Зеницу на японском как пишется

Танджиро… я… защищал её… ведь ты… сказал, что… эта вещь для тебя важнее, чем собственная жизнь…

Зеницу Агацума ( (あが) (つま) (ぜん) (いつ) Agatsuma Zen’itsu?) — истребитель демонов и один из главных героев, путешествующих с Танджиро Камадо.


Зеницу — молодой парень со светлой кожей. У него золотисто-коричневые глаза, которые чаще всего опущены вниз, и короткие жёлтые волосы разной длины, которые к кончикам становятся оранжевыми. До становления истребителем его был чёрным.

Он носит более светло-коричневую версию стандартной униформы Истребителей демонов. На верх униформы он надевает жёлто-оранжевое хаори с узором в виде белых треугольников. На ноги он надевает пару кяхан, которые завязаны белыми бантами. Рисунок на них соответствует рисунку на его хаори.


Zenitsu dragging Shoichi EP11.png

Зеницу труслив. Он считает, что, ввиду опасности работы охотника на демонов, жить ему осталось недолго, из-за чего он часто пристает ко встречным девушкам, упрашивая их выйти за него замуж. У Зеницу низкая самооценка, мешающая ему оправдать ожидания других людей и свои собственные. Это часто заставляет его потерять веру в свои способности и, даже когда это очевидно, Зеницу отрицает, что он одержал победу своими силами. Он думает, что его призвание — жить скромной жизнью, а не убивать демонов. Почувствовав трудности или опасность, он убегает, прячется или просто плачет

Но, даже будучи мягкотелым, Зеницу уважает своих товарищей и восхищается своим покойным учителем Шиханом. Чувство долга перед ним помогает Зеницу забыть о страхе и сосредоточиться в нужный момент.

Со временем Зеницу становится смелей в боях, что видно в сражениях против Кайгаку и Мудзана.


Зеницу с оригинальным цветом волос.

Когда Зеницу был моложе, он был влюблён в девушку, которая обманом заставляла его собирать деньги, чтобы избавиться от своих долгов. Из-за неё у Зеницу появились проблемы, но его спас бывший столп грома Джигоро Куваджима. Чтобы вернуть ему долг, Зеницу пришлось пройти через адские тренировки и стать истребителем демонов.

Зеницу находился под опекой Шихана и тренировался вместе с его старшим учеником Кайгаку. На одной из тренировок Зеницу забрался на дерево, потому что не хотел больше тренироваться, и его внезапно ударила молния, из-за чего волосы приняли светлый оттенок.


Танджиро Камадо

Зеницу часто полагается на Танджиро в напряжённых ситуациях, в частности в битвах с демонами. Зеницу уважает Танджиро и восхищается его лидерскими качествами, но иногда насмехается над ним из зависти, когда узнаёт, что Камадо общается с девушками без него. Зеницу считает, что часто в опасные ситуации они попадают лишь по вине Танджиро и его самоубийственного героизма.

Тем не менее, Зеницу очень ценит их дружбу из-за присущих Танджиро доброты и терпимости. Вполне возможно, что он оказался первым настоящим другом Зеницу за всю его жизнь. Они хорошо работают сообща во время боя.

Незуко Камадо

Zenitsu and Nezuko.png

Несмотря на сильный страх перед демонами, Зеницу влюблён в Незуко. Он делает всё для того, чтобы Незуко согласилась выйти за него замуж, и говорит о своей любви к ней каждый раз, когда они пересекаются. Зеницу несколько раз защищает Незуко, когда та оказывается в опасности, например, в первую встречу Зеницу с Иноске Хашибирой и во время боя с Энму.

Однако со временем Зеницу становится спокойнее по отношению к Незуко. Он часто рассказывает ей про их с Танджиро миссии, на которых Незуко не было, а также обещает отвести её в цветочное поле.[1]

Иноске Хашибира

Зеницу и Иноске часто не ладят, хоть и находятся в одной команде. Тем не менее, они хорошо работают сообща, когда этого требует ситуация. После того, как Иноске видит способности спящего Зеницу, он убеждается в том, что Агацуме стоит всегда пребывать в подобном состоянии.

Джигоро Куваджима

Джигоро обучал Зеницу дыханию грома вместе с другим учеником, Кайгаку. Учитель был строг к Зеницу, но не бросал попытки обучить его.

Когда Зеницу узнал о самоубийстве Джигоро, он был шокирован и разгневан, чувствуя горе и боль из-за того, что человек, заменивший ему отца, погиб. Тем не менее, гибель учителя заставила Зеницу сосредоточиться на тренировках, чтобы стать сильнее и убить обратившегося в демона Кайгаку, восстановив тем самым честь Джигоро.



Кайгаку — старший ученик Джигоро Куваджимы, наследник дыхания грома. Несмотря на некоторую к нему неприязнь, Зеницу уважает Кайгаку и защищает его честь. Однажды ради этого он избивает истребителей, осуждавших Кайгаку у того за спиной. С другой стороны, Кайгаку всегда унижает Зеницу и называет его ничтожеством из-за того, что тот слишком слаб. Ради того, чтобы сразиться с Кайгаку на равных, Зеницу создаёт «Седьмой стиль: Пылающий бог грома».

Из-за становления Кайгаку демоном Джигоро совершает сэппуку, и Зеницу решает убить Кайгаку в отместку за смерть учителя.


Естественные способности

Зеницу проверяет свой слух в действии.

Повышенный слух: Зеницу обладает очень чутким слухом, что позволяет ему услышать приближение опасности. Эта способность действует даже во сне. Также он может услышать мысли людей, если использует слух на полную.

Zenitsu using Thunderclap and Flash on Tongue Demon.gif

Бой без сознания: Зеницу становится сильнее, когда теряет сознание. В обычной ситуации волнение и страх парализуют его, однако когда его жизнь в опасности, а испытываемые волнение и страх переходят все границы, Зеницу засыпает, будто впадая в кому, и тем самым пробуждает все свои силы, которые он мастерски использует, опираясь на свои инстинкты. По ходу сюжета Зеницу набирается все больше смелости, которая, вместе с постоянными тренировками, даёт ему возможность пользоваться своими силами в сознании.

Искусство владения мечом

Дыхание грома (雷の呼吸 Kaminari no kokyū): Обучен бывшим столпом, Джигоро Куваджимой. Этот стиль позволяет увеличить скорость и ловкость пользователя, чтобы быть равным по силе демонам. Существует всего 7 стилей, но Зеницу был настолько бездарным, что освоил только самый легкий первый стиль. Позже он сам смог создать свой, седьмой стиль, когда сражался с Кайгаку.

  • Первый стиль: Молниеносный Громовый Раскат (壱ノ型 霹靂一閃 Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen) — пользователь делает рывок вперед и наносит удар по своему противнику с невероятной скоростью. Зеницу отточил этот стиль настолько хорошо, что он мог использовать несколько рывков в быстрой последовательности. Он обычно использует Шесть изгибов (六連 Rokuren), но был способен использовать Восемь изгибов (八連 Hachiren) разом всего за одно применение техники.
  • Божественная скорость (神速 Shinsoku) — Зеницу использует эту технику, чтобы увеличить скорость своего Молниеносного громового раската. Он единственный, кто может использовать эту технику дважды за день. После второго использования его ноги становятся бесполезными. Zenitsu using Thunder Breathing Seventh Style Flaming Thunder God to decapitate Kaigaku.png
  • Седьмой Стиль: Пылающий Бог Грома (漆ノ型 火 雷 神 Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no kami) — Это седьмой стиль, который Зеницу придумал сам. Пользователь создает драконоподобное существо, которое может излучать огонь и гром. Этот стиль, как и Божественная скорость, позволяет Зеницу двигаться очень быстро. Это позволило ему победить Шестую Высшую Луну Кайгаку. Во время боя Зеницу признался, что создал эту технику специально ради боя с Кайгаку.

Интересные факты

  • Агацума (我妻) — очень популярная фамилия в Японии, которая переводится как «моя жена» и имеет несколько чтений: её можно прочитать как Азума, Вагацума или Гасаи. Зеницу (善逸) означает «доброта».
  • У Зеницу хорошо развит музыкальный слух. Благодаря ему Зеницу отлично играет на сямисене и кото.
  • Зеницу занял 2 место в рейтинге популярности персонажей, набрав 4299 голосов.
  • В параллельной вселенной «Академии клинка» Зеницу является учеником старших классов и состоит в комитете морали, хотя совсем не хочет этого. Каждое утро он стоит на пороге школы и проверяет школьную форму.
  • День рождения такой же, как у Аобы Ямаширо из «Наруто».
  • Знак зодиака — Дева.


  1. «Клинок, рассекающий демонов»: Глава 51, Страницы 10-11


[с · п · ?]


Истребители демонов
Семья Убуяшики: Амане Убуяшики  •  Кагая Убуяшики  •  Каната Убуяшики  •  Кирия Убуяшики  •  Куина Убуяшики  •  Ничика Убуяшики  •  Хинаки Убуяшики

Столпы: Гёмей Химеджима  •  Гию Томиока  •  Джигоро Куваджима (бывший)  •  Канаэ Кочо (бывший)  •  Кёджуро Ренгоку  •  Мицури Канроджи  •  Муичиро Токито  •  Обанай Игуро  •  Саконджи Урокодаки (бывший)  •  Санеми Шинадзугава  •  Тенген Узуй  •  Шинджуро Ренгоку (бывший)  •  Шинобу Кочо

Истребители демонов: Генья Шинадзугава  •  Ёриичи Цугикуни  •  Зеницу Агацума  •  Иноске Хашибира  •  Канао Цуюри  •  Масачика Кумено  •  Мурата  •  Озаки  •  Танджиро Камадо

Поместье бабочки: Аой Канзаки  •  Гото (какуши)  •  Киё Тераучи  •  Нахо Такада  •  Суми Накахара

Остальные: Макио  •  Макомо  •  Сабито  •  Сума  •  Хинацуру

Демоны: Болотный Демон  •  Демон-змея  •  Демон из храма  •  Демон-паук (Дочь)  •  Демон-паук (Мать)  •  Демон-паук (Отец)  •  Демон-паук (Сын)  •  Демон рук  •  Демон с языком  •  Демон-флейтист  •  Мудзан Кибуцуджи  •  Незуко Камадо  •  Рогатый демон  •  Сусамару  •  Тамаё  •  Чачамару  •  Юширо  •  Яхаба

Демоны двенадцати лун: Кокушибо  •  Доума  •  Аказа  •  Накиме  •  Хантенгу  •  Гёкко  •  Кайгаку  •  Гютаро  •  Даки  •  Энму  •  Рокуро  •  Вакураба  •  Мукаго  •  Руи  •  Камануэ  •  Кёгай

Семья Камадо: Киэ Камадо  •  Незуко Камадо  •  Рокута Камадо  •  Сумиёши  •  Сумире  •  Суяко  •  Такео Камадо  •  Танджиро Камадо  •  Танджуро Камадо  •  Ханако Камадо  •  Шигеру Камадо

Деревня кузнецов: Козо Канамори  •  Котецу  •  Тецуидо  •  Теччин Теччикавахара  •  Хотару Хаганезука

Дом барабанов: Киёши  •  Теруко  •  Шоичи

Квартал красных фонарей: Койнацу  •  Омицу

Другие: Акено Цугикуни  •  Казуми  •  Кейзо  •  Кёго Шинадзугава  •  Котоха Хашибира  •  Коюки  •  Рей  •  Рука Ренгоку  •  Сабуро  •  Сатоко  •  Сенджуро Ренгоку  •  Такахару  •  Тоё  •  Токэ  •  Ута  •  Хиса  •  Цутако Томиока  •  Шидзу Шинадзугава  •  Юичиро Токито

Животные: Вороны уз  •  Ниндзю  •  Таро  •  Чачамару


Семья Камадо: Каната Камадо  •  Сумихико Камадо

Семья Агацума: Ёшитеру Агацума  •  Токо Агацума

Другие: Аоба Хашибира  •  Тоджуро Ренгоку  •  Тенма Узуй  •  Гиисчи Томиока  •  Санехиро Шинадзугава
Люди: Томи  •  Фуку  •  Яэ
Демоны: Демон-флейтист  •  Матазо  •  Кромсатель  •  Убуме  •  Хаиро

Танджиро… я… защищал её… ведь ты… сказал, что… эта вещь для тебя важнее, чем собственная жизнь…

Зеницу Агацума ( (あが) (つま) (ぜん) (いつ) Agatsuma Zen’itsu?) — истребитель демонов и один из главных героев, путешествующих с Танджиро Камадо.


Зеницу — молодой парень со светлой кожей. У него золотисто-коричневые глаза, которые чаще всего опущены вниз, и короткие жёлтые волосы разной длины, которые к кончикам становятся оранжевыми. До становления истребителем его был чёрным.

Он носит более светло-коричневую версию стандартной униформы Истребителей демонов. На верх униформы он надевает жёлто-оранжевое хаори с узором в виде белых треугольников. На ноги он надевает пару кяхан, которые завязаны белыми бантами. Рисунок на них соответствует рисунку на его хаори.


Zenitsu dragging Shoichi EP11.png

Зеницу труслив. Он считает, что, ввиду опасности работы охотника на демонов, жить ему осталось недолго, из-за чего он часто пристает ко встречным девушкам, упрашивая их выйти за него замуж. У Зеницу низкая самооценка, мешающая ему оправдать ожидания других людей и свои собственные. Это часто заставляет его потерять веру в свои способности и, даже когда это очевидно, Зеницу отрицает, что он одержал победу своими силами. Он думает, что его призвание — жить скромной жизнью, а не убивать демонов. Почувствовав трудности или опасность, он убегает, прячется или просто плачет

Но, даже будучи мягкотелым, Зеницу уважает своих товарищей и восхищается своим покойным учителем Шиханом. Чувство долга перед ним помогает Зеницу забыть о страхе и сосредоточиться в нужный момент.

Со временем Зеницу становится смелей в боях, что видно в сражениях против Кайгаку и Мудзана.


Зеницу с оригинальным цветом волос.

Когда Зеницу был моложе, он был влюблён в девушку, которая обманом заставляла его собирать деньги, чтобы избавиться от своих долгов. Из-за неё у Зеницу появились проблемы, но его спас бывший столп грома Джигоро Куваджима. Чтобы вернуть ему долг, Зеницу пришлось пройти через адские тренировки и стать истребителем демонов.

Зеницу находился под опекой Шихана и тренировался вместе с его старшим учеником Кайгаку. На одной из тренировок Зеницу забрался на дерево, потому что не хотел больше тренироваться, и его внезапно ударила молния, из-за чего волосы приняли светлый оттенок.


Танджиро Камадо

Зеницу часто полагается на Танджиро в напряжённых ситуациях, в частности в битвах с демонами. Зеницу уважает Танджиро и восхищается его лидерскими качествами, но иногда насмехается над ним из зависти, когда узнаёт, что Камадо общается с девушками без него. Зеницу считает, что часто в опасные ситуации они попадают лишь по вине Танджиро и его самоубийственного героизма.

Тем не менее, Зеницу очень ценит их дружбу из-за присущих Танджиро доброты и терпимости. Вполне возможно, что он оказался первым настоящим другом Зеницу за всю его жизнь. Они хорошо работают сообща во время боя.

Незуко Камадо

Zenitsu and Nezuko.png

Несмотря на сильный страх перед демонами, Зеницу влюблён в Незуко. Он делает всё для того, чтобы Незуко согласилась выйти за него замуж, и говорит о своей любви к ней каждый раз, когда они пересекаются. Зеницу несколько раз защищает Незуко, когда та оказывается в опасности, например, в первую встречу Зеницу с Иноске Хашибирой и во время боя с Энму.

Однако со временем Зеницу становится спокойнее по отношению к Незуко. Он часто рассказывает ей про их с Танджиро миссии, на которых Незуко не было, а также обещает отвести её в цветочное поле.[1]

Иноске Хашибира

Зеницу и Иноске часто не ладят, хоть и находятся в одной команде. Тем не менее, они хорошо работают сообща, когда этого требует ситуация. После того, как Иноске видит способности спящего Зеницу, он убеждается в том, что Агацуме стоит всегда пребывать в подобном состоянии.

Джигоро Куваджима

Джигоро обучал Зеницу дыханию грома вместе с другим учеником, Кайгаку. Учитель был строг к Зеницу, но не бросал попытки обучить его.

Когда Зеницу узнал о самоубийстве Джигоро, он был шокирован и разгневан, чувствуя горе и боль из-за того, что человек, заменивший ему отца, погиб. Тем не менее, гибель учителя заставила Зеницу сосредоточиться на тренировках, чтобы стать сильнее и убить обратившегося в демона Кайгаку, восстановив тем самым честь Джигоро.



Кайгаку — старший ученик Джигоро Куваджимы, наследник дыхания грома. Несмотря на некоторую к нему неприязнь, Зеницу уважает Кайгаку и защищает его честь. Однажды ради этого он избивает истребителей, осуждавших Кайгаку у того за спиной. С другой стороны, Кайгаку всегда унижает Зеницу и называет его ничтожеством из-за того, что тот слишком слаб. Ради того, чтобы сразиться с Кайгаку на равных, Зеницу создаёт «Седьмой стиль: Пылающий бог грома».

Из-за становления Кайгаку демоном Джигоро совершает сэппуку, и Зеницу решает убить Кайгаку в отместку за смерть учителя.


Естественные способности

Зеницу проверяет свой слух в действии.

Повышенный слух: Зеницу обладает очень чутким слухом, что позволяет ему услышать приближение опасности. Эта способность действует даже во сне. Также он может услышать мысли людей, если использует слух на полную.

Zenitsu using Thunderclap and Flash on Tongue Demon.gif

Бой без сознания: Зеницу становится сильнее, когда теряет сознание. В обычной ситуации волнение и страх парализуют его, однако когда его жизнь в опасности, а испытываемые волнение и страх переходят все границы, Зеницу засыпает, будто впадая в кому, и тем самым пробуждает все свои силы, которые он мастерски использует, опираясь на свои инстинкты. По ходу сюжета Зеницу набирается все больше смелости, которая, вместе с постоянными тренировками, даёт ему возможность пользоваться своими силами в сознании.

Искусство владения мечом

Дыхание грома (雷の呼吸 Kaminari no kokyū): Обучен бывшим столпом, Джигоро Куваджимой. Этот стиль позволяет увеличить скорость и ловкость пользователя, чтобы быть равным по силе демонам. Существует всего 7 стилей, но Зеницу был настолько бездарным, что освоил только самый легкий первый стиль. Позже он сам смог создать свой, седьмой стиль, когда сражался с Кайгаку.

  • Первый стиль: Молниеносный Громовый Раскат (壱ノ型 霹靂一閃 Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen) — пользователь делает рывок вперед и наносит удар по своему противнику с невероятной скоростью. Зеницу отточил этот стиль настолько хорошо, что он мог использовать несколько рывков в быстрой последовательности. Он обычно использует Шесть изгибов (六連 Rokuren), но был способен использовать Восемь изгибов (八連 Hachiren) разом всего за одно применение техники.
  • Божественная скорость (神速 Shinsoku) — Зеницу использует эту технику, чтобы увеличить скорость своего Молниеносного громового раската. Он единственный, кто может использовать эту технику дважды за день. После второго использования его ноги становятся бесполезными. Zenitsu using Thunder Breathing Seventh Style Flaming Thunder God to decapitate Kaigaku.png
  • Седьмой Стиль: Пылающий Бог Грома (漆ノ型 火 雷 神 Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no kami) — Это седьмой стиль, который Зеницу придумал сам. Пользователь создает драконоподобное существо, которое может излучать огонь и гром. Этот стиль, как и Божественная скорость, позволяет Зеницу двигаться очень быстро. Это позволило ему победить Шестую Высшую Луну Кайгаку. Во время боя Зеницу признался, что создал эту технику специально ради боя с Кайгаку.

Интересные факты

  • Агацума (我妻) — очень популярная фамилия в Японии, которая переводится как «моя жена» и имеет несколько чтений: её можно прочитать как Азума, Вагацума или Гасаи. Зеницу (善逸) означает «доброта».
  • У Зеницу хорошо развит музыкальный слух. Благодаря ему Зеницу отлично играет на сямисене и кото.
  • Зеницу занял 2 место в рейтинге популярности персонажей, набрав 4299 голосов.
  • В параллельной вселенной «Академии клинка» Зеницу является учеником старших классов и состоит в комитете морали, хотя совсем не хочет этого. Каждое утро он стоит на пороге школы и проверяет школьную форму.
  • День рождения такой же, как у Аобы Ямаширо из «Наруто».
  • Знак зодиака — Дева.


  1. «Клинок, рассекающий демонов»: Глава 51, Страницы 10-11


[с · п · ?]


Истребители демонов
Семья Убуяшики: Амане Убуяшики  •  Кагая Убуяшики  •  Каната Убуяшики  •  Кирия Убуяшики  •  Куина Убуяшики  •  Ничика Убуяшики  •  Хинаки Убуяшики

Столпы: Гёмей Химеджима  •  Гию Томиока  •  Джигоро Куваджима (бывший)  •  Канаэ Кочо (бывший)  •  Кёджуро Ренгоку  •  Мицури Канроджи  •  Муичиро Токито  •  Обанай Игуро  •  Саконджи Урокодаки (бывший)  •  Санеми Шинадзугава  •  Тенген Узуй  •  Шинджуро Ренгоку (бывший)  •  Шинобу Кочо

Истребители демонов: Генья Шинадзугава  •  Ёриичи Цугикуни  •  Зеницу Агацума  •  Иноске Хашибира  •  Канао Цуюри  •  Масачика Кумено  •  Мурата  •  Озаки  •  Танджиро Камадо

Поместье бабочки: Аой Канзаки  •  Гото (какуши)  •  Киё Тераучи  •  Нахо Такада  •  Суми Накахара

Остальные: Макио  •  Макомо  •  Сабито  •  Сума  •  Хинацуру

Демоны: Болотный Демон  •  Демон-змея  •  Демон из храма  •  Демон-паук (Дочь)  •  Демон-паук (Мать)  •  Демон-паук (Отец)  •  Демон-паук (Сын)  •  Демон рук  •  Демон с языком  •  Мудзан Кибуцуджи  •  Незуко Камадо  •  Рогатый Демон  •  Сусамару  •  Тамаё  •  Чачамару  •  Юширо  •  Яхаба

Демоны двенадцати лун: Кокушибо  •  Доума  •  Аказа  •  Накиме  •  Хантенгу  •  Гёкко  •  Кайгаку  •  Гютаро  •  Даки  •  Энму  •  Рокуро  •  Вакураба  •  Мукаго  •  Руи  •  Камануэ  •  Кёгай

Семья Камадо: Киэ Камадо  •  Незуко Камадо  •  Рокута Камадо  •  Сумиёши  •  Сумире  •  Суяко  •  Такео Камадо  •  Танджиро Камадо  •  Танджуро Камадо  •  Ханако Камадо  •  Шигеру Камадо

Деревня кузнецов: Козо Канамори  •  Котецу  •  Тецуидо  •  Теччин Теччикавахара  •  Хотару Хаганезука

Дом барабанов: Киёши  •  Теруко  •  Шоичи

Квартал красных фонарей: Койнацу  •  Омицу

Другие: Акено Цугикуни  •  Казуми  •  Кейзо  •  Кёго Шинадзугава  •  Котоха Хашибира  •  Коюки  •  Рука Ренгоку  •  Сабуро  •  Сатоко  •  Сенджуро Ренгоку  •  Такахару  •  Тоё  •  Токи  •  Ута  •  Хиса  •  Цутако Томиока  •  Шидзу Шинадзугава  •  Юичиро Токито

Животные: Вороны уз  •  Ниндзю  •  Таро  •  Чачамару


Семья Камадо: Каната Камадо  •  Сумихико Камадо

Семья Агацума: Ёшитеру Агацума  •  Токо Агацума

Другие: Аоба Хашибира  •  Тоджуро Ренгоку  •  Тенма Узуй  •  Гиисчи Томиока  •  Санехиро Шинадзугава
Люди: Томи  •  Фуку  •  Яэ
Демоны: Демон с флейтой  •  Матазо  •  Рубака  •  Убуме  •  Хаиро

Член организации охотников за демонами и спутник Тандзиро Камадо, один из пяти выживших на последнем отборе. На год старше Иносукэ и Тандзиро, ему шестнадцать лет. Раньше волосы Дзэницу были чёрными, однако просветлели после того, как в него ударила молния, когда он спасался на дереве от тренировок учителя. Поверх стандартной чёрной униформы охотника носит жёлтое хаори с орнаментом из белых треугольников, его клинок также с жёлтыми разводами. Фамильяр — воробей Тюнтаро.

Невообразимый трус и плакса, Дзэницу пугается любого шума, постоянно прося окружающих защитить его и повторяя, что очень скоро умрёт. Бабник, волочится за каждой девушкой, которая к нему добра, требуя выйти за него. Узнав, что Тандзиро носит в ящике за спиной прекрасную девушку, начинает завидовать ему и беситься, но быстро успокаивается, когда понимает, что Нэдзуко на самом деле младшая сестра Камадо. С тех пор постоянно защищает её, испытывая сильную симпатию.

Несмотря на малодушие, Дзэницу очень любит учителя и друзей, готов ради них рискнуть жизнью, переступая через свои слабости. Обладатель очень тонкого слуха, благодаря которому прекрасно играет на сямисэне и кото, даже на расстоянии может отличать звуки демонов и людей, что весьма помогает в охоте. Для него каждое живое существо издаёт свой неповторимый звук.

Учитель Дзигоро Кувадзима, которого Дзэницу всегда называет «дедулей», обучал Агацуму шести стилям дыхания грома, однако ученик, из-за полного отсутствия таланта, освоил за годы тренировок только первый стиль — «Молниеносный громовой раскат», самый основной, хотя и овладел этой техникой в совершенстве. В бою Дзэницу бесполезен, так как от страха перед демонами сразу падает в обморок и тут же засыпает.


Однако в такой момент Агацуме снится сон, где он очень силён и бесстрашен, всем нужен и всем помогает. Спящее тело Дзэницу начинает двигаться, развивая невероятную скорость, и использует отточенную тяжёлыми тренировками технику первого стиля, чтобы победить врага. Проснувшись, Дзэницу ничего не помнит о том, что делал во сне, приписывая заслуги по убийству демонов своим спутникам или случайности. Именно так он выжил на Фудзикасанэ, проспав весь отбор. Придумывает собственный, седьмой стиль дыхания грома — «Пылающий бог грома», чтобы сражаться с демонами бок о бок с Кайгаку, другим учеником Дзигоро. Во время тренировки со столпами Дзэницу получает печальную весть: старший ученик Дзигоро — Кайгаку — стал демоном, и учитель из-за него покончил с собой. Агацуме приходится отбросить свою трусость и нерешительность уже наяву, чтобы встретиться с Кайгаку.

I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.

Zenitsu Agatsuma ( (あが) (つま) (ぜん) (いつ) Agatsuma Zen’itsu?) is one of the main characters of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and along with Inosuke Hashibira, a travelling companion of Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado. He is also a Demon Slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps.


Zenitsu is a young boy of average height with fair skin and downward-sloped, scared-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs, loosely resembling a bowl cut. Before he became a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu’s hair was originally black, but it turned the color it is currently when he was struck by lightning during his training.[2]

For some time following the battle at Mount Natagumo, his limbs temporarily shrunk due to the Spider Demon (Son)’s poison but were able to return to normal afterward thanks to the medicine given to him by Shinobu Kocho.[4]

He wears a paler brown version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of Kyahan, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, pale brown tabi socks and white-laced zōri.


Zenitsu with his original hair color

Zenitsu with his original hair color.

Zenitsu as Zenko

Zenitsu posing as a courtesan.


Zenitsu’s cowardly nature.

Zenitsu comes off as a coward, as he often claims that he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer. He also has rather low self-esteem despite his strength, even considering himself useless as seen when he couldn’t believe he had slain a demon and tricked himself into instead believing that it was Shoichi, even though the latter was a young child who didn’t possess any form of special demon-slaying ability.[5] Zenitsu is in a constant state of fear and always cries and tries to run away at the sight of danger, claiming he wants to live a modest, normal life, instead of that of a Demon Slayer. Due to this, Zenitsu screams and shouts a lot, sometimes annoying the people around him. He is also shown to be pessimistic at times, especially during the Hashira Training Arc where he lashed out at Tanjiro and Inosuke for viewing the training positively.

However, despite these weaknesses, Zenitsu still wants to live up to the expectations others set up for him and will try his hardest when he needs to. He holds great respect and admiration towards his comrades and his deceased teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, and his inner focus and drive in avenging him help to wash away his cowardice and second thoughts when he is in a pinch. Zenitsu also hates himself for how cowardly and incompetent he is, genuinely striving to better himself.

Zenitsu crushing on Nezuko.

Zenitsu is also shown to be something of a wannabe womanizer, stemming from a desire to not be single should he be killed. He tends to hit on girls who he thinks are cute and asks them to marry him, much to their annoyance.[6] This womanizing nature is shown to override his docile personality, in particular when he believes his comrades are «flirting» with cute girls, he soon snaps and goes in long hysterical rants and complaints. Zenitsu seems to have a strong crush on Nezuko, openly expressing his affection for her and always rushing to protect her as if on instinct. During these times, he is also shown to become physically aggressive, lashing out at them in frustration.[7] Though, Zenitsu does show to respect women, telling Daki to let go of a girl that Daki nearly tore the ear off of, and later demanded her to apologize.

Zenitsu’s serious side.

As the only one boy in the trio to have grown up in the city, Zenitsu shows more knowledge about how the city works and is constantly embarrassed by his partners’ naivety.

Before the raid on the Infinity Castle, Zenitsu gives off a different, more serious vibe as if he is focused on something important. This development occurred after receiving a letter from Chuntaro, which revealed his master’s death and Kaigaku’s role behind it.[8] During his fight against Kaigaku, Zenitsu is stern and becomes enraged, causing him to angrily yell at him for disrespecting their cultivator.[9] His sudden change surprises his ex-senior, as Zenitsu shows a more mature persona compared to his usual cowardice.


Zenitsu singlehandedly overpowering and killing an Upper Rank demon.

Overall Abilities: From the beginning, Zenitsu comes off as a talented and skilled Demon Slayer though he denies this. Zenitsu’s true strength awakens when he is asleep, as that’s when his nerves that normally keep him from accessing his true strength give out, making him more sagacious, calm and precise in combat, which allowed him to instantly decapitate the Tongue Demon and defeat the Son Spider Demon by himself. He was later able to defend 3 entire train carts being under attack by Enmu, Lower Rank One, along with Nezuko. A few months after that, he was able to go toe-to-toe with an awakened Daki with the assistance of Inosuke, and later managed to blitz her with Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed. As further credence to his strength, Zenitsu was able to advance to the highest point of the Hashira Training.

However, his true strength seems to manifest when Zenitsu can fight while awake, as he managed to match the new Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku, in power by himself and later blitzed and decapitated him before he could react, although he sustained several severe injuries. However, it was displayed that his feelings of regret and melancholy were the only things keeping Zenitsu from immediately killing Kaigaku, his former senior. Moreover, he could keep up with and overpower the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, albeit he was severely weakened by the Anti-Kibutsuji Drug. Nonetheless, Zenitsu’s strength more than likely matched that of the Hashira by the end of the series.

Zenitsu deciphering layers upon layers of noise with his hearing.

Enhanced Hearing: Zenitsu possesses a heightened sense of hearing, allowing him to detect danger from even the faintest of sounds. Using his superhuman hearing, he has displayed the ability to decipher layers upon layers of sound in one of the brothels and even in the Infinity Castle. As another testament to his great sound detection ability, he can perfectly replicate any tune he hears on a Shamisen and Koto only after listening to it once for the first time,[10] achieving a perfect pitch despite having no musical background. Zenitsu’s exceptional hearing also enables him to fight in his asleep, an impressive feat as he has no visual aid and can only use sound to discern his surroundings while keeping up with the attacks of demons.

  • Extrasensory Perception: Zenitsu’s hearing allows him to hear and pick up sounds outside the normal range of perception, such as detecting a person’s thoughts, emotions and even their personality just by picking up the subtle sounds they produce. Moreover, he can discern a human from a demon by comparing the sounds they make, which also allows him to determine their strength to an extent as Daki, an Upper Rank demon, has a more terrible sound than normal demons.

Enhanced Strength: Zenitsu has attained amazing physical strength through years of harsh training. Zenitsu can hold down Inosuke Hashibira with his bare hands and throw his entire body by grabbing to and swinging one of his legs.[11] Most importantly, Zenitsu has incredible leg strength allowing him to jump extremely high and at blistering speeds to perform his Thunder Breathing techniques. He was also able to damage the body of Muzan, whose body has the highest durability out of all the demons, further testifying his superhuman physical strength.

Zenitsu blitzing Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Zenitsu is extremely fast, being able to easily move faster than even the eye can see. Even at the beginning of the series when he was at his weakest, shown when his speed could evade the attacks of several demons such as the Tongue Demon and Son Spider Demon effortlessly and later blitz them. During the Mugen Train Arc, he was able to save Nezuko from Lower Rank One, Enmu’s, flesh appendages, and slice through many of them before Enmu could react.

As he progresses, his speed has improved to the point that his movements couldn’t be perceived by Upper Rank demons, like Daki and Kaigaku, the former’s reflexes having been amplified multiple times during the fight and latter being a user of the same Breathing Style as Zenitsu. Moreover, Zenitsu could move faster than Kaigaku’s lightning Blood Demon Art and cut his neck before the attack reached him. More impressively, Zenitsu could land multiple hits on the imperceptibly fast Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, with his techniques, albeit he was severely weakened then.

Immense Stamina & Endurance: Zenitsu has incredible stamina and endurance. He has been shown to continue fighting even after being affected by lethal poison from the Son Spider Demon that was gradually weakening him and turning him into a spider. He was also able to defend 3 train cars with Nezuko for an extended period of time without tiring out. Later, Zenitsu, along with Inosuke, engaged in combat with Upper Rank Six, Daki, for a relatively long period of time. Even after receiving numerous wounds from the Upper Rank and later getting trapped under rubble, Zenitsu had enough stamina left to unleash his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice, once to get out of the rubble, the second to blitz Daki.

He was able to continue fighting with Kaigaku even after being on the receiving end of multiple Blood Demon Art-enhanced Thunder Breathing techniques that burned his skin and eventually summon enough power to use his ultimate technique and blitz him. Zenitsu was even able to exert himself for around half an hour during the fight against Muzan, even being able to surpass his limit of only being able to use his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice a day before his legs gave out.

Zenitsu’s indomitable willpower.

Indomitable Will: Zenitsu possesses indomitable willpower and spirit in order to kill demons. This was displayed when he absolutely refused to let Inosuke kill the demon inside Tanjiro’s box, and protected it to the end despite getting relentlessly beat up by Inosuke. While he was asleep against the battle against Daki, Zenitsu had the willpower to continue fighting despite sustaining numerous slash wounds all over his body and having his feet broken.[12] Through sheer will and anger, Zenitsu was able to overcome his cowardice and stay awake in battle against demons, shown during his bout with Kaigaku and Muzan, especially in the fight with the latter in which he refused to give up and persisted despite being enervated and injured.

Tactical Intellect: Even when fighting unconscious, Zenitsu has displayed incredible judgement and tactical intellect. When fighting consciously, this ability is fully released. This able was best exhibited during his battle against Upper Rank Six, Daki. When Inosuke made an erroneous deduction of her weaknesses, Zenitsu correctly explicated that all they need to do is keep both demons’ head disconnected to kill them. After his bout with Kaigaku commenced, he was able to clearly think and process his techniques and demonic abilities.

Unconscious Combat: Zenitsu has the ability to fight when he sleeps, which allows him to awaken his true strength. While awake, his nerves and fear cause him to freeze up so he cannot move. When his life is in danger, his nerves and fear grow so strong that he passes out. But while asleep, his nerves are no longer holding him back, allowing him to fight and move with great judgement, precision and skill. His hearing also places a big part in allowing Zenitsu to fight unconsciously, as it enables him to discern his surroundings and the location of his enemies and their attacks. This also allows him to fight even after he falls victim to Enmu’s spell that makes anyone go into deep sleep.

Fighting Style

Master Swordsman: Zenitsu is an incredibly talented swordsman, especially in his proficiency in extremely fast Iaijutsu-like swordsmanship and the Thunderclap and Flash technique, to the point he can create offshoots of the technique and utilize it even while he is asleep. His swordsmanship skill allowed him to fend off dozens of spiders and defend 3 train carts that Enmu was constantly attacking. Zenitsu’s sword wielding skill evolved to the point that he could fight against Upper Rank demons of the Twelve Kizuki and later matched a severely weakened Muzan, implying that his swordsmanship skill has most likely improved to the point that it matched that of the Hashira, the highest-ranked and most powerful swordsmen in the Demon Slayer Corps.

Breathing Style

Zenitsu using Thunder Breathing to attack an Upper Rank demon.

Thunder Breathing ( (かみなり) () (きゅう) Kaminari no kokyū?): A Breathing Style Zenitsu learned from a cultivator and his teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, but failed to master all the forms in the swordsmanship style but could only be able to use the first of the six forms in it, known as Thunderclap and Flash. However, Zenitsu has become incredibly proficient in fighting and winning using the first form alone, even creating several variations and modifications to it and being able to successfully perform the technique even while unconscious. Later, Zenitsu even created an entire new form in Thunder Breathing, something only a Hashira, specifically Giyu and Muichiro, has done before. This form allowed him to turn the tables against his opponent, Kaigaku, and overpower and decapitate him instantly.


  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen?)[5] — The user unsheathes their katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates their opponent faster than they can react, before sheathing it back. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu and its movements are described to be akin to «lightning ripping through the air».[13]
    • Sixfold ( (ろく) (れん) Rokuren?)[14] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash six times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Eightfold ( (はち) (れん) Hachiren?)[15] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash eight times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Godspeed ( (しん) (そく) Shinsoku?)[16] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash while greatly augmenting the speed of the technique. During the first display of this technique, an unconscious Zenitsu remarked that he mustn’t perform this technique more than two times, otherwise his legs would be rendered useless due to muscle fatigue and exhaustion. However, during the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji, Zenitsu has shown improvement in the proficiency of this technique, allowing him to use it more than twice while still maintaining the power and speed of the technique.
  • Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami ( (しち) (かた)   (ほの) (いかづちの) (かみ) Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no Kami?, lit. Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God)[17] — The personal creation of Zenitsu Agatsuma. The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and unleashes a singular forward slash at a low stance, which is seemingly accompanied by a yellow Japanese dragon shaped like a lightning bolt.

Game Exclusive Techniques

  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Prime ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) (きわみ) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen — Kiwami?)[18] — A variation of the Thunderclap and Flash created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash with such strength that they crack and uproot the ground beneath them, and tear up the ground afterwards trying to arrest their momentum.. This move can be performed mid-air, which launches the user at an angle towards the ground as they strike.
  • Air Spin ( (くう) (てん) Kūten?)[18] — The user delivers a circular spinning slash to send an opponent upwards. Typically, the technique is used to rebound after executing Thunderclap and Flash.
  • Encompassing Slash ( () (ほう) () Shihōkiri?)[18] — The user unleashes a 360° horizontal slash that creates a ring of blue electricity around them.
  • Lightning Burst ( (れん) (ぞく) () (はら) Renzokukiri Harai?)[18] — The user unsheathes their blade and performs three arching horizontal slashes at blinding speeds in quick succession. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu.


Standard Nichirin Katana: As a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu carries around a standard sized and shaped Nichirin katana with lightning streaks along the entire blade. His sword’s hilt is circular shaped with 4 slight indentations, the center has a silver tone with small triangles and has a golden border. The handle is white with several yellow triangles going down it. The base of the handle is gold with two short, white ribbons hanging off it. With his katana, Zenitsu has a standard sword sheath that is white in color.



  • Zenitsu’s surname means «my wife» ( (あが) (つま) agatsuma?), while his given name means «goodness» ( (ぜん) (いつ) zen’itsu?). His first name contains the kanji for «good» ( (ぜん) zen?) and «special, unique» ( (いつ) itsu?)
  • Zenitsu’s rankings in the popularity polls are as follows:
    • Zenitsu ranked 2nd place in the first popularity poll with 4,299 votes.
    • Zenitsu ranked 1st place in the second popularity poll with 17,451 votes.
      • Zenitsu also appeared in The Promised Neverland‘s 2020 popularity poll, ranking 29th place with 44 votes.
  • Thanks to his hearing, Zenitsu is very skilled at playing the shamisen and the koto.
  • Zenitsu has also been mispronounced by Inosuke. Examples including Monitsu ( (もん) (いつ) Mon’itsu?) and Chuitsu (チュウ (いつ) Chū’itsu?) in his dream as a squirrel squire.
  • In a Weekly Shonen Jump spoof 4-koma, Zenitsu plays the shamisen in the band «Chic-N-Scruffy Democracy,» the other members being Tanjiro (vocals), Inosuke (taiko), and Tengen (harmonica). «Melancholy of Explosive Sound Skin and Modern Sense of Smell» is their debut single, and it reportedly made everyone who heard it feel dizzy and nauseous. Zenitsu also wrote a song entitled «Past Life Sins» for the band under the name «zenithu☆A.»[19]
  • Zenitsu is the only non-Hashira Demon Slayer to have done feats specifically only Hashira have done:
    • Create a new, original form in a Breathing Style with multiple users (done by Giyu Tomioka).
    • Defeat an Upper Rank demon by himself (done by Muichiro Tokito).
  • Zenitsu has an overbite.[20]
  • The pattern on Zenitsu’s haori may be inspired by Uroko, a traditional Japanese pattern that symbolizes scales. Samurai would wear clothing with this pattern to protect themselves from harm.
  • After the events of the story, Zenitsu wrote a memoir entitled «The Legend of Zenitsu».[21]
  • Zenitsu is superstitious as he was shown to be delighted seeing two tea stalks in his tea in the extra chapters. In Japan, seeing Chabashira or a tea stalk floating vertically in your teacup when you have Japanese green tea is a sign of good luck.
  • There are six forms, but Zenitsu could only learn the first form said to be the basis for the others yet he honed it to where he could fight against several strong demons. He later created a seventh form and defeated his former senior who had become the Upper Rank Six of the Twelve Kizuki.[22]
  • Zenitsu’s a city boy and has rode on trains before. That was why going out and training with his master in the mountains was 10 times harder for him than it was for Tanjiro and Inosuke. He also doesn’t really care for the inconveniences of the countryside.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu’s hearing allowed him to hear the sickening remarks that girls made on him behind his back. This caused him to be scared of girls so much that he couldn’t stand it anymore (though his naturally cheery and persistent nature allowed him to recover quickly).[citation needed]
  • Though Zenitsu fell in love with Nezuko at first sight, he was skeptical of how Tanjiro described her. He couldn’t believe that girls could be so one-sidedly kind. When he saw how Nezuko wasn’t two-faced and was truly kind, he became so happy that he saw paradise for a moment and almost ascended to heaven.[23]
  • Zenitsu’s debt is estimated to be around 600,000 yen in modern currency.[citation needed]
    • This massive amount of debt likely came from his 7 ex-girlfriends. Despite all of them being beautiful, they treated Zenitsu like a slave, tricked him as well as robbing him of his money. Zenitsu also never got to even hold their hands.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu loves sweet and expensive foods (specifically «high-quality eel» ( (こう) (きゅう) (むなぎ) Kōkyūna Munagi?), more commonly known as kabayaki ( (かば) (やき) ?)), so if he hadn’t become a swordsman, he’d be chubby.
  • In Kimetsu Academy, Zenitsu is a morals officer who ended up on the committee despite not wanting to. He does uniform checks every day by the school gate while being terrified of delinquents.[24]


  • (To himself) «I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.«[25]
  • (To himself regarding Kyojuro Rengoku’s death) «People don’t simply recover instantly. No matter how strong someone is, they can feel pain and sadness. But hiding from it doesn’t solve anything. You must rouse your aching heart and stand back up. I’m sure Rengoku was that kind of person.«[26]
  • (To Daki) «Before you die, I have a task for you. Apologize to the girl whose ear you nearly tore off. It may be your money that pays for their clothing, food and housing, but those girls aren’t your toys. You won’t get away with this.«[27]
  • (To Kaigaku) «Grandfather wasn’t senile. If I’m scum, then you’re trash. I feel sorry for grandpa for having such pathetic successors. I can only do the First Form and you can do everything except that!«[28]
  • (To Kaigaku) «This is my form. I created it, so it’s all mine. With this technique… I wanted to fight you as an equal!«[29]
  • (To Tanjiro Kamado) «Tanjiro! Focus on staying alive! Can you hear me? Don’t die! You can’t die! Nezuko’s gonna to be human again! And you’re gonna get her out of here! And go back to the house where you grew up! Your family is waiting for you two to return!«[30]


  1. Official Twitter Account
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  3. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 205 (Page 14).
  4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 48 (Page 9).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 23 (Page 9).
  6. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 19 (Page 9).
  7. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 49.
  8. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 136 (Pages 4-6).
  9. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144.
  10. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 72 (Page 4).
  11. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 13.
  12. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 95 (Page 5).
  13. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 125 (Page 6).
  14. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 34 (Page 9).
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 91 (Page 15).
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 7).
  17. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 15).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Kimetsu no Yaiba Game: The Hinokami Chronicles.
  19. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 11, (Extra Pages).
  20. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 7, (Extra Pages).
  21. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 23, (Extra Pages).
  22. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 146.
  23. Kimetsu no Yaiba Second Fanbook.
  24. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  25. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 17.
  26. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 67 (Page 13).
  27. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 88 (Page 9-10).
  28. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144 (Page 15-16).
  29. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 17).
  30. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 197 (Page 14).


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Demon Slayer Corps
Ubuyashiki Family: Kagaya Ubuyashiki  •  Amane Ubuyashiki  •  Hinaki Ubuyashiki  •  Nichika Ubuyashiki  •  Kiriya Ubuyashiki  •  Kuina Ubuyashiki  •  Kanata Ubuyashiki
Hashira: Giyu Tomioka  •  Mitsuri Kanroji  •  Obanai Iguro  •  Sanemi Shinazugawa  •  Gyomei Himejima  •  Kyojuro Rengoku  •  Tengen Uzui  •  Muichiro Tokito  •  Shinobu Kocho  •  Kanae Kocho  •  Sakonji Urokodaki  •  Jigoro Kuwajima  •  Shinjuro Rengoku
Demon Slayers: Tanjiro Kamado  •  Zenitsu Agatsuma  •  Inosuke Hashibira  •  Genya Shinazugawa  •  Kanao Tsuyuri  •  Murata  •  Ozaki  •  Masachika Kumeno  •  Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Butterfly Mansion: Aoi Kanzaki  •  Sumi Nakahara  •  Kiyo Terauchi  •  Naho Takada  •  Goto
Other/Associates: Sabito  •  Makomo  •  Suma  •  Makio  •  Hinatsuru
Demons: Muzan Kibutsuji  •  Nezuko Kamado  •  Tamayo  •  Yushiro  •  Chachamaru  •  Susamaru  •  Yahaba  •  Temple Demon  •  Hand Demon  •  Tongue Demon  •  Horned Demon  •  Swamp Demon  •  Serpent Demon  •  Spider Demon (Father)  •  Spider Demon (Mother)  •  Spider Demon (Son)  •  Spider Demon (Daughter)
Twelve Kizuki: Kokushibo  •  Doma  •  Akaza  •  Nakime  •  Hantengu  •  Gyokko  •  Gyutaro  •  Daki  •  Kaigaku  •  Enmu  •  Rokuro  •  Wakuraba  •  Mukago  •  Rui  •  Kamanue  •  Kyogai
Kamado Family: Tanjuro Kamado  •  Kie Kamado  •  Takeo Kamado  •  Hanako Kamado  •  Shigeru Kamado  •  Rokuta Kamado  •  Sumiyoshi  •  Suyako  •  Sumire
Swordsmith Village: Tecchin Tecchikawahara  •  Hotaru Haganezuka  •  Kozo Kanamori  •  Kotetsu  •  Tetsuido
Tsuzumi Mansion: Teruko  •  Shoichi  •  Kiyoshi
Entertainment District: Koinatsu  •  Omitsu
Other: Akeno Tsugikuni  •  Senjuro Rengoku  •  Ruka Rengoku  •  Yuichiro Tokito  •  Kotoha Hashibira  •  Hisa  •  Saburo  •  Kazumi  •  Satoko  •  Tokie  •  Rei  •  Keizo  •  Koyuki  •  Takaharu  •  Toyo  •  Uta  •  Shizu Shinazugawa  •  Kyogo Shinazugawa  •  Tsutako Tomioka
Animals: Chachamaru  •  Kasugai Crows  •  Ninju
Kamado Family: Kanata Kamado  •  Sumihiko Kamado
Agatsuma Family: Toko Agatsuma  •  Yoshiteru Agatsuma
Other: Aoba Hashibira  •  Tojuro Rengoku  •  Tenma Uzui  •  Giichi Tomioka  •  Sanehiro Shinazugawa
Spin-Off/Anime Original Characters
Civilians: Yae  •  Taro  •  Fuku  •  Tomi
Demons: Matazo  •  Hairo  •  Flute Demon  •  Ubume  •  Slasher
I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.

Zenitsu Agatsuma ( (あが) (つま) (ぜん) (いつ) Agatsuma Zen’itsu?) is one of the main characters of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and along with Inosuke Hashibira, a travelling companion of Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado. He is also a Demon Slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps.


Zenitsu is a young boy of average height with fair skin and downward-sloped, scared-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs, loosely resembling a bowl cut. Before he became a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu’s hair was originally black, but it turned the color it is currently when he was struck by lightning during his training.[2]

For some time following the battle at Mount Natagumo, his limbs temporarily shrunk due to the Spider Demon (Son)’s poison but were able to return to normal afterward thanks to the medicine given to him by Shinobu Kocho.[4]

He wears a paler brown version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of Kyahan, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, pale brown tabi socks and white-laced zōri.


Zenitsu with his original hair color

Zenitsu with his original hair color.

Zenitsu as Zenko

Zenitsu posing as a courtesan.


Zenitsu’s cowardly nature.

Zenitsu comes off as a coward, as he often claims that he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer. He also has rather low self-esteem despite his strength, even considering himself useless as seen when he couldn’t believe he had slain a demon and tricked himself into instead believing that it was Shoichi, even though the latter was a young child who didn’t possess any form of special demon-slaying ability.[5] Zenitsu is in a constant state of fear and always cries and tries to run away at the sight of danger, claiming he wants to live a modest, normal life, instead of that of a Demon Slayer. Due to this, Zenitsu screams and shouts a lot, sometimes annoying the people around him. He is also shown to be pessimistic at times, especially during the Hashira Training Arc where he lashed out at Tanjiro and Inosuke for viewing the training positively.

However, despite these weaknesses, Zenitsu still wants to live up to the expectations others set up for him and will try his hardest when he needs to. He holds great respect and admiration towards his comrades and his deceased teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, and his inner focus and drive in avenging him help to wash away his cowardice and second thoughts when he is in a pinch. Zenitsu also hates himself for how cowardly and incompetent he is, genuinely striving to better himself.

Zenitsu crushing on Nezuko.

Zenitsu is also shown to be something of a wannabe womanizer, stemming from a desire to not be single should he be killed. He tends to hit on girls who he thinks are cute and asks them to marry him, much to their annoyance.[6] This womanizing nature is shown to override his docile personality, in particular when he believes his comrades are «flirting» with cute girls, he soon snaps and goes in long hysterical rants and complaints. Zenitsu seems to have a strong crush on Nezuko, openly expressing his affection for her and always rushing to protect her as if on instinct. During these times, he is also shown to become physically aggressive, lashing out at them in frustration.[7] Though, Zenitsu does show to respect women, telling Daki to let go of a girl that Daki nearly tore the ear off of, and later demanded her to apologize.

Zenitsu’s serious side.

As the only one boy in the trio to have grown up in the city, Zenitsu shows more knowledge about how the city works and is constantly embarrassed by his partners’ naivety.

Before the raid on the Infinity Castle, Zenitsu gives off a different, more serious vibe as if he is focused on something important. This development occurred after receiving a letter from Chuntaro, which revealed his master’s death and Kaigaku’s role behind it.[8] During his fight against Kaigaku, Zenitsu is stern and becomes enraged, causing him to angrily yell at him for disrespecting their cultivator.[9] His sudden change surprises his ex-senior, as Zenitsu shows a more mature persona compared to his usual cowardice.


Zenitsu singlehandedly overpowering and killing an Upper Rank demon.

Overall Abilities: From the beginning, Zenitsu comes off as a talented and skilled Demon Slayer though he denies this. Zenitsu’s true strength awakens when he is asleep, as that’s when his nerves that normally keep him from accessing his true strength give out, making him more sagacious, calm and precise in combat, which allowed him to instantly decapitate the Tongue Demon and defeat the Son Spider Demon by himself. He was later able to defend 3 entire train carts being under attack by Enmu, Lower Rank One, along with Nezuko. A few months after that, he was able to go toe-to-toe with an awakened Daki with the assistance of Inosuke, and later managed to blitz her with Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed. As further credence to his strength, Zenitsu was able to advance to the highest point of the Hashira Training.

However, his true strength seems to manifest when Zenitsu can fight while awake, as he managed to match the new Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku, in power by himself and later blitzed and decapitated him before he could react, although he sustained several severe injuries. However, it was displayed that his feelings of regret and melancholy were the only things keeping Zenitsu from immediately killing Kaigaku, his former senior. Moreover, he could keep up with and overpower the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, albeit he was severely weakened by the Anti-Kibutsuji Drug. Nonetheless, Zenitsu’s strength more than likely matched that of the Hashira by the end of the series.

Zenitsu deciphering layers upon layers of noise with his hearing.

Enhanced Hearing: Zenitsu possesses a heightened sense of hearing, allowing him to detect danger from even the faintest of sounds. Using his superhuman hearing, he has displayed the ability to decipher layers upon layers of sound in one of the brothels and even in the Infinity Castle. As another testament to his great sound detection ability, he can perfectly replicate any tune he hears on a Shamisen and Koto only after listening to it once for the first time,[10] achieving a perfect pitch despite having no musical background. Zenitsu’s exceptional hearing also enables him to fight in his asleep, an impressive feat as he has no visual aid and can only use sound to discern his surroundings while keeping up with the attacks of demons.

  • Extrasensory Perception: Zenitsu’s hearing allows him to hear and pick up sounds outside the normal range of perception, such as detecting a person’s thoughts, emotions and even their personality just by picking up the subtle sounds they produce. Moreover, he can discern a human from a demon by comparing the sounds they make, which also allows him to determine their strength to an extent as Daki, an Upper Rank demon, has a more terrible sound than normal demons.

Enhanced Strength: Zenitsu has attained amazing physical strength through years of harsh training. Zenitsu can hold down Inosuke Hashibira with his bare hands and throw his entire body by grabbing to and swinging one of his legs.[11] Most importantly, Zenitsu has incredible leg strength allowing him to jump extremely high and at blistering speeds to perform his Thunder Breathing techniques. He was also able to damage the body of Muzan, whose body has the highest durability out of all the demons, further testifying his superhuman physical strength.

Zenitsu blitzing Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Zenitsu is extremely fast, being able to easily move faster than even the eye can see. Even at the beginning of the series when he was at his weakest, shown when his speed could evade the attacks of several demons such as the Tongue Demon and Son Spider Demon effortlessly and later blitz them. During the Mugen Train Arc, he was able to save Nezuko from Lower Rank One, Enmu’s, flesh appendages, and slice through many of them before Enmu could react.

As he progresses, his speed has improved to the point that his movements couldn’t be perceived by Upper Rank demons, like Daki and Kaigaku, the former’s reflexes having been amplified multiple times during the fight and latter being a user of the same Breathing Style as Zenitsu. Moreover, Zenitsu could move faster than Kaigaku’s lightning Blood Demon Art and cut his neck before the attack reached him. More impressively, Zenitsu could land multiple hits on the imperceptibly fast Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, with his techniques, albeit he was severely weakened then.

Immense Stamina & Endurance: Zenitsu has incredible stamina and endurance. He has been shown to continue fighting even after being affected by lethal poison from the Son Spider Demon that was gradually weakening him and turning him into a spider. He was also able to defend 3 train cars with Nezuko for an extended period of time without tiring out. Later, Zenitsu, along with Inosuke, engaged in combat with Upper Rank Six, Daki, for a relatively long period of time. Even after receiving numerous wounds from the Upper Rank and later getting trapped under rubble, Zenitsu had enough stamina left to unleash his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice, once to get out of the rubble, the second to blitz Daki.

He was able to continue fighting with Kaigaku even after being on the receiving end of multiple Blood Demon Art-enhanced Thunder Breathing techniques that burned his skin and eventually summon enough power to use his ultimate technique and blitz him. Zenitsu was even able to exert himself for around half an hour during the fight against Muzan, even being able to surpass his limit of only being able to use his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice a day before his legs gave out.

Zenitsu’s indomitable willpower.

Indomitable Will: Zenitsu possesses indomitable willpower and spirit in order to kill demons. This was displayed when he absolutely refused to let Inosuke kill the demon inside Tanjiro’s box, and protected it to the end despite getting relentlessly beat up by Inosuke. While he was asleep against the battle against Daki, Zenitsu had the willpower to continue fighting despite sustaining numerous slash wounds all over his body and having his feet broken.[12] Through sheer will and anger, Zenitsu was able to overcome his cowardice and stay awake in battle against demons, shown during his bout with Kaigaku and Muzan, especially in the fight with the latter in which he refused to give up and persisted despite being enervated and injured.

Tactical Intellect: Even when fighting unconscious, Zenitsu has displayed incredible judgement and tactical intellect. When fighting consciously, this ability is fully released. This able was best exhibited during his battle against Upper Rank Six, Daki. When Inosuke made an erroneous deduction of her weaknesses, Zenitsu correctly explicated that all they need to do is keep both demons’ head disconnected to kill them. After his bout with Kaigaku commenced, he was able to clearly think and process his techniques and demonic abilities.

Unconscious Combat: Zenitsu has the ability to fight when he sleeps, which allows him to awaken his true strength. While awake, his nerves and fear cause him to freeze up so he cannot move. When his life is in danger, his nerves and fear grow so strong that he passes out. But while asleep, his nerves are no longer holding him back, allowing him to fight and move with great judgement, precision and skill. His hearing also places a big part in allowing Zenitsu to fight unconsciously, as it enables him to discern his surroundings and the location of his enemies and their attacks. This also allows him to fight even after he falls victim to Enmu’s spell that makes anyone go into deep sleep.

Fighting Style

Master Swordsman: Zenitsu is an incredibly talented swordsman, especially in his proficiency in extremely fast Iaijutsu-like swordsmanship and the Thunderclap and Flash technique, to the point he can create offshoots of the technique and utilize it even while he is asleep. His swordsmanship skill allowed him to fend off dozens of spiders and defend 3 train carts that Enmu was constantly attacking. Zenitsu’s sword wielding skill evolved to the point that he could fight against Upper Rank demons of the Twelve Kizuki and later matched a severely weakened Muzan, implying that his swordsmanship skill has most likely improved to the point that it matched that of the Hashira, the highest-ranked and most powerful swordsmen in the Demon Slayer Corps.

Breathing Style

Zenitsu using Thunder Breathing to attack an Upper Rank demon.

Thunder Breathing ( (かみなり) () (きゅう) Kaminari no kokyū?): A Breathing Style Zenitsu learned from a cultivator and his teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, but failed to master all the forms in the swordsmanship style but could only be able to use the first of the six forms in it, known as Thunderclap and Flash. However, Zenitsu has become incredibly proficient in fighting and winning using the first form alone, even creating several variations and modifications to it and being able to successfully perform the technique even while unconscious. Later, Zenitsu even created an entire new form in Thunder Breathing, something only a Hashira, specifically Giyu and Muichiro, has done before. This form allowed him to turn the tables against his opponent, Kaigaku, and overpower and decapitate him instantly.


  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen?)[5] — The user unsheathes their katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates their opponent faster than they can react, before sheathing it back. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu and its movements are described to be akin to «lightning ripping through the air».[13]
    • Sixfold ( (ろく) (れん) Rokuren?)[14] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash six times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Eightfold ( (はち) (れん) Hachiren?)[15] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash eight times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Godspeed ( (しん) (そく) Shinsoku?)[16] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash while greatly augmenting the speed of the technique. During the first display of this technique, an unconscious Zenitsu remarked that he mustn’t perform this technique more than two times, otherwise his legs would be rendered useless due to muscle fatigue and exhaustion. However, during the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji, Zenitsu has shown improvement in the proficiency of this technique, allowing him to use it more than twice while still maintaining the power and speed of the technique.
  • Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami ( (しち) (かた)   (ほの) (いかづちの) (かみ) Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no Kami?, lit. Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God)[17] — The personal creation of Zenitsu Agatsuma. The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and unleashes a singular forward slash at a low stance, which is seemingly accompanied by a yellow Japanese dragon shaped like a lightning bolt.

Game Exclusive Techniques

  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Prime ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) (きわみ) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen — Kiwami?)[18] — A variation of the Thunderclap and Flash created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash with such strength that they crack and uproot the ground beneath them, and tear up the ground afterwards trying to arrest their momentum.. This move can be performed mid-air, which launches the user at an angle towards the ground as they strike.
  • Air Spin ( (くう) (てん) Kūten?)[18] — The user delivers a circular spinning slash to send an opponent upwards. Typically, the technique is used to rebound after executing Thunderclap and Flash.
  • Encompassing Slash ( () (ほう) () Shihōkiri?)[18] — The user unleashes a 360° horizontal slash that creates a ring of blue electricity around them.
  • Lightning Burst ( (れん) (ぞく) () (はら) Renzokukiri Harai?)[18] — The user unsheathes their blade and performs three arching horizontal slashes at blinding speeds in quick succession. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu.


Standard Nichirin Katana: As a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu carries around a standard sized and shaped Nichirin katana with lightning streaks along the entire blade. His sword’s hilt is circular shaped with 4 slight indentations, the center has a silver tone with small triangles and has a golden border. The handle is white with several yellow triangles going down it. The base of the handle is gold with two short, white ribbons hanging off it. With his katana, Zenitsu has a standard sword sheath that is white in color.



  • Zenitsu’s surname means «my wife» ( (あが) (つま) agatsuma?), while his given name means «goodness» ( (ぜん) (いつ) zen’itsu?). His first name contains the kanji for «good» ( (ぜん) zen?) and «special, unique» ( (いつ) itsu?)
  • Zenitsu’s rankings in the popularity polls are as follows:
    • Zenitsu ranked 2nd place in the first popularity poll with 4,299 votes.
    • Zenitsu ranked 1st place in the second popularity poll with 17,451 votes.
      • Zenitsu also appeared in The Promised Neverland‘s 2020 popularity poll, ranking 29th place with 44 votes.
  • Thanks to his hearing, Zenitsu is very skilled at playing the shamisen and the koto.
  • Zenitsu has also been mispronounced by Inosuke. Examples including Monitsu ( (もん) (いつ) Mon’itsu?) and Chuitsu (チュウ (いつ) Chū’itsu?) in his dream as a squirrel squire.
  • In a Weekly Shonen Jump spoof 4-koma, Zenitsu plays the shamisen in the band «Chic-N-Scruffy Democracy,» the other members being Tanjiro (vocals), Inosuke (taiko), and Tengen (harmonica). «Melancholy of Explosive Sound Skin and Modern Sense of Smell» is their debut single, and it reportedly made everyone who heard it feel dizzy and nauseous. Zenitsu also wrote a song entitled «Past Life Sins» for the band under the name «zenithu☆A.»[19]
  • Zenitsu is the only non-Hashira Demon Slayer to have done feats specifically only Hashira have done:
    • Create a new, original form in a Breathing Style with multiple users (done by Giyu Tomioka).
    • Defeat an Upper Rank demon by himself (done by Muichiro Tokito).
  • Zenitsu has an overbite.[20]
  • The pattern on Zenitsu’s haori may be inspired by Uroko, a traditional Japanese pattern that symbolizes scales. Samurai would wear clothing with this pattern to protect themselves from harm.
  • After the events of the story, Zenitsu wrote a memoir entitled «The Legend of Zenitsu».[21]
  • Zenitsu is superstitious as he was shown to be delighted seeing two tea stalks in his tea in the extra chapters. In Japan, seeing Chabashira or a tea stalk floating vertically in your teacup when you have Japanese green tea is a sign of good luck.
  • There are six forms, but Zenitsu could only learn the first form said to be the basis for the others yet he honed it to where he could fight against several strong demons. He later created a seventh form and defeated his former senior who had become the Upper Rank Six of the Twelve Kizuki.[22]
  • Zenitsu’s a city boy and has rode on trains before. That was why going out and training with his master in the mountains was 10 times harder for him than it was for Tanjiro and Inosuke. He also doesn’t really care for the inconveniences of the countryside.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu’s hearing allowed him to hear the sickening remarks that girls made on him behind his back. This caused him to be scared of girls so much that he couldn’t stand it anymore (though his naturally cheery and persistent nature allowed him to recover quickly).[citation needed]
  • Though Zenitsu fell in love with Nezuko at first sight, he was skeptical of how Tanjiro described her. He couldn’t believe that girls could be so one-sidedly kind. When he saw how Nezuko wasn’t two-faced and was truly kind, he became so happy that he saw paradise for a moment and almost ascended to heaven.[23]
  • Zenitsu’s debt is estimated to be around 600,000 yen in modern currency.[citation needed]
    • This massive amount of debt likely came from his 7 ex-girlfriends. Despite all of them being beautiful, they treated Zenitsu like a slave, tricked him as well as robbing him of his money. Zenitsu also never got to even hold their hands.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu loves sweet and expensive foods (specifically «high-quality eel» ( (こう) (きゅう) (むなぎ) Kōkyūna Munagi?), more commonly known as kabayaki ( (かば) (やき) ?)), so if he hadn’t become a swordsman, he’d be chubby.
  • In Kimetsu Academy, Zenitsu is a morals officer who ended up on the committee despite not wanting to. He does uniform checks every day by the school gate while being terrified of delinquents.[24]


  • (To himself) «I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.«[25]
  • (To himself regarding Kyojuro Rengoku’s death) «People don’t simply recover instantly. No matter how strong someone is, they can feel pain and sadness. But hiding from it doesn’t solve anything. You must rouse your aching heart and stand back up. I’m sure Rengoku was that kind of person.«[26]
  • (To Daki) «Before you die, I have a task for you. Apologize to the girl whose ear you nearly tore off. It may be your money that pays for their clothing, food and housing, but those girls aren’t your toys. You won’t get away with this.«[27]
  • (To Kaigaku) «Grandfather wasn’t senile. If I’m scum, then you’re trash. I feel sorry for grandpa for having such pathetic successors. I can only do the First Form and you can do everything except that!«[28]
  • (To Kaigaku) «This is my form. I created it, so it’s all mine. With this technique… I wanted to fight you as an equal!«[29]
  • (To Tanjiro Kamado) «Tanjiro! Focus on staying alive! Can you hear me? Don’t die! You can’t die! Nezuko’s gonna to be human again! And you’re gonna get her out of here! And go back to the house where you grew up! Your family is waiting for you two to return!«[30]


  1. Official Twitter Account
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  3. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 205 (Page 14).
  4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 48 (Page 9).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 23 (Page 9).
  6. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 19 (Page 9).
  7. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 49.
  8. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 136 (Pages 4-6).
  9. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144.
  10. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 72 (Page 4).
  11. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 13.
  12. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 95 (Page 5).
  13. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 125 (Page 6).
  14. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 34 (Page 9).
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 91 (Page 15).
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 7).
  17. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 15).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Kimetsu no Yaiba Game: The Hinokami Chronicles.
  19. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 11, (Extra Pages).
  20. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 7, (Extra Pages).
  21. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 23, (Extra Pages).
  22. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 146.
  23. Kimetsu no Yaiba Second Fanbook.
  24. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  25. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 17.
  26. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 67 (Page 13).
  27. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 88 (Page 9-10).
  28. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144 (Page 15-16).
  29. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 17).
  30. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 197 (Page 14).


[v · e · ?]


Demon Slayer Corps
Ubuyashiki Family: Kagaya Ubuyashiki  •  Amane Ubuyashiki  •  Hinaki Ubuyashiki  •  Nichika Ubuyashiki  •  Kiriya Ubuyashiki  •  Kuina Ubuyashiki  •  Kanata Ubuyashiki
Hashira: Giyu Tomioka  •  Mitsuri Kanroji  •  Obanai Iguro  •  Sanemi Shinazugawa  •  Gyomei Himejima  •  Kyojuro Rengoku  •  Tengen Uzui  •  Muichiro Tokito  •  Shinobu Kocho  •  Kanae Kocho  •  Sakonji Urokodaki  •  Jigoro Kuwajima  •  Shinjuro Rengoku
Demon Slayers: Tanjiro Kamado  •  Zenitsu Agatsuma  •  Inosuke Hashibira  •  Genya Shinazugawa  •  Kanao Tsuyuri  •  Murata  •  Ozaki  •  Masachika Kumeno  •  Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Butterfly Mansion: Aoi Kanzaki  •  Sumi Nakahara  •  Kiyo Terauchi  •  Naho Takada  •  Goto
Other/Associates: Sabito  •  Makomo  •  Suma  •  Makio  •  Hinatsuru
Demons: Muzan Kibutsuji  •  Nezuko Kamado  •  Tamayo  •  Yushiro  •  Chachamaru  •  Susamaru  •  Yahaba  •  Temple Demon  •  Hand Demon  •  Tongue Demon  •  Horned Demon  •  Swamp Demon  •  Serpent Demon  •  Spider Demon (Father)  •  Spider Demon (Mother)  •  Spider Demon (Son)  •  Spider Demon (Daughter)
Twelve Kizuki: Kokushibo  •  Doma  •  Akaza  •  Nakime  •  Hantengu  •  Gyokko  •  Gyutaro  •  Daki  •  Kaigaku  •  Enmu  •  Rokuro  •  Wakuraba  •  Mukago  •  Rui  •  Kamanue  •  Kyogai
Kamado Family: Tanjuro Kamado  •  Kie Kamado  •  Takeo Kamado  •  Hanako Kamado  •  Shigeru Kamado  •  Rokuta Kamado  •  Sumiyoshi  •  Suyako  •  Sumire
Swordsmith Village: Tecchin Tecchikawahara  •  Hotaru Haganezuka  •  Kozo Kanamori  •  Kotetsu  •  Tetsuido
Tsuzumi Mansion: Teruko  •  Shoichi  •  Kiyoshi
Entertainment District: Koinatsu  •  Omitsu
Other: Akeno Tsugikuni  •  Senjuro Rengoku  •  Ruka Rengoku  •  Yuichiro Tokito  •  Kotoha Hashibira  •  Hisa  •  Saburo  •  Kazumi  •  Satoko  •  Tokie  •  Rei  •  Keizo  •  Koyuki  •  Takaharu  •  Toyo  •  Uta  •  Shizu Shinazugawa  •  Kyogo Shinazugawa  •  Tsutako Tomioka
Animals: Chachamaru  •  Kasugai Crows  •  Ninju
Kamado Family: Kanata Kamado  •  Sumihiko Kamado
Agatsuma Family: Toko Agatsuma  •  Yoshiteru Agatsuma
Other: Aoba Hashibira  •  Tojuro Rengoku  •  Tenma Uzui  •  Giichi Tomioka  •  Sanehiro Shinazugawa
Spin-Off/Anime Original Characters
Civilians: Yae  •  Taro  •  Fuku  •  Tomi
Demons: Matazo  •  Hairo  •  Flute Demon  •  Ubume  •  Slasher
  1. Все новости
  2. Клинок, рассекающий демонов: Зеницу Агацума

Клинок, рассекающий демонов: Зеницу Агацума

Я ненавижу себя больше всех. Я думаю, что пора действовать, но каждый раз лишь съеживаюсь, хныкаю и убегаю. Я хочу измениться. Я хочу стать сильным.
Цитата Зеницу Агацума

Зеницу Агацума (на английском Zenitsu Agatsuma, на японском  善ぜん逸い) — персонаж аниме сериала «Клинок, рассекающий демонов», путешествующий вместе с Танджиро и Незуко Камадо.

Зеницу Агацума, вики

Зеницу Агацума — молодой парень среднего роста со светлой кожей и вечно опущенными вниз глазами, чей цвет переходит от мягкого коричневого к золотому. У Зеницу короткие светлые волосы, выцветающие до темно-оранжевого цвета. До того, как Зеницу стал Убийцей Демонов, он носил черные волосы, но они приобрели желтый окрас после того, как в него ударила молния на тренировке.

Зеницу носит более бледную версию стандартной униформы Убийцы Демонов, состоящую из темно-коричневой куртки, белого ремня вокруг талии и расширяющихся брюк хакама, а также его фирменного кимоно с белым треугольным рисунком. Помимо этого, Агацума носит пару кяхан, завязанных спереди тремя белыми бантами, с тем же рисунком, что и у его кимоно, светло-коричневые носки и японские сандали с белой шнуровкой. Обычно Зеницу использует обычную катану с желтоватым лезвием.

Зеницу родился 5 сентября и на момент начала истории его возраст составляет 16 лет.

Зеницу Агацума, персонажи

Зеницу и Танджиро

Зеницу часто полагается на Танджиро в напряженных ситуациях, например, когда они вступают в схватку с Демонами. Это было связано с низкой уверенностью Зеницу в себе и унизительной верой в то, что он был слабаком. Зеницу Агацума уважает и восхищается Танджиро, но иногда насмехается над ним из зависти, когда Танджиро упоминает о своих встречах с девушками без Зеницу. Он также часто злится из-за храбрости и героизма Танджиро, считая это излишним риском. 

Тем не менее, Танджиро действительно является лучшим другом Зеницу. Он очень ценит их дружбу из-за доброты и терпимости Танджиро Камадо. Вполне возможно, что он оказался первым настоящий другом Зеницу за всю его жизнь.

Зеницу и Незуко

Несмотря на сильный страх перед Демонами, Зеницу влюбляется в Незуко. Он частоз пытается убедить ее выйти за него замуж и никогда не забывает упомянуть о своем восхищении ею при каждой их встречи.

Однако со временем Зеницу Агацума становится спокойнее и немного менее агрессивным к Незуко. Он часто рассказывает ей истории о различных миссиях с Танджиро, на которых ее не было, и в какой-то момент он обещает отвести ее на цветочное поле. Кроме того, он помог Незуко посмотреть на золотую рыбку Шинобу Кочо без разрешения самого Шинобу

Зеницу и Иноске

Зеницу и Иносуке обычно не ладят, хоть и находятся в одной команде. В основном  это происходит из-за их крайне низкого мнения друг о друге. Иноске видит в Зеницу раздражающего плаксивого слаба, в то время как Зеницу видит в Иноске жестокого идиота, которого интересует только борьба. Однако они могут хорошо сотрудничать, когда дела становятся особенно плохи. Иноске Хашибира восхищается способностями Зеницу во время сна, по его мнению Зеницу следует навсегда остаться в таком состоянии.

Зеницу и Кайгаку

Зеницу и Кайгаку были учениками Джигоро Куваджимы и наследниками Громового Дыхания. Несмотря на общую неприязнь, Зеницу относится к Кайгаку с большим уважением, настолько большим, что бил других членов Корпуса Истребителей Демонов, которые плохо отзывались о нем за его спиной. Кайгаку, с другой стороны, всегда принижал Зеницу и называл его ничтожеством из-за слабости.

Зеницу Агацума, арт

Ниже представлены арты с Зеницу Агацума, а также различные фото, картинки и скрины из сериала «Клинок, рассекающий демонов» с его участием.

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ИМЯ.          Таджиро

КАНДЗИ.        Агацума



Agatsuma Zen’itsu







16 лет


3 сентября


164.5 см


58 кг



Истребители демонов


Истребитель демонов


Дыхание Грома



Жив (Эпоха Тайсё)

Мёртв (21 век)


Незуко Камадо (Жена)

Ёшитеру Агацума(Правнук)

Токо Агацума (Правнучка)



Глава 6


Эпизод 4

Зеницу Агацума (我あが妻つま善ぜん逸いつ, Agatsuma Zen’itsu?)​ — Истребитель демонов и один из главных героев, путешествующих с Танджиро Камадо.


У Зеницу короткие светлые волосы и карие глаза с густыми бровями. Он носит стандартную форму охотника на демонов, сверху на которой надета желто-оранжевая хаори с белыми треугольниками.


Зеницу труслив и считает, что, ввиду опасной работы охотника на демонов, жить ему осталось недолго, из-за чего он часто пристает ко встречным девушкам, упрашивая их выйти за него замуж. У Зеницу низкая самооценка, мешающая ему оправдать ожидания других людей и свои собственные — почувствовав трудности или опасность, он убегает, прячется или просто плачет. Часто это заставляет его потерять веру в свои способности и, даже когда это очевидно, Зеницу отрицает, что он одержал победу своими силами. Он думает, что его призвание — жить скромной жизнью, а не убивать демонов.

Даже будучи мягкотелым, Зеницу уважает своих товарищей и в особенности восхищается своим покойным учителем Шиханом. Чувство долга перед ним помогает Зеницу забыть о страхе и сосредоточиться в нужный момент.


Зеницу с оригинальным цветом волос.Когда Зеницу был моложе, он был влюблён в девушку, которая обманом заставила его собирать деньги, чтобы сбежать со своим возлюбленным. Из-за того, что девушка была по уши в долгах, у Зеницу появились проблемы, но его спас бывший столп грома Джигоро Куваджима. Чтобы вернуть ему долг, Зеницу пришлось пройти через адские тренировки и стать истребителем демонов.

Зеницу находился под опекой Шихана и тренировался вместе с его старшим учеником Кайгаку. На одной из тренировок Зеницу забрался на дерево, потому что не хотел больше тренироваться, и его внезапно ударила молния, из-за чего его волосы посветлели.


Танджиро Камадо

Зеницу часто полагается на Танджиро в напряжённых ситуациях, например когда они вступают в сватку с демонами. Зеницу уважает Танджиро и восхищается его лидерскими качествами, но иногда насмехается над ним из зависти, когда узнаёт, что Танджиро общался с девушками без него. Также Зеницу часто злится из-за смелости и героизма Танджиро, считая его самоубийцей и попадая из-за него в опасные ситуации.

Тем не менее, Зеницу очень ценит их дружбу из-за присущих Танджиро доброты и терпимости. Вполне возможно, что он оказался первым настоящим другом Зеницу за всю его жизнь. Они хорошо работают сообща во время боя.

Незуко Камадо

Несмотря на сильный страх перед демонами, Зеницу влюблён в Незуко. Он часто пытается сделать так, чтобы Незуко согласилась выйти за него замуж, и говорит о своей любви к ней каждый раз, когда они пересекаются. Зеницу несколько раз защищает Незуко, когда та оказывается в опасности, например, в первую встречу Зеницу с Иноске Хашибирой и во время боя с Энму.

Однако со временем Зеницу становится спокойнее по отношению к Незуко. Он часто рассказывает ей про их с Танджиро миссии, на которых Незуко не было, а также обещал отвести её в цветочное поле.[1]

Иноске Хашибира

Зеницу и Иноске часто не ладят, хоть и находятся в одной команде. Тем не менее, они хорошо работают сообща, когда дела становятся плохими. После того, как Иноске увидел поведение спящего Зеницу, он начал думать, что Зеницу стоит всегда оставаться в таком состоянии.

Джигоро Куваджима

Джигоро обучал Зеницу дыханию грома вместе с другим учеником, Кайгаку. Он был строг к Зеницу, потому что тот был неопытным, но не бросал попытки обучить его.

Когда Зеницу узнал о самоубийстве Джигоро из-за того, что Кайгаку добровольно обратился в демона, он был шокирован и разгневан, чувствуя горе и боль из-за того, что Джигоро, заменявший ему отца, погиб. Тем не менее, его гибель заставила Зеницу сосредоточиться на тренировке, чтобы стать сильнее и убить Кайгаку, восстановив тем самым честь учителя.


Зеницу и Кайгаку были учениками Джигоро Куваджимы и наследниками дыхания грома. Несмотря на их неприязнь друг к другу, Зеницу уважает Кайгаку и даже зашёл настолько далеко, что однажды избил истребителей, осуждавших Кайгаку у того за спиной. С другой стороны, Кайгаку всегда унижает Зеницу и называет его ничтожеством из-за того, что тот слишком слаб. Зеницу хотел однажды сразиться с Кайгаку на равных и даже создал для этого “Седьмой стиль: Пылающий бог грома”.

Из-за того, что Кайгаку стал демоном, Джигоро совершил сэппуку, и Зеницу решил убить Кайгаку в отместку за смерть учителя.

Способности и силы

Естественные способности

Повышенный слух: Зеницу обладает очень чутким слухом, что позволяет ему услышать приближение опасности. Эта способность действует даже во сне. Также он может услышать мысли людей, если использует слух на полную.

Бой без сознания: Зеницу становится сильнее, когда он теряет сознание. В обычной ситуации волнение и страх парализуют его, однако, когда его жизнь в опасности, а испытываемые волнение и страх переходят все границы, Зеницу засыпает, будто впадая в кому, и тем самым пробуждает все свои силы, которые он мастерски использует, опираясь на свои инстинкты. По ходу сюжета Зеницу набирается все больше смелости, которая, вместе с постоянными тренировками, даёт ему возможность пользоваться своими силами в сознании.

Искусство владения мечом

Дыхание грома (雷の呼吸 Kaminari no kokyū): Обучен бывшим Столпом, Джигоро Куваджимой. Этот стиль позволяет увеличить скорость и ловкость пользователя, чтобы быть равным по силе Демонам. Существует всего 7 стилей, но Зеницу был настолько бездарным, что освоил только самый легкий первый стиль. Позже он сам смог создать свой, седьмой стиль, когда сражался с Кайгаку.

Первый стиль: Молниеносный Громовый Раскат (壱ノ型  霹靂一閃 Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen) — пользователь делает рывок вперед и наносит удар по своему противнику с невероятной скоростью. Зеницу отточил этот стиль настолько хорошо, что он мог использовать несколько рывков в быстрой последовательности. Он обычно использует Шесть Рывков (六連 Rokuren), но был способен использовать Восемь Рывков (八連 Hachiren) разом всего за одно применение техники.

Бог Скорости (神速 Shinsoku) — Зеницу может использовать эту технику, чтобы увеличить скорость своего Молниеносного громового раската. Он единственный кто может использовать эту технику дважды за день. После второго использования его ноги становятся бесполезными.

Седьмой Стиль: Пылающий Бог Грома (漆ノ型 火 雷 神 Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no kami) — Это седьмой стиль, который Зеницу придумал сам. Пользователь создает драконоподобное существо, которые может излучать огонь и гром. Этот стиль на ряду с Богом скорости позволяет Зеницу двигаться очень быстро, что позволило ему победить шестую высшую луну Кайгаку, которому Зеницу признается, что придумал этот стиль, пока они еще были учениками Джигоро Куваджимы, специально чтобы в бою быть на равных с Кайгаку.

Интересные факты

Агацума (我妻) — очень популярная фамилия в Японии, которая переводится как “моя жена” и имеет несколько чтений: её можно прочитать как Азума, Вагацума или Гасаи. Зеницу (善逸) означает «доброта».

У Зеницу хорошо развит музыкальный слух. Благодаря ему Зеницу отлично играет на сямисене и кото.

Зеницу занял 2 место в рейтинге популярности персонажей, набрав 4299 голосов.

В параллельной вселенной «Академии клинка» Зеницу является учеником старших классов и состоит в комитете морали, хотя совсем не хочет этого. Каждое утро он стоит на пороге школы и проверяет школьную форму.


↑ «Клинок, рассекающий демонов»: Глава 51, Страницы 10-11


Andy in childs play.jpg

This article’s content is marked as Mature
The page Zenitsu Agatsuma contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.

If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.

Tanjiro.. The box… I protected it… you told me this was more important to you.. than your own life. That’s why I did it.
~ Zenitsu to Tanjiro.

Zenitsu Agatsuma (我妻 善逸) is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Inosuke Hashibira) of the 2016 fantasy horror anime and manga series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as well as the movie, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train. The manga and anime proved successful, and the story was adapted into a stage play, with upcoming performances as the anime continues.

Zenitsu is a powerful Demon Slayer and a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Although he was originally roped into joining the Corps by his mentor Jigoro Kuwajima, Zenitsu later realizes the importance of the Demon Slayer Corps.



  • Shimono Hiro — Japanese
  • Aleks Le — English

Live Action

  • Keisuke Ueda — 2020 stage adaptation


Zenitsu is a young man with fair skin and downward-sloped, scared-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs. Before he became a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu’s hair was originally black, but it turned yellow when he was struck by lightning during his training.

For a period of time following the battle at Natagumo Mountain, his limbs were temporarily shrunk due to Demonic poison, but were able to return to normalcy afterward thanks to the medicine given to him by Shinobu Kocho.

He wears a paler brown version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of tabi socks, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, and white-laced footwear.


Zenitsu is a coward; always claiming he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer. He also has rather low self-esteem despite his strength, to the point that he thinks he’s actually useless, as seen when he couldn’t believe he’d slain a Demon that he had, tricking himself into instead believing that it was Shoichi even though the latter was a young child who didn’t possess any form of special Demon-slaying ability. Zenitsu is in a constant state of fear and always cries and tries to run away at the sight of danger, claiming he wants to live a modest, normal life, instead of that of a Demon Slayer in which he just thinks he’s useless all the time.

However, despite these weaknesses, Zenitsu still wants to live up to the expectations others set up for him and will try his hardest when he is needed to. He holds great respect and admiration towards his comrades and his deceased teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, and his inner focus and drive in avenging him always help to wash away his cowardice and second thoughts when he’s in a pinch.

Zenitsu is also shown to be something of a wannabe womanizer; he tends to hit on girls who he thinks are cute and ask them to marry him, much to their annoyance. This womanizing nature is shown to override his docile personality, in particular when he believes his comrades are «flirting» with cute girls, he soon snaps and goes in long hysterical rants and complaints. During these times he’s also shown to become physically aggressive, lashing out that them in frustration.


Physical and Natural

Superhuman Strength: Through his years of training, Zenitsu has naturally gained enhanced physical conditioning.

Superhuman Hearing: Zenitsu has always had enhanced hearing, being able to hear what others can’t. He is able to hear a faint difference that is normally indetectable to humans in the sound of a moving human and a moving demon. His hearing gives him extra awareness for danger.

Super Speed: Zenitsu is one of the fastest characters in the series, thanks to his use of the Thunder Breathing techique. This makes him a dangerous foe when he’s fighting while unconscious, an ability Zenitsu is gifted with. As Zenitsu continues to train and overcome his anxiety, he becomes dangerous even while conscious, and also becomes even faster. His speed gives him incredible evasion, that allows him to dodge attacks from even the Upper Moons.

Sleep Combat/Mid-Sleep Empowerment: Instead of fighting with full cognizance, when Zenitsu becomes frightened enough, he will faint. When unconscious, he is able to unleash his full potential with Thunder Breathing without any awareness of it and no cowardice to hold him back, fighting at a high level on instinct alone. Over time, Zenitsu becomes more competent, not having to rely on this miraculous ability as often.


Breath of Thunder Style: Taught to Zenitsu by a former Pillar, Jigoro Kuwajima. This technique increases the user’s strength and agility to equal a demon’s. There are a total of six styles that can be used with the Breath of Thunder, but Zenitsu was so untalented that he was only able to learn the first of the six styles, which is said to be the simplest. Later on, he was able to create a seventh style when confronting his former senior.

  • First Style: Thunderclap Flash — The user dashes forward and slashes at their opponent with incredible speed.
    • Zenitsu has honed this ability to the extent of being able to repeat the dash multiple times in quick succession.He usually goes for Six Fold, which means six dashes but has been able to use Eight Fold to dash eight times within one use of the technique.
  • God Speed — Zenitsu can utilise this technique to augment the speed of his Thunder Clap Flash further. He is only able to use this ability twice a day. After the second time, his legs become useless.
  • Seventh Style: Flaming Thunder God — This is the seventh form that Zenitsu created himself. The user creates a dragon-like creature emitting fire and thunder. This form alongside God Speed allows Zenitsu to move extremely fast, allowing him to defeat Upper Moon Six, Kaigaku. Before Kaigaku died, Zenitsu confessed that this form was unique to himself and that he had created it in hopes of fighting alongside him as an equal.



With the war between Demon Slayer Corps and Demons that lasted over a millennium came to a close — with humanity the victor of the war. Zenitsu put his sword behind him, ended up living with Kamado siblings and Inosuke under the old Kamado house. Just like his friend Tanjiro who wrote a diary everyday to remember his battles against Demons and to check on Nezuko’s status when she was a Demon, Zenitsu too decided to wrote his own experience in war against Demons and wrote series of books called «Tales of Zenitsu»(善逸伝).

Moving onto the present new era (presumed to be the 21st century) free of Demons, Zenitsu’s books are maintained and read by his descendants after his death. While Zenitsu’s great-granddaughter, Touko shrugs off Tales of Zenitsu as nothing more than fantasy novels, Zenitsu’s great-grandson, Yoshiteru, who resembles very much like his paternal great-grandfather both in appearance (minus blond hairs) and at character, read Zenitsu’s books with eagerness to the point he genuinely believes books’ stories.


Tanjiro… You didn’t? Tell me you didn’t? Just who do you think you are?! You’ve been travelling with a girl this adorable? Hanging around with someone this cute day in and day out and been having a great time in the process haven’t you? Well then why did I bear all that pain and suffering?! Tanjiro you jerk, you getting to be all ooo and wow with a cutie is not what I was toiling away for. I did not put myself in harms way to get pummeled and kicked around by a crazy boar guy! Did you think I joined the Demon Slayer Corps because I though it was going to be all sunshine and rainbows!! Guys like you should be erased from this world immediately! I will finally make you pay for thwarting my marriage as well as sending my savior and protector Shoichi home. You shall face justice! Don’t ever disrespect… THE CORPS!!
~ Zenitsu lecturing Tanjiro upon meeting Nezuko.
Gramps was not senile. If I’m dirt, you’re garbage. I can only use the First Style, and you can use all but the First Style. Gramps died a miserable death because he wasn’t even lucky enough to have a proper successor.
~ Zenitsu to Kaigaku before their fight.
No, Gramps was never like that. This is my own Style. The Style I created myself. I wanted to fight alongside you using this one day.
~ Zenitsu after killing Kaigaku.


One Thunder Throw by Go Shiina

A Thundering Flash by Go Shiina


  • Zenitsu’s surname means «my wife» (我妻 agatsuma?), while his given name means «goodness» (善逸 zen’itsu?).
    • In a twitcasting broadcast segment for Kimetsu no Yaiba, Gotoge said that his name was pronounced as [Zenitsu→] with a more dragged out «suu» syllable instead of a strong emphasis on «zen» [Zen↑itsu]. The pronunciation also goes as «zen-i-tsu» where usually the n and i are separated by an apostrophe, making it Zen’itsu to not be misread as «ze-nitsu».
  • Zenitsu was ranked in 2nd place as of the first character popularity poll with 4,299 votes.
  • Thanks to his hearing, Zenitsu is very skilled at playing the shamisen and the koto.
  • In the 21st century Zenitsu’s great-grandson, Yoshiteru, bears unmistakable resemblance to Zenitsu himself prior to being struck by a lightning, indicating that Zenitsu married Nezuko and they had children (probably also a son, so that the surname Agatsuma has passed in several generations). In the added bonus final chapter 205.5 in the tankoubon (book volumes), states that Zenitsu and Nezuko in fact did marry.
    • Zenitsu’s descendants live in their own large mansion while descendants of his best friend Tanjiro Kamado live in an apartment in the present era. This indicates that somewhere along the line, Agatsuma family became rich.

External Links

  • Zenitsu Agatsuma in the Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki



Andy in childs play.jpg

This article’s content is marked as Mature
The page Zenitsu Agatsuma contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Mature articles are recommended for those who are 18 years of age and older.

If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page.

Tanjiro.. The box… I protected it… you told me this was more important to you.. than your own life. That’s why I did it.
~ Zenitsu to Tanjiro.

Zenitsu Agatsuma (我妻 善逸) is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Inosuke Hashibira) of the 2016 fantasy horror anime and manga series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as well as the movie, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train. The manga and anime proved successful, and the story was adapted into a stage play, with upcoming performances as the anime continues.

Zenitsu is a powerful Demon Slayer and a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Although he was originally roped into joining the Corps by his mentor Jigoro Kuwajima, Zenitsu later realizes the importance of the Demon Slayer Corps.



  • Shimono Hiro — Japanese
  • Aleks Le — English

Live Action

  • Keisuke Ueda — 2020 stage adaptation


Zenitsu is a young man with fair skin and downward-sloped, scared-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs. Before he became a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu’s hair was originally black, but it turned yellow when he was struck by lightning during his training.

For a period of time following the battle at Natagumo Mountain, his limbs were temporarily shrunk due to Demonic poison, but were able to return to normalcy afterward thanks to the medicine given to him by Shinobu Kocho.

He wears a paler brown version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of tabi socks, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, and white-laced footwear.


Zenitsu is a coward; always claiming he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer. He also has rather low self-esteem despite his strength, to the point that he thinks he’s actually useless, as seen when he couldn’t believe he’d slain a Demon that he had, tricking himself into instead believing that it was Shoichi even though the latter was a young child who didn’t possess any form of special Demon-slaying ability. Zenitsu is in a constant state of fear and always cries and tries to run away at the sight of danger, claiming he wants to live a modest, normal life, instead of that of a Demon Slayer in which he just thinks he’s useless all the time.

However, despite these weaknesses, Zenitsu still wants to live up to the expectations others set up for him and will try his hardest when he is needed to. He holds great respect and admiration towards his comrades and his deceased teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, and his inner focus and drive in avenging him always help to wash away his cowardice and second thoughts when he’s in a pinch.

Zenitsu is also shown to be something of a wannabe womanizer; he tends to hit on girls who he thinks are cute and ask them to marry him, much to their annoyance. This womanizing nature is shown to override his docile personality, in particular when he believes his comrades are «flirting» with cute girls, he soon snaps and goes in long hysterical rants and complaints. During these times he’s also shown to become physically aggressive, lashing out that them in frustration.


Physical and Natural

Superhuman Strength: Through his years of training, Zenitsu has naturally gained enhanced physical conditioning.

Superhuman Hearing: Zenitsu has always had enhanced hearing, being able to hear what others can’t. He is able to hear a faint difference that is normally indetectable to humans in the sound of a moving human and a moving demon. His hearing gives him extra awareness for danger.

Super Speed: Zenitsu is one of the fastest characters in the series, thanks to his use of the Thunder Breathing techique. This makes him a dangerous foe when he’s fighting while unconscious, an ability Zenitsu is gifted with. As Zenitsu continues to train and overcome his anxiety, he becomes dangerous even while conscious, and also becomes even faster. His speed gives him incredible evasion, that allows him to dodge attacks from even the Upper Moons.

Sleep Combat/Mid-Sleep Empowerment: Instead of fighting with full cognizance, when Zenitsu becomes frightened enough, he will faint. When unconscious, he is able to unleash his full potential with Thunder Breathing without any awareness of it and no cowardice to hold him back, fighting at a high level on instinct alone. Over time, Zenitsu becomes more competent, not having to rely on this miraculous ability as often.


Breath of Thunder Style: Taught to Zenitsu by a former Pillar, Jigoro Kuwajima. This technique increases the user’s strength and agility to equal a demon’s. There are a total of six styles that can be used with the Breath of Thunder, but Zenitsu was so untalented that he was only able to learn the first of the six styles, which is said to be the simplest. Later on, he was able to create a seventh style when confronting his former senior.

  • First Style: Thunderclap Flash — The user dashes forward and slashes at their opponent with incredible speed.
    • Zenitsu has honed this ability to the extent of being able to repeat the dash multiple times in quick succession.He usually goes for Six Fold, which means six dashes but has been able to use Eight Fold to dash eight times within one use of the technique.
  • God Speed — Zenitsu can utilise this technique to augment the speed of his Thunder Clap Flash further. He is only able to use this ability twice a day. After the second time, his legs become useless.
  • Seventh Style: Flaming Thunder God — This is the seventh form that Zenitsu created himself. The user creates a dragon-like creature emitting fire and thunder. This form alongside God Speed allows Zenitsu to move extremely fast, allowing him to defeat Upper Moon Six, Kaigaku. Before Kaigaku died, Zenitsu confessed that this form was unique to himself and that he had created it in hopes of fighting alongside him as an equal.



With the war between Demon Slayer Corps and Demons that lasted over a millennium came to a close — with humanity the victor of the war. Zenitsu put his sword behind him, ended up living with Kamado siblings and Inosuke under the old Kamado house. Just like his friend Tanjiro who wrote a diary everyday to remember his battles against Demons and to check on Nezuko’s status when she was a Demon, Zenitsu too decided to wrote his own experience in war against Demons and wrote series of books called «Tales of Zenitsu»(善逸伝).

Moving onto the present new era (presumed to be the 21st century) free of Demons, Zenitsu’s books are maintained and read by his descendants after his death. While Zenitsu’s great-granddaughter, Touko shrugs off Tales of Zenitsu as nothing more than fantasy novels, Zenitsu’s great-grandson, Yoshiteru, who resembles very much like his paternal great-grandfather both in appearance (minus blond hairs) and at character, read Zenitsu’s books with eagerness to the point he genuinely believes books’ stories.


Tanjiro… You didn’t? Tell me you didn’t? Just who do you think you are?! You’ve been travelling with a girl this adorable? Hanging around with someone this cute day in and day out and been having a great time in the process haven’t you? Well then why did I bear all that pain and suffering?! Tanjiro you jerk, you getting to be all ooo and wow with a cutie is not what I was toiling away for. I did not put myself in harms way to get pummeled and kicked around by a crazy boar guy! Did you think I joined the Demon Slayer Corps because I though it was going to be all sunshine and rainbows!! Guys like you should be erased from this world immediately! I will finally make you pay for thwarting my marriage as well as sending my savior and protector Shoichi home. You shall face justice! Don’t ever disrespect… THE CORPS!!
~ Zenitsu lecturing Tanjiro upon meeting Nezuko.
Gramps was not senile. If I’m dirt, you’re garbage. I can only use the First Style, and you can use all but the First Style. Gramps died a miserable death because he wasn’t even lucky enough to have a proper successor.
~ Zenitsu to Kaigaku before their fight.
No, Gramps was never like that. This is my own Style. The Style I created myself. I wanted to fight alongside you using this one day.
~ Zenitsu after killing Kaigaku.


One Thunder Throw by Go Shiina

A Thundering Flash by Go Shiina


  • Zenitsu’s surname means «my wife» (我妻 agatsuma?), while his given name means «goodness» (善逸 zen’itsu?).
    • In a twitcasting broadcast segment for Kimetsu no Yaiba, Gotoge said that his name was pronounced as [Zenitsu→] with a more dragged out «suu» syllable instead of a strong emphasis on «zen» [Zen↑itsu]. The pronunciation also goes as «zen-i-tsu» where usually the n and i are separated by an apostrophe, making it Zen’itsu to not be misread as «ze-nitsu».
  • Zenitsu was ranked in 2nd place as of the first character popularity poll with 4,299 votes.
  • Thanks to his hearing, Zenitsu is very skilled at playing the shamisen and the koto.
  • In the 21st century Zenitsu’s great-grandson, Yoshiteru, bears unmistakable resemblance to Zenitsu himself prior to being struck by a lightning, indicating that Zenitsu married Nezuko and they had children (probably also a son, so that the surname Agatsuma has passed in several generations). In the added bonus final chapter 205.5 in the tankoubon (book volumes), states that Zenitsu and Nezuko in fact did marry.
    • Zenitsu’s descendants live in their own large mansion while descendants of his best friend Tanjiro Kamado live in an apartment in the present era. This indicates that somewhere along the line, Agatsuma family became rich.

External Links

  • Zenitsu Agatsuma in the Kimetsu no Yaiba Wiki


Член организации охотников за демонами и спутник Тандзиро Камадо, один из пяти выживших на последнем отборе. На год старше Иносукэ и Тандзиро, ему шестнадцать лет. Раньше волосы Дзэницу были чёрными, однако просветлели после того, как в него ударила молния, когда он спасался на дереве от тренировок учителя. Поверх стандартной чёрной униформы охотника носит жёлтое хаори с орнаментом из белых треугольников, его клинок также с жёлтыми разводами. Фамильяр — воробей Тюнтаро.

Невообразимый трус и плакса, Дзэницу пугается любого шума, постоянно прося окружающих защитить его и повторяя, что очень скоро умрёт. Бабник, волочится за каждой девушкой, которая к нему добра, требуя выйти за него. Узнав, что Тандзиро носит в ящике за спиной прекрасную девушку, начинает завидовать ему и беситься, но быстро успокаивается, когда понимает, что Нэдзуко на самом деле младшая сестра Камадо. С тех пор постоянно защищает её, испытывая сильную симпатию.

Несмотря на малодушие, Дзэницу очень любит учителя и друзей, готов ради них рискнуть жизнью, переступая через свои слабости. Обладатель очень тонкого слуха, благодаря которому прекрасно играет на сямисэне и кото, даже на расстоянии может отличать звуки демонов и людей, что весьма помогает в охоте. Для него каждое живое существо издаёт свой неповторимый звук.

Учитель Дзигоро Кувадзима, которого Дзэницу всегда называет «дедулей», обучал Агацуму шести стилям дыхания грома, однако ученик, из-за полного отсутствия таланта, освоил за годы тренировок только первый стиль — «Молниеносный громовой раскат», самый основной, хотя и овладел этой техникой в совершенстве. В бою Дзэницу бесполезен, так как от страха перед демонами сразу падает в обморок и тут же засыпает.


Однако в такой момент Агацуме снится сон, где он очень силён и бесстрашен, всем нужен и всем помогает. Спящее тело Дзэницу начинает двигаться, развивая невероятную скорость, и использует отточенную тяжёлыми тренировками технику первого стиля, чтобы победить врага. Проснувшись, Дзэницу ничего не помнит о том, что делал во сне, приписывая заслуги по убийству демонов своим спутникам или случайности. Именно так он выжил на Фудзикасанэ, проспав весь отбор. Придумывает собственный, седьмой стиль дыхания грома — «Пылающий бог грома», чтобы сражаться с демонами бок о бок с Кайгаку, другим учеником Дзигоро. Во время тренировки со столпами Дзэницу получает печальную весть: старший ученик Дзигоро — Кайгаку — стал демоном, и учитель из-за него покончил с собой. Агацуме приходится отбросить свою трусость и нерешительность уже наяву, чтобы встретиться с Кайгаку.

Зеницу Агацума — значение имени, мужское аниме имя

Описание временно отсутствует.

Пол: Мужской.

Дата рождения: 3 сентября.

Цвет волос: Разноцветный.

Цвет глаз: Коричневый.

Группа крови: неизвестна.

Аниме: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba; Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — Entertainment District Arc; Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie — Mugen Train; Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — Mugen Train; Kimetsu Gakuen: Valentine-hen;

Манга: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba; Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — Katahane no Chou (Light Novel); Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — Shiawase no Hana (Light Novel); Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba — Stories of Water and Flame; Kimetsu no Yaiba Koushiki Spin-off: Kimetsu no Aima!; Kimetsu no Yaiba: Rengoku Kyoujurou Gaiden;

Происхождение имени Зеницу Агацума: Аниме имена.

Зеницу Агацума: характер, достоинства и недостатки

Характер имени Зеницу Агацума определяется исследовательскими и аналитическими способностями. Словно детектив, используя дедуктивный метод, Зеницу Агацума ориентируется на детали, но руководствуется при этом внутренней мудростью и убеждениями, а не материальными фактами и реальностью. Острый глаз и проницательные наблюдения в любой ситуации питают свой и без того изобретательный дух. Поскольку Зеницу Агацума может быстро найти недостатки практически в любой системе, отличается перфекционизмом. Часто принимает на себя вину, поэтому важно уравновесить присущий им скептицизм непредвзятостью. Не все будет под контролем, но это то, что делает жизнь интереснее и веселее.

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Число имени Зеницу Агацума

Число имени семь (7) характеризует талантливых людей, способных добиваться больших успехов как в научной сфере, так и в гуманитарных дисциплинах. Способность размышлять, анализировать и планировать свои действия, умение увлечь за собой, помогает людям с именем Зеницу Агацума становиться во главе различных групп людей и организаций. Этим людям для раскрытия своего творческого потенциала необходимо уединение. Кого-то это повергнет в депрессию и мрак, кому-то откроет новые горизонты для самореализации и общественного признания…

Камни для имени Зеницу Агацума: аметист, бирюза, бычий глаз, гагат, гематит (кровавик), жемчуг, изумруд, кошачий глаз, кремень, малахит, нефрит, обсидиан, оникс, опал, родонит, селенит, сердолик (карнеол), соколиный глаз, тигровый глаз, флюорит.

Планета: Нептун.

Знаки Зодиака: Рыбы, Дева.

Подробнее: число имени Зеницу Агацума — 7

Удачные годы для имени Зеницу Агацума: 1906, 1915, 1924, 1933, 1942, 1951, 1960, 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005, 2014, 2023, 2032. Подробнее: имена года.

Значение букв в имени Зеницу Агацума

З — означает тягу к знаниям. Зеницу Агацума обладает богатым воображением, развитой интуицией. Внешняя апатия и безразличие к чужим проблемам ведет к желанию отгородиться от действительности, обитая в своей «раковине».
Е — указывает на выдающиеся аналитические способности, проницательность, стремление все понять и объяснить. Зеницу Агацума стремится к самовыражению, генерирует новые идеи, удачно разрешает конфликтные ситуации.
Н — символизирует уверенность, развитую интуицию, способность противостоять давлению извне. Зеницу Агацума — лицо протеста и критического подхода к действительности.
И — означает утонченность, романтизм, чувствительность, стремление к гармонии с окружающим миром. Зеницу Агацума отличается деловитостью и практичностью, которая нередко может переходить в излишнюю эмоциональность и даже жестокость.
Ц — символизирует стремление быть лидером любой ценой, эгоцентричность и самомнение. При этом Зеницу Агацума испытывает потребность в поддержке и боится остаться в одиночестве.
У — означает уравновешенность и способность быстро анализировать ситуацию и принимать правильные решения. Зеницу Агацума обладает богатым воображением, эмпатией и альтруизмом.
А — олицетворяет одиночество и закрытость, но при этом Зеницу Агацума обладает самодостаточностью и приземленностью, а также энергией для принятия всего нового и начала новых дел.
Г — указывает на сильного и волевого человека, деятельного, умеющего повести за собой. Зеницу Агацума тянется к знаниям, стремится скурпулезно разобраться в любой ситуации, ответственно выполняет все свои обязанности и обещания.
М — указывает на артистичность и желание всегда быть в центре внимания. Зеницу Агацума отличается уверенностью в себе, усердием в делах, любит помогать другим.

Перевод на латинницу имени Зеницу Агацума

Zenitsu Agatsuma

Смотрите также: фонетический разбор и склонение имени Зеницу Агацума.


I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.

Zenitsu Agatsuma ( (あが) (つま) (ぜん) (いつ) Agatsuma Zen’itsu?) is one of the main characters of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and along with Inosuke Hashibira, a travelling companion of Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado. He is also a Demon Slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps.


Zenitsu is a young boy of average height with fair skin and downward-sloped, worried-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs, loosely resembling a bowl cut. Before he became a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu’s hair was originally black, but it turned the color it is currently when he was struck by lightning during his training.[2]

For some time following the battle at Mount Natagumo, his limbs temporarily shrunk due to Son’s poison but were able to return to normal afterward thanks to the medicine given to him by Shinobu Kocho.[4]

He wears a paler brown version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of Kyahan, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, pale brown tabi socks and white-laced zōri.


Zenitsu with his original hair color

Zenitsu with his original hair color.

Zenitsu as Zenko

Zenitsu posing as a courtesan.


Zenitsu’s cowardly nature.

Zenitsu is cowardly, weak-willed, and anxious, often claiming that he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer. He has rather low self-esteem despite his talent and strength, even considering himself useless, evident when he couldn’t believe he had slain a demon and tricked himself into instead believing that it was Shoichi, even though the latter was a young child who didn’t possess any form of skill.[5] Zenitsu is in a constant state of fear and he frequently tries to run away at the sight of danger, claiming he wants to live a modest, normal life, instead of that of a Demon Slayer. Due to this, Zenitsu screams and shouts a lot, much to the annoyance of the people around him. He is also shown to be pessimistic at times, especially during Hashira Training where he lashed out at Tanjiro and Inosuke for viewing the training positively.

In spite of his weaknesses, Zenitsu desires to live up to the expectations others have set for him and will try his hardest when he needs to. He holds great respect and admiration towards his comrades and his deceased teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, and his inner focus and drive in avenging him help to wash away his cowardice and second thoughts when he is in a pinch. Zenitsu also hates himself for how cowardly and incompetent he is, genuinely striving to better himself.

Zenitsu crushing on Nezuko.

Zenitsu is also shown to be something of a wannabe womanizer, stemming from a desire to not be single should he be killed. He tends to hit on girls who he thinks are cute and asks them to marry him, much to their annoyance.[6] This womanizing nature is shown to override his docile and quiet personality, particularly when he believes his comrades are «flirting» with cute girls; he would snap and goes in long hysterical rants and complaints. Zenitsu is shown to have a strong attraction to Nezuko, openly expressing his affection for her and always rushing to protect her as if on instinct. During these times, he is also shown to become physically aggressive, lashing out at people in frustration.[7] Though, despite his shallow behaviour in this regard, Zenitsu does show to respect women, telling Daki to let go of a girl that Daki nearly tore the ear off of, and later demanded her to apologize.

Zenitsu’s serious side.

As the only one boy in the trio to have grown up in the city, Zenitsu shows more knowledge about how the city works and is constantly embarrassed by his partners’ naivety.

Before the raid on the Infinity Castle, Zenitsu gives off a different, more serious vibe as if he is focused on something important. This development occurred after receiving a letter from Chuntaro, which revealed his master’s death and Kaigaku’s role behind it.[8] During his fight against Kaigaku, Zenitsu is stern and becomes enraged, causing him to angrily yell at him for disrespecting their cultivator.[9] His sudden change surprises his ex-senior, as Zenitsu shows a more mature persona compared to his usual cowardice.


Zenitsu instantly killing a demon at blinding speeds.

Overall Abilities: From the beginning, Zenitsu comes off as a talented and skilled Demon Slayer though he denies this. His strength awakens when he is asleep as his nervous demeanour is what normally keeps him from accessing his abilities, making him more sagacious, calm and precise in combat. This allowed him to instantly decapitate the Tongue Demon and defeat Son of the Spider Family by himself. He was later able to defend 3 entire train carts being under attack by Enmu, Lower Rank One, along with Nezuko. A few months after that, he was able to go toe-to-toe with an awakened Daki with the assistance of Inosuke, and later managed to blitz her with Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed. As further credence to his strength, Zenitsu was able to advance to the highest point of the Hashira Training.

Zenitsu singlehandedly killing an Upper Rank demon.

However, the greatest extent of his powers manifests when Zenitsu fights while awake, as he managed to outmatch the new Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku, in speed by himself and was later blitzed and decapitated him before he could react, although he sustained several severe injuries. Moreover, Zenitsu’s initial reluctance to kill Kaigaku, someone he once cared about and looked up to, was the only thing that gave the Upper Rank the initial advantage, hinting that he could have simply killed him from the beginning if he so desired. Later on, he could keep up with and battle the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, albeit while severely weakened by the Anti-Kibutsuji Drug. Nonetheless, Zenitsu’s strength more than likely matched that of the Hashira by the end of the series.

Zenitsu deciphering layers of noise with his hearing.

Enhanced Hearing: Zenitsu possesses a heightened sense of hearing, allowing him to detect danger from even the faintest of sounds. With this, he has displayed the ability to decipher layers upon layers of sound in one of the brothels and even in the Infinity Castle. As another testament to his great sound detection ability, he can perfectly replicate any tune he hears on a Shamisen and Koto only after listening to it once for the first time,[10] achieving a perfect pitch despite having no musical background. Zenitsu’s exceptional hearing also enables him to fight in his asleep, an impressive feat as he has no visual aid and can only use sound to discern his surroundings while keeping up with the attacks of demons.

  • Extrasensory Perception: Zenitsu’s hearing allows him to hear and pick up sounds outside the normal range of perception, such as detecting a person’s thoughts, emotions and even their personality just by picking up the subtle sounds they produce. Moreover, he can discern a human from a demon by comparing the sounds they make, which also allows him to determine their strength to an extent as Daki, an Upper Rank demon, has a more terrible sound than normal demons.

Enhanced Strength: Zenitsu has attained amazing physical strength through years of harsh training. Zenitsu can hold down Inosuke Hashibira with his bare hands and throw his entire body by grabbing to and swinging one of his legs.[11] Most importantly, Zenitsu has incredible leg strength allowing him to jump extremely high and move at blistering speeds to perform his Thunder Breathing techniques. He was also able to damage the body of Muzan, whose body has the highest durability out of all the demons, further testifying his superhuman physical strength.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Zenitsu is extremely fast, being able to easily move faster than even the eye can see. Even during the beginning of his career as a Demon Slayer, it is plainly obvious that his speed far outclassed that of lesser demons such as the Tongue Demon and Son of the Spider Family. During both skirmishes, neither demon was able to hit Zenitsu when he was actively engaged with the battle and both were completely unable to react to the speed of his attacks. During the battle against Enmu, he was able to save Nezuko from Lower Rank One’s flesh appendages and could slice through many of them before Enmu could react.

Zenitsu blitzing Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku.

As he progresses, his speed has improved to the point that his movements couldn’t be perceived by Upper Rank demons, like Daki and Kaigaku, the former’s reflexes having been amplified multiple times during the fight and latter being a user of the same Breathing Style as Zenitsu. Moreover, Zenitsu could move faster than Kaigaku’s lightning-based Blood Demon Art and cut his neck before the attack reached him. More impressively, Zenitsu could land multiple hits on the imperceptibly fast Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, with his techniques, albeit he was severely weakened then.

Immense Stamina & Endurance: Zenitsu has incredible stamina and endurance. He has been shown to continue fighting even after being affected by lethal poison from the Son Spider Demon that was gradually weakening him and turning him into a spider. He was also able to defend 3 train cars with Nezuko for an extended period of time without tiring out. Later, Zenitsu, along with Inosuke, engaged in combat with Upper Rank Six, Daki, for a relatively long period of time. Even after receiving numerous wounds from the Upper Rank and later getting trapped under rubble, Zenitsu had enough stamina left to unleash his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice; once to get out of the rubble and the second time to blitz Daki.

He was able to continue fighting with Kaigaku even after being on the receiving end of multiple Blood Demon Art-enhanced Thunder Breathing techniques that burned his skin and eventually summon enough power to use his ultimate technique and blitz him. Zenitsu was even able to exert himself for around half an hour during the fight against Muzan, even being able to surpass his limit of only being able to use his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice a day before his legs gave out.

Zenitsu’s indomitable willpower.

Indomitable Will: In spite of his initial cowardice and reluctance to fight, Zenitsu nonetheless possesses indomitable willpower and spirit. This was displayed when he absolutely refused to let Inosuke kill the demon inside Tanjiro’s box, and protected it to the end despite getting relentlessly beat up by Inosuke. While he was asleep against the battle against Daki, Zenitsu had the willpower to continue fighting despite sustaining numerous slash wounds all over his body and having his feet broken.[12] Through sheer will and anger, Zenitsu was able to overcome his cowardice and stay awake in battle against demons, shown during his bout with Kaigaku and Muzan, especially in the fight with the latter in which he refused to give up and persisted despite being enervated and injured.

Tactical Intellect: Even when fighting unconscious, Zenitsu has displayed incredible judgement and tactical intellect. When fighting consciously, this ability is fully released. This able was best exhibited during his battle against Upper Rank Six, Daki. When Inosuke made an erroneous deduction of her weaknesses, Zenitsu correctly explicated that all they need to do is keep both demons’ head disconnected to kill them. After his bout with Kaigaku commenced, he was able to clearly think and process his techniques and demonic abilities.

Unconscious Combat: Zenitsu has the ability to fight when he sleeps, which allows him to awaken his true strength. While awake, his nerves and fear cause him to freeze up so he cannot move. When his life is in danger, his nerves and fear grow so strong that he passes out. But while asleep, his nerves are no longer holding him back, allowing him to fight and move with great judgement, precision and skill. His hearing also places a big part in allowing Zenitsu to fight unconsciously, as it enables him to discern his surroundings and the location of his enemies and their attacks. This also allows him to fight even after he falls victim to Enmu’s spell that makes anyone go into deep sleep.

Fighting Style

Master Swordsman: Zenitsu is an incredibly talented swordsman, especially in his proficiency in extremely fast Iaijutsu-like swordsmanship and the Thunderclap and Flash technique, to the point he can create offshoots of the technique and utilize it even while he is asleep. His swordsmanship skill allowed him to fend off dozens of spiders and defend 3 train carts that Enmu was constantly attacking. Zenitsu’s sword wielding skill evolved to the point that he could fight against Upper Rank demons of the Twelve Kizuki and later matched a severely weakened Muzan, implying that his swordsmanship skill has most likely improved to the point that it matched that of the Hashira, the highest-ranked and most powerful swordsmen in the Demon Slayer Corps.

Breathing Style

Zenitsu using Thunder Breathing to attack an Upper Rank demon.

Thunder Breathing ( (かみなり) () (きゅう) Kaminari no kokyū?): A Breathing Style Zenitsu learned from a cultivator and his teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, but failed to master all the forms in the swordsmanship style but could only be able to use the first of the six forms in it, known as Thunderclap and Flash. However, Zenitsu has become incredibly proficient in fighting and winning using the first form alone, even creating several variations and modifications to it and being able to successfully perform the technique even while unconscious. Later, Zenitsu even created an entire new form in Thunder Breathing, something only a Hashira, specifically Giyu and Muichiro, has done before. This form allowed him to turn the tables against his opponent, Kaigaku, and overpower and decapitate him instantly.


  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen?)[5] — The user unsheathes their katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates their opponent faster than they can react, before sheathing it back. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu and its movements are described to be akin to «lightning ripping through the air».[13]
    • Sixfold ( (ろく) (れん) Rokuren?)[14] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash six times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Eightfold ( (はち) (れん) Hachiren?)[15] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash eight times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Godspeed ( (しん) (そく) Shinsoku?)[16] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash while greatly augmenting the speed of the technique. During the first display of this technique, an unconscious Zenitsu remarked that he mustn’t perform this technique more than two times, otherwise his legs would be rendered useless due to muscle fatigue and exhaustion. However, during the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji, Zenitsu has shown improvement in the proficiency of this technique, allowing him to use it more than twice while still maintaining the power and speed of the technique.
  • Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami ( (しち) (かた)   (ほの) (いかづちの) (かみ) Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no Kami?, lit. Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God)[17] — The personal creation of Zenitsu Agatsuma. The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and unleashes a singular forward slash at a low stance, which is seemingly accompanied by a yellow Japanese dragon shaped like a lightning bolt.

Game Exclusive Techniques

  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Prime ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) (きわみ) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen — Kiwami?)[18] — A variation of the Thunderclap and Flash created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash with such strength that they crack and uproot the ground beneath them, and tear up the ground afterwards trying to arrest their momentum.. This move can be performed mid-air, which launches the user at an angle towards the ground as they strike.
  • Air Spin ( (くう) (てん) Kūten?)[18] — The user delivers a circular spinning slash to send an opponent upwards. Typically, the technique is used to rebound after executing Thunderclap and Flash.
  • Encompassing Slash ( () (ほう) () Shihōkiri?)[18] — The user unleashes a 360° horizontal slash that creates a ring of blue electricity around them.
  • Lightning Burst ( (れん) (ぞく) () (はら) Renzokukiri Harai?)[18] — The user unsheathes their blade and performs three arching horizontal slashes at blinding speeds in quick succession. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu.


Standard Nichirin Katana: As a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu carries around a standard sized and shaped Nichirin katana with lightning streaks along the entire blade. His sword’s hilt is circular shaped with 4 slight indentations, the center has a silver tone with small triangles and has a golden border. The handle is white with several yellow triangles going down it. The base of the handle is gold with two short, white ribbons hanging off it. With his katana, Zenitsu has a standard sword sheath that is white in color.



  • Zenitsu’s surname means «my wife» ( (あが) (つま) agatsuma?), while his given name means «goodness» ( (ぜん) (いつ) zen’itsu?). His first name contains the kanji for «good» ( (ぜん) zen?) and «special, unique» ( (いつ) itsu?)
  • Zenitsu’s rankings in the popularity polls are as follows:
    • Zenitsu ranked 2nd place in the first popularity poll with 4,299 votes.
    • Zenitsu ranked 1st place in the second popularity poll with 17,451 votes.
      • Zenitsu also appeared in The Promised Neverland‘s 2020 popularity poll, ranking 29th place with 44 votes.
  • Thanks to his hearing, Zenitsu is very skilled at playing the shamisen and the koto.
  • Zenitsu has also been mispronounced by Inosuke. Examples including Monitsu ( (もん) (いつ) Mon’itsu?) and Chuitsu (チュウ (いつ) Chū’itsu?) in his dream as a squirrel squire.
  • In a Weekly Shonen Jump spoof 4-koma, Zenitsu plays the shamisen in the band «Chic-N-Scruffy Democracy,» the other members being Tanjiro (vocals), Inosuke (taiko), and Tengen (harmonica). «Melancholy of Explosive Sound Skin and Modern Sense of Smell» is their debut single, and it reportedly made everyone who heard it feel dizzy and nauseous. Zenitsu also wrote a song entitled «Past Life Sins» for the band under the name «zenithu☆A.»[19]
  • Zenitsu is the only non-Hashira Demon Slayer to have done feats specifically only Hashira have done:
    • Create a new, original form in a Breathing Style with multiple users (done by Giyu Tomioka).
    • Defeat an Upper Rank demon by himself (done by Muichiro Tokito).
  • Zenitsu has an overbite.[20]
  • The pattern on Zenitsu’s haori may be inspired by Uroko, a traditional Japanese pattern that symbolizes scales. Samurai would wear clothing with this pattern to protect themselves from harm.
  • After the events of the story, Zenitsu wrote a memoir entitled «The Legend of Zenitsu».[21]
  • Zenitsu is superstitious as he was shown to be delighted seeing two tea stalks in his tea in the extra chapters. In Japan, seeing Chabashira or a tea stalk floating vertically in your teacup when you have Japanese green tea is a sign of good luck.
  • There are six forms, but Zenitsu could only learn the first form said to be the basis for the others yet he honed it to where he could fight against several strong demons. He later created a seventh form and defeated his former senior who had become the Upper Rank Six of the Twelve Kizuki.[22]
  • Zenitsu’s a city boy and has rode on trains before. That was why going out and training with his master in the mountains was 10 times harder for him than it was for Tanjiro and Inosuke. He also doesn’t really care for the inconveniences of the countryside.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu’s hearing allowed him to hear the sickening remarks that girls made on him behind his back. This caused him to be scared of girls so much that he couldn’t stand it anymore (though his naturally cheery and persistent nature allowed him to recover quickly).[citation needed]
  • Though Zenitsu fell in love with Nezuko at first sight, he was skeptical of how Tanjiro described her. He couldn’t believe that girls could be so one-sidedly kind. When he saw how Nezuko wasn’t two-faced and was truly kind, he became so happy that he saw paradise for a moment and almost ascended to heaven.[23]
  • Zenitsu’s debt is estimated to be around 600,000 yen in modern currency.[citation needed]
    • This massive amount of debt likely came from his 7 ex-girlfriends. Despite all of them being beautiful, they treated Zenitsu like a slave, tricked him as well as robbing him of his money. Zenitsu also never got to even hold their hands.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu loves sweet and expensive foods (specifically «high-quality eel» ( (こう) (きゅう) (むなぎ) Kōkyūna Munagi?), more commonly known as kabayaki ( (かば) (やき) ?)), so if he hadn’t become a swordsman, he’d be chubby.
  • In Kimetsu Academy, Zenitsu is a morals officer who ended up on the committee despite not wanting to. He does uniform checks every day by the school gate while being terrified of delinquents.[24]


  • (To himself) «I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.«[25]
  • (To himself regarding Kyojuro Rengoku’s death) «People don’t simply recover instantly. No matter how strong someone is, they can feel pain and sadness. But hiding from it doesn’t solve anything. You must rouse your aching heart and stand back up. I’m sure Rengoku was that kind of person.«[26]
  • (To Daki) «Before you die, I have a task for you. Apologize to the girl whose ear you nearly tore off. It may be your money that pays for their clothing, food and housing, but those girls aren’t your toys. You won’t get away with this.«[27]
  • (To Kaigaku) «Grandfather wasn’t senile. If I’m scum, then you’re trash. I feel sorry for grandpa for having such pathetic successors. I can only do the First Form and you can do everything except that!«[28]
  • (To Kaigaku) «This is my form. I created it, so it’s all mine. With this technique… I wanted to fight you as an equal!«[29]
  • (To Tanjiro Kamado) «Tanjiro! Focus on staying alive! Can you hear me? Don’t die! You can’t die! Nezuko’s gonna to be human again! And you’re gonna get her out of here! And go back to the house where you grew up! Your family is waiting for you two to return!«[30]


  1. Official Twitter Account
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  3. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 205 (Page 14).
  4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 48 (Page 9).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 23 (Page 9).
  6. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 19 (Page 9).
  7. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 49.
  8. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 136 (Pages 4-6).
  9. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144.
  10. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 72 (Page 4).
  11. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 13.
  12. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 95 (Page 5).
  13. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 125 (Page 6).
  14. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 34 (Page 9).
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 91 (Page 15).
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 7).
  17. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 15).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Kimetsu no Yaiba Game: The Hinokami Chronicles.
  19. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 11, (Extra Pages).
  20. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 7, (Extra Pages).
  21. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 23, (Extra Pages).
  22. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 146.
  23. Kimetsu no Yaiba Second Fanbook.
  24. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  25. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 17.
  26. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 67 (Page 13).
  27. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 88 (Page 9-10).
  28. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144 (Page 15-16).
  29. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 17).
  30. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 197 (Page 14).


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Demon Slayer Corps
Ubuyashiki Family: Kagaya Ubuyashiki  •  Amane Ubuyashiki  •  Hinaki Ubuyashiki  •  Nichika Ubuyashiki  •  Kiriya Ubuyashiki  •  Kuina Ubuyashiki  •  Kanata Ubuyashiki
Hashira: Giyu Tomioka  •  Mitsuri Kanroji  •  Obanai Iguro  •  Sanemi Shinazugawa  •  Gyomei Himejima  •  Kyojuro Rengoku  •  Tengen Uzui  •  Muichiro Tokito  •  Shinobu Kocho  •  Kanae Kocho  •  Sakonji Urokodaki  •  Jigoro Kuwajima  •  Shinjuro Rengoku
Demon Slayers: Tanjiro Kamado  •  Zenitsu Agatsuma  •  Inosuke Hashibira  •  Genya Shinazugawa  •  Kanao Tsuyuri  •  Murata  •  Ozaki  •  Masachika Kumeno  •  Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Butterfly Mansion: Aoi Kanzaki  •  Sumi Nakahara  •  Kiyo Terauchi  •  Naho Takada  •  Goto
Other/Associates: Sabito  •  Makomo  •  Suma  •  Makio  •  Hinatsuru
Demons: Muzan Kibutsuji  •  Nezuko Kamado  •  Tamayo  •  Yushiro  •  Chachamaru  •  Susamaru  •  Yahaba  •  Temple Demon  •  Hand Demon  •  Tongue Demon  •  Horned Demon  •  Swamp Demon  •  Serpent Demon  •  Spider Demon (Father)  •  Spider Demon (Mother)  •  Spider Demon (Son)  •  Spider Demon (Daughter)
Twelve Kizuki: Kokushibo  •  Doma  •  Akaza  •  Nakime  •  Hantengu  •  Gyokko  •  Gyutaro  •  Daki  •  Kaigaku  •  Enmu  •  Rokuro  •  Wakuraba  •  Mukago  •  Rui  •  Kamanue  •  Kyogai
Kamado Family: Tanjuro Kamado  •  Kie Kamado  •  Takeo Kamado  •  Hanako Kamado  •  Shigeru Kamado  •  Rokuta Kamado  •  Sumiyoshi  •  Suyako  •  Sumire
Swordsmith Village: Tecchin Tecchikawahara  •  Hotaru Haganezuka  •  Kozo Kanamori  •  Kotetsu  •  Tetsuido
Tsuzumi Mansion: Teruko  •  Shoichi  •  Kiyoshi
Entertainment District: Koinatsu  •  Omitsu
Other: Akeno Tsugikuni  •  Senjuro Rengoku  •  Ruka Rengoku  •  Yuichiro Tokito  •  Kotoha Hashibira  •  Hisa  •  Saburo  •  Kazumi  •  Satoko  •  Tokie  •  Rei  •  Keizo  •  Koyuki  •  Takaharu  •  Toyo  •  Uta  •  Shizu Shinazugawa  •  Kyogo Shinazugawa  •  Tsutako Tomioka
Animals: Chachamaru  •  Kasugai Crows  •  Ninju
Kamado Family: Kanata Kamado  •  Sumihiko Kamado
Agatsuma Family: Toko Agatsuma  •  Yoshiteru Agatsuma
Other: Aoba Hashibira  •  Tojuro Rengoku  •  Tenma Uzui  •  Giichi Tomioka  •  Sanehiro Shinazugawa
Spin-Off/Anime Original Characters
Civilians: Yae  •  Taro  •  Fuku  •  Tomi
Demons: Matazo  •  Hairo  •  Flute Demon  •  Ubume  •  Slasher
I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.

Zenitsu Agatsuma ( (あが) (つま) (ぜん) (いつ) Agatsuma Zen’itsu?) is one of the main characters of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and along with Inosuke Hashibira, a travelling companion of Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado. He is also a Demon Slayer in the Demon Slayer Corps.


Zenitsu is a young boy of average height with fair skin and downward-sloped, worried-looking eyes that fade from soft brown to gold. He has short, yellow hair of varying lengths, cutting off squarely at the ends where it fades to a darker orange color, that falls in front of his face in uneven bangs, loosely resembling a bowl cut. Before he became a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu’s hair was originally black, but it turned the color it is currently when he was struck by lightning during his training.[2]

For some time following the battle at Mount Natagumo, his limbs temporarily shrunk due to Son’s poison but were able to return to normal afterward thanks to the medicine given to him by Shinobu Kocho.[4]

He wears a paler brown version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a dark brown gakuran jacket, a white belt around his waist and hakama pants that extend, as well as his signature white-triangle patterned, yellow and orange gradient haori. As well as this, Zenitsu also sports a pair of Kyahan, tied at the front in 3 white bows, with the same pattern as his haori, pale brown tabi socks and white-laced zōri.


Zenitsu with his original hair color

Zenitsu with his original hair color.

Zenitsu as Zenko

Zenitsu posing as a courtesan.


Zenitsu’s cowardly nature.

Zenitsu is cowardly, weak-willed, and anxious, often claiming that he doesn’t have long to live due to the dangerous job of being a Demon Slayer. He has rather low self-esteem despite his talent and strength, even considering himself useless, evident when he couldn’t believe he had slain a demon and tricked himself into instead believing that it was Shoichi, even though the latter was a young child who didn’t possess any form of skill.[5] Zenitsu is in a constant state of fear and he frequently tries to run away at the sight of danger, claiming he wants to live a modest, normal life, instead of that of a Demon Slayer. Due to this, Zenitsu screams and shouts a lot, much to the annoyance of the people around him. He is also shown to be pessimistic at times, especially during Hashira Training where he lashed out at Tanjiro and Inosuke for viewing the training positively.

In spite of his weaknesses, Zenitsu desires to live up to the expectations others have set for him and will try his hardest when he needs to. He holds great respect and admiration towards his comrades and his deceased teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, and his inner focus and drive in avenging him help to wash away his cowardice and second thoughts when he is in a pinch. Zenitsu also hates himself for how cowardly and incompetent he is, genuinely striving to better himself.

Zenitsu crushing on Nezuko.

Zenitsu is also shown to be something of a wannabe womanizer, stemming from a desire to not be single should he be killed. He tends to hit on girls who he thinks are cute and asks them to marry him, much to their annoyance.[6] This womanizing nature is shown to override his docile and quiet personality, particularly when he believes his comrades are «flirting» with cute girls; he would snap and goes in long hysterical rants and complaints. Zenitsu is shown to have a strong attraction to Nezuko, openly expressing his affection for her and always rushing to protect her as if on instinct. During these times, he is also shown to become physically aggressive, lashing out at people in frustration.[7] Though, despite his shallow behaviour in this regard, Zenitsu does show to respect women, telling Daki to let go of a girl that Daki nearly tore the ear off of, and later demanded her to apologize.

Zenitsu’s serious side.

As the only one boy in the trio to have grown up in the city, Zenitsu shows more knowledge about how the city works and is constantly embarrassed by his partners’ naivety.

Before the raid on the Infinity Castle, Zenitsu gives off a different, more serious vibe as if he is focused on something important. This development occurred after receiving a letter from Chuntaro, which revealed his master’s death and Kaigaku’s role behind it.[8] During his fight against Kaigaku, Zenitsu is stern and becomes enraged, causing him to angrily yell at him for disrespecting their cultivator.[9] His sudden change surprises his ex-senior, as Zenitsu shows a more mature persona compared to his usual cowardice.


Zenitsu instantly killing a demon at blinding speeds.

Overall Abilities: From the beginning, Zenitsu comes off as a talented and skilled Demon Slayer though he denies this. His strength awakens when he is asleep as his nervous demeanour is what normally keeps him from accessing his abilities, making him more sagacious, calm and precise in combat. This allowed him to instantly decapitate the Tongue Demon and defeat Son of the Spider Family by himself. He was later able to defend 3 entire train carts being under attack by Enmu, Lower Rank One, along with Nezuko. A few months after that, he was able to go toe-to-toe with an awakened Daki with the assistance of Inosuke, and later managed to blitz her with Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed. As further credence to his strength, Zenitsu was able to advance to the highest point of the Hashira Training.

Zenitsu singlehandedly killing an Upper Rank demon.

However, the greatest extent of his powers manifests when Zenitsu fights while awake, as he managed to outmatch the new Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku, in speed by himself and was later blitzed and decapitated him before he could react, although he sustained several severe injuries. Moreover, Zenitsu’s initial reluctance to kill Kaigaku, someone he once cared about and looked up to, was the only thing that gave the Upper Rank the initial advantage, hinting that he could have simply killed him from the beginning if he so desired. Later on, he could keep up with and battle the Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, albeit while severely weakened by the Anti-Kibutsuji Drug. Nonetheless, Zenitsu’s strength more than likely matched that of the Hashira by the end of the series.

Zenitsu deciphering layers of noise with his hearing.

Enhanced Hearing: Zenitsu possesses a heightened sense of hearing, allowing him to detect danger from even the faintest of sounds. With this, he has displayed the ability to decipher layers upon layers of sound in one of the brothels and even in the Infinity Castle. As another testament to his great sound detection ability, he can perfectly replicate any tune he hears on a Shamisen and Koto only after listening to it once for the first time,[10] achieving a perfect pitch despite having no musical background. Zenitsu’s exceptional hearing also enables him to fight in his asleep, an impressive feat as he has no visual aid and can only use sound to discern his surroundings while keeping up with the attacks of demons.

  • Extrasensory Perception: Zenitsu’s hearing allows him to hear and pick up sounds outside the normal range of perception, such as detecting a person’s thoughts, emotions and even their personality just by picking up the subtle sounds they produce. Moreover, he can discern a human from a demon by comparing the sounds they make, which also allows him to determine their strength to an extent as Daki, an Upper Rank demon, has a more terrible sound than normal demons.

Enhanced Strength: Zenitsu has attained amazing physical strength through years of harsh training. Zenitsu can hold down Inosuke Hashibira with his bare hands and throw his entire body by grabbing to and swinging one of his legs.[11] Most importantly, Zenitsu has incredible leg strength allowing him to jump extremely high and move at blistering speeds to perform his Thunder Breathing techniques. He was also able to damage the body of Muzan, whose body has the highest durability out of all the demons, further testifying his superhuman physical strength.

Immense Speed & Reflexes: Zenitsu is extremely fast, being able to easily move faster than even the eye can see. Even during the beginning of his career as a Demon Slayer, it is plainly obvious that his speed far outclassed that of lesser demons such as the Tongue Demon and Son of the Spider Family. During both skirmishes, neither demon was able to hit Zenitsu when he was actively engaged with the battle and both were completely unable to react to the speed of his attacks. During the battle against Enmu, he was able to save Nezuko from Lower Rank One’s flesh appendages and could slice through many of them before Enmu could react.

Zenitsu blitzing Upper Rank Six, Kaigaku.

As he progresses, his speed has improved to the point that his movements couldn’t be perceived by Upper Rank demons, like Daki and Kaigaku, the former’s reflexes having been amplified multiple times during the fight and latter being a user of the same Breathing Style as Zenitsu. Moreover, Zenitsu could move faster than Kaigaku’s lightning-based Blood Demon Art and cut his neck before the attack reached him. More impressively, Zenitsu could land multiple hits on the imperceptibly fast Demon King, Muzan Kibutsuji, with his techniques, albeit he was severely weakened then.

Immense Stamina & Endurance: Zenitsu has incredible stamina and endurance. He has been shown to continue fighting even after being affected by lethal poison from the Son Spider Demon that was gradually weakening him and turning him into a spider. He was also able to defend 3 train cars with Nezuko for an extended period of time without tiring out. Later, Zenitsu, along with Inosuke, engaged in combat with Upper Rank Six, Daki, for a relatively long period of time. Even after receiving numerous wounds from the Upper Rank and later getting trapped under rubble, Zenitsu had enough stamina left to unleash his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice; once to get out of the rubble and the second time to blitz Daki.

He was able to continue fighting with Kaigaku even after being on the receiving end of multiple Blood Demon Art-enhanced Thunder Breathing techniques that burned his skin and eventually summon enough power to use his ultimate technique and blitz him. Zenitsu was even able to exert himself for around half an hour during the fight against Muzan, even being able to surpass his limit of only being able to use his Thunderclap and Flash: Godspeed technique twice a day before his legs gave out.

Zenitsu’s indomitable willpower.

Indomitable Will: In spite of his initial cowardice and reluctance to fight, Zenitsu nonetheless possesses indomitable willpower and spirit. This was displayed when he absolutely refused to let Inosuke kill the demon inside Tanjiro’s box, and protected it to the end despite getting relentlessly beat up by Inosuke. While he was asleep against the battle against Daki, Zenitsu had the willpower to continue fighting despite sustaining numerous slash wounds all over his body and having his feet broken.[12] Through sheer will and anger, Zenitsu was able to overcome his cowardice and stay awake in battle against demons, shown during his bout with Kaigaku and Muzan, especially in the fight with the latter in which he refused to give up and persisted despite being enervated and injured.

Tactical Intellect: Even when fighting unconscious, Zenitsu has displayed incredible judgement and tactical intellect. When fighting consciously, this ability is fully released. This able was best exhibited during his battle against Upper Rank Six, Daki. When Inosuke made an erroneous deduction of her weaknesses, Zenitsu correctly explicated that all they need to do is keep both demons’ head disconnected to kill them. After his bout with Kaigaku commenced, he was able to clearly think and process his techniques and demonic abilities.

Unconscious Combat: Zenitsu has the ability to fight when he sleeps, which allows him to awaken his true strength. While awake, his nerves and fear cause him to freeze up so he cannot move. When his life is in danger, his nerves and fear grow so strong that he passes out. But while asleep, his nerves are no longer holding him back, allowing him to fight and move with great judgement, precision and skill. His hearing also places a big part in allowing Zenitsu to fight unconsciously, as it enables him to discern his surroundings and the location of his enemies and their attacks. This also allows him to fight even after he falls victim to Enmu’s spell that makes anyone go into deep sleep.

Fighting Style

Master Swordsman: Zenitsu is an incredibly talented swordsman, especially in his proficiency in extremely fast Iaijutsu-like swordsmanship and the Thunderclap and Flash technique, to the point he can create offshoots of the technique and utilize it even while he is asleep. His swordsmanship skill allowed him to fend off dozens of spiders and defend 3 train carts that Enmu was constantly attacking. Zenitsu’s sword wielding skill evolved to the point that he could fight against Upper Rank demons of the Twelve Kizuki and later matched a severely weakened Muzan, implying that his swordsmanship skill has most likely improved to the point that it matched that of the Hashira, the highest-ranked and most powerful swordsmen in the Demon Slayer Corps.

Breathing Style

Zenitsu using Thunder Breathing to attack an Upper Rank demon.

Thunder Breathing ( (かみなり) () (きゅう) Kaminari no kokyū?): A Breathing Style Zenitsu learned from a cultivator and his teacher, Jigoro Kuwajima, but failed to master all the forms in the swordsmanship style but could only be able to use the first of the six forms in it, known as Thunderclap and Flash. However, Zenitsu has become incredibly proficient in fighting and winning using the first form alone, even creating several variations and modifications to it and being able to successfully perform the technique even while unconscious. Later, Zenitsu even created an entire new form in Thunder Breathing, something only a Hashira, specifically Giyu and Muichiro, has done before. This form allowed him to turn the tables against his opponent, Kaigaku, and overpower and decapitate him instantly.


  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen?)[5] — The user unsheathes their katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and decapitates their opponent faster than they can react, before sheathing it back. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu and its movements are described to be akin to «lightning ripping through the air».[13]
    • Sixfold ( (ろく) (れん) Rokuren?)[14] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash six times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Eightfold ( (はち) (れん) Hachiren?)[15] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash eight times in quick succession while slightly augmenting the power and speed of his dashes.
    • Godspeed ( (しん) (そく) Shinsoku?)[16] — An extension of the Thunderclap and Flash technique created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash while greatly augmenting the speed of the technique. During the first display of this technique, an unconscious Zenitsu remarked that he mustn’t perform this technique more than two times, otherwise his legs would be rendered useless due to muscle fatigue and exhaustion. However, during the battle against Muzan Kibutsuji, Zenitsu has shown improvement in the proficiency of this technique, allowing him to use it more than twice while still maintaining the power and speed of the technique.
  • Seventh Form: Honoikazuchi no Kami ( (しち) (かた)   (ほの) (いかづちの) (かみ) Shichi no kata: Honoikazuchi no Kami?, lit. Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God)[17] — The personal creation of Zenitsu Agatsuma. The user dashes forward at blinding speeds and unleashes a singular forward slash at a low stance, which is seemingly accompanied by a yellow Japanese dragon shaped like a lightning bolt.

Game Exclusive Techniques

  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Prime ( (いち) (かた)   (へき) (れき) (いっ) (せん) (きわみ) Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen — Kiwami?)[18] — A variation of the Thunderclap and Flash created by Zenitsu. The user performs Thunderclap and Flash with such strength that they crack and uproot the ground beneath them, and tear up the ground afterwards trying to arrest their momentum.. This move can be performed mid-air, which launches the user at an angle towards the ground as they strike.
  • Air Spin ( (くう) (てん) Kūten?)[18] — The user delivers a circular spinning slash to send an opponent upwards. Typically, the technique is used to rebound after executing Thunderclap and Flash.
  • Encompassing Slash ( () (ほう) () Shihōkiri?)[18] — The user unleashes a 360° horizontal slash that creates a ring of blue electricity around them.
  • Lightning Burst ( (れん) (ぞく) () (はら) Renzokukiri Harai?)[18] — The user unsheathes their blade and performs three arching horizontal slashes at blinding speeds in quick succession. This technique is extremely reminiscent of Iaijutsu.


Standard Nichirin Katana: As a Demon Slayer, Zenitsu carries around a standard sized and shaped Nichirin katana with lightning streaks along the entire blade. His sword’s hilt is circular shaped with 4 slight indentations, the center has a silver tone with small triangles and has a golden border. The handle is white with several yellow triangles going down it. The base of the handle is gold with two short, white ribbons hanging off it. With his katana, Zenitsu has a standard sword sheath that is white in color.



  • Zenitsu’s surname means «my wife» ( (あが) (つま) agatsuma?), while his given name means «goodness» ( (ぜん) (いつ) zen’itsu?). His first name contains the kanji for «good» ( (ぜん) zen?) and «special, unique» ( (いつ) itsu?)
  • Zenitsu’s rankings in the popularity polls are as follows:
    • Zenitsu ranked 2nd place in the first popularity poll with 4,299 votes.
    • Zenitsu ranked 1st place in the second popularity poll with 17,451 votes.
      • Zenitsu also appeared in The Promised Neverland‘s 2020 popularity poll, ranking 29th place with 44 votes.
  • Thanks to his hearing, Zenitsu is very skilled at playing the shamisen and the koto.
  • Zenitsu has also been mispronounced by Inosuke. Examples including Monitsu ( (もん) (いつ) Mon’itsu?) and Chuitsu (チュウ (いつ) Chū’itsu?) in his dream as a squirrel squire.
  • In a Weekly Shonen Jump spoof 4-koma, Zenitsu plays the shamisen in the band «Chic-N-Scruffy Democracy,» the other members being Tanjiro (vocals), Inosuke (taiko), and Tengen (harmonica). «Melancholy of Explosive Sound Skin and Modern Sense of Smell» is their debut single, and it reportedly made everyone who heard it feel dizzy and nauseous. Zenitsu also wrote a song entitled «Past Life Sins» for the band under the name «zenithu☆A.»[19]
  • Zenitsu is the only non-Hashira Demon Slayer to have done feats specifically only Hashira have done:
    • Create a new, original form in a Breathing Style with multiple users (done by Giyu Tomioka).
    • Defeat an Upper Rank demon by himself (done by Muichiro Tokito).
  • Zenitsu has an overbite.[20]
  • The pattern on Zenitsu’s haori may be inspired by Uroko, a traditional Japanese pattern that symbolizes scales. Samurai would wear clothing with this pattern to protect themselves from harm.
  • After the events of the story, Zenitsu wrote a memoir entitled «The Legend of Zenitsu».[21]
  • Zenitsu is superstitious as he was shown to be delighted seeing two tea stalks in his tea in the extra chapters. In Japan, seeing Chabashira or a tea stalk floating vertically in your teacup when you have Japanese green tea is a sign of good luck.
  • There are six forms, but Zenitsu could only learn the first form said to be the basis for the others yet he honed it to where he could fight against several strong demons. He later created a seventh form and defeated his former senior who had become the Upper Rank Six of the Twelve Kizuki.[22]
  • Zenitsu’s a city boy and has rode on trains before. That was why going out and training with his master in the mountains was 10 times harder for him than it was for Tanjiro and Inosuke. He also doesn’t really care for the inconveniences of the countryside.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu’s hearing allowed him to hear the sickening remarks that girls made on him behind his back. This caused him to be scared of girls so much that he couldn’t stand it anymore (though his naturally cheery and persistent nature allowed him to recover quickly).[citation needed]
  • Though Zenitsu fell in love with Nezuko at first sight, he was skeptical of how Tanjiro described her. He couldn’t believe that girls could be so one-sidedly kind. When he saw how Nezuko wasn’t two-faced and was truly kind, he became so happy that he saw paradise for a moment and almost ascended to heaven.[23]
  • Zenitsu’s debt is estimated to be around 600,000 yen in modern currency.[citation needed]
    • This massive amount of debt likely came from his 7 ex-girlfriends. Despite all of them being beautiful, they treated Zenitsu like a slave, tricked him as well as robbing him of his money. Zenitsu also never got to even hold their hands.[citation needed]
  • Zenitsu loves sweet and expensive foods (specifically «high-quality eel» ( (こう) (きゅう) (むなぎ) Kōkyūna Munagi?), more commonly known as kabayaki ( (かば) (やき) ?)), so if he hadn’t become a swordsman, he’d be chubby.
  • In Kimetsu Academy, Zenitsu is a morals officer who ended up on the committee despite not wanting to. He does uniform checks every day by the school gate while being terrified of delinquents.[24]


  • (To himself) «I hate myself more than anyone. I always think I have to get my act together, but I end up cowering, running away, sniveling. I want to change. I want to be a competent person.«[25]
  • (To himself regarding Kyojuro Rengoku’s death) «People don’t simply recover instantly. No matter how strong someone is, they can feel pain and sadness. But hiding from it doesn’t solve anything. You must rouse your aching heart and stand back up. I’m sure Rengoku was that kind of person.«[26]
  • (To Daki) «Before you die, I have a task for you. Apologize to the girl whose ear you nearly tore off. It may be your money that pays for their clothing, food and housing, but those girls aren’t your toys. You won’t get away with this.«[27]
  • (To Kaigaku) «Grandfather wasn’t senile. If I’m scum, then you’re trash. I feel sorry for grandpa for having such pathetic successors. I can only do the First Form and you can do everything except that!«[28]
  • (To Kaigaku) «This is my form. I created it, so it’s all mine. With this technique… I wanted to fight you as an equal!«[29]
  • (To Tanjiro Kamado) «Tanjiro! Focus on staying alive! Can you hear me? Don’t die! You can’t die! Nezuko’s gonna to be human again! And you’re gonna get her out of here! And go back to the house where you grew up! Your family is waiting for you two to return!«[30]


  1. Official Twitter Account
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  3. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 205 (Page 14).
  4. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 48 (Page 9).
  5. 5.0 5.1 Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 23 (Page 9).
  6. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 19 (Page 9).
  7. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 49.
  8. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 136 (Pages 4-6).
  9. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144.
  10. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 72 (Page 4).
  11. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 13.
  12. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 95 (Page 5).
  13. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 125 (Page 6).
  14. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 34 (Page 9).
  15. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 91 (Page 15).
  16. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 93 (Page 7).
  17. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 15).
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Kimetsu no Yaiba Game: The Hinokami Chronicles.
  19. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 11, (Extra Pages).
  20. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 7, (Extra Pages).
  21. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 23, (Extra Pages).
  22. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 146.
  23. Kimetsu no Yaiba Second Fanbook.
  24. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Volume 3, (Extra Pages).
  25. Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime: Episode 17.
  26. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 67 (Page 13).
  27. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 88 (Page 9-10).
  28. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 144 (Page 15-16).
  29. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 145 (Page 17).
  30. Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 197 (Page 14).


[v · e · ?]


Demon Slayer Corps
Ubuyashiki Family: Kagaya Ubuyashiki  •  Amane Ubuyashiki  •  Hinaki Ubuyashiki  •  Nichika Ubuyashiki  •  Kiriya Ubuyashiki  •  Kuina Ubuyashiki  •  Kanata Ubuyashiki
Hashira: Giyu Tomioka  •  Mitsuri Kanroji  •  Obanai Iguro  •  Sanemi Shinazugawa  •  Gyomei Himejima  •  Kyojuro Rengoku  •  Tengen Uzui  •  Muichiro Tokito  •  Shinobu Kocho  •  Kanae Kocho  •  Sakonji Urokodaki  •  Jigoro Kuwajima  •  Shinjuro Rengoku
Demon Slayers: Tanjiro Kamado  •  Zenitsu Agatsuma  •  Inosuke Hashibira  •  Genya Shinazugawa  •  Kanao Tsuyuri  •  Murata  •  Ozaki  •  Masachika Kumeno  •  Yoriichi Tsugikuni
Butterfly Mansion: Aoi Kanzaki  •  Sumi Nakahara  •  Kiyo Terauchi  •  Naho Takada  •  Goto
Other/Associates: Sabito  •  Makomo  •  Suma  •  Makio  •  Hinatsuru
Demons: Muzan Kibutsuji  •  Nezuko Kamado  •  Tamayo  •  Yushiro  •  Chachamaru  •  Susamaru  •  Yahaba  •  Temple Demon  •  Hand Demon  •  Tongue Demon  •  Horned Demon  •  Swamp Demon  •  Serpent Demon  •  Spider Demon (Father)  •  Spider Demon (Mother)  •  Spider Demon (Son)  •  Spider Demon (Daughter)
Twelve Kizuki: Kokushibo  •  Doma  •  Akaza  •  Nakime  •  Hantengu  •  Gyokko  •  Gyutaro  •  Daki  •  Kaigaku  •  Enmu  •  Rokuro  •  Wakuraba  •  Mukago  •  Rui  •  Kamanue  •  Kyogai
Kamado Family: Tanjuro Kamado  •  Kie Kamado  •  Takeo Kamado  •  Hanako Kamado  •  Shigeru Kamado  •  Rokuta Kamado  •  Sumiyoshi  •  Suyako  •  Sumire
Swordsmith Village: Tecchin Tecchikawahara  •  Hotaru Haganezuka  •  Kozo Kanamori  •  Kotetsu  •  Tetsuido
Tsuzumi Mansion: Teruko  •  Shoichi  •  Kiyoshi
Entertainment District: Koinatsu  •  Omitsu
Other: Akeno Tsugikuni  •  Senjuro Rengoku  •  Ruka Rengoku  •  Yuichiro Tokito  •  Kotoha Hashibira  •  Hisa  •  Saburo  •  Kazumi  •  Satoko  •  Tokie  •  Rei  •  Keizo  •  Koyuki  •  Takaharu  •  Toyo  •  Uta  •  Shizu Shinazugawa  •  Kyogo Shinazugawa  •  Tsutako Tomioka
Animals: Chachamaru  •  Kasugai Crows  •  Ninju
Kamado Family: Kanata Kamado  •  Sumihiko Kamado
Agatsuma Family: Toko Agatsuma  •  Yoshiteru Agatsuma
Other: Aoba Hashibira  •  Tojuro Rengoku  •  Tenma Uzui  •  Giichi Tomioka  •  Sanehiro Shinazugawa
Spin-Off/Anime Original Characters
Civilians: Yae  •  Taro  •  Fuku  •  Tomi
Demons: Matazo  •  Hairo  •  Flute Demon  •  Ubume  •  Slasher

Член организации охотников за демонами и спутник Тандзиро Камадо, один из пяти выживших на последнем отборе. На год старше Иносукэ и Тандзиро, ему шестнадцать лет. Раньше волосы Дзэницу были чёрными, однако просветлели после того, как в него ударила молния, когда он спасался на дереве от тренировок учителя. Поверх стандартной чёрной униформы охотника носит жёлтое хаори с орнаментом из белых треугольников, его клинок также с жёлтыми разводами. Фамильяр — воробей Тюнтаро.

Невообразимый трус и плакса, Дзэницу пугается любого шума, постоянно прося окружающих защитить его и повторяя, что очень скоро умрёт. Бабник, волочится за каждой девушкой, которая к нему добра, требуя выйти за него. Узнав, что Тандзиро носит в ящике за спиной прекрасную девушку, начинает завидовать ему и беситься, но быстро успокаивается, когда понимает, что Нэдзуко на самом деле младшая сестра Камадо. С тех пор постоянно защищает её, испытывая сильную симпатию.

Несмотря на малодушие, Дзэницу очень любит учителя и друзей, готов ради них рискнуть жизнью, переступая через свои слабости. Обладатель очень тонкого слуха, благодаря которому прекрасно играет на сямисэне и кото, даже на расстоянии может отличать звуки демонов и людей, что весьма помогает в охоте. Для него каждое живое существо издаёт свой неповторимый звук.

Учитель Дзигоро Кувадзима, которого Дзэницу всегда называет «дедулей», обучал Агацуму шести стилям дыхания грома, однако ученик, из-за полного отсутствия таланта, освоил за годы тренировок только первый стиль — «Молниеносный громовой раскат», самый основной, хотя и овладел этой техникой в совершенстве. В бою Дзэницу бесполезен, так как от страха перед демонами сразу падает в обморок и тут же засыпает.


Однако в такой момент Агацуме снится сон, где он очень силён и бесстрашен, всем нужен и всем помогает. Спящее тело Дзэницу начинает двигаться, развивая невероятную скорость, и использует отточенную тяжёлыми тренировками технику первого стиля, чтобы победить врага. Проснувшись, Дзэницу ничего не помнит о том, что делал во сне, приписывая заслуги по убийству демонов своим спутникам или случайности. Именно так он выжил на Фудзикасанэ, проспав весь отбор. Придумывает собственный, седьмой стиль дыхания грома — «Пылающий бог грома», чтобы сражаться с демонами бок о бок с Кайгаку, другим учеником Дзигоро. Во время тренировки со столпами Дзэницу получает печальную весть: старший ученик Дзигоро — Кайгаку — стал демоном, и учитель из-за него покончил с собой. Агацуме приходится отбросить свою трусость и нерешительность уже наяву, чтобы встретиться с Кайгаку.

  1. Все новости
  2. Клинок, рассекающий демонов: Зеницу Агацума

Клинок, рассекающий демонов: Зеницу Агацума

Я ненавижу себя больше всех. Я думаю, что пора действовать, но каждый раз лишь съеживаюсь, хныкаю и убегаю. Я хочу измениться. Я хочу стать сильным.
Цитата Зеницу Агацума

Зеницу Агацума (на английском Zenitsu Agatsuma, на японском  善ぜん逸い) — персонаж аниме сериала «Клинок, рассекающий демонов», путешествующий вместе с Танджиро и Незуко Камадо.

Зеницу Агацума, вики

Зеницу Агацума — молодой парень среднего роста со светлой кожей и вечно опущенными вниз глазами, чей цвет переходит от мягкого коричневого к золотому. У Зеницу короткие светлые волосы, выцветающие до темно-оранжевого цвета. До того, как Зеницу стал Убийцей Демонов, он носил черные волосы, но они приобрели желтый окрас после того, как в него ударила молния на тренировке.

Зеницу носит более бледную версию стандартной униформы Убийцы Демонов, состоящую из темно-коричневой куртки, белого ремня вокруг талии и расширяющихся брюк хакама, а также его фирменного кимоно с белым треугольным рисунком. Помимо этого, Агацума носит пару кяхан, завязанных спереди тремя белыми бантами, с тем же рисунком, что и у его кимоно, светло-коричневые носки и японские сандали с белой шнуровкой. Обычно Зеницу использует обычную катану с желтоватым лезвием.

Зеницу родился 5 сентября и на момент начала истории его возраст составляет 16 лет.

Зеницу Агацума, персонажи

Зеницу и Танджиро

Зеницу часто полагается на Танджиро в напряженных ситуациях, например, когда они вступают в схватку с Демонами. Это было связано с низкой уверенностью Зеницу в себе и унизительной верой в то, что он был слабаком. Зеницу Агацума уважает и восхищается Танджиро, но иногда насмехается над ним из зависти, когда Танджиро упоминает о своих встречах с девушками без Зеницу. Он также часто злится из-за храбрости и героизма Танджиро, считая это излишним риском. 

Тем не менее, Танджиро действительно является лучшим другом Зеницу. Он очень ценит их дружбу из-за доброты и терпимости Танджиро Камадо. Вполне возможно, что он оказался первым настоящий другом Зеницу за всю его жизнь.

Зеницу и Незуко

Несмотря на сильный страх перед Демонами, Зеницу влюбляется в Незуко. Он частоз пытается убедить ее выйти за него замуж и никогда не забывает упомянуть о своем восхищении ею при каждой их встречи.

Однако со временем Зеницу Агацума становится спокойнее и немного менее агрессивным к Незуко. Он часто рассказывает ей истории о различных миссиях с Танджиро, на которых ее не было, и в какой-то момент он обещает отвести ее на цветочное поле. Кроме того, он помог Незуко посмотреть на золотую рыбку Шинобу Кочо без разрешения самого Шинобу

Зеницу и Иноске

Зеницу и Иносуке обычно не ладят, хоть и находятся в одной команде. В основном  это происходит из-за их крайне низкого мнения друг о друге. Иноске видит в Зеницу раздражающего плаксивого слаба, в то время как Зеницу видит в Иноске жестокого идиота, которого интересует только борьба. Однако они могут хорошо сотрудничать, когда дела становятся особенно плохи. Иноске Хашибира восхищается способностями Зеницу во время сна, по его мнению Зеницу следует навсегда остаться в таком состоянии.

Зеницу и Кайгаку

Зеницу и Кайгаку были учениками Джигоро Куваджимы и наследниками Громового Дыхания. Несмотря на общую неприязнь, Зеницу относится к Кайгаку с большим уважением, настолько большим, что бил других членов Корпуса Истребителей Демонов, которые плохо отзывались о нем за его спиной. Кайгаку, с другой стороны, всегда принижал Зеницу и называл его ничтожеством из-за слабости.

Зеницу Агацума, арт

Ниже представлены арты с Зеницу Агацума, а также различные фото, картинки и скрины из сериала «Клинок, рассекающий демонов» с его участием.

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Zenitsu Agatsuma is a character from the manga Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. He is a member of the Demon Slayer Corps and part of Tanjiro’s team alongside Inosuke. Zenitsu is normally a skittish and cowardly swordsman who shouts a lot, but once he hits the hay and sleepwalks, he becomes a deadly serious warrior capable of ripping through demons with blinding speed using his signature «Thunder Breathing» style. Later in the story, he develops a crush towards Tanjiro’s sister Nezuko.

Zenitsu’s fighting style is notable for constantly using just one form — «Thunderclap and Flash» — through most of his fights, evoking a certain quote from a famous martial artist. He later invents new techniques based on this dash attack.

While Zenitsu is certainly a popular character in his own right, within the series’ fandom he pales in comparison to other, more likable characters. For instance, he is disliked by some users in the r/anime subreddit because of his «annoying constant screaming».



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ISML Profile flavour text (May contain spoilers)
(written by Momento10)

The day Agatsuma Zenitsu was struck by lighting, he knew his life was going to go through hell.

Why does he have to train under a former demon slayer and listen to what he has to say? Zenitsu hates training. Training is tough. Every day, he is gassed out, beaten, battered, and bruised. This is not the life he signed up for. He wants to be free from danger, away from everything scary, and live a quiet, normal life. Is that too much to ask?

Why does he have to fight against demons? Demons are tough. Demons are scary. Zenitsu cannot bear the sight of looking them in the eye without quaking his boots. His survival in the selection exam has to be a fluke. There are others who are stronger than him and more motivated than he is. Why can’t they do all of the work and he just sits in the sidelines? It is a win-win situation for both.

Unfortunately, life does not let him get away with these thoughts so easily. Zenitsu knows this, but he cannot help but he afraid. He feels weak and useless. He hates himself for this negative thoughts. He wants to change. He has to change. It is kill or be killed, and if Zenitsu wants to life a peaceful life in the future, then he must fight, for the sake of living the perfect life he so desires.

Like a flash of lighting, Zenitsu’s power is swift, blinding, and impossible to see. Not even Zenitsu himself knows he has so much hidden potential inside of him. But, perhaps, that is for the best.

External links[]

Beware of spoilers and pop-ups.

  • KnY Wikia
  • MyAnimeList
  • Baike Baidu (Chinese)
  • Moegirl (Chinese)
  • NamuWiki (Korean)

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