a cropped image of the issue’s centerfold (which featured Lena Söderberg) became a de facto standard image for testing image processing algorithms. It is known simply as the «Lenna» (also «Lena») image in that field.[67] In 1972, Playboy was the ninth highest circulation magazine in the United States.[68]

The 1975 average circulation was 5.6 million; by 1981 it was 5.2 million, and by 1982 down to 4.9 million.[65] Its decline continued in later decades, and reached about 800,000 copies per issue in late 2015,[55] and 400,000 copies by December 2017.[69]

In 1970, Playboy became the first gentleman’s magazine to be printed in braille.[70] It is also one of the few magazines whose microfilm format was in color, not black and white.[71]

Features and format

Rabbit logo

A Playboy cigarette lighter with the rabbit logo

Playboys enduring mascot, a stylized silhouette of a rabbit wearing a tuxedo bow tie, was created by Playboy art director Art Paul for the second issue as an endnote, but was adopted as the official logo and has appeared ever since.[72][73] A running joke in the magazine involves hiding the logo somewhere in the cover art or photograph. Hefner said he chose the rabbit for its «humorous sexual connotation», and because the image was «frisky and playful». In an interview Hefner explained his choice of a rabbit as Playboys logo to the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci:

The rabbit, the bunny, in America has a sexual meaning; and I chose it because it’s a fresh animal, shy, vivacious, jumping — sexy. First it smells you then it escapes, then it comes back, and you feel like caressing it, playing with it. A girl resembles a bunny. Joyful, joking. Consider the girl we made popular: the Playmate of the Month. She is never sophisticated, a girl you cannot really have. She is a young, healthy, simple girl — the girl next door … we are not interested in the mysterious, difficult woman, the femme fatale, who wears elegant underwear, with lace, and she is sad, and somehow mentally filthy. The Playboy girl has no lace, no underwear, she is naked, well washed with soap and water, and she is happy.[74]

The jaunty rabbit quickly became a popular symbol of extroverted male culture, becoming a lucrative source of merchandizing revenue for the company.[75] In the 1950s, it was adopted as the military aircraft insignia for the Navy’s VX-4 fighter-evaluation squadron.

The Playboy Interview

Besides its centerfold, a major part of Playboy for much of its existence has been the Playboy Interview, an extensive (usually several thousand-word) discussion between a publicly known individual and an interviewer. Writer Alex Haley served as a Playboy interviewer on a few occasions; one of his interviews was with Martin Luther King Jr.; he also interviewed Malcolm X and American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell.[76] The magazine interviewed then-presidential candidate Jimmy Carter in the November 1976 issue, in which he stated «I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.»[77][78] David Sheff’s interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono appeared in the January 1981 issue, which was on newsstands at the time of Lennon’s murder; the interview was later published in book format.

Another interview-type section, entitled «20Q» (a play on the game of Twenty Questions), was added in October 1978. Cheryl Tiegs was the first interviewee for the section.[79]

Rock the Rabbit

«Rock the Rabbit» was an annual music news and pictorial feature published in the March edition.[80] The pictorial featured images of rock bands photographed by music photographer Mick Rock. Fashion designers participated in the Rock the Rabbit event by designing T-shirts inspired by Playboys rabbit head logo for each band. The shirts were sold at Playboys retailers and auctioned off to raise money for AIDS research and treatment at LIFEbeat: The Music Industry Fights AIDS.[80] Bands who were featured include: MGMT, Daft Punk, Iggy Pop, Duran Duran, Flaming Lips, Snow Patrol, and The Killers.[81]


The photographers who have contributed to Playboy include Ken Marcus,[82] Richard Fegley,[83] Arny Freytag,[84] Ron Harris,[85] Tom Kelley,[82] David Mecey,[86] Russ Meyer,[87] Pompeo Posar,[88] Suze Randall,[89] Herb Ritts,[90] Stephen Wayda,[90][91] Sam Wu,[92] Mario Casilli,[93] Ana Dias,[94] Ellen von Unwerth,[95] Annie Leibovitz,[90] Helmut Newton,[90] and Bunny Yeager.[96]


Many celebrities (singers, actresses, models, etc.) have posed for Playboy over the years. This list is only a small portion of those who have posed. Some of them are:


  • Jayne Mansfield (February 1955)
  • Mara Corday (October 1958)
  • Ursula Andress (June 1965)
  • Carol Lynley (March 1965)
  • Margot Kidder (March 1975)
  • Kim Basinger (February 1983)
  • Terry Moore (August 1984)
  • Janet Jones (March 1987)
  • Drew Barrymore (January 1995)
  • Denise Richards (December 2004)
  • Sasha Grey (October 2010)


  • La Toya Jackson (March 1989/Nov 1991)
  • Fem2Fem (December 1993)
  • Nancy Sinatra (May 1995)
  • Samantha Fox (October 1996)
  • Joey Heatherton (April 1997)
  • Linda Brava (April 1998)
  • Belinda Carlisle (August 2001)
  • Tiffany (April 2002)
  • Carnie Wilson (August 2003)
  • Debbie Gibson (March 2005)


  • Svetlana Khorkina (November 1997 Russian edition)
  • Katarina Witt (December 1998)
  • Tanja Szewczenko (April 1999 German edition)
  • Joanie Laurer (November 2000 and January 2002)
  • Gabrielle Reece (January 2001)
  • Kiana Tom (May 2002)
  • Torrie Wilson (May 2003 and March 2004 [the latter with Sable])
  • Amy Acuff (September 2004)
  • Amanda Beard (July 2007)
  • Ashley Harkleroad (August 2008)[97]


  • Linda Evans (July 1971)
  • Suzanne Somers (February 1980 and December 1984)
  • Teri Copley (November 1990)
  • Dian Parkinson (December 1991 and May 1993)
  • Shannen Doherty (March 1994 and December 2003)
  • Farrah Fawcett (December 1995 and July 1997)
  • Claudia Christian (October 1999)
  • Shari Belafonte (September 2000)
  • Brooke Burke (May 2001 and November 2004)
  • Karina Smirnoff (May 2011)

Other editions

Playboy Special Editions

The success of Playboy magazine has led PEI to market other versions of the magazine, the Special Editions (formerly called Newsstand Specials), such as Playboy’s College Girls[98] and Playboy’s Book of Lingerie, as well as the Playboy video collection.


The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) has published a braille edition of Playboy since 1970.[99] The braille version includes all the written words in the non-braille magazine, but no pictorial representations. Congress cut off funding for the braille magazine translation in 1985, but U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan reversed the decision on First Amendment grounds.[100]

International editions



  • South Africa (1993–1996, 2011–2016, 2017–) (digital only)[101][102]
  • Afrikaans (2017–) (digital only)


  • Czech Republic (1991–)
  • Denmark (2018–) (digital only)
  • France (1973–1985, 1993–2013, 2016–)
  • Germany (1972–)
  • Greece (1985–2015, 2018–) (digital and special editions)
  • Netherlands (1983–)
  • Russia (1995–)
  • Sweden (1998–1999, 2017–) (digital only)
  • Ukraine (2005–)

North America

  • Mexico (1976–1998, 2002–)


  • Australia (1979–2000, 2018–) (digital only)



  • Hong Kong (1986–1993)
  • Indonesia (2006–2007)[103]
  • Israel (2013)[104]
  • Japan (1975–2009)—see specific article
  • Mongolia (2012–2015)
  • Philippines (2008–2021)[105]
  • Singapore (2009, 2011)
  • South Korea (2017–2020)
  • Taiwan (2012–2020)
  • Thailand (2012–2020)

South America

  • Argentina (1985–1995, 2006–2018)
  • Brazil (1975–2017) (see Playboy (Brazil))
  • Colombia (2008–2011, 2017–2020)
  • Venezuela (2006–2017)


  • Austria (2012–2014) (special issues only)
  • Bulgaria (2002–2020)
  • Croatia (1997–2020)
  • Estonia (2007–2012)[106]
  • Georgia (2007–2008)[107]
  • Hungary (1989–1993, 1999–2019)
  • Italy (1972–1985, 1987–2003, 2008–2020)
  • Latvia (2010–2014)[108]
  • Lithuania (2008–2013)
  • Macedonia (2010–2012)[109]
  • Moldova (2012)[110]
  • Norway (1997–1999)
  • Poland (1992–2019)
  • Portugal (2009–2010, 2012–2013, 2015–2020)
  • Romania (1999–2016)
  • Serbia (2004–2015)
  • Slovakia (1997–2003, 2005–2020)[111]
  • Slovenia (2001–2020)
  • Spain (1978–2013, 2017–2020)
  • Turkey (1986–1995)


The growth of the Internet prompted the magazine to develop an official internet presence called Playboy Online in the late 1980s.[112] The company launched Playboy.com, the official website for Playboy Enterprises and an online companion to Playboy magazine, in 1994.[113][114] As part of the online presence, Playboy developed a pay web site called the Playboy Cyber Club in 1995 which features online chats, additional pictorials, videos of Playmates and Playboy Cyber Girls that are not featured in the magazine. Archives of past Playboy articles and interviews are also included.[115] In September 2005, Playboy began publishing a digital version of the magazine.[116]

In 2010, Playboy introduced The Smoking Jacket, a safe-for-work website designed to appeal to young men, while avoiding nude images or key words that would cause the site to be filtered or otherwise prohibited in the workplace.[117]

In May 2011, Playboy introduced iplayboy.com, a complete, uncensored version of its near-700 issue archive, targeting the Apple iPad.[118] By launching the archive as a web app, Playboy was able to circumvent both Apple’s App Store content restrictions and their 30% subscription fee.

Litigation and legal issues

Stacy Arthur, Playboy’s Playmate of the Month for January, 1991, filed a $70 million lawsuit against Playboy Enterprises Inc. and others alleging she was raped and sodomized by three Playboy employees on October 6, 1991, at the Playboy mansion in Los Angeles and that inaction by the magazine led to the death of her husband.[119][needs update]

On January 14, 2004, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that Playboy Enterprises Inc.’s trademark terms «Playboy» and «Playmate» should be protected in the situation where a user typing «Playboy» or «Playmate» in a browser search was instead shown advertisements of companies that competed with PEI. This decision reversed an earlier district court ruling. The suit started on April 15, 1999, when Playboy sued Excite Inc. and Netscape for trademark infringement.[120]


Many in the American religious community opposed the publication of Playboy. The Louisiana pastor and author L. L. Clover wrote in his 1974 treatise, Evil Spirits, Intellectualism and Logic, that Playboy encouraged young men to view themselves as «pleasure-seeking individuals for whom sex is fun and women are play things.»[121]

In many parts of Asia, including India, mainland China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Brunei, sale and distribution of Playboy is banned. In addition, sale and distribution is banned in most Muslim countries (except Lebanon[122][123] and Turkey) including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Despite the ban on the magazine in these countries, the official Playboy brand itself can still appear on various merchandise, such as perfume and deodorants.

While banned in mainland China, the magazine is sold in Hong Kong. In Japan, where genitals of models cannot be shown, a separate edition was published under license by Shueisha.[citation needed] An Indonesian edition was launched in April 2006, but controversy started before the first issue hit the stands. Though the publisher said the content of the Indonesian edition will be different from the original edition, the government tried to ban it by using anti-pornography rules.[citation needed] A Muslim organization, the Islamic Defenders Front (IDF), opposed Playboy on the grounds of pornography. On April 12, about 150 IDF members clashed with police and stoned the editorial offices. Despite this, the edition quickly sold out. On April 6, 2007, the chief judge of the case dismissed the charges because they had been incorrectly filed.[124]

In 1986, the American convenience store chain 7-Eleven removed the magazine. The store returned Playboy to its shelves in late 2003. 7-Eleven had also been selling Penthouse and other similar magazines before the ban.[125][126]

In 1995, Playboy was returned to shelves in the Republic of Ireland after a 36-year ban, despite staunch opposition from many women’s groups.[127]

Playboy was not sold in the state of Queensland, Australia during 2004 and 2005, but returned as of 2006. Due to declining sales, the last Australia-wide edition of Playboy was the January 2000 issue.[128][better source needed]

In 2013, Playboy was cleared by the Pentagon of violating its rule against selling sexually explicit material on military property, but the base exchanges stopped selling it anyway.[129]

In March 2018, Playboy announced that they would be deactivating their Facebook accounts, due to the «sexually repressive» nature of the social media platform and their mismanagement of user data resulting from the Cambridge Analytica problem.[130]


General compilations

  • Nick Stone, editor. The Bedside Playboy. Chicago: Playboy Press, 1963.

Anniversary collections

  • Jacob Dodd, editor. The Playboy Book: Forty Years. Santa Monica, California: General Publishing Group, 1994, ISBN 1-881649-03-2
  • Playboy: 50 Years, The Photographs. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2003, ISBN 0-8118-3978-8
  • Nick Stone, editor; Michelle Urry, cartoon editor. Playboy: 50 Years, The Cartoons. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2004. ISBN 0-8118-3976-1
  • Gretchen Edgren, editor. The Playboy Book: Fifty Years. Taschen, 1995. ISBN 3-8228-3976-0

Interview compilations

  • G. Barry Golson, editor. The Playboy Interview. New York: Playboy Press, 1981. ISBN 0-87223-668-4 (hardcover), ISBN 0-87223-644-7 (softcover)
  • G. Barry Golson, editor. The Playboy Interview Volume II. New York: Wideview/Perigee, 1983. ISBN 0-399-50768-X (hardcover), ISBN 0-399-50769-8 (softcover)
  • David Sheff, interviewer; G. Barry Golson, editor. The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. New York: Playboy Press, 1981, ISBN 0-87223-705-2; 2000 edition, ISBN 0-312-25464-4
  • Stephen Randall, editor. The Playboy Interview Book: They Played the Game. New York: M Press, 2006, ISBN 1-59582-046-9

See also

  • Category:Playboy lists
  • Counterculture of the 1960s
  • List of men’s magazines
  • Playboy Bunny
  • Playboy Club
  • Playboy TV
  • Playgirl
  • Pubic Wars
  • Media
    • Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words
    • Playboy Dolls
    • Playboy: The Mansion


  1. ^ a b Bennett, Jessica (August 2, 2019). «Will the Millennials Save Playboy?». The New York Times. Retrieved August 13, 2021.
  2. ^ «Playboy Enterprises, Inc». Playboyenterprises.com. Archived from the original on September 24, 2015. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
  3. ^ Seib, Christine (December 9, 2008). «Hefner’s Daughter Christie Walks Away from Playboy Enterprises». The Times. London. Retrieved May 22, 2010.
  4. ^ «Playboy ‘to drop’ naked women images». BBC News. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
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  12. ^ Samuel Schuman (1979). Vladimir Nabokov, A Reference Guide. p. 61. ISBN 9780816181346.
  13. ^ «11 great authors who wrote for Hugh Hefner’s Playboy». BBC. September 28, 2017.
  14. ^ Art Spiegelman (2001). Jack Cole and Plastic Man: Forms Stretched to Their Limits. Chronicle Books. p. 126. ISBN 0-8118-3179-5.
  15. ^ Eldon Dedini (2006). An Orgy of Playboy’s Eldon Dedini. Fantagraphics Books. p. 8. ISBN 1-56097-727-2.
  16. ^ Stephen E. Kercher (2006). Revel with a Cause: Liberal Satire in Postwar America. University Of Chicago Press. p. 480. ISBN 0-226-43164-9.
  17. ^ Shel Silverstein (2007). Playboy’s Silverstein Around the World. Fireside. ISBN 978-0-7432-9024-1.
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  21. ^ Bennett, Jessica (August 2, 2019). «Will the Millennials Save Playboy? – The Hefners are gone, and so is the magazine’s short-lived ban on nudity – as well as virtually anyone on the staff over 35». The New York Times. Retrieved August 2, 2019.
  22. ^ a b Sumner, David E. (2010). The Magazine Century: American Magazines Since 1900. Peter Lang Publishing. p. 134. ISBN 978-1-4331-0493-0. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
  23. ^ a b Steven Watts (March 23, 2009). Mr Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream. p. 24. ISBN 9780470501375. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
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  26. ^ Golden Dreams The Birth of Playboy by Hugh M. Hefner, page 265, Playboy, January 1994
  27. ^ Summers, p. 59.
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  30. ^ Gordon Jensen (July 2012). Marilyn: A Great Woman’s Struggles: Who Killed Her and Why. p. 157. ISBN 9781477141502.
  31. ^ Playboy Collector’s Association Playboy Magazine Price Guide
  32. ^ «Hugh Hefner’s Personal Copy of Playboy #1 Can Be Yours». www.mentalfloss.com. November 5, 2018. Retrieved April 25, 2021.
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  51. ^ «Hefner Completes $208M Playboy Buyout». Institutional Investor. March 8, 2011. Retrieved December 16, 2012.
  52. ^ a b Playboy enters non-nude era: Sexy but ‘safe for work’ WTAE-TV, via CNN Money (February 24, 2016)
  53. ^ Samaiya, Ravi. «Playboy says it will no longer print images of nude women». Boston Globe. Retrieved October 13, 2015.
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  55. ^ a b «Playboy magazine to stop publishing pictures of naked women». The Guardian. October 13, 2015. Retrieved October 13, 2015.
  56. ^ «The fascinating economics behind Playboy’s decision to drop nudes from its magazine». Vox.com. October 13, 2015. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
  57. ^ «China—not online porn—is why Playboy is dumping nude photographs». Quartz. October 13, 2015. Retrieved October 18, 2015.
  58. ^ Karlin, Susan (March 7, 2016). «The Playboy Revamp Continues: How The Magazine Is Redrawing Its Cartoon Lines, Too». Co.Create. Fast Company. Retrieved March 12, 2016.
  59. ^ «Playboy brings back nudity, claiming #NakedIsNormal». BBC. February 13, 2017.
  60. ^ Puzzanghera, Jim (January 2, 2018). «Playboy is considering ending its print magazine, report says». Los Angeles Times.
  61. ^ Gibson, Kate (March 19, 2020). «Coronavirus kills 66-year-old Playboy». CBS News. Retrieved March 19, 2020.
  62. ^ Osman, Jim. «Playboy Could Be The King of SPACs — Here Are Three Picks». Forbes. Retrieved August 18, 2021.
  63. ^ Jasinski, Nicholas. «Playboy Has Gone Public. Here’s What to Know». www.barrons.com. Retrieved August 18, 2021.
  64. ^ a b Dougherty, Philip H. (2 November 1982). Playboy to Cut Circulation Rate Base, The New York Times
  65. ^ «The Girls Next Door: The New Yorker». The New Yorker. March 13, 2006. Retrieved December 16, 2012.
  66. ^ «The Rest of the Lenna Story». 2.cs.cmu.edu. Retrieved December 7, 2011.
  67. ^ Media and Culture with 2013 Update: An Introduction to Mass Communication, p. 268 (chart posts a list cited from magazines.org in 2010, showing top ten circulation magazines in the United States in 1972 and 2010. The 1972 list was (1) Reader’s Digest (17,825,661); (2) TV Guide (16,410,858); (3) Woman’s Day (8,191,731); (4) Better Homes and Gardens (7,996,050); (5) Family Circle (7,889,587); (6) McCall’s (7,516,960); (7) National Geographic (7,260,179); (8) Ladies’ Home Journal (7,014,251); (9) Playboy (6,400,573); (10) Good Housekeeping (5,801,446))
  68. ^ Bennett, Jessica (2 August 2019). Will the Millennials Save Playboy?, The New York Times
  69. ^ «BLIND WIN RULING ON BRAILLE PLAYBOY». The New York Times. August 29, 1986. Retrieved October 16, 2011.
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  71. ^ Faye, Marcia (Spring 2009). «Art Paul: The art of designing Playboy». iitmagazine. Archived from the original on January 24, 2015. Retrieved December 7, 2011.
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  73. ^ «Hugh Hefner: ‘I am in the center of the world'», by Oriana Fallaci, LOOK Magazine, January 10, 1967
  74. ^ Rhodes, Margaret (October 13, 2015). «Playboy’s Logo is What Matters — It Earns More Than Nudes Do». WIRED. Retrieved October 14, 2015.
  75. ^ Hearn, Michael Patrick (December 17, 2021). «Alex Haley Taught America About Race — and a Young Man How to Write». The New York Times. Retrieved January 25, 2022.
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  77. ^ «McGill University website excerpt».
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  112. ^ Wolinsky, Howard (February 23, 2000). «Disney Internet exec hops to Playboy.com». Chicago Sun-Times. p. 59.
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  116. ^ Don Babwin (July 21, 2010). «Playboy busts out of mold on the Smoking Jacket». Associated Press.
  117. ^ Griggs, Branddon; Susana, Miguel (May 21, 2011). «Playboy puts 57 years of articles, nudity online». CNN. Retrieved May 7, 2021.
  118. ^ «Former Playboy centerfold sues magazine». United Press International. October 8, 1992. Retrieved February 5, 2023.
  119. ^ «Netscape, Playboy settle search trademark case — CNET News.com». News.cnet.com. Retrieved December 7, 2011.
  120. ^ L. L. Clover, Evil Spirits, Intellectualism and Logic (Minden, Louisiana: Louisiana Missionary Baptist Institute and Seminary, 1974), pp. 18–19.
  121. ^ Megna, Michelle (March 30, 2003). «Foreign Web sites offer alternate perspectives on the conflict in Iraq». Daily News. New York.
  122. ^ «Middle East and Arab World Headline News». Al Bawaba. January 1, 1970. Archived from the original on June 18, 2012. Retrieved December 7, 2011.
  123. ^ Thompson, G. (April 5, 2007). «‘Playboy’ charges thrown out of court». ABC News. Retrieved June 7, 2013.
  124. ^ John Rettie, «7-Eleven’s Ban on Playboy Magazine», «L.A. Times», April 19 1986. Retrieved October 29 2021.
  125. ^ Charles Storch, «7-Eleven Won’t Sell Adult Magazines», Chicago Tribune, April 11 1986. Retrieved October 29 2021.
  126. ^ «Censors lift ban on Playboy». Archived from the original on January 2, 2020. Retrieved November 13, 2016.
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  129. ^ Staff Writer (March 28, 2018). «Now Playboy Deletes Its Facebook Account, Citing Values». Advertising Age. Bloomberg News. Retrieved March 29, 2018.

External links


  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata


  • Playboy Covers of the World – Thousands of Playboy covers from all past and present editions worldwide.
  • Crossett, Andrew, Index: The Women of Playboy – 1967–2010
  • Playmate database at the University of Chicago – archived version June 2008
  • A full listing of the Playboy Interview subjects and their interviewers
  • Josh Lambert, «My Son, the Pornographer»: Jewish Editors at Playboy
  • A Playboy’s Guide to Hugh Hefner’s Chicago, Chicago Tribune

CEO Ben Kohn
Categories Men’s magazines
Frequency Monthly (1953–2016)
Bimonthly (2017–2018)
Quarterly (2019–2020)
Online (since 2020)
Publisher PLBY Group
Total circulation
400,000 (December 2017)[1]
Founder Hugh Hefner
Founded 1953[2]
First issue December 1, 1953
Final issue March 17, 2020 (print)
Country United States
Based in Beverly Hills, California
Language English
Website Official website Edit this at Wikidata
ISSN 0032-1478

Playboy is an American men’s lifestyle and entertainment magazine, formerly in print and currently online. It was founded in Chicago in 1953, by Hugh Hefner and his associates, and funded in part by a $1,000 loan from Hefner’s mother.[3]

Known for its centerfolds of nude and semi-nude[4] models (Playmates), Playboy played an important role in the sexual revolution[5] and remains one of the world’s best-known brands, having grown into Playboy Enterprises, Inc. (PEI), with a presence in nearly every medium.[6] In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide, including those by licensees, such as Dirk Steenekamp’s DHS Media Group.[7][8][9][11]

The magazine has a long history of publishing short stories by novelists such as Arthur C. Clarke,[12] Ian Fleming,[12] Vladimir Nabokov,[13] Saul Bellow, Chuck Palahniuk, P. G. Wodehouse,[12] Roald Dahl,[14] Haruki Murakami, and Margaret Atwood.[12] With a regular display of full-page color cartoons, it became a showcase for cartoonists such as Harvey Kurtzman, Jack Cole,[15] Eldon Dedini,[16] Jules Feiffer,[17] Shel Silverstein,[18] Erich Sokol,[12] Roy Raymonde,[19] Gahan Wilson, and Rowland B. Wilson.[20]

Playboy features monthly interviews of public figures, such as artists, architects, economists, composers, conductors, film directors, journalists, novelists, playwrights, religious figures, politicians, athletes, and race car drivers. The magazine generally reflects a liberal editorial stance, although it often interviews conservative celebrities.[21]

After a year-long removal of most nude photos in Playboy magazine, the March–April 2017 issue brought back nudity.[22]

Publication history


By spring 1953, Hugh Hefner—a 1949 University of Illinois psychology graduate who had worked in Chicago for Esquire magazine writing promotional copy; Publisher’s Development Corporation in sales and marketing; and Children’s Activities magazine as circulation promotions manager[23]—had planned out the elements of his own magazine, that he would call Stag Party.[24] He formed HMH Publishing Corporation, and recruited his friend Eldon Sellers to find investors.[24] Hefner eventually raised just over $8,000, including from his brother and mother.[25] However, the publisher of an unrelated men’s adventure magazine, Stag, contacted Hefner and informed him it would file suit to protect their trademark if he were to launch his magazine with that name.[23][26] Hefner, his wife Millie, and Sellers met to seek a new name, considering «Top Hat», «Gentleman», «Sir'», «Satyr», «Pan» and «Bachelor» before Sellers suggested «Playboy».[26][27]

The first issue, in December 1953, was undated, as Hefner was unsure there would be a second. He produced it in his Hyde Park kitchen. The first centerfold was Marilyn Monroe, although the picture used originally was taken for a calendar rather than for Playboy.[28] Hefner chose what he deemed the «sexiest» image, a previously unused nude study of Marilyn stretched with an upraised arm on a red velvet background with closed eyes and mouth open.[29] The heavy promotion centered around Marilyn’s nudity on the already-famous calendar, together with the teasers in marketing, made the new Playboy magazine a success.[30][31]
The first issue sold out in weeks. Known circulation was 53,991.[32] The cover price was 50¢. Copies of the first issue in mint to near-mint condition sold for over $5,000 in 2002.[33]

The novel Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, was published in 1953 and serialized in the March, April and May 1954 issues of Playboy.[34]

An urban legend started about Hefner and the Playmate of the Month because of markings on the front covers of the magazine. From 1955 to 1979 (except for a six-month gap in 1976), the «P» in Playboy had stars printed in or around the letter. Urban legend stated that this was either a rating that Hefner gave to the Playmate according to how attractive she was, the number of times that Hefner had slept with her, or how good she was in bed. In actuality, stars, between zero and 12 indicated the domestic or international advertising region for that printing.[35]


The Editorial Board of Playboy in 1970. Back, left to right: Robie Macauley, Nat Lehrman, Richard M. Koff, Murray Fisher, Arthur Kretchmer; front: Sheldon Wax, Auguste Comte Spectorsky, Jack Kessie.

In the 1960s, the magazine added «The Playboy Philosophy» column. Early topics included LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, censorship, and the First Amendment.[36] Playboy was an early proponent of cannabis reform and provided founding support to the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws in 1970.[37]

From 1966 to 1976, Robie Macauley was the fiction editor at Playboy. During this period the magazine published fiction by Saul Bellow, Seán Ó Faoláin, John Updike, James Dickey, John Cheever, Doris Lessing, Joyce Carol Oates, Vladimir Nabokov, Michael Crichton, John le Carré, Irwin Shaw, Jean Shepherd, Arthur Koestler, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bernard Malamud, John Irving, Anne Sexton, Nadine Gordimer, Kurt Vonnegut and J. P. Donleavy, as well as poetry by Yevgeny Yevtushenko.[38]

In 1968, at the feminist Miss America protest, symbolically feminine products were thrown into a «Freedom Trash Can». These included copies of Playboy and Cosmopolitan magazines.[39] One of the key pamphlets produced by the protesters was «No More Miss America!», by Robin Morgan, which listed 10 characteristics of the Miss America pageant that the authors believed degraded women;[40] it compared the pageant to Playboys centerfold as sisters under the skin, describing this as «The Unbeatable Madonna–Whore Combination».[41]

Macauley contributed all of the popular Ribald Classics series published between January 1978 and March 1984.[citation needed]

After reaching its peak in the 1970s, Playboy saw a decline in circulation and cultural relevance due to competition in the field it founded—first from Penthouse, then from Oui (which was published as a spin-off of Playboy) and Gallery in the 1970s; later from pornographic videos; and more recently from lad mags such as Maxim, FHM, and Stuff. In response, Playboy attempted to re-assert its hold on the 18–35-year-old male demographic through slight changes to content and focusing on issues and personalities more appropriate to its audience—such as hip-hop artists being featured in the «Playboy Interview».[42]

Christie Hefner, daughter of founder Hugh Hefner, joined Playboy in 1975 and became head of the company in 1988. She announced in December 2008 that she would be stepping down from leading the company, effective in January 2009, and said that the election of Barack Obama as the next President had inspired her to give more time to charitable work, and that the decision to step down was her own. «Just as this country is embracing change in the form of new leadership, I have decided that now is the time to make changes in my own life as well», she said.[43] Hefner was succeeded by company director and media veteran Jerome H. Kern as interim CEO, who was in turn succeeded by publisher Scott Flanders.[44][45]


The magazine celebrated its 50th anniversary with the January 2004 issue. Celebrations were held at Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, and Moscow during the year to commemorate this event. Playboy also launched limited-edition products designed by fashion houses such as Versace, Vivienne Westwood and Sean John. As a homage to the magazine’s 50th anniversary, MAC Cosmetics released two limited-edition products, namely a lipstick and a glitter cream.[46]

The printed magazine ran several annual features and ratings. One of the most popular was its annual ranking of the top «party schools» among all U.S. universities and colleges. In 2009, the magazine used five criteria: bikini, brains, campus, sex and sports in the development of its list. The top-ranked party school by Playboy for 2009 was the University of Miami.[47]

In June 2009, the magazine reduced its publication schedule to 11 issues per year, with a combined July/August issue. On August 11, 2009, London’s Daily Telegraph newspaper reported that Hugh Hefner had sold his English manor house (next door to the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles) for $18 m ($10 m less than the reported asking price) to another American, Daren Metropoulos, the President and co-owner of Pabst Blue Ribbon, and that due to significant losses in the company’s value (down from $1 billion in 2000 to $84 million in 2009), the Playboy publishing empire was for sale for $300 million.[48] In December 2009, the publication schedule was reduced to 10 issues per year, with a combined January/February issue.

On July 12, 2010, Playboy Enterprises Inc. announced Hefner’s $5.50 per share offer ($122.5 million based on shares outstanding on April 30 and the closing price on July 9) to buy the portion of the company he did not already own and take the company private with the help of Rizvi Traverse Management LLC. The company derived much of its income from licensing, rather than from the magazine.[49] On July 15, Penthouse owner FriendFinder Networks Inc. offered $210 million (the company is valued at $185 million), though Hefner, who already owned 70 percent of voting stock, did not want to sell.[50] In January 2011, the publisher of Playboy magazine agreed to an offer by Hefner to take the company private for $6.15 per share, an 18 percent premium over the price of the last previous day of trading.[51] The buyout was completed in March 2011.[52]

2016–2018 changes and brief ending of full-frontal nudity

This is what I always intended Playboy Magazine to look like.

— Hugh Hefner, when asked about ending nudity in Playboy[53]

In October 2015, Playboy announced the magazine would no longer feature full-frontal nudity beginning with the March 2016 issue.[54] Company CEO Scott Flanders acknowledged the magazine’s inability to compete with freely available internet pornography and nudity; according to him, «You’re now one click away from every sex act imaginable for free. And so it’s just passé at this juncture».[55] Hefner agreed with the decision.[56] The redesigned Playboy, however, would still feature a Playmate of the Month and pictures of women, but they would be rated as not appropriate for children under 13.[56] The move would not affect PlayboyPlus.com (which features nudity at a paid subscription).[57] Josh Horwitz of Quartz argued that the motivation for the decision to remove nudity from the magazine was to give Playboy Licensing a less inappropriate image in India and China, where the brand is a popular item on apparel and thus generates significant revenue.[58]

Among other changes to the magazine included ending the popular jokes section and the various cartoons that appeared throughout the magazine. The redesign eliminated the use of jump copy (articles continuing on non-consecutive pages), which in turn eliminated most of the space for cartoons.[59] Hefner, himself a former cartoonist, reportedly resisted dropping the cartoons more than the nudity, but ultimately obliged. Playboys plans were to market itself as a competitor to Vanity Fair, as opposed to more traditional competitors GQ and Maxim.[53]

Playboy announced in February 2017, however, that the dropping of nudity had been a mistake and furthermore, for its March/April issue, reestablished some of its franchises, including the Playboy Philosophy and Party Jokes, but dropped the subtitle «Entertainment for Men», inasmuch as gender roles have evolved. The announcement was made by the company’s chief creative officer on Twitter with the hashtag #NakedIsNormal.[60]

In early 2018, and according to Jim Puzzanghera of the Los Angeles Times, Playboy was reportedly «considering killing the print magazine», as the publication «has lost as much as $7 million annually in recent years».[61] However, in the July/August 2018 issue a reader asked if the print magazine would discontinue, and Playboy responded that it was not going anywhere.

Following Hefner’s death, and his family’s financial stake in the company, the magazine changed direction. In 2019, Playboy was relaunched as a quarterly publication without adverts. Topics covered included an interview with Tarana Burke, a profile of Pete Buttigieg, coverage of BDSM and a cover photo representing gender and sexual fluidity.[1]


In March 2020, Ben Kohn, CEO of Playboy Enterprises, announced that the Spring 2020 issue would be the last regularly scheduled printed issue and that the magazine would now publish its content online. The decision to close the print edition was attributed in part to the COVID-19 pandemic which interfered with distribution of the magazine.[62]

Publicly traded

In autumn 2020, Playboy announced a reverse merger deal with Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp.—a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC). In February 2021, the stock of a combined company, PLBY Group, began trading on the Nasdaq exchange as “PLBY.”[63][64]

Circulation history and statistics

In 1971, Playboy had a circulation rate base of seven million, which was its high point.[65] The best-selling individual issue was the November 1972 edition, which sold 7,161,561 copies. One-quarter of all American college men were buying or subscribing to the magazine every month.[66] On the cover was model Pam Rawlings, photographed by Rowland Scherman. Perhaps coincidentally, a cropped image of the issue’s centerfold (which featured Lena Söderberg) became a de facto standard image for testing image processing algorithms. It is known simply as the «Lenna» (also «Lena») image in that field.[67] In 1972, Playboy was the ninth highest circulation magazine in the United States.[68]

The 1975 average circulation was 5.6 million; by 1981 it was 5.2 million, and by 1982 down to 4.9 million.[65] Its decline continued in later decades, and reached about 800,000 copies per issue in late 2015,[55] and 400,000 copies by December 2017.[69]

In 1970, Playboy became the first gentleman’s magazine to be printed in braille.[70] It is also one of the few magazines whose microfilm format was in color, not black and white.[71]

Features and format

Rabbit logo

A Playboy cigarette lighter with the rabbit logo

Playboys enduring mascot, a stylized silhouette of a rabbit wearing a tuxedo bow tie, was created by Playboy art director Art Paul for the second issue as an endnote, but was adopted as the official logo and has appeared ever since.[72][73] A running joke in the magazine involves hiding the logo somewhere in the cover art or photograph. Hefner said he chose the rabbit for its «humorous sexual connotation», and because the image was «frisky and playful». In an interview Hefner explained his choice of a rabbit as Playboys logo to the Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci:

The rabbit, the bunny, in America has a sexual meaning; and I chose it because it’s a fresh animal, shy, vivacious, jumping — sexy. First it smells you then it escapes, then it comes back, and you feel like caressing it, playing with it. A girl resembles a bunny. Joyful, joking. Consider the girl we made popular: the Playmate of the Month. She is never sophisticated, a girl you cannot really have. She is a young, healthy, simple girl — the girl next door … we are not interested in the mysterious, difficult woman, the femme fatale, who wears elegant underwear, with lace, and she is sad, and somehow mentally filthy. The Playboy girl has no lace, no underwear, she is naked, well washed with soap and water, and she is happy.[74]

The jaunty rabbit quickly became a popular symbol of extroverted male culture, becoming a lucrative source of merchandizing revenue for the company.[75] In the 1950s, it was adopted as the military aircraft insignia for the Navy’s VX-4 fighter-evaluation squadron.

The Playboy Interview

Besides its centerfold, a major part of Playboy for much of its existence has been the Playboy Interview, an extensive (usually several thousand-word) discussion between a publicly known individual and an interviewer. Writer Alex Haley served as a Playboy interviewer on a few occasions; one of his interviews was with Martin Luther King Jr.; he also interviewed Malcolm X and American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell.[76] The magazine interviewed then-presidential candidate Jimmy Carter in the November 1976 issue, in which he stated «I’ve committed adultery in my heart many times.»[77][78] David Sheff’s interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono appeared in the January 1981 issue, which was on newsstands at the time of Lennon’s murder; the interview was later published in book format.

Another interview-type section, entitled «20Q» (a play on the game of Twenty Questions), was added in October 1978. Cheryl Tiegs was the first interviewee for the section.[79]

Rock the Rabbit

«Rock the Rabbit» was an annual music news and pictorial feature published in the March edition.[80] The pictorial featured images of rock bands photographed by music photographer Mick Rock. Fashion designers participated in the Rock the Rabbit event by designing T-shirts inspired by Playboys rabbit head logo for each band. The shirts were sold at Playboys retailers and auctioned off to raise money for AIDS research and treatment at LIFEbeat: The Music Industry Fights AIDS.[80] Bands who were featured include: MGMT, Daft Punk, Iggy Pop, Duran Duran, Flaming Lips, Snow Patrol, and The Killers.[81]


The photographers who have contributed to Playboy include Ken Marcus,[82] Richard Fegley,[83] Arny Freytag,[84] Ron Harris,[85] Tom Kelley,[82] David Mecey,[86] Russ Meyer,[87] Pompeo Posar,[88] Suze Randall,[89] Herb Ritts,[90] Stephen Wayda,[90][91] Sam Wu,[92] Mario Casilli,[93] Ana Dias,[94] Ellen von Unwerth,[95] Annie Leibovitz,[90] Helmut Newton,[90] and Bunny Yeager.[96]


Many celebrities (singers, actresses, models, etc.) have posed for Playboy over the years. This list is only a small portion of those who have posed. Some of them are:


  • Jayne Mansfield (February 1955)
  • Mara Corday (October 1958)
  • Ursula Andress (June 1965)
  • Carol Lynley (March 1965)
  • Margot Kidder (March 1975)
  • Kim Basinger (February 1983)
  • Terry Moore (August 1984)
  • Janet Jones (March 1987)
  • Drew Barrymore (January 1995)
  • Denise Richards (December 2004)
  • Sasha Grey (October 2010)


  • La Toya Jackson (March 1989/Nov 1991)
  • Fem2Fem (December 1993)
  • Nancy Sinatra (May 1995)
  • Samantha Fox (October 1996)
  • Joey Heatherton (April 1997)
  • Linda Brava (April 1998)
  • Belinda Carlisle (August 2001)
  • Tiffany (April 2002)
  • Carnie Wilson (August 2003)
  • Debbie Gibson (March 2005)


  • Svetlana Khorkina (November 1997 Russian edition)
  • Katarina Witt (December 1998)
  • Tanja Szewczenko (April 1999 German edition)
  • Joanie Laurer (November 2000 and January 2002)
  • Gabrielle Reece (January 2001)
  • Kiana Tom (May 2002)
  • Torrie Wilson (May 2003 and March 2004 [the latter with Sable])
  • Amy Acuff (September 2004)
  • Amanda Beard (July 2007)
  • Ashley Harkleroad (August 2008)[97]


  • Linda Evans (July 1971)
  • Suzanne Somers (February 1980 and December 1984)
  • Teri Copley (November 1990)
  • Dian Parkinson (December 1991 and May 1993)
  • Shannen Doherty (March 1994 and December 2003)
  • Farrah Fawcett (December 1995 and July 1997)
  • Claudia Christian (October 1999)
  • Shari Belafonte (September 2000)
  • Brooke Burke (May 2001 and November 2004)
  • Karina Smirnoff (May 2011)

Other editions

Playboy Special Editions

The success of Playboy magazine has led PEI to market other versions of the magazine, the Special Editions (formerly called Newsstand Specials), such as Playboy’s College Girls[98] and Playboy’s Book of Lingerie, as well as the Playboy video collection.


The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) has published a braille edition of Playboy since 1970.[99] The braille version includes all the written words in the non-braille magazine, but no pictorial representations. Congress cut off funding for the braille magazine translation in 1985, but U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan reversed the decision on First Amendment grounds.[100]

International editions



  • South Africa (1993–1996, 2011–2016, 2017–) (digital only)[101][102]
  • Afrikaans (2017–) (digital only)


  • Czech Republic (1991–)
  • Denmark (2018–) (digital only)
  • France (1973–1985, 1993–2013, 2016–)
  • Germany (1972–)
  • Greece (1985–2015, 2018–) (digital and special editions)
  • Netherlands (1983–)
  • Russia (1995–)
  • Sweden (1998–1999, 2017–) (digital only)
  • Ukraine (2005–)

North America

  • Mexico (1976–1998, 2002–)


  • Australia (1979–2000, 2018–) (digital only)



  • Hong Kong (1986–1993)
  • Indonesia (2006–2007)[103]
  • Israel (2013)[104]
  • Japan (1975–2009)—see specific article
  • Mongolia (2012–2015)
  • Philippines (2008–2021)[105]
  • Singapore (2009, 2011)
  • South Korea (2017–2020)
  • Taiwan (2012–2020)
  • Thailand (2012–2020)

South America

  • Argentina (1985–1995, 2006–2018)
  • Brazil (1975–2017) (see Playboy (Brazil))
  • Colombia (2008–2011, 2017–2020)
  • Venezuela (2006–2017)


  • Austria (2012–2014) (special issues only)
  • Bulgaria (2002–2020)
  • Croatia (1997–2020)
  • Estonia (2007–2012)[106]
  • Georgia (2007–2008)[107]
  • Hungary (1989–1993, 1999–2019)
  • Italy (1972–1985, 1987–2003, 2008–2020)
  • Latvia (2010–2014)[108]
  • Lithuania (2008–2013)
  • Macedonia (2010–2012)[109]
  • Moldova (2012)[110]
  • Norway (1997–1999)
  • Poland (1992–2019)
  • Portugal (2009–2010, 2012–2013, 2015–2020)
  • Romania (1999–2016)
  • Serbia (2004–2015)
  • Slovakia (1997–2003, 2005–2020)[111]
  • Slovenia (2001–2020)
  • Spain (1978–2013, 2017–2020)
  • Turkey (1986–1995)


The growth of the Internet prompted the magazine to develop an official internet presence called Playboy Online in the late 1980s.[112] The company launched Playboy.com, the official website for Playboy Enterprises and an online companion to Playboy magazine, in 1994.[113][114] As part of the online presence, Playboy developed a pay web site called the Playboy Cyber Club in 1995 which features online chats, additional pictorials, videos of Playmates and Playboy Cyber Girls that are not featured in the magazine. Archives of past Playboy articles and interviews are also included.[115] In September 2005, Playboy began publishing a digital version of the magazine.[116]

In 2010, Playboy introduced The Smoking Jacket, a safe-for-work website designed to appeal to young men, while avoiding nude images or key words that would cause the site to be filtered or otherwise prohibited in the workplace.[117]

In May 2011, Playboy introduced iplayboy.com, a complete, uncensored version of its near-700 issue archive, targeting the Apple iPad.[118] By launching the archive as a web app, Playboy was able to circumvent both Apple’s App Store content restrictions and their 30% subscription fee.

Litigation and legal issues

Stacy Arthur, Playboy’s Playmate of the Month for January, 1991, filed a $70 million lawsuit against Playboy Enterprises Inc. and others alleging she was raped and sodomized by three Playboy employees on October 6, 1991, at the Playboy mansion in Los Angeles and that inaction by the magazine led to the death of her husband.[119][needs update]

On January 14, 2004, the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that Playboy Enterprises Inc.’s trademark terms «Playboy» and «Playmate» should be protected in the situation where a user typing «Playboy» or «Playmate» in a browser search was instead shown advertisements of companies that competed with PEI. This decision reversed an earlier district court ruling. The suit started on April 15, 1999, when Playboy sued Excite Inc. and Netscape for trademark infringement.[120]


Many in the American religious community opposed the publication of Playboy. The Louisiana pastor and author L. L. Clover wrote in his 1974 treatise, Evil Spirits, Intellectualism and Logic, that Playboy encouraged young men to view themselves as «pleasure-seeking individuals for whom sex is fun and women are play things.»[121]

In many parts of Asia, including India, mainland China, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Brunei, sale and distribution of Playboy is banned. In addition, sale and distribution is banned in most Muslim countries (except Lebanon[122][123] and Turkey) including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Despite the ban on the magazine in these countries, the official Playboy brand itself can still appear on various merchandise, such as perfume and deodorants.

While banned in mainland China, the magazine is sold in Hong Kong. In Japan, where genitals of models cannot be shown, a separate edition was published under license by Shueisha.[citation needed] An Indonesian edition was launched in April 2006, but controversy started before the first issue hit the stands. Though the publisher said the content of the Indonesian edition will be different from the original edition, the government tried to ban it by using anti-pornography rules.[citation needed] A Muslim organization, the Islamic Defenders Front (IDF), opposed Playboy on the grounds of pornography. On April 12, about 150 IDF members clashed with police and stoned the editorial offices. Despite this, the edition quickly sold out. On April 6, 2007, the chief judge of the case dismissed the charges because they had been incorrectly filed.[124]

In 1986, the American convenience store chain 7-Eleven removed the magazine. The store returned Playboy to its shelves in late 2003. 7-Eleven had also been selling Penthouse and other similar magazines before the ban.[125][126]

In 1995, Playboy was returned to shelves in the Republic of Ireland after a 36-year ban, despite staunch opposition from many women’s groups.[127]

Playboy was not sold in the state of Queensland, Australia during 2004 and 2005, but returned as of 2006. Due to declining sales, the last Australia-wide edition of Playboy was the January 2000 issue.[128][better source needed]

In 2013, Playboy was cleared by the Pentagon of violating its rule against selling sexually explicit material on military property, but the base exchanges stopped selling it anyway.[129]

In March 2018, Playboy announced that they would be deactivating their Facebook accounts, due to the «sexually repressive» nature of the social media platform and their mismanagement of user data resulting from the Cambridge Analytica problem.[130]


General compilations

  • Nick Stone, editor. The Bedside Playboy. Chicago: Playboy Press, 1963.

Anniversary collections

  • Jacob Dodd, editor. The Playboy Book: Forty Years. Santa Monica, California: General Publishing Group, 1994, ISBN 1-881649-03-2
  • Playboy: 50 Years, The Photographs. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2003, ISBN 0-8118-3978-8
  • Nick Stone, editor; Michelle Urry, cartoon editor. Playboy: 50 Years, The Cartoons. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2004. ISBN 0-8118-3976-1
  • Gretchen Edgren, editor. The Playboy Book: Fifty Years. Taschen, 1995. ISBN 3-8228-3976-0

Interview compilations

  • G. Barry Golson, editor. The Playboy Interview. New York: Playboy Press, 1981. ISBN 0-87223-668-4 (hardcover), ISBN 0-87223-644-7 (softcover)
  • G. Barry Golson, editor. The Playboy Interview Volume II. New York: Wideview/Perigee, 1983. ISBN 0-399-50768-X (hardcover), ISBN 0-399-50769-8 (softcover)
  • David Sheff, interviewer; G. Barry Golson, editor. The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. New York: Playboy Press, 1981, ISBN 0-87223-705-2; 2000 edition, ISBN 0-312-25464-4
  • Stephen Randall, editor. The Playboy Interview Book: They Played the Game. New York: M Press, 2006, ISBN 1-59582-046-9

See also

  • Category:Playboy lists
  • Counterculture of the 1960s
  • List of men’s magazines
  • Playboy Bunny
  • Playboy Club
  • Playboy TV
  • Playgirl
  • Pubic Wars
  • Media
    • Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words
    • Playboy Dolls
    • Playboy: The Mansion


  1. ^ a b Bennett, Jessica (August 2, 2019). «Will the Millennials Save Playboy?». The New York Times. Retrieved August 13, 2021.
  2. ^ «Playboy Enterprises, Inc». Playboyenterprises.com. Archived from the original on September 24, 2015. Retrieved February 14, 2016.
  3. ^ Seib, Christine (December 9, 2008). «Hefner’s Daughter Christie Walks Away from Playboy Enterprises». The Times. London. Retrieved May 22, 2010.
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  11. ^ a b c d e Steven Watts (August 24, 2009). Mr Playboy: Hugh Hefner and the American Dream. Wiley. pp. 80, 91, 111, 144, 152, 190. ISBN 978-0-470-52167-0.
  12. ^ Samuel Schuman (1979). Vladimir Nabokov, A Reference Guide. p. 61. ISBN 9780816181346.
  13. ^ «11 great authors who wrote for Hugh Hefner’s Playboy». BBC. September 28, 2017.
  14. ^ Art Spiegelman (2001). Jack Cole and Plastic Man: Forms Stretched to Their Limits. Chronicle Books. p. 126. ISBN 0-8118-3179-5.
  15. ^ Eldon Dedini (2006). An Orgy of Playboy’s Eldon Dedini. Fantagraphics Books. p. 8. ISBN 1-56097-727-2.
  16. ^ Stephen E. Kercher (2006). Revel with a Cause: Liberal Satire in Postwar America. University Of Chicago Press. p. 480. ISBN 0-226-43164-9.
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  67. ^ Media and Culture with 2013 Update: An Introduction to Mass Communication, p. 268 (chart posts a list cited from magazines.org in 2010, showing top ten circulation magazines in the United States in 1972 and 2010. The 1972 list was (1) Reader’s Digest (17,825,661); (2) TV Guide (16,410,858); (3) Woman’s Day (8,191,731); (4) Better Homes and Gardens (7,996,050); (5) Family Circle (7,889,587); (6) McCall’s (7,516,960); (7) National Geographic (7,260,179); (8) Ladies’ Home Journal (7,014,251); (9) Playboy (6,400,573); (10) Good Housekeeping (5,801,446))
  68. ^ Bennett, Jessica (2 August 2019). Will the Millennials Save Playboy?, The New York Times
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External links


  • Official website Edit this at Wikidata


  • Playboy Covers of the World – Thousands of Playboy covers from all past and present editions worldwide.
  • Crossett, Andrew, Index: The Women of Playboy – 1967–2010
  • Playmate database at the University of Chicago – archived version June 2008
  • A full listing of the Playboy Interview subjects and their interviewers
  • Josh Lambert, «My Son, the Pornographer»: Jewish Editors at Playboy
  • A Playboy’s Guide to Hugh Hefner’s Chicago, Chicago Tribune

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