Рычание тигра как написать

На букву Р Со слова «рычание»

Фраза «рычание тигра»

Фраза состоит из двух слов и 12 букв без пробелов.

  • Синонимы к фразе
  • Написание фразы наоборот
  • Написание фразы в транслите
  • Написание фразы шрифтом Брайля
  • Передача фразы на азбуке Морзе
  • Произношение фразы на дактильной азбуке
  • Остальные фразы со слова «рычание»
  • Остальные фразы из 2 слов

Видео Лев против Тигра - Кто Сильнее? (Реальные Кадры Схваток) (автор: PANDORA)12:42

Лев против Тигра — Кто Сильнее? (Реальные Кадры Схваток)

Видео Рык льва - Рычание льва - Лев рычит (автор: Alexander Molkov)01:11

Рык льва — Рычание льва — Лев рычит

Видео Рык Тигра (автор: تاراز كازاخستان)01:01

Рык Тигра

Видео Эмоции тигра - tiger emotions!!! (автор: Энциклопедия животных)00:53

Эмоции тигра — tiger emotions!!!

Видео РЫК ТИГРА АМУРА (автор: safaripark25.TV)01:48


Видео Звук тигра (автор: Странные звуки)02:14

Звук тигра

Синонимы к фразе «рычание тигра»

Какие близкие по смыслу слова и фразы, а также похожие выражения существуют. Как можно написать по-другому или сказать другими словами.


  • + военный клич −
  • + вопли людей −
  • + голос волка −
  • + громкое рычание −
  • + грохот камнепада −
  • + гул водопада −
  • + еле слышный −
  • + злобное рычание −
  • + зловещее рычание −
  • + из глубины горла −
  • + клёкот орла −
  • + крик совы −
  • + лая собаки −
  • + лязг металла −
  • + мяуканье кошки −
  • + ночная птица −
  • + огласить лес −
  • + отражаться от деревьев −
  • + прокатиться по долине −
  • + ружейный выстрел −
  • + рычание зверя −
  • + рычание льва −
  • + рычание медведя −
  • + рычание тигра −

Ваш синоним добавлен!

Написание фразы «рычание тигра» наоборот

Как эта фраза пишется в обратной последовательности.

аргит еиначыр 😀

Написание фразы «рычание тигра» в транслите

Как эта фраза пишется в транслитерации.

в армянской🇦🇲 րըչանիե տիգրա

в грузинской🇬🇪 რიჩანიე თიგრა

в латинской🇬🇧 rychaniye tigra

Как эта фраза пишется в пьюникоде — Punycode, ACE-последовательность IDN

xn--80akitn6b1a xn--80afo7ah

Как эта фраза пишется в английской Qwerty-раскладке клавиатуры.


Написание фразы «рычание тигра» шрифтом Брайля

Как эта фраза пишется рельефно-точечным тактильным шрифтом.


Передача фразы «рычание тигра» на азбуке Морзе

Как эта фраза передаётся на морзянке.

⋅ – ⋅ – ⋅ – – – – – ⋅ ⋅ – – ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ – – ⋅ ⋅ – ⋅ ⋅ –

Произношение фразы «рычание тигра» на дактильной азбуке

Как эта фраза произносится на ручной азбуке глухонемых (но не на языке жестов).

Передача фразы «рычание тигра» семафорной азбукой

Как эта фраза передаётся флажковой сигнализацией.


Остальные фразы со слова «рычание»

Какие ещё фразы начинаются с этого слова.

  • рычание волков
  • рычание двигателя
  • рычание дракона
  • рычание зверя
  • рычание льва
  • рычание медведя
  • рычание мотора
  • рычание повторилось
  • рычание прекратилось
  • рычание пса
  • рычание смолкло
  • рычание собаки
  • рычание стихло
  • рычание усилилось
  • рычание хищников

Ваша фраза добавлена!

Остальные фразы из 2 слов

Какие ещё фразы состоят из такого же количества слов.

  • а вдобавок
  • а вдруг
  • а ведь
  • а вот
  • а если
  • а ещё
  • а именно
  • а капелла
  • а каторга
  • а ну-ка
  • а приятно
  • а также
  • а там
  • а то
  • аа говорит
  • аа отвечает
  • аа рассказывает
  • ааронов жезл
  • аароново благословение
  • аароново согласие
  • аб ово
  • абажур лампы
  • абазинская аристократия
  • абазинская литература


@blxln 08.01.2020 20:02

Что значит фраза «рычание тигра»? Как это понять?..


@imhhhl 28.08.2022 02:10




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Транслит Пьюникод Шрифт Брайля Азбука Морзе Дактильная азбука Семафорная азбука

Палиндромы Сантана

Народный словарь великого и могучего живого великорусского языка.

Онлайн-словарь слов и выражений русского языка. Ассоциации к словам, синонимы слов, сочетаемость фраз. Морфологический разбор: склонение существительных и прилагательных, а также спряжение глаголов. Морфемный разбор по составу словоформ.

По всем вопросам просьба обращаться в письмошную.

Как правильно пишется словосочетание «рёв тигра»

  • Как правильно пишется слово «рёв»
  • Как правильно пишется слово «тигр»

Делаем Карту слов лучше вместе

Привет! Меня зовут Лампобот, я компьютерная программа, которая помогает делать
Карту слов. Я отлично
умею считать, но пока плохо понимаю, как устроен ваш мир. Помоги мне разобраться!

Спасибо! Я стал чуточку лучше понимать мир эмоций.

Вопрос: логицизм — это что-то нейтральное, положительное или отрицательное?

Ассоциации к слову «рёв»

Ассоциации к слову «тигр»

Синонимы к словосочетанию «рёв тигра»

Предложения со словосочетанием «рёв тигра»

  • Рёв тигра наполнил пещеру громовыми раскатами.
  • Рёв тигра много раз прорывал ночную степь, заставляя всё живое трястись в страхе.
  • Как бы в подтвержденье его слов, в ответ на рёв тигра изюбр ответил громким голосом.
  • (все предложения)

Цитаты из русской классики со словосочетанием «рёв тигра»

  • Итак, можно только сказать, что все те места ярости, бешенства и жажды мщения, в которых Шушерин давал себе полную свободу, принимая это в смысле условном, были превосходны — страшны и увлекательны; в местах же, где он сберегал себя, конечно, являлась уже одна декламация, подкрепляемая мимикою, доводимою до излишества; трепета в лице и дрожанья во всех членах было слишком много; нижние, грудные тоны, когда они проникнуты страстью, этот сдерживаемый, подавляемый рев тигра, по выражению Шушерина, которыми он вполне владел в зрелых летах, — изменили ему, и знаменитый некогда монолог:
  • Первобытные девственные леса в большей части страны выгорели, и на смену им появились леса, состоящие из лиственницы, березы и осины. Там, где раньше ревел тигр, ныне свистит паровоз, где были редкие жилища одиноких звероловов, появились большие русские селения, туземцы отошли на север, и количество зверя в тайге сильно уменьшилось.
  • Как бы в подтвержденье его слов, в ответ на рев тигра изюбр ответил громким голосом. Тотчас ответил и тигр. Он довольно ловко подражал оленю, но только под конец его рев закончился коротким мурлыканьем.
  • (все
    цитаты из русской классики)

Сочетаемость слова «рёв»

  • оглушительный рёв
    дикий рёв
    страшный рёв
  • рёв мотора
    рёв двигателей
    рёв толпы
  • душу рёв
    из-за угла с рёвом
    над головами с рёвом
  • рёв усилился
    рёв нарастал
    рёв стоял
  • услышать рёв
    издать оглушительный рёв
    превратиться в рёв
  • (полная таблица сочетаемости)

Значение слова «реветь»

  • РЕВЕ́ТЬ, —ву́, —вёшь; несов. 1. Издавать рев (о животных). (Малый академический словарь, МАС)

    Все значения слова РЕВЕТЬ

Значение слова «тигр»

  • ТИГР, -а, м. Крупное хищное млекопитающее сем. кошачьих, оранжево-желтой с черными полосами окраски. (Малый академический словарь, МАС)

    Все значения слова ТИГР

Афоризмы русских писателей со словом «рёв»

  • Чтобы говорить понятно людям, надо развешивать, соразмерять выражение своих чувств с их понятиями. Надо раболепствовать правилами языка, потворствовать моде, ползать у ног приличий, подбирать падежи и созвучия, когда я хотел бы выразить себя ревом льва, песнею вольного ветра, безмолвным укором зеркала.
  • (все афоризмы русских писателей)

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Доступные форматы для скачивания: mp3, ogg, wav. Количество звуков: 25. Длительность треков от 1 до 58 сек.

Рычание тигра

Размер: 95 Kb
Скачиваний: 17940
Битрейт: 128 Kb

Рык тигра (короткий звук)

Размер: 36 Kb
Скачиваний: 7671
Битрейт: 130 Kb


Размер: 260 Kb
Скачиваний: 2996
Битрейт: 128 Kb

Яростный рев бенгальского тигра

Размер: 50 Kb
Скачиваний: 4047
Битрейт: 64 Kb

Грозный рев тигра

Размер: 72 Kb
Скачиваний: 3685
Битрейт: 128 Kb

Тигренок кричит и мурлыкает

Размер: 36 Kb
Скачиваний: 2180
Битрейт: 32 Kb

Рычание тигра

Размер: 438 Kb
Скачиваний: 1957
Битрейт: 128 Kb

Тигр мурлыкает и играет с тигренком

Размер: 85 Kb
Скачиваний: 1405
Битрейт: 64 Kb

Маленький тигренок учится рычать

Размер: 9 Kb
Скачиваний: 1108
Битрейт: 16 Kb

Зоопарк тигр величественный вой

Размер: 1011 Kb
Скачиваний: 1181
Битрейт: 192 Kb

Тигр рычит и ждет подходящего момента для нападения на жертву

Размер: 14 Kb
Скачиваний: 811
Битрейт: 16 Kb

Зоопарк северо-восточного тигра вызывает звуковой эффект

Размер: 23 Kb
Скачиваний: 957
Битрейт: 24 Kb

Прогулка по тиграм нежный звуковой эффект

Размер: 84 Kb
Скачиваний: 767
Битрейт: 64 Kb

Звук тигрицы

Размер: 922 Kb
Скачиваний: 660
Битрейт: 128 Kb

Грозное рычание голодного тигра

Размер: 9 Kb
Скачиваний: 549
Битрейт: 16 Kb

Тигр рычит и кричит после охоты

Размер: 20 Kb
Скачиваний: 656
Битрейт: 24 Kb

Рев свирепого хищника

Размер: 10 Kb
Скачиваний: 555
Битрейт: 16 Kb

Свирепый бенгальский тигр, кричащий звуковой эффект

Размер: 246 Kb
Скачиваний: 565
Битрейт: 192 Kb

Как тигр делает

Размер: 81 Kb
Скачиваний: 2339
Битрейт: 129 Kb

Хитрый тигр подстерегает жертву

Размер: 24 Kb
Скачиваний: 482
Битрейт: 16 Kb

Лютый звук игрушечного тигра

Размер: 13 Kb
Скачиваний: 279
Битрейт: 25 Kb

Тигр отдыхает после охоты

Размер: 11 Kb
Скачиваний: 286
Битрейт: 8 Kb

Зоопарк свирепого тигра назвал звуковые эффекты материала

Размер: 173 Kb
Скачиваний: 397
Битрейт: 192 Kb

Детеныш тигра в клетке

Размер: 1725 Kb
Скачиваний: 318
Битрейт: 320 Kb

Рык взрослого тигра

Размер: 6 Kb
Скачиваний: 252
Битрейт: 9 Kb



january 28, 2021 15:00


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Карантин я провела на Патреоне, оказывается

Я тут в конце года обиженно отказалась подводить какие-либо итога года, потому что ощущение от года было какое-то тоскливое и тяжелое. И меня всю дорогу преследовало ощущение, что я не сделала ничего. Нет, я все время что-то делала. Местами даже умудрилась ощутить выгорание, и иногда было ощущение,…

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Harsh growls are a touchstone of black metal, death metal, and other extreme forms of music. If you want to know what it takes to growl like your favorite singer, you can learn the ins and outs of exhaled and inhaled growls, as well as how to sing properly without hurting your voice. The question is, how do you growl? Just read further and you will be growling in no time!

  1. Image titled Growl Step 1


    Breathe from your diaphragm. Sit with your back straight, and just hum with your normal voice and mouth closed. Put your hand on your stomach, just below your ribs, and hum a few times in short bursts. When humming, one automatically uses the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, so you should feel your abdomen goes in, while your chest and shoulders aren’t moving. Breathe from that spot when you want to growl.[1]

    • Put your hand on your abdomen and hum with your mouth closed. Gradually increase the volume. Feel how your abs are shrinking towards the inside? This means that your diaphragm is relaxing and pushing air out. That’s where the sound should be coming from.
  2. Image titled Growl Step 2


    Pinch your throat. Open your jaw and make an «O» shape with your lips. Pull your tongue back to the back of your throat. The tighter you pinch the back of your throat, the higher the pitch of your growl will be. Move your tongue forward slightly and loosen the pinch, and your growl will be a little lower.

    • Try letting a little air out. It should rattle a little at the back of your throat, without really having to make much sound at all. Rattling is a sign that you’ve got the right shape.


  3. Image titled Growl Step 3


    Exhale forcefully, but evenly. Practice breathing deep into your diaphragm and positioning your throat correctly, then try exhaling a few times, evenly but forcefully enough to get a good amount of sound from your throat. You should hear a good, low growl that sounds good for animal impressions and metal songs alike.[2]

    • Draw out the growl for a few seconds and let it trail off. Practice bringing the volume up and down, and changing the pitch slightly. It’ll take a little practice.
    • Keep your hand on your stomach to make sure you’re breathing as deeply as possible, and pushing the air from deep in your diaphragm.
  4. Image titled Growl Step 4


    Practice growling nonsense syllables. To help you channel your throat sounds into something that’s like music, it’s important to practice forming syllables and changing pitch. The following syllables are all good to practice in your routine, forming them as evenly and smoothly as possible:[3]

    • Yo
    • We
    • Ah
    • Ra
  5. Image titled Growl Step 5


    Don’t chop the ends off. When you’re growling, if you cut off your growl very abruptly, you’ll risk losing your voice. The force necessary to stop the sound can wreak havoc on your vocal cords, and you’ll end up with a sore throat if you cut off your growls suddenly, instead of letting them trail off.

  6. Image titled Growl Step 6


    Practice changing the pitch. For black metal style vocals, you often want to growl with a higher pitch. Keep your tongue down and keep your head tilted up a bit, practicing pinching your throat enough to get the right kind of tone and change in pitch.[4]

  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Growl Step 7


    Use inhaled growls for higher pitched songs. Generally speaking, inhaled growling sounds more «piggy» and slightly higher pitched, but it can also sound demonic and devilish, and you can do a whole lot with the technique. Really, it sounds a lot similar, but it’s another little trick you can add to your extreme singing arsenal, to make your abilities a little rounder. It’s only a minor difference from exhaled growls.

  2. Image titled Growl Step 8


    Breathe from your diaphragm. Similar to the exhaled growl, your want to keep your focus on your diaphragm. With all singing, good breath support is important for a good tone. Put your hand on your stomach and feel your diaphragm going in and out as you breathe.[5]

    • To inhale, expand your abdomen and lower back ribs, while not moving the chest and shoulders. Practice breathing from deep in your stomach, not from your throat, to make your growl as deep as possible.
  3. Image titled Growl Step 9


    Make the throat pinch and inhale. Make an «O» with your lips, open your jaw, and bring your tongue back in the same way as you did for the exhaled growl. Start inhaling in the same way you exhaled, breathing deeply into your diaphragm.

    • Increase the volume and force gradually to get a sense of how much you need to breathe in to get the kind of sound and pitch you’re looking for. Play around with it for a while until it feels comfortable to you.
  4. Image titled Growl Step 10


    Start with the syllable «we.» The most common inhaled growl seems to be around the «we» syllable, because it feels the most comfortable. This is often used to start songs in the death or black metal genres, allowing you to let loose with a lot of volume. Start practicing around «we» until you get comfortable, then try more syllables as you’re working on your growls:

    • Go
    • Ra
    • Die
  5. Image titled Growl Step 11


    Practice alternating between exhaling and inhaling. A good metal vocalist can alternate between the two, so you can sing a whole lot at once, as the song calls for. The more seamlessly you can shift back and forth between exhaled and inhaled growls, the more seamless and virtuosic your abilities as a growler.

    • Write out some lyrics and practice singing half in an exhaled growl and half inhaled. Try out some Opeth[6]
      for practice: (Exhaled) «We enter winter once again» / (Inhaled) «Naked freezing from my breath.»
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Growl Step 12


    Always warm up your voice first.[7]
    Growling puts more strain on your throat than possibly any other type of singing. It involves your vocal cords less, but it can give you a sore throat pretty quickly. It’s not always necessary to warm up your vocal cords with fancy exercises, but warming up your throat a little is important. Never start cold.[8]

    • Drink warm tea with honey to help warm up your throat. Avoid drinking things like soda and milk, which can make your throat kind of mucous-coated, making it hard to sing.
    • Don’t smoke. Lots of inexperienced singers think a couple cigarettes is the fast-track to a rough voice. It’s really the fast-track to addiction and disease. The proper form will work a lot better.
  2. Image titled Growl Step 13


    Try growling words. Even though they’re hard to make out, eventually, you’ll probably want to be growling lyrics instead of random syllables, right? To work on this, pick out some of your favorite metal lyrics and practice phrasing them and forming them in your growled technique.

    • Don’t try to make it sound just like the original singer. Everyone’s growl is different. If your’s is lower or higher, that’s not a bad thing. Embrace your unique voice.
    • If you don’t want to ape someone else’s song, pick a passage from a book you’re reading, or some old English poetry that rhymes and might sound cool death metal style. It’s just practice.
    • Write your own metal lyrics, if you want to work with something original. Good themes always include death, demons, dragons, snakes, winter, bitterness, and darkness. Go for it.
  3. Image titled Growl Step 14


    Keep your body relaxed.[9]
    Form the voice with your mind, express it with your folds. Don’t try to force the vocal folds to do what they shouldn’t do. Keep your throat relaxed.

    • Intense growling shouldn’t hurt. If it does, revise your technique and make sure you’re breathing from your diaphragm.
    • When you start out growling, you use muscles that you never used before at such a strong level. If the muscles around your neck or throat are tired, stop growling until its over and start again.
  4. Image titled Growl Step 15


    Practice consistently. This is a lot like lifting weights at the gym. You use your muscles much more intensely than normal and then wait for them to restore before using them at a higher level each time. If you stop growling for a long period of time, your growling skills will decrease.

    • If you pick up on growling after a long break, take it easy, as your stamina will be much worse. Though, you will redevelop much faster than the first time.
  5. Image titled Growl Step 16


    Record yourself. This is a really helpful way to find whether or not you’re hitting the right volume, pitch and style. It’s recommended to record, listen and listen again only after few hours, so your mind will be able to spot even the smallest mistakes.

    • It doesn’t need to be fancy, or along with a musical track. Just use your phone and see how it sounds, or open up a GarageBand file or an Audacity file and sing along to a song you like to get a better sense.
  6. Image titled Growl Step 17


    Do short sessions. Black metal type of vocals may hurt if pushing too hard or after very long and intense sessions. Practice no more than 10-15 minutes a day in the beginning, it will take time for your vocal cords to adjust to the abuse and eventually you will sound better.

    • If it hurts badly in the beginning though, stop and revise your technique. Maybe you’re pushing too much.
  7. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do you growl properly?

    Amy Chapman, MA

    Amy Chapman MA, CCC-SLP is a vocal therapist and singing voice specialist. Amy is a licensed and board certified speech & language pathologist who has dedicated her career to helping professionals improve and optimize their voice. Amy has lectured on voice optimization, speech, vocal health, and voice rehabilitation at universities across California, including UCLA, USC, Chapman University, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF, CSULA. Amy is trained in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy, Estill, LMRVT, and is a part of the American Speech and Hearing Association.

    Amy Chapman, MA

    Voice Specialist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    Can I give myself vocal damage by going from low to high pitched growls?

    Community Answer

    If you don’t prepare, it may well cause pitch and vocal damage. If you would like to try these high and low vocals, it would definitely be a good idea to warm up your voice by doing vocal exercises and preparing to sing. You can find lots of vocal exercises on YouTube.

  • Question

    Then why are you teaching us inhaled growls if it’s bad for you?

    Community Answer

    Growls can stress your voice; if you don’t want to take that chance, don’t growl.

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  • Always warm-up for about 10 or more minutes before practicing.

  • Remember to drink lukewarm water during practice sessions and shows.

  • Growling never has to be loud. If you can’t do your growl at a very low volume, you’re either not growling properly or still need to practice in order to gain more control.

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  • Monitor your breathing. Improper breathing may result in bad technique and, eventually, damage.

  • Don’t drink alcohol or smoke. Some say it helps, but it doesn’t help your vocals nor your general health.

  • Never push yourself too far. If the vocals are too quiet during a performance, so be it. You don’t want to ruin your throat this way.

  • Inhaling growling could damage your vocal chords in various ways, but it doesn’t hurt usually. Overall it’s recommended to avoid inhaled vocals.

  • If you are feeling unwell, do not try this as it can damage your throat and your vocal chords more as you are sick.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

If you want to growl, you can try an exhale technique that begins with you sitting straight, putting your hand on your stomach just below your ribs, and humming in short bursts. This will help you find your diaphragm, which is where you want your sound to come from. Next open your jaw to make an “O” shape with your lips, pull your tongue to the back of your throat, and forcefully exhale from your diaphragm. For a higher pitch growl, use an inhale method similar to the exhale method, just adding the sound as your belly and ribs expand. If you want to learn how to produce different sounds while you’re growling, keep reading the article!

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  • Dan Jacobs

    «I’ve been practicing quite a lot in the past few months, and this is the best advice I’ve been given so far.»

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Harsh growls are a touchstone of black metal, death metal, and other extreme forms of music. If you want to know what it takes to growl like your favorite singer, you can learn the ins and outs of exhaled and inhaled growls, as well as how to sing properly without hurting your voice. The question is, how do you growl? Just read further and you will be growling in no time!

  1. Image titled Growl Step 1


    Breathe from your diaphragm. Sit with your back straight, and just hum with your normal voice and mouth closed. Put your hand on your stomach, just below your ribs, and hum a few times in short bursts. When humming, one automatically uses the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, so you should feel your abdomen goes in, while your chest and shoulders aren’t moving. Breathe from that spot when you want to growl.[1]

    • Put your hand on your abdomen and hum with your mouth closed. Gradually increase the volume. Feel how your abs are shrinking towards the inside? This means that your diaphragm is relaxing and pushing air out. That’s where the sound should be coming from.
  2. Image titled Growl Step 2


    Pinch your throat. Open your jaw and make an «O» shape with your lips. Pull your tongue back to the back of your throat. The tighter you pinch the back of your throat, the higher the pitch of your growl will be. Move your tongue forward slightly and loosen the pinch, and your growl will be a little lower.

    • Try letting a little air out. It should rattle a little at the back of your throat, without really having to make much sound at all. Rattling is a sign that you’ve got the right shape.


  3. Image titled Growl Step 3


    Exhale forcefully, but evenly. Practice breathing deep into your diaphragm and positioning your throat correctly, then try exhaling a few times, evenly but forcefully enough to get a good amount of sound from your throat. You should hear a good, low growl that sounds good for animal impressions and metal songs alike.[2]

    • Draw out the growl for a few seconds and let it trail off. Practice bringing the volume up and down, and changing the pitch slightly. It’ll take a little practice.
    • Keep your hand on your stomach to make sure you’re breathing as deeply as possible, and pushing the air from deep in your diaphragm.
  4. Image titled Growl Step 4


    Practice growling nonsense syllables. To help you channel your throat sounds into something that’s like music, it’s important to practice forming syllables and changing pitch. The following syllables are all good to practice in your routine, forming them as evenly and smoothly as possible:[3]

    • Yo
    • We
    • Ah
    • Ra
  5. Image titled Growl Step 5


    Don’t chop the ends off. When you’re growling, if you cut off your growl very abruptly, you’ll risk losing your voice. The force necessary to stop the sound can wreak havoc on your vocal cords, and you’ll end up with a sore throat if you cut off your growls suddenly, instead of letting them trail off.

  6. Image titled Growl Step 6


    Practice changing the pitch. For black metal style vocals, you often want to growl with a higher pitch. Keep your tongue down and keep your head tilted up a bit, practicing pinching your throat enough to get the right kind of tone and change in pitch.[4]

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  1. Image titled Growl Step 7


    Use inhaled growls for higher pitched songs. Generally speaking, inhaled growling sounds more «piggy» and slightly higher pitched, but it can also sound demonic and devilish, and you can do a whole lot with the technique. Really, it sounds a lot similar, but it’s another little trick you can add to your extreme singing arsenal, to make your abilities a little rounder. It’s only a minor difference from exhaled growls.

  2. Image titled Growl Step 8


    Breathe from your diaphragm. Similar to the exhaled growl, your want to keep your focus on your diaphragm. With all singing, good breath support is important for a good tone. Put your hand on your stomach and feel your diaphragm going in and out as you breathe.[5]

    • To inhale, expand your abdomen and lower back ribs, while not moving the chest and shoulders. Practice breathing from deep in your stomach, not from your throat, to make your growl as deep as possible.
  3. Image titled Growl Step 9


    Make the throat pinch and inhale. Make an «O» with your lips, open your jaw, and bring your tongue back in the same way as you did for the exhaled growl. Start inhaling in the same way you exhaled, breathing deeply into your diaphragm.

    • Increase the volume and force gradually to get a sense of how much you need to breathe in to get the kind of sound and pitch you’re looking for. Play around with it for a while until it feels comfortable to you.
  4. Image titled Growl Step 10


    Start with the syllable «we.» The most common inhaled growl seems to be around the «we» syllable, because it feels the most comfortable. This is often used to start songs in the death or black metal genres, allowing you to let loose with a lot of volume. Start practicing around «we» until you get comfortable, then try more syllables as you’re working on your growls:

    • Go
    • Ra
    • Die
  5. Image titled Growl Step 11


    Practice alternating between exhaling and inhaling. A good metal vocalist can alternate between the two, so you can sing a whole lot at once, as the song calls for. The more seamlessly you can shift back and forth between exhaled and inhaled growls, the more seamless and virtuosic your abilities as a growler.

    • Write out some lyrics and practice singing half in an exhaled growl and half inhaled. Try out some Opeth[6]
      for practice: (Exhaled) «We enter winter once again» / (Inhaled) «Naked freezing from my breath.»
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  1. Image titled Growl Step 12


    Always warm up your voice first.[7]
    Growling puts more strain on your throat than possibly any other type of singing. It involves your vocal cords less, but it can give you a sore throat pretty quickly. It’s not always necessary to warm up your vocal cords with fancy exercises, but warming up your throat a little is important. Never start cold.[8]

    • Drink warm tea with honey to help warm up your throat. Avoid drinking things like soda and milk, which can make your throat kind of mucous-coated, making it hard to sing.
    • Don’t smoke. Lots of inexperienced singers think a couple cigarettes is the fast-track to a rough voice. It’s really the fast-track to addiction and disease. The proper form will work a lot better.
  2. Image titled Growl Step 13


    Try growling words. Even though they’re hard to make out, eventually, you’ll probably want to be growling lyrics instead of random syllables, right? To work on this, pick out some of your favorite metal lyrics and practice phrasing them and forming them in your growled technique.

    • Don’t try to make it sound just like the original singer. Everyone’s growl is different. If your’s is lower or higher, that’s not a bad thing. Embrace your unique voice.
    • If you don’t want to ape someone else’s song, pick a passage from a book you’re reading, or some old English poetry that rhymes and might sound cool death metal style. It’s just practice.
    • Write your own metal lyrics, if you want to work with something original. Good themes always include death, demons, dragons, snakes, winter, bitterness, and darkness. Go for it.
  3. Image titled Growl Step 14


    Keep your body relaxed.[9]
    Form the voice with your mind, express it with your folds. Don’t try to force the vocal folds to do what they shouldn’t do. Keep your throat relaxed.

    • Intense growling shouldn’t hurt. If it does, revise your technique and make sure you’re breathing from your diaphragm.
    • When you start out growling, you use muscles that you never used before at such a strong level. If the muscles around your neck or throat are tired, stop growling until its over and start again.
  4. Image titled Growl Step 15


    Practice consistently. This is a lot like lifting weights at the gym. You use your muscles much more intensely than normal and then wait for them to restore before using them at a higher level each time. If you stop growling for a long period of time, your growling skills will decrease.

    • If you pick up on growling after a long break, take it easy, as your stamina will be much worse. Though, you will redevelop much faster than the first time.
  5. Image titled Growl Step 16


    Record yourself. This is a really helpful way to find whether or not you’re hitting the right volume, pitch and style. It’s recommended to record, listen and listen again only after few hours, so your mind will be able to spot even the smallest mistakes.

    • It doesn’t need to be fancy, or along with a musical track. Just use your phone and see how it sounds, or open up a GarageBand file or an Audacity file and sing along to a song you like to get a better sense.
  6. Image titled Growl Step 17


    Do short sessions. Black metal type of vocals may hurt if pushing too hard or after very long and intense sessions. Practice no more than 10-15 minutes a day in the beginning, it will take time for your vocal cords to adjust to the abuse and eventually you will sound better.

    • If it hurts badly in the beginning though, stop and revise your technique. Maybe you’re pushing too much.
  7. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do you growl properly?

    Amy Chapman, MA

    Amy Chapman MA, CCC-SLP is a vocal therapist and singing voice specialist. Amy is a licensed and board certified speech & language pathologist who has dedicated her career to helping professionals improve and optimize their voice. Amy has lectured on voice optimization, speech, vocal health, and voice rehabilitation at universities across California, including UCLA, USC, Chapman University, Cal Poly Pomona, CSUF, CSULA. Amy is trained in Lee Silverman Voice Therapy, Estill, LMRVT, and is a part of the American Speech and Hearing Association.

    Amy Chapman, MA

    Voice Specialist

    Expert Answer

  • Question

    Can I give myself vocal damage by going from low to high pitched growls?

    Community Answer

    If you don’t prepare, it may well cause pitch and vocal damage. If you would like to try these high and low vocals, it would definitely be a good idea to warm up your voice by doing vocal exercises and preparing to sing. You can find lots of vocal exercises on YouTube.

  • Question

    Then why are you teaching us inhaled growls if it’s bad for you?

    Community Answer

    Growls can stress your voice; if you don’t want to take that chance, don’t growl.

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  • Always warm-up for about 10 or more minutes before practicing.

  • Remember to drink lukewarm water during practice sessions and shows.

  • Growling never has to be loud. If you can’t do your growl at a very low volume, you’re either not growling properly or still need to practice in order to gain more control.

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  • Monitor your breathing. Improper breathing may result in bad technique and, eventually, damage.

  • Don’t drink alcohol or smoke. Some say it helps, but it doesn’t help your vocals nor your general health.

  • Never push yourself too far. If the vocals are too quiet during a performance, so be it. You don’t want to ruin your throat this way.

  • Inhaling growling could damage your vocal chords in various ways, but it doesn’t hurt usually. Overall it’s recommended to avoid inhaled vocals.

  • If you are feeling unwell, do not try this as it can damage your throat and your vocal chords more as you are sick.



About This Article

Article SummaryX

If you want to growl, you can try an exhale technique that begins with you sitting straight, putting your hand on your stomach just below your ribs, and humming in short bursts. This will help you find your diaphragm, which is where you want your sound to come from. Next open your jaw to make an “O” shape with your lips, pull your tongue to the back of your throat, and forcefully exhale from your diaphragm. For a higher pitch growl, use an inhale method similar to the exhale method, just adding the sound as your belly and ribs expand. If you want to learn how to produce different sounds while you’re growling, keep reading the article!

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 620,159 times.

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  • Dan Jacobs

    «I’ve been practicing quite a lot in the past few months, and this is the best advice I’ve been given so far.»

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Перевод «тигр рычит» на английский

Где тигр рычит и гора кричит.

Тигр рычит, но только в прошлом веке численности тигров сократилась со 100 тысяч до трех тысяч двухсот, и теперь они живут на территории только в семь процентов от своего исторического ареала.

In the last century, tiger numbers fell from 100,000 to 3,200 and they now live in only seven percent of their historical range.

Другие результаты

Когда я говорю «тигр«, вы рычите, превращаясь в свирепого тигра.

В больнице он рычит, как тигр.

Но тигр нас не разочаровал, ходит туда-сюда возле нас, и иногда сильно рычит.

Tiger did not disappoint, however, passes around us and sometimes powerfully roars.

Если тигр собирается нападать, он не рычит, а фыркает и шипит.

If a tiger is about to attack, he doesn’t roar; instead, he snorts and hisses.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 6. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 41 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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