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Флиртуем онлайн: как писать кокетливые сообщения на языке эмодзи

Лень придумывать кокетливые сообщения, но пофлиртовать с парнем онлайн очень хочется? Используй эмодзи! В помощь тебе наш кокетливый эмодзи-разговорник :)

18 февраля 2019


Иногда особых премудростей и не нужно. Отправь парню влюбленный смайлик – он точно поймет, что ты имеешь в виду.

Пусть поломает голову

Прелесть эмодзи в том, что их смысл не всегда прозрачен. А что еще нужно для изящного флирта, правда? Ухмыляющийся смайлик может означать, в общем-то, что угодно. Вот пусть парень и подумает, что ты хотела сказать. И сам сделает следующий шаг.

Будь игривой

Покажи ему, какая ты стильная штучка – пусть ценит твое внимание :)

Пригласи на свидание

Сделай ему предложение, от которого он не сможет отказаться. Кто же не захочет посидеть с тобой в уютном кафе?

Начни с азов

Старомодное «привет» всем уже надоело. А вот эмодзи с тем же смыслом выглядит куда симпатичнее.

Польсти ему

Кому же не будет приятно, если кто-то по нему буквально слюнки пускает? Надеемся, он ответит тебе взаимностью ;)

Дай понять, что ты о нем думаешь

Выразить такое в словах – это ну очень смело, не у всех хватит духу на такую откровенность. Эмодзи сообщают ровно то же, но выглядят безобиднее.

Задай вопрос

Еще один вариант для скромных девушек, которые не решаются выразить чувства словами. Вот милый способ спросить парня, не хочет ли он сходить с тобой в кино.

Завали его комплиментами

Не можешь найти подходящих слов? Ну и не надо! Отправь ему самые горячие смайлики. Что ты имела в виду? Может, что он супер-hot. А может, ты просто любишь острую пищу ;)

Продемонстрируй свою заинтересованность

Осторожно намекни, что глаз не можешь от него отвести.

Ненавязчиво подскажи идею для свидания

У вас уже все отлично, но парень никак не запомнит, что ты любишь суши, а не бургеры? Покажи ему картинку – может, так быстрее сообразит, куда вести тебя в следующий раз?

Будь уверенной в себе

Парень наверняка оценит твою смелость. Уверенность в себе, между прочим, очень сексуальное качество. Так что не бойся быть прямолинейной, эмодзи-стайл.


Секси смайлики – наше все! Отрывайся и веселись от души :)

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How do you know a guy likes you when you’re texting? By decoding his emojis, of course! From flirtatious smiles to silly winks, we’ve got every emoji he could possibly use if he’s crushing on you. Keep reading to learn all about the top emojis a guy will use if he loves you and how you can respond.

  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 1

    A 😇 emoji could mean he wants to be more than a friend. This happily innocent-looking emoji is anything but! If a guy sends the halo emoji your way, he’s definitely flirting and may even be suggesting something naughty.[1]

    • Send him a 😉 emoji in return to let him know you want to be more than friends too.
    • Be bold and reply with something like, “Aw! You’re too cute! What are you doing later?”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 2

    A guy will send a 😍 emoji if he thinks you’re gorgeous. This flirtatious heart-eyed emoji is the universal symbol for saying, “I love it!” You may find a 😍 emoji in your inbox if he only has eyes for you.

    • He might comment on your social media post with something like, “My eyes have been blessed 😍” or “You’re fine 😍”
    • Tell him you like him by sending a compliment of your own.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 3

    If he loves you, he’ll send a virtual hug with a 🤗 emoji. This playful emoji is a not-so-subtle way to give you a flirtatious hug. A guy may send this if he’s not so sure about your feelings because it’s not as obvious as 😉 or 😜.[2]

    • Dare to do what he didn’t and reply with 😜 or 😉 to say, “Dude, I like you!”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 4

    The classic 😉 means he’s digging you. This smiley face is a universal sign of flirtation in the most casual way. It can turn the simplest message into something blush-inducing!

    • If he asks, “What are you doing? 😉” he may be looking to see if you’d be down to go on a date.
    • Keep your responses flirty and add a 😉 emoji of your own to show him you feel the same way.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 5

    If he sends a 😏 emoji, he’s totally flirting with you. This smirking and charming face is a not-so-subtle way to say “hey” with a sexual connotation. Chances are if he loves you, he’ll send you a 😏 emoji along with a romantic suggestion.[3]

    • Show him you like him too by sending 😏 and sexy message back.
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 6

    A 😘 emoji could be his way of saying, “I like you.” This flirtatious emoji is the perfect addition to any text, whether he’s complimenting you or saying goodnight. If you get a 😘 emoji, chances are he’s got more than just a little crush.

    • Send a 😘 emoji back to return his kiss.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 7

    If he uses a 😅 emoji, he likes you so much he’s nervous. This smiley face is the epitome of anxious laughter. Maybe he sent a text confessing his love for you along with a “So, yeah 😅.”

    • Reassure him if you’re into him too.
    • Text him back something like, “Why so nervous? 😉” or “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me! 🥰”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 8

    Sending a 😌 emoji means he cares about you. If he asks how you are and you say “good,” he may reply with a relieved face to show that he’s glad—if you’re good, he’s good! This is his way of saying he’s emotionally invested in you and your life.

    • Like his reply to show him you care about his sentiment.
    • Go the extra mile and ask him how he is, showing that you’re also emotionally invested in him.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 9

    A 🙈 emoji means he’s feeling a little shy. You make him blush, and sending this cute monkey emoji is his way of showing it! He might send a 🙈 emoji after saying you’re pretty or asking you on a date.

    • Send him a smiley face in return or tell him how cute you think he is.
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 10

    If a guy sends a ❤️ emoji, he loves you with all his heart. The red heart emoji is no joke, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. It’s the universal text symbol for love. If he finishes a text with a ❤️, he’s saying, “I love you.”[4]

    • Send a ❤️ emoji back if you love him too.
    • If you’re not ready to send a ❤️ emoji just yet, reply with a 💛 emoji. This colored heart says, “I like you a lot,” without committing to “love.”[5]
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 11

    Genuine affection can be shown with 🥰. This adorable emoji is commonly used to express love and warmth. If he truly cares about you, he’ll use a 🥰 emoji to show it.[6]

    • He may reply to one of your messages with a 🥰 emoji to say, “You’ve warmed my heart.”
    • Reply with ❤️ and 😊 to say, “I love you.”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 12

    A guy could express his love with a 😚 emoji.[7]
    This kissing emoji isn’t as flirtatious as the 😘 emoji, making it the perfect option for a guy who’s testing out the waters. If he sends you a 😚 emoji, he’s wondering if you like him too.

    • Jump the hurdle for him and send him a 😘 emoji in return, so he knows exactly how you feel.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 13

    A 😊 emoji could be a sign that you make him blush. If he’s head over heels for you, he may amp up his smiley face game and use 😊 instead of 🙂. The squinty eyes and rosy cheeks of the 😊 emoji just scream, “I like you!”

    • Use a 😊 emoji when texting him to let him know you like him back.
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 14

    A guy may imply a date with a 😋 emoji. If he really likes you, he may send you this playful yet flirtatious emoji, especially if he mentions food.[8]

    • He might say, “I’m totally craving pizza right now 😋”
    • Let him know you’re craving what he’s craving, and he may just ask you to join him!
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 15

    If he sends a 😜 emoji, he’s feeling extra flirty. You’re on his radar, and he’s not afraid to show it! The playful 😜 is a level up from the classic 😉 and has a fun, sexual vibe. If he loves you, he’ll most likely add this emoji at the end of a sexy, flirtatious message.

    • If you’re in a romantic mood, keep the sexy vibes rolling by sending a few cheeky messages or compliments his way.
    • Try saying something like, “You really know how to get a girl going 😏” or “Could say the same to you, babe! 😜”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 16

    He’s fascinated by you if he sends a 🤩 emoji. This dazzling smiley face screams, “Wow!” Whether he’s amazed by something you did or said, he’s obviously impressed. You’re stealing his heart, and this is his way of showing it.

    • Shower your reply with hearts and smiley face emojis to show how much you appreciate his love.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 17

    A guy sees himself in a relationship with you if he uses 💕. This double heart emoji is innocent-looking enough, but it could have a deeper meaning. If you’re not in a relationship with him yet, he may send you a 💕 emoji to say he’s thinking about asking you out.

    • Ask him what’s on his mind if he sends you this emoji.
    • Be subtle and pass along a compliment and 😊, or go bold and ask, “So, what’s up with the hearts? 👀”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 18

    The 💋 emoji sends a virtual kiss and an “I love you.” This emoji is exactly what it looks like—a kiss! If a guy loves you, he may send a 💋 emoji your way to seal his message with a kiss.[9]

    • Send a 💋 emoji, 😘, or ❤️ back to say, “I love you, too!”

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 376,137 times.

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  • Jade

    «It is very helpful to know an emoji’s meaning and the history is very nice to read with the emojis. »

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How do you know a guy likes you when you’re texting? By decoding his emojis, of course! From flirtatious smiles to silly winks, we’ve got every emoji he could possibly use if he’s crushing on you. Keep reading to learn all about the top emojis a guy will use if he loves you and how you can respond.

  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 1

    A 😇 emoji could mean he wants to be more than a friend. This happily innocent-looking emoji is anything but! If a guy sends the halo emoji your way, he’s definitely flirting and may even be suggesting something naughty.[1]

    • Send him a 😉 emoji in return to let him know you want to be more than friends too.
    • Be bold and reply with something like, “Aw! You’re too cute! What are you doing later?”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 2

    A guy will send a 😍 emoji if he thinks you’re gorgeous. This flirtatious heart-eyed emoji is the universal symbol for saying, “I love it!” You may find a 😍 emoji in your inbox if he only has eyes for you.

    • He might comment on your social media post with something like, “My eyes have been blessed 😍” or “You’re fine 😍”
    • Tell him you like him by sending a compliment of your own.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 3

    If he loves you, he’ll send a virtual hug with a 🤗 emoji. This playful emoji is a not-so-subtle way to give you a flirtatious hug. A guy may send this if he’s not so sure about your feelings because it’s not as obvious as 😉 or 😜.[2]

    • Dare to do what he didn’t and reply with 😜 or 😉 to say, “Dude, I like you!”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 4

    The classic 😉 means he’s digging you. This smiley face is a universal sign of flirtation in the most casual way. It can turn the simplest message into something blush-inducing!

    • If he asks, “What are you doing? 😉” he may be looking to see if you’d be down to go on a date.
    • Keep your responses flirty and add a 😉 emoji of your own to show him you feel the same way.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 5

    If he sends a 😏 emoji, he’s totally flirting with you. This smirking and charming face is a not-so-subtle way to say “hey” with a sexual connotation. Chances are if he loves you, he’ll send you a 😏 emoji along with a romantic suggestion.[3]

    • Show him you like him too by sending 😏 and sexy message back.
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 6

    A 😘 emoji could be his way of saying, “I like you.” This flirtatious emoji is the perfect addition to any text, whether he’s complimenting you or saying goodnight. If you get a 😘 emoji, chances are he’s got more than just a little crush.

    • Send a 😘 emoji back to return his kiss.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 7

    If he uses a 😅 emoji, he likes you so much he’s nervous. This smiley face is the epitome of anxious laughter. Maybe he sent a text confessing his love for you along with a “So, yeah 😅.”

    • Reassure him if you’re into him too.
    • Text him back something like, “Why so nervous? 😉” or “That’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me! 🥰”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 8

    Sending a 😌 emoji means he cares about you. If he asks how you are and you say “good,” he may reply with a relieved face to show that he’s glad—if you’re good, he’s good! This is his way of saying he’s emotionally invested in you and your life.

    • Like his reply to show him you care about his sentiment.
    • Go the extra mile and ask him how he is, showing that you’re also emotionally invested in him.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 9

    A 🙈 emoji means he’s feeling a little shy. You make him blush, and sending this cute monkey emoji is his way of showing it! He might send a 🙈 emoji after saying you’re pretty or asking you on a date.

    • Send him a smiley face in return or tell him how cute you think he is.
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 10

    If a guy sends a ❤️ emoji, he loves you with all his heart. The red heart emoji is no joke, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. It’s the universal text symbol for love. If he finishes a text with a ❤️, he’s saying, “I love you.”[4]

    • Send a ❤️ emoji back if you love him too.
    • If you’re not ready to send a ❤️ emoji just yet, reply with a 💛 emoji. This colored heart says, “I like you a lot,” without committing to “love.”[5]
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 11

    Genuine affection can be shown with 🥰. This adorable emoji is commonly used to express love and warmth. If he truly cares about you, he’ll use a 🥰 emoji to show it.[6]

    • He may reply to one of your messages with a 🥰 emoji to say, “You’ve warmed my heart.”
    • Reply with ❤️ and 😊 to say, “I love you.”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 12

    A guy could express his love with a 😚 emoji.[7]
    This kissing emoji isn’t as flirtatious as the 😘 emoji, making it the perfect option for a guy who’s testing out the waters. If he sends you a 😚 emoji, he’s wondering if you like him too.

    • Jump the hurdle for him and send him a 😘 emoji in return, so he knows exactly how you feel.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 13

    A 😊 emoji could be a sign that you make him blush. If he’s head over heels for you, he may amp up his smiley face game and use 😊 instead of 🙂. The squinty eyes and rosy cheeks of the 😊 emoji just scream, “I like you!”

    • Use a 😊 emoji when texting him to let him know you like him back.
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 14

    A guy may imply a date with a 😋 emoji. If he really likes you, he may send you this playful yet flirtatious emoji, especially if he mentions food.[8]

    • He might say, “I’m totally craving pizza right now 😋”
    • Let him know you’re craving what he’s craving, and he may just ask you to join him!
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 15

    If he sends a 😜 emoji, he’s feeling extra flirty. You’re on his radar, and he’s not afraid to show it! The playful 😜 is a level up from the classic 😉 and has a fun, sexual vibe. If he loves you, he’ll most likely add this emoji at the end of a sexy, flirtatious message.

    • If you’re in a romantic mood, keep the sexy vibes rolling by sending a few cheeky messages or compliments his way.
    • Try saying something like, “You really know how to get a girl going 😏” or “Could say the same to you, babe! 😜”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 16

    He’s fascinated by you if he sends a 🤩 emoji. This dazzling smiley face screams, “Wow!” Whether he’s amazed by something you did or said, he’s obviously impressed. You’re stealing his heart, and this is his way of showing it.

    • Shower your reply with hearts and smiley face emojis to show how much you appreciate his love.
  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 17

    A guy sees himself in a relationship with you if he uses 💕. This double heart emoji is innocent-looking enough, but it could have a deeper meaning. If you’re not in a relationship with him yet, he may send you a 💕 emoji to say he’s thinking about asking you out.

    • Ask him what’s on his mind if he sends you this emoji.
    • Be subtle and pass along a compliment and 😊, or go bold and ask, “So, what’s up with the hearts? 👀”
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  1. Image titled Emojis Guys Use when They Love You Step 18

    The 💋 emoji sends a virtual kiss and an “I love you.” This emoji is exactly what it looks like—a kiss! If a guy loves you, he may send a 💋 emoji your way to seal his message with a kiss.[9]

    • Send a 💋 emoji, 😘, or ❤️ back to say, “I love you, too!”

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 376,137 times.

Reader Success Stories

  • Jade

    «It is very helpful to know an emoji’s meaning and the history is very nice to read with the emojis. »

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What does it mean when a girl sends you an emoji? If you can’t tell whether she’s flirting or not, read on to check our guide on interpreting what those mysterious symbols can mean and the best ways to respond. From the most for-sure flirty emojis to the ones that could mean she just likes you as a friend, we’ve compiled a decoded list to help you figure out what she might be saying!

  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 1

    She’s sending you a flirty vibe. A standard winking face with one closed eye and a smile tends to be flirtier than the funny winking face with its tongue out (😜). A winking face that has a stuck-out tongue could signal she’s just being silly. Respond by keeping the conversation light and playful.[1]

    • Send a meme or continue teasing her or joking with her.
    • For a flirty response, reply with a text that says, “😉 Stop distracting me! I’m busy.”[2]
    • You could also send something like, “😎” to play it cool or “😏” to be a little sassy.
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 2

    A blushing emoji means she likes you enough to want to get to know you more. If you sent her a flirty text and she sends a 😊 back, that’s a great sign she’s into you. Interpret this wholesome emoji as a message that she likes the conversation or something you’ve said. Whatever you’re talking about is making her feel warm and fuzzy inside![3]

    • Send back an equally cute hug emoji (🤗) or a text like “I can’t stop thinking about you!”[4]
    • To step up your flirting game try saying, “Oo I made you blush!”
    • For a friendly vibe, reply with something like, “Aw you’re sweet.”
    • If she sends you a 🥰 emoji, treat it as the more intense version of the blushing face and a clear sign she likes you.
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 3

    The hug emoji shows care, but she might not be trying to be flirty. Remember, when it comes to emojis, context is everything! Ask yourself whether the girl is trying to show support or affection or whether she’s flirting.[5]

    • Send back a text like, “I wish I could hug you IRL!”
    • If you’re not sure what to reply, mirror whatever emojis she sends. In this case, you’d send back a hug.
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 4

    You’ve done a great job showing off your sense of humor. When you get a laughing emoji from a girl, it means that she’s amused and having a good time chatting with you. However, the laughing emoji is one of the most commonly used emojis, and it doesn’t have a specific flirty association.[6]

    • Try sending a text back like, “I’m glad someone appreciates my sense of humor 😅.”
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 5

    Your conversation might be heating up. The smirking emoji can signal a flirty, seductive text, but she might also use it after a sarcastic comment or teasing joke.[7]

    • Don’t confuse the smirking emoji 😏 (a half-smile with raised eyebrows) with the unamused emoji 😒 (which has similar eyebrows, but a downturned, dissatisfied mouth).
    • Throw in a few flirty emojis for her in your response, like 👀😉😈.
    • Try sending back a flirty message like, “So where are we going tonight?”[8]
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 6

    You just got a virtual smooch! This one’s definitely a flirty message that means she might even want to kiss you in real life.[9]

    • Send back a blushing face (😊) or a blushing kissy face emoji (😘).
    • For a flirtier response, try sending 🔥 or 😏 if you’re feeling smooth.
    • If you’d like to meet up or take her on a date, ask her out by saying, “Hey, do you want to grab dinner on Friday?”
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 7

    This is the most intimate of the kissy face emojis. When a girl uses this emoji, it shows that she’s comfortable with you and things are getting romantic, too![10]
    Respond with something sweet and genuine, like a compliment.

    • Don’t overthink it! You can respond with a text like, “You really are amazing” or “I love how you make me laugh.”
    • Try a sweet text in response like, “Stop, you’re making me blush!” or “My stomach’s got 🦋🦋🦋 now.”
    • You can even respond with a blushing smiling face emoji (😊) or a heart eyes emoji (😍).[11]
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 8

    This one is a great sign that she likes you![12]
    It’s a “cuter” take on the kissy face, and you’ll likely get this emoji from a girl who wants to express affection. She might also use it to respond to a compliment as a way to exaggerate her thanks.[13]

    • You can respond with a cute message like, “Does that mean you miss me?”[14]
    • Ask her to hang out with you by saying something like, “So when do I get to see you again?”
    • You can also send 😘 to show her you’d kiss her back!
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 9

    You probably sent her something that made her smile. This one can be tricky, though! Heart eyes show that she’s into the conversation and wants to express affection or enthusiasm (either for you or for a specific text). Since some people commonly use this emoji to mean “I love that,” you shouldn’t assume she has a crush on you. However, you should totally keep the conversation going, because heart eyes are a good sign she likes talking to you.[15]

    • Send her an emoji back like 😊 or 🤗.
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 10

    These are the flirtiest out of the emoji hearts. She’s more likely to use these in the early stages of flirting to show that she really likes you. She might also send two static hearts, which are less popular for romantic texts and commonly used in friendships.[16]

    • When in doubt, just mirror her emoji usage and send two revolving hearts (💞) back.[17]
    • Orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple hearts signify a less-committed display of affection. Your crush might feel like a red heart or pink heart is too romantic for right now. Don’t worry, keep talking to her and you might get a two revolving hearts emoji![18]
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 11

    Interpret this one within the context of your conversation. If she sends it to you randomly or while you’re flirting, she’s likely showing affection, since a red heart is the classic symbol of romance. However, if you’re talking about school, work, or favorite movies, she could just be using the red heart to mean “I love that.”[19]

    • If you think she’s being flirty, try sending back a sweet text like, “I miss you.”
    • If you think she’s just being friendly, send back a neutral emoji like 🙂.
  2. Advertisement

  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 12

    This one’s a classic romantic gesture in emoji form. When you get a rose emoji, consider it the virtual equivalent of receiving a flower in real life! She’s likely romantically interested in you.[20]

    • You can send back a blushing face emoji (😊) to show your thanks.
    • For an over-the-top flirty response, try “🌹🌹🌹 I brought you a whole bouquet.”
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 13

    She might use this to emoji to refer to the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re a girl or non-binary person and you receive this emoji from a girl, she might be letting you know she’s interested. On the flip side, anyone can use this emoji just to say something’s beautiful or amazing, so be careful not to assume how your crush identifies based on which emojis they use.[21]

    • If you’re not sure whether she’s being flirty or friendly, send back a 🤗 emoji since it’s positive but still not obviously flirtatious.
  2. Advertisement

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  • Question

    What is the meaning of flushed face emoji from a girl?


    A smiley with wide eyes and red cheeks, as if blushing with embarrassment, shame, or shyness, is depicted in «Flushed Face». It can also convey a wide range of other emotions, such as surprise, disbelief, amazement, excitement, and affection, in varying degrees of intensity.

  • Question

    What does a heart of fire mean?


    A flaming heart is depicted as the ‘heart on fire’. It is used to express intense liking for something or a passionate love of something or someone. 

  • Question

    My girlfriend (we’re a gay couple) keeps only sending me 💗, 😂, and 😊. What does this mean?


    As a combination of all these emojis, is probably comfortable with you (which is ideal since she’s your girlfriend). The 💗 (growing heart emoji) represents feelings of affection, love, and pride. The 😂 (face with tears of joy emoji) probably means she thinks you’re funny. The 😊 (smiling face with smiling eyes emoji) is used to express feelings of happiness or warmness.

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  • Black (🖤) and brown heart (🤎) emojis are used to show racial solidarity for Black and Brown communities. If you’re not a member of those communities, you should stick with a red (or other colored) heart.[22]

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What does it mean when a girl sends you an emoji? If you can’t tell whether she’s flirting or not, read on to check our guide on interpreting what those mysterious symbols can mean and the best ways to respond. From the most for-sure flirty emojis to the ones that could mean she just likes you as a friend, we’ve compiled a decoded list to help you figure out what she might be saying!

  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 1

    She’s sending you a flirty vibe. A standard winking face with one closed eye and a smile tends to be flirtier than the funny winking face with its tongue out (😜). A winking face that has a stuck-out tongue could signal she’s just being silly. Respond by keeping the conversation light and playful.[1]

    • Send a meme or continue teasing her or joking with her.
    • For a flirty response, reply with a text that says, “😉 Stop distracting me! I’m busy.”[2]
    • You could also send something like, “😎” to play it cool or “😏” to be a little sassy.
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 2

    A blushing emoji means she likes you enough to want to get to know you more. If you sent her a flirty text and she sends a 😊 back, that’s a great sign she’s into you. Interpret this wholesome emoji as a message that she likes the conversation or something you’ve said. Whatever you’re talking about is making her feel warm and fuzzy inside![3]

    • Send back an equally cute hug emoji (🤗) or a text like “I can’t stop thinking about you!”[4]
    • To step up your flirting game try saying, “Oo I made you blush!”
    • For a friendly vibe, reply with something like, “Aw you’re sweet.”
    • If she sends you a 🥰 emoji, treat it as the more intense version of the blushing face and a clear sign she likes you.
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 3

    The hug emoji shows care, but she might not be trying to be flirty. Remember, when it comes to emojis, context is everything! Ask yourself whether the girl is trying to show support or affection or whether she’s flirting.[5]

    • Send back a text like, “I wish I could hug you IRL!”
    • If you’re not sure what to reply, mirror whatever emojis she sends. In this case, you’d send back a hug.
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 4

    You’ve done a great job showing off your sense of humor. When you get a laughing emoji from a girl, it means that she’s amused and having a good time chatting with you. However, the laughing emoji is one of the most commonly used emojis, and it doesn’t have a specific flirty association.[6]

    • Try sending a text back like, “I’m glad someone appreciates my sense of humor 😅.”
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 5

    Your conversation might be heating up. The smirking emoji can signal a flirty, seductive text, but she might also use it after a sarcastic comment or teasing joke.[7]

    • Don’t confuse the smirking emoji 😏 (a half-smile with raised eyebrows) with the unamused emoji 😒 (which has similar eyebrows, but a downturned, dissatisfied mouth).
    • Throw in a few flirty emojis for her in your response, like 👀😉😈.
    • Try sending back a flirty message like, “So where are we going tonight?”[8]
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 6

    You just got a virtual smooch! This one’s definitely a flirty message that means she might even want to kiss you in real life.[9]

    • Send back a blushing face (😊) or a blushing kissy face emoji (😘).
    • For a flirtier response, try sending 🔥 or 😏 if you’re feeling smooth.
    • If you’d like to meet up or take her on a date, ask her out by saying, “Hey, do you want to grab dinner on Friday?”
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 7

    This is the most intimate of the kissy face emojis. When a girl uses this emoji, it shows that she’s comfortable with you and things are getting romantic, too![10]
    Respond with something sweet and genuine, like a compliment.

    • Don’t overthink it! You can respond with a text like, “You really are amazing” or “I love how you make me laugh.”
    • Try a sweet text in response like, “Stop, you’re making me blush!” or “My stomach’s got 🦋🦋🦋 now.”
    • You can even respond with a blushing smiling face emoji (😊) or a heart eyes emoji (😍).[11]
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  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 8

    This one is a great sign that she likes you![12]
    It’s a “cuter” take on the kissy face, and you’ll likely get this emoji from a girl who wants to express affection. She might also use it to respond to a compliment as a way to exaggerate her thanks.[13]

    • You can respond with a cute message like, “Does that mean you miss me?”[14]
    • Ask her to hang out with you by saying something like, “So when do I get to see you again?”
    • You can also send 😘 to show her you’d kiss her back!
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 9

    You probably sent her something that made her smile. This one can be tricky, though! Heart eyes show that she’s into the conversation and wants to express affection or enthusiasm (either for you or for a specific text). Since some people commonly use this emoji to mean “I love that,” you shouldn’t assume she has a crush on you. However, you should totally keep the conversation going, because heart eyes are a good sign she likes talking to you.[15]

    • Send her an emoji back like 😊 or 🤗.
  2. Advertisement

  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 10

    These are the flirtiest out of the emoji hearts. She’s more likely to use these in the early stages of flirting to show that she really likes you. She might also send two static hearts, which are less popular for romantic texts and commonly used in friendships.[16]

    • When in doubt, just mirror her emoji usage and send two revolving hearts (💞) back.[17]
    • Orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple hearts signify a less-committed display of affection. Your crush might feel like a red heart or pink heart is too romantic for right now. Don’t worry, keep talking to her and you might get a two revolving hearts emoji![18]
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 11

    Interpret this one within the context of your conversation. If she sends it to you randomly or while you’re flirting, she’s likely showing affection, since a red heart is the classic symbol of romance. However, if you’re talking about school, work, or favorite movies, she could just be using the red heart to mean “I love that.”[19]

    • If you think she’s being flirty, try sending back a sweet text like, “I miss you.”
    • If you think she’s just being friendly, send back a neutral emoji like 🙂.
  2. Advertisement

  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 12

    This one’s a classic romantic gesture in emoji form. When you get a rose emoji, consider it the virtual equivalent of receiving a flower in real life! She’s likely romantically interested in you.[20]

    • You can send back a blushing face emoji (😊) to show your thanks.
    • For an over-the-top flirty response, try “🌹🌹🌹 I brought you a whole bouquet.”
  1. Image titled What Emojis Will a Girl Use if She Likes You Step 13

    She might use this to emoji to refer to the LGBTQ+ community. If you’re a girl or non-binary person and you receive this emoji from a girl, she might be letting you know she’s interested. On the flip side, anyone can use this emoji just to say something’s beautiful or amazing, so be careful not to assume how your crush identifies based on which emojis they use.[21]

    • If you’re not sure whether she’s being flirty or friendly, send back a 🤗 emoji since it’s positive but still not obviously flirtatious.
  2. Advertisement

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  • Question

    What is the meaning of flushed face emoji from a girl?


    A smiley with wide eyes and red cheeks, as if blushing with embarrassment, shame, or shyness, is depicted in «Flushed Face». It can also convey a wide range of other emotions, such as surprise, disbelief, amazement, excitement, and affection, in varying degrees of intensity.

  • Question

    What does a heart of fire mean?


    A flaming heart is depicted as the ‘heart on fire’. It is used to express intense liking for something or a passionate love of something or someone. 

  • Question

    My girlfriend (we’re a gay couple) keeps only sending me 💗, 😂, and 😊. What does this mean?


    As a combination of all these emojis, is probably comfortable with you (which is ideal since she’s your girlfriend). The 💗 (growing heart emoji) represents feelings of affection, love, and pride. The 😂 (face with tears of joy emoji) probably means she thinks you’re funny. The 😊 (smiling face with smiling eyes emoji) is used to express feelings of happiness or warmness.

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  • Black (🖤) and brown heart (🤎) emojis are used to show racial solidarity for Black and Brown communities. If you’re not a member of those communities, you should stick with a red (or other colored) heart.[22]

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Признание в любви должно быть особенным. Если вы используете для этого социальные сети, мы подскажем, как написать красиво фразу «Я тебя люблю» при помощи сердечек в ВКонтакте. Их можно будет скопировать и использовать в посте или в личной переписке.


  1. Как сделать сердечко на телефоне из смайлов
  2. Я тебя люблю из сердечек
  3. Редактор смайлов в Vemoji
  4. Другие возможности Vemoji
  5. Создание своего смайлика
  6. Видеоинструкция

Как сделать сердечко на телефоне из смайлов

Для создания красивого СМС понадобится использовать несколько смайлов разного типа и цвета. Нет необходимости в дополнительных приложениях с эмодзи, потому как они есть в каждой клавиатуре мобильного телефона. В этом нет ничего сложно, получится и у тех пользователей, кто впервые это делает.

  1. Открываем переписку ВКонтакте или строку ввода и выбираем значок смайлика, чтобы открылся список;Смайлики на клавиатуре
  2. Пример рассмотрен на пандочках и чёрных сердечках. Но вы можете выбрать для этой задачи любые другие смайлы с разной расцветкой;
  3. Ставим два фоновых смайла, два сердечка, один фоновый смайл, два сердечка и два фоновых;Ряд смайлов
  4. Следующий ряд внутри поставьте все сердечки, по краям фоновые смайлы;
  5. Повторите 2-3 ряда такую же комбинацию;Создание сердечка
  6. Дальше каждый последующий ряд сердечек внутри рисунка необходимо ставить на 1 меньше по краям.Готовое сердечко

В результате у нас получится красивое сердечко из сердечек. Оно готово, чтобы отправить возлюбленному или возлюбленной в сообщениях. Используйте в любом мессенджере такое послание, где поддерживаются эмодзи в классическом виде.

Это интересно: как поставить смайлик в ВК после фамилии?

Я тебя люблю из сердечек

Делать большие надписи слов и фраз в мессенджере проще через веб-версию социальной сети (на компьютере). Курсором удобнее управлять с помощью мыши, ставя его в нужную позицию в чате. Чтобы нарисовать надпись, понадобятся сами смайлики.

Возьмите в качестве кисти вот эти:

  • 💘
  • 💗
  • 💝
  • 💚
  • 💙
  • 💞
  • 💜
  • 💛Я тебя люблю смайликами

Или используйте любые другие. Выберите смайлик для фона, используйте разные сочетания и толщину текста.Создание надписи В группах можно найти примеры подобных надписей. Онлайн-сервисы могут помочь создать разноцветные признания. Один из них рассмотрим подробнее.

Читайте также: что означает синее сердечко в ВК?

Редактор смайлов в Vemoji

Если вам сложно создать надпись в текстовом редакторе, используйте более простой способ – конструктор смайлов Вемоджи https://vemoji.com/art/. В нём уже есть некоторые заготовки, например, большое сердце из сердечек-смайликов. На сервисе Vemoji.com вы найдёте массу интересного. Сайт посвящён теме «эмодзи» и имеет несколько полезных инструментов. Остановимся пока на конструкторе. Чтобы попасть сюда с главной страницы, выберите в верхнем меню «Конструктор».Редактор смайликов

Справа находится окно, где можно рисовать смайликами в буквальном смысле. Выбрав один из них в сетке слева, делайте клик по пустой клеточке. Чтобы сменить эту «кисть», выберите другой смайл, и в сетку будет вставлены копии уже другого эмодзи. В меню можно выбирать количество колонок, максимальное 20. А также рядов – 30. Смайлики есть на любую тему. Их вкладки находятся в верхней части над списком. Когда рисунок будет готов, в блоке под номером 2 нажмите на кнопку «Копировать». И его можно будет вставить в чате ВКонтакте. Здесь достаточно просто написать «Я тебя люблю» сердечками. Или любую другую фразу.

В меню редактора есть полезная кнопка – «Фон». Она заполнит все клеточки тем смайлом, который вы выбрали, чтобы не пришлось вручную проставлять их долгое время.

Другие возможности Vemoji

На сервисе Мемоджи вы найдёте готовые картинки, созданные при помощи редактора и смайликов. Каждый из них можно изменить, нажав на кнопку «Редактировать» или получить для своего чата, для этого предназначена кнопка «Копировать». Рисунки есть на разные темы, перемещаться по ним даёт возможность меню: персонажи, символы, еда и другое. В редакторе смайлов открывается возможность найти любой эмодзи, посмотреть его оригинал или скопировать комбинацию.Библиотека эмодзи

Нередко смайлики заставляют нас задуматься над тем, что они означают. На первый взгляд не понятно – улыбается он или плачет. Насмехается или смеётся искренне и т.д. «Библиотека» эмодзи расскажет значение каждого смайла, который вы найдёте в списке. К слову сказать, здесь есть весь классический набор.

Создание своего смайлика

Если вы хотите удивить своих друзей, создайте свой собственный смайлик. Их можно будет скачать на своё устройство и отправлять друзьям. Создать свой эмодзи через конструктор поможет Emojitool.ru/constructor. Нам предлагают выбрать основу или тело, добавить глаза разной формы, выбрать линию рта из списка. Каждый элемент может быть раскрашен в любой цвет. Есть возможность выбрать градиент для многих элементов.Редактор смайликов

Также есть аксессуары: очки, головной убор, слёзы и т.д. А под смайлом можно написать текст произвольной длины и размера. После завершения настройки его внешнего вида пролистайте список с внешними данными смайлика и нажмите кнопку «Сохранить». В устройстве он будет добавлен в формате PNG с прозрачностью. В чат его можно вставлять как изображение через кнопку со скрепкой.


Подходящее видео на тему: как сделать сердечками в чате ВК фразу «Я тебя люблю».

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Любовь и поцелуи:

(ノ´з`)ノ я тебя обожаю

(♡μ_μ) я без тебя не могу


(♡-_-♡) интроверты тоже умеют любить

( ̄ε ̄@) поцелуй меня

ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ иди ко мне, любовь моя


(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ я втюрился

(。・//ε//・。) губки бантиком


(◡‿◡ ♡) я тебя сильно люблю


(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) мне с тобой так хорошо

(♡゚▽゚♡) влюбленность

(´• ω •`) ♡


♡ (´。• ω •。`) ♡ о боже, я опять влюбился по уши

(´ ▽ `).。o♡ мое сердце принадлежит тебе

╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ меня переполняет любовь

(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ в любви и в полнй гармонии


♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡ люблю всех!

(≧◡≦) ты мне очень нравишься

♡ (⌒▽⌒)♡

(*¯ ³¯*)♡

(˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘) мы любим друг-друга

(/^-^(^ ^*)/ ♡ целуемся и обнимаемся

(o^ ^o)
(◡‿◡ *)
( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

(ノ_<。)ヾ(´▽`) 。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ( ̄ω ̄) ρ(-ω-、)ヾ( ̄ω ̄;)
ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。)ゝ (*´I`)ノ゚(ノД`゚)゚。 ヽ(~_~(・_・)ゝ(ノ_;)ヾ(´∀`) (;ω;)ヾ(´∀`*) (*´ー)ノ(ノд`)(´-ω-`(_ _) (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥) (o・_・)ノ»(ノ_<、)


(#><) (;⌣̀_⌣́) ☆o(><;)○ ( ̄  ̄|||)
(; ̄Д ̄) ( ̄□ ̄」) (# ̄0 ̄) (# ̄ω ̄)(¬_¬;) (>m<) (」゜ロ゜)」 (〃>_<;〃)(^^#) (︶︹︺) ( ̄ヘ ̄) <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)>( ̄︿ ̄) (>﹏<) (—_—) 凸( ̄ヘ ̄)ヾ( ̄O ̄)ツ (⇀‸↼‶) o (><)o


(#`Д´) (`皿´#) (`ω´) ヽ(`д´*)ノ
(・`ω´・) (`ー´) ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ 凸(`△´#)(`ε´) ψ(`∇´)ψ ヾ(`ヘ´)ノ゙ ヽ(‵﹏′)ノ(メ`ロ´) (╬`益´) ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ 凸(`ロ´)凸Σ(▼□▼メ) (°ㅂ°╬) ψ(▼へ▼メ)~→ (ノ°益°)ノ(҂ `з´) (‡▼益▼) (҂`ロ´)凸 ((╬◣﹏◢))٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶ (╬ Ò﹏Ó) \\٩(๑`^´๑)۶//


(ノ_<。) (*-_-) (´-ω-`) .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・.
(μ_μ) (ノД`) (-ω-、) 。゜゜(´O`)°゜。o (TヘTo) (;ω;) (。╯3╰。) 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。(゚,_ゝ`) (个_个) (╯︵╰,) 。・゚(゚><゚)゚・。(╥ω╥) (╯_╰) (╥_╥) .。・゚゚・(>_<)・゚゚・。.(/ˍ・、) (ノ_<、) (╥﹏╥) 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。(つω`*) (。T ω T。) (ノω・、) ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・(T_T) (>_<) (T▽T) 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。o (〒﹏〒)o


(ノωヽ) (/。\) (ノ_ヽ) .・ヾ(。><)シ
(″ロ゛) (;;;*_*) (・人・) \(〇_o)/(/ω\) (/_\) 〜(><)〜 Σ(°△°|||)︴(((><))) {{ (>_<) }} \(º □ º l|l)/ 〣(ºΔº)〣


ヽ(ー_ー)ノ ヽ(´ー`)┌ ┐(‘~`)┌ ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ
┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ ヽ( ̄~ ̄ )ノ ╮( ̄_ ̄)╭ ヽ(ˇヘˇ)ノ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌ ┐(︶▽︶)┌ ╮( ̄~ ̄)╭ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯┐(´д`)┌ ╮(︶︿︶)╭ ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌ ┐(˘ 、 ˘)┌


( ̄ω ̄;) σ( ̄、 ̄〃) ( ̄~ ̄;) (-_-;)・・・┐(‘~`;)┌ (・_・ヾ (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌(・_・;) ( ̄_ ̄)・・・ ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭ ( ̄. ̄;)(@_@) (・・;)ゞ Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ) (・・) ?(•ิ_•ิ)? (◎ ◎)ゞ (ーー;)


(¬_¬) (→_→) (¬ ¬) (¬‿¬)(¬_¬) (←_←) (¬ ¬) (¬‿¬)(↼_↼) (⇀_⇀)


w (゚o゚)w ヽ(゚〇゚)ノ Σ(O_O) Σ(゚ロ゚)
(⊙_⊙) (o_O) (O_O;) (O.O)(゚ロ゚) ! (o_O) ! (□_□) Σ(□_□)∑(O_O;)

(*・ω・)ノ ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ (゚▽゚)/ (*´∀`)ノ
(^-^*)/ (@´ー`)ノ゙ (´• ω •`)ノ (゚∀゚)ノ゙ヾ(*’▽’*) \(⌒▽⌒) ヾ(☆▽☆) (´ ▽ `)ノ(^0^)ノ ~ヾ(・ω・) (・∀・)ノ ヾ(^ω^*)(*゚ー゚)ノ (・_・)ノ (o´ω`o)ノ ヾ(☆’∀’☆)( ̄ω ̄)/ (´ω`)ノ゙ (⌒ω⌒)ノ (o^ ^o)/(≧▽≦)/ (✧∀✧)/ (o´▽`o)ノ ( ̄▽ ̄)/


(^_~) (゚o⌒) (^_-)==☆ (^ω~)
(>ω^) (~人^) (^_-) (-_・)(^_<)〜☆ (^人<)〜☆ ☆⌒(≧▽°) ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)(^_<) (^_−)☆ (・ω<)☆


m (_ _)m (シ_ _)シ m (. .)m <(_ _)>人(_ _*) (*_ _)人 m (_ _;m) (m;_ _)m (シ. .)シ


__φ(..) ( ̄ー ̄)φ__ __φ(。。) __φ(..;)
ヾ(`ー´)シφ__ __〆( ̄ー ̄) …φ(・∀・*) ___〆(・∀・)(^▽^)ψ__ …φ(︶▽︶)φ… (. .)φ__ __φ(◎◎ヘ)


人____人≧(◕ ‿‿ ◕)≦(=^・ω・^=) (=^・ェ・^=) (=①ω①=) (=ω=).nyaa (=;ェ;=) (=`ω´=) (=^‥^=) (=ノωヽ=)(=⌒‿‿⌒=) (=^ ◡ ^=) (=^-ω-^=) ヾ(=`ω´=)ノ»(^• ω •^) (/ =ω=)/


ヾ(´〇`)ノ♪♪♪ ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)ヽ(o´∀`)ノ♪♬ (ノ≧∀≦)ノ ♪ヽ(^^ヽ)♪ ♪(/_ _)/♪♪♬((d⌒ω⌒b))♬♪ └( ̄- ̄└)) ((┘ ̄ω ̄)┘ √( ̄‥ ̄√)└(^^)┐ ┌(^^)┘ \( ̄▽ ̄)\ /( ̄▽ ̄)/( ̄▽ ̄)/♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪ (^_^♪)


(・∀・)・・・———☆ (/-_・)/D・・・・・—— → (^ω^)ノ゙(((((((((●~*(-ω-)/占~~~~~ (/・・)ノ   ((く ((へ ―⊂|=0ヘ(^^)○∞∞∞∞ヽ(^ー^) (; ・_・)――――C (・_・)ノ ζ|||ζ(*^^)/~~~~~~~~~~◎ ¬o ( ̄- ̄メ) ―(T_T)→((( ̄□)_/ (メ`ロ´)︻デ═一 (´-ω・)︻┻┳══━一(メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一 Q (`⌒´Q)


ヾ(・ω・)メ(・ω・)ノ ヽ(∀゜)人(゜∀)ノ ヽ(⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒)ノ(*^ω^)八(⌒▽⌒)八(-‿‿-)ヽ \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ ヾ( ̄ー ̄(≧ω≦*)ゝヽ(⌒ω⌒)人(=^‥^=)ノ ヽ(≧◡≦)八(o^ ^o)ノ (*・∀・)爻(・∀・*)。*:☆(・ω・人・ω・)。:゜☆。 o (^^o)(o^^o)(o^^o)(o^^)o ((( ̄( ̄( ̄▽ ̄) ̄) ̄)))(゚(゚ω(゚ω゚(☆ω☆)゚ω゚)ω゚)゚) ヾ(・ω・`)ノヾ(´・ω・)ノ゛ Ψ(`∀)(∀´)Ψ(っ˘▽˘)(˘▽˘)˘▽˘ς) (((*°▽°*)八(*°▽°*))) ☆ヾ(*´・∀・)ノヾ(・∀・`*)ノ☆ヽ(・∀・)ノ_θ彡☆Σ(ノ `Д´)ノ (*´∇`)┌θ☆(ノ>_<)ノ ( ̄ω ̄)ノ゙⌒☆ミ(o _ _)o (*`0´)θ☆(メ゜皿゜)ノ (o¬‿¬o)…☆ミ(*x_x) (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)(; — _-)――――――C<―_-) <( ̄︿ ̄)︵θ︵θ︵☆(>口<-) ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o ( ̄▽ ̄///)ヽ(>_<ヽ) ―⊂|=0ヘ(^‿^) ヘ(>_<ヘ) ¬o ( ̄‿ ̄メ) ,((( ̄□)_/ \_(○ ̄))),(҂`ロ´)︻デ═一 \(º □ º l|l)/ (╯°Д°)╯︵ /(.□. \) (¬_¬»)ԅ( ̄ε ̄ԅ)/(.□.)\ ︵╰(°益°)╯︵ /(.□. /) (ノ-.-)ノ…((((((((((((●~* (>_<) !!(メ ̄  ̄)_θ☆゚0゚)/(`⌒*)O-(`⌒´Q)
(*´ー´)旦 旦( ̄ω ̄*) (*´з`)口゚。゚口(・∀・) (o^ ^o)且 且(´ω`*)( ̄▽ ̄)[] [](≧▽≦) (*^^)o∀*∀o (^^*) (^^)_旦~~  ~~U_(^^)(* ̄▽ ̄)旦 且(´∀`*)


٩(ˊ〇ˋ*)و просыпается

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ отдаёт честь

(-‸ლ) фейспалм (facepalm)

(╯°益°)╯彡┻━┻ в гневе бросает стол

(╮°-°)╮┳━━┳ (╯°□°)╯ ┻━━┻ взял стол и устроил дебош

┬─┬ノ(º _ ºノ) поставил стол на место

(oT-T)尸 сдаётся

(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) мем / лицо Ленни

(ಠ_ಠ) мем / взгляд неодобрения

◯0o。(ー。ー)y~~ курит

( ̄﹃ ̄) голодный

(˘▽˘)っ♨ ест

(っ˘ڡ˘ς) вкусно поел

(x (x_(x_x (O_o)x_x)_x)x) живой среди зомби

(;・ω・)ア указывает

(  ̄.)o-  【 TV 】 смотрит телевизор

`、ヽ`ヽ`、ヽ(ノ><)ノ `、ヽ`☂ヽ`、ヽ ловит зонтик под дождём

(* ̄ii ̄) кровь из носа



TM © ® ¢? ¥ £

Погода: ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☼ ☽ ☾ ❄ ☄ ★ ☆ ☾ ℃ ℉ ﻩﻩﻩ*ﻩ*ﻩ*ﻩﻩﻩ — ‘๑’- ϟ ︸

Звезды: ✩ ✪ ✫ ✬ ✭ ✮ ✯ ✰ ҈ ҉ ⁂

Планеты: ♂ ♁ ♀ ☿ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇

Символика: ☢ ☣ ☭ ☯ ☮ ☣ ☤ ☬ ☫ ☪ ☨ ☦ ✡ 〄 ♨ ☸ ✙ ✞ 卐 ⌘

Узоры: √ιק √Ìþ moe .ιllιlι.ιl. ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ๑۩۩๑

Смайлы: ソ ッ ヅ ツ ゾ シ ジ ټ ت ン㋛ ☺ ☹ ☻

Цветочки: ✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❂ ❃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ❋ ٭ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴ ✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼

Шахматы: ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟

Иероглифы: 牡 マ キ グ ナ ル フ ァ 系 路 克 瑞 大 阪 市 立 学 鎰 命 科 ャ マ 能 力 ϒ 人 は 妻 ス テ ィ 要 望 通 り 玉 宏 ¥ サ 丹 谷 Ѫ 灯 影 伝 鶐

Знаки зодиака: ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

Ѽ — яблоко)

☢ — ангел что ли…

◄ — в лево

► — в право

▲ — в верх

▼ — вниз

↔ — влево вправо

↨ — вниз вверх

✖- крестик

† — крест

√- галочка

ק — знак числа пи

Ա — омега

● — большая черная тачика

█ — черный прямоугольник

▒ — точки с прочерками

♥ — сердечко

ﭢ — улыбка

ټ — язык

¶ — пи+точка слева

┿ — большой плюс

▄ — нижний квадрат

▀ — верхний квадрат

Ø — не принадлежит

۞ — всеми любимая звездочка

ϖ — эммммм

★ — закрашенная звездочка

☆ — не закрашенная звездочка

☻ — смаил

☺- белый смаил

♀♂ — мужское и женское начало

♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ — черви, крести

☼ — солнце

■□■□■ — мини квадратики

◙ — квадрат с точкой

▬ — прочерк (можно соединять)

TM — ТМ команда

♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ — ноты

۝ — во точняк гамбургир из лимона

╬═ ═╬ — крестики

͡๏̯͡๏ — грустный смаилик

╔╗╚╝ — четыре угла

◊ — ромб

© ® — copyright и trademark

l ﻉ√٥ — Love (сложный снтаксис)

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) — иные миры

٩(̾●̮̮̃̾•̃̾)۶ — весело (не для Explorer-а)

٩(●̮̮̃●̃)۶ — смотрелка

٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ — забавно

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ — удивлен

٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ — подмигивание

٩(x̯x)۶ — бееее

இ — инопланетяшка

½ — одна вторая

⅓ — одна третья

⅔ — две третих

⅛ — одна восьмая

⅜ — три восьмых

⅝ — пять восьмых

⅞ — семь восьмых

⓪ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳
⓿ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴
Цветы и снежинки:
✽ ✾ ✿ ✥ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❄ ❅ ❆ ❇ ❈ ❉ ❊ ✢ ✣ ✤ ❋ ٭ ✱ ✲ ✳ ✴ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ✺ ✻ ✼ ⁂
Шахматные фигуры:
| (•)(•) | Губка Боб
/ (•)(•) Патрик
( (•)(•) ) Скидвард
| (•) | Планктон
|•| |•| Мистер Крабс.
Но, давай честно, ты увидел только сиськи.
Когда включили любимый трэк и ты такой:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)

< ̄`ヽ、       /  ̄ >
 ゝ、  \ /⌒ヽ,ノ   /´
   ゝ、 ( ( ͡◉ ͜> ͡◉) /
     >     ,ノ

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