Ради общего блага как пишется

Ради общего блага

Ради общего блага

Pro bono publico

Латинско-русский и русско-латинский словарь крылатых слов и выражений. — М.: Русский Язык.

Смотреть что такое «Ради общего блага» в других словарях:

  • АРИСТОТЕЛЬ СТАГИРИТ —     АРИСТОТЕЛЬ СТАГИРИТ (Ἀριστοτέλης Σταγειρίτης) (384, Стагира в Халкидике 322 до н. э., Халкида на Эвбее), др. греч. философ и ученый энциклопедист, ученик Платона, основатель Перипатетической школы.     Биография. Жизнь А. распадается на… …   Античная философия

  • Фома Аквинский — В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с именем Фома (значения). Фома Аквинский Thomas Aquinas …   Википедия

  • Фома Аквинат — Фома Аквинский Фома Аквинский (иначе Фома Аквинат или Томас Аквинат, лат. Thomas Aquinas итал. Tommaso d Aquino) (родился в 1225, замок Роккасекка, близ Аквино, умер недалеко от Неаполя  7 марта 1274, монастырь Фоссануова, около Рима)  философ и… …   Википедия

  • Русская литература — I.ВВЕДЕНИЕ II.РУССКАЯ УСТНАЯ ПОЭЗИЯ А.Периодизация истории устной поэзии Б.Развитие старинной устной поэзии 1.Древнейшие истоки устной поэзии. Устнопоэтическое творчество древней Руси с X до середины XVIв. 2.Устная поэзия с середины XVI до конца… …   Литературная энциклопедия

  • Фома Аквинский — (иначе Фома Аквинат или Томас Аквинат, лат. Thomas Aquinas) (родился в 1225, замок Роккасекка, близ Аквино, умер недалеко от Неаполя 7 марта 1274, монастырь Фоссануова, около Рима) первый схоластический учитель церкви, «princeps philosophorum»… …   Католическая энциклопедия

  • ФОМА АКВИНСКИЙ — Фома Аквинат (Thomas Aquinas) (1225 или 1226 1274) философ и теолог, систематизатор ортодоксальной схоластики, основатель томизма; монах доминиканец (с 1244). В 1567 признан пятым «учителем церкви». В основных трудах «Сумма теологии» и «Сумма… …   Философская энциклопедия

  • Соединённые Штаты Америки — Соединенные Штаты Америки США, гос во в Сев. Америке. Название включает: геогр. термин штаты (от англ, state государство ), так в ряде стран называют самоуправляющиеся территориальные единицы; определение соединенные, т. е. входящие в федерацию,… …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • ИОАНН ПАВЕЛ II — К. Войтыла с родителями. Фотография. Нач. 20 х гг. XX в. К. Войтыла с родителями. Фотография. Нач. 20 х гг. XX в. (18.05.1920, Вадовице, близ Кракова, Польша 2.04.2005, Ватикан; до избрания папой Кароль Юзеф Войтыла), папа Римский (с 16 окт.… …   Православная энциклопедия

  • Теория демократии — Демократия Ценности Законность · Равенство Свобод …   Википедия

  • “ПОЛИТИКА” —     “ПОЛИТИКА” (τα Πολιτικά) сочинение Аристотеля, как и другие его т. н. эзотерические сочинения, никогда не публиковалось при жизни. Текст сложился постепенно в ходе разработки Аристотелем его учения о государстве, тесно связанной с изучением… …   Философская энциклопедия

  • ПОЛИТИКА —     «ПОЛИТИКА» (τὰ Πολιτικά), сочинение Аристотеля; как и другие его т. н. эзотерические сочинения, никогда не публиковалась при жизни. Текст сложился в ходе разработки Аристотелем учения о государстве, тесно связанной с изучением конкретных… …   Античная философия

Your point about Wizard dominance being FOR THE MUGGLE’S OWN GOOD — this, I think, is the crucial point. Yes, we have been given power and yes, that power gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled. We must stress this point, it will be the foundation stone upon which we build. Where we are opposed, as we surely will be, this must be the basis of all our counterarguments. We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD. And from this it follows that where we meet resistance, we must use only the force that is necessary and no more. (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.)
— One of Albus Dumbledore’s letters to Gellert Grindelwald in their school years as they plotted Muggle domination.[src]

Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald

«For the Greater Good» (German: «Für das Größere Wohl«) was a phrase that Gellert Grindelwald used to justify his horrific actions in the 1940s global wizarding war and it was engraved over the entrance of Nurmengard, the prison he constructed to house those who opposed him. It expressed his belief that what he was doing was to be of eventual benefit to everyone, but that a small number of people would have to suffer to bring these benefits about.[1]

History of the phrase

Sign of the Deathly Hallows

When Grindelwald visited Godric’s Hollow in the 1890s, he met and fell in love with the young Albus Dumbledore and told him about his plans to overthrow the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and establish a regime in which wizards were placed above Muggles. Dumbledore, equally infatuated with Grindelwald, became “enflamed” with his ideology and talk of a revolution.[1] Grindelwald said that the regime would be for the Muggles’ own good and Dumbledore wrote a letter in which he said:

«Yes, we [wizards] have been given power and, yes, that gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled… We seize control for the greater good. And from this it follows that…we must use only the force that is necessary and no more.»[1]

After Dumbledore severed ties with Grindelwald following a duel that claimed the life of his younger sister, the motto became Grindelwald’s alone.[1] It became the rallying cry for his revolution that would allow him to bring the wizards out of keeping their powers secret to Muggles. Following the First World War, a destructive Muggle conflict during which several wizards fought on both sides (despite the official neutrality of magical governments), Grindewald emerged to preach his message of wizarding domination to the world, arguing that the barbaric actions of the Muggles could have been prevented had the wizards ruled over them.[2] Some other wizards joined Grindelwald’s cause, becoming his followers, and they launched attacks all across Europe. Despite a brief disappearance followed by his arrest during the Obscurus attack on New York in 1926,[3] Grindelwald escaped and continued to propagate his message.[2]

Although Grindelwald was seen as the most powerful dark wizard in the world, Grindelwald and his followers knew that there existed only one person in the wizarding world with the capability to challenge him: Albus Dumbledore, his old friend and lover who had once embraced their philosophy. Thanks to their Blood pact, Dumbledore was rendered incapable of facing Grindelwald but Grindelwald knew better than to assume Dumbledore would just let his crusade go unchallenged and as attempting to kill Dumbledore personally was impossible as the pact also prevented Grindelwald from fighting Dumbledore, making it a double-edged sword to the Greater Good revolution. Grindelwald’s search for the Obscurial Credence Barebone was motivated by the belief that he, as a pure magical force capable of incredible destruction, would be able to destroy Dumbledore in his place.[2]

Grindelwald’s ‘For the Greater Good’ revolution terrorised the wizarding world for two decades and had backed the governments into a corner but by 1945, fortune finally left them when Dumbledore finally destroyed the Blood Pact and was able to confront his old flame. In what was described by those who witnessed it as the greatest battle of magic ever undertaken, Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and imprisoned him in his own prison fortress of Nurmengard, ending the idea of the domination of wizards over the world.[1]

However, despite his participation in Grindelwald’s defeat and having rejected Grindelwald’s cause, during the uprising of Lord Voldemort, Dumbledore would show himself to still belief in the term he had coined for his former partner, but unlike Grindelwald, his approach towards it was much more benign.[4][1]

Ironically, Elphias Doge’s tribute to Dumbledore in the Daily Prophet, «Albus Dumbledore Remembered», stated of Dumbledore that «He died as he lived: working always for the greater good…»[4]

Behind the scenes

  • «The greater good» is an essential idea of the utilitarian philosophy. «For The Greater Good» may also be a reference to «Arbeit macht frei» (German, «Work makes [one] free» or «Work liberates«) the motto that was mendaciously inscribed over the entrance gates to several Nazi concentration camps (The exact wording of the inscription at Nurmengard is unknown, since Grindelwald’s exact nationality or his language of preference are not specified in the books; The German translation of his slogan would be «Für das höhere Wohl«, although the official German translation in the book reads «für das größere Wohl«).
  • Hermione Granger states to Harry Potter in the Forest of Dean that this slogan is the «Magic is Might» slogan all over again, further highlighting Grindelwald’s connection to Voldemort.


  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (First appearance)
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)
  • Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald — The Original Screenplay
  • Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 18 (The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald — The Original Screenplay
  3. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
  4. 4.0 4.1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 2 (In Memoriam)

Your point about Wizard dominance being FOR THE MUGGLE’S OWN GOOD — this, I think, is the crucial point. Yes, we have been given power and yes, that power gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled. We must stress this point, it will be the foundation stone upon which we build. Where we are opposed, as we surely will be, this must be the basis of all our counterarguments. We seize control FOR THE GREATER GOOD. And from this it follows that where we meet resistance, we must use only the force that is necessary and no more. (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.)
— One of Albus Dumbledore’s letters to Gellert Grindelwald in their school years as they plotted Muggle domination.[src]

Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald

«For the Greater Good» (German: «Für das Größere Wohl«) was a phrase that Gellert Grindelwald used to justify his horrific actions in the 1940s global wizarding war and it was engraved over the entrance of Nurmengard, the prison he constructed to house those who opposed him. It expressed his belief that what he was doing was to be of eventual benefit to everyone, but that a small number of people would have to suffer to bring these benefits about.[1]

History of the phrase

Sign of the Deathly Hallows

When Grindelwald visited Godric’s Hollow in the 1890s, he met and fell in love with the young Albus Dumbledore and told him about his plans to overthrow the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy and establish a regime in which wizards were placed above Muggles. Dumbledore, equally infatuated with Grindelwald, became “enflamed” with his ideology and talk of a revolution.[1] Grindelwald said that the regime would be for the Muggles’ own good and Dumbledore wrote a letter in which he said:

«Yes, we [wizards] have been given power and, yes, that gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled… We seize control for the greater good. And from this it follows that…we must use only the force that is necessary and no more.»[1]

After Dumbledore severed ties with Grindelwald following a duel that claimed the life of his younger sister, the motto became Grindelwald’s alone.[1] It became the rallying cry for his revolution that would allow him to bring the wizards out of keeping their powers secret to Muggles. Following the First World War, a destructive Muggle conflict during which several wizards fought on both sides (despite the official neutrality of magical governments), Grindewald emerged to preach his message of wizarding domination to the world, arguing that the barbaric actions of the Muggles could have been prevented had the wizards ruled over them.[2] Some other wizards joined Grindelwald’s cause, becoming his followers, and they launched attacks all across Europe. Despite a brief disappearance followed by his arrest during the Obscurus attack on New York in 1926,[3] Grindelwald escaped and continued to propagate his message.[2]

Although Grindelwald was seen as the most powerful dark wizard in the world, Grindelwald and his followers knew that there existed only one person in the wizarding world with the capability to challenge him: Albus Dumbledore, his old friend and lover who had once embraced their philosophy. Thanks to their Blood pact, Dumbledore was rendered incapable of facing Grindelwald but Grindelwald knew better than to assume Dumbledore would just let his crusade go unchallenged and as attempting to kill Dumbledore personally was impossible as the pact also prevented Grindelwald from fighting Dumbledore, making it a double-edged sword to the Greater Good revolution. Grindelwald’s search for the Obscurial Credence Barebone was motivated by the belief that he, as a pure magical force capable of incredible destruction, would be able to destroy Dumbledore in his place.[2]

Grindelwald’s ‘For the Greater Good’ revolution terrorised the wizarding world for two decades and had backed the governments into a corner but by 1945, fortune finally left them when Dumbledore finally destroyed the Blood Pact and was able to confront his old flame. In what was described by those who witnessed it as the greatest battle of magic ever undertaken, Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald and imprisoned him in his own prison fortress of Nurmengard, ending the idea of the domination of wizards over the world.[1]

However, despite his participation in Grindelwald’s defeat and having rejected Grindelwald’s cause, during the uprising of Lord Voldemort, Dumbledore would show himself to still belief in the term he had coined for his former partner, but unlike Grindelwald, his approach towards it was much more benign.[4][1]

Ironically, Elphias Doge’s tribute to Dumbledore in the Daily Prophet, «Albus Dumbledore Remembered», stated of Dumbledore that «He died as he lived: working always for the greater good…»[4]

Behind the scenes

  • «The greater good» is an essential idea of the utilitarian philosophy. «For The Greater Good» may also be a reference to «Arbeit macht frei» (German, «Work makes [one] free» or «Work liberates«) the motto that was mendaciously inscribed over the entrance gates to several Nazi concentration camps (The exact wording of the inscription at Nurmengard is unknown, since Grindelwald’s exact nationality or his language of preference are not specified in the books; The German translation of his slogan would be «Für das höhere Wohl«, although the official German translation in the book reads «für das größere Wohl«).
  • Hermione Granger states to Harry Potter in the Forest of Dean that this slogan is the «Magic is Might» slogan all over again, further highlighting Grindelwald’s connection to Voldemort.


  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (First appearance)
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
  • Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)
  • Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald — The Original Screenplay
  • Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 18 (The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald — The Original Screenplay
  3. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Original Screenplay
  4. 4.0 4.1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 2 (In Memoriam)

ради общего блага — перевод на английский

Отдать что-то, что любишь, ради общего блага.

Giving up something you love for the greater good.

и это все ради общего блага?

How can this be for the greater good?

Все жертвы служат ради общего блага.

Make sacrifices for the greater good.

Я тот, кого просят принять трудное решение ради общего блага.

I’m a man who’s being asked to make a hard choice for the greater good.

Папа всегда принимал тяжёлые решения ради общего блага.

Pop always made the hard choices for the greater good.

Показать ещё примеры для «for the greater good»…

В России уже пытались, и скоро поняли, что им нужны начальники, чтобы заставлять людей трудиться ради общего блага.

-Just that when they tried it in Russia, they soon found you need a few bosses around to keep the peasants working for the common good.

Ради общего блага он приблизится к ворону и узнает, правда ли бог может обратить его народ в камень.

For the common good, he would approach the raven to learn whether the god really would turn his people to stone.

Поэтому за меня, за мою мать… за мою бабушку, за моего отца, дядю и ради общего блага… я должна сейчас же убить тебя и твоего братца.

So for me, for my mother my grandmother, my father, my uncle and for the common good… I must now kill you and your brother.

? что могу, ради общего блага ?

♪ what I have to for the common good

Значит, ты пожертвовала собой ради общего блага.

So you sacrificed yourself for the common good.

Показать ещё примеры для «for the common good»…

Скрытым ради общего блага, старый друг.

Hidden for the good of all, old friend.

Я все-таки считаю, что должен уничтожить его ради общего блага.

Which is why I keep thinking that I need to destroy it for good this time.

Я делаю это, ради общего блага.

What I do now, I do for the good of all.

Это ради общего блага.

I’m out for good now.

То есть это ради общего блага.

It’s for the good of the rest.

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Ради общего блага

ради общего блага

Pro bono publico


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-1K, -2K, -3K, -4K, -5K, -10K, -20K, -30K, -40K, -50K, -60K, -70K, -80K.

На букву В С буквы «в»

Фраза «в пользу общего блага»

Фраза состоит из четырёх слов и 18 букв без пробелов.

  • Написание фразы наоборот
  • Написание фразы в транслите
  • Написание фразы шрифтом Брайля
  • Передача фразы на азбуке Морзе
  • Произношение фразы на дактильной азбуке
  • Остальные фразы с буквы «в»
  • Остальные фразы из 4 слов

Видео Общее Благо - Дамблдор и Грин-де-Вальд - Поттероманский Фильм (автор: Павел Левковец)17:11

Общее Благо — Дамблдор и Грин-де-Вальд — Поттероманский Фильм

Видео Общее Благо - Гарри Поттер - Дамблдор и Гриндевальд|RUS|Озвучка JFoX (автор: JFoX)17:11

Общее Благо — Гарри Поттер — Дамблдор и Гриндевальд|RUS|Озвучка JFoX

Видео CoD BO3 Достижения Светлое будущее и ради общего блага(главная пасхалка) (автор: James Maks)28:31

CoD BO3 Достижения Светлое будущее и ради общего блага(главная пасхалка)

Видео Манипура (3-я чакра) Как жить в Изобилии, обрести Деньги, Власть и Успех? | автор Качанова Наталья (автор: Natalia Kachanova)28:01

Манипура (3-я чакра) Как жить в Изобилии, обрести Деньги, Власть и Успех? | автор Качанова Наталья



Видео IKOTIKA - Дамблдор и Грин-Де-Вальд (Harry Potter parody) (автор: IKOTIKA - доп. канал)00:57

IKOTIKA — Дамблдор и Грин-Де-Вальд (Harry Potter parody)

Написание фразы «в пользу общего блага» наоборот

Как эта фраза пишется в обратной последовательности.

агалб огещбо узьлоп в 😀

Написание фразы «в пользу общего блага» в транслите

Как эта фраза пишется в транслитерации.

в латинской🇬🇧 v polzu obshchego blaga

Как эта фраза пишется в пьюникоде — Punycode, ACE-последовательность IDN

xn--b1a xn--g1ahidx6c xn--90aef8ad7d xn--80aabj2b

Как эта фраза пишется в английской Qwerty-раскладке клавиатуры.


Написание фразы «в пользу общего блага» шрифтом Брайля

Как эта фраза пишется рельефно-точечным тактильным шрифтом.


Передача фразы «в пользу общего блага» на азбуке Морзе

Как эта фраза передаётся на морзянке.

⋅ – – ⋅ – – ⋅ – – – ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – – – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – – – – – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – – ⋅ – ⋅ – – ⋅ – – – – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – – – ⋅ ⋅ –

Произношение фразы «в пользу общего блага» на дактильной азбуке

Как эта фраза произносится на ручной азбуке глухонемых (но не на языке жестов).

Передача фразы «в пользу общего блага» семафорной азбукой

Как эта фраза передаётся флажковой сигнализацией.


Остальные фразы с буквы «в»

Какие ещё фразы начинаются с этой буквы.

  • в цвете
  • в цвете лет
  • в интересном положении
  • в эту пору
  • в общей массе
  • в один момент
  • в одно мгновение
  • в одну минуту
  • в самое последнее время
  • в самой поре
  • в самом соку
  • в самую пору
  • в самую точку
  • в том случае, если…
  • в Греции всё есть
  • в авангарде
  • в авантаже
  • в ад и обратно
  • в адамовы веки
  • в крови
  • в мгновение ока
  • в один конец
  • в кино
  • в бреду

Ваша фраза добавлена!

Остальные фразы из 4 слов

Какие ещё фразы состоят из такого же количества слов.

  • (самое) холодное время года
  • а был ли мальчик?
  • а вот и вы
  • а вот и нет
  • а кто его знает!
  • а ларчик просто открывался
  • а мы просо сеяли
  • а поутру они проснулись
  • а прямо в глаз
  • а то как же
  • а шут его знает
  • аббревиатуры при морских отправках
  • абдалов шамиль имамгулу оглы
  • аборт и психологическая травма
  • абсолютная величина действительного числа
  • абсолютная монархия во франции
  • абсолютные практические электрические единицы
  • абсолютный радиочастотный номер канала
  • абстрагироваться от внешнего мира
  • абстрагироваться от внешних раздражителей
  • авангард в архитектуре ленинграда
  • аварийная защита ядерного реактора
  • аварийно химически опасное вещество
  • аварийное загрязнение водных объектов


@ceunv 12.01.2020 16:15

Что значит фраза «в пользу общего блага»? Как это понять?..


@hidozi 13.10.2022 09:37




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