Шевроле ланос как пишется на английском

Chevrolet Lanos

Chevrolet Lanos

Chevrolet Lanos

Общие данные

Года пр-ва: 1997 — настоящее время
Класс: Class C (малый средний класс)
Другое имя: Daewoo Lanos
Daewoo Sens
Doninvest Assol
FSO Lanos
ZAZ Lanos
ZAZ Sens
ZAZ Chance
КПП: 5-ступенчатая механическая

1.3 SOHC (70 л.с.)
1.4 SOHC (77 л.с.)
1.5 SOHC (86 л.с.)
1.6 DOHC (106 л.с.)



Скоростные характеристики

На рынке


Расход топлива: 90км/ч — 5,2/5,6; 120км/ч — 6,7/7,4; городской цикл 10,2/10,4

Chevrolet Lanos — автомобиль, разработанный и изначально производившийся компанией Daewoo, был впервые представлен на Geneva Motor Show (Женевский автосалон) в 1997 году как замена Daewoo Nexia под именем Daewoo Lanos. Был спроектирован в сотрудничестве с рядом авторитетных германских и английских инжиниринговых компаний научно-исследовательским центром Daewoo в Уокинге. Кузов автомобиля был разработан знаменитым итальянским дизайнером Джорджетто Джуджаро (ItalDesign)[1]. С вхождением Daewoo в концерн General Motors 30 апреля 2002 года, автомобиль начали продавать под маркой Chevrolet[2].

Автомобиль Lanos был разработан и запущен в производство за 30 месяцев и стоил компании 420 млн долларов. Это первая собственная конструкция компании Daewoo[3]. Автомобиль малого среднего класса (Класс C по международной классификации) Daewoo Lanos, разработанный на платформе автомобиля Daewoo Nexia, начали выпускать в Южной Корее с 1997 года[4]. Модель включала три типа кузова: трёхдверный хетчбек, пятидверный хетчбек и седан. На автомобили ставились двигатели рабочим объёмом от 1.3 до 1.6 л, мощностью от 75 до 106 л.с.[1]

30 апреля 2002 года General Motors заплатила 251 миллион долларов за 42,1 процента акций в предприятии Daewoo[2]. В октябре 2002 года была создана компания General Motors Daewoo Auto & Technology (GM DAT)[5]. Lanos был подвергнут рестайлингу и начал продаваться под брендом Chevrolet. В результате рестайлинга на автомобиле изменилась форма крышки багажника, облицовки радиатора и задних крыльев. Кроме этого изменились формы внутренних ручек и обивок боковых дверей, а также форма задних фонарей[4].

В 2003 году «Укравто» подписала соглашение с GM Daewoo о создании на ЗАЗе полномасштабного производства моделей Chevrolet Lanos мощностью до 90 тыс. штук в год, включающего не только сварку, окраску и сборку, но и штамповку кузова. С декабря 2004 года и по сей день Chevrolet Lanos последнего поколения (T200) собирается на заводе ЗАЗ[6].

Автомобиль производится с кузовами хетчбэк (до 1 июля 2009 года был доступен только в Украине, также только в Украине выпускается Lanos Pick-Up) и седан, имеет несколько модификаций: S, SE и SX. Базовая комплектация S имеет бамперы в цвет кузова, полноразмерное запасное колесо, раскладывающиеся задние сидения в пропорции 60/40, дистанционное открывание багажника и топливного бака (из салона), обогрев заднего стекла, аудиоподготовку (динамики, антенну и всю необходимую проводку), индикатор ремня безопасности водителя, обивку из ткани Laid, систему выпуска отработавших газов, соответствующую нормам Euro-3. В комплектации SE добавляется усилитель руля, передние электростеклоподъёмники, фронтальная подушка безопасности со стороны водителя. На версию SX устанавливаются передние противотуманные фары, кондиционер и центральный замок[7].

Во Вьетнаме базовой версией является Lanos с двигателем 1,4 л (75 л.с.). Для украинского рынка Lanos оснащают двигателями 1,5 л (86 л.с.) и 1,6 л (106 л.с.). Модель с двигателем МЕМЗ-307 Мелитополь объёмом 1,3 л (70 л.с.) появилась на рынке Украины с именем L-1300, сейчас выпускается под брендом ZAZ Sens. Для СНГ Lanos комплектуют мотором объёмом 1,5 л (86 л.с.). Машины с мотором 1,3 л (70 л.с.) в СНГ официально не поставляются. Кроме того, с недавнего времени на авто устанавливают двигатели объёмом 1.4 л (77 л.с.) МЕМЗ-317. Из всех моделей двигателей, только двигатели с объёмом 1.6 л. являются 16-клапанными.

В Россию официально поставляются с 2005 года только авто в кузове седан, мотором 1,5 л, всех трёх комплектаций, с механической пяти ступенчатой коробкой передач[1].

С 1998 по 2000 года на заводе ТагАЗ Lanos собирался под названием Doninvest Assol. Комплектовался Assol двумя двигателями 1,5 (86 л.с.) и 1,6 (106 л.с.)[8].

До конца 2008 года Lanos производился в Польше на заводе «Fabrika Samohodow Osobowyh» (FSO) под брендом FSO Lanos. С сентября 2008 года Lanos стал сугубо украинским автомобилем, по всем производственным признакам локализации. На ЗАЗе ведется штамповка, сварка, окраска кузовов, сборка автомобилей, а для модели 1,4 л и производство силового агрегата МеМЗ[9].

В конце мая 2007 года на украинском автосалоне SIA’ 2007 Запорожский автозавод показал концептуальный автомобиль Lanos M, который планировали запустить в производство на смену выпускающемуся сейчас Chevrolet Lanos в конце 2009 года [10].

C 1 июля 2009 года Lanos начал поставляться в Россию под названием ZAZ Chance, связано это с тем, что у ЗАЗ истек контракт с GM DAT на производство и поставку Lanos в Россию под брендом Chevrolet. Импортером и дистрибутором модели ZAZ Chance в России станет компания «Квингруп». На российском рынке появилась и новая модель — Chance в кузове хетчбек, который ранее был доступен только на Украине. В сравнимых комплектациях Chance дешевле Lanos в среднем на 10 %[11].


  1. 1 2 3 История Daewoo Lanos. Avtomarket. Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  2. 1 2 General Motors купила Daewoo для захвата азиатского рынка. Lenta (30 апреля 2004). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  3. История марки DAEWOO. lanos.do.am (19 октября 2008). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  4. 1 2 История Daewoo-Chevrolet Lanos. СуперСтор (28 мая 2009). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  5. Daewoo начинает новую жизнь. Lenta (16 октября 2002). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  6. История Chevrolet Lanos. Avtomarket. Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  7. Технические характеристики Chevrolet Lanos. Chevrolet — официальный сайт. Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  8. «Донинвест-Ассоль». Яндекс. Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  9. С 28 сентября Lanos будут выпускать только в Украине. InfoCar (27 июня 2008). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  10. Современный Lanos M обещают выпустить в 2009 году. AutoNavigator (15 июня 2007). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.
  11. В России появилась новая доступная иномарка. Дни.ру (8 июня 2009). Проверено 13 ноября 2009.


  • Все о Lanos, Chance и Sens
  • Sens Клуб
  • Сайт про Chevrolet Lanos
  • Ланос-Клуб
  • Lanos Cars Club «Северо-Запад»
  • АвтоЗАЗ-Мотор
  • Daewoo Lanos Review (англ.)
  • ЗАО «ЗАЗ»
  • Бортовой журнал Ланос
  • Краш-тест Daewoo Lanos

Автомобили GM DAT 1990 — н.в.

Тип 1990-е 2000-е
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Городской автомобиль Tico Matiz Spark
Супермини Lanos
Малый семейный автомобиль Nexia Nubira Lacetti Cruze
Большой семейный автомобиль Espero Leganza Evanda Epica
Компактвэн Rezzo
Кроссовер Captiva

Wikimedia Foundation.

The Daewoo Lanos is a compact / sedan car produced by the South Korean manufacturer Daewoo from 1997 to 2002, and thereafter produced under license agreements in various countries worldwide. It has also been marketed as the Daewoo Sens, ZAZ Sens and ZAZ Lanos in Ukraine, Doninvest Assol and ZAZ Chance in Russia, FSO Lanos in Poland, or Chevrolet Lanos in Ukraine, Russia, and Egypt.

Daewoo Lanos (T100)
Daewoo Lanos hatchback -- 04-22-2011 front.jpg

Daewoo Lanos (T100) 3-door hatchback

Manufacturer Daewoo
Also called
  • Chevrolet Lanos
  • Daewoo Sens
  • Doninvest Assol
  • FSO Lanos
  • ZAZ Lanos
  • ZAZ Sens
  • ZAZ Chance
Production 1997–2002 (Daewoo)
1997–2020 (CKD and license-built models)
  • Bupyeong, South Korea
  • 6th of October City, Egypt (GM Egypt, since 2007)[1]
  • Cairo, Egypt (Daewoo Motors Egypt, 1998–2012)[2]
  • Taganrog, Russia (TagAZ)
  • Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine (AvtoZAZ)[3]
  • Warsaw, Poland (FSO)[4]
  • Hanoi, Vietnam (VIDAMCO)[5]
Designer Giorgetto Giugiaro at italdesign
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact car (B/C)
Body style
  • 3 and 5-door hatchback
  • 4-door sedan
  • 2-door convertible (concept)
  • 2-door panel van (since 2006)
  • 2 and 4-door pickup truck (concept)
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
Platform GM T platform
  • Petrol engines:
  • 1.3 L MeMZ I4
  • 1.4 L MeMZ I4
  • 1.4 L E-TEC I4
  • 1.5 L E-TEC I4
  • 1.5 L ACTECO I4
  • 1.6 L E-TEC I4
  • 5-speed Daewoo D16 manual
  • 4-speed GM 4T40E automatic
  • 4-speed ZF 4HP16 automatic
Wheelbase 2,520 mm (99.2 in)
Length 4,074 mm (160.4 in) (hatchback)
4,235 mm (166.7 in) (sedan)
4,247 mm (167.2 in) (panel van)
Width 1,678 mm (66.1 in)
Height 1,432 mm (56.4 in)
1,908 mm (75.1 in) (panel van)
Curb weight 990–1,177 kg (2,182.6–2,594.8 lb)
Predecessor Daewoo Cielo
ZAZ Tavria (for ZAZ models)
Successor Daewoo Kalos

It was designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro and initially featured three body styles: three-door and five-door hatchbacks and a four-door sedan. The Lanos was designated the T100 model code at launch; the T150 code applies to the updated models introduced in 1999. In 2006, a panel van version, produced in Ukraine by ZAZ, was also introduced. The Daewoo Lanos was designed to replace the Daewoo Nexia in the Daewoo line-up and was itself replaced by the Daewoo Kalos.

Production of the Daewoo Lanos ended in 2020.[citation needed]


Daewoo Lanos (T100) SE 5-door hatchback

Daewoo Lanos (T100) SE sedan

In 1992, Daewoo dissolved its joint-venture with General Motors, and simultaneously a decision was made to independently develop replacements for the contemporary Daewoo Motors products, based on older General Motors models. The Lanos development programme was formally started in autumn 1993, with the goal to create a car to replace Daewoo Nexia as Daewoo’s small family car.[6]

The project began with a comparative study of competing models from 20 different manufacturers, with Toyota Tercel, Opel Astra and Volkswagen Golf identified as most competitive. Four design studios were commissioned to deliver clay models presenting their ideas for the new model’s styling. Giorgetto Giugiaro’s design was chosen, and Italdesign was commissioned to develop the car’s final outside and interior styling. The technical side of the project was conducted simultaneously by Daewoo’s development centre Korea, as well as suppliers and contractors who were involved in developing particular components. This included AC Rochester (engine components), Delco Chassis Division (brakes, including ABS), GM Powertrain (automatic transmission), Italdesign (body, structural analysis, electrics, prototype construction), PARS Passive Rückhaltesysteme GmbH (airbags) and Porsche (vehicle concept – research, structural analysis, suspension and brake components, and experimental production supervision).[6]

By the end of 1995, 150 prototypes were built (providing for three body styles). The development programme involved extensive testing in a multitude of locations. Safety tests included high-speed stability and durability testing in England, and brake testing on the Großglockner in Austria. Low-temperature testing was conducted in Canada, Sweden (Arjeplog), and Russia (Moscow, Khabarovsk) while high-temperature tests took place in the US (Death Valley), Oman (Nizwa), Australia (Alice Springs), Spain (Barcelona), and Italy (Nardò). The programme was completed in a remarkable time of only 30 months from the approval to the commencement of large-scale production of the Lanos sedan for the Korean market. European-market production began in 1997.[6]

  • 2001 Daewoo Lanos (T150) sedan

  • Daewoo Lanos (T150) 5-door hatchback

  • 2001 Daewoo Lanos (T150) Sport 3-door hatchback

  • 2001 Daewoo Lanos (T150) Sport 3-door hatchback

Technical detailsEdit

The cars were equipped with E-TEC I4 with single cam and twin cam engines ranging from 1.5 L (1498 cc 86HP) SOHC to 1.6 L (1598 cc 106HP) DOHC. In the UK and many countries of Europe (like Italy, France or Austria) there are also E-TEC models 1.4 (1349 cc 75HP) and 1.6 (1598 cc 106HP). The suspension is built upon that of a Daewoo Nexia, as used in Vauxhall/Opel Astra Mk2 GTE.

On the mechanical side, all Lanos versions shared the same parts with a few exceptions. Differences between the 1.6 DOHC engine version and the other versions were:

  • The 1.6 DOHC versions were equipped with 256mm front brake rotors and 22mm master cylinders rather than the 236mm disks and 20mm master cylinder found on the other versions with the less power engines.
  • The 1.6 DOHC versions were equipped with D16 long ratio transmissions which had a slightly bigger final gear ratio compared to the D16 short ratio found on the other versions with the less power engines.
  • The 1.6 DOHC versions were equipped with stiffer front springs to compensate for the heavier engine in comparison to both SOHC engines found in the other versions.

The four models available were S, SE, SE Plus, SX, and later, the SPORT model. The S was the base model and did not include many standard features (like a CD player or power windows). The SE was just a small step up from the S base model. However, the SX model usually included a CD, radio, and cassette player along with power windows, a power side mirror, and fog lights. A few select SX models even came with a sun-roof, though not many did. In the Lanos’s later years, the SE and SX models were dropped and replaced with a new trim line called the SPORT (2001–2002). The SPORT included several features similar to the SX, but also included red/black leather seats and a metallic silver dash trim. Also, the SPORT model had window controls located on the doors rather than the center console (like in the previous trim lines).

  • Interior with automatic transmission

  • Interior with automatic transmission

Marketing and productionEdit

Outside South Korea, the Lanos has been produced in Poland (from 1997 to 2008), Ukraine (from 1998 to 2017), Russia (briefly produced, from 1998 to 2000), Egypt (from 1998 to 2020). Most of the initial production was made using complete knock down (CKD) kits, which were supplied to FSO (in Poland), ZAZ (in Ukraine), TagAZ (in Russia), Daewoo Motors Egypt and GM Egypt (in Egypt) and VIDAMCO (in Vietnam).

Eastern EuropeEdit

Daewoo Lanos commercial vehicle prototypes developed by FSO

In Poland, the Fabryka Samochodów Osobowych (FSO) plant in Warsaw began the production of the Lanos in 1998. Since January 2005, after the takeover of Daewoo by General Motors, the Lanos produced in Poland started to be sold under the brand name of FSO. It was produced until 2008, but only with the pre-facelift external design.

From 2002, ZAZ equipped some of the kits with a domestic MeMZ-307 engine and sold this version under the Daewoo Sens name; this practice continues with the start of full-scale production of model T150. In December 2004, ZAZ adopted the Lanos chassis for full-scale production and installed new welding and painting lines.[7] From March 2009, the updated version is called ZAZ Lanos (internal model T150).[8] The engines are still supplied by GM Daewoo, although a Chinese-developed engine from Chery Automobile has been fitted and there are plans to build the 1.6 L engine at the MeMZ plant.[9]

In 2005, General Motors contracted with ZAZ to provide Ukrainian-assembled Lanos models for the Ukrainian and Russian markets, to be imported duty-free, thanks to an international agreement, and sold through the GM dealer network. Sales of the Chevrolet Lanos sedan commenced in Russia in November 2005.[10] The Chevrolet brand was utilized to compete effectively with the Renault Logan. From July 2009, it is marketed in Russia as ZAZ Chance.[11]

In 2006, a panel van variant of the ZAZ Lanos was introduced.[12]

  • 2006 Chevrolet Lanos (T150) sedan

  • ZAZ Lanos sedan (Ukraine)


Chevrolet Lanos is assembled in Egypt using parts from ZAZ

Since late 1998, the Daewoo Motor Egypt factory in Cairo started the assembly of the Daewoo Lanos in both 4 door and 5 door shells with the 1.5 SOHC engine.[13] The hatchback version was called «Juliet».[14] The 4 door was available in two versions:

  • The SX model which was fully loaded with all options plus an automatic transmission
  • The S model that had A/C, power steering and radio cassette plus a manual transmission

The 5 door version of the Lanos (AKA Juliet) came with full options as the SX trim but with manual transmission.

Near the end of year 2000 the Lanos was introduced with a different rear end design and a face lifted front (different front bumper and grill). It was called «Lanos II» in this particular market. An SE version came with all the options plus the manual transmission. The automatic transmission version was stopped shortly after the introduction of the «Lanos II».

Between mid 2000 and 2001 the factory produced an even more frugal 4 door version of the Lanos II with no options at all but a cassette and those were sold by the Egyptian ministry of defense to army officers with a decently low price compared to the car’s value at that time.

The facelifting also included the five-door Juliet to have the same changes as the 4 door version on the front but on the rear it only had a different design tail-lights and bumper rather than a wholly different design rear end like the sedan, the production of the Juliet stopped within 2005.

In November 2008, GM Egypt started producing the Chevrolet Lanos in 6th of October City, from Ukrainian supplied kits.[15]


Australia and North AmericaEdit

The Lanos was finally phased out after the 2002 model year, superseded worldwide by the Daewoo Kalos. Daewoo ceased operations in North America. After GM took over Daewoo to become GMDAT, Chevrolet began importing the Daewoo Kalos, rebadged as the Aveo, to North America beginning with MY 2004. However, the Lanos continues to be sold in Mexico and Latin America.

The 2001 and 2002 models follow a recent trend among cars intended to be sold in many markets, in that their rear lamps are asymmetric, with the fog lamp and reverse lamp occupying complementary spots on the driver’s side and passenger side respectively; consequently, the rear lamps differ between left- and right-hand drive examples.


In Ukraine, the Lanos has been the best-selling car since at least 2006,[16] and until 2014 (except 2012),[17] being produced by the local manufacturer ZAZ under its own brand (starting from 2005).[18]


In Australia, the 1997–2003 Daewoo Lanos was assessed in the Used Car Safety Ratings 2006 as providing «worse than average» protection for its occupants in the event of a crash.[19]

Europe: models received the following European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) 1998 ratings:[20]

  • Adult Occupant:      , score 17
  • Pedestrian:     , score 11 (pre-2002 rating)

In crash tests conducted by ANCAP in 1998 to Euro NCAP protocols RHD Lanos 3dr hatchback showed poor performance, scoring 0.31 out of 16 in offset front crash test and 6.98 of 16 in side impact test.[21][22]
Russian magazine Autoreview tested LHD Chevrolet Lanos T150 sedan built by ZAZ in 2006. It scored 10.5 of 16 points in offset front crash test.[23]


  1. ^ Satyam. «Welcome to GMArabia.com». GMEgypt.com. Archived from the original on 9 August 2010. Retrieved 19 July 2010.
  2. ^ «Welcome to Lanos Website». AboulFotouh.com. Archived from the original on 5 March 2010. Retrieved 19 July 2010.
  3. ^ «UkrAVTO Corporation. ZAZ». UkrAvto.ua. Archived from the original on 11 December 2010. Retrieved 22 October 2010.
  4. ^ «UkrAVTO Corporation. FSO». UkrAvto.ua. Archived from the original on 24 April 2009. Retrieved 22 October 2010.
  5. ^ «History». GMVietnam.com.vn. Archived from the original on 18 April 2012. Retrieved 9 September 2011.
  6. ^ a b c «Internetowy Klub Lanosa» (in Polish). Archived from the original on 17 March 2010.
  7. ^ «Corporation «UkrAvto» and CJSC «ZAZ» start full-scale production of «Lanos» car». AvtoZAZ.com. 15 December 2004. Archived from the original on 27 January 2005.
  8. ^ «ZAZ cars: buy Ukrainian — support native makers». AvtoZAZ.com. 31 March 2009. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  9. ^ «Lanos received a more powerful engine from Forza» (in Russian). Autobigmir.net. 10 May 2011. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  10. ^ «Home Page». Chevrolet Russia. Archived from the original on 24 November 2005. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
  11. ^ «Chevrolet Lanos turns into Chance». AvtoZAZ.com. 7 July 2009. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  12. ^ «New! Lanos-pickup». AvtoZAZ. 1 June 2006. Archived from the original on 4 November 2006.
  13. ^ «About Us». Aboul Fotouh. Archived from the original on 14 October 2011. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  14. ^ «Products». Abou Ghaly Motors. Archived from the original on 20 February 2007.
  15. ^ «Lanos will be produced in Egypt» (in Russian). InfoCar.com.ua. 27 October 2008. Retrieved 11 October 2011.
  16. ^ «Ukraine Full Year 2011: ZAZ Lanos leader, two Ladas on podium». Best Selling Cars Blog. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  17. ^ «Ukraine Full Year 2014: Toyota and Geely on top, market down 54%». Best Selling Cars Blog. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  18. ^ «Ukraine». Best Selling Cars Blog. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
  19. ^ «Safety & Rules : VicRoads». VicRoads.vic.gov.au. Archived from the original on 29 March 2007. Retrieved 19 July 2010.
  20. ^ «Euro NCAP — Daewoo Lanos 1998 crash test». Euro NCAP. Retrieved 30 August 2007.
  21. ^ «ANCAP crash test results — Daewoo Lanos 3 dr 1998». NZ Transport Agency. Archived from the original on 20 October 2011. Retrieved 9 October 2011.
  22. ^ «ANCAP crash test results — Daewoo Lanos 1998». NZ Transport Agency. Archived from the original on 20 October 2011. Retrieved 9 October 2011.
  23. ^ «Краш-тест: Chevrolet Lanos» (in Russian). Autoreview. Retrieved 30 August 2007.

External linksEdit

  • Lanos & Sens homepage (Russian)
  • Aboul Fotouh website (Arabic)
  • Chevrolet Lanos website (Egypt)

Chevrolet Lanos

Chevrolet Lanos

Производитель : GM Daewoo
Года пр-ва: 1997 — настоящее время
Класс : Class C (малый средний класс)
Другое имя: Daewoo Lanos
Daewoo Sens
Doninvest Assol
FSO Lanos
ZAZ Lanos
ZAZ Sens
ZAZ Chance

Расход топлива: 90км/ч — 5,2/5,6; 120км/ч — 6,7/7,4; городской цикл 10,2/10,4
Дизайнер: Джорджетто Джуджаро, ItalDesign

Chevrolet Lanos — автомобиль, разработанный и изначально производившийся компанией Daewoo, был впервые представлен на Geneva Motor Show (Женевский автосалон) в 1997 году как замена Daewoo Nexia под именем Daewoo Lanos. Был спроектирован в сотрудничестве с рядом авторитетных германских и английских инжиниринговых компаний научно-исследовательским центром Daewoo в Уокинге. Кузов автомобиля был разработан знаменитым итальянским дизайнером Джорджетто Джуджаро (ItalDesign) [1] . С вхождением Daewoo в концерн General Motors 30 апреля 2002 года, автомобиль начали продавать под маркой Chevrolet [2] .

Автомобиль Lanos был разработан и запущен в производство за 30 месяцев и стоил компании 420 млн долларов. Это первая собственная конструкция компании Daewoo [3] . Автомобиль малого среднего класса (Класс C по международной классификации) Daewoo Lanos, разработанный на платформе автомобиля Daewoo Nexia, начали выпускать в Южной Корее с 1997 года [4] . Модель включала три типа кузова: трёхдверный хетчбек, пятидверный хетчбек и седан. На автомобили ставились двигатели рабочим объёмом от 1.3 до 1.6 л, мощностью от 75 до 106 л.с. [1]

30 апреля 2002 года General Motors заплатила 251 миллион долларов за 42,1 процента акций в предприятии Daewoo [2] . В октябре 2002 года была создана компания General Motors Daewoo Auto & Technology (GM DAT) [5] . Lanos был подвергнут рестайлингу и начал продаваться под брендом Chevrolet. В результате рестайлинга на автомобиле изменилась форма крышки багажника, облицовки радиатора и задних крыльев. Кроме этого изменились формы внутренних ручек и обивок боковых дверей, а также форма задних фонарей [4] .

В 2003 году «Укравто» подписала соглашение с GM Daewoo о создании на ЗАЗе полномасштабного производства моделей Chevrolet Lanos мощностью до 90 тыс. штук в год, включающего не только сварку, окраску и сборку, но и штамповку кузова. С декабря 2004 года и по сей день Chevrolet Lanos последнего поколения (T200) собирается на заводе ЗАЗ [6] .

Автомобиль производится с кузовами хетчбэк (до 1 июля 2009 года был доступен только в Украине, также только в Украине выпускается Lanos Pick-Up) и седан, имеет несколько модификаций: S, SE и SX. Базовая комплектация S имеет бамперы в цвет кузова, полноразмерное запасное колесо, раскладывающиеся задние сидения в пропорции 60/40, дистанционное открывание багажника и топливного бака (из салона), обогрев заднего стекла, аудиоподготовку (динамики, антенну и всю необходимую проводку), индикатор ремня безопасности водителя, обивку из ткани Laid, систему выпуска отработавших газов, соответствующую нормам Euro-3. В комплектации SE добавляется усилитель руля, передние электростеклоподъёмники, фронтальная подушка безопасности со стороны водителя. На версию SX устанавливаются передние противотуманные фары, кондиционер и центральный замок [7] .

Во Вьетнаме базовой версией является Lanos с двигателем 1,4 л (75 л.с.). Для украинского рынка Lanos оснащают двигателями 1,5 л (86 л.с.) и 1,6 л (106 л.с.). Модель с двигателем МЕМЗ-307 Мелитополь объёмом 1,3 л (70 л.с.) появилась на рынке Украины с именем L-1300, сейчас выпускается под брендом ZAZ Sens. Для СНГ Lanos комплектуют мотором объёмом 1,5 л (86 л.с.). Машины с мотором 1,3 л (70 л.с.) в СНГ официально не поставляются. Кроме того, с недавнего времени на авто устанавливают двигатели объёмом 1.4 л (77 л.с.) МЕМЗ-317. Из всех моделей двигателей, только двигатели с объёмом 1.6 л. являются 16-клапанными.

В Россию официально поставляются с 2005 года только авто в кузове седан, мотором 1,5 л, всех трёх комплектаций, с механической пяти ступенчатой коробкой передач [1] .

С 1998 по 2000 года на заводе ТагАЗ Lanos собирался под названием Doninvest Assol. Комплектовался Assol двумя двигателями 1,5 (86 л.с.) и 1,6 (106 л.с.) [8] .

До конца 2008 года Lanos производился в Польше на заводе «Fabrika Samohodow Osobowyh» (FSO) под брендом FSO Lanos. С сентября 2008 года Lanos стал сугубо украинским автомобилем, по всем производственным признакам локализации. На ЗАЗе ведется штамповка, сварка, окраска кузовов, сборка автомобилей, а для модели 1,4 л и производство силового агрегата МеМЗ [9] .

В конце мая 2007 года на украинском автосалоне SIA’ 2007 Запорожский автозавод показал концептуальный автомобиль Lanos M, который планировали запустить в производство на смену выпускающемуся сейчас Chevrolet Lanos в конце 2009 года [10] .

C 1 июля 2009 года Lanos начал поставляться в Россию под названием ZAZ Chance, связано это с тем, что у ЗАЗ истек контракт с GM DAT на производство и поставку Lanos в Россию под брендом Chevrolet. Импортером и дистрибутором модели ZAZ Chance в России станет компания «Квингруп». На российском рынке появилась и новая модель — Chance в кузове хетчбек, который ранее был доступен только на Украине. В сравнимых комплектациях Chance дешевле Lanos в среднем на 10 % [11] .


шевроле Lanos

5 Chevrolet test

6 Chevrolet

7 Chevrolet

9 Chevrolet

10 Chevrolet Astro

11 Chevrolet Belair (Bel Air)

12 Chevrolet Beretta

13 Chevrolet Caprice

14 Chevrolet Cavalier

15 Chevrolet Chevelle

16 Chevrolet Chevette

17 Chevrolet Chevy

18 Chevrolet Chevy II

19 Chevrolet Citation

20 Chevrolet Corvette

См. также в других словарях:

Шевроле Ланос — Chevrolet Lanos Chevrolet Lanos на … Википедия

Daewoo Lanos — Daewoo Lanos … Википедия

Chevrolet — division of General Motors Corporation Тип … Википедия

Шифроле — Chevrolet Division Chevrolet Division на викискладе … Википедия

Дорожный просвет — Дорожный просвет[1], также клиренс (от англ. ground clearance) расстояние между опорной поверхностью и самой нижней точкой центральной части автомобиля. Центральная часть это часть, заключенная между двумя плоскостями,… … Википедия

Chevrolet Cruze — Chevrolet Cruze … Википедия

Daewoo Matiz — Daewoo Matiz … Википедия

ЗАЗ-966 — ЗАЗ 966 … Википедия

Chevrolet Captiva — Chevrolet Captiva … Википедия

Лада Приора — LADA Priora LADA Priora на викискладе … Википедия

ВАЗ-2170 — LADA Priora LADA Priora на викискладе … Википедия


Шевроле ланос по английски как пишется

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Lanos: перевод, синонимы, произношение, примеры предложений, антонимы, транскрипция

Произношение и транскрипция


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Шевроле Ланос

Chevrolet Lanos

Multi-color illustrated guide to maintenance and repair of the CHEVROLET LANOS cars equipped with engines of 1.5 i.

Мульти-цветной иллюстрированный руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту Шевроле Ланос автомобили, оснащенные двигателями объемом 1.5 я.

service Manual and repair of motor vehicles CHEVROLET LANOS &DAEWOO LANOS. These cars are equipped with petrol engines volume of 1.5 liter (SOHC).

Представленный на — руководство обслуживание и ремонт автотранспортных средств Шевроле Ланос &амп;ДЭУ Ланос. Эти автомобили комплектуются бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,5 литра (с одним распредвалом).

In fact, this model is a copy of Chevrolet Lanos.

Chance will force Chevrolet Lanos out of the Russian market

Characteristic of «Chevrolet Lanos«, convenient and economical

Характеристика «Шевроле Ланос«, удобного и экономичного

The book contains information about diagnosis engines of 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 l., installed in cars Daewoo Lanos, Chevrolet Lanos.

Книга содержит сведения о диагностике двигателей рабочим объемом 1,3, 1,5 и 1,6 л., устанавливаемых на автомобилях Daewoo Lanos, Chevrolet Lanos.

Sales of the Chevrolet Lanos sedan commenced in Russia in November 2005.

The car is also popular as Chevrolet Lanos and Daewoo Lanos.

«According to preliminary version, 20-year-old local resident, driving a Toyota Land Cruiser collided with a car Chevrolet Lanos.

«По предварительной версии, 20-летний местный житель, управляя автомобилем Toyota Land Cruiser, допустил столкновение с автомобилем Chevrolet Lanos.

SUV Toyota Land Cruiser collided with a car Chevrolet Lanos in Bryansk region, four people were killed, according to the website of the regional interior Ministry.

Внедорожник Toyota Land Cruiser столкнулся с автомобилем Chevrolet Lanos в Брянской области, четыре человека погибли, сообщается на сайте областного ГУМВД.

In the accident, 18-year-old driver and 16-, 17 — and 18-year-old passengers of the Chevrolet Lanos from the received traumas has died on a place of incident», — stated in the message.

В результате ДТП 18-летний водитель, а также 16-, 17- и 18-летний пассажиры Chevrolet Lanos от полученных травм скончались на месте происшествия», — говорится в сообщении.

About 86,000 of these came from CIS member countries consisting mainly of the Chevrolet Lanos assembled in Ukraine and Daewoo Nexia assembled in Uzbekistan.

Из них около 86000 приходится на произведенные в СНГ, главным образом «Шевроле Ланос», собранную на Украине, и «Дэу Нексиа» — в Узбекистане.

The Larkovs communicated with a man who agreed to offer a more expensive car for their Chevrolet Lanos car at a bargain price.

Ларьковы списались с мужчиной, который якобы согласился предложить за их легковой автомобиль «Шевроле Ланос» другую, более дорогую машину.

In fact, this model is a copy of Chevrolet Lanos.

Chevrolet Lanos is loosing its positions at the Russian market

Rolls-Royce теряет свои позиции на российском рынке

Sales of the Chevrolet Lanos sedan commenced in Russia in November 2005.

Guidance on repair, maintenance, installation of passenger car Chevrolet Lanos, which produced since 2004 and is equipped with a petrol… [Read More]

Руководство по ремонту, техническое обслуживание, установка легковой автомобиль Шевроле Lanos, который выпускается с 2004 года и оборудована бензиновыми… [Подробнее]

«Today, about half past midnight chief ATS Tzaritzyno 32-year-old Denis Onkar shot a driver of the car» Chevrolet Lanos, which it brings up.

«Сегодня примерно в половине первого ночи начальник ОВД»Царицыно» 32-летний Денис Евсюков застрелил водителя машины «Шевроле-ланос», который его подвозил.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 18. Точных совпадений: 18. Затраченное время: 62 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

For an overview of all the Chevrolet Aveo models, see Chevrolet Aveo.

Chevrolet Aveo (T200/T250)
Chevrolet Aveo LT hatch front.jpg

2004–2006 Chevrolet Aveo LT

Manufacturer GM Daewoo
Also called Chevrolet Kalos (T200/T250)
Chevrolet Lova (T250)
Chevrolet Nexia (T250)
Daewoo Gentra (T250)
Daewoo Kalos (T200)
Holden Barina (T200/T250)
Pontiac G3 (United States)
Pontiac G3 Wave (T250, Canada)
Pontiac Wave (T200, Canada)
Ravon Nexia (T250)
Suzuki Swift+ (T200/T250; hatchback)
ZAZ Vida (T250)
Production 2002–2011 (South Korea)
2002–present (under license)
Model years 2004–2011 (North America)
2009–2017 (Mexico)
  • South Korea: Bupyeong-gu
  • China: Yantai (Shanghai GM)
  • Mexico: San Luis Potosí (San Luis Potosí Assembly)
  • Colombia: Bogotá (GM Colombia, until November 2013)
  • Ecuador: Quito (GM Ecuador)
  • Venezuela: Valencia (GM Venezuela)
  • Thailand: Rayong (GM Thailand)
  • Vietnam: Hanoi (GM Vietnam)
  • India: Halol (GM India)
  • Russia: Kaliningrad (Avtotor)[1]
  • Uzbekistan: Asaka (GM Uzbekistan)
  • Ukraine: Zaporizhzhia (ZAZ)
  • Kazakhstan: Ust-Kamenogorsk[2]
  • Azerbaijan: Hajigabul (AzerMash)
  • Poland: Warsaw (FSO)
  • Egypt: Cairo (GM Egypt)
Designer Italdesign Giugiaro at Italdesign
James C. Shyr
(2006; exterior)
Body and chassis
Class Subcompact car
Body style 3/5-door hatchback
4-door sedan
Layout Front-engine, front-wheel-drive
  • 1.2 L S-TEC I4 (petrol)
  • 1.4 L E-TEC I4 (petrol)
  • 1.5 L E-TEC I4 (petrol)
  • 1.6 L E-TEC I4 (petrol)
  • 1.6 L Family 1 I4 (petrol)
Transmission 4-speed Aisin 80-40LE automatic
5-speed manual
Wheelbase 2,480 mm (97.6 in) (2002–07 hatchback, sedan)
2,480 mm (97.6 in) (2007–11 hatchback)
2,489 mm (98.0 in) (2007–11 sedan)
Length 3,880 mm (152.8 in) (2002–07 hatchback)
4,235 mm (166.7 in) (2002–07 sedan)
3,920 mm (154.3 in) (2007–11 hatchback)
4,318 mm (170.0 in) (2007–11 sedan)
4,315 mm (169.9 in) (2012–present sedan)
Width 1,670 mm (65.7 in) (2002–07 hatchback, sedan)
1,680 mm (66.1 in) (2007–11 hatchback)
1,710 mm (67.3 in) (2007–11 sedan)
1,709 mm (67.3 in) (2012–present sedan)
Height 1,485 mm (58.5 in) (2002–07 hatchback, sedan)
1,505 mm (59.3 in) (2007–11 hatchback, sedan)
Curb weight 970–1,150 kg (2,140–2,540 lb)
Predecessor Daewoo Lanos
Successor Chevrolet Aveo (T300)
Chevrolet Sail (Mexico, called Chevrolet Aveo)[3]

The Chevrolet Aveo (T200) ( ə-VAY-oh) is the first generation of the Chevrolet Aveo, a subcompact automobile nameplate from the Chevrolet division of the American manufacturer General Motors. The T200 was launched in 2002, developed by the initially-independent South Korean manufacturer Daewoo, later GM Korea. It was originally marketed as the Daewoo Kalos and prominently marketed with the Chevrolet brand as the Aveo. The model received the T200 internal codes during the car’s development. The T250 code was designated for the model’s major facelift.

Designed, engineered and originally marketed by GM Daewoo, the Aveo superseded the Daewoo Lanos and was marketed worldwide in 120 countries under seven brands (Chevrolet, Daewoo, Holden, Pontiac, Ravon, Suzuki and ZAZ).[4]


In its home market of South Korea, the T200 was known as Daewoo Kalos, before being rebranded Daewoo Gentra.

In several Asian, Australasian, and European export markets, the «Daewoo Kalos» name was also used, only to be later renamed «Chevrolet Aveo» or Holden Barina in the case of Australasia. In Indonesia this generation sold under 3 nameplates, «Chevrolet Aveo» for hatchback, Chevrolet Kalos for sedan and sedan for taxi fleet as «Chevrolet Lova».

Other names used include ZAZ Vida in Ukraine, Ravon Nexia in Russia, Chevrolet Nexia in Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, Chevrolet Lova in China and Pontiac G3 in the United States, selling alongside the «Chevrolet Aveo» version. In Canada, the name Pontiac Wave was originally used, followed by Pontiac G3 Wave, before adopting the «Pontiac G3» name used in the United States. Since 2003, Suzuki has also sold a version in Canada as the Suzuki Swift+ alongside the Chevrolet and Pontiac badged versions. T200’s successor, the T300 was released in 2011. The Swift+ was dropped after the 2011 model year due to poor sales along with the entire Suzuki brand, although Suzuki Canada lists 2010 as the final model year Swift+. In addition, the release of the Pontiac Wave5 is also very relevant to determine the difference of production years and production model names.[5]


The Daewoo Kalos was introduced in 2002, based on a then-new Daewoo platform named T200, replacing the Daewoo Lanos (T100). Under development before Daewoo’s bankruptcy, the Kalos was the company’s first new model introduction following its subsequent takeover by General Motors.[6] Manufacture of the Kalos began in early March 2002,[7] with pre-production prototypes shown at the Geneva Auto Show in April 2002. The nameplate Kalos derives from the Greek word καλός (kalós) for «beautiful» and «good».[8]

Chevrolet Aveo hatchback (T200, US)

Pontiac Wave sedan (T200, Canada)

Designed by Italdesign,[9][10] the Kalos derives directly from the Kalos Dream concept vehicle first presented at the 2000 Paris Motor Show and subsequent developmental concepts at the 2001 Frankfurt Motor Show, 2002 Geneva Auto Show, and 2003 at the Geneva Show. During this three-year development period Daewoo was struggling financially, with the ultimate fate of the company and the concept vehicle remaining uncertain.

Two different T200 front-end styling designs were sold. When released in 2002, the T200 headlamps were detached from the horizontal amber turn signal strip, located directly below. This detached style, used primarily in South Korea and North America, was used in conjunction with a semi-elliptical grille. When sales in Europe began in 2003, the headlights were an integrated unit that slanted upwards from the «V-shaped» grille towards the front fenders. In Australia, when the Daewoo Kalos was introduced in 2003, the hatchback featured the integrated lighting arrangement, with the detached style used to differentiate the sedans. In South Korea, where the detached lights were used at first, the integrated design was later utilized as a facelift.

The T200 sedan and five-door hatchback featured a swage line running along the lower body to the rear door, which kinks downward prominently on the five-door. Five-doors also feature a side window in the C/D pillar with a distinctively angled lower edge. Interiors feature a circular motif throughout. Upon introduction the initial European models carried an emblem reading «Design Giugiaro.» Referring to his firm’s design of the Kalos, Giorgetto Giugiaro said: «When we designed it, we set out to produce an alternative to conventional lines and tread new paths in terms of design.»[11]

The Kalos was sold in three available body styles: a 4-door sedan and 5-door hatchback from the beginning of production in 2002, and a 3-door hatchback available in certain European markets beginning in 2005. All body styles meet North American subcompact and European supermini or B-segment size classifications. The interior volume was 102.7 cu ft (2,910 L) (5-door) and 107.4 cu ft (3,040 L) (sedan) according to the EPA, meeting the minimum criterion for a compact vehicle despite being marketed as a sub-compact. Headroom was unmatched in its class at the time of its introduction.[11] Per the German Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) standard, 5-door hatchbacks featured 175 litres (6.2 cu ft) of cargo space with the rear seats in their upright positions and 735 litres (26.0 cu ft) with the rear seats folded down, with a maximum payload rating of 495 kg (1,091 lb).[12] Per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ratings, the 5-door hatchbacks featured cargo volume of 11.7 cubic feet (330 L) (rear seats up) to 42 cu ft (1,200 L) (rear seats down), with 7.1 cu ft (200 L) available in the sedan.

Design development[edit]

Daewoo’s now disbanded Worthing Technical Centre in the UK conducted the initial research and platform engineering, with Daewoo’s main Technical Center in Bupyong, Incheon, South Korea completing the majority of the later development programme. Daewoo engineers refined the chassis in Britain, on the proving ground at Motor Industry Research Association near Nuneaton, UK.[11] Long-term testing covered nearly 2.2 million kilometers (1.4 million miles) with further testing outside South Korea on test sites in Arjeplog, Sweden; Granada and El Vendrell, Spain; Kapuskasing, Canada and Beijing, China.[13] According to an April, 2003 GMDAT press release, Daewoo built 119 prototypes during the Kalos’s design and development, crashing 31 for research and data-gathering purposes,[12] and manufacturing 39 pilot production vehicles to verify standards and quality.[12]

The body’s sheet metal panel gaps were kept to 3 mm (0.1 in) and all but the roof panel were galvanized steel. 46% of the Kalos’ underlying structural components were produced with high-strength steel, with tailor-welded blanks used in the production of the vehicle to put strength where needed while saving weight. The front suspension used MacPherson struts with offset coil springs and a stabilizer bar, while the rear featured a semi-independent torsion beam axle.

The body featured a drag coefficient of 0.35, with a frontal area of 2.16 m2 (23.3 sq ft) giving aerodynamic resistance of 0.74 m2 (8.0 sq ft).[14] All Kalos iterations featured high H-point seating within a relatively narrow, short and high-roofed body that combined a long wheelbase with short front (81 cm or 32 in) and rear (49 cm or 19 in, hatchback) overhangs to maximize the outward visibility, interior space and maneuverability for the vehicle’s footprint. Rear seat H-points are higher in all body types, giving the car theatre seating.

Design features[edit]

  • The interior features Isofix child seat anchorages.
  • The T200 features a slot specifically for holding toll tickets in the instrument panel adjacent to the steering wheel.
  • The optional four-speed automatic has a “hold” feature that causes the four speed automatic to behave like a three speed manual: that is, it ‘holds’ the transmission in the gear which is selected. Useful for engine braking down long grades.
  • Kalos models and their variants are marketed as entry-level vehicles in various trim levels globally with options unusual at entry-level: including AM/FM/CD/MP3 audio, steering wheel mounted radio controls, power locks and windows, remote keyless entry, and heated sideview mirrors and power sunroof.
  • Common equipment includes tilt steering column, six-way adjustable driver seat, rear-window defroster, remote fuel door and a 60/40 split-bench folding rear seat. The instrument panel includes a tachometer, speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, fuel gauge, coolant temperature gauge and lighting dimmer control. The IP also has a center storage tray, lighter, extra 12-volt outlet, digital quartz clock and lighted glove box.


The Aveo has generally not been rated highly by consumer agencies and automotive reviewers. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported in 2011 that «The Aveo does poorly in IIHS crash tests and receives the second lowest score of Marginal in roof strength, side impact and rear crash tests. It receives a higher score of Acceptable in front offset tests.»[15] The relatively high profile of the hatchback model, in particular, makes it susceptible to crosswinds and degrades handling somewhat.

The Kalos models have been tested in at least four international New Car Assessment Programs, the results reflecting varying equipment and the differences in the tests themselves. Based on market priorities and price point control, some safety equipment is either unavailable or available only as extra-cost options (including side airbags, ABS, foglights and a rear center position three-point seatbelts and headrests.)

South Korea: models received four stars for both driver and front-seat passenger in crash tests conducted by the Korean Automobile Test and Research Institute (KATRI).[16]

Europe: models received the following European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) ratings:

Australia: Holden Barina models received scored 2 stars (of 5) from Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP), a rating that is lower than the previous European-built, Opel-based Barina had scored,[17] and the lowest ANCAP rating since 2004.[18] Notably, the Australian Barina models do not feature the front-seat mounted side airbags offered in other markets (e.g., USA), nor are the ANCAP ratings directly comparable to the ratings of other NCAP programs.

  • See Also: Holden Barina Safety
  • See Also: ANCAP Results, Holden Barina, 2005-on


Chevrolet Aveo sedan (T250, US)

Chevrolet Aveo three-door (T250, Italy)

A revised sedan was introduced in April 2005 at the Shanghai Motor Show, designed in cooperation with the Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center (PATAC).[19] Bearing the internal code T250 and sold in South Korea as the «Daewoo Gentra», the revision comprised primarily interior and exterior styling changes, a new interior instrument panel and minor equipment changes, including increased sound deadening.[20] Incorporation of the radio antenna into the rear glass and extensive wind tunnel testing helped reduce the coefficient of drag from 0.348 to 0.326.[20] It was subsequently launched in Europe in September 2005 at the Frankfurt Motor Show.[21]

A restyled hatchback with the sedan’s updated instrument panel was presented as the Chevrolet Aveo during the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show,[22] to be marketed in Europe and North America. The Korean market’s restyle of the hatchback, the Gentra X, featured a less distinct/more «normal» grille treatment that formed the basis for the Holden, Pontiac and Suzuki-branded variants.

Later iterations, including the Kalos, Aveo, Barina and Gentra sedans, the Gentra X hatchback and the 2007 «Frankfurt Show» hatchbacks were styled in-house and with the assistance of PATAC, and depart notably from the original Giugiaro exterior and interior styling designs.

With launch of the Gentra X in South Korea, GMDAT had replaced engines of T250. 1.2 L S-TEC II inline-four engine was updated with features such as dual overhead camshaft (DOHC) and timing chain (older version has timing belt) system. 1.6 L E-TEC II engine had replaced with ECOTEC (GEN-III) engine with new features such as variable valve timing mechanism.


Chevrolet Aveo sedan (T250, Germany)

Chevrolet Aveo 1.4 hatchback (T250, Singapore)

Holden Barina interior (Australia)

US Aveo safety features include available four-channel, four-sensor ABS system with electronic brake force distribution (EBD), and front (dual-stage) and side air bags for front row occupants with a passenger-sensing system. Beginning with 2008, Aveo standard equipment includes a tire pressure monitoring system.

The T250 model has been tested by the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP):[23]

These ratings apply only to 4-door sedan Aveo. The 5-door/3-door hatchback model has not been tested by EuroNCAP but since it has the same floor as T200 model it earns 3 stars without side airbags and 4 stars with side airbags. The Australian version of the T250 three-door, the Holden Barina, was crashtested by ANCAP and gained a four-star rating.

The American Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) gave the Aveo an Acceptable overall rating in the frontal offset crash test[24] and overall Marginal rating in the side impact crash test.[25]

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (www.safercar.gov) ratings (5dr):[26]

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (www.safercar.gov) ratings (4dr):[27]



  • 1.2 L (73 cu in) SOHC I4 – South Korea, Europe, India, China


  • 1.4 L (85 cu in) SOHC I4 – Europe
  • 1.4 L (85 cu in) DOHC I4 – Europe, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, India, Philippines
  • 1.5 L (92 cu in) SOHC I4 – South Korea, Europe, South Africa, Philippines, Pakistan, Ukraine
  • 1.6 L (98 cu in) DOHC I4 – Colombia, North America, Venezuela, Australia, China, India, Ukraine

Marketing and production[edit]

Besides production in Bupyong, South Korea (between 2002 and 2011), the Kalos and Aveo models have also been assembled in Poland (2007–2011), Ukraine (2004–present), Russia (2005–2012), Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, China, India, Thailand, Egypt and Mexico.[28]


South Korea[edit]

Daewoo Kalos SE five-door (T200) (Pre-facelift)

Daewoo Kalos SX five-door (T200) (Post-facelift)

Daewoo Gentra five-door (T250)

The T200 was sold as Daewoo Kalos; the hatchback named ‘Kalos V’ and the sedan simply Kalos. The tagline from the very first advertisements was ‘It’s beautiful – Hi! Kalos’. Daewoo began selling the T250 sedan in September 2005 as the Daewoo Gentra, replacing the Kalos sedan. «Gentra» is derived from the English word «gentleman» and «transportation». The tagline in the advertising campaign introducing the Gentra in Korea was «Are you gentle?», and the campaign starred Daniel Henney. In October 2007, the Kalos hatchback adopted the T250 underpinnings and was renamed Gentra X. The Kalos won, twice consecutively (2003 and 2004), the Korea Design Power Index (KDPI) conducted by the Korean Management Association (KMA) and deriving from interviews and an internet polling of 20,000 consumers in Korea’s six largest cities.[citation needed]


2009 Chevrolet Lova facelift (China)

The T250 sedan is sold as the «Chevrolet Lova» in China. It was facelifted in March 2009, receiving the front end of the T250 hatchback.[29]

In January 2010, Shanghai GM launched the similar-sized Chevrolet Sail sedan.[30] It was developed in China and is based on the second generation of GM’s Gamma platform, which has been designed by GM Korea.[31] This was followed by a hatchback version, introduced the same year, in the month of June.[32]


The T250 was launched in India in 2006 as Chevrolet Aveo along with the slogan «An Indian Revolution», referencing Chevrolet’s An American Revolution ad campaign. The T200 hatchback has been sold in India since December 2006 as the Chevrolet Aveo U-VA. The Aveo was promoted in the Bollywood film Ta Ra Rum Pum with decals on the race cars, but the cars were ARCA-spec Chevrolet Monte Carlos.The television commercial of the Chevrolet Aveo UV-A features Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan.


The T250 Sedan is sold as the Chevrolet Aveo in Thailand. In February 2008, the Aveo was awarded the ‘Green Label’ environmental certificate by the Thailand Environmental Institute, being recognized for its ‘minimal impact on the environment in comparison to other passenger cars in Thailand’.[33][34] This made Chevrolet the first automobile brand in Thailand to have won this award twice in a row.
As of 2010, the Chevrolet Aveo is sold with either a 1,399 cc or 1,598 cc 16V DOHC E-TEC II engine with VGIS variable length intake manifold. The 1.4 grades are MT Manual transmission or AT Automatic transmission ‘Base’, MT/AT ‘LS’ and AT ‘LSX’. The 1.6 grades are AT only ‘LT’, ‘LSX’, ‘LUX’ and ‘SS’.[35] All models except the 1.6 LT are configured to use E20 fuel.


As of 2011, VIDAMCO of Vietnam produces the T250 sedan in complete knock-down (CKD) form at its Hanoi production facility.[36] The VIDAMCO model was launched in Vietnam on January 20, 2006, under the name «Daewoo Gentra».[37]


Holden Barina (TK) 3-door (T200)

Holden Barina (TK) three-door (T250)

The T200 model was available as the «Daewoo Kalos» before Daewoo’s Australian operations ceased at the end of 2004 and was absent from the Australian market until re-introduced in December 2005 as the TK Holden Barina (3-door and 5-door). The TK Barina replaced the previous XC Barina, which was an imported and rebadged European Opel Corsa. The T250 sedan was introduced in February 2006, and both the T200 and T250 models are sold together as the Barina lineup. The switch from the Opel-sourced Corsa was criticized, given the Kalos’ lower ANCAP safety performance. The T250 hatchback, both 3-door and 5-door, was introduced in August 2008.


Until the end of 2004, the T200 was sold as «Daewoo Kalos» in Western Europe. In early 2005, the Chevrolet brand replaced the Daewoo brand and the Kalos was rebadged the «Chevrolet Kalos», coinciding with the introduction of the three-door. The new T250 sedan is marketed as the «Chevrolet Aveo» replacing the Kalos sedan in 2006. A revised hatchback was introduced in the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show, to go on sale in early 2008 as the Aveo—replacing the Kalos. In Italy there exists a variant of the Aveo called the Chevrolet Aveo Eco Logic.[38] This low emission version has a dual power LPG engine 1.2 and 1.4 16V.

The T200 was sold in Eastern Europe as «Chevrolet Aveo» from its introduction in 2003. The T250 has replaced the T200 sedan in 2006, retaining the same name. Versions sold in this region had 1.4 L engines, and were available as both five-door hatchback and four-door sedan. In 2006 it was announced that FSO in Warsaw, Poland, would begin assembling the Aveo under a joint venture between GM and FSO’s owner, the Ukrainian company UkrAVTO. Production of the sedan started in November 2007, while the hatchback was assembled from July 2008.[39] Starting from April 2008, they were delivered in the rest of the European markets too.[40] Production in Poland ended in February 2011, when UkrAVTO decided moving it to Ukraine, where it would be assembled only for the local market and the CIS states.[41] This comes also as an effect of the free trade agreement reached between South Korea and the European Union, that took effect from 1 July 2011.[42] In March 2012, UkrAVTO began to manufacture the car on full-scale under the ZAZ brand.[43]

In Russia, it was produced by the Kaliningrad-based company Avtotor, since 2005,[44] using semi-knock down technology.[45] It was removed from the range at the beginning of 2012, when the new generation of the Aveo was introduced on the market.[46]

North America[edit]

Suzuki Swift+

Pontiac G3 Wave

Pontiac G3

The T200 models were introduced to the US and Canada 2004 models at the 2003 (February) Chicago Auto Show as the Chevrolet Aveo to replace the Daewoo Lanos when Daewoo withdrew from many markets outside South Korea in 2002. The US 5-door and 4-door models went on sale in November 2003,[47] and as reported by the Boston Globe in November 2006, «the Aveo (was) the largest-selling subcompact in the United States».[48]

The Aveo was introduced for its market debut in a 60-second television advertisement [49] that first appeared on New Year’s Eve 2003, created by the firm of Campbell-Ewald, directed by Michael Bay[50] and featuring the song Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf. The advertisement was titled «An American Revolution, Car Carrier» and featured six yet to be introduced cars and trucks boarding a car carrier as it traversed the United States. It featured the Aveo descending the Twin Peaks of San Francisco and making an airborne leap highly reminiscent of Steve McQueen’s Ford Mustang in the movie Bullitt, before boarding the car carrier. Two other fifteen second TV ads also created by the firm of Campbell-Ewald,[51] spotlighted the Aveo: «Pachyderm» showing an elephant, chased down a city street by an Aveo and «Big Little,» in which four basketball players who enter the car appear tiny in big seats, highlighting the vehicle’s interior volume.

In February 2004 GM issued a «stop delivery» order, to investigate five accidents that occurred in a tight time frame just as the Aveo was introduced to the US market. The order was lifted shortly thereafter, after an investigation revealed no connection among the accidents.[52]

The T250 sedan debuted in January 2006 as the 2007 Chevrolet Aveo at the Greater Los Angeles Auto Show. Sales commenced in North America in August 2006.
Also, 2007 is the first model year of the Pontiac G3 and 2009 is the first model year of the Aveo for Mexican sales, replacing the Opel-based Chevrolet Corsa.

The Aveo 5-door hatchback was marketed as the «Aveo5» in Canada since its inception and in the US beginning with model year 2007. The models were sold as Pontiac Wave (4-door and 5-door, since the 2005 model year) and Suzuki Swift+ (5-door) in Canada. The T200 Wave sedan was replaced for the 2007 model year with the T250, coinciding with the release of the 2007 T250 Aveo. For the 2009 model year, Pontiac Wave was renamed to Pontiac G3 Wave in Canada. In the United States, Pontiac sold the 5-door hatchback as the Pontiac G3 starting in the spring of 2009. Because of General Motors phasing out the Pontiac brand, the Pontiac G3/Wave is no longer manufactured after the 2010 model year, and the last Pontiac G3 Wave rolled off the line in December 2009, making this the last overall Pontiac vehicle to roll off the line, even though the last Pontiac for the American market was the 2010 Pontiac G6. The Pontiac G3 has the distinction of being the last Pontiac-badged model introduced to the United States market before the brand’s 2010 demise. For the 2010 model year, Canadian models are simply referred to as Pontiac G3.

In Mexico, the T250 sedan went on sale as a 2009 model, replacing the Opel-based Chevrolet Corsa and GM Daewoo-built Pontiac G3, after the GM announcement of discontinuing the Pontiac brand following the 2009 model year in Mexico and the 2010 model year elsewhere. It is produced in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. From the May 2010 model year, the GM badges next to the doors were removed. From the 2012 model year, the Aveo underwent a facelift, receiving a similar front-end with the one of the hatchback.[53] It is no longer sold in the United States and Canada. The Aveo T250’s production in Mexico ended in 2017 and it will be replaced by a China assembled Chevrolet Sail carrying the Aveo name.[54]

For the Canadian market the Swift+ was created with a joint between GM Daewoo and Suzuki, after Suzuki stopped selling the previous model Swift in 2001. The Swift+, a version of the Daewoo Kalos, was introduced in fall 2003 and marketed solely as a 5-door hatchback. For the 2009 model year, the Suzuki Swift+ was updated in styling and a new Opel ECOTEC 106 hp 1.6 engine receiving 7.9 L/100 km for city and 5.7 for highway from the previous 8.9/5.9, shared with the Pontiac G3 Wave and Chevrolet Aveo.

2005: Sidemarker lights change from orange to clear. Black trim applied to B-pillars of all models and C-pillars of hatchbacks.

2006: Rear Spoiler changes from «hugger» style to pedestal style spoiler with several inches of clearance from body.

2007: The four-door Aveo sedan is redesigned, while the five-door hatchback remains unchanged. A new trim level structure for the sedan is introduced that includes base 1LS, midlevel 1LT, and range-topping 2LT trims. Wheel choices are revised, and include both black steel wheel with plastic wheel covers, or aluminum-alloy wheels, in either fourteen-inch or fifteen-inch diameters. Exterior changes include new lighting with «Altezza-Style» rear tail lamps and available front fog lamps, and new front headlamps. A new chrome front grille is added that takes cues from other vehicles in the Chevrolet lineup. Interior changes include new audio systems (an A/M-F/M stereo radio for base models, or an A/M-F/M stereo radio with a single-disc CD/MP3 player (upgradeable to a newly available, six-disc, in-dash CD/MP3 changer) on upgraded models, both with a 3.5-millimeter (3.5mm) auxiliary audio input jack, and either a four-speaker audio system or a six-speaker audio system with separate «A»-pillar mounted tweeters), a redesigned dashboard, and an available Neutral (Beige) interior color combination. Power is still delivered by a 1.6L EcoTec Inline Four-Cylinder (I4) gasoline engine producing 103 horsepower and 107 lb. ft. of torque, and mated to either a four-speed automatic transmission, or a five-speed manual transmission, regardless of trim level.

2009: The five-door Aveo hatchback is redesigned and renamed the Aveo 5. A new emblem signifying the name change is applied to the rear hatch. A wider, split front grille and more angular front headlamps, as well as optional front fog lamps, are added. All Aveos are still powered by the 1.6L EcoTec Inline Four-Cylinder (I4) gasoline engine, though horsepower is up by 3 horsepower to 106 horsepower (up from 103 horsepower), and torque is down to 105 lb. ft. of torque from 107 lb. ft. of torque. Transmission choices remain either a five-speed manual or four-speed automatic, regardless of trim level. Trim levels are also restructured to base 1LS, midlevel 1LT, and range-topping 2LT. Upscale features available on upper trims include the OnStar in-vehicle telematics system, SiriusXM Satellite Radio, a six-speaker premium audio system with «A»-pillar mounted tweeters, a power, tilt-and-sliding sunroof, a leather-wrapped steering wheel with available remote audio system and cruise controls, fifteen-inch aluminum-alloy wheels, and perforated leatherette-trimmed seating surfaces with perforated front and rear door panel inserts, and faux wood interior trim panels on Aveos equipped with the Neutral (Beige) interior. A rebadged version of the Aveo 5 becomes available in the United States, called the Pontiac G3 (also called the Pontiac Wave in other markets), although unlike the Wave, the United States version is not available in four-door sedan form. The G3 is only offered for the 2009 model year, as Pontiac also enters its last full model year.

2010: GM badges disappear on Chevrolet Aveo models, even though early 2010 models did have GM badges. Also, the G3 enters its final model year only in Canada, but drops the «Wave» name, making the Pontiac G3 nameplate exclusive to Canada after the United States & Mexico dropped the Pontiac G3 name.

2011: The Aveo enters its final model year in North America with few changes, as it is replaced by the all-new Chevrolet Sonic for the 2012 model year, based on the Chevrolet Aveo that keeps its name in other countries.

The Aveo has received mixed reviews, while it has earned praise from many for its very low price tag, it has been criticized for poor fuel economy (compared with other vehicles in its class) and poor reliability by reviewers such as Consumer Reports and JD Power and Associates.[citation needed]

  • One of Forbes.com’s ‘Worst-Made Cars On The Road’[55]
  • ‘Worst in overall safety’ from Consumer Reports[56]
  • The Aveo and Aveo 5 placed 2nd and 3rd on Consumer Report’s list of ‘Worst in Fuel Economy’ for subcompact cars.[57]
  • NDTV Profit Car India Awards 2007 Small Car of the Year, Chevrolet Aveo U-VA, NDTV Profit, India’s leading business news channel, in association with Car India and Bike India.[citation needed]
  • The Aveo sedans and Aveo5 placed 12th and 8th respectively in Consumer Reports 2007 Least satisfying Cars, with 44% of owners expressing inclined to buy again.[58]

United States Chevrolet Aveo sales numbers:
2012:67(leftover 2011’s)

South America[edit]

2017 Chevrolet Aveo (Mexico)

The T200 has been sold as the Chevrolet Aveo in Peru (3-door and 5-door), Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador (all body styles), and Argentina (4-door). A taxi version of the T200 sedan is still available in Ecuador. The T250 has also been marketed as the Chevrolet Aveo in Peru (4-door).

The facelifted 2012 Chevrolet Aveo, built in Mexico, is also exported to Argentina, where it is marketed as the Aveo G3.[59] It continued to be in production until 2017, when the T250 was succeeded by the third generation Chevrolet Sail (badged as Aveo in Central American markets).[60]


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  44. ^ ««Автотор» в 2005 г. собрал более 100 легковых автомобилей марки Chevrolet» (in Russian). Report.ru. 13 March 2006. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
  45. ^ «GM to assemble HUMMER H3 and four Chevrolet models for Russian market in Kaliningrad». GMInsideNews.com. 5 April 2006. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
  46. ^ «Chevrolet / Шевроле / купить авто / цены, автомобиль, тест-драйв, новые автомобили» (in Russian). Chevrolet Russia. Archived from the original on 11 February 2012. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
  47. ^ Healey, James R. (2006-01-13). «Move over gas guzzlers, small cars are coming». USA Today. Retrieved 2010-04-30.
  48. ^ Krisher, Tom (2006-11-19). «Market for subcompact cars grows as styling, features, safety improve». The Boston Globe.
  49. ^ «Michael Bay Commercial Chevy Car Carrier». YouTube. Retrieved 2010-10-04.
  50. ^ Barbara Lippert (2004). «Critique: An American Evolution». adweek.com. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  51. ^ Kevin Ransom (2004). «Campbell-Ewald Puts Chevy Back in the Game». adweek.com. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  52. ^ «GM Investigates New Aveo Crashes». theautochannel.com. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  53. ^ «Chevrolet Aveo 2012 a la venta en México». Autocosmos.com. 2011-06-07. Archived from the original on 2012-02-19. Retrieved 2012-02-06.
  54. ^ «Chevrolet Aveo 2018 a prueba». Autocosmos.com. 23 November 2017. Retrieved 2017-11-23.
  55. ^ Elliott, Hannah (2010-04-07). «Worst-Made Cars On The Road». forbes.com. Archived from the original on April 11, 2010. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  56. ^ «The Best and Worst in Overall Safety». consumerreports.org. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  57. ^ «Best & worst fuel economy». consumerreports.org. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  58. ^ «12 Least Satisfying Cars Of 2007». consumerist.com. Retrieved 2011-01-01.
  59. ^ «Nuevo Aveo G3». Chevrolet Argentina. Retrieved 2012-02-06.
  60. ^ «El análisis más completo del nuevo Chevrolet Aveo 2019 que llega a México desde 199,900 pesos» [The most complete analysis of the new Chevrolet Aveo 2019 that arrives in Mexico from 199,900 pesos]. soloautos.mx. Retrieved 2020-05-17.

External links[edit]

Media related to Daewoo Kalos at Wikimedia Commons

Как пишется шевроле по-английски?

  • Известная марка автомобилей производства США (концерн quot;Дженерал Моторсquot;), мы произносим это название как quot;Шевролеquot;, сокращенно машину именуют quot;Шевиquot;. Автомобиль назван в честь инженера и гонщика Луи Шевроле

    В оригинале пишется quot;Chevroletquot;.

  • Chevrolet так пишется шевроле по английски

  • Автомобиль американский, на английском пишется Chevrolet, значит и говорить нужно ШЕВРОЛЕТ. Все просто, а кто пишет или говорит Шевроле делают ошибку, нужно договаривать.

  • Ну если вы задумались о том как пишется и произносится это слово, то скорее всего задумываетесь о покупке такого классного автомобиля! Удачи!

    Но если не накопили, не расстраивайтесь, можно и в кредит такую quot;лялечкуquot; купить. Вот во что она обойдется http://calcsoft.ru/kreditniy-kalkulator-chevrolet

  • ШЕВРОЛЕ по английски надо писать Chevrolet.

    По английски обязательно в конце этого слова (названия марки машины) надо писать букву t, например бывает что в талоне техосмотра пишут ШЕВРОЛЕ LANOS, в свидетельстве о регистрации ТС: марка и модель машины — ШЕВРОЛЕ ЛАНОС, SHEVROLE LANOS а в паспорте ТС пишут CHEVROLET LANOS, вот сколько ошибок наделано, а позже у приобретателей таких автомобилей возникают проблемы по переоформлению документов.

  • Верным написанием является Chevrolet. Еще есть такое как бы неофициальное практически ласковое название этой марки в Штатах — Chevy, произносится как quot;Шевиquot;. Сама история возникновения названия началась в ноябре 1911 года, оно обязано своим появлением Луи Шевроле — американскому гонщику швейцарского происхождения и автомобильному инженеру, именно в честь него и названа компания.

  • Такая марка автомобиля, как Шевроле, на английском пишется в таком виде — CHEVROLET, хотя в русском языке буковку quot;тquot; в конце мы не произносим и не пишем. Поэтому, будьте уверены, что вариант написания Chevrolet будет верным!

  • Эта марка машины по-английски правильно пишется Chevrolet, хотя по-русски Шевроле произносят без буквы Т на конце.

    Стоит такая машинка в автосалонах не меньше 4 500 000 рублей. Если и купите за эти деньги, то по скидке или по акции.

    Это Chevrolet Camaro (Шевроле Камаро)

    Как пишется шевроле по-английски?

  • quot;Chevroletquot; — так в английском языке будет писаться название известной марки автомобиля — Шевроле. Это между прочим одна из моих любимых марок — я просто обожаю Chevrolet Camaro. Причем эти автомобили с возрастом наверное еще лучше становятся, как хорошее вино.

  • Шевролет — одна из самых дорогих автомобилей в России.

    Е покупают бизнесмены и крутые мужчины.

    Так как автомобиль имеет явно спортивный вид.

    Стоит от очень дорого, около 4 миллионов.

    Шевролет по-английски пишется — Chevrolet.

  • Достаточно популярная марка автомобиля, которая к сожалению практически покинула российский автомобильный рынок (кроме небольшого числа моделей) в прошлом году, можно писать на английском языке как Chevrolet.

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Шевроле Ланос — малолитражный автомобиль (B-сегмент по европейской классификации) производителя Daewoo из Южной Кореи, который с 1997 по 2002 год, выпускался под названием Дэу Ланос, а после вхождения компании Daewoo в концерн General Motors 30 апреля 2002 года автомобиль стали выпускать под маркой Chevrolet. Daewoo Lanos был разработан для замены Daewoo Nexia. Во время своего выпуска основными конкурентами являлись Ford Fiesta, Honda Jazz, Hyundai Accent, Kia Rio, Lada Kalina, Mitsubishi Colt, Nissan Sunny, Peugeot 208, Renault Logan, Skoda Rapid, SEAT Ibiza, Toyota Yaris и Volkswagen Polo.

Дэу Ланос T100, седан 
Дэу Ланос T100, седан

Кузов был спроектирован итальянским дизайнером Джорджетто Джуджаро и первоначально был представлен тремя видами кузова — трехдверными и пятидверными хэтчбеками и четырехдверным седаном. В 2006 году была также представлена версия панельного фургона. Кодовое обозначение кузова при запуске — T100, после обновления в 1999 году кузов стали обозначать кодом T150. Двигатель располагается спереди с приводом на передние колеса.

Шевроле Ланос T150, седан 
Шевроле Ланос T150, седан

Передняя подвеска типа Макферсон с пружинами и стабилизатором поперечной устойчивости, полностью независимая. Задняя пружинная полунезависимая. Тормоза передних колес дисковые, сзади барабанные. Рулевой механизм реечный, на некоторых моделях с гидроусилением. Дорожный просвет (клиренс) составляет 165 мм. Уровни отделки обозначаются как S, SE, SE Plus, SX и SPORT (более поздние версии).

Безопасность автомобиля не на высоком уровне. В начальном уровне отделки (S) нет подушки безопасности. Устанавливаются инерционные диагональные ремни безопасности для всех пассажиров, кроме заднего среднего, там только поясной ремень. Краш-тесты Euro NCAP в 1998 году дали низкую оценку автомобилю — три неполные звезды. В 2006 году также провели краш-тест по методике ARCAP, которые оценил автомобиль всего в две звезды из четырех. Результаты довольно низкие, хотя в этой ценовой категории выше средних.

Дэу Ланос, 3-дверный хэтчбэк 
Дэу Ланос, 3-дверный хэтчбэк

Двигатель объемом 1,5 литра (мощностью 86 л.с.) разработан на базе мотора от Nexia с тем же рабочим объемом, но с некоторыми конструктивными доработками в системах питания и зажигания. Для уменьшения токсичности выхлопа, чтобы соответствовать нормам Евро-2, мотор оснащен системой рециркуляции и каталитическим нейтрализатором. Двигатель объемом 1,6 литра 16-клапанный (106 л.с.), что сделало его более мощным и экономичным.

Интерьер Дэу Ланос 
Интерьер Дэу Ланос

У большого разнообразия клонов Ланоса по всему миру есть также моторы других модификаций. Например на моделях ZAZ устанавливают карбюраторные двигатели объемом 1,3 литра мощностью 63 л.с., а также инжекторные объемами 1,3 и 1,4 литра мощностью 70 и 77 л.с. соответственно.

Трансмиссии были два варианта — 5-ти ступенчатая механическая и 4-х ступенчатая автоматическая (GM 4T40E или ZF 4HP16).

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