Сатору годжо на японском как пишется

Годжо Сатору (五条悟 (ごじょうさとる) , Gojō Satoru) — один из главных персонажей Jujutsu Kaisen. Является одним из сильнейших магов настоящего времени, учитель в Столичной технической школе магии.


Сатору Годжо — высокий, привлекательный мужчина с торчащими во все стороны белыми волосами. Глаза в большинстве случаев закрыты очками или повязкой, скрывая светло-голубые глаза.

Он почти постоянно носит черную повязку на глаза, тёмную форму Школы: пиджак с длинным воротом, длинные черные брюки и черные туфли. Из-за повязки волосы стоят торчком.

В непринуждённой обстановке и в нерабочее время предпочитает носить темные круглые солнцезащитные очки и темную рубашку с длинными рукавами, а так же отпускать вечно торчащие из-за повязки волосы.

В нулевом томе Магической битвы глаза Сатору скрыты белыми повязками.


Сатору — весьма сложный человек: безмятежный и порой шаловливый со своими студентами и коллегами, но в то же время крайне чёрствый и жестокий по отношению к «верхушке» мира магов.

Сатору настолько уверен в своих навыках и репутации сильнейшего мага, что на угрозы Сукуны в его сторону его совсем не пугают. Наоборот: он совсем даже непринуждённо утверждает, что победил бы Короля Проклятий легко.


Сатору считается одним из сильнейших (если не сильнейшим в принципе) магов в Jujutsu Kaisen. Не раз было сказано, что он сильнейший маг настоящего, а всё потому, что и маги, и проклятия признают наличие у Сатору огромного количества Проклятой энергии и мощь его проклятых техник. Сатору также один из немногих магов, кто демонстрировал Расширение территории.

Физическая сила

Сила: Сатору достаточно развит физически, чтобы без проблем сражаться с сильными проклятиями. Даже Дзюго он отправил в полёт лишь одним пинком.

Скорость и рефлексы: Может развить неплохую скорость в битве, без труда отбивая удары и при этом не забывая бить противника. С помощью свой проклятой техники Сатору и вовсе способен двигаться быстрее, чем может заметить глаз: путешествие с поля боя до нужного ему места и обратно произошло настолько быстро, что противник совсем не успел заметить исчезновения.[2] Конечно, есть ограничения по длительности использования высокой скорости (на длинные расстояния он всё же путешествует транспортом), но Сатору умеет минимизировать минусы своей техники.

Интеллект: Сатору во время битвы демонстрирует хорошие тактические навыки, быстро разгадывая замыслы противника, чтобы вовремя и с минимумом информации для анализа ситуации придумать контратаку. Также, Сатору хорошо строит далеко идущие планы, просчитывая варианты развития событий и анализируя способности людей вокруг него.

Владение оружием

Не был замечен за использованием какого-либо оружия.

Проклятые техники

Известно, что Сатору владеет сразу двумя редкими техниками: Техника Безграничности клана Годжо, открывающая бесконечный поток проклятой энергии к пользователю, и Шесть глаз. Считается, что такое сочетание техник встречается впервые за тысячу лет.

Шесть Глаз: врождённое свойство глаз Сатору. О Шести глазах в подробностях неизвестно, но точно можно отметить, на что способен Сатору благодаря этому:

  • без проблем видит сквозь повязку на глазах,
  • способен разглядеть Сукуну в «спящем» режиме в теле Юдзи,
  • помогает в использовании Бесконечности.

Техника Безграничности (無下限, Mukagen, англ. Limitless): врождённая техника, исходящая из клана Годжо. Техника подразумевает способность к манипулированию пространством на атомном уровне, на базе чего в итоге возникает множество различных способностей.

  • Бесконечность (無限, Mugen, англ. Infinity): техника, позволяющая бесконечно замедлять чужие атаки, так, что они попросту не достигают тела Сатору.
  • Синий ( (あお) , Ao, англ. Blue): техника, получившаяся в результате усиления Бесконечности в сторону отрицательных чисел. Сатору создаёт негативное пространство, которое «притягивает» к себе окружение из-за попыток мира восстановить правильный порядок (то есть убрать существование отрицательных величин).
    • Максимальный выброс проклятой энергии: Синий: более мощный «синий» — Сатору выбирает точку, что «притягивает» к себе своё окружение. Эта точка может менять расположение по указке Сатору.
  • Красный ( (あか) , Aka, англ. Red): техника, инвертированная Обратной проклятой техникой, что создаёт огромный взрывной вакуум, уничтожающий даже проклятий особого класса. В два раза разрушительнее «синего».
  • Фиолетовый ( (むらさき) , Murasaki, англ. Hollow Purple): комбинация «синего» и «красного». Мощная, опустошающая всё на своём пути техника.

Общемагические техники

Завеса (帳, Tobari, англ. Curtain): техника, которая отделяет определённую область от остального пространства.

Обратная проклятая техника (反転術式, Hanten Jutsushiki): вариация проклятых техник, что обращает отрицательную проклятую энергию в позитивную энергию.

Техники территории

Благодаря невероятному количеству Проклятой энергии, Сатору может несколько раз за день активировать свою технику территории, тогда как обычно маги способны активировать территорию единожды, если вообще способны.

Тип: Увеличение территории (領域展開 (りょういきてんかい) , Ryōiki Tenkai):

  • Необъятная бездна ( () (りょう) (くう) (しょ) , Muryōkūsho): Он создает безграничное пространство, в котором противники, казалось бы, могут видеть и ощущать всё, но поток информации бесконечен, а потому противники просто медленно умирают, одарённые всем, но неспособные ничего сделать.[2]


  • Начал есть много сладкого, чтобы стимулировать мозг (что необходимо в его проклятой технике), но в итоге заработал себе кариес.
  • Сатору может сделать всё — достаточно только попробовать, но он старается избегать подобного. Он считает, что нужно дать и следующему поколению шанс быть в чём-то лучшими.
  • Директор Яга был его, Гето и Сёко учителем в школьные годы.
  • Лицо Сатору регулярно показывалось в приквеле (все четыре главы), но в основной серии прошёл целый том
  • Сатору занял третье место в Первом опросе популярности с 16,923 голосами.


  1. 1,0 1,1 Профиль из Тома 1
  2. 2,0 2,1 Глава 15



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Satoru Gojo
Jujutsu Kaisen character

Satoru Gojo as drawn by Gege Akutami

First appearance Jujutsu Kaisen 0 #1, «The Cursed Child» (2017)
Created by Gege Akutami
Voiced by
  • Japanese:
  • Yūichi Nakamura[1]
  • English:
  • Kaiji Tang[2]

Satoru Gojo (Japanese: 五条 悟, Hepburn: Gojō Satoru) is a fictional character from Gege Akutami’s manga Jujutsu Kaisen. He was first introduced in Akutami’s short series Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School as the mentor of the cursed teenager Yuta Okkotsu at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. This miniseries became the prequel Jujutsu Kaisen 0 of Jujutsu Kaisen. In Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo takes the same role but mentors the student Yuji Itadori who suffers a similar curse, helping him become stronger, while protecting other characters in the series.

Gege Akutami created Gojo to be a strong, but likable, character who is keen of his students. He is voiced by Yūichi Nakamura in Japanese and Kaiji Tang in English in the animated adaptations by MAPPA.

The character was well received by the media for his carefree nature and power shown when protecting his students. Furthermore, his role in the prequel Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was appreciated by the media due to his hidden depths such as his loving relationship with the antagonist Suguru Geto.

Creation and conception[edit]

Gege Akutami created Satoru Gojo with the idea of being one of the strongest characters in the entire series but at the same time being easy to understand to the readers. One of Gojo’s keys ideas for his design is a blindfold he wears in his eyes, he can still see thanks to his supernatural powers. His eyes, the 6 Eyes, were primarily used to encounter Curses.[3] In his debut in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Akutami linked Gojo and Yuta Okkotsu to Michizane Sugawara, a famous figure in Japanese history, in order to explain from whom both characters inherited their supernatural powers. This was done as a tribute to his late editor, Yamanaka. Gojo’s design is meant to be the one of a handsome man, often called bishonen while his facial design was inspired by a minor Naruto character whose face was covered in bandages. Despite such looks, Akutami feels unable to write Gojo in a romantic relationship with a woman due to the work of being faithful towards her. In regards to Gojo’s relationship with his students, most notably Yuji Itadori and Yuta Okkotsu, Akutami wrote their relationship simply as he claims Gojo only wants troublemakers to become strong. In Japan, it is common for people to call each other through their last names rather than their given names. However, Gojo calls each of his students by their first names. Akutami said he made this decision because he sees Gojo does not have proper consideration for such social traditions.[3]

Sunghoo Park, who directed the first season of the series’ anime adaptation as well as the new prequel movie, said adapting one of Gojo’s early scenes involving the Domain Expansion scene in the season was a particularly tough one to get just right. Nevertheless, he saw such sequence as memorable. Since the original scene was black and white, Park and his team consulted Akutami in guidance about how should the colors from Gojo’s Domain Expansion should be.[4] In regards to the animated movie, Park stated that while «The highlight of the movie is of course, the story of Okkotsu and Rika as the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen 0» while at the same time wanted to focus on more characters from the manga, most notably the past relationship between Gojo and Geto, explored briefly in the original manga.[5] Seko was requested by the direactor to feature a new fight scene between Gojo and Miguel in the climax.[6]


Yuichi Nakamura voices Gojo in Japanese

Yuichi Nakamura voices the character Satoru Gojo in the original Japanese series. From serious scenes to comical gag scenes, the character has different facial expressions, but since he played without restrictions on the swing range between on and off, Nakamura reiterated at the recording site that he enjoyed gags. The actor did not find a change in Gojo’s characterization, finding his mentoring of Yuta similar to the other protagonists from the main Jujutsu Kaisen series. He enjoyed the multiple recordings he had as well as the many school-like relationships. He was impressed by Megumi Ogata’s work as Yuta for providing him a large range of emotions.[7]

Kaiji Tang voices the character in English. Tang described him as «the trolliest trolls to ever troll anime.» The actor noted that the character stands out due to his whimsical nature and how he interacts with his students. He was also praised for how likable he comes across due to the kind nature he portrays in series with a dark narrative while also showing interesting supernatural powers that are hard to match. Tang still noted that Gojo’s arrogance was his only weak point, which also makes him come across as more human as he shows that he can also commit mistakes.[8]

In another interview, Tang compared Gojo to the comic book character Clark Kent based and believed the charm behind the character was that despite his age, Gojo acts like a spoiled child. Before dubbing Gojo, Tang had not read the Jujutsu Kaisen manga but had heard of it. When being cast, Tang did research by reading the manga. When first interacting with Yuji Itadori, Gojo is noted to see a rarely explored darker side of his personality due to how he thinks of the idea of killing a cursed teenager which leads him to see more arrogance in Gojo. In contrast to his previous works like Gearless Joe from Megalobox or Archer from Fate/stay night, Tang feels that Gojo looks at the world in a more childish way than his previous characters as, while Gojo has seen several challenges in his past, none of them made a major impact on him.[9]


Jujutsu Kaisen 0[edit]

A sorcerer working as a teacher in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. He uses his curse power to control the space around him in innumerable ways. Even though his title of ‘The Strongest’ is self-proclaimed, most allies and enemies alike never actually dispute the title and generally consider him to be one of the most dangerous people alive. Gojo is introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a jujutsu sorcerer, in the guidance of the young Yuta Okkotsu whom he convinces to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School in order to control Rika and avoid his solicitude. During this time, Gojo makes Okkotsu train with Panda, Maki Zenin, and Toge Inumaki to help Okkotsu control his own curse while helping him develop friendships.[10] Okkotsu’s curse attracts Suguru Geto, a sorcerer friendly with Gojo but at the same time keeps an antagonistic relationship with him. Geto wishes to create a shaman only world. When Okkotsu’s curse gives him the power to take down Geto, Gojo appears and kills Geto. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers.[11]

Jujutsu Kaisen[edit]

On the day of the Kyoto Goodwill Event, Gojo meets up with the other faculty to watch the event. As the event starts, Gojo watches it through monitors with the other faculties. When intruders invade the site, Gojo heads over to the site along with Utahime and Yoshinobu. He decides to handle Juzo first, and easily manages to restrain him. Gojo then uses a Hollow Purple technique on Hanami, but they cannot tell for sure if he is killed. As a result, Satoru is widely respected by sorcerers and holds high influence in the sorcery world. He convinces his superiors at the college to keep Yuji Itadori alive until he consumes all of Sukuna’s fingers. He teaches Yuji, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki. He was ambushed by the Special Grade Cursed Spirits at Shibuya, and Kenjaku manages to seal him away in the Prison Realm, after he exorcised Hanami. Nevertheless, Gojo has Okkotsu to take the favor of protecting Yuji from being executed should something bad happen to him.



Satoru Gojo was well received by the series’ readers and critics. In a Viz Media popularity poll taken in March 2021, he was voted the most popular character in the franchise.[12] At the 5th Crunchyroll Anime Awards, Gojo was a nominee for best male character, while his fight against Ryomen Sukuna was noted to be best of the year. Yuichi Nakamura’s performance as Gojo was also noted to be one of the best ones.[13] In promoting the movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0, advertisements with Gojo as a dog were made alongside SoftBank Group.[14] In December 2021, Mappa and Shueisha also celebrated Gojo’s birthday with PulpFiction Cine finding him as one of the most popular characters from the series while also promoting the movie.[15] In a poll from 2021 by LINE Research, Gojo took the first spot in regards to Jujutsu Kaisen characters.[16] He was also third in the best male character award from Animage 2021 Anime Grand Prix poll behind yuta and Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.[17]

Critical response[edit]

Sugawara no Michizane’s link with Yuta Okkotsu and Gojo resulted in theories about whether or not the historical figure will make a major impact in the narrative, which was kept vague in the main story.

Comic Book Resources regarded Gojo was the 9th most mature characters in the series despite his childish personality which is why they found the character highly lovable within the manga’s readers.[18] In another article, the same site regarded him as one of the series’ most dangerous members due to his over-the-top powers that cannot be rivaled by anyone else in the manga.[19] IGN also called Gojo as a fan-favorite character due to the focus of his personality.[20] StudyBreak also noted that Gojo’s flamboyant personality often comes across fitting comic relief, citing how he reacts to Fushiguro being hit by a woman as well as how impressive is he shown to be in combat to a major threat.[21]

Despite comparing him to other mentor characters like Kakashi Hatake, All Might or Aizawa, Bleeding Cool said Gojo remains as more likable within this archetype as a result of how «The character is truly a balance of caring coldness with power that keeps dismissing any serious threats», particularly for how caring he is to his students and the might he shows in battle sequences.[22] An article about the character’s best ten fight scenes was also written by Comic Book Resources with his fight against Jogo, being not only the best rated fight he has been involved, but also the series’ best fight.[23] Like Comic Book Resources, Anime News Network praised the fight scene Gojo has against Jogo for the handling of visuals, finding it far superior than the studio’s previous work The God of High School referred by the staff as «irredeemable trash» not only due to the narrative but also pacing in handling Gojo’s fight sequence, making the anime adaptation of Jujutsu Kaisen develop its potential in the process. While still finding Gojo as an archetype due to the overpowered he is portrayed as, the reviewer still found him enjoyable personality-wise.[24]

The Mary Sue found Gojo’s characterization in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 identical to the main series as a result of how he trains the students but still found the pilot helped to further explore his past as a result of his tragic relationship with Geto.[25] Otaquest also noted the similarities as well as how important is the relationship between Gojo and Geto which ends in a way that surprised the main series’ readers.[26] Manga News looked forward to more focus about the relationship between Gojo and Geto.[27] Crunchyroll listed Gojo’s higher screen time in the animated film adaptation of the manga, citing him as a fan favorite character people would appreciate to see.[28] The character’s connection with the late Sugawara no Michizane was kept vague that might generate a future impact in the series by critics.[29][30][31]


  1. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (December 21, 2019). «Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Casts Yūichi Nakamura as Satoru Gojo». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 22, 2019. Retrieved December 21, 2019.
  2. ^ Cardine, Kyle (November 11, 2020). «Crunchyroll Announces JUJUTSU KAISEN, Noblesse, and More Fall 2020 Season Dubs!». Crunchyroll. Archived from the original on November 12, 2020. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  3. ^ a b Akutami, Gege (2021). Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook. Shueisha. pp. 40–43. ISBN 978-4-08-882636-3.
  4. ^ Coats, Cayla (January 15, 2021). «INTERVIEW: JUJUTSU KAISEN Director Sunghoo Park». Crunchyroll. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  5. ^ Lacerna, Michael (December 6, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Director Teases New Content for Prequel Movie». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 18, 2021.
  6. ^ Jujutsu Kaisen 0. MAPPA. 2021.
  7. ^ «『劇場版 呪術廻戦 0』公開記念! カウントダウン声優インタビュー 【Vol.4 中村悠一(五条 悟役)】». Mensnonno (in Japanese). December 21, 2021. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 24, 2021.
  8. ^ Lawrence, Briana (January 29, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Friday Chat With Kaiji Tang, the Voice of Satoru Gojo». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  9. ^ Loñondo, Martin Eloas (January 23, 2021). «Kaiji Tang sobre la expresión de Satoru Gojou en Jujutsu Kaisen». Memes Random (in Spanish). Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  10. ^ Akutami, Gege (2021). «1». Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-9747-2014-9.
  11. ^ Akutami, Gege (2021). «4». Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-9747-2014-9.
  12. ^ Brown, Urian (March 5, 2021). «VIZ Blog / Jujutsu Kaisen Popularity Poll March 2021». Viz. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved August 20, 2021.
  13. ^ Vaca, S. (February 19, 2021). «Estos son los ganadores de los Anime Awards 2021!». Crunchyroll (in Spanish). Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  14. ^ Morrissy, Kim (December 23, 2021). «Live-Action Jujutsu Kaisen Ad Turns SoftBank Mascot Dog Into Gojō-sensei». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  15. ^ «Live-Action Jujutsu Kaisen Ad Turns SoftBank Mascot Dog Into Gojō-sensei». Anime News Network. December 7, 2021. Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  16. ^ Valentine, Evan (December 8, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Overtakes Popularity Poll Thanks to Gojo». Comic Book. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  17. ^ «男性キャラクター部門■». Chikimato. Retrieved February 9, 2023.
  18. ^ Tefft, Andrew (October 15, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: The Main Characters, Ranked By Maturity». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  19. ^ Supovitz, Ethan (November 6, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Most Dangerous Characters So Far». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  20. ^ Knox, Kelly (February 18, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Explaining the Next Big Thing in Anime». IGN. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  21. ^ Lu, Karen (August 14, 2021). «A Love Letter To ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’: The Anime That Redefined The Shonen Genre». Study Break. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  22. ^ Bodden, Alejandra (February 28, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 E01-E13 Review: Satoru Gojo’s My New Husbando». Bleeding Cool. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  23. ^ Tefft, Andrew (September 7, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo’s Best Fights, Ranked». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  24. ^ Beckett, James (November 16, 2020). «Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 7». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  25. ^ Lawrence, Briana (March 3, 2021). «My Manga Shelf Presents: Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 0». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  26. ^ Parker-Dalton, Jacob (February 25, 2021). «Why Volume 0 Is a Must-Read for Jujutsu Kaisen Fans». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  27. ^ «Recension». Manga News (in French). December 1, 2020. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  28. ^ «Cinco cosas que debes saber antes de ver JUJUTSU KAISEN 0». Crunchyroll. Retrieved May 7, 2022.
  29. ^ Cite error: The named reference realsound was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  30. ^ «『呪術廻戦』20巻で乙骨憂太»ルーツの謎»解決! 五条悟の信頼度はゼロだった…». News Nifty (in Japanese). Retrieved January 7, 2022.
  31. ^ Jagannath, Rohan (April 6, 2022). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Is Yuta related to Gojo? Explained». Sports Keeda. Retrieved December 3, 2022.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Satoru Gojo
Jujutsu Kaisen character

Satoru Gojo as drawn by Gege Akutami

First appearance Jujutsu Kaisen 0 #1, «The Cursed Child» (2017)
Created by Gege Akutami
Voiced by
  • Japanese:
  • Yūichi Nakamura[1]
  • English:
  • Kaiji Tang[2]

Satoru Gojo (Japanese: 五条 悟, Hepburn: Gojō Satoru) is a fictional character from Gege Akutami’s manga Jujutsu Kaisen. He was first introduced in Akutami’s short series Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School as the mentor of the cursed teenager Yuta Okkotsu at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. This miniseries became the prequel Jujutsu Kaisen 0 of Jujutsu Kaisen. In Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo takes the same role but mentors the student Yuji Itadori who suffers a similar curse, helping him become stronger, while protecting other characters in the series.

Gege Akutami created Gojo to be a strong, but likable, character who is keen of his students. He is voiced by Yūichi Nakamura in Japanese and Kaiji Tang in English in the animated adaptations by MAPPA.

The character was well received by the media for his carefree nature and power shown when protecting his students. Furthermore, his role in the prequel Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was appreciated by the media due to his hidden depths such as his loving relationship with the antagonist Suguru Geto.

Creation and conception[edit]

Gege Akutami created Satoru Gojo with the idea of being one of the strongest characters in the entire series but at the same time being easy to understand to the readers. One of Gojo’s keys ideas for his design is a blindfold he wears in his eyes, he can still see thanks to his supernatural powers. His eyes, the 6 Eyes, were primarily used to encounter Curses.[3] In his debut in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Akutami linked Gojo and Yuta Okkotsu to Michizane Sugawara, a famous figure in Japanese history, in order to explain from whom both characters inherited their supernatural powers. This was done as a tribute to his late editor, Yamanaka. Gojo’s design is meant to be the one of a handsome man, often called bishonen while his facial design was inspired by a minor Naruto character whose face was covered in bandages. Despite such looks, Akutami feels unable to write Gojo in a romantic relationship with a woman due to the work of being faithful towards her. In regards to Gojo’s relationship with his students, most notably Yuji Itadori and Yuta Okkotsu, Akutami wrote their relationship simply as he claims Gojo only wants troublemakers to become strong. In Japan, it is common for people to call each other through their last names rather than their given names. However, Gojo calls each of his students by their first names. Akutami said he made this decision because he sees Gojo does not have proper consideration for such social traditions.[3]

Sunghoo Park, who directed the first season of the series’ anime adaptation as well as the new prequel movie, said adapting one of Gojo’s early scenes involving the Domain Expansion scene in the season was a particularly tough one to get just right. Nevertheless, he saw such sequence as memorable. Since the original scene was black and white, Park and his team consulted Akutami in guidance about how should the colors from Gojo’s Domain Expansion should be.[4] In regards to the animated movie, Park stated that while «The highlight of the movie is of course, the story of Okkotsu and Rika as the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen 0» while at the same time wanted to focus on more characters from the manga, most notably the past relationship between Gojo and Geto, explored briefly in the original manga.[5] Seko was requested by the direactor to feature a new fight scene between Gojo and Miguel in the climax.[6]


Yuichi Nakamura voices Gojo in Japanese

Yuichi Nakamura voices the character Satoru Gojo in the original Japanese series. From serious scenes to comical gag scenes, the character has different facial expressions, but since he played without restrictions on the swing range between on and off, Nakamura reiterated at the recording site that he enjoyed gags. The actor did not find a change in Gojo’s characterization, finding his mentoring of Yuta similar to the other protagonists from the main Jujutsu Kaisen series. He enjoyed the multiple recordings he had as well as the many school-like relationships. He was impressed by Megumi Ogata’s work as Yuta for providing him a large range of emotions.[7]

Kaiji Tang voices the character in English. Tang described him as «the trolliest trolls to ever troll anime.» The actor noted that the character stands out due to his whimsical nature and how he interacts with his students. He was also praised for how likable he comes across due to the kind nature he portrays in series with a dark narrative while also showing interesting supernatural powers that are hard to match. Tang still noted that Gojo’s arrogance was his only weak point, which also makes him come across as more human as he shows that he can also commit mistakes.[8]

In another interview, Tang compared Gojo to the comic book character Clark Kent based and believed the charm behind the character was that despite his age, Gojo acts like a spoiled child. Before dubbing Gojo, Tang had not read the Jujutsu Kaisen manga but had heard of it. When being cast, Tang did research by reading the manga. When first interacting with Yuji Itadori, Gojo is noted to see a rarely explored darker side of his personality due to how he thinks of the idea of killing a cursed teenager which leads him to see more arrogance in Gojo. In contrast to his previous works like Gearless Joe from Megalobox or Archer from Fate/stay night, Tang feels that Gojo looks at the world in a more childish way than his previous characters as, while Gojo has seen several challenges in his past, none of them made a major impact on him.[9]


Jujutsu Kaisen 0[edit]

A sorcerer working as a teacher in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. He uses his curse power to control the space around him in innumerable ways. Even though his title of ‘The Strongest’ is self-proclaimed, most allies and enemies alike never actually dispute the title and generally consider him to be one of the most dangerous people alive. Gojo is introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a jujutsu sorcerer, in the guidance of the young Yuta Okkotsu whom he convinces to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School in order to control Rika and avoid his solicitude. During this time, Gojo makes Okkotsu train with Panda, Maki Zenin, and Toge Inumaki to help Okkotsu control his own curse while helping him develop friendships.[10] Okkotsu’s curse attracts Suguru Geto, a sorcerer friendly with Gojo but at the same time keeps an antagonistic relationship with him. Geto wishes to create a shaman only world. When Okkotsu’s curse gives him the power to take down Geto, Gojo appears and kills Geto. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers.[11]

Jujutsu Kaisen[edit]

On the day of the Kyoto Goodwill Event, Gojo meets up with the other faculty to watch the event. As the event starts, Gojo watches it through monitors with the other faculties. When intruders invade the site, Gojo heads over to the site along with Utahime and Yoshinobu. He decides to handle Juzo first, and easily manages to restrain him. Gojo then uses a Hollow Purple technique on Hanami, but they cannot tell for sure if he is killed. As a result, Satoru is widely respected by sorcerers and holds high influence in the sorcery world. He convinces his superiors at the college to keep Yuji Itadori alive until he consumes all of Sukuna’s fingers. He teaches Yuji, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki. He was ambushed by the Special Grade Cursed Spirits at Shibuya, and Kenjaku manages to seal him away in the Prison Realm, after he exorcised Hanami. Nevertheless, Gojo has Okkotsu to take the favor of protecting Yuji from being executed should something bad happen to him.



Satoru Gojo was well received by the series’ readers and critics. In a Viz Media popularity poll taken in March 2021, he was voted the most popular character in the franchise.[12] At the 5th Crunchyroll Anime Awards, Gojo was a nominee for best male character, while his fight against Ryomen Sukuna was noted to be best of the year. Yuichi Nakamura’s performance as Gojo was also noted to be one of the best ones.[13] In promoting the movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0, advertisements with Gojo as a dog were made alongside SoftBank Group.[14] In December 2021, Mappa and Shueisha also celebrated Gojo’s birthday with PulpFiction Cine finding him as one of the most popular characters from the series while also promoting the movie.[15] In a poll from 2021 by LINE Research, Gojo took the first spot in regards to Jujutsu Kaisen characters.[16] He was also third in the best male character award from Animage 2021 Anime Grand Prix poll behind yuta and Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.[17]

Critical response[edit]

Sugawara no Michizane’s link with Yuta Okkotsu and Gojo resulted in theories about whether or not the historical figure will make a major impact in the narrative, which was kept vague in the main story.

Comic Book Resources regarded Gojo was the 9th most mature characters in the series despite his childish personality which is why they found the character highly lovable within the manga’s readers.[18] In another article, the same site regarded him as one of the series’ most dangerous members due to his over-the-top powers that cannot be rivaled by anyone else in the manga.[19] IGN also called Gojo as a fan-favorite character due to the focus of his personality.[20] StudyBreak also noted that Gojo’s flamboyant personality often comes across fitting comic relief, citing how he reacts to Fushiguro being hit by a woman as well as how impressive is he shown to be in combat to a major threat.[21]

Despite comparing him to other mentor characters like Kakashi Hatake, All Might or Aizawa, Bleeding Cool said Gojo remains as more likable within this archetype as a result of how «The character is truly a balance of caring coldness with power that keeps dismissing any serious threats», particularly for how caring he is to his students and the might he shows in battle sequences.[22] An article about the character’s best ten fight scenes was also written by Comic Book Resources with his fight against Jogo, being not only the best rated fight he has been involved, but also the series’ best fight.[23] Like Comic Book Resources, Anime News Network praised the fight scene Gojo has against Jogo for the handling of visuals, finding it far superior than the studio’s previous work The God of High School referred by the staff as «irredeemable trash» not only due to the narrative but also pacing in handling Gojo’s fight sequence, making the anime adaptation of Jujutsu Kaisen develop its potential in the process. While still finding Gojo as an archetype due to the overpowered he is portrayed as, the reviewer still found him enjoyable personality-wise.[24]

The Mary Sue found Gojo’s characterization in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 identical to the main series as a result of how he trains the students but still found the pilot helped to further explore his past as a result of his tragic relationship with Geto.[25] Otaquest also noted the similarities as well as how important is the relationship between Gojo and Geto which ends in a way that surprised the main series’ readers.[26] Manga News looked forward to more focus about the relationship between Gojo and Geto.[27] Crunchyroll listed Gojo’s higher screen time in the animated film adaptation of the manga, citing him as a fan favorite character people would appreciate to see.[28] The character’s connection with the late Sugawara no Michizane was kept vague that might generate a future impact in the series by critics.[29][30][31]


  1. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (December 21, 2019). «Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Casts Yūichi Nakamura as Satoru Gojo». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 22, 2019. Retrieved December 21, 2019.
  2. ^ Cardine, Kyle (November 11, 2020). «Crunchyroll Announces JUJUTSU KAISEN, Noblesse, and More Fall 2020 Season Dubs!». Crunchyroll. Archived from the original on November 12, 2020. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  3. ^ a b Akutami, Gege (2021). Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook. Shueisha. pp. 40–43. ISBN 978-4-08-882636-3.
  4. ^ Coats, Cayla (January 15, 2021). «INTERVIEW: JUJUTSU KAISEN Director Sunghoo Park». Crunchyroll. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  5. ^ Lacerna, Michael (December 6, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Director Teases New Content for Prequel Movie». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 18, 2021.
  6. ^ Jujutsu Kaisen 0. MAPPA. 2021.
  7. ^ «『劇場版 呪術廻戦 0』公開記念! カウントダウン声優インタビュー 【Vol.4 中村悠一(五条 悟役)】». Mensnonno (in Japanese). December 21, 2021. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 24, 2021.
  8. ^ Lawrence, Briana (January 29, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Friday Chat With Kaiji Tang, the Voice of Satoru Gojo». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  9. ^ Loñondo, Martin Eloas (January 23, 2021). «Kaiji Tang sobre la expresión de Satoru Gojou en Jujutsu Kaisen». Memes Random (in Spanish). Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  10. ^ Akutami, Gege (2021). «1». Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-9747-2014-9.
  11. ^ Akutami, Gege (2021). «4». Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-9747-2014-9.
  12. ^ Brown, Urian (March 5, 2021). «VIZ Blog / Jujutsu Kaisen Popularity Poll March 2021». Viz. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved August 20, 2021.
  13. ^ Vaca, S. (February 19, 2021). «Estos son los ganadores de los Anime Awards 2021!». Crunchyroll (in Spanish). Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  14. ^ Morrissy, Kim (December 23, 2021). «Live-Action Jujutsu Kaisen Ad Turns SoftBank Mascot Dog Into Gojō-sensei». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  15. ^ «Live-Action Jujutsu Kaisen Ad Turns SoftBank Mascot Dog Into Gojō-sensei». Anime News Network. December 7, 2021. Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  16. ^ Valentine, Evan (December 8, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Overtakes Popularity Poll Thanks to Gojo». Comic Book. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  17. ^ «男性キャラクター部門■». Chikimato. Retrieved February 9, 2023.
  18. ^ Tefft, Andrew (October 15, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: The Main Characters, Ranked By Maturity». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  19. ^ Supovitz, Ethan (November 6, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Most Dangerous Characters So Far». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  20. ^ Knox, Kelly (February 18, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Explaining the Next Big Thing in Anime». IGN. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  21. ^ Lu, Karen (August 14, 2021). «A Love Letter To ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’: The Anime That Redefined The Shonen Genre». Study Break. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  22. ^ Bodden, Alejandra (February 28, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 E01-E13 Review: Satoru Gojo’s My New Husbando». Bleeding Cool. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  23. ^ Tefft, Andrew (September 7, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo’s Best Fights, Ranked». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  24. ^ Beckett, James (November 16, 2020). «Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 7». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  25. ^ Lawrence, Briana (March 3, 2021). «My Manga Shelf Presents: Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 0». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  26. ^ Parker-Dalton, Jacob (February 25, 2021). «Why Volume 0 Is a Must-Read for Jujutsu Kaisen Fans». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  27. ^ «Recension». Manga News (in French). December 1, 2020. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
  28. ^ «Cinco cosas que debes saber antes de ver JUJUTSU KAISEN 0». Crunchyroll. Retrieved May 7, 2022.
  29. ^ Cite error: The named reference realsound was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  30. ^ «『呪術廻戦』20巻で乙骨憂太»ルーツの謎»解決! 五条悟の信頼度はゼロだった…». News Nifty (in Japanese). Retrieved January 7, 2022.
  31. ^ Jagannath, Rohan (April 6, 2022). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Is Yuta related to Gojo? Explained». Sports Keeda. Retrieved December 3, 2022.

Satoru Gojo ( () (じょう) (さとる) Gojō Satoru?) is one of the main protagonists of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. He is a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and widely recognized as the strongest in the world. Satoru is the pride of the Gojo Family, the first person to inherit both the Limitless and the Six Eyes in four hundred years. He works as a teacher at the Tokyo Jujutsu High and uses his influence to protect and train strong young allies.


Satoru is a very tall man with a lean build in his later twenties who is considered relatively attractive, mainly due to his facial features. He has snow-white hair and the Six Eyes, which are a vibrant blue color. Satoru normally covers his eyes with a black blindfold which props up his hair and gives it a spikier appearance. When sporting a more casual look, Satoru will wear sunglasses and let his hair down to reach the base of his neck.

While working, Satoru wears a dark blue zip-up jacket with a high collar that’s also fairly wide. He wears slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots. Before switching over to a simple blindfold, Satoru used to wear bandages over his eyes. Satoru enjoys wearing expensive clothing[5] and has a number of casual looks he’ll pair with wearing his sunglasses. As a Tokyo Jujutsu High student, Satoru wore the normal school uniform with his sunglasses before adopting any sort of makeshift blindfold.

Satoru Gojo in 2006

Satoru as a Jujutsu High student in 2006.

Satoru Gojo (Volume 4)

Satoru revealing his eyes.

Satoru Gojo (Prequel Anime)

Satoru using bandages to cover his eyes in 2017.


Satoru is a complex individual. He is normally seen to be nonchalant and playful towards his students, close colleagues, and friends. However, he is unsympathetic and cruel towards sorcerer executives, an example being his blatant disrespect towards Principal Gakuganji, and his enemies.

Satoru is extremely confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer, believing himself to be invincible. His opinion of others often only go as far as his judgement of their strength, and he is quite apathetic towards anyone he deems weak. Additionally, greatly influenced by his own desire for power, he is very arrogant. He is convinced that he is the strongest in the world, which he technically is, claiming, during his fight with Toji Fushiguro, that «throughout the Heavens and earth, he alone is the honored one.» This can be further exemplified when he was tasked with protecting Riko Amanai, one of the few ‘weak’ people he genuinely grew to show compassion for. However, any empathy of her death was soon negated by his extensive amount of pride and arrogance after perfecting his reverse cursed technique in his following battle against Toji Fushiguro.

During intense battles, Satoru is seen to occasionally fall into a frenzied fighting state, urged by his determination for victory and undeniable proof that he alone is the strongest. His combative style is characterized by his aggressive and domineering attacks, while flaunting his mastered techniques to his opponents. Furthermore, in a crisis, he is capable of being cold-blooded. He will prioritize his enemies’ destruction over saving innocent people when he believes that the sacrifice is unavoidable. However, this only extends to the people killed by his opponent; he will not do any lasting harm to or kill anyone innocent to gain the upper hand.

Nevertheless, despite his haughtiness and strength, Satoru is more human than he first appears. After defeating Toji, Satoru retrieved Riko’s corpse with a sorrowful look, showing that albeit his recent conceited victory temporarily clouding his feelings, he still felt some grief over her death. He sought to kill the Star Religious members that were laughing over Riko’s death, though was stopped by Suguru Geto — who he relied on as a moral compass at that time — before taking any action. Furthermore, Satoru was later left visibly horrified and panicked after learning that Suguru, his one and only best friend, had become a murderous curse user. Satoru attempted to reason with his friend, but eventually realized and accepted that he lost the one person he truly saw as an equal. After having to put an end to Suguru before more calamity arose, it was Satoru’s trauma over losing his best friend that caused his ultimate downfall in Shibuya. He was also distraught when Yuji seemingly died.

Satoru’s endgame is to reform the jujutsu world from the bottom-up through education. He seeks to foster a new generation of sorcerers that he hopes will one day become his equals.

Abilities and Powers

Satoru Gojo shows off his overwhelming power

Overall Skill Level: Even among the special grade sorcerers, Satoru is known to be the strongest sorcerer in the series, holding both immense amounts of cursed energy and a dangerously powerful technique. No one can seemingly match his skill level in the current storyline.

As a student, Satoru and Suguru were both considered «the strongest», capable of making short work of experienced and powerful curse users. After realizing and perfecting his capabilities, Satoru’s abilities vastly increased to where he was able to put Toji Fushiguro into the defensive and ultimately kill him with his strongest technique, whereas before he and Geto were no match for the renowned Sorcerer Killer. As he continued to grow, he eclipsed Suguru’s might to where Suguru admitted Satoru has truly become the strongest alone. Suguru also stated that Satoru had the capability of killing all of humanity by himself, which Suguru admitted was out of his own ability, and didn’t even try to fight back when Satoru prepared to kill him, although Satoru ultimately relented as he was unable to kill his former friend.

Hanami, a powerful special grade, is no match

In the present, Satoru’s might was feared by the higher-ups of the jujutsu society, to where Satoru could easily force them to cancel the executions of the likes of the dangerous fellow special-grade sorcerer Yuta Okkotsu and the vessel of Sukuna Yuji Itadori and he states that it would be easy for him to kill them all and overthrow the jujutsu society had he actually wanted to. Satoru even claimed that he could defeat Sukuna at his full power.

Kenjaku and his group of special-grade cursed spirits were also wary of Satoru’s power and skill, with Kenjaku admitting he couldn’t defeat Gojo in direct battle. He was capable of entirely overpowering and killing Jogo, who was the strongest of the group, and simply his presence was able to force Hanami to retreat, with Gojo almost killing the special-grade cursed spirit with a single attack. When Kenjaku and his group finally developed a plan to face him in combat, despite their preparations, Satoru was still capable of easily fending off their assaults and overpowering them, leaving them astounded with how exceeding his capabilities truly were, killing Hanami and only being defeated due to Kenjaku using his past with Geto to distract him long enough for the Prison Realm to seal him.

Satoru’s Hand-to-Hand combat prowess

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Satoru, in addition to his overwhelming levels of cursed energy, is also an incredibly formidable martial artist in close combat, with extraordinary physical prowess to back up his skills. He was capable of completely overpowering Jogo in hand-to-hand combat, delivering several precise attacks on Jogo’s fatal spots, and could even casually fight off and overpower both Jogo and Hanami with sheer close combat, easily countering their attacks and landing powerful hits that swiftly pummeled them into submission.

Immense Strength: Satoru possesses tremendous physical strength to fight against powerful curses without a problem, easily causing severe injuries to Jogo with powerful punches and throwing him a considerable distance with a single kick during their fight. He was also able to easily rip out Jogo’s head and later on his arm with sheer physical force and even managed to casually rip out Hanami’s roots. He could casually rip apart transfigured humans, tearing them apart limb-by-limb.

Satoru’s immense speed.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Satoru is an extremely fast fighter, capable of moving faster than the eye could perceive. He managed to easily outpace Jogo, throwing almost imperceptible punches and kicks. Satoru can also eliminate a thousand transfigured humans in five minutes.

Tactical Intellect: Gojo is quite tactical and capable of figuring out his opponent’s plan with minimum information. He has also shown to be extremely adaptable to any enemy he has ever faced so far, knowing precisely what to do to counter their techniques and find ways to defeat them. This is best displayed during his bout against Jogo, Hanami, Choso and Mahito where he was shown to be capable of conceiving multiple battle strategies while fighting at blinding speeds, protecting civilians, keeping property damage to a minimum, all while dodging and evading the attacks of the four curses.


Cursed Energy Manipulation
Immense Cursed Energy: Satoru Gojo is known within the jujutsu society as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. He earned this alias due to the immense amounts of cursed energy he possesses. Gojo’s cursed energy is vast enough to use a Domain Expansion multiple times per day. In contrast, most sorcerers can only use it once.

He has excellent control over his cursed energy, capable of activating his Domain in a split second, use reverse cursed techniques, and even combines positive and negative cursed energy. Gojo is also known to have two overarching abilities, being the first in four hundred years to have both the Six Eyes and the Gojo family’s Limitless cursed technique.

Reverse Cursed Technique (反転術式 Hanten Jutsushiki?): Gojo is the one of the few sorcerers who can used a Reverse Cursed Technique to heal themselves. He perfected this technique on his deathbed after his first fight with Toji Fushiguro. With this technique, Gojo can not only heal himself, but he can make the positive energy flow into the Infinity, giving him access to his Red and Hollow Purple attacks. However, healing others is out of Gojo’s bounds for now, something that few others like Sukuna and Shoko can do. Gojo, however is the only sorcerer shown that can use reverse cursed energy to reverse the effect of an existing cursed technique, somewhat balancing out his inability to heal others.
Black Flash (黒閃 Kokusen?): A technique that creates spatial distortion when a user connects with an impact of cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. The phenomenon causes cursed power to flash black, creating a more potent attack to the power of 2.5 of a normal hit. Its currently unknow how many times Gojo performed Black Flash.
Inherited Technique
Satoru Gojo activating Red and Blue (Anime).gif Limitless (無下限 Mukagen?): At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique which is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the manipulation of space as just the base level of the technique, Limitless has three standard and one «non-standard» form beyond this.
Infinity (無限 Mugen?): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them. According to Satoru, this is the convergence of an infinite series and comes straight from the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. Akin to the way Achilles will never catch the tortoise due to the potential, infinite amounts of finite space separating them or how the real number one will never touch the real number two due to the infinite amount of fractions that separate them, the opponent will never touch Satoru due to the infinity between them. Satoru can decide what does and doesn’t touch him and can do so based upon mass, speed, and danger ratings. Gojo blocks Ember Insects.gif
Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue (術式順転「蒼」 Jutsushiki Junten・Ao?): The reinforced version of the neutral limitless; Blue is the byproduct of Gojo amplifying the Limitless and negative energy, producing a vacuum. Through these, Gojo creates a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together. Cursed Technique Lapse Blue.png
Cursed Technique Lapse — Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue (術式順転出力最大「蒼」 Jutsushiki Junten Shutsuryoku Saidai・Ao?): Satoru creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. He can also move the point of gravity at will, augmenting its destructive capabilities greatly. Cursed Technique Lapse Maximum Cursed Energy Output Blue.png
Cursed Technique Reversal: Red (術式反転「赫」 Jutsushiki Hanten・Aka?)[6]: Being an inversion of Blue, Red has the opposite effect. Using his reversal technique to invert the properties of Blue, Satoru activates the divergence of his infinity and causes an extremely powerful repulsive force, repelling all matter in its vicinity. Being an ability that is powered by positive cursed energy and formed as a reverse curse technique, the ability has two times the destructive ability of Blue.[7] Gojo using Red on Jogo.gif
Hollow Technique: Purple (虚式「茈」 Kyoshiki・Murasaki?): A non-standard technique of Limitless more potent and destructive than the 2 standard forms that only select few know about, even among the members of the Gojo Family. Satoru snaps his fingers, combining «Blue» (attraction) and «Red» (repulsion), generating a long-ranged singularity where both effects are combined, deleting and erasing all matter in its path instantaneously. Hollow Purple (Anime).gif
Barrier Techniques
Satoru creating a curtain (Anime).png Curtain ( Tobari?): Gojo can create a barrier that surrounds a certain area. The barrier can seal the area off from other people or a specific person wanting to get in.
Unlimited Void.gif Unlimited Void (無量空処 Muryōkūsho?)[8]: Gojo’s Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions. [9] Gojo’s control over his Domain is so precise that he can activate it for only 0.2 seconds, limiting its lasting effect on those he traps within it.[10] Those he makes physical contact with are also immune to its effect.
Other Abilities
Satoru Gojo arrives on the battlefield (Anime).png Six Eyes (六眼 Rikugan?): Not much is known about the Six Eyes, but it is known that they play some role in the precise usage of the Limitless. It has been stated that similar to Limitless, Six Eyes is also an Innate Technique inherited through the Gojo family.

Yuta has stated that the Six Eyes allows Satoru to reduce his cursed energy consumption from technique activation infinitesimally near to nothing, and that he will never run out of cursed energy in a fight as a result. It is uncertain whether this refers to the cost of the techniques themselves or the reduction of unnecessary loss for efficiency. His use of «Maximum Cursed Energy Output» seems to imply the latter.

It is heavily implied that Six Eyes allows for the user to perceive the world in terms of mass, speed, energy, and so forth alongside its other effects.


  • According to Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook[2]:
    • Enrollment method: Family lineage.
    • He doesn’t have any hobbies (he can do almost anything).
    • Favorite food: Sweet things.
    • Least favorite food: Alcohol.
    • Cause of stress: Higher-ups involvement.
  • Gojo ranked 3rd place in the manga’s 1st Character Popularity Poll with 16,923 votes.
  • According to Akutami, Gojo is probably over 190 centimeters tall (6′ 3″).[3]
  • He started eating sweets to stimulate his brain but ended up with a sweet tooth.[3]
  • He can do anything he tries, so he tries not to get too involved with anything. According to him, this is all for the sake of the next generation.[3]
  • Principal Yaga was Gojo’s teacher when he was a student.[3]
  • Gojo’s face was regularly shown in the JUMP GIGA prequel: Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High (all four chapters).[3]
  • He was a fan of Digimon in high school.[11]
    • Both his Japanese and English voice actors have voiced Digimon characters. Kaiji Tang even mentioned Gojo liking Digimon on Twitter.[12]
  • The name ‘Satoru’ (さとる, サトル) is a masculine Japanese given name derived from the Japanese verb meaning «to know» or «understand.» Satoru can be written using different kanji characters, which mean (悟る) «be spiritually awakened» or «attain higher perception.” Other name meanings include but are not limited to «enlightenment» (悟), «wisdom» (智), and «philosophy» (哲).[13]
  • As credited by Gege Akutami, his theme music is «Mada Minu Asu Ni» by Asian Kung-Fu Generation and «Shame on Me» by Avicii.[14]


  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 96 (p. 1).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook: (p. 40-43).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Vol. 1, Profile

  4. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 43 (p. 21).

  5. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 126 (p. 3).

  6. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 14 (p. 11).

  7. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 74 (p. 16).

  8. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 15 (p. 14-15).

  9. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 15 (p. 16-17).

  10. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 89 (p. 16-19).

  11. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 66 (p. 5).
  12. @KaijiTang «this man canonically loves digimon»
  13. Wikipedia page: Satoru
  14. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Vol. 3, Theme Songs


[v · e · ?]


Tokyo Jujutsu High
Faculty Akari Nitta  •  Atsuya Kusakabe  •  Kiyotaka Ijichi  •  Masamichi Yaga  •  Satoru Gojo  •  Shoko Ieiri
Students Kinji Hakari  •  Kirara Hoshi  •  Maki Zenin  •  Megumi Fushiguro  •  Nobara Kugisaki  •  Panda  •  Toge Inumaki  •  Yu Haibara  •  Yuji Itadori  •  Yuta Okkotsu
Kyoto Jujutsu High
Faculty Utahime Iori  •  Yoshinobu Gakuganji
Students Arata Nitta  •  Aoi Todo  •  Kasumi Miwa  •  Kokichi Muta  •  Mai Zenin  •  Momo Nishimiya  •  Noritoshi Kamo
Jujutsu Sorcerers
Professional Sorcerers Kento Nanami  •  Mei Mei  •  Takuma Ino  •  Tengen  •  Yuki Tsukumo
Zenin Family Chojuro Zenin  •  Jinichi Zenin  •  Naobito Zenin  •  Naoya Zenin  •  Nobuaki Zenin  •  Ogi Zenin  •  Ranta Zenin
Culling Games Players Charles Bernard  •  Chizuru Hari  •  Dhruv Lakdawalla  •  Fumihiko Takaba  •  Haba  •  Hagane Daido  •  Hajime Kashimo  •  Hana Kurusu  •  Hanyu  •  Hiromi Higuruma  •  Iori Hazenoki  •  Reggie Star  •  Remi  •  Rin Amai  •  Rokujushi Miyo  •  Ryu Ishigori  •  Takako Uro
Non-Combatants Misato Kuroi  •  Riko Amanai  •  Ui Ui
Fukuoka Jujutsu High Kaito Yuki  •  Kensuke Nagino  •  Saki Rindo
Curse Users
Suguru Geto’s Group Larue  •  Manami Suda  •  Miguel  •  Mimiko Hasaba  •  Nanako Hasaba  •  Suguru Geto  •  Toshihisa Negi
Kenjaku’s Group Haruta Shigemo  •  Jiro Awasaka  •  Juzo Kumiya  •  Kenjaku  •  Niji Ebina  •  Ogami  •  Uraume
Q Bayer  •  Kokun
Non-Curse Users Shigeru Sonoda  •  Shiu Kong  •  Toji Fushiguro
Cursed Spirits
Mahito’s Group Dagon  •  Hanami  •  Jogo  •  Mahito
Vengeful Spirits Kuchisake-Onna  •  Michizane Sugawara  •  Rika Orimoto  •  Sukuna  •  Tamamo-no-Mae Incarnate
Death Paintings Choso  •  Eso  •  Kechizu
Other Curses Finger Bearer  •  Fly Heads  •  Grasshopper Curse  •  Kurourushi  •  Rika  •  Smallpox Deity
Sugisawa Third High School Setsuko Sasaki  •  Takagi  •  Takeshi Iguchi
Satozakura High School Junpei Yoshino  •  Shota Ito  •  Sotomura
Saitama Urami East Junior High Fujinuma  •  Taichi Kanada  •  Takeda  •  Tsumiki Fushiguro
Civilians Furudate  •  Fumi  •  Jin Itadori  •  Keita Oe  •  Nagi Yoshino  •  Saori  •  Tadashi Okazaki  •  Takada-chan  •  Wasuke Itadori  •  Yuko Ozawa
U.S. Government Cyrus Veil  •  Garry K. Johnson

Satoru Gojo ( () (じょう) (さとる) Gojō Satoru?) is one of the main protagonists of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. He is a special grade jujutsu sorcerer and widely recognized as the strongest in the world. Satoru is the pride of the Gojo Family, the first person to inherit both the Limitless and the Six Eyes in four hundred years. He works as a teacher at the Tokyo Jujutsu High and uses his influence to protect and train strong young allies.


Satoru is a very tall man with a lean build in his later twenties who is considered relatively attractive, mainly due to his facial features. He has snow-white hair and the Six Eyes, which are a vibrant blue color. Satoru normally covers his eyes with a black blindfold which props up his hair and gives it a spikier appearance. When sporting a more casual look, Satoru will wear sunglasses and let his hair down to reach the base of his neck.

While working, Satoru wears a dark blue zip-up jacket with a high collar that’s also fairly wide. He wears slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots. Before switching over to a simple blindfold, Satoru used to wear bandages over his eyes. Satoru enjoys wearing expensive clothing[5] and has a number of casual looks he’ll pair with wearing his sunglasses. As a Tokyo Jujutsu High student, Satoru wore the normal school uniform with his sunglasses before adopting any sort of makeshift blindfold.

Satoru Gojo in 2006

Satoru as a Jujutsu High student in 2006.

Satoru Gojo (Volume 4)

Satoru revealing his eyes.

Satoru Gojo (Prequel Anime)

Satoru using bandages to cover his eyes in 2017.


Satoru is a complex individual. He is normally seen to be nonchalant and playful towards his students, close colleagues, and friends. However, he is unsympathetic and cruel towards sorcerer executives, an example being his blatant disrespect towards Principal Gakuganji, and his enemies.

Satoru is extremely confident in his abilities and reputation as a powerful sorcerer, believing himself to be invincible. His opinion of others often only go as far as his judgement of their strength, and he is quite apathetic towards anyone he deems weak. Additionally, greatly influenced by his own desire for power, he is very arrogant. He is convinced that he is the strongest in the world, which he technically is, claiming, during his fight with Toji Fushiguro, that «throughout the Heavens and earth, he alone is the honored one.» This can be further exemplified when he was tasked with protecting Riko Amanai, one of the few ‘weak’ people he genuinely grew to show compassion for. However, any empathy of her death was soon negated by his extensive amount of pride and arrogance after perfecting his reverse cursed technique in his following battle against Toji Fushiguro.

During intense battles, Satoru is seen to occasionally fall into a frenzied fighting state, urged by his determination for victory and undeniable proof that he alone is the strongest. His combative style is characterized by his aggressive and domineering attacks, while flaunting his mastered techniques to his opponents. Furthermore, in a crisis, he is capable of being cold-blooded. He will prioritize his enemies’ destruction over saving innocent people when he believes that the sacrifice is unavoidable. However, this only extends to the people killed by his opponent; he will not do any lasting harm to or kill anyone innocent to gain the upper hand.

Nevertheless, despite his haughtiness and strength, Satoru is more human than he first appears. After defeating Toji, Satoru retrieved Riko’s corpse with a sorrowful look, showing that albeit his recent conceited victory temporarily clouding his feelings, he still felt some grief over her death. He sought to kill the Star Religious members that were laughing over Riko’s death, though was stopped by Suguru Geto — who he relied on as a moral compass at that time — before taking any action. Furthermore, Satoru was later left visibly horrified and panicked after learning that Suguru, his one and only best friend, had become a murderous curse user. Satoru attempted to reason with his friend, but eventually realized and accepted that he lost the one person he truly saw as an equal. After having to put an end to Suguru before more calamity arose, it was Satoru’s trauma over losing his best friend that caused his ultimate downfall in Shibuya. He was also distraught when Yuji seemingly died.

Satoru’s endgame is to reform the jujutsu world from the bottom-up through education. He seeks to foster a new generation of sorcerers that he hopes will one day become his equals.

Abilities and Powers

Satoru Gojo shows off his overwhelming power

Overall Skill Level: Even among the special grade sorcerers, Satoru is known to be the strongest sorcerer in the series, holding both immense amounts of cursed energy and a dangerously powerful technique. No one can seemingly match his skill level in the current storyline.

As a student, Satoru and Suguru were both considered «the strongest», capable of making short work of experienced and powerful curse users. After realizing and perfecting his capabilities, Satoru’s abilities vastly increased to where he was able to put Toji Fushiguro into the defensive and ultimately kill him with his strongest technique, whereas before he and Geto were no match for the renowned Sorcerer Killer. As he continued to grow, he eclipsed Suguru’s might to where Suguru admitted Satoru has truly become the strongest alone. Suguru also stated that Satoru had the capability of killing all of humanity by himself, which Suguru admitted was out of his own ability, and didn’t even try to fight back when Satoru prepared to kill him, although Satoru ultimately relented as he was unable to kill his former friend.

Hanami, a powerful special grade, is no match

In the present, Satoru’s might was feared by the higher-ups of the jujutsu society, to where Satoru could easily force them to cancel the executions of the likes of the dangerous fellow special-grade sorcerer Yuta Okkotsu and the vessel of Sukuna Yuji Itadori and he states that it would be easy for him to kill them all and overthrow the jujutsu society had he actually wanted to. Satoru even claimed that he could defeat Sukuna at his full power.

Kenjaku and his group of special-grade cursed spirits were also wary of Satoru’s power and skill, with Kenjaku admitting he couldn’t defeat Gojo in direct battle. He was capable of entirely overpowering and killing Jogo, who was the strongest of the group, and simply his presence was able to force Hanami to retreat, with Gojo almost killing the special-grade cursed spirit with a single attack. When Kenjaku and his group finally developed a plan to face him in combat, despite their preparations, Satoru was still capable of easily fending off their assaults and overpowering them, leaving them astounded with how exceeding his capabilities truly were, killing Hanami and only being defeated due to Kenjaku using his past with Geto to distract him long enough for the Prison Realm to seal him.

Satoru’s Hand-to-Hand combat prowess

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Satoru, in addition to his overwhelming levels of cursed energy, is also an incredibly formidable martial artist in close combat, with extraordinary physical prowess to back up his skills. He was capable of completely overpowering Jogo in hand-to-hand combat, delivering several precise attacks on Jogo’s fatal spots, and could even casually fight off and overpower both Jogo and Hanami with sheer close combat, easily countering their attacks and landing powerful hits that swiftly pummeled them into submission.

Immense Strength: Satoru possesses tremendous physical strength to fight against powerful curses without a problem, easily causing severe injuries to Jogo with powerful punches and throwing him a considerable distance with a single kick during their fight. He was also able to easily rip out Jogo’s head and later on his arm with sheer physical force and even managed to casually rip out Hanami’s roots. He could casually rip apart transfigured humans, tearing them apart limb-by-limb.

Satoru’s immense speed.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Satoru is an extremely fast fighter, capable of moving faster than the eye could perceive. He managed to easily outpace Jogo, throwing almost imperceptible punches and kicks. Satoru can also eliminate a thousand transfigured humans in five minutes.

Tactical Intellect: Gojo is quite tactical and capable of figuring out his opponent’s plan with minimum information. He has also shown to be extremely adaptable to any enemy he has ever faced so far, knowing precisely what to do to counter their techniques and find ways to defeat them. This is best displayed during his bout against Jogo, Hanami, Choso and Mahito where he was shown to be capable of conceiving multiple battle strategies while fighting at blinding speeds, protecting civilians, keeping property damage to a minimum, all while dodging and evading the attacks of the four curses.


Cursed Energy Manipulation
Immense Cursed Energy: Satoru Gojo is known within the jujutsu society as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer. He earned this alias due to the immense amounts of cursed energy he possesses. Gojo’s cursed energy is vast enough to use a Domain Expansion multiple times per day. In contrast, most sorcerers can only use it once.

He has excellent control over his cursed energy, capable of activating his Domain in a split second, use reverse cursed techniques, and even combines positive and negative cursed energy. Gojo is also known to have two overarching abilities, being the first in four hundred years to have both the Six Eyes and the Gojo family’s Limitless cursed technique.

Reverse Cursed Technique (反転術式 Hanten Jutsushiki?): Gojo is the one of the few sorcerers who can used a Reverse Cursed Technique to heal themselves. He perfected this technique on his deathbed after his first fight with Toji Fushiguro. With this technique, Gojo can not only heal himself, but he can make the positive energy flow into the Infinity, giving him access to his Red and Hollow Purple attacks. However, healing others is out of Gojo’s bounds for now, something that few others like Sukuna and Shoko can do. Gojo, however is the only sorcerer shown that can use reverse cursed energy to reverse the effect of an existing cursed technique, somewhat balancing out his inability to heal others.
Black Flash (黒閃 Kokusen?): A technique that creates spatial distortion when a user connects with an impact of cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. The phenomenon causes cursed power to flash black, creating a more potent attack to the power of 2.5 of a normal hit. Its currently unknow how many times Gojo performed Black Flash.
Inherited Technique
Satoru Gojo activating Red and Blue (Anime).gif Limitless (無下限 Mukagen?): At the base level, Limitless is an innate technique which is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability. With the manipulation of space as just the base level of the technique, Limitless has three standard and one «non-standard» form beyond this.
Infinity (無限 Mugen?): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them. According to Satoru, this is the convergence of an infinite series and comes straight from the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise. Akin to the way Achilles will never catch the tortoise due to the potential, infinite amounts of finite space separating them or how the real number one will never touch the real number two due to the infinite amount of fractions that separate them, the opponent will never touch Satoru due to the infinity between them. Satoru can decide what does and doesn’t touch him and can do so based upon mass, speed, and danger ratings. Gojo blocks Ember Insects.gif
Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue (術式順転「蒼」 Jutsushiki Junten・Ao?): The reinforced version of the neutral limitless; Blue is the byproduct of Gojo amplifying the Limitless and negative energy, producing a vacuum. Through these, Gojo creates a scenario where the world itself is forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, causing all matter in the range of the commanded space to be pulled together. Cursed Technique Lapse Blue.png
Cursed Technique Lapse — Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue (術式順転出力最大「蒼」 Jutsushiki Junten Shutsuryoku Saidai・Ao?): Satoru creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. He can also move the point of gravity at will, augmenting its destructive capabilities greatly. Cursed Technique Lapse Maximum Cursed Energy Output Blue.png
Cursed Technique Reversal: Red (術式反転「赫」 Jutsushiki Hanten・Aka?)[6]: Being an inversion of Blue, Red has the opposite effect. Using his reversal technique to invert the properties of Blue, Satoru activates the divergence of his infinity and causes an extremely powerful repulsive force, repelling all matter in its vicinity. Being an ability that is powered by positive cursed energy and formed as a reverse curse technique, the ability has two times the destructive ability of Blue.[7] Gojo using Red on Jogo.gif
Hollow Technique: Purple (虚式「茈」 Kyoshiki・Murasaki?): A non-standard technique of Limitless more potent and destructive than the 2 standard forms that only select few know about, even among the members of the Gojo Family. Satoru snaps his fingers, combining «Blue» (attraction) and «Red» (repulsion), generating a long-ranged singularity where both effects are combined, deleting and erasing all matter in its path instantaneously. Hollow Purple (Anime).gif
Barrier Techniques
Satoru creating a curtain (Anime).png Curtain ( Tobari?): Gojo can create a barrier that surrounds a certain area. The barrier can seal the area off from other people or a specific person wanting to get in.
Unlimited Void.gif Unlimited Void (無量空処 Muryōkūsho?)[8]: Gojo’s Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions. [9] Gojo’s control over his Domain is so precise that he can activate it for only 0.2 seconds, limiting its lasting effect on those he traps within it.[10] Those he makes physical contact with are also immune to its effect.
Other Abilities
Satoru Gojo arrives on the battlefield (Anime).png Six Eyes (六眼 Rikugan?): Not much is known about the Six Eyes, but it is known that they play some role in the precise usage of the Limitless. It has been stated that similar to Limitless, Six Eyes is also an Innate Technique inherited through the Gojo family.

Yuta has stated that the Six Eyes allows Satoru to reduce his cursed energy consumption from technique activation infinitesimally near to nothing, and that he will never run out of cursed energy in a fight as a result. It is uncertain whether this refers to the cost of the techniques themselves or the reduction of unnecessary loss for efficiency. His use of «Maximum Cursed Energy Output» seems to imply the latter.

It is heavily implied that Six Eyes allows for the user to perceive the world in terms of mass, speed, energy, and so forth alongside its other effects.


  • According to Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook[2]:
    • Enrollment method: Family lineage.
    • He doesn’t have any hobbies (he can do almost anything).
    • Favorite food: Sweet things.
    • Least favorite food: Alcohol.
    • Cause of stress: Higher-ups involvement.
  • Gojo ranked 3rd place in the manga’s 1st Character Popularity Poll with 16,923 votes.
  • According to Akutami, Gojo is probably over 190 centimeters tall (6′ 3″).[3]
  • He started eating sweets to stimulate his brain but ended up with a sweet tooth.[3]
  • He can do anything he tries, so he tries not to get too involved with anything. According to him, this is all for the sake of the next generation.[3]
  • Principal Yaga was Gojo’s teacher when he was a student.[3]
  • Gojo’s face was regularly shown in the JUMP GIGA prequel: Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High (all four chapters).[3]
  • He was a fan of Digimon in high school.[11]
    • Both his Japanese and English voice actors have voiced Digimon characters. Kaiji Tang even mentioned Gojo liking Digimon on Twitter.[12]
  • The name ‘Satoru’ (さとる, サトル) is a masculine Japanese given name derived from the Japanese verb meaning «to know» or «understand.» Satoru can be written using different kanji characters, which mean (悟る) «be spiritually awakened» or «attain higher perception.” Other name meanings include but are not limited to «enlightenment» (悟), «wisdom» (智), and «philosophy» (哲).[13]
  • As credited by Gege Akutami, his theme music is «Mada Minu Asu Ni» by Asian Kung-Fu Generation and «Shame on Me» by Avicii.[14]


  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 96 (p. 1).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook: (p. 40-43).
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Vol. 1, Profile

  4. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 43 (p. 21).

  5. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 126 (p. 3).

  6. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 14 (p. 11).

  7. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 74 (p. 16).

  8. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 15 (p. 14-15).

  9. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 15 (p. 16-17).

  10. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 89 (p. 16-19).

  11. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 66 (p. 5).
  12. @KaijiTang «this man canonically loves digimon»
  13. Wikipedia page: Satoru
  14. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Vol. 3, Theme Songs


[v · e · ?]


Tokyo Jujutsu High
Faculty Akari Nitta  •  Atsuya Kusakabe  •  Kiyotaka Ijichi  •  Masamichi Yaga  •  Satoru Gojo  •  Shoko Ieiri
Students Kinji Hakari  •  Kirara Hoshi  •  Maki Zenin  •  Megumi Fushiguro  •  Nobara Kugisaki  •  Panda  •  Toge Inumaki  •  Yu Haibara  •  Yuji Itadori  •  Yuta Okkotsu
Kyoto Jujutsu High
Faculty Utahime Iori  •  Yoshinobu Gakuganji
Students Arata Nitta  •  Aoi Todo  •  Kasumi Miwa  •  Kokichi Muta  •  Mai Zenin  •  Momo Nishimiya  •  Noritoshi Kamo
Jujutsu Sorcerers
Professional Sorcerers Kento Nanami  •  Mei Mei  •  Takuma Ino  •  Tengen  •  Yuki Tsukumo
Zenin Family Chojuro Zenin  •  Jinichi Zenin  •  Naobito Zenin  •  Naoya Zenin  •  Nobuaki Zenin  •  Ogi Zenin  •  Ranta Zenin
Culling Games Players Charles Bernard  •  Chizuru Hari  •  Dhruv Lakdawalla  •  Fumihiko Takaba  •  Haba  •  Hagane Daido  •  Hajime Kashimo  •  Hana Kurusu  •  Hanyu  •  Hiromi Higuruma  •  Iori Hazenoki  •  Reggie Star  •  Remi  •  Rin Amai  •  Rokujushi Miyo  •  Ryu Ishigori  •  Takako Uro
Non-Combatants Misato Kuroi  •  Riko Amanai  •  Ui Ui
Fukuoka Jujutsu High Kaito Yuki  •  Kensuke Nagino  •  Saki Rindo
Curse Users
Suguru Geto’s Group Larue  •  Manami Suda  •  Miguel  •  Mimiko Hasaba  •  Nanako Hasaba  •  Suguru Geto  •  Toshihisa Negi
Kenjaku’s Group Haruta Shigemo  •  Jiro Awasaka  •  Juzo Kumiya  •  Kenjaku  •  Niji Ebina  •  Ogami  •  Uraume
Q Bayer  •  Kokun
Non-Curse Users Shigeru Sonoda  •  Shiu Kong  •  Toji Fushiguro
Cursed Spirits
Mahito’s Group Dagon  •  Hanami  •  Jogo  •  Mahito
Vengeful Spirits Kuchisake-Onna  •  Michizane Sugawara  •  Rika Orimoto  •  Sukuna  •  Tamamo-no-Mae Incarnate
Death Paintings Choso  •  Eso  •  Kechizu
Other Curses Finger Bearer  •  Fly Heads  •  Grasshopper Curse  •  Kurourushi  •  Rika  •  Smallpox Deity
Sugisawa Third High School Setsuko Sasaki  •  Takagi  •  Takeshi Iguchi
Satozakura High School Junpei Yoshino  •  Shota Ito  •  Sotomura
Saitama Urami East Junior High Fujinuma  •  Taichi Kanada  •  Takeda  •  Tsumiki Fushiguro
Civilians Furudate  •  Fumi  •  Jin Itadori  •  Keita Oe  •  Nagi Yoshino  •  Saori  •  Tadashi Okazaki  •  Takada-chan  •  Wasuke Itadori  •  Yuko Ozawa
U.S. Government Cyrus Veil  •  Garry K. Johnson

Satoru Gojo (Japanese: 五条 悟, Hepburn: Gojō Satoru) is a fictional character from Gege Akutami’s manga Jujutsu Kaisen. He was first introduced in Akutami’s short series Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School as the mentor of the cursed teenager Yuta Okkotsu at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. This miniseries became the prequel Jujutsu Kaisen 0 of Jujutsu Kaisen. In Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo takes the same role but mentors the student Yuji Itadori who suffers a similar curse, helping him become stronger, while protecting other characters in the series.

Satoru Gojo
Jujutsu Kaisen character

Satoru Gojo as drawn by Gege Akutami

First appearance Jujutsu Kaisen 0 #1, «The Cursed Child» (2017)
Created by Gege Akutami
Voiced by
  • Japanese:
  • Yūichi Nakamura[1]
  • English:
  • Kaiji Tang[2]

Gege Akutami created Gojo to be a strong, but likable, character who is keen of his students. He is voiced by Yūichi Nakamura in Japanese and Kaiji Tang in English in the animated adaptations by MAPPA.

The character was well received by the media for his carefree nature and power shown when protecting his students. Furthermore, his role in the prequel Jujutsu Kaisen 0 was appreciated by the media due to his hidden depths such as his loving relationship with the antagonist Suguru Geto.

Creation and conceptionEdit

Gege Akutami created Satoru Gojo with the idea of being one of the strongest characters in the entire series but at the same time being easy to understand to the readers. One of Gojo’s keys ideas for his design is a blindfold he wears in his eyes, he can still see thanks to his supernatural powers. His eyes, the 6 Eyes, were primarily used to encounter Curses.[3] In his debut in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, Akutami linked Gojo and Yuta Okkotsu to Michizane Sugawara, a famous figure in Japanese history, in order to explain from whom both characters inherited their supernatural powers. This was done as a tribute to his late editor, Yamanaka. Gojo’s design is meant to be the one of a handsome man, often called bishonen while his facial design was inspired by a minor Naruto character whose face was covered in bandages. Despite such looks, Akutami feels unable to write Gojo in a romantic relationship with a woman due to the work of being faithful towards her. In regards to Gojo’s relationship with his students, most notably Yuji Itadori and Yuta Okkotsu, Akutami wrote their relationship simply as he claims Gojo only wants troublemakers to become strong. In Japan, it is common for people to call each other through their last names rather than their given names. However, Gojo calls each of his students by their first names. Akutami said he made this decision because he sees Gojo does not have proper consideration for such social traditions.[3]

Sunghoo Park, who directed the first season of the series’ anime adaptation as well as the new prequel movie, said adapting one of Gojo’s early scenes involving the Domain Expansion scene in the season was a particularly tough one to get just right. Nevertheless, he saw such sequence as memorable. Since the original scene was black and white, Park and his team consulted Akutami in guidance about how should the colors from Gojo’s Domain Expansion should be.[4] In regards to the animated movie, Park stated that while «The highlight of the movie is of course, the story of Okkotsu and Rika as the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen 0» while at the same time wanted to focus on more characters from the manga, most notably the past relationship between Gojo and Geto, explored briefly in the original manga.[5] Seko was requested by the direactor to feature a new fight scene between Gojo and Miguel in the climax.[6]


Yuichi Nakamura voices Gojo in Japanese

Yuichi Nakamura voices the character Satoru Gojo in the original Japanese series. From serious scenes to comical gag scenes, the character has different facial expressions, but since he played without restrictions on the swing range between on and off, Nakamura reiterated at the recording site that he enjoyed gags. The actor did not find a change in Gojo’s characterization, finding his mentoring of Yuta similar to the other protagonists from the main Jujutsu Kaisen series. He enjoyed the multiple recordings he had as well as the many school-like relationships. He was impressed by Megumi Ogata’s work as Yuta for providing him a large range of emotions.[7]

Kaiji Tang voices the character in English. Tang described him as «the trolliest trolls to ever troll anime.» The actor noted that the character stands out due to his whimsical nature and how he interacts with his students. He was also praised for how likable he comes across due to the kind nature he portrays in series with a dark narrative while also showing interesting supernatural powers that are hard to match. Tang still noted that Gojo’s arrogance was his only weak point, which also makes him come across as more human as he shows that he can also commit mistakes.[8]

In another interview, Tang compared Gojo to the comic book character Clark Kent based and believed the charm behind the character was that despite his age, Gojo acts like a spoiled child. Before dubbing Gojo, Tang had not read the Jujutsu Kaisen manga but had heard of it. When being cast, Tang did research by reading the manga. When first interacting with Yuji Itadori, Gojo is noted to see a rarely explored darker side of his personality due to how he thinks of the idea of killing a cursed teenager which leads him to see more arrogance in Gojo. In contrast to his previous works like Gearless Joe from Megalobox or Archer from Fate/stay night, Tang feels that Gojo looks at the world in a more childish way than his previous characters as, while Gojo has seen several challenges in his past, none of them made a major impact on him.[9]


Jujutsu Kaisen 0Edit

A sorcerer working as a teacher in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. He uses his curse power to control the space around him in innumerable ways. Even though his title of ‘The Strongest’ is self-proclaimed, most allies and enemies alike never actually dispute the title and generally consider him to be one of the most dangerous people alive. Gojo is introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a jujutsu sorcerer, in the guidance of the young Yuta Okkotsu whom he convinces to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School in order to control Rika and avoid his solicitude. During this time, Gojo makes Okkotsu train with Panda, Maki Zenin, and Toge Inumaki to help Okkotsu control his own curse while helping him develop friendships.[10] Okkotsu’s curse attracts Suguru Geto, a sorcerer friendly with Gojo but at the same time keeps an antagonistic relationship with him. Geto wishes to create a shaman only world. When Okkotsu’s curse gives him the power to take down Geto, Gojo appears and kills Geto. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers.[11]

Jujutsu KaisenEdit

On the day of the Kyoto Goodwill Event, Gojo meets up with the other faculty to watch the event. As the event starts, Gojo watches it through monitors with the other faculties. When intruders invade the site, Gojo heads over to the site along with Utahime and Yoshinobu. He decides to handle Juzo first, and easily manages to restrain him. Gojo then uses a Hollow Purple technique on Hanami, but they cannot tell for sure if he is killed. As a result, Satoru is widely respected by sorcerers and holds high influence in the sorcery world. He convinces his superiors at the college to keep Yuji Itadori alive until he consumes all of Sukuna’s fingers. He teaches Yuji, Megumi Fushiguro, and Nobara Kugisaki. He was ambushed by the Special Grade Cursed Spirits at Shibuya, and Kenjaku manages to seal him away in the Prison Realm, after he exorcised Hanami. Nevertheless, Gojo has Okkotsu to take the favor of protecting Yuji from being executed should something bad happen to him.



Satoru Gojo was well received by the series’ readers and critics. In a Viz Media popularity poll taken in March 2021, he was voted the most popular character in the franchise.[12] At the 5th Crunchyroll Anime Awards, Gojo was a nominee for best male character, while his fight against Ryomen Sukuna was noted to be best of the year. Yuichi Nakamura’s performance as Gojo was also noted to be one of the best ones.[13] In promoting the movie Jujutsu Kaisen 0, advertisements with Gojo as a dog were made alongside SoftBank Group.[14] In December 2021, Mappa and Shueisha also celebrated Gojo’s birthday with PulpFiction Cine finding him as one of the most popular characters from the series while also promoting the movie.[15] In a poll from 2021 by LINE Research, Gojo took the first spot in regards to Jujutsu Kaisen characters.[16] He was also third in the best male character award from Animage 2021 Anime Grand Prix poll behind yuta and Tengen Uzui from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.[17]

Critical responseEdit

Sugawara no Michizane’s link with Yuta Okkotsu and Gojo resulted in theories about whether or not the historical figure will make a major impact in the narrative, which was kept vague in the main story.

Comic Book Resources regarded Gojo was the 9th most mature characters in the series despite his childish personality which is why they found the character highly lovable within the manga’s readers.[18] In another article, the same site regarded him as one of the series’ most dangerous members due to his over-the-top powers that cannot be rivaled by anyone else in the manga.[19] IGN also called Gojo as a fan-favorite character due to the focus of his personality.[20] StudyBreak also noted that Gojo’s flamboyant personality often comes across fitting comic relief, citing how he reacts to Fushiguro being hit by a woman as well as how impressive is he shown to be in combat to a major threat.[21]

Despite comparing him to other mentor characters like Kakashi Hatake, All Might or Aizawa, Bleeding Cool said Gojo remains as more likable within this archetype as a result of how «The character is truly a balance of caring coldness with power that keeps dismissing any serious threats», particularly for how caring he is to his students and the might he shows in battle sequences.[22] An article about the character’s best ten fight scenes was also written by Comic Book Resources with his fight against Jogo, being not only the best rated fight he has been involved, but also the series’ best fight.[23] Like Comic Book Resources, Anime News Network praised the fight scene Gojo has against Jogo for the handling of visuals, finding it far superior than the studio’s previous work The God of High School referred by the staff as «irredeemable trash» not only due to the narrative but also pacing in handling Gojo’s fight sequence, making the anime adaptation of Jujutsu Kaisen develop its potential in the process. While still finding Gojo as an archetype due to the overpowered he is portrayed as, the reviewer still found him enjoyable personality-wise.[24]

The Mary Sue found Gojo’s characterization in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 identical to the main series as a result of how he trains the students but still found the pilot helped to further explore his past as a result of his tragic relationship with Geto.[25] Otaquest also noted the similarities as well as how important is the relationship between Gojo and Geto which ends in a way that surprised the main series’ readers.[26] Manga News looked forward to more focus about the relationship between Gojo and Geto.[27] Crunchyroll listed Gojo’s higher screen time in the animated film adaptation of the manga, citing him as a fan favorite character people would appreciate to see.[28] The character’s connection with the late Sugawara no Michizane was kept vague that might generate a future impact in the series by critics.[29][30][31]


  1. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (December 21, 2019). «Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Casts Yūichi Nakamura as Satoru Gojo». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 22, 2019. Retrieved December 21, 2019.
  2. ^ Cardine, Kyle (November 11, 2020). «Crunchyroll Announces JUJUTSU KAISEN, Noblesse, and More Fall 2020 Season Dubs!». Crunchyroll. Archived from the original on November 12, 2020. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  3. ^ a b Akutami, Gege (2021). Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook. Shueisha. pp. 40–43. ISBN 978-4-08-882636-3.
  4. ^ Coats, Cayla (January 15, 2021). «INTERVIEW: JUJUTSU KAISEN Director Sunghoo Park». Crunchyroll. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  5. ^ Lacerna, Michael (December 6, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Director Teases New Content for Prequel Movie». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 18, 2021.
  6. ^ Jujutsu Kaisen 0. MAPPA. 2021.
  7. ^ «『劇場版 呪術廻戦 0』公開記念! カウントダウン声優インタビュー 【Vol.4 中村悠一(五条 悟役)】». Mensnonno (in Japanese). December 21, 2021. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 24, 2021.
  8. ^ Lawrence, Briana (January 29, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Friday Chat With Kaiji Tang, the Voice of Satoru Gojo». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  9. ^ Loñondo, Martin Eloas (January 23, 2021). «Kaiji Tang sobre la expresión de Satoru Gojou en Jujutsu Kaisen». Memes Random (in Spanish). Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  10. ^ Akutami, Gege (2021). «1». Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-9747-2014-9.
  11. ^ Akutami, Gege (2021). «4». Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-9747-2014-9.
  12. ^ Brown, Urian (March 5, 2021). «VIZ Blog / Jujutsu Kaisen Popularity Poll March 2021». Viz. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved August 20, 2021.
  13. ^ Vaca, S. (February 19, 2021). «Estos son los ganadores de los Anime Awards 2021!». Crunchyroll (in Spanish). Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  14. ^ Morrissy, Kim (December 23, 2021). «Live-Action Jujutsu Kaisen Ad Turns SoftBank Mascot Dog Into Gojō-sensei». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  15. ^ «Live-Action Jujutsu Kaisen Ad Turns SoftBank Mascot Dog Into Gojō-sensei». Anime News Network. December 7, 2021. Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  16. ^ Valentine, Evan (December 8, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Overtakes Popularity Poll Thanks to Gojo». Comic Book. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  17. ^ «男性キャラクター部門■». Chikimato. Retrieved February 9, 2023.
  18. ^ Tefft, Andrew (October 15, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: The Main Characters, Ranked By Maturity». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  19. ^ Supovitz, Ethan (November 6, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Most Dangerous Characters So Far». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on December 26, 2021. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  20. ^ Knox, Kelly (February 18, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Explaining the Next Big Thing in Anime». IGN. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  21. ^ Lu, Karen (August 14, 2021). «A Love Letter To ‘Jujutsu Kaisen’: The Anime That Redefined The Shonen Genre». Study Break. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  22. ^ Bodden, Alejandra (February 28, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 E01-E13 Review: Satoru Gojo’s My New Husbando». Bleeding Cool. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  23. ^ Tefft, Andrew (September 7, 2021). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo’s Best Fights, Ranked». Comic Book Resources. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2021.
  24. ^ Beckett, James (November 16, 2020). «Jujutsu Kaisen Episode 7». Anime News Network. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved December 26, 2021.
  25. ^ Lawrence, Briana (March 3, 2021). «My Manga Shelf Presents: Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 0». The Mary Sue. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
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  27. ^ «Recension». Manga News (in French). December 1, 2020. Archived from the original on January 12, 2022. Retrieved November 29, 2021.
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  31. ^ Jagannath, Rohan (April 6, 2022). «Jujutsu Kaisen: Is Yuta related to Gojo? Explained». Sports Keeda. Retrieved December 3, 2022.

Маг, работающий преподавателем в Токийском столичном техническом колледже магии. Очень умный, оптимистичный и целеустремленный мужчина, который видит скрытый потенциал, даже если никто не видит его в человеке. Чаще всего беззаботен и никогда ни к чему не относится серьёзно.


Наставник Мэгуми Фусигуро, Юдзи Итадори и Нобары Кугисаки. Сатору убеждает начальство в колледже оставить Юдзи в живых, пока тот не поглотит все пальцы Сукуна. Носит титул «Сильнейший», правда, он является самопровозглашенным, а большинство союзников и врагов никогда не оспаривают этот титул и обычно считают Годзё одним из самых опасных людей на свете. В результате Сатору пользуется большим уважением и почитанием среди магов, даже тех, кто учится в высшей школы дзюдзюцу префектуры Киото, и имеет большое влияние в мире волшебства. Использует силу Проклятия, чтобы бесчисленными способами контролировать пространство вокруг себя.

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