Сони эриксон как пишется

  • 1
    Sony Ericsson


    «Сони Эрикссон» (


    «SonyEricsson», «СониЭрикссон», «Сони Эриксон»)

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > Sony Ericsson

  • 2


    ( букв «струя передачи»)

    свз технология «ТрансферДжет».
    ▫ Альтернатива Bluetooth, позволяющая передавать данные ч-з беспроводной интерфейс на скорости до 560 Мб/с. В 2009 Sony анонсировала 1-е в мире серийные чипы, поддерживающие Т., под названием CXD3267AGG и CXD3268AGW. Они предназначены для использования в различных моб. устройствах, а также компьютерах, фото-и видеокамерах для быстрой передачи больших объёмов инф-ции от одного устройства к др. Радиус действия Т. составляет несколько сантиметров. На нач. 2010 Т. поддерживают 19 компаний (Sony, Canon, Nikon, Samsung, Casio, Kodak, Olympus, NTT DoCoMo, Softbank Mobile, Toshiba и Sony Ericsson). Разработана в 2008.

    English-Russian dictionary with terms in the field of electronics > TransferJet

  • 3

    Voice over LTE

    моб свз «голос по LTE».

    ▫ Инициатива, анонсированная Ассоциацией GSM, по созданию единого совместимого решения для работы с голосовыми звонками и отправкой сообщений в LTE-сетях. Среди участников: AT&T, Orange, Telefónica, TeliaSonera, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone, Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Samsung и Sony Ericsson.[2009]

    English-Russian dictionary with terms in the field of electronics > VoLTE

  • 4


    Cross Media Bar
    Фирменный интерфейс Sony, применяемый на PlayStation 3, PSP и некоторых мобильных телефонах Sony Ericsson.

    English-Russian dictionary of computer abbreviations and terms > XMB

  • 5

    1) Другие Файл сертификата Adobe

    2) Аудио Файл прошивки акустической системы Sony Ericsson

    Dictionary of file extensions > apf

  • 6

    Аудио Защищенный файл Sony Ericsson

    Dictionary of file extensions > copy

  • 7

    1) Backup Файл резервного копирования Sony Ericsson

    2) Backup Файл резервного копирования базы данных dBASE

    Dictionary of file extensions > dbk

  • 8

    Архивы Файл резервного копирования телефона Sony Ericsson

    Dictionary of file extensions > ecs

  • 9

    Настройки Настройка удаленного доступа Sony Ericsson

    Dictionary of file extensions > hid

  • 10

    Другие Файл обновления Sony Ericsson

    Dictionary of file extensions > ssw

  • 11

    3) Другие Файл темы Sony Ericsson

    Dictionary of file extensions > thm

  • 12

    1. операционная система Symbian

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Symbian

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sony Ericsson — Mobile Communications AB Тип акционерное общество Девиз компании …   Википедия

  • Sony-Ericsson — Mobile Communications AB Unternehmensform Aktiengesellschaft Gründung 2001 Unterne …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sony Ericsson — Mobile Communications AB Rechtsform Aktiengesellschaft Gründung 2001 Sitz …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sony Ericsson — Lema Make.believe Tipo Joint venture …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sony Ericsson P1 — Manufacturer Sony Ericsson Compatible networks UMTS, GSM Availability by country Q3 2007 …   Wikipedia

  • Sony Ericsson P1 — Производитель Sony Ericsson …   Википедия

  • Sony-Ericsson — Mobile Communications AB Год основания 2001 год Ключевые фигуры Хидеки Комияма (президент) Тип акционерное общество …   Википедия

  • Sony Ericsson X1 — Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 Hersteller Sony Ericsson Erscheinungsdatum 27. Oktober 2008 Display 3 WVGA (800×480) TFT Touchscreen, ATI 3D Chip Kamera 3.2 MP (2048×1536) mit Fotolicht Frontkamera QCIF (176 x 144) für …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sony Ericsson — Mobile Communications AB es una empresa de riesgo compartido (Joint Venture) formada por la empresa sueca Ericsson y la empresa japonesa Sony, dedicada a la fabricación de teléfonos móviles y accesorios. La compañía se fundó en 2001 entre… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Sony Ericsson — For an arrangement of Sony Ericsson products, see list of Sony Ericsson products. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB Type Joint venture Industry Telecommunications …   Wikipedia

  • Sony Ericsson — 48° 08′ 12″ N 11° 41′ 17″ E / 48.1368, 11.6881 …   Wikipédia en Français

Sony Mobile (Mobile Communications Business Group, Sony Corporation), а также Sony Mobile Communications Inc. (яп. ソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ株式会社) — транснациональная компания, одно из подразделений корпорации Sony, специализирующаяся на производстве смартфонов и иных портативных устройств и аксессуаров. Была основана 1 октября 2001 года как совместное предприятие шведского телекоммуникационного производителя Ericsson и японского производителя электронной техники Sony. Штаб-квартира расположена в Токио, однако компания зарегистрирована в Швеции.
До октября 2011 года компания в равных долях принадлежала компаниям Sony Digital Telecommunication Network Company и Ericsson Division Consumer Products. 27 октября 2011 года Sony выкупила 50 % (часть компании Sony Ericsson), принадлежащую Ericsson, за 1,05 миллиарда евро, объявив о том, что новая продукция компании будет выпускаться под брендом Sony[2]. В середине февраля 2012 года поглощение доли Ericsson было завершено, и компания сменила название на Sony Mobile Communications[3].


Единственным ресурсом компании Ericsson по производству электронных компонентов для мобильных телефонов в 1990-х годах являлся завод компании Philips в Нью-Мексико. В марте 2000 года на заводе произошёл пожар, уничтоживший оборудование и выведший из строя производственные линии. Компания Philips поспешила заверить Ericsson и Nokia (которая также являлась заказчиком чипов оттуда), что производство будет приостановлено не более чем на неделю. Вскоре выяснилось, что на устранение неполадок понадобится несколько месяцев, а компания Ericsson столкнулась с дефицитом комплектующих. Это поставило под сомнение её будущее как производителя мобильных телефонов. В то же время проблемы с поставками чипов затронули и Nokia, которая вынуждена была срочно искать новых поставщиков оборудования. Ericsson, являвшаяся на начало 2001 года третьим по величине производителем мобильных телефонов, столкнулась с серьёзными рисками, которые были вызваны пожаром. В целях сокращения издержек на производство компания приняла решение о сотрудничестве с азиатскими производителями, и в первую очередь — с Sony.

В августе 2001 года концерны Sony и Ericsson пришли к согласию относительно условий объединения своих мобильных подразделений и дальнейшего сотрудничества. Общая численность сотрудников на момент основания объединённого предприятия составила 3500 человек. С 2002 года обе компании окончательно прекратили выпуск телефонов под собственными марками, а запланированная на 2002—2003 год линейка выпускалась уже под торговой маркой Sony Ericsson. Обе компании имели на тот момент богатый опыт в производстве мобильных телефонов, что позволило объединить уже существовавшие разработки во благо новых продуктов. В частности, в телефонах Sony было впервые применено навигационное колёсико JogDial, которое позже успешно использовалось в цифровых плеерах Sony и коммуникаторах Р-серии Sony Ericsson, а многие аппараты новообразованной компании, выпущенные в течение 2002 года, наследовали концепцию телефонов Ericsson.

Приоритетной задачей для Sony Ericsson стал выпуск мобильных телефонов с возможностью цифровой съёмки и других мультимедийных функций, например, возможность закачивания видеоклипов, гибкой настройки меню, удобство работы с музыкальными файлами и т. д. Уже к концу 2002 года компания Sony Ericsson выпустила несколько моделей мобильных телефонов, обладавших цветными дисплеями и различными мультимедийными возможностями, что являлось новаторством в индустрии мобильных устройств того времени. В то же время объединённое предприятие продолжало терпеть убытки, несмотря на успешные продажи некоторых моделей.

Начало перемен

В июне 2002 года Sony Ericsson объявила о прекращении производства мобильных телефонов стандарта CDMA (Code division multiple access) для рынка США и объявила о своем желании сфокусироваться на стандарте GSM как наиболее перспективной технологии в области мобильных коммуникаций. В октябре 2003 года компания зафиксировала первую чистую прибыль от продаж мобильных телефонов. Первой успешной моделью Sony Ericsson, которая принесла компании популярность и признание пользователей во всем мире, считается[кем?] T610. Функциональность T610 задала новую планку на рынке мобильных устройств. В телефоне удачно сочетались как дизайн, так и небывалые по меркам 2003 года возможности: большой цветной экран, E-mail-клиент, поддержка формата MMS, WAP 2.0, GPRS, ИК-порт, Bluetooth и многое другое. Кроме того, в этом же году компания представила смартфон P800, ставший популярным на многих региональных рынках. А вскоре после этого, в октябре 2003 года, на международных выставках в Лас-Вегасе и Пекине была показана модель P900, выгодно отличавшаяся от своего предшественника быстротой, удобством работы и компактностью.

В 2004 году доля Sony Ericsson выросла с 5,6 % в первом квартале до 7 % во втором. В этом же году компания представила новый смартфон P910 c дополнительной QWERTY-клавиатурой, встроенным e-mail-клиентом, вчетверо большей памятью по сравнению с предыдущими смартфонами и большим экраном.

В феврале 2005 года на выставке 3GSM World Congress президент Sony Ericsson Майлз Флинт (Miles Flint) рассказал о планах компании по выпуску нового мобильного устройства, сочетающего в себе все передовые возможности цифрового медиаплеера и телефона. Мобильное устройство выйдет под брендом Walkman и будет способно свободно работать с различными музыкальными форматами, такими, как MP3 и AAC.

Бренды Walkman и Cyber-shot

Основу продуктовой линейки Sony Ericsson составили два направления моделей, выпускаемых под брендами Walkman (телефоны с уклоном в музыкальную составляющую) и Cyber-shot (так называемые «камерофоны»). Оба бренда были позаимствованы у компании Sony, на момент появления одноимённых телефонов уже были хорошо известны на рынке благодаря музыкальным плеерам и цифровым фотокамерам японского концерна. В 2005 году Sony Ericsson представила модели K750 и W800 — первый продукт компании, вышедший под брендом Walkman. Обе модели имели небывалый спрос на рынке и стали хитами продаж в первые два месяца после появления на рынке. В октябре 2005 Sony Ericsson анонсировала первый смартфон на базе платформы UIQ 3 — модель P990.

В 2006 году Sony Ericsson представила первую модель линейки Cyber-shot — K790.

В 2007 году компания представила 5-мегапиксельный телефон Sony Ericsson K850i, а в 2008 — Sony Ericsson C905 с 8-мегапиксельной камерой. В рамках выставки Mobile World Congress в 2009 году компанией был анонсирован 12-мегапиксельный смартфон на базе Symbian под названием Satio.

2 января 2007 года компания заявила о переносе части своих производственных мощностей на заводы в Индии. Согласно партнерским соглашениям, в планы Sony Ericsson входило производство 10 миллионов телефонов к 2009 году на заводах компаний FLextronics и Foxconn.

2 февраля 2007 года Sony Ericsson приобрела компанию UIQ Technology — софтового производителя программной оболочки аппаратов, являвшегося дочерним предприятием Symbian Ltd. Согласно заявлению президента Sony Ericsson Майлза Флинта, UIQ будет развиваться отныне как независимая компания.

Всего в 2007 году компания выпустила более 20 моделей мобильных телефонов, а классификация продуктов стала более унифицированной. В течение следующих двух лет компания выпустила несколько продуктов на базе UIQ, среди которых наиболее популярными стали P990, M600 и P1.

В 2008 году компания Sony Ericsson анонсировала новую линейку мобильных телефонов, объединённых товарным знаком Xperia. Вышедшая в этом же году модель Xperia X1 стала первым смартфоном компании на базе Windows Mobile. По замыслу компании, основу линейки Xperia должны составлять наиболее технически продвинутые решения. Исключение составила модель Sony Ericsson X5 Pureness — имиджевое решение для ценителей дорогих продуктов с необычными возможностями. Отличительной особенностью X5 стал прозрачный дисплей, а модель продавалась ограниченным тиражом в эксклюзивных салонах. Всего компанией было выпущено 3 смартфона на Windows Mobile — X1, X2 и M1 Aspen. С конца 2009 года под маркой Xperia стали выходить исключительно смартфоны, базирующиеся на операционной системе Android от компании Google.

В 2009 году прибыль компании от продажи мобильных телефонов существенно снизилась, результатом чего стало массовое сокращение рабочих мест, закрытие центров R&D в Великобритании, США, Индии, Швеции и Нидерландах. Кроме того, были закрыты центры разработки UIQ в Лондоне и Будапеште.

В сентябре 2009 года компания привнесла новые графические элементы в логотип компании — к статичному логотипу в виде бело-зелёного шара (символизирующего слияние букв «S» и «E») добавилась волна (Liquid Energy), а сам логотип приобрел новую гамму цветов. Кроме того, компания позаимствовала слоган «Make.Believe» у компании Sony, подчеркивая тем самым идейное родство продуктов обеих компаний и простоту их конвергенции.

По результатам 2010 года компания зафиксировала чистую прибыль, а приоритетным направлением деятельности стал выпуск смартфонов на базе Android. В 2011 году компанией был выпущен ряд продуктов: Xperia arc, Xperia PLAY, Xperia Neo, Xperia ray, Xperia pro, Xperia mini, Xperia mini pro.

Поглощение доли Ericsson

В конце октября 2011 года Ericsson согласилась продать свою долю в Sony Ericsson японскому партнёру за 1,05 млрд евро[4]. Аналитики считают, что на такой шаг компанию подвинула низкая конкурентоспособность их продукции. Было объявлено, что, начиная с середины 2012 года, телефоны будут выпускаться под брендом Sony[2].

16 февраля Sony объявила о завершении поглощения доли Ericsson и о смене наименования компании на Sony Mobile Communications[3].


Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play

Мобильный телефон

Мобильный телефон

Основная статья: Список моделей сотовых телефонов Sony Ericsson

Кроме своих телефонов, компания до недавнего времени продавала под маркой Sony Ericsson бюджетные модели фирмы Softinnova (ранее Sagem). К числу таких телефонов относятся Sony Ericsson F305, Sony Ericsson S302, SonyEricsson S312, Sony Ericsson W302, Sony Ericsson W395.

Ранее по ODM-схеме сторонними поставщиками выпускались также телефоны J100, J110, J120, J132, K200, K220, K330, R300, R306, T250, T280, T303, Z250, Z320.

В 2011 году были анонсированы модели:
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Arc
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Play
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Neo
— Sony Ericsson Xperia ray
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Pro
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Mini
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Mini Pro
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Arc S
— Sony Ericsson XPERIA Neo V

Серия Бренд/семейство Описание
C Cyber-shot Телефоны, ориентированные на работу с фотокамерой
D T-Mobile Кастомизированные версии для оператора T-Mobile
F Vodafone (частично) Кастомизированные версии для оператора Vodafone
G Web Communication Life Смартфоны на базе Symbian UIQ
J Junior/Low end Бюджетные модели
K Cyber-shot (частично) и Quick Share (частично) Камерофоны
M QWERTY-смартфоны, бизнес-продукты Смартфоны с вспомогательной QWERTY-клавиатурой
P UIQ смартфоны Смартфоны на базе Symbian UIQ
R Radio Телефоны, ориентированные на работу радио
S Style/Sagem Имиджевые решения, а также бюджетные модели, разработанные по ODM компанией Sagem
T Talker Телефоны с универсальной функциональностью и акцентом на дизайн
TM T-Mobile Кастомизированные телефоны для оператора T-Mobile
U Entertainment Unlimited Линейка многофункциональных телефонов: Satio (u1i), Aino (u10i), Yari (u100i), Vivaz (u5i), Vivaz Pro (u8i)
V Vodafone Кастомизированные телефоны для оператора Vodafone
W Walkman Телефоны с расширенными функциями музыкального проигрывателя
X Xperia Android-смартфоны. Ранее — Windows Mobile смартфоны
Z Ze Bobber (модели с флипом) Модели-«раскладушки»

Также модели на платформе Symbian S60 — Satio, Vivaz, Vivaz Pro.

В 2012 году были анонсированы модели:
— Sony Xperia S
— Sony Xperia P
— Sony Xperia U
— Sony Xperia Sola
— Sony Xperia Ion
— Sony Xperia Go
— Sony Xperia acro S
— Sony Xperia miro
— Sony Xperia tipo
— Sony Xperia tipo dual
— Sony Xperia neo L
— Sony Xperia SL
— Sony Xperia TX
— Sony Xperia T
— Sony Xperia V
— Sony Xperia J

В 2013 году были анонсированы модели:
— Sony Xperia Z
— Xperia ZL


Sony Ericsson Xperia X10

Sony Mobile активно сотрудничает с Vodafone и производит множество телефонов для обычных GSM- и 3G-сетей. Исследовательские центры компании расположены в Швеции, Японии, Китае, США и Великобритании. На начало 2011 года компания является 6-м производителем в мире по количеству проданных мобильных телефонов и смартфонов (после Nokia, Samsung, LG Electronics, RIM и Apple), доля компании на мировом рынке составляет 3,6 %.

Показатели деятельности

В компании работает более 5 тысяч сотрудников.

Чистая прибыль компании в 2010 году составила 90 млн евро. Всего за год был продан 41 млн телефонов[5].
Выручка в 2008 году составила 11,2 млрд евро (падение на 13,2 %), чистая прибыль — 73 млн евро[6].
Выручка в 2007 году — 12,92 млрд евро (рост 18 %, €10,96 млрд в 2006 г.), чистая прибыль — 1,11 млрд евро (рост 11 %, 997 млн евро). Операционная прибыль в 2007 году — 1,54 млрд евро (рост 22 %, 1,26 млрд евро в 2006 году)[7].

Sony Ericsson в России

С 1 октября 2008 года генеральный директор представительства в России — Крейг Якобс (Craig Jacobs) (до него 1,5 года работал Павел Зентрих)[8].

Спонсорские проекты

1 мая 2005 года Sony Ericsson подписала соглашение с WTA о спонсорстве сроком на 6 лет. Сумма спонсорского договора составила 88 млн долларов США. Международная женская теннисная лига получила новое название Sony Ericsson WTA Tour.

Продукты Sony на правах product placement регулярно фигурируют в фильмах кинокомпании Sony Pictures, например: «Код да Винчи», «Ангелы и демоны», «Охотник за головами», «Казино Рояль», «Квант милосердия», «Солт», «Турист», Серия фильмов «Обитель зла», Серия фильмов «Человек паук», «Социальная сеть», «2012», «Секс по дружбе», «Не шутите с Зоханом», «Мой парень из зоопарка», «Мачо и ботан», «Координаты Скайфолл» и многих других.


  • Официальный сайт компании


  1. Sony Electronics Corporation to be Established (англ.). Sony Group Portal — Sony Global Headquarters. Дата обращения: 9 апреля 2021.
  2. 1 2 Екатерина Брызгалова. Sony обойдется без Ericsson. Газета.ру. Дата обращения: 13 декабря 2011. Архивировано из оригинала 19 января 2012 года.
  3. 1 2 Sony Completes Full Acquisition of Sony Ericsson - Corporate - press releases - Sony Xperia (недоступная ссылка — история). sonymobile.com. Дата обращения: 27 февраля 2012. Архивировано 31 мая 2012 года.
  4. Ericsson: Sony to acquire Ericsson’s share of Sony Ericsson. Дата обращения: 27 октября 2011. Архивировано 28 октября 2011 года.
  5. Sony Ericsson — Компания — Pressreleases — Pressrelease — Pressreleaseoverview — Q4financialreport-20110120 (недоступная ссылка)
  6. Чистый убыток Sony Ericsson в 2008 г составил 73 млн евро против 1,1 млрд евро чистой прибыли в 2007 г. ПРАЙМ-ТАСС  (недоступная ссылка с 12-09-2017 [1998 дней])
  7. CNews: Чистая прибыль Sony Ericsson за 2007 г. выросла на 11 % Архивировано 10 июня 2015 года.
  8. Крейг Якобс — новый генеральный директор Sony Ericsson в России. Дата обращения: 10 июня 2009. Архивировано 28 сентября 2008 года.

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Sony Mobile Communications Inc.

Sony logo.svg

Native name

Formerly Sony Ericsson (2001–2012)
Type Subsidiary
Industry Telecommunications
Predecessor Ericsson Mobile Communications
Founded 1 October 2001; 21 years ago
Defunct 1 April 2021; 23 months ago
Fate Merged with Sony Corporation

Shinagawa, Tokyo



Key people

Kenichiro Yoshida
Mitsuya Kishida
Kimio Maki
Owner Sony Corporation
Footnotes / references

Sony Mobile Communications Inc. (Japanese: ソニーモバイルコミュニケーションズ株式会社) was a multinational telecommunications company founded on October 1, 2001, as a joint venture between Sony Group Corporation and Ericsson. It was originally incorporated as Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications,[3] and headquartered in London, England, until Sony acquired Ericsson’s share in the venture on February 16, 2012.[4]
On April 1, 2021, Sony integrated its electronics businesses including Sony Mobile into one company called Sony Corporation.[5]

Prior to April 1, 2021, Sony Mobile exclusively created Android-powered smartphones under the Xperia sub-brand name; it also developed tablet computers (Sony Tablet), smartwatches (Sony SmartWatch) and fitness trackers (Sony SmartBand), alongside accessories and software for the devices.

Sony Mobile had research and development facilities in Lund, Sweden; Beijing, China; Tokyo, Japan; and San Francisco, United States.[6] At its peak in 2007, Sony Ericsson, Sony Mobile’s predecessor, held a 9 percent global mobile phone market share[7] making it the fourth largest vendor at the time.[8] In 2017, Sony Mobile held less than 1% global market share[9] but 4.8% in Europe[10] and 16.3% in Japan.[11][12]



A Sony mobile phone from before the joint venture

An Ericsson mobile phone from before the joint venture

Swedish company Ericsson had been making mobile cell phones since the 1980s, their first very handheld device being the Hotline Pocket introduced in 1987.[13] In the United States, Ericsson partnered with General Electric in the early nineties as Ericsson Mobile Communications (ECS), primarily to establish a US presence and brand recognition. General Electric eventually left the joint venture.

Ericsson had decided to obtain chips for its phones from a single source—a Philips facility in New Mexico. On March 17, 2000,[14] a fire at the Philips factory contaminated the sterile facility. Philips assured Ericsson and Nokia (their other major customer) that production would be delayed for no more than a week. When it became clear that production would actually be compromised for months, Ericsson was faced with a serious shortage.[15] Nokia had already begun to obtain parts from alternative sources, but Ericsson’s position was much worse as production of current models and the launch of new ones was held up.[16]

Ericsson, which had been in the mobile phone market for decades, and was the world’s third largest cellular telephone handset maker at the time behind Nokia and Motorola, was struggling with huge losses and decreasing market share.[17] This was partly due to this fire as well as its inability to produce cheaper phones[18] or fashionably-designed phones like Nokia managed to do.[19] Speculation began about a possible sale by Ericsson of its mobile phone division, but the company’s president, Kurt Hellström, said it had no plans to do so. Hellström said, «Mobile phones are really a core business for Ericsson. We wouldn’t be as successful (in networks) if we didn’t have phones».[20]

Sony was a marginal player in the worldwide mobile phone market with a share of less than 1 percent in 2000. By August 2001, the two companies had finalised the terms of the merger announced in April. Ericsson contributed a majority of the Ericsson Mobile Communications company, excluding a minor part spun off as Ericsson Mobile Platforms. Sony contributed its entire handset division. The company was to have an initial workforce of 3,500 employees.[21]

2001 to 2010[edit]

Sony Ericsson’s strategy was to release new models capable of digital photography as well as other multimedia capabilities such as downloading and viewing video clips and personal information management capabilities. To this end, it released several new models which had built-in digital camera and colour screen which were novelties at that time — examples include the Sony Ericsson T610, the P800 UIQ smartphone, and later the K700 handset. The joint venture continued to make bigger losses in spite of booming sales — however it paid off as Sony Ericsson made its first profit in 2003[19] and in the following years steadily increased handset sales. The joint venture was regarded to have been a success.[22]

In 2005, Sony Ericsson introduced the K750i with a 2 megapixel camera, as well as its platform mate, the W800i, the first of the Walkman phones capable of 30 hours of music playback. Later in October 2005, Sony Ericsson presented the first mobile phone based on UIQ 3, the P990.

Also in 2005, Sony Ericsson agreed to become the global title sponsor for the WTA Tour in a deal worth $88 million US dollars over 6 years.[23] The women’s pro tennis circuit was renamed the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour. Just over a month later on June 7, it announced sponsorship of West Indian batsmen Chris Gayle and Ramnaresh Sarwan.

In 2007, the company’s first 5-Megapixel camera phone, the Sony Ericsson K850i, was announced followed in 2008 by the C905, the world’s first 8.1-Megapixel camera phone.[24] At Mobile World Congress 2009, Sony Ericsson unveiled the first 12-Megapixel camera phone, named Satio.

On January 2, 2009, Sony Ericsson announced in Stockholm that it would have some of its mobile phones made in India, and that its two outsourcing partners, Flextronics and Foxconn would manufacture ten million mobile phones per year by 2009. CEO Miles Flint announced at a press conference held with India’s communications minister Dayanidhi Maran in Chennai that India was one of the fastest growing markets in the world and a priority market for Sony Ericsson with 105 million users of GSM mobile telephones.[25]

Annual net income or loss 2003 to 2009

Sony Ericsson’s handset shipments fell from a high of 30.8m in Q4 1999 to only 8.1m in Q1 2003.[26] The company had made net losses in six of the 15 quarters and seen its cash reserves shrink from €2.2bn to €599m, after taking a €375m cash injection from its joint owners. The eclipse of the Symbian operating system, initially by Apple’s iPhone, and then by Google’s Android, has affected Sony Ericsson’s position in the market. The company also struggled following the launch of Apple’s iPhone in the third quarter of 2007.

Sony Ericsson was overtaken by its South Korean rival LG Electronics in Q1 2008. Sony Ericsson’s company’s profits fell significantly by 43% to €133 million (approx. US$180 million), sales falling by 8% and market share falling from 9.4% to 7.9%, despite favourable conditions that the handset market was expected to grow by 10% in 2008. Sony Ericsson announced another profit warning in June 2008[27] and saw net profit crash by 97% in Q2 2008, announcing that it would cut 2,000 jobs, leading to wide fear that Sony Ericsson was on the verge of decline along with its struggling rival, Motorola.[28] In Q3 the profits were much on the same level, however November and December saw increased profits along with new models being released such as the C905 being one of the top sellers across the United Kingdom.

In June 2008, Sony Ericsson had about 8,200 employees, it then launched a cost-cutting program and by the end of 2009 it had slashed its global workforce by around 5,000 people. It has also closed R&D centres in Chadwick House, Birchwood (Warrington) in the UK; Miami, Seattle, San Diego and RTP (Raleigh, NC) in the USA;[29] The Chennai Unit (Tamil Nadu) in India; Hässleholm and Kista in Sweden and operations in the Netherlands. The UIQ centres in London and Budapest were also closed, UIQ was a joint venture with Motorola which began life in the 1990s.[30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]

2011 to 2020[edit]

Sony Xperia Z2, released in 2014, is Sony Mobile’s former flagship device

On October 27, 2011, Sony announced that it would acquire Ericsson’s stake in Sony Ericsson for €1.05 billion ($1.47 billion), making the mobile handset business a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony. The transaction’s completion was expected to occur in January 2012.[40][41][42] At their keynote at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show, Sony’s Kaz Hirai announced that Sony Ericsson would be known simply as Sony Mobile Communications pending completion of the transaction. On January 26, 2012, the European Union approved the buyout.[43] On February 16, 2012, Sony announced it had completed the full acquisition of Sony Ericsson.[4] On January 7, 2013, Sony Mobile completed moving its headquarters from Lund, Sweden to Tokyo, Japan in order to fully integrate with its parent company.[44] The first Sony-only mobile was the Sony Xperia S at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show. Sony Mobile Communications decided to phase out all the feature (non-smart) phones by September 2012 and focus completely on the smartphones segment.[45]

Sony Mobile was the fourth-largest smartphone manufacturer by market share in the fourth quarter of 2012 with 9.8 million units shipped.[46]

On July 2, 2012, Sony announced it was buying Gaikai, a cloud service to support its expansion into the cloud gaming realm. Sony paid a reported $380 million to acquire Gaikai.[47] The Sony Ericsson Liquid Energy Logo, which was the hallmark logo used on Sony Mobile products up until the 2012 series of phones, was replaced with a new power button designed as the new signature hallmark to easily identify a Sony phone and this debuted with the 2013 series of Xperia mobile phones. The last phones to feature the Liquid Energy logo were the Sony Xperia T and Sony Xperia TX, and the first phones without featuring it were the Sony Xperia J and Sony Xperia V. Both were unveiled at the IFA 2012. At the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show the Sony Xperia Z and Sony Xperia ZL were announced,[48][49] followed by the Sony Xperia Z1, unveiled during a press conference in IFA 2013, the Sony Xperia Z2 during the 2014 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, and the Sony Xperia Z3 in IFA 2014.

On October 30, 2014, Sony announced that Senior Vice President of Corporate Planning, Finance and New Business Creation Department Hiroki Totoki will replace Kunimasa Suzuki as president and CEO of Sony Mobile Communications with effect from November 16, 2014.[50][51] Suzuki subsequently became the Group Executive of Sony Corporation after his departure from Sony Mobile Communications.[52]

In the last quarter of 2015, Sony Mobile had the highest per-handset-profit and average selling price of all major Android handset manufacturers.[53] However, in terms of market share, Sony Mobile dropped out of the top 10 smartphone vendors globally for the first time in the first quarter of the year.[54]

Sony Mobile has been the only major smartphone OEM that has given support to developing communities of smaller, hacker-focused mobile operating systems during this time.[55] In 2013 Sony released an experimental Firefox OS ROM for the Sony Xperia E device.[56] In 2017 Sony got Sailfish OS into its Open Devices program.[57] As a result, the Sailfish software has been officially ported to many Xperia devices.[58]

As of Q2 2018, Sony Mobile’s smartphone market share in Japan was 12.5%, behind Apple and Sharp.[59]

On March 26, 2020, Sony announced that it will establish an intermediate holding company «Sony Electronics Corporation» effective April 1, 2020. Sony Electronics Corporation will incorporate the three businesses that comprise its Electronics Products & Solutions («EP&S») segment (Imaging Products & Solutions, Home Entertainment & Sound, and Mobile Communications) and related global sales and marketing, manufacturing, logistics, procurement and engineering platforms.[60]


In 2009, Sony Ericsson announced that it was moving its North American headquarters from Research Triangle Park, North Carolina to Atlanta. The headquarters move was part of a plan to reduce its workforce, then 10,000 employees, by 20%. As of that year, Sony Ericsson had 425 employees in Research Triangle Park; the staff had been reduced by hundreds due to layoffs.[61] Stacy Doster, a spokesperson of Sony Ericsson, said that the proximity to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport’s flights to Latin America and the operations of AT&T Mobility influenced the decision to move the USA headquarters. Sony Ericsson will close the Research Triangle site.[61][62] On August 23, 2012, Sony announced heavy cuts of their work force in Lund, Sweden. In September 2014, Sony announced taking a €1.3 billion impairment charge on the Sony Mobile division[63] and cutting another 15% of jobs — equivalenting about 1000 employees — at Sony Mobile.[64]


For detailed information about Sony Ericsson and Sony Mobile Communications products, see list of Sony Ericsson products.

Sony Ericsson smartphones[edit]

Sony Ericsson (originally Ericsson) was part of the Symbian Ltd. consortium and supported the UIQ pen-based touch interface for Symbian OS. The first Sony Ericsson UIQ smartphone was the Sony Ericsson P800 in 2002. Sony Ericsson joined the Symbian Foundation in 2008 and soon UIQ Technology went bankrupt —[65] the Sony Ericsson Satio was released in 2009 running on Symbian^1, which would be succeeded by Sony Ericsson Vivaz in 2010.[66] For the Japanese market, Sony Ericsson also produced Linux and Symbian-based MOAP handsets for NTT DoCoMo, as well as REX OS for au/KDDI.

Sony Ericsson launched their first Windows Mobile device in 2008, the Xperia X1, at the 2008 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, which carried the Windows Mobile operating system with a Sony Ericsson panel interface[67] and was manufactured by HTC.[68] They would further develop two more Windows Mobile devices: Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 and Sony Ericsson Aspen in 2010. By this time, Sony Ericsson switched all its focus on Google’s Android operating system.[69] The company’s CEO did confirm a Sony Ericsson Windows Phone device for 2011.[70] A prototype exists and was leaked on the internet in 2011, but no Windows Phone device was ever released.[71]

There was also a line of BRAVIA-branded clamshell smartphones that were released for the Japanese market between 2007 and 2010.[72][73]

Since 2012 all products by Sony Mobile have been in the Xperia range and running the Android OS — the Xperia X10 model launched in 2010 was the first to feature this. In 2011 Sony Ericsson carried a range of mid and high-end Android smartphones all using the same SoC, only differentiating in form factor, screen size and multimedia capabilities. Although in 2012 the phones already carried the Sony brand on them, they were still (mostly) developed by Sony Ericsson, as can be seen from the green logo on the back of handsets like the Xperia S and Xperia T.

Sony smartphones (Xperia)[edit]

A Sony SmartWatch wearable with an Xperia Z1 smartphone and a Smart Bluetooth Handset

The line-up in 2013 brought an entirely different design of phones, first seen on the Xperia Z smartphone, and called ‘OmniBalance’ (roughly translated as ‘balance everywhere’) by Sony.[74] In 2014 Sony stated to be focusing more on the high-end phone market and reducing the number of low and mid-end products.[75] The first model launched in 2015 was the Xperia Z3+, featuring updated internals in a body similar to the Xperia Z3.[76]

In 2016, Sony introduced the Xperia X series at MWC 2016 to replace the Z series. The last device to launch under the Xperia X series was the Xperia XZ3, a flagship device released in late-2018 featuring an OLED display, a first for Sony smartphones, then it got replaced by the number series introduced on the Xperia 1 in 2019.


Sony SmartBands on display

Sony (then Sony Ericsson) has been making Bluetooth enabled watches from as early as 2006.[77] In 2010 the LiveView smartwatch was launched,[78] featuring a colour OLED display that let the user view notifications and control the music player. Its successor was the Sony SmartWatch in 2012, of which two newer revisions have been made since.

In 2014 a fitness tracking band, named SmartBand, was introduced.[79] The device’s data is accessed using an Android application named Lifelog, which presents statistics about their everyday activities.[80] In 2015, a successor to the SmartBand was introduced, named SmartBand 2, which can track user’s heart rate, movements, sleep, and the moments they are calm or excited.[81]

PlayStation Certified[edit]

In 2011, Sony Ericsson announced the first PlayStation Certified phone, the Xperia Play which meant that it had access to PlayStation Mobile games. The previously released Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and Xperia acro became the next PlayStation Certified devices followed by the Sony Xperia S, Xperia ion and other Sony Tablets.


Sony Mobile offers a wide range of applications, ranging from music and videos to camera and gaming apps.[82] Some of Sony Mobile’s most popular apps include:

  • Cinema Pro — premium video recording application co-developed with CineAlta engineers.
  • Photo Pro — a photography app that gives you Alpha-like manual controls.
  • Game Enhancer — makes gameplay much more convenient with various functions. 
  • Lifelog — activity tracking and fitness app designed for Android devices.
  • PlayStation Video — online film and television programme distribution service that first was offered by Sony Entertainment Network.
  • PS3 or PS4 Remote Play — Remote Play allows PS3 or PS4 games to be played on Xperia smartphones and tablets.

Former products[edit]

  • Xperia Lounge — music, film and mobile entertainment app.
  • TrackID — mobile music and audio recognition service.
  • BRAVIA range — launched 2007 in Japan. To date, five BRAVIA branded phones have been produced: Sony Ericsson (FOMA SO903iTV, FOMA SO906i, U1, S004, and S005[83]).
  • The Walkman-branded W series music phones, launched in 2005. The Sony Ericsson W-series music phones were notable for being the first music-centric series mobile phones. A notable feature was a ‘W’ button, which when pressed opens the media centre.
  • The Cyber-shot-branded line of phones, launched in 2006 in newer models of the K series phones. This range of phones are focused on the quality of the camera included with the phone. Cyber-shot phones always include a flash, some with a xenon flash, and also include auto-focus cameras. Sony Ericsson kicked off its global marketing campaign for Cyber-shot phone with the launch of ‘Never Miss a Shot’. In February 2008, the series was expanded with the announcement of C702, C902 and C905 phones.
  • The UIQ smartphone range of mobiles, introduced with the P series in 2003 with the introduction of P800. They are notable for their touchscreens, QWERTY keypads (on most models), and use of the UIQ interface platform for Symbian OS. The range was subsequently expanded with the M series and G series.
  • The GreenHeart range — first introduced in 2009 with the Sony Ericsson J105i Naite and C901 GreenHeart. Focused on an environmentally friendly theme, it mainly used eco-friendly materials and featured eco-apps.

Sales units[edit]

All these sales figures have been retrieved from Sony’s Corporate Website.

Financial / Fiscal Year Q1 (April — June) Q2 (July — September) Q3 (October — December) Q4 (January — March) Total official sales figure
2001–02 N.A. N.A. 6.8 Million Units 5.8 Million Units
2002–03 5 Million Units 5 Million Units 7.1 Million Units 5.4 Million Units 22.5 Million Units
2003–04 6.7 Million Units 7.1 Million Units 8.0 Million Units 8.8 Million Units 30.6 Million Units
2004–05 10.4 Million Units 10.7 Million Units 12.6 Million Units 9.4 Million Units 43.1 Million Units
2005–06 11.8 Million Units 13.8 Million Units 16.1 Million Units 13.4 Million Units 55.1 Million Units
2006–07 15.7 Million Units 19.8 Million Units 26 Million Units 21.8 Million Units 83.3 Million Units
2007–08 24.9 Million Units 25.9 Million Units 30.8 Million Units 22.3 Million Units 103.9 Million Units
2008–09 24.4 Million Units 25.7 Million Units 24.2 Million Units 14.5 Million Units 88.8 Million Units
2009–10 13.8 Million Units 14.1 Million Units 14.6 Million Units 10.5 Million Units 53 Million Units
2010–11 2.0 Million Units 3.4 Million Units 3.6 Million Units 3.5 Million Units 12.5 Million Units
2011–12 3.5 Million Units 6.0 Million Units 6.0 Million Units 7.0 Million Units 22.5 Million Units
2012–13 7.4 Million Units 8.8 Million Units 8.7 Million Units 8.1 Million Units 33.0 Million Units
2013–14 9.6 Million Units 10.0 Million Units 10.7 Million Units 8.8 Million Units 39.1 Million Units
2014–15 9.4 Million Units 9.9 Million Units 11.9 Million Units 7.9 Million Units 39.1 Million Units
2015–16 7.2 Million Units 6.7 Million Units 7.6 Million Units 3.4 Million Units 24.9 Million Units
2016–17 3.1 Million Units 3.5 Million Units 5.1 Million Units 2.9 Million Units 14.6 Million Units
2017–18 3.4 Million Units 3.4 Million Units 4.0 Million Units 2.7 Million Units 13.5 Million Units
2018–19 2.0 Million Units 1.6 Million Units 1.8 Million Units 1.1 Million Units 6.5 Million Units
2019–20 0.9 Million Units 0.6 Million Units 1.3 Million Units 0.4 Million Units 3.2 Million Units
2020–21 0.8 Million Units 0.6 Million Units 1.0 Million Units 0.4 Million Units 2.9 Million Units

The Sony Mobile sales figure from 2001 to 2021

Sony Mobile store in Taipei, Taiwan in 2013

Marketing campaigns[edit]

«I Love Music» ad banner in Madrid in 2006

«I love»

On October 2, 2006, Sony Ericsson adopted a new corporate and advertising identity inspired by I Love New York in which the circular Sony Ericsson icon is placed instead of a heart meaning «love». This would then be followed by words, initially simple ones such as «music» or «photography» and later by for instance «my hip hop loud» or «life captured». The branding was designed by the Wolff Olins consultancy.[84][85] The campaign lasted until 2009 when it was replaced by multicoloured Sony Ericsson icons using Sony’s slogan «make.believe».[86]

Social media

During 2010, in 11 months, Sony Ericsson’s Facebook fan count rose from 300,000 to 4 million to become the 40th-largest brand on the social networking site. The company aims to capitalise on this fanbase and increase engagement by profiling these fans and matching them to dedicated content. It will also analyse the top commenters on the Facebook page and ensure engagement through special content and offering these fans the chance to visit Sony Ericsson offices.[87]

Sports sponsorship

From 2007 to 2014, Sony Ericsson / Sony Mobile sponsored the Sony Ericsson Open tennis tournament in Miami. According to the head of global marketing partnerships,[88] Stephan Croix, “our sport sponsorships allow us to promote our phones in a subtle and authentic way to our fanbase. Our promise to fans is to enrich their experience during the game but also before and after.” Sony Ericsson Open was renamed to Sony Open Tennis in 2013.[89]

Sony Mobile sponsored the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil[90] and was a former partner of the UEFA Champions League.

See also[edit]

  • MyPhoneExplorer – full featured Sony Ericsson manager software for Microsoft Windows, able to backup, sync and editing almost all data on the phone via Bluetooth, infrared or USB
  • Media Go – music, photo, video, and game management software made for Sony Ericsson phones
  • Disc2Phone – music management software made for Sony Ericsson phones
  • SonicStage – music management software made for Japan market phones
  • PlayNow – global content distribution portal
  • FastPort — proprietary former Sony Ericsson data bus
  • List of Sony products


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  42. ^ «Sony’s buying 50% stakes of Ericsson’s share in Sony Ericsson – worthy acquisition?». October 27, 2011.
  43. ^ «EU mergers and takeovers (Jan 27)». Reuters. January 27, 2012.
  44. ^ «Sony Mobile completes transfer of HQ to Tokyo». Xperia Blog. January 7, 2013. Retrieved January 21, 2013.
  45. ^ «Sony to phase out feature phones by Sept». The Times Of India. May 23, 2012. Retrieved May 22, 2012.
  46. ^ «IDC says Sony sold 9.8 million smartphones in Q4; now ranks in fourth place | Xperia Blog». www.xperiablog.net. January 25, 2013. Retrieved December 23, 2019.
  47. ^ «Sony Buying Gaikai, Will Establish Its Own Streaming Content Service (Jul 2)». G4TV. July 2, 2012. Archived from the original on June 29, 2017. Retrieved July 2, 2012.
  48. ^ «Sony intros 5″ Xperia Z and Xperia ZL at CES». Techweez. January 8, 2013. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  49. ^ «Sony Xperia Z vs Sony Xperia ZL: waterproof vs compact flagship battle». Android Authority. January 24, 2013. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  50. ^ «Sony to replace the President and CEO of its Mobile Communications branch». Phone Arena. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  51. ^ «Sony changes head of troubled mobile division». Reuters. 2014. Retrieved January 2, 2018.
  52. ^ Rossignol, Joe (October 30, 2014). «Sony SVP Hiroki Totoki to take over mobile division as smartphone sales decline». 9to5Google. Retrieved December 21, 2014.
  53. ^ Arthur, Charles (February 24, 2016). «The Q4 2015 smartphone scorecard: Apple gazes down at the rat trap».
  54. ^ «Microsoft and Sony fall out of top 10 smartphone vendors in Q1». GSMArena.com.
  55. ^ «Jolla Collaborates with Sony Open Devices to Bring Sailfish OS to Xperia Devices». February 27, 2017.
  56. ^ «Sony releases experimental Firefox OS ROM for the Xperia E». GSMArena.com.
  57. ^ «Jolla and Sony come together to bring Sailfish OS to Xperia devices». GSMArena.com.
  58. ^ «Sailfish X (Sailfish OS for Sony Xperia X) is now available to purchase and download». GSMArena.com.
  59. ^ shimajirou37 (September 20, 2018). «20年前、誰もスマートフォンを持っていなかった時代から、今では、一人1台持っていているのが当たり前の時代になりました。2018年、現在のスマートフォンの世界におけるシェア、そして日本におけるシェアまとめ。». しまじろうの資産運用. Archived from the original on September 23, 2020. Retrieved November 3, 2018.
  60. ^ «Sony Electronics Corporation to be Established». Sony Global — Sony Global Headquarters. Retrieved March 26, 2020.
  61. ^ a b Dalesio, Emery P (November 18, 2009). «Sony Ericsson closes NC, other sites as HQ moves». Associated Press. Retrieved November 18, 2009.
  62. ^ Swartz, Kristi E (November 18, 2009). «Sony Ericsson moving North American HQ to Atlanta». The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved November 18, 2009.
  63. ^ «Sony heads for deeper loss as it shrinks struggling smartphone business». Reuters. September 17, 2014.
  64. ^ Takashi Mochizuki and Eric Pfanner (September 17, 2014). «Sony Turnaround Effort Falters, Expects $2.15 Billion Yearly Loss». WSJ.
  65. ^ «More than 200 jobless following UIQ’s bankruptcy». The Local Sweden. January 8, 2009.
  66. ^ «Sony Ericsson Vivaz & Vivaz Pro Review — My-Symbian.com — S60 5th Edition». my-symbian.com.
  67. ^ at 08:13, Scott Snowden February 11, 2008. «Sony Ericsson goes Windows Mobile with Xperia X1 ‘arc slider’«. www.theregister.co.uk.
  68. ^ Nguyen, Chuong (February 15, 2008). «Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 Made by HTC».
  69. ^ phones, Marc Chacksfield 2010-09-27T09:50:00 269Z Mobile (February 2022). «Sony Ericsson waves goodbye to Symbian on its smartphones». TechRadar.
  70. ^ Brandon Miniman (October 15, 2010). «Sony Ericsson CEO Confirms WP7 Device for Next Year». Archived from the original on August 7, 2020. Retrieved October 24, 2018.
  71. ^ «Sony Ericsson Julie Windows Phone 7 prototype phone live pictures — MobileTechWorld».
  72. ^ White, Charlie (January 19, 2007). «Sony Ericsson SO903iTV Bravia: Cellphone with TV in Mind». Gizmodo.
  73. ^ «Sony Bravia Phone lands in Japan». www.fonearena.com.
  74. ^ Dan Casey. «Behold beauty – Xperia™ Z». sonymobile.com.
  75. ^ «Sony comments on mid-range Xperia review: Focus on profitability over scale». xperiablog.net. August 5, 2014.
  76. ^ «Announcing Xperia Z3+, waterproof and dust-tight with 5.2» full HD display – Developer World». developer.sonymobile.com.
  77. ^ Paul Miller. «Sony Ericsson and Fossil team up for Bluetooth watch». Engadget. AOL.
  78. ^ «Sony Ericsson shows LiveView micro display for Androids». GSMArena.com.
  79. ^ «Sony’s new Core fitness tracker will be the ‘heart’ of its wearable experience (hands-on)». The Verge. Vox Media. January 7, 2014.
  80. ^ «Lifelog». Sony Mobile Communications Inc. Sony Mobile.
  81. ^ «SmartBand 2». Sony Mobile Communications Inc. Sony Mobile.
  82. ^ Sony Mobile. «Sony Xperia’s Application Range».
  83. ^ «SO906i». NTT docomo. Archived from the original on December 21, 2008.
  84. ^ «Sony Ericsson uses ‘I (Love) New York’ idea». www.campaignlive.co.uk.
  85. ^ «Sony Ericsson unveils new brand identity». www.bizcommunity.com.
  86. ^ «Sony Ericsson adds more colour to logosChris Rawlinson — Adspiration — Chris Rawlinson — Adspiration». Chris Rawlinson / Adspiration. July 29, 2009.
  87. ^ O’Reilly, Lara (March 3, 2011). «Sony Ericsson faces «universal appeal» test in social media». News. Marketing Week. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
  88. ^ O’Reilly, Lara (March 22, 2011). «Sony Ericsson aligns sport sponsorships with smartphones». News. Marketing Week. Retrieved July 11, 2011.
  89. ^ «Sony Mobile renames Sony Ericsson Open tennis tournament». www.telecompaper.com.
  90. ^ «Football for social change — Future Goals 2014 — Sony Mobile Blog». June 26, 2014.

External links[edit]

  • Sony Corporation

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод SONY ERICSSON

Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications

American English-Russian dictionary.

     Американский Англо-Русский словарь.

Sony Mobile
sony mobile логотип
sony mobile иллюстрация

Создание 1 — й октября 2001 : 50/50 принадлежит Sony Corporation и Ericsson.
Ключевые даты 2011  : приобретение Sony
Законная форма Кабушики гайшаПросмотр и редактирование данных в Викиданных
Лозунг Sony Mobile Communications
Головной офис Токио Япония
Флаг японии 
Направление Хироки Тотоки (президент), Боб Исида (исполнительный вице-президент)
Акционеры SonyПросмотр и редактирование данных в Викиданных
Мероприятия телекоммуникации, мультимедиа
Продукты Мобильные телефоны, аксессуары
Материнская компания Флаг японии Sony Corporation
Эффективный ~ 8000 сотрудников
Веб-сайт www.sonymobile.com

Оборот 6,29 миллиарда евро ( 2010 )
Чистая прибыль увеличение 90 миллионов евро (2010)

Логотип Sony Ericsson на здании в кампусе в Швеции.

Sony Mobile Communications (ранее Sony Ericsson ) — дочерняя компания японской электронной компании Sony Corporation , специализирующаяся на создании мобильных телефонов .

Глобальное управление компании находится в Лунде . Группы исследований и разработок находятся в Швеции, Японии, Китае, Канаде, Нидерландах, США, Индии и Великобритании.

В телефонии Sony Ericsson работает около 8000 сотрудников по всему миру. При годовом росте 43%, бренд стал самым быстрорастущим продавцом мобильных телефонов в третьем квартале 2006 года по сравнению с Motorola , который тогда показал рост в 39%. В 2010 году Sony Ericsson была пятым по величине производителем телефонов после Nokia , Motorola , Samsung и Research In Motion (RIM), обогнав его в первом квартале 2010 года.

Нынешнюю компанию возглавил Берт Нордберг, который заменил Дика Комияму в 2009 году (который сам заменил Майлза Флинта на1 — го ноября 2007).

Кунимаса Сузуки заменил Берта Нордберга в Май 2012 г. после прибытия Кадзуо Хираи в апрель 2012 во главе Sony.

В 16 ноября 2014 г.Хироки Тотоки становится генеральным директором отделения Sony Mobile Communication Inc. в соответствии с новой стратегией Sony. Таким образом, он заменяет Кунимаса Судзуки, который занимал эту должность в течениеМай 2012 г.


Компания была основана на 1 — й октября 2001Sony и шведской телекоммуникационной компании Ericsson, которым принадлежало такое же количество акций. Целью было объединить электронику Sony с технологическим опытом в области связи, которым обладает Эрикссон. Таким образом, обе компании прекратили производство собственных мобильных телефонов.

В 27 октября 2011 г., Sony становится единственным владельцем Sony Ericsson, выкупив акции Ericsson за 1 миллиард евро. Затем компания становится Sony Mobile Communications.

В март 2015, Sony объявляет о сокращении 2100 рабочих мест, включая 1000 рабочих мест в Лунде , Швеция , с целью сокращения потерь в Sony Mobile. В конце первого квартала 2016 года Sony Mobile увольняет почти треть сотрудников.

В 14 апреля 2016 г.землетрясение на юго-западе Японии обрушилось на завод Sony в Кумамото, где производятся фотодатчики бренда. Событие, которое в долгосрочной перспективе замедлит мобильную активность Sony.


  • Серия W (Walkman) состоит из телефонов, предназначенных для прослушивания музыки, что дало толчок новому рынку портативной музыки .
  • Серия K, в которой представлены телефоны Cyber-Shot, предназначенные для фотографии (фототелефоны), была представлена ​​в 2006 году .
  • Телефоны серии P, выпущенные в 2003 году , представляют собой смартфоны класса high-end с интерфейсом UIQ . Они отмечены сенсорными экранами, QWERTY- клавиатурами на большинстве моделей и использованием платформы из интерфейса UIQ Symbian OS. Sony Ericsson в настоящее время работает Над телефоном под торговой маркой Bravia, который будет запущен в Японии, а также над телефоном под торговой маркой PlayStation , который должен быть выпущен на Рождество . В15 октября 2007 г.Sony Ericsson объявила, что продаст половину своей доли в UIQ компании Motorola .
  • В 2007 году Sony Ericsson объявила о переходе из своего ассортимента телефонов Cyber-Shot, которые теперь переходят на серию C.
  • Sony Ericsson была создателем стереонаушников Bluetooth ( серия HBH ), первых беспроводных стереонаушников.
  • Sony Ericsson Satio был выпущен 1 — й ноябре +2009. Это первый анонсированный мобильный телефон, оснащенный цифровой камерой на 12 мегапикселей (на самом деле 12,1).


Sony Mobile Communications классифицирует свои телефоны как:

  • Телефон ;
  • Телефонное сообщение;
  • Телефон с камерой;
  • Музыкальный телефон;
  • Телефонный веб-дизайн;
  • Телефон для Интернета и электронной почты.


  • Серия C: высококачественная серия, объединяющая серию Cyber-shot и встроенный GPS. Именно с этой линейкой (точнее, C905) Sony Ericsson стала первым производителем, интегрировавшим в свои телефоны цифровые камеры с разрешением 8,1 мегапикселя. (C702, C905 …)
  • Серия D: мини-линейка телефонов Sony Ericsson, ориентированная на эксклюзивных операторов: T-mobile, Vodafone…
  • Серия F: мобильные телефоны, в основном предназначенные для игр и унаследовавшие некоторые ключи от PlayStation (F305).
  • Серия G: терминалы, некоторые из которых оснащены сенсорным экраном, но сопровождаются «стандартной» клавиатурой (G502, G700, G900). В эту серию входят телефоны с сенсорным экраном, очень ориентированные на просмотр Интернет-страниц, но не обязательно дорогие .
  • Серия J: Sony Ericsson начального уровня, тип «Candybar», без функции камеры. Эти телефоны недорогие и очень удобные: J120i, J132…
  • Серия K: серия, объединяющая серию Cyber-shot ( K800i , K850i), но также и другие мобильные устройства с менее продвинутыми функциями фото K610i, K660i…)
  • Серия M: смартфоны среднего класса с ОС Symbian (M600i)
  • Серия P: смартфоны высокого класса с ОС Symbian (P990i, P1i и т. Д.)
  • Серия R: терминалы, «оптимизированные» для FM-радио (R306…). Sony Ericsson выпустила эту серию телефонов начального уровня для таких стран, как Индия, где радиоантенны менее распространены, благодаря интеграции AM-радио .
  • Серия S: мобильные телефоны, ориентированные на дизайн (S302, S500i и т. Д.)
  • Серия Т: телефоны с безупречным качеством отделки и использованием высококачественных материалов (T303, T650i и др.)
  • Серия V: специальные телефоны для оператора Vodafone (V630i, V640i…).
  • Серия W: мобильные устройства Walkman, специализирующиеся на музыке ( W205 , W890i, W910i, W960i, W980, W995 …).
  • Серия X: высокопроизводительные терминалы Xperia, оснащенные Android ( Xperia X10 , X8, X10 mini) или Windows Mobile (X1, X2)
  • Серия Z: телефоны типа «раскладушка» (Z555i, Z770i и др.).
  • Xperia  : высокопроизводительные модели от Sony Ericsson, работающие под управлением Android; в 2012 году эта линейка становится единственной от Sony, а затем охватывает все сегменты от недорогих до высококлассных и распространяется на сенсорные планшеты .

финансовая информация

Sony Mobile Communications сообщила о первой прибыли во второй половине 2003 года. С тех пор показатели продаж мобильных телефонов были:

  • 2004: продано 700 миллионов единиц
  • 2005: 50 миллионов единиц
  • 2006: 74,8 миллиона единиц
  • 2007: 103,4 миллиона единиц
  • 2008: 96,6 миллиона единиц

Согласно 7-му выпуску шведского журнала M3 Magazine за 2006 год , Sony Ericsson была крупнейшим продавцом телефонов в странах Северной Европы, за ней следовала Nokia. В третьем квартале 2006 года Sony Ericsson была четвертым по величине производителем мобильных телефонов в мире после Nokia , Motorola и Samsung . Он занимал 9% мирового рынка.


Рекламное агентство компании — Saatchi & Saatchi . Кроме того, Sony Ericsson подписала соглашение о самом важном спонсорском мероприятии в истории тенниса , добавив свое название и логотип к женскому треку WTA, который в период с 2006 по 2010 год стал Sony Ericsson WTA Tour.

С 2006 года и выхода « Казино Рояль» продукты Sony Ericsson появлялись в фильмах о Джеймсе Бонде . Так, в Quantum of Solace Джеймс использует C902 , а сотрудник MI6 использует мини-компьютер VAIO. Кроме того, Sony использует эту заметность, обозначая, например, Sony Xperia T как «телефон Джеймса Бонда» в нескольких рекламных объявлениях.

Примечания и ссылки

  1. a и b Ericsson — пресс-релиз
  2. (in) «  Sony Mobile перемещает штаб-квартиру из Швеции в Токио 1 октября  » , Sony Xperia Blog,5 июля 2012 г.(по состоянию на 13 августа 2012 г. )
  3. Sony теперь владеет 100% капитала Sony Ericsson , FrAndroid, Эдуард Маркес, 27 октября 2011 г.
  4. Sony Mobile сокращает половину своей рабочей силы в Швеции , Reuters, 9 марта 2015 г.
  5. a и b После реструктуризации Sony восстанавливается , Le Figaro 28 апреля 2016 г.
  6. WTA Тур


Внешняя ссылка

  • Официальный сайт

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a list of products manufactured under the Sony Ericsson brand. Most of the models have been released under multiple names, depending on region of release, currently usually indicated by a letter added to the end of the model number (‘i’ for international, ‘a’ for North America, and ‘c’ for mainland China), but indicated on some (mostly older) models by a slightly differing model number. Typically, there is one version for the European and US market, and another for the Asian market. However, some models have yet more versions. Most «Walkman» branded models are also released as a non-Walkman version; such as Sony Ericsson W580 and the S500. These versions usually differ only slightly.

International phones[edit]

Phones in boldface indicates that the phone is a smartphone.

S = Status, where P indicates under production, D is discontinued and U indicates upcoming .

C series: Cyber-shot[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson C510 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C702 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C901 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C902 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C903 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS Slider 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C905 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Slider 8.1-megapixel


The Sony Ericsson C902 was released during the second quarter of 2008. It is a java based feature device running on Sony Ericsson’s proprietary A200 platform. A special feature was the presence of 8 touch sensitive keys using capacitive technology for the camera mode. The camera technology includes face detection and the music player is similar to the system used on the company’s «Walkman» series handsets. The phone is the first in Sony Ericsson’s new ‘Cyber-shot’ C-series of phones, designed to be a successor to the popular K800i and the K850.[1] The C902 is featured in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, and has been praised for its user interface[1] design and its build quality.[2] Although the device received favorable reviews, analysts did not expect it to reach the same level of popularity or sales as its predecessor, the K800i, because it was not intended to be a «flagship model.»[3]

CK series: Messaging phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson txt(CK13) Color 2011 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson txt Pro(CK15) Color 2011 D GSM Side-Sliding Qwerty-Equipped Touchscreen 3.15-megapixel

F series: Fun phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson Jalou (F100i) Color 2009 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson F305 Color 2008 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson F500i Color 2004 D GSM Candybar 1.1-megapixel

G series: Generation web phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson G502 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson G700 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson G705 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson G900 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 5-megapixel


The Sony Ericsson G700 was announced at the Mobile World Congress (formerly 3GSM congress) February 2008 and is based on the Symbian OS 9.1 UIQ 3.0 platform.[4] The handset has had below average reviews, with a lot of reviewers criticizing the phone for being priced too high as the better equipped G900 is in the same price bracket while others have lamented the fact that Sony Ericsson chose to implement the same technology that had been presented in late 2006 in the P1.[5] A «business edition» also exists for the Sony Ericsson G700, which has no camera.


Announced at the 2008 Mobile World Congress (formerly 3GSM congress) in February of that year, G900 is a mid-to-high-end smartphone based on the Symbian 9.1 UIQ 3.0 platform. The phone sports high quality sound, 3G, Wi-Fi, and a clear 5.0-megapixel camera.[6]

J series: Junior phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson Elm (J10i) Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Hazel (J20i) Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Slider 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson J100 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson Naite (J105) Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Cedar (J108i) Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson J110 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J120 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J132 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J200 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J210 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J220 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J230 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J300 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None

K series: Camera phones [edit]

Some phones have Cyber-shot branding.

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson K200 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K205 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K220 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K300 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K310 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K320 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K330 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K500 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K510 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K530 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K550 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K600 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K610 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K630 Color 2007 D GSM, HSDPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K660i Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K700 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K750 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K770 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K790 Color 2006 D GSM, EDGE Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K800 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K810 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K850 Color 2007 D EDGE, HSDPA Candybar 5-megapixel

M series: Messaging phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson M600 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 1.4-megapixel

P series: PDA phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson P1 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS PDA 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson P800 Color 2002 D GSM PDA VGA
Sony Ericsson P900 Color 2003 D GSM PDA VGA
Sony Ericsson P910 Color 2004 D GSM PDA VGA
Sony Ericsson P990 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS PDA 2-megapixel

R series: Radio phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson R300 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson R306 Color 2008 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel

S series: Style / slider / swivel phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson S302 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S312 Color 2009 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S500 Color 2007 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S600 Color 2005 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S700 Color 2004 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S710 Color 2005 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel

T series: Tela phones[edit]

NOTE: Sony Ericsson may release cell phones in one variants, indicated with a letter after the model number. For example Sony Ericsson t303 released in China was released as Sony Ericsson t303c.

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson T68i Color 2002 D GSM Candybar Accessory (MCA-25 CommuniCam)
Sony Ericsson T100 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T105 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T200 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar Accessory[citation needed]
Sony Ericsson T206 Monochrome 2003 D CDMA, AMPS Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T230 Color 2003 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T250 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson T270 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T280 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T290 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T300 Color 2002 D GSM Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T303 Color 2008 D GSM Slider 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T310 Color 2003 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T600 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T606 Color 2003 D CDMA, AMPS Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T608 Color 2003 D CDMA, AMPS Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T610 Color 2003 D GSM Candybar CIF
Sony Ericsson T630 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson T650 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T700 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T707 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T715 Color 2009 D[7] GSM, UMTS Slider 3.2-megapixel

V series: Vodafone phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson V600 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson V630 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson V640 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson V800 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 1.3-megapixel

W series: Walkman phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson W200 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson W205 Color 2009 D GSM Slider 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W300 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson W302 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W350 Color 2008 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W380 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W395 Color 2009 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W508 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS HSDPA Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W550/W600 Color 2005 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W580 Color 2007 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W595 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W610 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W660 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W700 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W705 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W710 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W715 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W760 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W800 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W810 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W830 Color 2006 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W850 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W880 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W890 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W900 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS swivel 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W902 Color 2008 D GSM, Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W910 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W950 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar None
Sony Ericsson W960 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W980 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W995 Color 2009 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 8.1-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W100 (Spiro) Color 2010 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W20 (Zylo) Color 2010 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W150 (Yendo/Yizo) Color 2010 D GSM, HSDPA Touch 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson WT13 Mix Walkman Color 2011 D GSM, HSDPA Touch 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson WT19 Live Color 2011 D GSM, HSDPA Touch 5-megapixel

NOTE: Sony Ericsson may release cell phones in three variants, indicated with a letter after the model number. Example: W200 was released as W200a (for the Americas), W200c (for China) and W200i (rest of the world). The default release letter for most models is «i» which means international.

X series: Xperia phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera Carrier(s) OS
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Slider 3.2-megapixel Windows Mobile 6.0
Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 Color 2009 D GSM Slider 8.1-megapixel Windows Mobile 6.5
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 Color 2010 D GSM Touchscreen 3.2-megapixel Upgradable Android 1.6-2.1
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Color 2010[8] D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8.1-megapixel with HD video recording NTT docomo Upgradable Android 2.1
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini Color 2010 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel Upgradable Android 1.6-2.1
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5Megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro Color 2010 D GSM, UMTS Slider 5-megapixel Upgradable Android 1.6
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Slider 5-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia arc Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting NTT docomo Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia arc S Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting NTT docomo Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS, CDMA (for Verizon Wireless) Touchscreen 5-megapixel Verizon Wireless (CDMA version) Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia neo Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia neo V Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel with HD video recording Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Slider 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia ray Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia active Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4

Z series: Clamshell phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson Z200 Color 2003 D GSM Clamshell None[9]
Sony Ericsson Z250 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z300 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell 1.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z310 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z320 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z500 Color 2005 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z510 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 2.0-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z520 Color 2005 D GSM Clamshell VGA but extended to 0.9 MP in camera options.
Sony Ericsson Z525a Color 2005 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z530 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z550 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z555 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z558 Color/Touch 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z600 Color 2003 D GSM Clamshell CIF
Sony Ericsson Z610 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z700 Color 2004 GSM Clamshell None[10]
Sony Ericsson Z710 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z750 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z770 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z780 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z800 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z1010 Color 2003 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 2xVGA[11]

Entertainment Unlimited series: Entertainment phones[edit]

The first Entertainment Unlimited phones were announced and launched in 2009, creating a new category where the benefits of audio and images were «combined in smart, good-looking and high-performing devices.» Apart from first-rate audio-visual strength, what these products have in common are differentiating factors in the user interface, borrowing from the wider Sony Group UI-developments. Aino is the first product that connects into the world of the Sony PlayStation remotely via remote media play. Vivaz is the first Sony Ericsson phone supporting high-definition (HD) video capture.

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera OS
Sony Ericsson Satio Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Touchscreen 12.1-megapixel Symbian^1(S60v5)
Sony Ericsson Aino Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Slider 8.1-megapixel A200
Sony Ericsson Yari Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Slider 5-megapixel A200
Sony Ericsson Vivaz Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD Recording Symbian^1(S60v5)
Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Side-Sliding Qwerty-Equipped Touchscreen 5-megapixel with HD Recording Symbian^1(S60v5)

Greenheart phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera OS
Sony Ericsson C901 Greenheart Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Naite Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Cedar Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Elm Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Hazel Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Slider 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Aspen Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA QWERTY/Touch 3-megapixel Windows Mobile 6.5.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia neo Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel Android 2.3


Note: These lists are not intended to be all inclusive. Some information may be missing, or out of date.

Main series Model Intro date Type Notable features
C510 2009, January Candybar Smile Shutter technology; 30 frame/s video recording in QVGA format; Blogger & Facebook integrated; runs Windows Live Messenger; SE Java Platform 8; scratch-resistant display; built in photo editor; can work as a modem
C702 2008, February Candybar IP54 certified
C901 2009, May Candybar 5 MP camera with xenon flash; Smile Shutter technology; environmentally friendly Greenheart series
C902 2008, February Candybar Featured in Quantum of Solace
C903 2009, February Slider Phone GPS; TV-Out
C905 2008, June Slider Phone 8.1 MP camera (xenon flash); GPS; TV-out; originally flagship phone of C series
Main series Model Intro date Type Notable features


Main series Model Size/weight Battery Camera Networks Input Memory[12] Multimedia
C510 107×47×12.5 mm
BST-38 Standard battery, 3.6V Li-Po 930mAh/3.3Wh 3.2 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 100 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C702 106×48×16 mm
BST-33 LiPo battery, 3.6V Li-Po 950mAh 3.2 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 160 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C901 105×45×13 mm
BST-33 LiPo battery, 3.6V Li-Po 950mAh 5 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 110 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C902 108×49×11 mm
Li-Po 5 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 160 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C903 97×49×16 mm
Li-Po 5 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 130 MB MP3, AAC, MP4, 3GPP
C905 104×49×18mm
Li-Po 8.1 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 160 MB MP3, AAC, MP4, 3GPP
Main series Model Size/weight Battery Camera Networks Input Memory[12] Multimedia
Main series Model Connectivity 3G/related Messaging Browser Radio GPS other features
C510 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS NO
C702 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, WCDMA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS Yes
C901 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS NO xenon flash
C902 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS NO has capacitive touch buttons on side of display
C903 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS Yes TV-Out
C905 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS, Wi-Fi SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS Yes Wi-Fi; xenon flash; TV-Out
Main series Model Connectivity 3G/related Messaging Browser Radio GPS other features

Sony Ericsson mobile phones for Japan market[edit]

au by KDDI (previously as IDO and DDI Cellular)[edit]

Walkman Phone, Xmini (W65S) and W61S

  • CDMA 1X WIN models (CDMA2000 1xEV-DO)
    • Cyber-shot Keitai S006 — The world’s first 16.2-megapixel cameraphone with advanced functions. It features CMOS ‘Exmor R’ sensor, dual LED flash, ISO 12800, WIN HIGH SPEED service, and waterproof design. It also supports GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA.
    • BRAVIA Phone S005 — Its design is similar to S004. It supports WIN HIGH SPEED service.
    • URBANO MOND — Designed for active elderly with updated functions and waterproof design.
    • BRAVIA Phone S004 — High-speed waterproof phone from Sony Ericsson BRAVIA lineup using 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. It features OneSeg TV tuner, Motion Flow Lite 60 frame, 8.11-megapixel CMOS camera and supports GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai S003 — The first 12.09-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS cameraphone from Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot lineup with Dual-LED ‘PLASMA’ Flash and waterproof body. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA.
    • URBANO BARONE — Designed for active elderly with large keypad function. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT CDMA.
    • BRAVIA Phone U1 — The first BRAVIA phone for au’s lineup with waterproof body. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT CDMA.
    • Global Keitai S002 — Compact, simple phone with GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM support and Talkman Flash feature.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai S001 — Cyber-shot phone with ‘First-Class’ theme and it is the first Sony Ericsson phone using AMOLED display. It features 8.11-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS sensor, GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA, and premium design.
    • Walkman Phone, Premier³ — Walkman phone which able to rip music directly from CD Player via connector. It features Clear Bass, Clear Stereo, and Sony’s DSEE (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) Technology. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT CDMA.
    • Walkman Phone, Xmini (W65S) — The smallest Walkman phone with illumination music control. It features Clear Bass, Clear Stereo, and Sony’s DSEE (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) Technology.
    • Global Keitai W64S — Global and elegance design with GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM support and Talkman Flash feature.
    • Full Change Keitai re (W63S) — The first Sony Ericsson phone with full-customization support both cover, keypad, antenna, and user-interface.
    • Global Keitai W62S — Global design with GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM support and Talkman Flash feature.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai W61S — The first Cyber-shot phone for au’s lineup. It features 5.11-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS sensor, Smile Shutter Lite, Kaokime Lite, and OneSeg TV Tuner.
    • W54S — Stylish and elegance phone with OneSeg TV Tuner and Bluetooth support.
    • W53S — Stylish phone with selected 100 Style-Up Panel cover.
    • Walkman Keitai W52S — Walkman phone with visual music sensation.
    • W51S — Stylish phone with backlight illumination panel.
    • W44S — 2-way flip multimedia phone with OneSeg TV Tuner support.
    • W43S — Stylish phone with elegance and beauty design.
    • Walkman Keitai W42S — Walkman phone with music style design and illumination music control.
    • W41S — Music-style phone which able to connect to LISMO!
    • W32S — Style-phone with Osaifu-Keitai support.
    • W31S — Multimedia phone designed for music.
    • W21S — The first CDMA 1X WIN model from Sony Ericsson.
  • CDMA2000 1x models
    • A1404S II
    • A1404S
    • A1402S II
    • A1402S
    • A5404S
    • A5402S
    • A1301S
    • A1101S
    • A3014S
  • cdmaOne models
    • C1002S
    • C413S (Sony)
    • C406S (Sony)
    • C404S DIVA / DIVA lite (Sony)
    • C305S (Sony)
    • C101S (Sony)
  • PDC models
    • Digital Minimo 511G (Sony) also called HD-50S
    • Digital Minimo 527G (Sony)
    • Digital Minimo 534G (Sony)
    • Digital Minimo 604G (Sony)
    • Digital Minimo 705G (Sony) also called D306S
  • TACS model
    • TACS Minimo T206 (Sony)

NTT DoCoMo[edit]

  • FOMA models
    • Xperia SO-01B — Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 for Japanese market. It features additional functions like Sony’s music store mora touch.
    • Global Keitai SO706i — Global elegance phone with illumination panel. It uses Linux MOAP(L) operating system and supports WORLD WING 3G.
    • BRAVIA Keitai SO906i — Second BRAVIA(R) phone for Docomo’s lineup.
    • SO705i — Smart elegance phone with illumination panel. It uses Linux MOAP(L) operating system.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai SO905iCS — The first Cyber-shot phone for Docomo’s lineup. It features 5.11-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS camera, Smile Shutter Lite, Kaokime Lite, and Xenon Flash.
    • SO905i — Multimedia phone with touchscreen function.
    • SO704i — Stylish phone with illumination panel on the cover.
    • BRAVIA Keitai SO903iTV — The first Sony Ericsson phone with BRAVIA branded.
    • Aroma Keitai SO703i — Beauty and elegance phone with replaceable aroma sheet in the front cover.
    • SO903i — Premium AV multimedia phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s lineup.
    • FOMASTICK SO902iWP+ — Waterproof phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s lineup.
    • SO702i — Stylish phone with selected Style-Up Panel cover.
    • FOMASTICK SO902i — Candybar model with 3.2-megapixel CMOS camera.

  • mova models
    • RADIDEN (SO213iWR) — The first Sony Ericsson radiophone with AM/FM/TV band and dual-design.
    • premini-IIS (SO506iS) — One of premini series with improved features and fresh design.
    • premini-II (SO506i) — One of premini series with Memory Stick Duo support.
    • premini-S (SO213iS) — One of premini series with sporty design. It doesn’t have external memory slot.
    • SO506iC — The first Sony Ericsson phone for Docomo’s mova lineup with electronic payment Osaifu-Keitai function using Sony FeliCa chip.
    • premini (SO213i) — The first and smallest, compact premini model from Sony Ericsson. It doesn’t have external memory slot.
    • SO505iS — Swivel music phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s mova lineup
    • SO505i — Swivel multimedia phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s mova lineup. It is almost similar to global model S700i.
    • SO212i
    • SO504i
    • SO211i
    • SO503iS (Sony)
    • SO210i (Sony)
    • SO503i (Sony)
    • ER209i (Ericsson)
    • SO502iWM (Sony)
    • SO502i (Sony)
    • SO601ps (Sony)
    • ER207 (Ericsson)
    • SO207 (Sony)
    • ER205 (Ericsson)
    • SO206 (Sony)
    • SO201 (Sony)
    • SO101 (Sony)

SoftBank Mobile (previously as Vodafone and J-Phone)[edit]

  • UMTS model
    • Vodafone 802SE — Vodafone Japan version of the V800
  • PDC model
    • J-SY01 (Sony)


  • PDC models
    • TH291 (Sony) also called SO4
    • TH281 (Sony) also called SO3
    • TH271 (Sony) also called SO2 or Y202
    • TH261 (Sony) also called SO or Y201
    • TH251 (Sony)
    • TH241 (Sony)

Sony Ericsson Japan phones[edit]

Phone model Released Technology Form factor Camera Carrier OS
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro HD IS12S 2012 CDMA 1X WIN. GSM Waterproof Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 12.1-megapixel au Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro HD SO-03D 2012 FOMA, GSM Waterproof Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 12.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA NX SO-02D 2012 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 12.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson URBANO AFFARE 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof flip CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson mini S51SE 2011 W-CDMA, GSM Slate CMOS 5-megapixel EMOBILE Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA PLAY SO-01D 2011 FOMA, GSM Slide CMOS 5-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA ray SO-03C 2011 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro SO-02C 2011 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro IS11S 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel au Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson S007 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof flip CMOS «Exmor R» 16.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson XPERIA arc SO-01C 2011 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson iida G11 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof Slide CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone S006 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof Slide CMOS «Exmor R» 16.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone S005 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof 2-way flip CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson URBANO MOND 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof flip CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone S004 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof 2-way flip CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone S003 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof Slide CMOS «Exmor» 12.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson XPERIA SO-01B 2010 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.1.6 (Donut), Android OS Ver.2.1 (Eclair)
Sony Ericsson URBANO BARONE 2009 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 5.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone U1 2009 CDMA 1X WIN Waterproof 2-way flip CMOS 5.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson S002 2009 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson iida G9 2009 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone S001 2009 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Slide CMOS «Exmor» 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone, Premier³ 2009 CDMA 1X WIN 2-way flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone, Xmini 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Slide Not Available au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson W64S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson re 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson SO706i 2008 FOMA, GSM Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Linux + MOAP(L)
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone SO906i 2008 FOMA, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.9.3 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W62S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone W61S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS «Exmor» 5.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson SO705i 2008 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Linux + MOAP(L)
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone SO905iCS 2008 FOMA, GSM Slide CMOS «Exmor» 5.1-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.9.3 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W54S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson SO905i 2007 FOMA, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.9.3 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W53S 2007 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone W52S 2007 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson SO704i 2007 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone SO903iTV 2007 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W51S 2007 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson SO703i 2007 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W44S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN 2-way flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson SO903i 2006 FOMA Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W43S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone W42S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson FOMASTICK SO902iWP+ 2006 FOMA Stick CMOS 1.3-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson SO702i 2006 FOMA Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson FOMASTICK SO902i 2006 FOMA Stick CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W41S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson RADIDEN 2005 mova Stick Not Available docomo
Sony Ericsson W32S 2005 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson A1404SII 2005 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson premini-IIS 2005 mova Stick CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson W31S 2005 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson premini-II 2005 mova Stick CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson A1404S 2005 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson SoftBank 802SE 2004 SoftBank 3G, GSM Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel SoftBank
Sony Ericsson premini-S 2004 mova Stick Not Available docomo
Sony Ericsson A1402SII 2004 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson W21S 2004 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CCD 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson SO506iC 2004 mova Swivel CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson premini 2004 mova Stick Not Available docomo
Sony Ericsson A1402S 2004 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson A5404S 2003 CDMA 1X Flip CCD 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson SO505iS 2003 CDMA 1X Swivel CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson A5402S 2003 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au
Sony Ericsson SO505i 2003 mova Swivel CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson A1301S 2002 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au
Sony Ericsson A1101S 2002 CDMA 1X Flip au
Sony Ericsson SO212i 2002 mova Flip docomo
Sony Ericsson A3104S 2002 CDMA 1X Flip au
Sony Ericsson SO504i 2002 mova Flip docomo
Sony Ericsson SO211i 2002 mova Flip docomo
Sony Ericsson C1002S 2001 cdmaOne Flip au

PC Cards or USB mobile modems[edit]

  • Sony Ericsson GC75e GPRS PC card Modem
  • Sony Ericsson GC79 GPRS/802.11b Wireless LAN PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC82 EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC83 EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC85 EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC89 EDGE/GPRS/802.11g Wireless LAN PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC95 UMTS/EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC99 UMTS/EDGE/GPRS/802.11g Wireless LAN PC card
  • Sony Ericsson MD300 Mobile Broadband USB Modem HSDPA/UMTS/EDGE/GPRS


Note: Lists are incomplete. Some information may be missing.

Bluetooth headsets[edit]

  • Sony Ericsson HBH-35
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-300
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-60
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-65
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-GV435
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-600
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-602
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-608
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-610(a)
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-660
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-662
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV700
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV703
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV705
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV708
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV710
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV712
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV715
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV720
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV740
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV770
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-IV835
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-IV840
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-200 (12 character backlit display)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS200 (Stereo) (3.5 mm jack)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS205 (Stereo) (3.5 mm jack)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS220 (Stereo) (3.5 mm jack)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS970 (Stereo) (LCD)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS980 (Stereo) (OLED display)
  • Sony Ericsson MH100 (3.5 mm jack + touch volume control + LED indicator) (bundled with HPM-78 in-ear plugs)
  • Sony Ericsson MW600 (3.5 mm jack + touch volume control + OLED display + μUSB) (bundled with HPM-78 in-ear plugs)
  • Sony Ericsson VH-110
  • Sony Ericsson VH-410
  • Sony Ericsson VH-300 (mono)
  • Sony Ericsson VH-700 (mono) (noise shield + μUSB)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800

Car-kits (handsfree)[edit]

  • HCA-20 (11pin)
  • HCA-200 (11pin)
  • HCA-60 (fastport)
  • HCB-30 (bluetooth)
  • HCB-300 (bluetooth)
  • HCB-400 (bluetooth)
  • HCB-700 (LCD) (bluetooth)
  • HCE-14 (gooseneck microphone) (11pin)
  • HCE-24 (gooseneck microphone)
  • CHH-300 car headset charger/holder
  • HCE-16 (Advanced Music Mute) add-on for HCA-20/200
  • HCE-26 (stereo music mute) add-on for HCA-60

sun visor handsfree (bluetooth)

  • HCB-100
  • HCB-105
  • HCB-108
  • HCB-120
  • HCB-150

HCH-xx phone holder

Bluetooth watches[edit]

  • Sony Ericsson MBW-100
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Music Edition
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Executive Edition
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Classic Edition
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-200 Contemporary Elegance
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-200 Evening Classic
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-200 Sparkling Allure
  • Sony Ericsson LiveView (MN800) (also included in XP111 Fitness Experience Pack) (Android only!)


Bluetooth speakers[edit]

  • MBS-100 stylish bluetooth speaker (with same charging port as HBH-DS205)
  • MBS-200 bluetooth speaker (2 watts) with OLED display (uses BST-38 battery inside) (uses fastport charger) (also has 3.5mm input)
  • MBS-400 bluetooth stereo speaker set — consists of MBS-200 as primary speaker and MPS-200 as secondary stereo speaker (connected via 3.5mm, no bluetooth, both need power)
  • MBS-900 bluetooth speaker with integrated subwoofer (also has 3.5mm input)
  • MS-500 waterproof outdoor bluetooth speaker (2xAA battery driven)
  • RA3000 Wireless 360 Reality Audio[14]
  • RA5000 Wireless 360 Reality Audio High-Resolution Audio[15]

Non-bluetooth speakers[edit]

  • MDS-60 desktop stand dock speaker (5 watts RMS) (either driven by battery or wall socket)
  • MDS-65 desktop stand dock speaker (either driven by batteries (5xAAA) or wall socket)
  • MDS-70 (CPF-MP001) 2.1 audio dock cradle with iR remote control

the following speaker drain their power from fastport (no batteries or wall socked needed):

  • MPS-30
  • MPS-60
  • MPS-70
  • MPS-75 portable stereo speaker that attaches to the fast port of Sony Ericsson mobile phones to allow loud music playback.
  • MPS-80
  • MPS-100
  • MAS-100 Zip hard case (splashproof) for phone with integrated speaker
  • MS-410 snap-on speaker stand

newer products without fastport:

  • MS-430 Portable Media Speaker Stand with 3.5 mm jack and 2xAA batteries
  • MS-450 Portable Audio Speakers for X8, X10, X10 Mini Pro only (has 3.5 mm jack but needs special connector for power)

Handsfree headsets (cabled)[edit]

fastport models:

  • HPB-10 / HPM-20 / HPS-20 / HPB-20 (mono / mono / mono / stereo) headset for old Ericsson phones with the old (11pin) connector (e.g. T610/T630/K300)
  • HPM-10 stereo headset that includes an MMC card slot to allow the playback of mp3 music files (for various older Sony Ericsson mobile phones) (11pin)
  • HPS-60 mono headset with non-removable jogging earbud (white-blue)
  • HPB-60 mono headset with non-removable earbud (silver)
  • HPM-61 stereo headset with non-removable earbuds (silver)
  • HPM-62 stereo headset with non-removable earbuds (black)
  • HPM-64 stereo headset included with some of the company phones, including a few walkman branded ones. This walkman branded version of this headset is also branded with BassReflex, which is a technology that improves the Bass quality. First headset with 3.5 mm jack to swap headphones. Comes in trendy colors.
  • HPM-65 similar to HPM-64, but with jogging earplugs (earbuds which are half in-ear)
  • HPM-66 similar to HPM-65, but with regular jogging earbuds — only one color (gray)
  • HPM-70 stereo handsfree telephone headset is bundled with many of the company’s phones. A microphone, call answer key and 3.5 mm jack to swap headphones are all built-in. Has in-ear plugs.
  • HPM-75 fixed up the issues relating to the HPM-70’s microphone — that is, when it picked up too much environmental sound — along with an upgrade in audio quality. (Not compatible with <=DB2010 phones e.g. K750, W810, …)
  • HPM-77 similar to HPM-75.
  • HPM-80 stereo handsfree with built-in radio receiver, music controls and an lcd screen used to display current fm radio frequency. (compatible with W900i only).
  • HPM-82 stereo handsfree with built-in music controls that is bundled with some of the walkman branded mobile phones.
  • HPM-83 stereo (standard) handsfree with neckband.
  • HPM-85 full size stereo headphones for Sony ericsson mobile phones. Has same control unit with microphone as HPM-82.
  • HPM-88 stereo handsfree with noise cancelling function and non-removable in-ear plugs ( — due to the second microphone being inside one earplug).
  • HPM-90 stereo handsfree with OLED display and music navigation.
  • HGE-100 stereo handsfree (similar to HPM-82) with GPS built-in.
  • MH-300 stereo handsfree with non-removable earbuds — Greenheart series
  • MH-907 motion activated stereo handsfree with non-removable in-ear plugs

trrs 4-pole 3.5 mm jack (omtp only?) models:

  • HPM-60J has non-removable earbuds
  • HPM-77/J same as HPM-77 but with 3.5 mm jack
  • MH-500 has removable earbuds
  • MH-700 has removable in-ear plugs
  • MH-810 has non-removable earbuds with remote control (for Xperia X10 mini (pro) and Xperia X8 only)
  • further headsets with non-removable headphones: VH50 (mono), MH410, MH610, MH650, MH710, MH750, MH1

Cables and charger[edit]

  • ITC-60 TV-Out Cable (for C903, C905, Satio only)
  • MMC-60 RCA stereo cable
  • MMC-70 headphone jack stereo cable
  • HCE-12 Antenna cable
  • HCE-16 Mute cable for radio
  • HCC-11/13/20/30 System cable for HCH-xx car holder
  • CBC-100 Battery Charger (external battery charger)
  • CPP-100 Power Pack (use your extra battery as ‘powerbank’)


  • DCU-10 / DCU-11 For old Ericsson phones (11pin)
  • DCU-60 Standard fastport USB cable (ca. 140cm)
  • DCU-65 Fastport USB cable with ferrite ring core (ca. 35cm/75cm)

wall charger[edit]

  • CTR-10 Ericsson travel charger (old models)
  • CST-13 450mA for old Ericsson phones only
  • CST-15 350mA energy saving travel charger
  • CST-18 350mA headset/handsfree travel charger
  • CST-60 450mA
  • CST-61 450mA headset/handsfree charger
  • CST-70 700mA
  • CST-75 750mA (has female fastport connector to attach e.g. headset while charging)
  • CST-80 700mA USB-A charger
  • CMT-60 Micro travel charger (charge phone with AC-plug or 2xAA batteries [powerbank-like] — does not charge AA-batteries)
  • CMT-10 Micro travel charger (similar to CMT-60, but without batteries)

car charger[edit]

  • CLA-11 Car charger (for old Ericsson phones)
  • CLA-60 Car charger for cigar lighter
  • AN402 / AN401 / AN402 car charger for cigar lighter (1200mA USB-A socket with cable)
  • AN-300 (micro-USB only)

Docking stations[edit]

  • CDW-10 Desktop charger for Ericsson phones (11pin)
  • DSS-20 / DSS-25 SyncStation for older Sony Ericsson phones (11pin) (with serial interface, e.g. T610/T630/K300)
  • CSS-25 Desk Speaker Stand (similar to DSS-20/25, but with integrated speaker and buttons) (11pin)
  • CDS-60 / CDS-65 Docking station
  • CDS-75 Desk Stand
  • MPP-60 Docking station with RCA cable (Music Power Pack)
  • MRC-60 Docking station with iR remote control (uses ATmega168V μC)
  • EC-100 Docking station only for Aino
  • DK300 Multimedia Dock only for Xperia Play

Other products[edit]

  • MMR-70 FM transmitter (uses ATmega32L μC)
  • MBR-100 Bluetooth music receiver
  • CAR-100 R/C car (bluetooth — Android OSS project available)
  • CCR-70 Memory Stick Micro (M2) USB cardreader
  • IM-502 / IPK-100 Tripod for photo/video recording
  • ISP-20/25/30/35/40/60/70/80/90 Stylus Pack
  • MMV-200 Media Viewer Bluetooth (RCA + VGA out) (CF-Card, Memory Stick, SD Memory Card)
  • MMV-100 Media Viewer Bluetooth (SCART)
  • MXE-60 Add-on Xenon flash for various older Sony Ericsson mobile phones (e.g. W810i)
  • MPF-10 Add-on LED flash for the old Ericsson phones with the old (11pin) connector (e.g. T610/T630/K300/etc.)
  • MCA-10 / MCA-20 / MCA-25 / MCA-30 Cell Phone Digital Camera for older Sony Ericsson mobile phones (also known as the CommuniCam). (11pin)
  • EGB-10 Gameboard is supposed to show the advantages in the preinstalled game «V-Rally 2» (e.g. for Z600 and T630) (11pin)

See also[edit]

  • List of Ericsson products
  • List of Sony products
  • Mylo (Sony)


  1. ^ a b Catanzariti, Ross (2008-06-10). «Sony Ericsson C902». PC World. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
  2. ^ «Sony Ericsson C902 — nice try (Page 6)». MobileArsenal.com. 2008-04-16. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
  3. ^ Spiridonov, Anton (2008). «Reviews and Tests: Sony Ericsson C902». Archived from the original on 2008-07-01. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
  4. ^ «Sony Ericsson G700 — Full phone specifications». Retrieved November 26, 2008.
  5. ^ «Mobile-review.com Review of GSM/UMTS-smartphone Sony Ericsson G700». Retrieved November 26, 2008.
  6. ^ «Sony Ericsson G900 — Full phone specifications». Retrieved May 12, 2008.
  7. ^ «Sony Ericsson T715 — Best Deals on Contract Prices from Mobiles.co.uk». Archived from the original on 2011-10-04. Retrieved 2011-01-25.
  8. ^ Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 introduces an open and integrated world of social media, communication and entertainment Archived 2009-11-06 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ «Sony Ericsson Z200 — Full phone specifications». www.gsmarena.com. Retrieved 2017-02-22.
  10. ^ Throwback Reviews (2014-01-30), Sony Ericsson Z700 — Throwback Review, Episode 1, retrieved 2017-02-22
  11. ^ «Sony Ericsson Z1010 Review | ZDNet». ZDNet. Retrieved 2017-02-22.
  12. ^ a b Internal Memory. Does not include other sources
  13. ^ «Sony Ericsson compatibility list» (PDF).
  14. ^ O’Donnell, Deirdre (11 January 2021). «Sony launches new wireless speakers with 360 Reality Audio». Notebookcheck.net. Retrieved 11 January 2021.
  15. ^ O’Donnell, Deirdre (11 January 2021). «Sony launches new wireless speakers with 360 Reality Audio». Notebookcheck.net. Retrieved 11 January 2021.

External links[edit]

  • Complete list of current phones from Sony Ericsson Archived 2012-02-20 at the Wayback Machine

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The following is a list of products manufactured under the Sony Ericsson brand. Most of the models have been released under multiple names, depending on region of release, currently usually indicated by a letter added to the end of the model number (‘i’ for international, ‘a’ for North America, and ‘c’ for mainland China), but indicated on some (mostly older) models by a slightly differing model number. Typically, there is one version for the European and US market, and another for the Asian market. However, some models have yet more versions. Most «Walkman» branded models are also released as a non-Walkman version; such as Sony Ericsson W580 and the S500. These versions usually differ only slightly.

International phones[edit]

Phones in boldface indicates that the phone is a smartphone.

S = Status, where P indicates under production, D is discontinued and U indicates upcoming .

C series: Cyber-shot[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson C510 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C702 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C901 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C902 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C903 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS Slider 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson C905 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Slider 8.1-megapixel


The Sony Ericsson C902 was released during the second quarter of 2008. It is a java based feature device running on Sony Ericsson’s proprietary A200 platform. A special feature was the presence of 8 touch sensitive keys using capacitive technology for the camera mode. The camera technology includes face detection and the music player is similar to the system used on the company’s «Walkman» series handsets. The phone is the first in Sony Ericsson’s new ‘Cyber-shot’ C-series of phones, designed to be a successor to the popular K800i and the K850.[1] The C902 is featured in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, and has been praised for its user interface[1] design and its build quality.[2] Although the device received favorable reviews, analysts did not expect it to reach the same level of popularity or sales as its predecessor, the K800i, because it was not intended to be a «flagship model.»[3]

CK series: Messaging phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson txt(CK13) Color 2011 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson txt Pro(CK15) Color 2011 D GSM Side-Sliding Qwerty-Equipped Touchscreen 3.15-megapixel

F series: Fun phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson Jalou (F100i) Color 2009 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson F305 Color 2008 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson F500i Color 2004 D GSM Candybar 1.1-megapixel

G series: Generation web phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson G502 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson G700 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson G705 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson G900 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 5-megapixel


The Sony Ericsson G700 was announced at the Mobile World Congress (formerly 3GSM congress) February 2008 and is based on the Symbian OS 9.1 UIQ 3.0 platform.[4] The handset has had below average reviews, with a lot of reviewers criticizing the phone for being priced too high as the better equipped G900 is in the same price bracket while others have lamented the fact that Sony Ericsson chose to implement the same technology that had been presented in late 2006 in the P1.[5] A «business edition» also exists for the Sony Ericsson G700, which has no camera.


Announced at the 2008 Mobile World Congress (formerly 3GSM congress) in February of that year, G900 is a mid-to-high-end smartphone based on the Symbian 9.1 UIQ 3.0 platform. The phone sports high quality sound, 3G, Wi-Fi, and a clear 5.0-megapixel camera.[6]

J series: Junior phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson Elm (J10i) Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Hazel (J20i) Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Slider 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson J100 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson Naite (J105) Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Cedar (J108i) Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson J110 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J120 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J132 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J200 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J210 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J220 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J230 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson J300 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar None

K series: Camera phones [edit]

Some phones have Cyber-shot branding.

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson K200 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K205 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K220 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K300 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K310 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K320 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K330 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K500 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K510 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K530 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K550 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K600 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K610 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K630 Color 2007 D GSM, HSDPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K660i Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K700 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson K750 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K770 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K790 Color 2006 D GSM, EDGE Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K800 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K810 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson K850 Color 2007 D EDGE, HSDPA Candybar 5-megapixel

M series: Messaging phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson M600 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 1.4-megapixel

P series: PDA phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson P1 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS PDA 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson P800 Color 2002 D GSM PDA VGA
Sony Ericsson P900 Color 2003 D GSM PDA VGA
Sony Ericsson P910 Color 2004 D GSM PDA VGA
Sony Ericsson P990 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS PDA 2-megapixel

R series: Radio phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson R300 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson R306 Color 2008 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel

S series: Style / slider / swivel phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson S302 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S312 Color 2009 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S500 Color 2007 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S600 Color 2005 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S700 Color 2004 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson S710 Color 2005 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel

T series: Tela phones[edit]

NOTE: Sony Ericsson may release cell phones in one variants, indicated with a letter after the model number. For example Sony Ericsson t303 released in China was released as Sony Ericsson t303c.

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson T68i Color 2002 D GSM Candybar Accessory (MCA-25 CommuniCam)
Sony Ericsson T100 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T105 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T200 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar Accessory[citation needed]
Sony Ericsson T206 Monochrome 2003 D CDMA, AMPS Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T230 Color 2003 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T250 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson T270 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T280 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T290 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T300 Color 2002 D GSM Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T303 Color 2008 D GSM Slider 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T310 Color 2003 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T600 Monochrome 2002 D GSM Candybar None
Sony Ericsson T606 Color 2003 D CDMA, AMPS Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T608 Color 2003 D CDMA, AMPS Candybar Accessory
Sony Ericsson T610 Color 2003 D GSM Candybar CIF
Sony Ericsson T630 Color 2004 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson T650 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T700 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T707 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson T715 Color 2009 D[7] GSM, UMTS Slider 3.2-megapixel

V series: Vodafone phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson V600 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson V630 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson V640 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson V800 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 1.3-megapixel

W series: Walkman phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson W200 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar VGA
Sony Ericsson W205 Color 2009 D GSM Slider 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W300 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson W302 Color 2008 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W350 Color 2008 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W380 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W395 Color 2009 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W508 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS HSDPA Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W550/W600 Color 2005 D GSM Swivel 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W580 Color 2007 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W595 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS, HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W610 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W660 Color 2007 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W700 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W705 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W710 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W715 Color 2009 D GSM, UMTS HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W760 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W800 Color 2005 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W810 Color 2006 D GSM Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W830 Color 2006 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W850 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W880 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W890 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W900 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS swivel 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W902 Color 2008 D GSM, Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W910 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W950 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar None
Sony Ericsson W960 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Candybar 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W980 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W995 Color 2009 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 8.1-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W100 (Spiro) Color 2010 D GSM Slider 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W20 (Zylo) Color 2010 D GSM, HSDPA Slider 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson W150 (Yendo/Yizo) Color 2010 D GSM, HSDPA Touch 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson WT13 Mix Walkman Color 2011 D GSM, HSDPA Touch 3.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson WT19 Live Color 2011 D GSM, HSDPA Touch 5-megapixel

NOTE: Sony Ericsson may release cell phones in three variants, indicated with a letter after the model number. Example: W200 was released as W200a (for the Americas), W200c (for China) and W200i (rest of the world). The default release letter for most models is «i» which means international.

X series: Xperia phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera Carrier(s) OS
Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 Color 2008 D GSM, UMTS Slider 3.2-megapixel Windows Mobile 6.0
Sony Ericsson Xperia X2 Color 2009 D GSM Slider 8.1-megapixel Windows Mobile 6.5
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 Color 2010 D GSM Touchscreen 3.2-megapixel Upgradable Android 1.6-2.1
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Color 2010[8] D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8.1-megapixel with HD video recording NTT docomo Upgradable Android 2.1
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini Color 2010 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel Upgradable Android 1.6-2.1
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5Megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro Color 2010 D GSM, UMTS Slider 5-megapixel Upgradable Android 1.6
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Slider 5-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia arc Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting NTT docomo Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia arc S Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting NTT docomo Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS, CDMA (for Verizon Wireless) Touchscreen 5-megapixel Verizon Wireless (CDMA version) Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia neo Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia neo V Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel with HD video recording Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Slider 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia ray Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4
Sony Ericsson Xperia active Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel with HD video recording and ExmorR shooting Android 2.3-4.0.4

Z series: Clamshell phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera
Sony Ericsson Z200 Color 2003 D GSM Clamshell None[9]
Sony Ericsson Z250 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z300 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell 1.2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z310 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z320 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z500 Color 2005 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z510 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 2.0-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z520 Color 2005 D GSM Clamshell VGA but extended to 0.9 MP in camera options.
Sony Ericsson Z525a Color 2005 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z530 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell VGA
Sony Ericsson Z550 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z555 Color 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z558 Color/Touch 2007 D GSM Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z600 Color 2003 D GSM Clamshell CIF
Sony Ericsson Z610 Color 2006 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z700 Color 2004 GSM Clamshell None[10]
Sony Ericsson Z710 Color 2006 D GSM Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z750 Color 2007 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z770 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z780 Color 2008 D GSM, HSDPA Clamshell 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z800 Color 2005 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 1.3-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Z1010 Color 2003 D GSM, UMTS Clamshell 2xVGA[11]

Entertainment Unlimited series: Entertainment phones[edit]

The first Entertainment Unlimited phones were announced and launched in 2009, creating a new category where the benefits of audio and images were «combined in smart, good-looking and high-performing devices.» Apart from first-rate audio-visual strength, what these products have in common are differentiating factors in the user interface, borrowing from the wider Sony Group UI-developments. Aino is the first product that connects into the world of the Sony PlayStation remotely via remote media play. Vivaz is the first Sony Ericsson phone supporting high-definition (HD) video capture.

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera OS
Sony Ericsson Satio Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Touchscreen 12.1-megapixel Symbian^1(S60v5)
Sony Ericsson Aino Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Slider 8.1-megapixel A200
Sony Ericsson Yari Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Slider 5-megapixel A200
Sony Ericsson Vivaz Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Touchscreen 8-megapixel with HD Recording Symbian^1(S60v5)
Sony Ericsson Vivaz Pro Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Side-Sliding Qwerty-Equipped Touchscreen 5-megapixel with HD Recording Symbian^1(S60v5)

Greenheart phones[edit]

Phone model Screen type Released S Technology Form factor Camera OS
Sony Ericsson C901 Greenheart Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Naite Color 2009 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Cedar Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 2-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Elm Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Candybar 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Hazel Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA Slider 5-megapixel
Sony Ericsson Aspen Color 2010 D GSM, HSPA QWERTY/Touch 3-megapixel Windows Mobile 6.5.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia neo Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia mini pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 5-megapixel Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia pro Color 2011 D GSM, UMTS Touchscreen 8-megapixel Android 2.3


Note: These lists are not intended to be all inclusive. Some information may be missing, or out of date.

Main series Model Intro date Type Notable features
C510 2009, January Candybar Smile Shutter technology; 30 frame/s video recording in QVGA format; Blogger & Facebook integrated; runs Windows Live Messenger; SE Java Platform 8; scratch-resistant display; built in photo editor; can work as a modem
C702 2008, February Candybar IP54 certified
C901 2009, May Candybar 5 MP camera with xenon flash; Smile Shutter technology; environmentally friendly Greenheart series
C902 2008, February Candybar Featured in Quantum of Solace
C903 2009, February Slider Phone GPS; TV-Out
C905 2008, June Slider Phone 8.1 MP camera (xenon flash); GPS; TV-out; originally flagship phone of C series
Main series Model Intro date Type Notable features


Main series Model Size/weight Battery Camera Networks Input Memory[12] Multimedia
C510 107×47×12.5 mm
BST-38 Standard battery, 3.6V Li-Po 930mAh/3.3Wh 3.2 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 100 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C702 106×48×16 mm
BST-33 LiPo battery, 3.6V Li-Po 950mAh 3.2 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 160 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C901 105×45×13 mm
BST-33 LiPo battery, 3.6V Li-Po 950mAh 5 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 110 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C902 108×49×11 mm
Li-Po 5 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 160 MB MP3, MP4, AAC, 3GPP
C903 97×49×16 mm
Li-Po 5 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 130 MB MP3, AAC, MP4, 3GPP
C905 104×49×18mm
Li-Po 8.1 MP GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA Keypad Up to 160 MB MP3, AAC, MP4, 3GPP
Main series Model Size/weight Battery Camera Networks Input Memory[12] Multimedia
Main series Model Connectivity 3G/related Messaging Browser Radio GPS other features
C510 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS NO
C702 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, WCDMA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS Yes
C901 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS NO xenon flash
C902 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS NO has capacitive touch buttons on side of display
C903 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS Yes TV-Out
C905 Bluetooth, USB 3G, HSDPA, GPRS, Wi-Fi SMS, IM, Email, MMS HTML Yes with RDS Yes Wi-Fi; xenon flash; TV-Out
Main series Model Connectivity 3G/related Messaging Browser Radio GPS other features

Sony Ericsson mobile phones for Japan market[edit]

au by KDDI (previously as IDO and DDI Cellular)[edit]

Walkman Phone, Xmini (W65S) and W61S

  • CDMA 1X WIN models (CDMA2000 1xEV-DO)
    • Cyber-shot Keitai S006 — The world’s first 16.2-megapixel cameraphone with advanced functions. It features CMOS ‘Exmor R’ sensor, dual LED flash, ISO 12800, WIN HIGH SPEED service, and waterproof design. It also supports GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA.
    • BRAVIA Phone S005 — Its design is similar to S004. It supports WIN HIGH SPEED service.
    • URBANO MOND — Designed for active elderly with updated functions and waterproof design.
    • BRAVIA Phone S004 — High-speed waterproof phone from Sony Ericsson BRAVIA lineup using 1 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor. It features OneSeg TV tuner, Motion Flow Lite 60 frame, 8.11-megapixel CMOS camera and supports GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai S003 — The first 12.09-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS cameraphone from Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot lineup with Dual-LED ‘PLASMA’ Flash and waterproof body. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA.
    • URBANO BARONE — Designed for active elderly with large keypad function. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT CDMA.
    • BRAVIA Phone U1 — The first BRAVIA phone for au’s lineup with waterproof body. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT CDMA.
    • Global Keitai S002 — Compact, simple phone with GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM support and Talkman Flash feature.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai S001 — Cyber-shot phone with ‘First-Class’ theme and it is the first Sony Ericsson phone using AMOLED display. It features 8.11-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS sensor, GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM & CDMA, and premium design.
    • Walkman Phone, Premier³ — Walkman phone which able to rip music directly from CD Player via connector. It features Clear Bass, Clear Stereo, and Sony’s DSEE (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) Technology. It supports GLOBAL PASSPORT CDMA.
    • Walkman Phone, Xmini (W65S) — The smallest Walkman phone with illumination music control. It features Clear Bass, Clear Stereo, and Sony’s DSEE (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine) Technology.
    • Global Keitai W64S — Global and elegance design with GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM support and Talkman Flash feature.
    • Full Change Keitai re (W63S) — The first Sony Ericsson phone with full-customization support both cover, keypad, antenna, and user-interface.
    • Global Keitai W62S — Global design with GLOBAL PASSPORT GSM support and Talkman Flash feature.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai W61S — The first Cyber-shot phone for au’s lineup. It features 5.11-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS sensor, Smile Shutter Lite, Kaokime Lite, and OneSeg TV Tuner.
    • W54S — Stylish and elegance phone with OneSeg TV Tuner and Bluetooth support.
    • W53S — Stylish phone with selected 100 Style-Up Panel cover.
    • Walkman Keitai W52S — Walkman phone with visual music sensation.
    • W51S — Stylish phone with backlight illumination panel.
    • W44S — 2-way flip multimedia phone with OneSeg TV Tuner support.
    • W43S — Stylish phone with elegance and beauty design.
    • Walkman Keitai W42S — Walkman phone with music style design and illumination music control.
    • W41S — Music-style phone which able to connect to LISMO!
    • W32S — Style-phone with Osaifu-Keitai support.
    • W31S — Multimedia phone designed for music.
    • W21S — The first CDMA 1X WIN model from Sony Ericsson.
  • CDMA2000 1x models
    • A1404S II
    • A1404S
    • A1402S II
    • A1402S
    • A5404S
    • A5402S
    • A1301S
    • A1101S
    • A3014S
  • cdmaOne models
    • C1002S
    • C413S (Sony)
    • C406S (Sony)
    • C404S DIVA / DIVA lite (Sony)
    • C305S (Sony)
    • C101S (Sony)
  • PDC models
    • Digital Minimo 511G (Sony) also called HD-50S
    • Digital Minimo 527G (Sony)
    • Digital Minimo 534G (Sony)
    • Digital Minimo 604G (Sony)
    • Digital Minimo 705G (Sony) also called D306S
  • TACS model
    • TACS Minimo T206 (Sony)

NTT DoCoMo[edit]

  • FOMA models
    • Xperia SO-01B — Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 for Japanese market. It features additional functions like Sony’s music store mora touch.
    • Global Keitai SO706i — Global elegance phone with illumination panel. It uses Linux MOAP(L) operating system and supports WORLD WING 3G.
    • BRAVIA Keitai SO906i — Second BRAVIA(R) phone for Docomo’s lineup.
    • SO705i — Smart elegance phone with illumination panel. It uses Linux MOAP(L) operating system.
    • Cyber-shot Keitai SO905iCS — The first Cyber-shot phone for Docomo’s lineup. It features 5.11-megapixel ‘Exmor’ CMOS camera, Smile Shutter Lite, Kaokime Lite, and Xenon Flash.
    • SO905i — Multimedia phone with touchscreen function.
    • SO704i — Stylish phone with illumination panel on the cover.
    • BRAVIA Keitai SO903iTV — The first Sony Ericsson phone with BRAVIA branded.
    • Aroma Keitai SO703i — Beauty and elegance phone with replaceable aroma sheet in the front cover.
    • SO903i — Premium AV multimedia phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s lineup.
    • FOMASTICK SO902iWP+ — Waterproof phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s lineup.
    • SO702i — Stylish phone with selected Style-Up Panel cover.
    • FOMASTICK SO902i — Candybar model with 3.2-megapixel CMOS camera.

  • mova models
    • RADIDEN (SO213iWR) — The first Sony Ericsson radiophone with AM/FM/TV band and dual-design.
    • premini-IIS (SO506iS) — One of premini series with improved features and fresh design.
    • premini-II (SO506i) — One of premini series with Memory Stick Duo support.
    • premini-S (SO213iS) — One of premini series with sporty design. It doesn’t have external memory slot.
    • SO506iC — The first Sony Ericsson phone for Docomo’s mova lineup with electronic payment Osaifu-Keitai function using Sony FeliCa chip.
    • premini (SO213i) — The first and smallest, compact premini model from Sony Ericsson. It doesn’t have external memory slot.
    • SO505iS — Swivel music phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s mova lineup
    • SO505i — Swivel multimedia phone from Sony Ericsson for Docomo’s mova lineup. It is almost similar to global model S700i.
    • SO212i
    • SO504i
    • SO211i
    • SO503iS (Sony)
    • SO210i (Sony)
    • SO503i (Sony)
    • ER209i (Ericsson)
    • SO502iWM (Sony)
    • SO502i (Sony)
    • SO601ps (Sony)
    • ER207 (Ericsson)
    • SO207 (Sony)
    • ER205 (Ericsson)
    • SO206 (Sony)
    • SO201 (Sony)
    • SO101 (Sony)

SoftBank Mobile (previously as Vodafone and J-Phone)[edit]

  • UMTS model
    • Vodafone 802SE — Vodafone Japan version of the V800
  • PDC model
    • J-SY01 (Sony)


  • PDC models
    • TH291 (Sony) also called SO4
    • TH281 (Sony) also called SO3
    • TH271 (Sony) also called SO2 or Y202
    • TH261 (Sony) also called SO or Y201
    • TH251 (Sony)
    • TH241 (Sony)

Sony Ericsson Japan phones[edit]

Phone model Released Technology Form factor Camera Carrier OS
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro HD IS12S 2012 CDMA 1X WIN. GSM Waterproof Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 12.1-megapixel au Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro HD SO-03D 2012 FOMA, GSM Waterproof Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 12.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA NX SO-02D 2012 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 12.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson URBANO AFFARE 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof flip CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson mini S51SE 2011 W-CDMA, GSM Slate CMOS 5-megapixel EMOBILE Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA PLAY SO-01D 2011 FOMA, GSM Slide CMOS 5-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA ray SO-03C 2011 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro SO-02C 2011 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson XPERIA acro IS11S 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel au Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson S007 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof flip CMOS «Exmor R» 16.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson XPERIA arc SO-01C 2011 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS «Exmor R» 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.2.3 (Gingerbread)
Sony Ericsson iida G11 2011 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof Slide CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone S006 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof Slide CMOS «Exmor R» 16.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone S005 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof 2-way flip CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson URBANO MOND 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof flip CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone S004 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof 2-way flip CMOS 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone S003 2010 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Waterproof Slide CMOS «Exmor» 12.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson XPERIA SO-01B 2010 FOMA, GSM Slate CMOS 8.1-megapixel docomo Android OS Ver.1.6 (Donut), Android OS Ver.2.1 (Eclair)
Sony Ericsson URBANO BARONE 2009 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 5.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone U1 2009 CDMA 1X WIN Waterproof 2-way flip CMOS 5.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson S002 2009 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson iida G9 2009 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone S001 2009 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Slide CMOS «Exmor» 8.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone, Premier³ 2009 CDMA 1X WIN 2-way flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone, Xmini 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Slide Not Available au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson W64S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson re 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson SO706i 2008 FOMA, GSM Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Linux + MOAP(L)
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone SO906i 2008 FOMA, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.9.3 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W62S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN, GSM Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone W61S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS «Exmor» 5.1-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson SO705i 2008 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Linux + MOAP(L)
Sony Ericsson Cyber-shot Phone SO905iCS 2008 FOMA, GSM Slide CMOS «Exmor» 5.1-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.9.3 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W54S 2008 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au KDDI Common Platform Plus
Sony Ericsson SO905i 2007 FOMA, GSM Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.9.3 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W53S 2007 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone W52S 2007 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson SO704i 2007 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson BRAVIA Phone SO903iTV 2007 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W51S 2007 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson SO703i 2007 FOMA Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W44S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN 2-way flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson SO903i 2006 FOMA Flip CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W43S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS + KDDI Common Platform
Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone W42S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson FOMASTICK SO902iWP+ 2006 FOMA Stick CMOS 1.3-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson SO702i 2006 FOMA Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson FOMASTICK SO902i 2006 FOMA Stick CMOS 3.2-megapixel docomo Symbian OS Ver.8.1 + MOAP(S)
Sony Ericsson W41S 2006 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson RADIDEN 2005 mova Stick Not Available docomo
Sony Ericsson W32S 2005 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson A1404SII 2005 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson premini-IIS 2005 mova Stick CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson W31S 2005 CDMA 1X WIN Slide CMOS 2.0-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson premini-II 2005 mova Stick CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson A1404S 2005 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson SoftBank 802SE 2004 SoftBank 3G, GSM Flip CMOS 1.3-megapixel SoftBank
Sony Ericsson premini-S 2004 mova Stick Not Available docomo
Sony Ericsson A1402SII 2004 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson W21S 2004 CDMA 1X WIN Flip CCD 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson SO506iC 2004 mova Swivel CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson premini 2004 mova Stick Not Available docomo
Sony Ericsson A1402S 2004 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson A5404S 2003 CDMA 1X Flip CCD 1.3-megapixel au REX OS
Sony Ericsson SO505iS 2003 CDMA 1X Swivel CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson A5402S 2003 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au
Sony Ericsson SO505i 2003 mova Swivel CCD 1.3-megapixel docomo
Sony Ericsson A1301S 2002 CDMA 1X Flip CMOS 0.3-megapixel au
Sony Ericsson A1101S 2002 CDMA 1X Flip au
Sony Ericsson SO212i 2002 mova Flip docomo
Sony Ericsson A3104S 2002 CDMA 1X Flip au
Sony Ericsson SO504i 2002 mova Flip docomo
Sony Ericsson SO211i 2002 mova Flip docomo
Sony Ericsson C1002S 2001 cdmaOne Flip au

PC Cards or USB mobile modems[edit]

  • Sony Ericsson GC75e GPRS PC card Modem
  • Sony Ericsson GC79 GPRS/802.11b Wireless LAN PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC82 EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC83 EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC85 EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC89 EDGE/GPRS/802.11g Wireless LAN PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC95 UMTS/EDGE/GPRS PC card
  • Sony Ericsson GC99 UMTS/EDGE/GPRS/802.11g Wireless LAN PC card
  • Sony Ericsson MD300 Mobile Broadband USB Modem HSDPA/UMTS/EDGE/GPRS


Note: Lists are incomplete. Some information may be missing.

Bluetooth headsets[edit]

  • Sony Ericsson HBH-35
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-300
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-60
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-65
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-GV435
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-600
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-602
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-608
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-610(a)
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-660
  • Sony Ericsson Akono HBH-662
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV700
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV703
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV705
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV708
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV710
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV712
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV715
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV720
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV740
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-PV770
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-IV835
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-IV840
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-200 (12 character backlit display)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS200 (Stereo) (3.5 mm jack)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS205 (Stereo) (3.5 mm jack)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS220 (Stereo) (3.5 mm jack)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS970 (Stereo) (LCD)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-DS980 (Stereo) (OLED display)
  • Sony Ericsson MH100 (3.5 mm jack + touch volume control + LED indicator) (bundled with HPM-78 in-ear plugs)
  • Sony Ericsson MW600 (3.5 mm jack + touch volume control + OLED display + μUSB) (bundled with HPM-78 in-ear plugs)
  • Sony Ericsson VH-110
  • Sony Ericsson VH-410
  • Sony Ericsson VH-300 (mono)
  • Sony Ericsson VH-700 (mono) (noise shield + μUSB)
  • Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800

Car-kits (handsfree)[edit]

  • HCA-20 (11pin)
  • HCA-200 (11pin)
  • HCA-60 (fastport)
  • HCB-30 (bluetooth)
  • HCB-300 (bluetooth)
  • HCB-400 (bluetooth)
  • HCB-700 (LCD) (bluetooth)
  • HCE-14 (gooseneck microphone) (11pin)
  • HCE-24 (gooseneck microphone)
  • CHH-300 car headset charger/holder
  • HCE-16 (Advanced Music Mute) add-on for HCA-20/200
  • HCE-26 (stereo music mute) add-on for HCA-60

sun visor handsfree (bluetooth)

  • HCB-100
  • HCB-105
  • HCB-108
  • HCB-120
  • HCB-150

HCH-xx phone holder

Bluetooth watches[edit]

  • Sony Ericsson MBW-100
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Music Edition
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Executive Edition
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-150 Classic Edition
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-200 Contemporary Elegance
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-200 Evening Classic
  • Sony Ericsson MBW-200 Sparkling Allure
  • Sony Ericsson LiveView (MN800) (also included in XP111 Fitness Experience Pack) (Android only!)


Bluetooth speakers[edit]

  • MBS-100 stylish bluetooth speaker (with same charging port as HBH-DS205)
  • MBS-200 bluetooth speaker (2 watts) with OLED display (uses BST-38 battery inside) (uses fastport charger) (also has 3.5mm input)
  • MBS-400 bluetooth stereo speaker set — consists of MBS-200 as primary speaker and MPS-200 as secondary stereo speaker (connected via 3.5mm, no bluetooth, both need power)
  • MBS-900 bluetooth speaker with integrated subwoofer (also has 3.5mm input)
  • MS-500 waterproof outdoor bluetooth speaker (2xAA battery driven)
  • RA3000 Wireless 360 Reality Audio[14]
  • RA5000 Wireless 360 Reality Audio High-Resolution Audio[15]

Non-bluetooth speakers[edit]

  • MDS-60 desktop stand dock speaker (5 watts RMS) (either driven by battery or wall socket)
  • MDS-65 desktop stand dock speaker (either driven by batteries (5xAAA) or wall socket)
  • MDS-70 (CPF-MP001) 2.1 audio dock cradle with iR remote control

the following speaker drain their power from fastport (no batteries or wall socked needed):

  • MPS-30
  • MPS-60
  • MPS-70
  • MPS-75 portable stereo speaker that attaches to the fast port of Sony Ericsson mobile phones to allow loud music playback.
  • MPS-80
  • MPS-100
  • MAS-100 Zip hard case (splashproof) for phone with integrated speaker
  • MS-410 snap-on speaker stand

newer products without fastport:

  • MS-430 Portable Media Speaker Stand with 3.5 mm jack and 2xAA batteries
  • MS-450 Portable Audio Speakers for X8, X10, X10 Mini Pro only (has 3.5 mm jack but needs special connector for power)

Handsfree headsets (cabled)[edit]

fastport models:

  • HPB-10 / HPM-20 / HPS-20 / HPB-20 (mono / mono / mono / stereo) headset for old Ericsson phones with the old (11pin) connector (e.g. T610/T630/K300)
  • HPM-10 stereo headset that includes an MMC card slot to allow the playback of mp3 music files (for various older Sony Ericsson mobile phones) (11pin)
  • HPS-60 mono headset with non-removable jogging earbud (white-blue)
  • HPB-60 mono headset with non-removable earbud (silver)
  • HPM-61 stereo headset with non-removable earbuds (silver)
  • HPM-62 stereo headset with non-removable earbuds (black)
  • HPM-64 stereo headset included with some of the company phones, including a few walkman branded ones. This walkman branded version of this headset is also branded with BassReflex, which is a technology that improves the Bass quality. First headset with 3.5 mm jack to swap headphones. Comes in trendy colors.
  • HPM-65 similar to HPM-64, but with jogging earplugs (earbuds which are half in-ear)
  • HPM-66 similar to HPM-65, but with regular jogging earbuds — only one color (gray)
  • HPM-70 stereo handsfree telephone headset is bundled with many of the company’s phones. A microphone, call answer key and 3.5 mm jack to swap headphones are all built-in. Has in-ear plugs.
  • HPM-75 fixed up the issues relating to the HPM-70’s microphone — that is, when it picked up too much environmental sound — along with an upgrade in audio quality. (Not compatible with <=DB2010 phones e.g. K750, W810, …)
  • HPM-77 similar to HPM-75.
  • HPM-80 stereo handsfree with built-in radio receiver, music controls and an lcd screen used to display current fm radio frequency. (compatible with W900i only).
  • HPM-82 stereo handsfree with built-in music controls that is bundled with some of the walkman branded mobile phones.
  • HPM-83 stereo (standard) handsfree with neckband.
  • HPM-85 full size stereo headphones for Sony ericsson mobile phones. Has same control unit with microphone as HPM-82.
  • HPM-88 stereo handsfree with noise cancelling function and non-removable in-ear plugs ( — due to the second microphone being inside one earplug).
  • HPM-90 stereo handsfree with OLED display and music navigation.
  • HGE-100 stereo handsfree (similar to HPM-82) with GPS built-in.
  • MH-300 stereo handsfree with non-removable earbuds — Greenheart series
  • MH-907 motion activated stereo handsfree with non-removable in-ear plugs

trrs 4-pole 3.5 mm jack (omtp only?) models:

  • HPM-60J has non-removable earbuds
  • HPM-77/J same as HPM-77 but with 3.5 mm jack
  • MH-500 has removable earbuds
  • MH-700 has removable in-ear plugs
  • MH-810 has non-removable earbuds with remote control (for Xperia X10 mini (pro) and Xperia X8 only)
  • further headsets with non-removable headphones: VH50 (mono), MH410, MH610, MH650, MH710, MH750, MH1

Cables and charger[edit]

  • ITC-60 TV-Out Cable (for C903, C905, Satio only)
  • MMC-60 RCA stereo cable
  • MMC-70 headphone jack stereo cable
  • HCE-12 Antenna cable
  • HCE-16 Mute cable for radio
  • HCC-11/13/20/30 System cable for HCH-xx car holder
  • CBC-100 Battery Charger (external battery charger)
  • CPP-100 Power Pack (use your extra battery as ‘powerbank’)


  • DCU-10 / DCU-11 For old Ericsson phones (11pin)
  • DCU-60 Standard fastport USB cable (ca. 140cm)
  • DCU-65 Fastport USB cable with ferrite ring core (ca. 35cm/75cm)

wall charger[edit]

  • CTR-10 Ericsson travel charger (old models)
  • CST-13 450mA for old Ericsson phones only
  • CST-15 350mA energy saving travel charger
  • CST-18 350mA headset/handsfree travel charger
  • CST-60 450mA
  • CST-61 450mA headset/handsfree charger
  • CST-70 700mA
  • CST-75 750mA (has female fastport connector to attach e.g. headset while charging)
  • CST-80 700mA USB-A charger
  • CMT-60 Micro travel charger (charge phone with AC-plug or 2xAA batteries [powerbank-like] — does not charge AA-batteries)
  • CMT-10 Micro travel charger (similar to CMT-60, but without batteries)

car charger[edit]

  • CLA-11 Car charger (for old Ericsson phones)
  • CLA-60 Car charger for cigar lighter
  • AN402 / AN401 / AN402 car charger for cigar lighter (1200mA USB-A socket with cable)
  • AN-300 (micro-USB only)

Docking stations[edit]

  • CDW-10 Desktop charger for Ericsson phones (11pin)
  • DSS-20 / DSS-25 SyncStation for older Sony Ericsson phones (11pin) (with serial interface, e.g. T610/T630/K300)
  • CSS-25 Desk Speaker Stand (similar to DSS-20/25, but with integrated speaker and buttons) (11pin)
  • CDS-60 / CDS-65 Docking station
  • CDS-75 Desk Stand
  • MPP-60 Docking station with RCA cable (Music Power Pack)
  • MRC-60 Docking station with iR remote control (uses ATmega168V μC)
  • EC-100 Docking station only for Aino
  • DK300 Multimedia Dock only for Xperia Play

Other products[edit]

  • MMR-70 FM transmitter (uses ATmega32L μC)
  • MBR-100 Bluetooth music receiver
  • CAR-100 R/C car (bluetooth — Android OSS project available)
  • CCR-70 Memory Stick Micro (M2) USB cardreader
  • IM-502 / IPK-100 Tripod for photo/video recording
  • ISP-20/25/30/35/40/60/70/80/90 Stylus Pack
  • MMV-200 Media Viewer Bluetooth (RCA + VGA out) (CF-Card, Memory Stick, SD Memory Card)
  • MMV-100 Media Viewer Bluetooth (SCART)
  • MXE-60 Add-on Xenon flash for various older Sony Ericsson mobile phones (e.g. W810i)
  • MPF-10 Add-on LED flash for the old Ericsson phones with the old (11pin) connector (e.g. T610/T630/K300/etc.)
  • MCA-10 / MCA-20 / MCA-25 / MCA-30 Cell Phone Digital Camera for older Sony Ericsson mobile phones (also known as the CommuniCam). (11pin)
  • EGB-10 Gameboard is supposed to show the advantages in the preinstalled game «V-Rally 2» (e.g. for Z600 and T630) (11pin)

See also[edit]

  • List of Ericsson products
  • List of Sony products
  • Mylo (Sony)


  1. ^ a b Catanzariti, Ross (2008-06-10). «Sony Ericsson C902». PC World. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
  2. ^ «Sony Ericsson C902 — nice try (Page 6)». MobileArsenal.com. 2008-04-16. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
  3. ^ Spiridonov, Anton (2008). «Reviews and Tests: Sony Ericsson C902». Archived from the original on 2008-07-01. Retrieved 2008-09-09.
  4. ^ «Sony Ericsson G700 — Full phone specifications». Retrieved November 26, 2008.
  5. ^ «Mobile-review.com Review of GSM/UMTS-smartphone Sony Ericsson G700». Retrieved November 26, 2008.
  6. ^ «Sony Ericsson G900 — Full phone specifications». Retrieved May 12, 2008.
  7. ^ «Sony Ericsson T715 — Best Deals on Contract Prices from Mobiles.co.uk». Archived from the original on 2011-10-04. Retrieved 2011-01-25.
  8. ^ Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 introduces an open and integrated world of social media, communication and entertainment Archived 2009-11-06 at the Wayback Machine
  9. ^ «Sony Ericsson Z200 — Full phone specifications». www.gsmarena.com. Retrieved 2017-02-22.
  10. ^ Throwback Reviews (2014-01-30), Sony Ericsson Z700 — Throwback Review, Episode 1, retrieved 2017-02-22
  11. ^ «Sony Ericsson Z1010 Review | ZDNet». ZDNet. Retrieved 2017-02-22.
  12. ^ a b Internal Memory. Does not include other sources
  13. ^ «Sony Ericsson compatibility list» (PDF).
  14. ^ O’Donnell, Deirdre (11 January 2021). «Sony launches new wireless speakers with 360 Reality Audio». Notebookcheck.net. Retrieved 11 January 2021.
  15. ^ O’Donnell, Deirdre (11 January 2021). «Sony launches new wireless speakers with 360 Reality Audio». Notebookcheck.net. Retrieved 11 January 2021.

External links[edit]

  • Complete list of current phones from Sony Ericsson Archived 2012-02-20 at the Wayback Machine

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