Present continuous sit как пишется

Present Continuous образуется следующим образом:
am/is/are + глагол с окончанием -ing.

Глагол sit для разных лиц и чисел будет выглядеть так:

I am sitting
you are sitting
he/she/it is sitting
we are sitting
you are sitting
they are sitting

Дорогой читатель! Таким способом в Present Continuous образуются утвердительные предложения. Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения образуются иначе.

Несколько примеров

  1. The girl is sitting on the sofa and reading a book.
    Девочка сидит на диване и читает книгу.
  2. I am sitting at the table in a cosy cafe.
    Я сижу за столиком в уютном кафе.
  3. My grandmother is sitting in her armchair now.
    Моя бабушка сейчас сидит в своем кресле.
  4. The boys are sitting on the fence.
    Мальчики сидят на заборе.
  5. Mike is sitting next to his little brother.
    Майк сидит рядом со своим маленьким братом.

  • sit,
    / sat
    / sitting
    / sits
  • sit,
    мн. sits

Спряжение глагола sit[sɪt]      сидеть, находиться, заседать

Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples

Present Indefinite

I sit
you sit
he/she/it sits
we sit
you sit
they sit

Present Perfect

I have sat
you have sat
he/she/it has sat
we have sat
you have sat
they have sat

Present Continuous

I am sitting
you are sitting
he/she/it is sitting
we are sitting
you are sitting
they are sitting

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been sitting
you have been sitting
he/she/it has been sitting
we have been sitting
you have been sitting
they have been sitting

Past Indefinite

I sat
you sat
he/she/it sat
we sat
you sat
they sat

Past Continuous

I was sitting
you were sitting
he/she/it was sitting
we were sitting
you were sitting
they were sitting

Past Perfect

I had sat
you had sat
he/she/it had sat
we had sat
you had sat
they had sat

Past Perfect Continuous

I had been sitting
you had been sitting
he/she/it had been sitting
we had been sitting
you had been sitting
they had been sitting

Future Indefinite

I will sit
you will sit
he/she/it will sit
we will sit
you will sit
they will sit

Future Continuous

I will be sitting
you will be sitting
he/she/it will be sitting
we will be sitting
you will be sitting
they will be sitting

Future Perfect

I will have sat
you will have sat
he/she/it will have sat
we will have sat
you will have sat
they will have sat

Future Perfect Continuous

I will have been sitting
you will have been sitting
he/she/it will have been sitting
we will have been sitting
you will have been sitting
they will have been sitting

Conditional Present

I would sit
you would sit
he/she/it would sit
we would sit
you would sit
they would sit

Conditional Present Continuous

I would be sitting
you would be sitting
he/she/it would be sitting
we would be sitting
you would be sitting
they would be sitting

Conditional Perfect

I would have sat
you would have sat
he/she/it would have sat
we would have sat
you would have sat
they would have sat

Conditional Perfect Continuous

I would have been sitting
you would have been sitting
he/she/it would have been sitting
we would have been sitting
you would have been sitting
they would have been sitting




to sit
to have sat
to be sitting
to have been sitting

Склонение существительного sit[sɪt]      сед


Possessive case




Глагол to sit – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: сидеть; сажать, усаживать;; вмещать; быть рассчитанным на.

Infinitive to sit
Simple past sat
Past participle sat
-s sits
-ing sitting

Sit in present simple


I sit

You sit

He sits
She sits
It sits

We sit

You sit

They sit


I do not sit

You do not sit

He does not sit
She does not sit
It does not sit

We do not sit

You do not sit

They do not sit


Do I sit?

Do you sit?

Does he sit?
Does she sit?
Does it sit?

Do we sit?

Do you sit?

Do they sit?

Sit in present continuous


I am sitting

You are sitting

He is sitting
She is sitting
It is sitting

We are sitting

You are sitting

They are sitting


I am not sitting

You are not sitting

He is not sitting
She is not sitting
It is not sitting

We are not sitting

You are not sitting

They are not sitting


Am I sitting?

Are you sitting?

Is he sitting?
Is she sitting?
Is it sitting?

Are we sitting?

Are you sitting?

Are they sitting?

Sit in present perfect


I have sat

You have sat

He has sat
She has sat
It has sat

We have sat

You have sat

They have sat


I have not sat

You have not sat

He has not sat
She has not sat
It has not sat

We have not sat

You have not sat

They have not sat


Have I sat?

Have you sat?

Has he sat?
Has she sat?
Has it sat?

Have we sat?

Have you sat?

Have they sat?

Sit in present perfect continuous


I have been sitting

You have been sitting

He has been sitting
She has been sitting
It has been sitting

We have been sitting

You have been sitting

They have been sitting


I have not been sitting

You have not been sitting

He has not been sitting
She has not been sitting
It has not been sitting

We have not been sitting

You have not been sitting

They have not been sitting


Have I been sitting?

Have you been sitting?

Has he been sitting?
Has she been sitting?
Has it been sitting?

Have we been sitting?

Have you been sitting?

Have they been sitting?

Sit in past simple


I sat

You sat

He sat
She sat
It sat

We sat

You sat

They sat


I did not sit

You did not sit

He did not sit
She did not sit
It did not sit

We did not sit

You did not sit

They did not sit


Did I sit?

Did you sit?

Did he sit?
Did she sit?
Did it sit?

Did we sit?

Did you sit?

Did they sit?

Sit in past continuous


I was sitting

You were sitting

He was sitting
She was sitting
It was sitting

We were sitting

You were sitting

They were sitting


I was not sitting

You were not sitting

He was not sitting
She was not sitting
It was not sitting

We were not sitting

You were not sitting

They were not sitting


Was I sitting?

Were you sitting?

Was he sitting?
Was she sitting?
Was it sitting?

Were we sitting?

Were you sitting?

Were they sitting?

Sit in past perfect


I had sat

You had sat

He had sat
She had sat
It had sat

We had sat

You had sat

They had sat


I had not sat

You had not sat

He had not sat
She had not sat
It had not sat

We had not sat

You had not sat

They had not sat


Had I sat?

Had you sat?

Had he sat?
Had she sat?
Had it sat?

Had we sat?

Had you sat?

Had they sat?

Sit in past perfect continuous


I had been sitting

You had been sitting

He had been sitting
She had been sitting
It had been sitting

We had been sitting

You had been sitting

They had been sitting


I had not been sitting

You had not been sitting

He had not been sitting
She had not been sitting
It had not been sitting

We had not been sitting

You had not been sitting

They had not been sitting


Had I been sitting?

Had you been sitting?

Had he been sitting?
Had she been sitting?
Had it been sitting?

Had we been sitting?

Had you been sitting?

Had they been sitting?

Sit in future simple


I will sit

You will sit

He will sit
She will sit
It will sit

We will sit

You will sit

They will sit


I will not sit

You will not sit

He will not sit
She will not sit
It will not sit

We will not sit

You will not sit

They will not sit


Will I sit?

Will you sit?

Will he sit?
Will she sit?
Will it sit?

Will we sit?

Will you sit?

Will they sit?

Sit in future continuous


I will be sitting

You will be sitting

He will be sitting
She will be sitting
It will be sitting

We will be sitting

You will be sitting

They will be sitting


I will not be sitting

You will not be sitting

He will not be sitting
She will not be sitting
It will not be sitting

We will not be sitting

You will not be sitting

They will not be sitting


Will I be sitting?

Will you be sitting?

Will he be sitting?
Will she be sitting?
Will it be sitting?

Will we be sitting?

Will you be sitting?

Will they be sitting?

Sit in future perfect


I will have sat

You will have sat

He will have sat
She will have sat
It will have sat

We will have sat

You will have sat

They will have sat


I will not have sat

You will not have sat

He will not have sat
She will not have sat
It will not have sat

We will not have sat

You will not have sat

They will not have sat


Will I havesat?

Will you havesat?

Will he havesat?
Will she havesat?
Will it havesat?

Will we havesat?

Will you havesat?

Will they havesat?

Sit in future perfect continuous


I will have been sitting

You will have been sitting

He will have been sitting
She will have been sitting
It will have been sitting

We will have been sitting

You will have been sitting

They will have been sitting


I will not have been sitting

You will not have been sitting

He will not have been sitting
She will not have been sitting
It will not have been sitting

We will not have been sitting

You will not have been sitting

They will not have been sitting


Will I have been sitting?

Will you have been sitting?

Will he have been sitting?
Will she have been sitting?
Will it have been sitting?

Will we have been sitting?

Will you have been sitting?

Will they have been sitting?

Sit in conditional present


I would sit

You would sit

He would sit
She would sit
It would sit

We would sit

You would sit

They would sit


I would not sit

You would not sit

He would not sit
She would not sit
It would not sit

We would not sit

You would not sit

They would not sit


Would I sit?

Would you sit?

Would he sit?
Would she sit?
Would it sit?

Would we sit?

Would you sit?

Would they sit?

Sit in conditional present progressive


I would be sitting

You would be sitting

He would be sitting
She would be sitting
It would be sitting

We would be sitting

You would be sitting

They would be sitting


I would not be sitting

You would not be sitting

He would not be sitting
She would not be sitting
It would not be sitting

We would not be sitting

You would not be sitting

They would not be sitting


Would I be sitting?

Would you be sitting?

Would he be sitting?
Would she be sitting?
Would it be sitting?

Would we be sitting?

Would you be sitting?

Would they be sitting?

Sit in conditional perfect


I would have sat

You would have sat

He would have sat
She would have sat
It would have sat

We would have sat

You would have sat

They would have sat


I would not have sat

You would not have sat

He would not have sat
She would not have sat
It would not have sat

We would not have sat

You would not have sat

They would not have sat


Would I have sat?

Would you have sat?

Would he have sat?
Would she have sat?
Would it have sat?

Would we have sat?

Would you have sat?

Would they have sat?

Sit in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been sitting

You would have been sitting

He would have been sitting
She would have been sitting
It would have been sitting

We would have been sitting

You would have been sitting

They would have been sitting


I would not have been sitting

You would not have been sitting

He would not have been sitting
She would not have been sitting
It would not have been sitting

We would not have been sitting

You would not have been sitting

They would not have been sitting


Would I have been sitting?

Would you have been sitting?

Would he have been sitting?
Would she have been sitting?
Would it have been sitting?

Would we have been sitting?

Would you have been sitting?

Would they have been sitting?

нет оценок

Введите инфинитив глагола или личную форму глагола, чтобы увидеть таблицу спряжения для него



  • Английский
  • Французский
  • Испанский
  • Немецкий
  • Итальянский
  • Португальский
  • Иврит
  • Русский
  • Арабский
  • Японский


Вспомогательный глагол:
have, be

Сокращенные формы



  • I sit
  • you sit
  • he/she/it sits
  • we sit
  • you sit
  • they sit


  • I sat
  • you sat
  • he/she/it sat
  • we sat
  • you sat
  • they sat

Present continuous

  • I am sitting
  • you are sitting
  • he/she/it is sitting
  • we are sitting
  • you are sitting
  • they are sitting

Present perfect

  • I have sat
  • you have sat
  • he/she/it has sat
  • we have sat
  • you have sat
  • they have sat


  • I will sit
  • you will sit
  • he/she/it will sit
  • we will sit
  • you will sit
  • they will sit

Future perfect

  • I will have sat
  • you will have sat
  • he/she/it will have sat
  • we will have sat
  • you will have sat
  • they will have sat

Past continous

  • I was sitting
  • you were sitting
  • he/she/it was sitting
  • we were sitting
  • you were sitting
  • they were sitting

Past perfect

  • I had sat
  • you had sat
  • he/she/it had sat
  • we had sat
  • you had sat
  • they had sat

Future continuous

  • I will be sitting
  • you will be sitting
  • he/she/it will be sitting
  • we will be sitting
  • you will be sitting
  • they will be sitting

Present perfect continuous

  • I have been sitting
  • you have been sitting
  • he/she/it has been sitting
  • we have been sitting
  • you have been sitting
  • they have been sitting

Past perfect continuous

  • I had been sitting
  • you had been sitting
  • he/she/it had been sitting
  • we had been sitting
  • you had been sitting
  • they had been sitting

Future perfect continuous

  • I will have been sitting
  • you will have been sitting
  • he/she/it will have been sitting
  • we will have been sitting
  • you will have been sitting
  • they will have been sitting



  • sit
  • let’s sit
  • sit

Perfect participle

  • having sat

Спряжение глагола «sit» во всех временах, наклонениях и лицах.
Поиск определения и перевода в контексте глагола «sit» с примерами его использования в реальном общении.
Похожие английский глаголы: spit, resit, house-sit

Перевод sit с английского на русский

  • сидеть (стоять, усаживать, садиться, сесть, посидеть, усесться, восседать, усадить, воссесть, усаживаться, сиживать)
  • заседать
  • находиться (располагаться, расположиться, рассесться)
  • просидеть (просиживать, усидеть, высидеть)
  • выпрямиться (засидеться)
  • отсиживать (отсидеться)


  • sit up straight (сидеть прямо)
  • sit comfortably (сесть поудобнее)
  • sit quietly (посидеть спокойно)
  • sit in parliament (заседать в парламенте)
  • sit directly (находиться непосредственно)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
sit sat sat sitting
[sɪt] [sæt] [sæt] [ˈsɪtɪŋ]
[sɪt] [sæt] [sæt] [ˈsɪtɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение sit в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I sit
  • you sit
  • he, she sits
  • we sit
  • you sit
  • they sit

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I sat
  • you sat
  • he, she sat
  • we sat
  • you sat
  • they sat

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will sit
  • you will sit
  • he, she will sit
  • we will sit
  • you will sit
  • they will sit

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am sitting
  • you are sitting
  • he, she is sitting
  • we are sitting
  • you are sitting
  • they are sitting

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was sitting
  • you were sitting
  • he, she was sitting
  • we were sitting
  • you were sitting
  • they were sitting

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be sitting
  • you will be sitting
  • he, she will be sitting
  • we will be sitting
  • you will be sitting
  • they will be sitting

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have sat
  • you have sat
  • he, she has sat
  • we have sat
  • you have sat
  • they have sat

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had sat
  • you had sat
  • he, she had sat
  • we had sat
  • you had sat
  • they had sat

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have sat
  • you will have sat
  • he, she will have sat
  • we will have sat
  • you will have sat
  • they will have sat

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been sitting
  • you have been sitting
  • he, she has been sitting
  • we have been sitting
  • you have been sitting
  • they have been sitting

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been sitting
  • you had been sitting
  • he, she had been sitting
  • we had been sitting
  • you had been sitting
  • they had been sitting

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been sitting
  • you will have been sitting
  • he, she will have been sitting
  • we will have been sitting
  • you will have been sitting
  • they will have been sitting

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would sit
  • you would sit
  • he, she would sit
  • we would sit
  • you would sit
  • they would sit


  • I would have sat
  • you would have sat
  • he, she would have sat
  • we would have sat
  • you would have sat
  • they would have sat

Present Continuous

  • I would be sitting
  • you would be sitting
  • he, she would be sitting
  • we would be sitting
  • you would be sitting
  • they would be sitting

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been sitting
  • you would have been sitting
  • he, she would have been sitting
  • we would have been sitting
  • you would have been sitting
  • they would have been sitting

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you sit
  • we Let’s sit
  • you sit

Проспрягать другие глаголы

report, undertake, worship, seed, cuddle, climb, love, attempt, stun, commission, switch, pump, urge, restrict, oppose, park, approach, record, succeed, find, admit, dry, hide, sting, gather, prepare, trigger

Спряжение глагола “to sit” (Английский язык)

Глагол to sit – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: сидеть; сажать, усаживать;; вмещать; быть рассчитанным на.

Infinitive to sit
Simple past sat
Past participle sat
-s sits
-ing sitting

Sit in present simple



He does not sit
She does not sit
It does not sit


Does he sit?
Does she sit?
Does it sit?

Sit in present continuous


He is sitting
She is sitting
It is sitting


He is not sitting
She is not sitting
It is not sitting


Is he sitting?
Is she sitting?
Is it sitting?

Sit in present perfect


He has sat
She has sat
It has sat


He has not sat
She has not sat
It has not sat


Has he sat?
Has she sat?
Has it sat?

Sit in present perfect continuous


He has been sitting
She has been sitting
It has been sitting


You have not been sitting

He has not been sitting
She has not been sitting
It has not been sitting

You have not been sitting

They have not been sitting


Has he been sitting?
Has she been sitting?
Has it been sitting?

Sit in past simple



He did not sit
She did not sit
It did not sit


Did he sit?
Did she sit?
Did it sit?

Sit in past continuous


He was sitting
She was sitting
It was sitting


He was not sitting
She was not sitting
It was not sitting


Was he sitting?
Was she sitting?
Was it sitting?

Sit in past perfect


He had sat
She had sat
It had sat


He had not sat
She had not sat
It had not sat


Had he sat?
Had she sat?
Had it sat?

Sit in past perfect continuous


He had been sitting
She had been sitting
It had been sitting


He had not been sitting
She had not been sitting
It had not been sitting

They had not been sitting


Had he been sitting?
Had she been sitting?
Had it been sitting?

Sit in future simple


He will sit
She will sit
It will sit


He will not sit
She will not sit
It will not sit


Will he sit?
Will she sit?
Will it sit?

Sit in future continuous


He will be sitting
She will be sitting
It will be sitting


He will not be sitting
She will not be sitting
It will not be sitting


Will he be sitting?
Will she be sitting?
Will it be sitting?

Sit in future perfect


He will have sat
She will have sat
It will have sat


He will not have sat
She will not have sat
It will not have sat


Will he have sat?
Will she have sat?
Will it have sat?

Sit in future perfect continuous


You will have been sitting

He will have been sitting
She will have been sitting
It will have been sitting

We will have been sitting

You will have been sitting

They will have been sitting


I will not have been sitting

You will not have been sitting

He will not have been sitting
She will not have been sitting
It will not have been sitting

We will not have been sitting

You will not have been sitting

They will not have been sitting


Will you have been sitting?

Will he have been sitting?
Will she have been sitting?
Will it have been sitting?

Will we have been sitting?

Will you have been sitting?

Will they have been sitting?

Sit in conditional present


He would sit
She would sit
It would sit


He would not sit
She would not sit
It would not sit


Would he sit?
Would she sit?
Would it sit?

Sit in conditional present progressive


He would be sitting
She would be sitting
It would be sitting


He would not be sitting
She would not be sitting
It would not be sitting

They would not be sitting


Would he be sitting?
Would she be sitting?
Would it be sitting?

Sit in conditional perfect


He would have sat
She would have sat
It would have sat


He would not have sat
She would not have sat
It would not have sat


Would he have sat?
Would she have sat?
Would it have sat?

Sit in conditional perfect progressive


I would have been sitting

You would have been sitting

He would have been sitting
She would have been sitting
It would have been sitting

We would have been sitting

You would have been sitting

They would have been sitting


I would not have been sitting

You would not have been sitting

He would not have been sitting
She would not have been sitting
It would not have been sitting

We would not have been sitting

You would not have been sitting

They would not have been sitting


Would I have been sitting?

Would you have been sitting?

Would he have been sitting?
Would she have been sitting?
Would it have been sitting?

Источник статьи:

Глагол sit в present continuous

сидеть, стоять, усаживать, садиться, сесть, посидеть, усесться, восседать, усадить, воссесть, усаживаться, сиживать, заседать, находиться, располагаться, расположиться, рассесться, просидеть, просиживать, усидеть, высидеть, выпрямиться, засидеться, отсиживать, отсидеться, посадить, посиживать

Реализовано с помощью сервиса «API «Яндекс.Словарь»


I sit
you sit
he sits
we sit
you sit
they sit

Present continuous

Past simple

I have sat
you have sat
he has sat
we have sat
you have sat
they have sat

Past continuous

I have been sitting
you have been sitting
he has been sitting
we have been sitting
you have been sitting
they have been sitting

Present perfect

I will sit
you will sit
he will sit
we will sit
you will sit
they will sit

Present perfect continuous

I will be sitting
you will be sitting
he will be sitting
we will be sitting
you will be sitting
they will be sitting

Past perfect

I will have sat
you will have sat
he will have sat
we will have sat
you will have sat
they will have sat

Past perfect continuous

I will have been sitting
you will have been sitting
he will have been sitting
we will have been sitting
you will have been sitting
they will have been sitting


Future continuous

Future perfect

I had been sitting
you had been sitting
he had been sitting
we had been sitting
you had been sitting
they had been sitting

Future perfect continuous


I would sit
you would sit
he would sit
we would sit
you would sit
they would sit

Present continuous

I would be sitting
you would be sitting
he would be sitting
we would be sitting
you would be sitting
they would be sitting

I would have sat
you would have sat
he would have sat
we would have sat
you would have sat
they would have sat

Past continuous

I would have been sitting
you would have been sitting
he would have been sitting
we would have been sitting
you would have been sitting
they would have been sitting

Источник статьи:

Present Continuous Tense — настоящее продолженное время в английском языке

Сегодня мы разберем одно из самых часто используемых времен в английском языке — Present Continuous Tense. Оно переводится как «настоящее продолженное время».

Вы узнаете, чем оно отличается от Present Simple , когда используется, с какими глаголами не употребляется и как оно образуется.

В чем разница между
Present Simple и Present Continuous Tense?

Present переводится как «настоящее» и говорит нам о том, что действие совершается в данный момент. Continuous переводится как «длительное/продолжительное» и говорит о том, что действие началось какое-то время назад и еще длится.

Present Continuous — это длительное время. Мы его используем тогда, когда хотим сказать, что что-то находится в процессе. Например, я плаваю, то есть я нахожусь в процессе плавания. Present Simple же показывает просто факт того или иного действия без процесса. Давайте рассмотрим примеры.

I am driving a car.
Я веду машину.

По-русски эти два предложения переводятся почти одинаково, но на английском языке они выражают совершенно разный смысл:

1) просто факт того, что я умею водить машину: у меня есть права и я могу её водить.

2) я за рулем: я еду за рулем автомобиля уже некоторое время и сейчас я еще веду машину, то есть я нахожусь в процессе вождения.

А теперь давайте подробнее рассмотрим, в каких именно случаях мы используем Present Continuous.

Употребление времени Present Continuous Tense

Простое продолженное время употребляется в нескольких случаях.

1. Когда мы говорим о действии, которое происходит сейчас (в данный момент).

То есть действие началось какое-то время назад и сейчас все еще длится (находится в процессе). Пример: «Она танцует» — она в процессе танца; «Дети играют в игрушки» — они в процессе игры.

2. Действие, которое совершается в настоящее время, но не обязательно в данный момент.

Этим самым мы подчеркиваем процесс его длительности. Пример: «Он учится в университете» — он находится в процессе учебы; «Она работает над крупным проектом» — она в процессе работы над проектом.

Утвердительные предложения
в Present Continuous Tense

Утвердительное предложение образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в форме настоящего времени (am, are, is) и окончания -ing, которое прибавляется к глаголу, обозначающему действие.

Тот, о ком идет речь + am/are/is + глагол + -ing.

They are watch ing TV. Они смотрят телевизор.

Правила прибавления окончания -ing

Есть несколько особенностей при добавлении окончания -ing к глаголам.

  • Если глагол заканчивается на -е, то букву e мы убираем и к глаголу прибавляем -ing:
  • Если глагол короткий, последнюю согласную мы удваиваем:

Исключения: глаголы, заканчивающиеся на -x и -w :

Если глагол заканчивается на -ie , то мы заменяем это окончание на -y :

Слова-указатели времени

Помочь определить, что перед нами именно Present Continuous, нам могут следующие слова:

  • now — сейчас;
  • at the moment — в данный момент.

Давайте рассмотрим примеры.

They are running now .
Они сейчас бегают.

We аre working at the moment .
Мы работаем в данный момент.

She is having a break at the moment .
Она на перерыве в данный момент.

Глаголы, не употребляющиеся
в Present Continuous Tense

Некоторые английские глаголы никогда не используются в этом времени.

1. Глаголы, выражающие чувства

В Present Continuous не используются глаголы, которые связаны с органами чувств (зрение, слух, осязание и т. д.).

  • hear — слышать,
  • smell — чувствовать запах,
  • feel — чувствовать и т. д.

2. Глаголы, выражающие умственное состояние

  • forget — забыть,
  • know — знать,
  • understand — понимать и т. д.

3. Глаголы, выражающие эмоции и желания

  • love — любить,
  • want — хотеть,
  • like — нравиться и т. д.

4. Глаголы, выражающие владение чем-либо

  • have — иметь,
  • possess — обладать и т. д.

Почему же эти глаголы не используются в Present Continuous?

Как мы уже разобрали, это время используется, чтобы подчеркнуть, что действие находится в процессе: мы начали это делать какое-то время назад, делаем это сейчас, но через какое-то время мы закончим это делать.

Чтобы употребляться в нашем длительном времени, глагол должен уметь длиться. Например: готовить — вы начали готовить, готовите сейчас, через какое-то время закончите.

Возвращаясь к нашим глаголам-исключениям. Мы не можем начать smell (нюхать) или hear (слышать) и через какое-то время закончить этот процесс. Это то, что мы делаем постоянно. Мы говорим о том, что умеем smell и hear. Так же не могут быть процессами забывание, понимание или эмоции, потому что иначе получится, что эти процессы начались когда-то, сейчас длятся и когда-нибудь закончатся.

Отрицательная форма в Present Continuous Tense

Отрицание строится как утвердительное предложение, только к нашему глаголу to be прибавляется отрицательная частица not.

Тот, о ком идет речь + am/are/is + not + глагол + -ing.

We are not do ing our homework now. Мы не делаем домашнюю работу сейчас.

She is not driv ing at the moment.
Она не за рулем в данный момент.

I am not listen ing music now . Я не слушаю музыку сейчас.

Вопросительная форма в Present Continuous Tense

Для того, чтобы спросить, делает ли кто-то что-то прямо сейчас, глагол to be выносим на первое место.

Am/are/is + тот, о ком идет речь + глагол + -ing?

You are swimm ing in a pool. Ты плаваешь в бассейне.

She is clean ing her room now. Она убирает комнату сейчас.

Вопрос и положительный ответ (наше «да») будут выглядеть следующим образом:

Отрицательные ответы (наше «нет») будут выглядеть так:

Are they playing tennis? Они играют в теннис?

Are they playing tennis?
Они играют в теннис?

Yes, he is sleeping now. Да, он спит сейчас.

No, he is not sleeping now. Нет, он не спит сейчас.

Специальные вопросы в Present Continuous Tense

Когда мы задаем вопрос со следующими вопросительными словами:

  • what — что;
  • where — где;
  • who — кто;
  • which — какой;
  • why — почему.

Эти слова ставятся на первое место в предложении, а дальнейший порядок слов будет таким же, как и в обычном вопросе. Схема такая:

Вопросительное слово + аm/are/is + тот, о ком идет речь +
глагол + -ing?

Сегодня вы познакомились с еще одним настоящим временем. Если у вас остались вопросы, задавайте их в комментариях.

Задание на закрепление

А теперь немного практики. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. Будьте внимательны, среди них спрятались предложения, которые относятся к Present Simple.

1. Она летит в самолете в данный момент.

2. Ты учишься сейчас? Да, я учусь.

3. Она ходит пешком на работу.

5. Они учатся в школе? Нет, они не учатся.

7. Он не летает самолетами.

9. Что они читают? Они читают новые журналы.

10. Моя подруга понимает физику.

Свои ответы оставляйте в комментариях под статьей.

Источник статьи:–nastoiascee-prodoljennoe-vremia-v-angliiskom-iazyke-5e68c37382bd2a61120c8288

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