Трансильвания как пишется


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    Русско-английский словарь Гарри Поттер (Народный перевод) > Трансильвания

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    Трансильвания (область Румынии)

    Трансильвания (область Румынии)

    טרַנסִילבַניָה נ’

    Русско-ивритский словарь > Трансильвания (область Румынии)

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    (ист .обл.) Трансильвания

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > (ист .обл.) Трансильвания

См. также в других словарях:

  • Трансильвания — на карте Румынии (выделена жёлтым цветом) Трансильвания или Эрдей (лат. Transsilvania «Залесье», рум. Transilvania, нем. Siebenbürgen («Семиградье»), венг. Erdély)  историческая румынская область на северо западе Румынии. Регион… …   Википедия

  • Трансильвания — истор. обл. в центре и на С. З. Румынии. В XV в. эта обл., принадлежавшая в то время Венгрии, упоминается в латин. тексте как Transyivarhae от trans за и silva лес , букв, залесье . Для жителей собственно Венгрии обл. находилась за залесенными… …   Географическая энциклопедия

  • трансильвания — сущ., кол во синонимов: 2 • область (62) • эрдей (1) Словарь синонимов ASIS. В.Н. Тришин. 2013 …   Словарь синонимов

  • Трансильвания — (Transylvania), обл. в Румынии. Находившаяся под властью Австрии в течение 1 й пол. 19 в. Т. вошла в состав Венгрии при создании Австро Венгерской империи (1867). В 1918 г. румыны, проживавшие в Т., заявили о присоединении к Румынии. Это было… …   Всемирная история

  • Трансильвания — (Transilvania), историческая область на севере Румынии. В I в. территория Трансильвании составляла основное ядро гето дакийского государства. В начале II в.  271 подчинялась римлянам, с XI XII вв.  венгерским королям (с 1541 под сюзеренитетом… …   Энциклопедический словарь

  • ТРАНСИЛЬВАНИЯ (Transilvania) — историческая область на севере Румынии. В 1 в. н. э. территория Трансильвании составляла основное ядро гето дакийского государства. В нач. 2 в. 271 подчинялась римлянам, с 11 12 вв. венгерским королям (с 1541 под сюзеренитетом турецкого султана) …   Большой Энциклопедический словарь

  • Трансильвания (княжество) — Не следует путать с исторической областью Трансильвания. Княжество Трансильвания Principatul Transilvaniei Erdélyi Fejedelemség ← …   Википедия

  • Трансильвания — Из лат. Transsilvania; см. Кочубинский, Труды 7 го Археол. Съезда 2, 10. Ср. также Седмиградия …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

  • Трансильвания — (Transilvania)         историческая область на С. Румынии. Древнейшие следы пребывания человека на территории Т. относятся к палеолиту. Со 2 й половины 1 го тыс. до н. э. здесь обитали фракийские племена гето даков, которые в 4 2 вв. до н. э.… …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • Трансильвания — иначе называемая Седмиградьем, Седмиградской землей или областью (латинск. Transilvania, мадьярск. Erdély, немецк. Transylvanien, Siebenbürgen, румынск. Ardealu, чешко словенск. Sedmihrády, Sedmihrádsko, пол. Sedmiogród) область бывшего… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • ТРАНСИЛЬВАНИЯ —         историческая обл. на сев, Румынии (с 1920 в составе Румынии, ранее входила в Австро Венгрию). Сев. Т. была присоединена к хортистской Венгрии. После освобождения Сов. Армией (в 1944) возвращена Румынии. В 1919 румын, почта не смогла… …   Большой филателистический словарь


Ardeal / Transilvania

Historical region in Romania

Apuseni Mountains near Arieșeni, Alba County

Apuseni Mountains near Arieșeni, Alba County

Historical coat of arms

Coat of arms

Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures.svg


  Banat, Crișana and Maramureș

  Bukovina, Dobruja, Moldavia, Muntenia, and Oltenia

Coordinates: 46°46′0″N 23°35′0″E / 46.76667°N 23.58333°E
Country  Romania
Largest city Cluj-Napoca
 • Total 100,290 km2 (38,720 sq mi)


 • Total 6,789,250
 • Density 68/km2 (180/sq mi)
Demonym Transylvanian
Time zone UTC+2 (EET)
 • Summer (DST) UTC+3 (EEST)

Transylvania (Romanian: Ardeal or Transilvania; Hungarian: Erdély; German: Siebenbürgen) is a historical and cultural region in Central-Eastern Europe, encompassing central Romania. To the east and south its natural border is the Carpathian Mountains and to the west the Apuseni Mountains. Broader definitions of Transylvania also include the western and northwestern Romanian regions of Crișana and Maramureș, and occasionally Banat. Historical Transylvania also includes small parts of neighbouring Western Moldavia and even a small part of south-western neighbouring Bukovina to its north east (represented by Suceava County).

Transylvania is known for the scenery of its Carpathian landscape and its rich history, coupled with its multi-cultural character. It also contains Romania’s second-largest city, Cluj-Napoca, and other very well preserved medieval iconic cities and towns such as Brașov, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș, Alba Iulia, Mediaș, and Sighișoara. It is also the home of some of Romania’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Villages with fortified churches, the Historic Centre of Sighișoara, the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains and the Roșia Montană Mining Cultural Landscape.

It was under the rule of the Agathyrsi, part of the Dacian Kingdom (168 BC–106 AD), Roman Dacia (106–271), the Goths, the Hunnic Empire (4th–5th centuries), the Kingdom of the Gepids (5th–6th centuries), the Avar Khaganate (6th–9th centuries), the Slavs, and the 9th century First Bulgarian Empire. During the late 9th century, Transylvania was reached and conquered by the Hungarian conquerors, and Gyula’s family from seven chieftains of the Hungarians ruled it in the 10th century. King Stephen I of Hungary asserted his claim to rule all lands dominated by Hungarian lords. He personally led his army against his maternal uncle Gyula III and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1002.

After the Battle of Mohács in 1526 it belonged to the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom, from which the Principality of Transylvania emerged in 1570 by the Treaty of Speyer. During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, the principality was a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire; however, the principality had dual suzerainty (Ottoman and Habsburg).[1][2]

In 1690, the Habsburg monarchy gained possession of Transylvania through the Hungarian crown.[3][4][5] After the failure of Rákóczi’s War of Independence in 1711,[6] Habsburg control of Transylvania was consolidated, and Hungarian Transylvanian princes were replaced with Habsburg imperial governors.[7][8] During the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Hungarian government proclaimed union with Transylvania in the April Laws of 1848.[9] After the failure of the revolution, the March Constitution of Austria decreed that the Principality of Transylvania be a separate crown land entirely independent of Hungary.[10] The separate status of Transylvania ended with the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867,[11] and it was reincorporated into the Kingdom of Hungary (Transleithania) as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[12] After World War I, the National Assembly of Romanians from Transylvania proclaimed the Union of Transylvania with Romania on 1 December 1918, and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Romania by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920. In 1940, Northern Transylvania reverted to Hungary as a result of the Second Vienna Award, but it was returned to Romania after the end of World War II.

In popular culture, Transylvania is commonly associated with vampires, due to the influence of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula and the many subsequent books and films that the story has inspired.[13][14]


The earliest known reference to Transylvania appears in a Medieval Latin document of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1075 as ultra silvam, meaning «beyond the forest» (ultra meaning «beyond» or «on the far side of» and the accusative case of Sylva (sylvam) «woods, forest»). Transylvania, with an alternative Latin prepositional prefix, means «on the other side of the woods». Hungarian historians claim that the Medieval Latin form Ultrasylvania, later Transylvania, was a direct translation from the Hungarian form Erdő-elve.[15] That also was used as an alternative name in German überwald («beyond the forest») (13th–14th centuries) and Ukrainian Залісся (Zalissia).

Historical names of Transylvania are:

  • Bulgarian: Седмиградско, romanized: Sedmigradsko, Трансилвания Transilvanija
  • Croatian: Sedmogradska, Erdelj (hist.), Transilvanija
  • German: Siebenbürgen ([ziːbm̩ˈbʏʁɡŋ̍] (listen)), Transsilvanien
  • Hungarian: Erdély ([ˈɛrdeːj])
  • Latin: Ultrasilvania, Transsilvania
  • Polish: Siedmiogród, Transylwania
  • Romani: Transilvaniya
  • Romanian: Ardeal ([arˈde̯al]), Transilvania ([transilˈvani.a])
  • Russian: Трансильвания, romanized: Transil’vaniya, Седмиградье
  • Serbian: Ердељ/Erdelj, Serbian: Трансилванија/Transilvanija
  • Slovak: Ardieľ, Sedmohradsko
  • Transylvanian Saxon: Siweberjen
  • Turkish: Erdel
  • Ukrainian: Семигород, romanized: Semyhorod, Залісся Zalissiya, Трансильванія Transyl’vaniya
  • Yiddish: זיבנבערגן, romanized: Zibnbergn, זימבערגן Zimbergn, טראַנסילוואַניע Transilvanye
  • The German name Siebenbürgen means «seven castles», after the seven (ethnic German) Transylvanian Saxons’ cities in the region. This is also the origin of the region’s name in many other languages, such as the Croatian Sedmogradska, the Bulgarian Седмиградско (Sedmigradsko), Polish Siedmiogród, Yiddish זיבנבערגן (Zibnbergn), and Ukrainian Семигород (Semyhorod).
  • The Hungarian form Erdély was first mentioned in the 12th-century Gesta Hungarorum as Erdeuleu (in modern script Erdeüleü) or Erdő-elve. The word erdő means forest in Hungarian, and the word elve denotes a region in connection with this, similarly to the Hungarian name for Muntenia (Havas-elve, or land lying ahead of the snow-capped mountains). Erdel, Erdil, Erdelistan are derived from Hungarian Erdély.
  • An occurrence of the form Ardeliu in a Church Slavonic document written by a Romanian chancellery is attested in 1432. The Romanian Ardeal is derived from the Hungarian Erdély.[16][17][18]


The first known civilization to inhabit the territory was the Agathyrsi, of the Scythic cultures. From the 4th century BC, Celtic La Tène culture came to domination. The indigenous Dacian tribes engaged in politics from the 1st century BC and united under King Burebista, forming their kingdom Dacia.[19]

The Roman Empire made heavy efforts to seize the territory from King Decebalus, resulting in the formation of Roman Dacia in 106, after Trajan’s costly and bloody wars. During Roman rule, the territory, depleted of its indigenous population, was repopulated with Latin colonists and its rich resource stock was systematically exploited. However, due to the growing threat of East Germanic and Carpic invasions, Emperor Aurelian withdrew his legions and evacuated the citizens south of the Lower Danube in 275, after which the province was occupied by the Goths.[20] In 376, a powerful nomadic people, the Huns, defeated and shattered the Goths, and settled in the area. After the death of Hun King Attila, their empire disintegrated and the Gepids conquered the region in 455, under King Ardaric.[21] For two centuries, the Gepids controlled Transylvania. They waged war successfully against the Eastern Roman Empire, and less successfully against the Ostrogoths in Pannonia. They were defeated by the Lombards and Avars in 567.[22] In the following years, the Avars took full control over Transylvania, heavily settling the area with Slavic tribes who accepted their suzerainty. The expansion of the Frankish Empire, however, imposed a growing threat on them and their khaganate was crushed in the Avar Wars.[23][24] The Avars and Slavs, although substantially depleted in number, continued to inhabit the Carpathian Basin.[25] The First Bulgarian Empire annexed Southern Transylvania[when?].[26] Smaller Slavic polities were also present, nevertheless they could hardly keep their independence.[27]

In the late 9th century, Transylvania was reached and conquered by the Hungarian conquerors. There is an ongoing scholarly debate over the demographics in Transylvania in this time. According to the theory of Daco-Roman Continuity, Romanians continuously lived on the territory for the past 2500 years. Opponents of this hypothesis point to the lack of written, archaeological and linguistic evidence to support this.[28] Hungarian medieval chronicles claimed that the Székely people descended from the Huns, who remained in Transylvania, and later, in combination with the returning Hungarians, conquered the Carpathian Basin.[29][30][31][32] According to the Gesta Hungarorum, the Vlach (Blacorum, Blacus) leader Gelou ruled part of Transylvania before the Hungarians arrived. Historians debate whether he was a historical person or an imaginary figure. The gyulas from the seven chieftains of the Hungarians governed Transylvania in the 10th century. King Stephen I of Hungary asserted his claim to rule all lands dominated by Hungarian lords. He personally led his army against his maternal uncle Gyula III and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1002.[33] Place names derived from the Hungarian tribes evidence that major Hungarian groups settled in Transylvania from the 950s.[34][35] In the 12th and 13th centuries, Southeast and Northeast Transylvania was settled by Saxon colonists. After the Battle of Kosovo and Ottoman arrival at the Hungarian border, thousands of Vlach and Serbian refugees came to Transylvania.

Between 1002 and 1526, Transylvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary, led by a voivode appointed by the King of Hungary.[36][37] After the Battle of Mohács in 1526, Transylvania became part of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom. Later, in 1570, the kingdom became the Principality of Transylvania by the Treaty of Speyer, which was ruled primarily by Calvinist Hungarian princes. The Eastern Hungarian king became the first prince of Transylvania, according to the treaty. The Principality of Transylvania continued to be part of the Kingdom of Hungary in the sense of public law, which stressed in a highly significant way that John Sigismund’s possessions belonged to the Holy Crown of Hungary and he was not permitted to alienate them.[38]

The Habsburgs acquired the territory shortly after the Battle of Vienna in 1683. In 1687, the rulers of Transylvania recognized the suzerainty of the Habsburg emperor Leopold I, and the region was officially attached to the Habsburg Empire. The Habsburgs acknowledged the Principality of Transylvania as one of the Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen,[39] but the territory of the principality was administratively separated[40][41] from Habsburg Hungary,[42][43][44] and subjected to the direct rule of the emperor’s governors.[45] In 1699 the Ottomans legally acknowledged their loss of Transylvania in the Treaty of Karlowitz; however, some anti-Habsburg elements within the principality submitted to the emperor only in the 1711 Peace of Szatmár, when Habsburg control over Principality of Transylvania was consolidated. The Grand Principality of Transylvania was reintroduced 54 years later in 1765.

The Hungarian revolution against the Habsburgs started in 1848, and grew into a war for the total independence of the Kingdom of Hungary from the Habsburg dynasty. Julius Jacob von Haynau, the leader of the Austrian army, was appointed plenipotentiary to restore order in Hungary after the conflict. He ordered the execution of The 13 Hungarian Martyrs of Arad, and Prime Minister Batthyány was executed the same day in Pest. After a series of serious Austrian defeats in 1849, the empire came close to the brink of collapse. Thus, the new young emperor Franz Joseph I had to call for Russian help under the Holy Alliance. Czar Nicholas I answered, and sent an army of 200,000 men with 80,000 auxiliary forces. Finally, the joint army of Russian and Austrian forces defeated the Hungarian forces. After the restoration of Habsburg power, Hungary was placed under martial law. Following the Hungarian Army’s surrender at Világos (now Șiria, Romania) in 1849, their revolutionary banners were taken to Russia by the Tsarist troops and were kept there both under the Tsarist and Communist systems (in 1940 the Soviet Union offered the banners to the Horthy government).

After the Ausgleich of 1867, the Principality of Transylvania was once again abolished. The territory then became part of Transleithania,[46][47] an addition to the newly established Austro-Hungarian Empire. Romanian intellectuals issued the Blaj Pronouncement in protest.[48]

The region was the site of an important battle during World War I, which caused the replacement of the German Chief of Staff, temporarily ceased German offensives on all the other fronts and created a unified Central Powers command under the German Kaiser. Following defeat in World War I, Austria-Hungary disintegrated. Elected representatives of the ethnic Romanians from Transylvania, Banat, Crișana and Maramureș backed by the mobilization of Romanian troops, proclaimed Union with Romania on 1 December 1918. The Proclamation of Union of Alba Iulia was adopted by the Deputies of the Romanians from Transylvania and supported one month later by the vote of the Deputies of the Saxons from Transylvania.

The national holiday of Romania, the Great Union Day (also called Unification Day,[49]) occurring on December 1, celebrates this event. The holiday was established after the Romanian Revolution, and marks the unification not only of Transylvania but also of the provinces of Banat, Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom. These other provinces had all joined with the Kingdom of Romania a few months earlier. In 1920, the Treaty of Trianon established new borders and much of the proclaimed territories became part of Romania. Hungary protested against the new state borders, as they did not follow the real ethnic boundaries, for over 1.3 or 1.6 million Hungarian people, representing 25.5 or 31.6% of the Transylvanian population (depending on statistics used),[50][51] were living on the Romanian side of the border, mainly in the Székely Land of Eastern Transylvania, and along the newly created border.

Territorial evolution of Romania in the 20th century, excluding changes during World War II

In August 1940, with the arbitration of Germany and Italy under the Second Vienna Award, Hungary gained Northern Transylvania (including parts of Crișana and Maramureș), and over 40% of the territory lost in 1920. This award did not solve the nationality problem, as over 1.15–1.3 million Romanians (or 48% to more than 50% of the population of the ceded territory) remained in Northern Transylvania while 0.36–0.8 million Hungarians (or 11% to more than 20% of the population) continued to reside in Southern Transylvania.[52] The Second Vienna Award was voided on 12 September 1944 by the Allied Commission through the Armistice Agreement with Romania (Article 19), and the 1947 Treaty of Paris reaffirmed the borders between Romania and Hungary as originally defined in the Treaty of Trianon, 27 years earlier, thus confirming the return of Northern Transylvania to Romania.[46]

From 1947 to 1989, Transylvania, along with the rest of Romania, was under a communist regime. The ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureș between ethnic Romanians and Hungarians in March 1990 took place after the fall of the communist regime and became the most notable inter-ethnic incident in the post-communist era.

  • Ruins of Sarmizegetusa Regia

  • Roman city of Apulum

  • A market scene in Transylvania, 1818

    A market scene in Transylvania, 1818

Geography and ethnography[edit]

Geogel, Romanian Orthodox wooden church

Geographical map of Romania

The Transylvanian Plateau, 300 to 500 metres (980–1,640 feet) high, is drained by the Mureș, Someș, Criș, and Olt rivers, as well as other tributaries of the Danube. This core of historical Transylvania roughly corresponds with nine counties of modern Romania. The plateau is almost entirely surrounded by the Eastern, Southern and Romanian Western branches of the Carpathian Mountains. The area includes the Transylvanian Plain. Other areas to the west and north are widely considered part of Transylvania; in common reference, the Western border of Transylvania has come to be identified with the present Romanian-Hungarian border, settled in the 1920 Treaty of Trianon, although geographically the two are not identical.

Ethnographic areas:

  • Transylvania proper:
    • Mărginimea Sibiului (Szeben-hegyalja)
    • Transylvanian Plain (Câmpia Transilvaniei/Mezőség)
    • Țara Bârsei (Burzenland/Barcaság)
    • Țara Buzaielor [ro]
    • Țara Călatei (Kalotaszeg)
    • Țara Chioarului [ro] (Kővár)
    • Țara Făgărașului (Fogaras)
    • Țara Hațegului (Hátszeg)
    • Țara Hălmagiului [ro]
    • Țara Mocanilor [ro]
    • Țara Moților
    • Țara Năsăudului (Nösnerland/Naszód vidéke)
    • Țara Silvaniei [ro]
    • Ținutul Pădurenilor [ro]
    • Ținutul Secuiesc (Székelyföld/Székely Land)
  • Banat
    • Țara Almăjului [ro]
  • Crișana
    • Țara Zarandului [ro]
  • Maramureș
    • Țara Oașului (Avasság)
    • Țara Lăpușului [ro] (Lápos-vidék)

Administrative divisions[edit]

The area of the historical Voivodeship is 55,146 km2 (21,292 sq mi).[53][54]

The regions granted to Romania in 1920 covered 23 counties including nearly 102,200 km2 (39,460 sq mi) (102,787–103,093 km2 in Hungarian sources and 102,282 km2 in contemporary Romanian documents). Nowadays, due to several administrative reorganisations, the territory covers 16 counties (Romanian: județ), with an area of 100,290 km2 (38,722 sq mi), in central and northwest Romania.

The 16 counties are: Alba, Arad, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Caraș-Severin, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Maramureș, Mureș, Sălaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu, and Timiș.

Transylvania contains both largely urban counties, such as Brașov and Hunedoara counties, as well as largely rural ones, such as Bistrița-Năsăud and Sălaj counties.[55]

Since 1998, Romania has been divided into eight development regions, acting as divisions that coordinate and implement socio-economic development at regional level. Six counties (Alba, Brașov, Covasna, Harghita, Mureș and Sibiu) form the Centru development region, another six (Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Cluj, Maramureș, Satu Mare, Sălaj) form the Nord-Vest development region, while four (Arad, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Timiș) form the Vest development region.


Largest cities of Transylvania, Banat, Crișana and Maramureș historical regions in Romania

«INSSE report» (2016 population by place of residence)

Rank Name County Pop. Rank Name County Pop.
1 Timișoara Timiș 331,927 11 Reșița Caraș-Severin 87,864 Brașov
2 Cluj-Napoca Cluj 321,754 12 Alba Iulia Alba 74,212
3 Brașov Brașov 290,283 13 Hunedoara Hunedoara 73,799
4 Oradea Bihor 222,229 14 Deva Hunedoara 70,090
5 Arad Arad 178,462 15 Zalău Sălaj 69,497
6 Sibiu Sibiu 169,480 16 Sfântu Gheorghe Covasna 64,826
7 Târgu Mureș Mureș 149,718 17 Mediaș Sibiu 58,290
8 Baia Mare Maramureș 147,203 18 Turda Cluj 56,985
9 Satu Mare Satu Mare 121,972 19 Lugoj Timiș 47,445
10 Bistrița Bistrița-Năsăud 93,388 20 Sighetu Marmației Maramureș 43,959

Cluj-Napoca, commonly known as Cluj, is the second most populous city in Romania (as of the 2011 census), after the national capital Bucharest, and is the seat of Cluj County. From 1790 to 1848 and from 1861 to 1867, it was the official capital of the Grand Principality of Transylvania. Brașov is an important tourist destination, being the largest city in a mountain resorts area, and a central location, suitable for exploring Romania, with the distances to several tourist destinations (including the Black Sea resorts, the monasteries in northern Moldavia, and the wooden churches of Maramureș) being similar.

Sibiu is one of the most important cultural centres of Romania and was designated the European Capital of Culture for the year 2007, along with the city of Luxembourg.[56] It was formerly the centre of the Transylvanian Saxon culture and between 1692 and 1791 and 1849–65 was the capital of the Principality of Transylvania.

Alba Iulia, a city located on the Mureș River in Alba County, has since the High Middle Ages been the seat of Transylvania’s Roman Catholic diocese. Between 1541 and 1690 it was the capital of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom and the later Principality of Transylvania. Alba Iulia also has historical importance: after the end of World War I, representatives of the Romanian population of Transylvania gathered in Alba Iulia on 1 December 1918 to proclaim the union of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania. In Transylvania, there are many medieval smaller towns such as Sighișoara, Mediaș, Sebeș, and Bistrița.

  • Arad


  • Deva


  • Sighetu Marmației

    Sighetu Marmației

  • Turda


  • Sfântu Gheorghe Fortress

    Sfântu Gheorghe Fortress

  • Aiud Citadel

    Aiud Citadel


Historical population[edit]

Official censuses with information on Transylvania’s population have been conducted since the 18th century. On May 1, 1784 the Emperor Joseph II called for the first official census of the Habsburg Empire, including Transylvania. The data was published in 1787, and this census showed only the overall population (1,440,986 inhabitants).[57] Fényes Elek, a 19th-century Hungarian statistician, estimated in 1842 that in the population of Transylvania for the years 1830–1840 the majority were 62.3% Romanians and 23.3% Hungarians.[58]

In the last quarter of the 19th century, the Hungarian population of Transylvania increased from 24.9% in 1869 to 31.6%, as indicated in the 1910 Hungarian census (the majority of the Jewish population reported Hungarian as their primary language, so they were also counted as ethnically Hungarian in the 1910 census). At the same time, the percentage of the Romanian population decreased from 59.0% to 53.8% and the percentage of the German population decreased from 11.9% to 10.7%, for a total population of 5,262,495. Magyarization policies greatly contributed to this shift.[59]

The percentage of the Romanian majority has significantly increased since the declaration of the union of Transylvania with Romania after World War I in 1918. The proportion of Hungarians in Transylvania was in steep decline as more of the region’s inhabitants moved into urban areas, where the pressure to assimilate and Romanianize was greater.[51] The expropriation of the estates of Magyar magnates, the distribution of the lands to the Romanian peasants, and the policy of cultural Romanianization that followed the Treaty of Trianon were major causes of friction between Hungary and Romania.[60] Other factors include the emigration of non-Romanian peoples, assimilation and internal migration within Romania (estimates show that between 1945 and 1977, some 630,000 people moved from the Old Kingdom to Transylvania, and 280,000 from Transylvania to the Old Kingdom, most notably to Bucharest).[51]

Current population[edit]

According to the results of the 2011 Population Census, the total population of Transylvania was 6,789,250 inhabitants and the ethnic groups were: Romanians – 70.62%, Hungarians – 17.92%, Roma – 3.99%, Ukrainians – 0.63%, Germans – 0.49%, other – 0.77%. Some 378,298 inhabitants (5.58%) have not declared their ethnicity.[61] The ethnic Hungarian population of Transylvania form a majority in the counties of Covasna (73.6%) and Harghita (84.8%). The Hungarians are also numerous in the following counties: Mureș (37.8%), Satu Mare (34.5%), Bihor (25.2%), and Sălaj (23.2%).


Romanian farmers working their land in Maramureș

Transylvania is rich in mineral resources, notably lignite, iron, lead, manganese, gold, copper, natural gas, salt, and sulfur.[citation needed]

Transylvania’s GDP (nominal) is $194 billion and its GDP per capita measures around $24,500.[when?] Transylvania’s Human Development Index is ranked 0.890, which makes Transylvania the 2nd most developed region in Romania after Bucharest-Ilfov and makes it comparable to countries like the Czech Republic, Poland and Estonia.[citation needed]

There are large iron and steel, chemical, and textile industries. Stock raising, agriculture, wine production and fruit growing are important occupations. Agriculture is widespread in the Transylvanian Plateau, including growing cereals, vegetables, viticulture and breeding cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry. Timber is another valuable resource.

IT, electronics and automotive industries are important in urban and university centers like Cluj-Napoca (Robert Bosch GmbH, Emerson Electric), Timișoara (Alcatel-Lucent, Flextronics and Continental AG), Brașov, Sibiu, Oradea and Arad. The cities of Cluj Napoca and Târgu Mureș are connected with a strong medical tradition, and according to the same classifications top performance hospitals exist there.[62]

Native brands include: Roman of Brașov (trucks and buses), Azomureș of Târgu Mureș (fertilizers), Terapia of Cluj-Napoca (pharmaceuticals), Banca Transilvania of Cluj-Napoca (finance), Romgaz and Transgaz of Mediaș (natural gas), Jidvei of Alba county (alcoholic beverages), Timișoreana of Timișoara (alcoholic beverages) and others.

The Jiu Valley, located in the south of Hunedoara County, has been a major mining area throughout the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century, but many mines were closed down in the years following the collapse of the communist regime, forcing the region to diversify its economy.

During the Second World War, Transylvania (the Southern/Romanian half, as the region was divided during the war) was crucial to the Romanian defense industry. Transylvanian factories built until 1945 over 1,000 warplanes and over 1,000 artillery pieces of all types, among others.[63]


George Coșbuc, Romanian poet, translator, teacher, and journalist, best known for his verses describing, praising and eulogizing rural life

The culture of Transylvania is complex, due to its varied history and longstanding multiculturalism, having incorporated significant Hungarian (see Hungarians in Romania) and German (see Germans of Romania) influences.[64]

With regard to architecture, the Transylvanian Gothic style is preserved to this day in monuments such as the Black Church in Brașov (14th and 15th centuries) and a number of other cathedrals, as well as the Bran Castle in Brașov County (14th century), and the Hunyad Castle in Hunedoara (15th century).

Notable writers such as Emil Cioran, Lucian Blaga, George Coșbuc, Ioan Slavici, Octavian Goga, Liviu Rebreanu, Endre Ady, Elie Wiesel, Elek Benedek and Károly Kós were born in Transylvania. Liviu Rebreanu wrote the novel Ion, which introduces the reader to a depiction of the life of Romanian peasants and intellectuals of Transylvania at the turn of the 20th century. Károly Kós was one of the most important writers supporting the movement of Transylvanianism.


Transylvania has a very rich and unique religious history. Since the Protestant Reformation, different Christian denominations have coexisted in this religious melting pot, including Romanian Orthodox, other Eastern Orthodox, Latin Catholic and Romanian Greek Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, and Unitarian branches. Christianity is the largest religion, but other faiths also are present, including Jews and Muslims. Under the Habsburgs, Transylvania served as a place for «religious undesirables». People who arrived in Transylvania included those that did not conform to the Catholic Church and were sent here forcibly, as well as many religious refugees. Transylvania has a long history of religious tolerance, ensured by its religious pluralism.

Transylvania has also been (and still is) a center for Christian denominations other than Eastern Orthodoxy, the form of Christianity that most Romanians currently follow. As such, there are significant numbers of inhabitants of Transylvania that follow Latin Catholicism and Greek Catholicism, and Protestantism. Even though before 1948, the population of Transylvania split between Eastern Orthodox, Greek Catholic and other forms of Christianity, during the Communist Period the Orthodox Church was much more favored by the state which has led to Eastern Orthodoxy being the religion of the majority of Transylvanians.[65][66] However, among the Hungarian and German minorities only a small part are Eastern Orthodox. The main two religions of the Hungarian minority are Reformed (Calvinism) and Roman Catholicism;[67] among Germans the main religions are Roman Catholicism (slightly over half of Germans in Romania), followed by Lutheranism and Eastern Orthodox.[68] There are also Pentecostals and Baptists, particularly in Banat and Crișana. UBB, located in Cluj-Napoca is the only university in Europe that has four faculties of theology (Orthodox, Reformed, Roman Catholic, and Greek Catholic).[69]

1930 2011
Denomination Number Percent Number Percent
Eastern Orthodoxy 1,933,589 34.85 4,478,532 65.96
Greek Catholicism 1,385,017 24.96 142,862 2.10
Latin Catholicism 946,100 17.05 632,948 9.32
Mainline Protestantism 1,038,464 18.72 675,107 9.34
Evangelical Protestantism 37,061 0.66 339,472 4.70

There are also small denominations like Adventism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and more.


  • Nowadays, there is a very small number of Muslims (Islam) and Jews (Judaism), but back in 1930, with 191,877 inhabitants, Jews represented 3.46% of Transylvania’s population.[70]
  • Atheists, agnostics and unaffiliated account for 0.27% of Transylvania’s population.

Data refers to extended Transylvania (with Banat, Crișana and Maramureș).[71][72]

Tourist attractions[edit]

  • Bran Castle, also known as Dracula’s Castle
  • Fortress of Deva
  • The very well preserved medieval towns of Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca (European Youth Capital 2015), Sibiu (European Capital Of Culture in 2007), Târgu Mureș and Sighișoara (UNESCO World Heritage Site and alleged birthplace of Vlad Dracula)
  • The city of Brașov and the nearby Poiana Brașov ski resort
  • The town of Hunedoara with the 14th century Corvin Castle
  • The citadel and the Art Nouveau city centre of Oradea
  • The Densuș Church, the oldest church in Romania that still holds services[73]
  • The Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains, including Sarmizegetusa Regia (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
  • The Roman forts including Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana, Porolissum, Apulum, Potaissa and Drobeta
  • The Red Lake (also known as Lake Ghilcoș)
  • The Turda Gorge natural reserve
  • The Râșnov Citadel in Râșnov
  • The Maramureș region
    • The Merry Cemetery of Săpânța (the only one of that kind in the world)
    • The Wooden Churches (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
    • The cities of Baia Mare and Sighetu Marmației
    • The villages in the Iza, Mara, and Viseu valleys
  • The Saxon fortified churches (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
  • The Apuseni Mountains:
    • Țara Moților
    • The Bears Cave[74]
    • Scărișoara Cave in Alba County, the third largest glacier cave in the world[74]
  • The Rodna Mountains
  • The Salina Turda Salt Mine: according to Business Insider—one of the ten «coolest underground places in the world».

Festivals and events[edit]

Film festivals[edit]

  • Transilvania International Film Festival, Cluj-Napoca – Romania’s biggest film festival
  • Gay Film Nights, Cluj-Napoca
  • Comedy Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
  • Humor Film Festival, Timișoara[75][76]

Music festivals[edit]

  • Golden Stag Festival, Brașov
  • Gărâna Jazz Festival, Gărâna
  • Peninsula / Félsziget Festival, Târgu-Mureș
  • Untold Festival, Cluj-Napoca – Romania’s biggest music festival
  • Toamna Muzicală Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca
  • Artmania Festival, Sibiu
  • Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Râșnov
  • Electric Castle Festival, Bontida, Cluj-Napoca


  • Sighișoara Medieval Festival, Sighișoara
  • Sibiu International Theatre Festival
  • Festivalul Medieval Cetăți Transilvane Sibiu

Historical coat of arms of Transylvania[edit]

Blue, red and yellow shield with an eagle, the sun, moon and seven castle turrets

Transylvanian coat of arms

The first heraldic representations of Transylvania date from the 16th century. The Diet of 1659 codified the representation of the privileged nations (Unio Trium Nationum (Union of the Three Nations)) in Transylvania’s coat of arms. It depicted a black eagle (Turul) on a blue background, representing the Hungarians, the Sun and the Moon representing the Székelys, and seven red towers on a yellow background representing the seven fortified cities of the Transylvanian Saxons.[77] The flag and coat of arms of Transylvania were granted by Queen Maria Theresa in 1765, when she established a Grand Principality within the Habsburg monarchy.

In 1596, Levinus Hulsius created a coat of arms for Transylvania, consisting of a shield with a rising eagle in the upper field and seven hills with towers on top in the lower field. He published it in his work «Chronologia«, issued in Nuremberg the same year.[78] The seal from 1597 of Sigismund Báthory, Prince of Transylvania, reproduced the new coat of arms with some slight changes: in the upper field the eagle was flanked by a sun and a moon and in the lower field the hills were replaced by simple towers. The coat of arms of Sigismund Báthory beside the coat of arms of the Báthory family, included the Transylvanian, Wallachia and Moldavian coat of arms, he used the title Prince of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia. A short-lived heraldic representation of Transylvania is found on the seal of Michael the Brave. Besides the Wallachian eagle and the Moldavian aurochs, Transylvania is represented by two lions holding a sword standing on seven hills. Hungarian Transylvanian princes used the symbols of the Transylvanian coat of arms usually with the Hungarian coat of arms since the 16th century because Transylvanian princes maintained their claims to the throne of the Kingdom of Hungary.

While neither symbol has official status in present-day Romania, the Transylvanian coat of arms is marshalled within the national Coat of arms of Romania, it was also a component of the Coat of arms of Hungary.

  • Coat of arm of Sigismund Báthory, Prince of Transylvania (1586–1598, 1598–1599, 1601–1602)

    Coat of arm of Sigismund Báthory, Prince of Transylvania (1586–1598, 1598–1599, 1601–1602)

  • Coat of arms of Transylvania (1765)

    Coat of arms of Transylvania (1765)

  • Coat of arms of Transylvania in an Austrian coat of arms (1850)

    Coat of arms of Transylvania in an Austrian coat of arms (1850)

  • Coat of arms of Transylvania in the coat of arms of Romania (2016)

    Coat of arms of Transylvania in the coat of arms of Romania (2016)

In popular culture[edit]

Following the publication of Emily Gerard’s The Land Beyond the Forest (1888), Bram Stoker wrote his gothic horror novel Dracula in 1897, using Transylvania as a setting. With its success, Transylvania became associated in the English- and Spanish-speaking world with vampires. Since then it has been represented in fiction and literature as a land of mystery and magic. For example, in Paulo Coelho’s novel The Witch of Portobello, the main character, Sherine Khalil, is described as a Transylvanian orphan with a Romani mother, in an effort to add to the character’s exotic mystique.[citation needed] The so-called Transylvanian trilogy of historical novels by Miklós Bánffy, The Writing on the Wall, is an extended treatment of the 19th- and early 20th-century social and political history of the country. Among the first actors to portray Dracula in film was Bela Lugosi, who was born in Lugos (now Lugoj), in present-day Romania. There is also an American animated movie franchise called Hotel Transylvania. The Principality of Transylvania is also a playable nation in Europa Universalis IV.

See also[edit]

  • Prehistory of Transylvania
  • Siebenbürgenlied, an unofficial anthem for Transylvania
  • Transylvanianism



  1. ^ Dennis P. Hupchick, Conflict and chaos in Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 1995, p. 62
  2. ^ Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman rule, 1354–1804, University of Washington Press, 1993, pp. 150–154
  3. ^ Béla Köpeczi (2008-07-09). History of Transylvania: From 1606 to 1830. ISBN 978-0-88033-491-4. Retrieved 2017-07-10.
  4. ^ Peter F. Sugar. «Southeastern Europe Under Ottoman Rule, 1354–1804» (History of East Central Europe), University of Washington Press, July 1983, page 163
  5. ^ Paul Lendvai, Ann Major. The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2003, page 146;
  6. ^ » In 1711, after the Peace Treaty of Szatmar, Austrian control was firmly established over all of Hungary and Erdely, and the princes of Transylvania were replaced by Austrian governors. » (Google Search)Glockner, Peter G.; Bagossy, Nora Varga (2007). Encyclopaedia Hungarica: English. Hungarian Ethnic Lexicon Foundation. ISBN 978-1-55383-178-5.
  7. ^ «Transylvania» (2009). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 7, 2009
  8. ^ «Diploma Leopoldinum» (2009). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 7, 2009
  9. ^ Laszlo Péter, Hungary’s Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions in a European Perspective, BRILL, 2012, p. 56
  10. ^ Austrian Constitution of 4 March 1849. (Section I, Art. I and Section IX., Art. LXXIV)
  11. ^ John F. Cadzow, Andrew Ludanyi, Louis J. Elteto, Transylvania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict, Kent State University Press, 1983, page 79
  12. ^ James Minahan: One Europe, many nations: an historical dictionary of European national groups, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT 06991
  13. ^ «Travel Advisory; Lure of Dracula In Transylvania». The New York Times. 1993-08-22.
  14. ^ «Romania Transylvania». Icromania.com. 2007-04-15. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  15. ^ Engel, Pál (2001). Realm of St. Stephen: History of Medieval Hungary, 895–1526 (International Library of Historical Studies), page 24, London: I.B. Taurus. ISBN 1-86064-061-3
  16. ^ Pascu, Ștefan (1972). «Voievodatul Transilvaniei». I: 22.
  17. ^ Kristó, Gyula (2002). A korai Erdély [The early Transylvania]. Szegedi Középkorász Műhely. p. 24. ISBN 9634825583.
  18. ^ Drăganu, Nicolae (1924). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Națională (PDF). Vol. II. Bucharest. p. 237.
  19. ^ Vékony, Gábor (2000): Dacians, Romans, Romanians
  20. ^ Tóth, Endre (1994): The Roman Province of Dacia
  21. ^ Gündisch, Konrad: Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons
  22. ^ Bóna, István (1994): The Kingdom of the Gepids
  23. ^ Curta, Florin (2006): Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250
  24. ^ Bóna, István (1994): The period of Avar rule
  25. ^ Macartney, Carlile Aylmer (1962): Hungary: a short history
  26. ^ Bóna, István (1994): Southern Transylvania under Bulgar rule
  27. ^ Makkai, László (1975): The origins of the Hungarian people and state
  28. ^ Farkas, Zoltán (2007): Transylvania
  29. ^ Rady, Martyn: The Gesta Hungarorum of Anonymus, the anonymous notary of King Béla
  30. ^ Veszprémy, László; Schaer, Frank (1999): Gesta Hungarorum: The Deeds of the Hungarians
  31. ^ Geréb, László (1993): Képes Krónika (in Hungarian)
  32. ^ Geréb, László (1957): Magyar Krónika (in Hungarian)
  33. ^ Engel, Pal; Andrew Ayton (2005). The Realm of St Stephen. London: Tauris. p. 27. ISBN 1-85043-977-X.
  34. ^ Bóna, István (1994). «From Dacia to Transylvania: The Period of the Great Migrations (271–895); The Hungarian–Slav Period (895–1172)». In Köpeczi, Béla; Barta, Gábor; Bóna, István; Makkai, László; Szász, Zoltán; Borus, Judit (eds.). History of Transylvania. Akadémiai Kiadó. pp. 62–177. ISBN 963-05-6703-2.
  35. ^ Kristó, Gyula (2003). Early Transylvania (895-1324). Lucidus Kiadó. ISBN 963-9465-12-7.
  36. ^ «Stephen I». Encyclopedia of World Biography. 14: 427–428. 2004 – via Gale Virtual Reference Library.
  37. ^ «Hungary». Merriam-Webster’s geographical dictionary (3rd ed.). CREDO. 2007.
  38. ^ Anthony Endrey, The Holy Crown of Hungary, Hungarian Institute, 1978, p. 70
  39. ^ «International Boundary Study – No. 47 – April 15, 1965 – Hungary – Romania (Rumania) Boundary» (PDF). US Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 3, 2009.
  40. ^ «Diploma Leopoldinum (Transylvanian history)». Britannica.com. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  41. ^ «Transylvania (region, Romania)». Britannica.com. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  42. ^ Sugar, Peter F. (2012-07-01). Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804. University of Washington Press. p. 163. ISBN 978-0-295-80363-0.
  43. ^ Cadzow, John F.; Ludanyi, Andrew; Elteto, Louis J. (1983). Transylvania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict. Kent State University Press. p. 79. ISBN 978-0-87338-283-0.
  44. ^ Lendvai, Paul (2003). The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat. C. Hurst. p. 146. ISBN 978-1-85065-682-1.
  45. ^ «Definition of Grand Principality of Transylvania in the Free Online Encyclopedia». Encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  46. ^ a b «Transylvania». Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 2008. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
  47. ^ «Transylvania», Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2008.
  48. ^ The Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy and Romanian Political Autonomy Archived 2007-04-24 at the Wayback Machine in Pașcu, Ștefan. A History of Transylvania. Dorset Press, New York, 1990.
  49. ^ CIA World Factbook, Romania – Government Archived 2020-05-05 at the Wayback Machine
  50. ^ Történelmi világatlasz [World Atlas of History] (in Hungarian). Cartographia. 1998. ISBN 963-352-519-5.
  51. ^ a b c Varga, E. Árpád, Hungarians in Transylvania between 1870 and 1995, Translation by Tamás Sályi, Budapest, March 1999, pp. 30-34
  52. ^ Keith Hitchins (1994). Romania. Clarendon Press. pp. 486–. ISBN 978-0-19-822126-5.
  53. ^ Transilvania Archived 2020-02-28 at the Wayback Machine at romaniatraveltourism.com
  54. ^ Chisholm 1911.
  55. ^ «Microsoft Word – REZULTATE DEFINITIVE RPL2011.doc» (PDF). Retrieved 2018-04-17.
  56. ^ «Sibiu Cultural Capital Website». Archived from the original on 2006-10-15.
  57. ^ «www.hungarian-history.hu». Archived from the original on 2017-02-02. Retrieved 2017-07-10.
  58. ^ Elek Fényes, Magyarország statistikája, Vol. 1, Trattner-Károlyi, Pest. VII, 1842
  59. ^ Seton-Watson, Robert William (1933). «The Problem of Treaty Revision and the Hungarian Frontiers». International Affairs. 12 (4): 481–503. doi:10.2307/2603603. JSTOR 2603603.
  60. ^ «Transylvania». Columbia Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 2008-09-05. Retrieved 2008-11-18.
  61. ^ «RPL 2011 – VOLUMUL I: POPULAŢIA STABILĂ (REZIDENTĂ) – STRUCTURA DEMOGRAFICĂ, Table no. 7». recensamantromania.ro.
  62. ^ «Archived copy» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-01-21.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  63. ^ Mark Axworthy, London: Arms and Armour, 1995, Third Axis, Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941–1945, pp. 29-30, 75, 149, 222-227 and 239-272
  64. ^ «Cultura». 2007-12-31. Archived from the original on December 31, 2007. Retrieved 2016-05-08.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  65. ^ Earl A. Pope, «Protestantism in Romania», in Sabrina Petra Ramet (ed.), Protestantism and Politics in Eastern Europe and Russia: The Communist and Postcommunist Eras, Duke University Press, Durham, 1992, p.158-160. ISBN 0-8223-1241-7
  66. ^ The Eastern Catholic Churches 2017. cnewa.org
  67. ^ https://www.nyugatijelen.com/allaspont/reszleges_kozossegi_radiografia_1.php
  68. ^ https://www.recensamantromania.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Date-provizorii-RPL_cu-anexe_30122022.pdf
  69. ^ Ghidul studentului din Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai. Admitere.ubbcluj.ro. p. 5. Archived from the original on 2016-04-26. Retrieved 2016-05-09.
  70. ^ «Situatia demografica a cultelor dupa 1918» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-12-15. Retrieved 2018-04-16.
  71. ^ «Anuarul statistic al Romaniei, 1937 si 1938» (PDF).
  72. ^ «Populația stabilă după religie – județe, municipii, orașe, comune». Institutul Național de Statistică.
  73. ^ «Travel to Romania – Densuș Church (Hunedoara)». Romanianmonasteries.org. 2006-05-31. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  74. ^ a b «Apuseni Caves». Itsromania.com. Archived from the original on 2012-03-16. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  75. ^ «Zilele Filmului de Umor 2014». timisoreni.ro. Retrieved 25 January 2015.
  76. ^ «O nouă ediție a Zilelor Filmului de Umor la Timișoara». HotNewsRo. 26 June 2014. Retrieved 25 January 2015.
  77. ^ Ströhl, Hugo Gerard (1890). Oesterreichish-Ungarische Wappenrolle (PDF). Vienna: Verlag vom Anton Schroll & C°. p. XV. Retrieved 24 November 2011.
  78. ^ Hulsius, Levinus (1596). Chronologia in qua provinciae… (in Latin). Nuremberg.

Further reading[edit]

  • András Bereznay, Erdély történetének atlasza (Historical Atlas of Transylvania), with text and 102 map plates, the first ever historical atlas of Transylvania (Méry Ratio, 2011; ISBN 978-80-89286-45-4)
  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). «Transylvania» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 27 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 210–211.
  • Zoltán Farkas and Judit Sós, Transylvania Guidebook
  • Patrick Leigh Fermor, Between the Woods and the Water (New York Review of Books Classics, 2005; ISBN 1-59017-166-7). Fermor travelled across Transylvania in the summer of 1934, and wrote about it in this account first published more than 50 years later, in 1986.
  • Pop, Ioan-Aurel; Nägler, Thomas; Magyari, András (2018). The History of Transylvania, vol. I-III. Cluj-Napoca: Romanian Academy, Center for Transylvanian Studies – Romanian Cultural Institute. ISBN 978-606-8694-78-8.
  • Köpeczi, Béla; Makkai, László; Mócsy, András; Szász, Zoltán (1994). History of Transylvania. Vol. I–III. Translated by Kovrig, Benett. New Jersey: Atlantic Research and Publications. ISBN 963-05-6703-2.

External links[edit]

  • Radio Transsylvania International
  • «Tolerant Transylvania – Why Transylvania will not become another Kosovo», Katherine Lovatt, in Central Europe Review, Vol. 1, No. 14, 27 September 1999.
  • The History of Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons by Dr. Konrad Gündisch, Oldenburg, Germany
  • Transylvania,Its Products and its People Archived 2018-05-05 at the Wayback Machine, by Charles Boner, 1865
  • Transylvanian Family History Database (in Hungarian)


Ardeal / Transilvania

Historical region in Romania

Apuseni Mountains near Arieșeni, Alba County

Apuseni Mountains near Arieșeni, Alba County

Historical coat of arms

Coat of arms

Transylvania, Banat, Crisana and Maramures.svg


  Banat, Crișana and Maramureș

  Bukovina, Dobruja, Moldavia, Muntenia, and Oltenia

Coordinates: 46°46′0″N 23°35′0″E / 46.76667°N 23.58333°E
Country  Romania
Largest city Cluj-Napoca
 • Total 100,290 km2 (38,720 sq mi)


 • Total 6,789,250
 • Density 68/km2 (180/sq mi)
Demonym Transylvanian
Time zone UTC+2 (EET)
 • Summer (DST) UTC+3 (EEST)

Transylvania (Romanian: Ardeal or Transilvania; Hungarian: Erdély; German: Siebenbürgen) is a historical and cultural region in Central-Eastern Europe, encompassing central Romania. To the east and south its natural border is the Carpathian Mountains and to the west the Apuseni Mountains. Broader definitions of Transylvania also include the western and northwestern Romanian regions of Crișana and Maramureș, and occasionally Banat. Historical Transylvania also includes small parts of neighbouring Western Moldavia and even a small part of south-western neighbouring Bukovina to its north east (represented by Suceava County).

Transylvania is known for the scenery of its Carpathian landscape and its rich history, coupled with its multi-cultural character. It also contains Romania’s second-largest city, Cluj-Napoca, and other very well preserved medieval iconic cities and towns such as Brașov, Sibiu, Târgu Mureș, Alba Iulia, Mediaș, and Sighișoara. It is also the home of some of Romania’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as the Villages with fortified churches, the Historic Centre of Sighișoara, the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains and the Roșia Montană Mining Cultural Landscape.

It was under the rule of the Agathyrsi, part of the Dacian Kingdom (168 BC–106 AD), Roman Dacia (106–271), the Goths, the Hunnic Empire (4th–5th centuries), the Kingdom of the Gepids (5th–6th centuries), the Avar Khaganate (6th–9th centuries), the Slavs, and the 9th century First Bulgarian Empire. During the late 9th century, Transylvania was reached and conquered by the Hungarian conquerors, and Gyula’s family from seven chieftains of the Hungarians ruled it in the 10th century. King Stephen I of Hungary asserted his claim to rule all lands dominated by Hungarian lords. He personally led his army against his maternal uncle Gyula III and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1002.

After the Battle of Mohács in 1526 it belonged to the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom, from which the Principality of Transylvania emerged in 1570 by the Treaty of Speyer. During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, the principality was a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire; however, the principality had dual suzerainty (Ottoman and Habsburg).[1][2]

In 1690, the Habsburg monarchy gained possession of Transylvania through the Hungarian crown.[3][4][5] After the failure of Rákóczi’s War of Independence in 1711,[6] Habsburg control of Transylvania was consolidated, and Hungarian Transylvanian princes were replaced with Habsburg imperial governors.[7][8] During the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, the Hungarian government proclaimed union with Transylvania in the April Laws of 1848.[9] After the failure of the revolution, the March Constitution of Austria decreed that the Principality of Transylvania be a separate crown land entirely independent of Hungary.[10] The separate status of Transylvania ended with the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867,[11] and it was reincorporated into the Kingdom of Hungary (Transleithania) as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.[12] After World War I, the National Assembly of Romanians from Transylvania proclaimed the Union of Transylvania with Romania on 1 December 1918, and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Romania by the Treaty of Trianon in 1920. In 1940, Northern Transylvania reverted to Hungary as a result of the Second Vienna Award, but it was returned to Romania after the end of World War II.

In popular culture, Transylvania is commonly associated with vampires, due to the influence of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula and the many subsequent books and films that the story has inspired.[13][14]


The earliest known reference to Transylvania appears in a Medieval Latin document of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1075 as ultra silvam, meaning «beyond the forest» (ultra meaning «beyond» or «on the far side of» and the accusative case of Sylva (sylvam) «woods, forest»). Transylvania, with an alternative Latin prepositional prefix, means «on the other side of the woods». Hungarian historians claim that the Medieval Latin form Ultrasylvania, later Transylvania, was a direct translation from the Hungarian form Erdő-elve.[15] That also was used as an alternative name in German überwald («beyond the forest») (13th–14th centuries) and Ukrainian Залісся (Zalissia).

Historical names of Transylvania are:

  • Bulgarian: Седмиградско, romanized: Sedmigradsko, Трансилвания Transilvanija
  • Croatian: Sedmogradska, Erdelj (hist.), Transilvanija
  • German: Siebenbürgen ([ziːbm̩ˈbʏʁɡŋ̍] (listen)), Transsilvanien
  • Hungarian: Erdély ([ˈɛrdeːj])
  • Latin: Ultrasilvania, Transsilvania
  • Polish: Siedmiogród, Transylwania
  • Romani: Transilvaniya
  • Romanian: Ardeal ([arˈde̯al]), Transilvania ([transilˈvani.a])
  • Russian: Трансильвания, romanized: Transil’vaniya, Седмиградье
  • Serbian: Ердељ/Erdelj, Serbian: Трансилванија/Transilvanija
  • Slovak: Ardieľ, Sedmohradsko
  • Transylvanian Saxon: Siweberjen
  • Turkish: Erdel
  • Ukrainian: Семигород, romanized: Semyhorod, Залісся Zalissiya, Трансильванія Transyl’vaniya
  • Yiddish: זיבנבערגן, romanized: Zibnbergn, זימבערגן Zimbergn, טראַנסילוואַניע Transilvanye
  • The German name Siebenbürgen means «seven castles», after the seven (ethnic German) Transylvanian Saxons’ cities in the region. This is also the origin of the region’s name in many other languages, such as the Croatian Sedmogradska, the Bulgarian Седмиградско (Sedmigradsko), Polish Siedmiogród, Yiddish זיבנבערגן (Zibnbergn), and Ukrainian Семигород (Semyhorod).
  • The Hungarian form Erdély was first mentioned in the 12th-century Gesta Hungarorum as Erdeuleu (in modern script Erdeüleü) or Erdő-elve. The word erdő means forest in Hungarian, and the word elve denotes a region in connection with this, similarly to the Hungarian name for Muntenia (Havas-elve, or land lying ahead of the snow-capped mountains). Erdel, Erdil, Erdelistan are derived from Hungarian Erdély.
  • An occurrence of the form Ardeliu in a Church Slavonic document written by a Romanian chancellery is attested in 1432. The Romanian Ardeal is derived from the Hungarian Erdély.[16][17][18]


The first known civilization to inhabit the territory was the Agathyrsi, of the Scythic cultures. From the 4th century BC, Celtic La Tène culture came to domination. The indigenous Dacian tribes engaged in politics from the 1st century BC and united under King Burebista, forming their kingdom Dacia.[19]

The Roman Empire made heavy efforts to seize the territory from King Decebalus, resulting in the formation of Roman Dacia in 106, after Trajan’s costly and bloody wars. During Roman rule, the territory, depleted of its indigenous population, was repopulated with Latin colonists and its rich resource stock was systematically exploited. However, due to the growing threat of East Germanic and Carpic invasions, Emperor Aurelian withdrew his legions and evacuated the citizens south of the Lower Danube in 275, after which the province was occupied by the Goths.[20] In 376, a powerful nomadic people, the Huns, defeated and shattered the Goths, and settled in the area. After the death of Hun King Attila, their empire disintegrated and the Gepids conquered the region in 455, under King Ardaric.[21] For two centuries, the Gepids controlled Transylvania. They waged war successfully against the Eastern Roman Empire, and less successfully against the Ostrogoths in Pannonia. They were defeated by the Lombards and Avars in 567.[22] In the following years, the Avars took full control over Transylvania, heavily settling the area with Slavic tribes who accepted their suzerainty. The expansion of the Frankish Empire, however, imposed a growing threat on them and their khaganate was crushed in the Avar Wars.[23][24] The Avars and Slavs, although substantially depleted in number, continued to inhabit the Carpathian Basin.[25] The First Bulgarian Empire annexed Southern Transylvania[when?].[26] Smaller Slavic polities were also present, nevertheless they could hardly keep their independence.[27]

In the late 9th century, Transylvania was reached and conquered by the Hungarian conquerors. There is an ongoing scholarly debate over the demographics in Transylvania in this time. According to the theory of Daco-Roman Continuity, Romanians continuously lived on the territory for the past 2500 years. Opponents of this hypothesis point to the lack of written, archaeological and linguistic evidence to support this.[28] Hungarian medieval chronicles claimed that the Székely people descended from the Huns, who remained in Transylvania, and later, in combination with the returning Hungarians, conquered the Carpathian Basin.[29][30][31][32] According to the Gesta Hungarorum, the Vlach (Blacorum, Blacus) leader Gelou ruled part of Transylvania before the Hungarians arrived. Historians debate whether he was a historical person or an imaginary figure. The gyulas from the seven chieftains of the Hungarians governed Transylvania in the 10th century. King Stephen I of Hungary asserted his claim to rule all lands dominated by Hungarian lords. He personally led his army against his maternal uncle Gyula III and Transylvania became part of the Kingdom of Hungary in 1002.[33] Place names derived from the Hungarian tribes evidence that major Hungarian groups settled in Transylvania from the 950s.[34][35] In the 12th and 13th centuries, Southeast and Northeast Transylvania was settled by Saxon colonists. After the Battle of Kosovo and Ottoman arrival at the Hungarian border, thousands of Vlach and Serbian refugees came to Transylvania.

Between 1002 and 1526, Transylvania was part of the Kingdom of Hungary, led by a voivode appointed by the King of Hungary.[36][37] After the Battle of Mohács in 1526, Transylvania became part of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom. Later, in 1570, the kingdom became the Principality of Transylvania by the Treaty of Speyer, which was ruled primarily by Calvinist Hungarian princes. The Eastern Hungarian king became the first prince of Transylvania, according to the treaty. The Principality of Transylvania continued to be part of the Kingdom of Hungary in the sense of public law, which stressed in a highly significant way that John Sigismund’s possessions belonged to the Holy Crown of Hungary and he was not permitted to alienate them.[38]

The Habsburgs acquired the territory shortly after the Battle of Vienna in 1683. In 1687, the rulers of Transylvania recognized the suzerainty of the Habsburg emperor Leopold I, and the region was officially attached to the Habsburg Empire. The Habsburgs acknowledged the Principality of Transylvania as one of the Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen,[39] but the territory of the principality was administratively separated[40][41] from Habsburg Hungary,[42][43][44] and subjected to the direct rule of the emperor’s governors.[45] In 1699 the Ottomans legally acknowledged their loss of Transylvania in the Treaty of Karlowitz; however, some anti-Habsburg elements within the principality submitted to the emperor only in the 1711 Peace of Szatmár, when Habsburg control over Principality of Transylvania was consolidated. The Grand Principality of Transylvania was reintroduced 54 years later in 1765.

The Hungarian revolution against the Habsburgs started in 1848, and grew into a war for the total independence of the Kingdom of Hungary from the Habsburg dynasty. Julius Jacob von Haynau, the leader of the Austrian army, was appointed plenipotentiary to restore order in Hungary after the conflict. He ordered the execution of The 13 Hungarian Martyrs of Arad, and Prime Minister Batthyány was executed the same day in Pest. After a series of serious Austrian defeats in 1849, the empire came close to the brink of collapse. Thus, the new young emperor Franz Joseph I had to call for Russian help under the Holy Alliance. Czar Nicholas I answered, and sent an army of 200,000 men with 80,000 auxiliary forces. Finally, the joint army of Russian and Austrian forces defeated the Hungarian forces. After the restoration of Habsburg power, Hungary was placed under martial law. Following the Hungarian Army’s surrender at Világos (now Șiria, Romania) in 1849, their revolutionary banners were taken to Russia by the Tsarist troops and were kept there both under the Tsarist and Communist systems (in 1940 the Soviet Union offered the banners to the Horthy government).

After the Ausgleich of 1867, the Principality of Transylvania was once again abolished. The territory then became part of Transleithania,[46][47] an addition to the newly established Austro-Hungarian Empire. Romanian intellectuals issued the Blaj Pronouncement in protest.[48]

The region was the site of an important battle during World War I, which caused the replacement of the German Chief of Staff, temporarily ceased German offensives on all the other fronts and created a unified Central Powers command under the German Kaiser. Following defeat in World War I, Austria-Hungary disintegrated. Elected representatives of the ethnic Romanians from Transylvania, Banat, Crișana and Maramureș backed by the mobilization of Romanian troops, proclaimed Union with Romania on 1 December 1918. The Proclamation of Union of Alba Iulia was adopted by the Deputies of the Romanians from Transylvania and supported one month later by the vote of the Deputies of the Saxons from Transylvania.

The national holiday of Romania, the Great Union Day (also called Unification Day,[49]) occurring on December 1, celebrates this event. The holiday was established after the Romanian Revolution, and marks the unification not only of Transylvania but also of the provinces of Banat, Bessarabia and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom. These other provinces had all joined with the Kingdom of Romania a few months earlier. In 1920, the Treaty of Trianon established new borders and much of the proclaimed territories became part of Romania. Hungary protested against the new state borders, as they did not follow the real ethnic boundaries, for over 1.3 or 1.6 million Hungarian people, representing 25.5 or 31.6% of the Transylvanian population (depending on statistics used),[50][51] were living on the Romanian side of the border, mainly in the Székely Land of Eastern Transylvania, and along the newly created border.

Territorial evolution of Romania in the 20th century, excluding changes during World War II

In August 1940, with the arbitration of Germany and Italy under the Second Vienna Award, Hungary gained Northern Transylvania (including parts of Crișana and Maramureș), and over 40% of the territory lost in 1920. This award did not solve the nationality problem, as over 1.15–1.3 million Romanians (or 48% to more than 50% of the population of the ceded territory) remained in Northern Transylvania while 0.36–0.8 million Hungarians (or 11% to more than 20% of the population) continued to reside in Southern Transylvania.[52] The Second Vienna Award was voided on 12 September 1944 by the Allied Commission through the Armistice Agreement with Romania (Article 19), and the 1947 Treaty of Paris reaffirmed the borders between Romania and Hungary as originally defined in the Treaty of Trianon, 27 years earlier, thus confirming the return of Northern Transylvania to Romania.[46]

From 1947 to 1989, Transylvania, along with the rest of Romania, was under a communist regime. The ethnic clashes of Târgu Mureș between ethnic Romanians and Hungarians in March 1990 took place after the fall of the communist regime and became the most notable inter-ethnic incident in the post-communist era.

  • Ruins of Sarmizegetusa Regia

  • Roman city of Apulum

  • A market scene in Transylvania, 1818

    A market scene in Transylvania, 1818

Geography and ethnography[edit]

Geogel, Romanian Orthodox wooden church

Geographical map of Romania

The Transylvanian Plateau, 300 to 500 metres (980–1,640 feet) high, is drained by the Mureș, Someș, Criș, and Olt rivers, as well as other tributaries of the Danube. This core of historical Transylvania roughly corresponds with nine counties of modern Romania. The plateau is almost entirely surrounded by the Eastern, Southern and Romanian Western branches of the Carpathian Mountains. The area includes the Transylvanian Plain. Other areas to the west and north are widely considered part of Transylvania; in common reference, the Western border of Transylvania has come to be identified with the present Romanian-Hungarian border, settled in the 1920 Treaty of Trianon, although geographically the two are not identical.

Ethnographic areas:

  • Transylvania proper:
    • Mărginimea Sibiului (Szeben-hegyalja)
    • Transylvanian Plain (Câmpia Transilvaniei/Mezőség)
    • Țara Bârsei (Burzenland/Barcaság)
    • Țara Buzaielor [ro]
    • Țara Călatei (Kalotaszeg)
    • Țara Chioarului [ro] (Kővár)
    • Țara Făgărașului (Fogaras)
    • Țara Hațegului (Hátszeg)
    • Țara Hălmagiului [ro]
    • Țara Mocanilor [ro]
    • Țara Moților
    • Țara Năsăudului (Nösnerland/Naszód vidéke)
    • Țara Silvaniei [ro]
    • Ținutul Pădurenilor [ro]
    • Ținutul Secuiesc (Székelyföld/Székely Land)
  • Banat
    • Țara Almăjului [ro]
  • Crișana
    • Țara Zarandului [ro]
  • Maramureș
    • Țara Oașului (Avasság)
    • Țara Lăpușului [ro] (Lápos-vidék)

Administrative divisions[edit]

The area of the historical Voivodeship is 55,146 km2 (21,292 sq mi).[53][54]

The regions granted to Romania in 1920 covered 23 counties including nearly 102,200 km2 (39,460 sq mi) (102,787–103,093 km2 in Hungarian sources and 102,282 km2 in contemporary Romanian documents). Nowadays, due to several administrative reorganisations, the territory covers 16 counties (Romanian: județ), with an area of 100,290 km2 (38,722 sq mi), in central and northwest Romania.

The 16 counties are: Alba, Arad, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Caraș-Severin, Cluj, Covasna, Harghita, Hunedoara, Maramureș, Mureș, Sălaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu, and Timiș.

Transylvania contains both largely urban counties, such as Brașov and Hunedoara counties, as well as largely rural ones, such as Bistrița-Năsăud and Sălaj counties.[55]

Since 1998, Romania has been divided into eight development regions, acting as divisions that coordinate and implement socio-economic development at regional level. Six counties (Alba, Brașov, Covasna, Harghita, Mureș and Sibiu) form the Centru development region, another six (Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Cluj, Maramureș, Satu Mare, Sălaj) form the Nord-Vest development region, while four (Arad, Caraș-Severin, Hunedoara, Timiș) form the Vest development region.


Largest cities of Transylvania, Banat, Crișana and Maramureș historical regions in Romania

«INSSE report» (2016 population by place of residence)

Rank Name County Pop. Rank Name County Pop.
1 Timișoara Timiș 331,927 11 Reșița Caraș-Severin 87,864 Brașov
2 Cluj-Napoca Cluj 321,754 12 Alba Iulia Alba 74,212
3 Brașov Brașov 290,283 13 Hunedoara Hunedoara 73,799
4 Oradea Bihor 222,229 14 Deva Hunedoara 70,090
5 Arad Arad 178,462 15 Zalău Sălaj 69,497
6 Sibiu Sibiu 169,480 16 Sfântu Gheorghe Covasna 64,826
7 Târgu Mureș Mureș 149,718 17 Mediaș Sibiu 58,290
8 Baia Mare Maramureș 147,203 18 Turda Cluj 56,985
9 Satu Mare Satu Mare 121,972 19 Lugoj Timiș 47,445
10 Bistrița Bistrița-Năsăud 93,388 20 Sighetu Marmației Maramureș 43,959

Cluj-Napoca, commonly known as Cluj, is the second most populous city in Romania (as of the 2011 census), after the national capital Bucharest, and is the seat of Cluj County. From 1790 to 1848 and from 1861 to 1867, it was the official capital of the Grand Principality of Transylvania. Brașov is an important tourist destination, being the largest city in a mountain resorts area, and a central location, suitable for exploring Romania, with the distances to several tourist destinations (including the Black Sea resorts, the monasteries in northern Moldavia, and the wooden churches of Maramureș) being similar.

Sibiu is one of the most important cultural centres of Romania and was designated the European Capital of Culture for the year 2007, along with the city of Luxembourg.[56] It was formerly the centre of the Transylvanian Saxon culture and between 1692 and 1791 and 1849–65 was the capital of the Principality of Transylvania.

Alba Iulia, a city located on the Mureș River in Alba County, has since the High Middle Ages been the seat of Transylvania’s Roman Catholic diocese. Between 1541 and 1690 it was the capital of the Eastern Hungarian Kingdom and the later Principality of Transylvania. Alba Iulia also has historical importance: after the end of World War I, representatives of the Romanian population of Transylvania gathered in Alba Iulia on 1 December 1918 to proclaim the union of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania. In Transylvania, there are many medieval smaller towns such as Sighișoara, Mediaș, Sebeș, and Bistrița.

  • Arad


  • Deva


  • Sighetu Marmației

    Sighetu Marmației

  • Turda


  • Sfântu Gheorghe Fortress

    Sfântu Gheorghe Fortress

  • Aiud Citadel

    Aiud Citadel


Historical population[edit]

Official censuses with information on Transylvania’s population have been conducted since the 18th century. On May 1, 1784 the Emperor Joseph II called for the first official census of the Habsburg Empire, including Transylvania. The data was published in 1787, and this census showed only the overall population (1,440,986 inhabitants).[57] Fényes Elek, a 19th-century Hungarian statistician, estimated in 1842 that in the population of Transylvania for the years 1830–1840 the majority were 62.3% Romanians and 23.3% Hungarians.[58]

In the last quarter of the 19th century, the Hungarian population of Transylvania increased from 24.9% in 1869 to 31.6%, as indicated in the 1910 Hungarian census (the majority of the Jewish population reported Hungarian as their primary language, so they were also counted as ethnically Hungarian in the 1910 census). At the same time, the percentage of the Romanian population decreased from 59.0% to 53.8% and the percentage of the German population decreased from 11.9% to 10.7%, for a total population of 5,262,495. Magyarization policies greatly contributed to this shift.[59]

The percentage of the Romanian majority has significantly increased since the declaration of the union of Transylvania with Romania after World War I in 1918. The proportion of Hungarians in Transylvania was in steep decline as more of the region’s inhabitants moved into urban areas, where the pressure to assimilate and Romanianize was greater.[51] The expropriation of the estates of Magyar magnates, the distribution of the lands to the Romanian peasants, and the policy of cultural Romanianization that followed the Treaty of Trianon were major causes of friction between Hungary and Romania.[60] Other factors include the emigration of non-Romanian peoples, assimilation and internal migration within Romania (estimates show that between 1945 and 1977, some 630,000 people moved from the Old Kingdom to Transylvania, and 280,000 from Transylvania to the Old Kingdom, most notably to Bucharest).[51]

Current population[edit]

According to the results of the 2011 Population Census, the total population of Transylvania was 6,789,250 inhabitants and the ethnic groups were: Romanians – 70.62%, Hungarians – 17.92%, Roma – 3.99%, Ukrainians – 0.63%, Germans – 0.49%, other – 0.77%. Some 378,298 inhabitants (5.58%) have not declared their ethnicity.[61] The ethnic Hungarian population of Transylvania form a majority in the counties of Covasna (73.6%) and Harghita (84.8%). The Hungarians are also numerous in the following counties: Mureș (37.8%), Satu Mare (34.5%), Bihor (25.2%), and Sălaj (23.2%).


Romanian farmers working their land in Maramureș

Transylvania is rich in mineral resources, notably lignite, iron, lead, manganese, gold, copper, natural gas, salt, and sulfur.[citation needed]

Transylvania’s GDP (nominal) is $194 billion and its GDP per capita measures around $24,500.[when?] Transylvania’s Human Development Index is ranked 0.890, which makes Transylvania the 2nd most developed region in Romania after Bucharest-Ilfov and makes it comparable to countries like the Czech Republic, Poland and Estonia.[citation needed]

There are large iron and steel, chemical, and textile industries. Stock raising, agriculture, wine production and fruit growing are important occupations. Agriculture is widespread in the Transylvanian Plateau, including growing cereals, vegetables, viticulture and breeding cattle, sheep, swine, and poultry. Timber is another valuable resource.

IT, electronics and automotive industries are important in urban and university centers like Cluj-Napoca (Robert Bosch GmbH, Emerson Electric), Timișoara (Alcatel-Lucent, Flextronics and Continental AG), Brașov, Sibiu, Oradea and Arad. The cities of Cluj Napoca and Târgu Mureș are connected with a strong medical tradition, and according to the same classifications top performance hospitals exist there.[62]

Native brands include: Roman of Brașov (trucks and buses), Azomureș of Târgu Mureș (fertilizers), Terapia of Cluj-Napoca (pharmaceuticals), Banca Transilvania of Cluj-Napoca (finance), Romgaz and Transgaz of Mediaș (natural gas), Jidvei of Alba county (alcoholic beverages), Timișoreana of Timișoara (alcoholic beverages) and others.

The Jiu Valley, located in the south of Hunedoara County, has been a major mining area throughout the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century, but many mines were closed down in the years following the collapse of the communist regime, forcing the region to diversify its economy.

During the Second World War, Transylvania (the Southern/Romanian half, as the region was divided during the war) was crucial to the Romanian defense industry. Transylvanian factories built until 1945 over 1,000 warplanes and over 1,000 artillery pieces of all types, among others.[63]


George Coșbuc, Romanian poet, translator, teacher, and journalist, best known for his verses describing, praising and eulogizing rural life

The culture of Transylvania is complex, due to its varied history and longstanding multiculturalism, having incorporated significant Hungarian (see Hungarians in Romania) and German (see Germans of Romania) influences.[64]

With regard to architecture, the Transylvanian Gothic style is preserved to this day in monuments such as the Black Church in Brașov (14th and 15th centuries) and a number of other cathedrals, as well as the Bran Castle in Brașov County (14th century), and the Hunyad Castle in Hunedoara (15th century).

Notable writers such as Emil Cioran, Lucian Blaga, George Coșbuc, Ioan Slavici, Octavian Goga, Liviu Rebreanu, Endre Ady, Elie Wiesel, Elek Benedek and Károly Kós were born in Transylvania. Liviu Rebreanu wrote the novel Ion, which introduces the reader to a depiction of the life of Romanian peasants and intellectuals of Transylvania at the turn of the 20th century. Károly Kós was one of the most important writers supporting the movement of Transylvanianism.


Transylvania has a very rich and unique religious history. Since the Protestant Reformation, different Christian denominations have coexisted in this religious melting pot, including Romanian Orthodox, other Eastern Orthodox, Latin Catholic and Romanian Greek Catholic, Lutheran, Reformed, and Unitarian branches. Christianity is the largest religion, but other faiths also are present, including Jews and Muslims. Under the Habsburgs, Transylvania served as a place for «religious undesirables». People who arrived in Transylvania included those that did not conform to the Catholic Church and were sent here forcibly, as well as many religious refugees. Transylvania has a long history of religious tolerance, ensured by its religious pluralism.

Transylvania has also been (and still is) a center for Christian denominations other than Eastern Orthodoxy, the form of Christianity that most Romanians currently follow. As such, there are significant numbers of inhabitants of Transylvania that follow Latin Catholicism and Greek Catholicism, and Protestantism. Even though before 1948, the population of Transylvania split between Eastern Orthodox, Greek Catholic and other forms of Christianity, during the Communist Period the Orthodox Church was much more favored by the state which has led to Eastern Orthodoxy being the religion of the majority of Transylvanians.[65][66] However, among the Hungarian and German minorities only a small part are Eastern Orthodox. The main two religions of the Hungarian minority are Reformed (Calvinism) and Roman Catholicism;[67] among Germans the main religions are Roman Catholicism (slightly over half of Germans in Romania), followed by Lutheranism and Eastern Orthodox.[68] There are also Pentecostals and Baptists, particularly in Banat and Crișana. UBB, located in Cluj-Napoca is the only university in Europe that has four faculties of theology (Orthodox, Reformed, Roman Catholic, and Greek Catholic).[69]

1930 2011
Denomination Number Percent Number Percent
Eastern Orthodoxy 1,933,589 34.85 4,478,532 65.96
Greek Catholicism 1,385,017 24.96 142,862 2.10
Latin Catholicism 946,100 17.05 632,948 9.32
Mainline Protestantism 1,038,464 18.72 675,107 9.34
Evangelical Protestantism 37,061 0.66 339,472 4.70

There are also small denominations like Adventism, Jehovah’s Witnesses and more.


  • Nowadays, there is a very small number of Muslims (Islam) and Jews (Judaism), but back in 1930, with 191,877 inhabitants, Jews represented 3.46% of Transylvania’s population.[70]
  • Atheists, agnostics and unaffiliated account for 0.27% of Transylvania’s population.

Data refers to extended Transylvania (with Banat, Crișana and Maramureș).[71][72]

Tourist attractions[edit]

  • Bran Castle, also known as Dracula’s Castle
  • Fortress of Deva
  • The very well preserved medieval towns of Alba Iulia, Cluj-Napoca (European Youth Capital 2015), Sibiu (European Capital Of Culture in 2007), Târgu Mureș and Sighișoara (UNESCO World Heritage Site and alleged birthplace of Vlad Dracula)
  • The city of Brașov and the nearby Poiana Brașov ski resort
  • The town of Hunedoara with the 14th century Corvin Castle
  • The citadel and the Art Nouveau city centre of Oradea
  • The Densuș Church, the oldest church in Romania that still holds services[73]
  • The Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains, including Sarmizegetusa Regia (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
  • The Roman forts including Sarmizegetusa Ulpia Traiana, Porolissum, Apulum, Potaissa and Drobeta
  • The Red Lake (also known as Lake Ghilcoș)
  • The Turda Gorge natural reserve
  • The Râșnov Citadel in Râșnov
  • The Maramureș region
    • The Merry Cemetery of Săpânța (the only one of that kind in the world)
    • The Wooden Churches (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
    • The cities of Baia Mare and Sighetu Marmației
    • The villages in the Iza, Mara, and Viseu valleys
  • The Saxon fortified churches (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
  • The Apuseni Mountains:
    • Țara Moților
    • The Bears Cave[74]
    • Scărișoara Cave in Alba County, the third largest glacier cave in the world[74]
  • The Rodna Mountains
  • The Salina Turda Salt Mine: according to Business Insider—one of the ten «coolest underground places in the world».

Festivals and events[edit]

Film festivals[edit]

  • Transilvania International Film Festival, Cluj-Napoca – Romania’s biggest film festival
  • Gay Film Nights, Cluj-Napoca
  • Comedy Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
  • Humor Film Festival, Timișoara[75][76]

Music festivals[edit]

  • Golden Stag Festival, Brașov
  • Gărâna Jazz Festival, Gărâna
  • Peninsula / Félsziget Festival, Târgu-Mureș
  • Untold Festival, Cluj-Napoca – Romania’s biggest music festival
  • Toamna Muzicală Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca
  • Artmania Festival, Sibiu
  • Rockstadt Extreme Fest, Râșnov
  • Electric Castle Festival, Bontida, Cluj-Napoca


  • Sighișoara Medieval Festival, Sighișoara
  • Sibiu International Theatre Festival
  • Festivalul Medieval Cetăți Transilvane Sibiu

Historical coat of arms of Transylvania[edit]

Blue, red and yellow shield with an eagle, the sun, moon and seven castle turrets

Transylvanian coat of arms

The first heraldic representations of Transylvania date from the 16th century. The Diet of 1659 codified the representation of the privileged nations (Unio Trium Nationum (Union of the Three Nations)) in Transylvania’s coat of arms. It depicted a black eagle (Turul) on a blue background, representing the Hungarians, the Sun and the Moon representing the Székelys, and seven red towers on a yellow background representing the seven fortified cities of the Transylvanian Saxons.[77] The flag and coat of arms of Transylvania were granted by Queen Maria Theresa in 1765, when she established a Grand Principality within the Habsburg monarchy.

In 1596, Levinus Hulsius created a coat of arms for Transylvania, consisting of a shield with a rising eagle in the upper field and seven hills with towers on top in the lower field. He published it in his work «Chronologia«, issued in Nuremberg the same year.[78] The seal from 1597 of Sigismund Báthory, Prince of Transylvania, reproduced the new coat of arms with some slight changes: in the upper field the eagle was flanked by a sun and a moon and in the lower field the hills were replaced by simple towers. The coat of arms of Sigismund Báthory beside the coat of arms of the Báthory family, included the Transylvanian, Wallachia and Moldavian coat of arms, he used the title Prince of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia. A short-lived heraldic representation of Transylvania is found on the seal of Michael the Brave. Besides the Wallachian eagle and the Moldavian aurochs, Transylvania is represented by two lions holding a sword standing on seven hills. Hungarian Transylvanian princes used the symbols of the Transylvanian coat of arms usually with the Hungarian coat of arms since the 16th century because Transylvanian princes maintained their claims to the throne of the Kingdom of Hungary.

While neither symbol has official status in present-day Romania, the Transylvanian coat of arms is marshalled within the national Coat of arms of Romania, it was also a component of the Coat of arms of Hungary.

  • Coat of arm of Sigismund Báthory, Prince of Transylvania (1586–1598, 1598–1599, 1601–1602)

    Coat of arm of Sigismund Báthory, Prince of Transylvania (1586–1598, 1598–1599, 1601–1602)

  • Coat of arms of Transylvania (1765)

    Coat of arms of Transylvania (1765)

  • Coat of arms of Transylvania in an Austrian coat of arms (1850)

    Coat of arms of Transylvania in an Austrian coat of arms (1850)

  • Coat of arms of Transylvania in the coat of arms of Romania (2016)

    Coat of arms of Transylvania in the coat of arms of Romania (2016)

In popular culture[edit]

Following the publication of Emily Gerard’s The Land Beyond the Forest (1888), Bram Stoker wrote his gothic horror novel Dracula in 1897, using Transylvania as a setting. With its success, Transylvania became associated in the English- and Spanish-speaking world with vampires. Since then it has been represented in fiction and literature as a land of mystery and magic. For example, in Paulo Coelho’s novel The Witch of Portobello, the main character, Sherine Khalil, is described as a Transylvanian orphan with a Romani mother, in an effort to add to the character’s exotic mystique.[citation needed] The so-called Transylvanian trilogy of historical novels by Miklós Bánffy, The Writing on the Wall, is an extended treatment of the 19th- and early 20th-century social and political history of the country. Among the first actors to portray Dracula in film was Bela Lugosi, who was born in Lugos (now Lugoj), in present-day Romania. There is also an American animated movie franchise called Hotel Transylvania. The Principality of Transylvania is also a playable nation in Europa Universalis IV.

See also[edit]

  • Prehistory of Transylvania
  • Siebenbürgenlied, an unofficial anthem for Transylvania
  • Transylvanianism



  1. ^ Dennis P. Hupchick, Conflict and chaos in Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 1995, p. 62
  2. ^ Peter F. Sugar, Southeastern Europe under Ottoman rule, 1354–1804, University of Washington Press, 1993, pp. 150–154
  3. ^ Béla Köpeczi (2008-07-09). History of Transylvania: From 1606 to 1830. ISBN 978-0-88033-491-4. Retrieved 2017-07-10.
  4. ^ Peter F. Sugar. «Southeastern Europe Under Ottoman Rule, 1354–1804» (History of East Central Europe), University of Washington Press, July 1983, page 163
  5. ^ Paul Lendvai, Ann Major. The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2003, page 146;
  6. ^ » In 1711, after the Peace Treaty of Szatmar, Austrian control was firmly established over all of Hungary and Erdely, and the princes of Transylvania were replaced by Austrian governors. » (Google Search)Glockner, Peter G.; Bagossy, Nora Varga (2007). Encyclopaedia Hungarica: English. Hungarian Ethnic Lexicon Foundation. ISBN 978-1-55383-178-5.
  7. ^ «Transylvania» (2009). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 7, 2009
  8. ^ «Diploma Leopoldinum» (2009). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved July 7, 2009
  9. ^ Laszlo Péter, Hungary’s Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions in a European Perspective, BRILL, 2012, p. 56
  10. ^ Austrian Constitution of 4 March 1849. (Section I, Art. I and Section IX., Art. LXXIV)
  11. ^ John F. Cadzow, Andrew Ludanyi, Louis J. Elteto, Transylvania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict, Kent State University Press, 1983, page 79
  12. ^ James Minahan: One Europe, many nations: an historical dictionary of European national groups, Greenwood Press, Westport, CT 06991
  13. ^ «Travel Advisory; Lure of Dracula In Transylvania». The New York Times. 1993-08-22.
  14. ^ «Romania Transylvania». Icromania.com. 2007-04-15. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  15. ^ Engel, Pál (2001). Realm of St. Stephen: History of Medieval Hungary, 895–1526 (International Library of Historical Studies), page 24, London: I.B. Taurus. ISBN 1-86064-061-3
  16. ^ Pascu, Ștefan (1972). «Voievodatul Transilvaniei». I: 22.
  17. ^ Kristó, Gyula (2002). A korai Erdély [The early Transylvania]. Szegedi Középkorász Műhely. p. 24. ISBN 9634825583.
  18. ^ Drăganu, Nicolae (1924). Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Națională (PDF). Vol. II. Bucharest. p. 237.
  19. ^ Vékony, Gábor (2000): Dacians, Romans, Romanians
  20. ^ Tóth, Endre (1994): The Roman Province of Dacia
  21. ^ Gündisch, Konrad: Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons
  22. ^ Bóna, István (1994): The Kingdom of the Gepids
  23. ^ Curta, Florin (2006): Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1250
  24. ^ Bóna, István (1994): The period of Avar rule
  25. ^ Macartney, Carlile Aylmer (1962): Hungary: a short history
  26. ^ Bóna, István (1994): Southern Transylvania under Bulgar rule
  27. ^ Makkai, László (1975): The origins of the Hungarian people and state
  28. ^ Farkas, Zoltán (2007): Transylvania
  29. ^ Rady, Martyn: The Gesta Hungarorum of Anonymus, the anonymous notary of King Béla
  30. ^ Veszprémy, László; Schaer, Frank (1999): Gesta Hungarorum: The Deeds of the Hungarians
  31. ^ Geréb, László (1993): Képes Krónika (in Hungarian)
  32. ^ Geréb, László (1957): Magyar Krónika (in Hungarian)
  33. ^ Engel, Pal; Andrew Ayton (2005). The Realm of St Stephen. London: Tauris. p. 27. ISBN 1-85043-977-X.
  34. ^ Bóna, István (1994). «From Dacia to Transylvania: The Period of the Great Migrations (271–895); The Hungarian–Slav Period (895–1172)». In Köpeczi, Béla; Barta, Gábor; Bóna, István; Makkai, László; Szász, Zoltán; Borus, Judit (eds.). History of Transylvania. Akadémiai Kiadó. pp. 62–177. ISBN 963-05-6703-2.
  35. ^ Kristó, Gyula (2003). Early Transylvania (895-1324). Lucidus Kiadó. ISBN 963-9465-12-7.
  36. ^ «Stephen I». Encyclopedia of World Biography. 14: 427–428. 2004 – via Gale Virtual Reference Library.
  37. ^ «Hungary». Merriam-Webster’s geographical dictionary (3rd ed.). CREDO. 2007.
  38. ^ Anthony Endrey, The Holy Crown of Hungary, Hungarian Institute, 1978, p. 70
  39. ^ «International Boundary Study – No. 47 – April 15, 1965 – Hungary – Romania (Rumania) Boundary» (PDF). US Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 3, 2009.
  40. ^ «Diploma Leopoldinum (Transylvanian history)». Britannica.com. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  41. ^ «Transylvania (region, Romania)». Britannica.com. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  42. ^ Sugar, Peter F. (2012-07-01). Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804. University of Washington Press. p. 163. ISBN 978-0-295-80363-0.
  43. ^ Cadzow, John F.; Ludanyi, Andrew; Elteto, Louis J. (1983). Transylvania: The Roots of Ethnic Conflict. Kent State University Press. p. 79. ISBN 978-0-87338-283-0.
  44. ^ Lendvai, Paul (2003). The Hungarians: A Thousand Years of Victory in Defeat. C. Hurst. p. 146. ISBN 978-1-85065-682-1.
  45. ^ «Definition of Grand Principality of Transylvania in the Free Online Encyclopedia». Encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  46. ^ a b «Transylvania». Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. 2008. Retrieved 2008-08-01.
  47. ^ «Transylvania», Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2008.
  48. ^ The Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy and Romanian Political Autonomy Archived 2007-04-24 at the Wayback Machine in Pașcu, Ștefan. A History of Transylvania. Dorset Press, New York, 1990.
  49. ^ CIA World Factbook, Romania – Government Archived 2020-05-05 at the Wayback Machine
  50. ^ Történelmi világatlasz [World Atlas of History] (in Hungarian). Cartographia. 1998. ISBN 963-352-519-5.
  51. ^ a b c Varga, E. Árpád, Hungarians in Transylvania between 1870 and 1995, Translation by Tamás Sályi, Budapest, March 1999, pp. 30-34
  52. ^ Keith Hitchins (1994). Romania. Clarendon Press. pp. 486–. ISBN 978-0-19-822126-5.
  53. ^ Transilvania Archived 2020-02-28 at the Wayback Machine at romaniatraveltourism.com
  54. ^ Chisholm 1911.
  55. ^ «Microsoft Word – REZULTATE DEFINITIVE RPL2011.doc» (PDF). Retrieved 2018-04-17.
  56. ^ «Sibiu Cultural Capital Website». Archived from the original on 2006-10-15.
  57. ^ «www.hungarian-history.hu». Archived from the original on 2017-02-02. Retrieved 2017-07-10.
  58. ^ Elek Fényes, Magyarország statistikája, Vol. 1, Trattner-Károlyi, Pest. VII, 1842
  59. ^ Seton-Watson, Robert William (1933). «The Problem of Treaty Revision and the Hungarian Frontiers». International Affairs. 12 (4): 481–503. doi:10.2307/2603603. JSTOR 2603603.
  60. ^ «Transylvania». Columbia Encyclopedia. Archived from the original on 2008-09-05. Retrieved 2008-11-18.
  61. ^ «RPL 2011 – VOLUMUL I: POPULAŢIA STABILĂ (REZIDENTĂ) – STRUCTURA DEMOGRAFICĂ, Table no. 7». recensamantromania.ro.
  62. ^ «Archived copy» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-01-21.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  63. ^ Mark Axworthy, London: Arms and Armour, 1995, Third Axis, Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941–1945, pp. 29-30, 75, 149, 222-227 and 239-272
  64. ^ «Cultura». 2007-12-31. Archived from the original on December 31, 2007. Retrieved 2016-05-08.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  65. ^ Earl A. Pope, «Protestantism in Romania», in Sabrina Petra Ramet (ed.), Protestantism and Politics in Eastern Europe and Russia: The Communist and Postcommunist Eras, Duke University Press, Durham, 1992, p.158-160. ISBN 0-8223-1241-7
  66. ^ The Eastern Catholic Churches 2017. cnewa.org
  67. ^ https://www.nyugatijelen.com/allaspont/reszleges_kozossegi_radiografia_1.php
  68. ^ https://www.recensamantromania.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Date-provizorii-RPL_cu-anexe_30122022.pdf
  69. ^ Ghidul studentului din Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai. Admitere.ubbcluj.ro. p. 5. Archived from the original on 2016-04-26. Retrieved 2016-05-09.
  70. ^ «Situatia demografica a cultelor dupa 1918» (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2017-12-15. Retrieved 2018-04-16.
  71. ^ «Anuarul statistic al Romaniei, 1937 si 1938» (PDF).
  72. ^ «Populația stabilă după religie – județe, municipii, orașe, comune». Institutul Național de Statistică.
  73. ^ «Travel to Romania – Densuș Church (Hunedoara)». Romanianmonasteries.org. 2006-05-31. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  74. ^ a b «Apuseni Caves». Itsromania.com. Archived from the original on 2012-03-16. Retrieved 2012-07-30.
  75. ^ «Zilele Filmului de Umor 2014». timisoreni.ro. Retrieved 25 January 2015.
  76. ^ «O nouă ediție a Zilelor Filmului de Umor la Timișoara». HotNewsRo. 26 June 2014. Retrieved 25 January 2015.
  77. ^ Ströhl, Hugo Gerard (1890). Oesterreichish-Ungarische Wappenrolle (PDF). Vienna: Verlag vom Anton Schroll & C°. p. XV. Retrieved 24 November 2011.
  78. ^ Hulsius, Levinus (1596). Chronologia in qua provinciae… (in Latin). Nuremberg.

Further reading[edit]

  • András Bereznay, Erdély történetének atlasza (Historical Atlas of Transylvania), with text and 102 map plates, the first ever historical atlas of Transylvania (Méry Ratio, 2011; ISBN 978-80-89286-45-4)
  • Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). «Transylvania» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 27 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 210–211.
  • Zoltán Farkas and Judit Sós, Transylvania Guidebook
  • Patrick Leigh Fermor, Between the Woods and the Water (New York Review of Books Classics, 2005; ISBN 1-59017-166-7). Fermor travelled across Transylvania in the summer of 1934, and wrote about it in this account first published more than 50 years later, in 1986.
  • Pop, Ioan-Aurel; Nägler, Thomas; Magyari, András (2018). The History of Transylvania, vol. I-III. Cluj-Napoca: Romanian Academy, Center for Transylvanian Studies – Romanian Cultural Institute. ISBN 978-606-8694-78-8.
  • Köpeczi, Béla; Makkai, László; Mócsy, András; Szász, Zoltán (1994). History of Transylvania. Vol. I–III. Translated by Kovrig, Benett. New Jersey: Atlantic Research and Publications. ISBN 963-05-6703-2.

External links[edit]

  • Radio Transsylvania International
  • «Tolerant Transylvania – Why Transylvania will not become another Kosovo», Katherine Lovatt, in Central Europe Review, Vol. 1, No. 14, 27 September 1999.
  • The History of Transylvania and the Transylvanian Saxons by Dr. Konrad Gündisch, Oldenburg, Germany
  • Transylvania,Its Products and its People Archived 2018-05-05 at the Wayback Machine, by Charles Boner, 1865
  • Transylvanian Family History Database (in Hungarian)

Толковый словарь русского языка. Поиск по слову, типу, синониму, антониму и описанию. Словарь ударений.



Трансильва́ния (Transilvania), историческая область на севере Румынии. В I в. территория Трансильвании составляла основное ядро гето-дакийского государства. В начале II в. — 271 подчинялась римлянам, с XI-XII вв. — венгерским королям (с 1541 под сюзеренитетом турецкого султана). На Карловицком конгрессе 1698-99 признания власти над Трансильванией, находившейся в составе Венгерского королевства, добились Габсбурги. Трианонским мирным договором 1920 Трансильвания закреплена за Румынией. Венским арбитражем 1940 Северная Трансильвания присоединена к Венгрии. Парижские мирные договоры 1947 восстановили румынско-венгерскую границу, существовавшую на 1 января 1938.

* * *

ТРАНСИЛЬВАНИЯ — ТРАНСИЛЬВА́НИЯ (Transilvania), историческая область на севере Румынии. В 1 в. н. э. территория Трансильвании составляла основное ядро гето-дакийского государства. В нач. 2 в. — 271 подчинялась римлянам, с 11-12 вв. — венгерским королям (с 1541 под сюзеренитетом турецкого султана). На Карловицком конгрессе 1698-99 признания власти над Трансильванией, находившейся в составе Венгерского королевства, добились Габсбурги. Трианонским мирным договором 1920 Трансильвания закреплена за Румынией. Венским арбитражем 1940 Сев. Трансильвания присоединена к Венгрии. Парижские мирные договоры 1947 восстановили румынско-венгерскую границу, существовавшую на 1 января 1938.


сущ., кол-во синонимов: 2




Из лат. Transsilvania; см. Кочубинский, Труды 7-го Археол. Съезда 2, 10. Ср. также Седмигра́дия.


— Область в Румынии, родина вампиров.

— Историческая область на севере Румынии.

— В средние века — область на севере Румынии.

— Историческая область в Румынии.

— Название этой исторической области в Румынии в буквальном переводе означает «залесье».

— Венским арбитражем 1940 года её северная часть была присоединена к Венгрии.


трансильвания (transilvania)


ТРАНСИЛЬВАНИЯ (Transilvania) — историческая область на севере Румынии. В 1 в. н. э. территория Трансильвании составляла основное ядро гето-дакийского государства. В нач. 2 в. — 271 подчинялась римлянам, с 11-12 вв. — венгерским королям (с 1541 под сюзеренитетом турецкого султана). На Карловицком конгрессе 1698-99 признания власти над Трансильванией, находившейся в составе Венгерского королевства, добились Габсбурги. Трианонским мирным договором 1920 Трансильвания закреплена за Румынией. Венским арбитражем 1940 Сев. Трансильвания присоединена к Венгрии. Парижские мирные договоры 1947 восстановили румынско-венгерскую границу, существовавшую на 1 января 1938.


Разбор слова «трансильвания»: для переноса, на слоги, по составу

Объяснение правил деление (разбивки) слова «трансильвания» на слоги для переноса.
Онлайн словарь Soosle.ru поможет: фонетический и морфологический разобрать слово «трансильвания» по составу, правильно делить на слоги по провилам русского языка, выделить части слова, поставить ударение, укажет значение, синонимы, антонимы и сочетаемость к слову «трансильвания».

Деление слова трансильвания

Слово трансильвания по слогам


  • 1 Как перенести слово «трансильвания»
  • 2 Синонимы слова «трансильвания»
  • 3 Значение слова «трансильвания»
  • 4 Как правильно пишется слово «трансильвания»
  • 5 Ассоциации к слову «трансильвания»

Как перенести слово «трансильвания»


Синонимы слова «трансильвания»

Значение слова «трансильвания»

1. историческая область на северо-западе Румынии (Викисловарь)

Как правильно пишется слово «трансильвания»

Правописание слова «трансильвания»
Орфография слова «трансильвания»

Правильно слово пишется:

Нумерация букв в слове
Номера букв в слове «трансильвания» в прямом и обратном порядке:

Ассоциации к слову «трансильвания»

  • Венгрия

  • Румыния

  • Венгерское

  • Молдавия

  • Словакия

  • Хорватия

  • Австриец

  • Дунай

  • Княжество

  • Белград

  • Турок

  • Сербия

  • Автономия

  • Будапешт

  • Влада

  • Кронштадт

  • Австрия

  • Стефан

  • Присоединение

  • Султана

  • Овладение

  • Босния

  • Фердинанд

  • Стефана

  • Чехия

  • Болгария

  • Сейм

  • Магнат

  • Сигизмунд

  • Воевода

  • Чехословакия

  • Альп

  • Турция

  • Польша

  • Визирь

  • Севастополь

  • Вампир

  • Королевство

  • Вассал

  • Сакс

  • Герцогство

  • Султан

  • Монархия

  • Меньшинство

  • Вена

  • Влад

  • Изгнанник

  • Венеция

  • Сулейман

  • Пий

  • Серб

  • Арон

  • Протестант

  • Югославия

  • Регион

  • Льгота

  • Пруссия

  • Стамбул

  • Константинополь

  • Рудольф

  • Князь

  • Восстание

  • Суеверие

  • Вероисповедание

  • Подписание

  • Повинность

  • Правитель

  • Поляк

  • Отель

  • Румынский

  • Венгерский

  • Османский

  • Молдавский

  • Венский

  • Саксонский

  • Австрийский

  • Георгиевский

  • Протестантский

  • Хмельницкий

  • Турецкий

  • Юго-восточный

  • Территориальный

  • Болгарский

  • Славянский

  • Этнический

  • Коронный

  • Полковой

  • Александровский

  • Северный

  • Феодальный

  • Северо-восточный

  • Храбрый

  • Сербский

  • Вторгнуться

  • Присоединить

  • Опустошить

  • Переселиться

  • Граничить

  • Заселить

  • Родом


Морфологические и синтаксические свойства[править]

падеж ед. ч. мн. ч.
Им. Трансильва́ния Трансильва́нии
Р. Трансильва́нии Трансильва́ний
Д. Трансильва́нии Трансильва́ниям
В. Трансильва́нию Трансильва́нии
Тв. Трансильва́нией
Пр. Трансильва́нии Трансильва́ниях


Существительное, неодушевлённое, женский род, 1-е склонение (тип склонения 7a по классификации А. А. Зализняка).

Имя собственное, топоним.

Корень: -Трансильваниj-; окончание: .


  • МФА: [trən⁽ʲ⁾sʲɪlʲˈvanʲɪɪ̯ə]

Семантические свойства[править]


  1. историческая область на северо-западе Румынии ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  2. истор. княжество, существовавшее с 1570 по 1711 год на территории Трансильвании [1] ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).
  3. округ в штате Северная Каролина, США ◆ Отсутствует пример употребления (см. рекомендации).





Родственные слова[править]

Ближайшее родство
  • существительные: трансильванец
  • прилагательные: трансильванский


Из лат. Transsilvania «Трансильвания», далее из Trans- + -silvania;

  • первая часть — из trans «через, за», далее из праиндоевр. *tra- «переправляться»;
  • вторая часть — из silvanus «лесной», далее из silva «лес», далее из неустановленной формы.

Фразеологизмы и устойчивые сочетания[править]


Список переводов
  • Азербайджанскийaz: Transilvaniya
  • Английскийen: Transylvania
  • Арагонскийan: Transilvania
  • Армянскийhy: Տրանսիլվանիա
  • Астурийскийast: Transilvania ж.
  • Африкаансaf: Transsilvanië
  • Белорусскийbe: Трансільванія ж.
  • Болгарскийbg: Трансилвания
  • Бретонскийbr: Treuzsilvania
  • Валлийскийcy: Transylfania
  • Галисийскийgl: Transilvania
  • Греческийel: Τρανσυλβανία
  • Грузинскийka: ტრანსილვანია
  • Датскийda: Transsylvanien
  • Ивритhe: טרנסילבניה
  • Ирландскийga: an Trasalváin
  • Испанскийes: Transilvania
  • Каталанскийca: Transsilvània
  • Немецкийde: Transsilvanien; Transsylvanien
  • Финскийfi: Transilvania
  • Французскийfr: Transylvanie ж.
  • Фризскийfy: Transsylvaanje
  • Чешскийcs: Transylvánie
  • Эсперантоиeo: Transilvanio
  • Эстонскийet: Transilvaania


Правильное написание слова трансильвания:


Криптовалюта за ходьбу!

Количество букв в слове: 13

Слово состоит из букв:
Т, Р, А, Н, С, И, Л, Ь, В, А, Н, И, Я

Правильный транслит слова: transilvaniya

Написание с не правильной раскладкой клавиатуры: nhfycbkmdfybz

Тест на правописание

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Трансевропейский или трансъевропейский как правильно пишется
  • Тренировка мускул как правильно пишется
  • Трансевразийский как пишется
  • Тренировка как пишется на английском языке
  • Трансатлантический как правильно пишется