Жорж как пишется на английском

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И мсье Жорж взломал дверь.

Monsieur Georges and broke down the door.



Жорж Хави и Самир Кассир поддерживали Демократическое левое движение — одну из политических партий, которая входит в «Движение 14 марта».

George Hawi and Samir Kassir supported the Democratic Left Movement, one of the political parties that fall under the umbrella of the March 14 Movement.


Словосочетания (9)

  1. Жорж Бвелле — George Bwelle
  2. Жорж Бизе — Georges Bizet
  3. Жорж Лотнер — Georges Lautner
  4. Жорж Пир — Georges Pire
  5. Жорж Помпиду — Georges Pompidou
  6. Жорж Санд — George Sand
  7. Жорж Сименон — Georges Simenon
  8. Жорж Ферберг — George Verberg
  9. Жорж Хабаш — George Habash


И мсье Жорж взломал дверь.
Monsieur Georges and broke down the door.

Жорж Хави и Самир Кассир поддерживали Демократическое левое движение — одну из политических партий, которая входит в «Движение 14 марта».
George Hawi and Samir Kassir supported the Democratic Left Movement, one of the political parties that fall under the umbrella of the March 14 Movement.

«Нью исен Жорж«, которую я оставил на столе.
The «nuit st Georges» I left on the table.

преследующий меня последние 12 лет, принадлежал, несомненно, вон тому типу, слегка подозрительного вида, стоящему в заднем ряду, вторым слева, Жорж Ли Малори.
that’s been dogging me for the last 12 years was credited certainly to this chap, the rakish-looking gentleman standing at the back, second from the left, George Lee Mallory.

«В Камеруне не было нейрохирургов, — сказал Жорж Бвелле.
«There were no neurosurgeons in Cameroon,» Georges Bwelle said.


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  • 1

    Новый русско-английский словарь > Жорж

  • 2
    Жорж Сёра

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > Жорж Сёра

  • 3

    БОЛЬНОЕ МЕСТО (чьё, для кого, кого, у кого)


    sing only

    usu. obj

    or compl of copula with






    a very sensitive, vulnerable aspect (of





    a matter that causes


    (or a group of people) feelings of grief, anxiety, resentment

    sore spot (point)

    sensitive (tender, vulnerable) spot
    (in limited contexts) what troubles



    задеть кого за больное место = touch (hit) a (raw) nerve



    where it hurts (most) (where it hurts him the most).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > М-110

  • 4
    больное место






    usu. obj

    or compl of copula with




    ; fixed




    a very sensitive, vulnerable aspect (of




    ); a matter that causes


    (or a group of people) feelings of grief, anxiety, resentment:

    sensitive (tender, vulnerable) spot;

    — [in limited contexts] what troubles s.o. most;

    hit s.o. where it hurts (most) (where it hurts him the most).

    ♦ Сидящие на стульях, и на столах, и даже на двух подоконниках [литераторы]… серьезно страдали от духоты… «А сейчас хорошо на Клязьме», — подзудила присутствующих Штурман Жорж, зная, что дачный литераторский поселок Перелыгино на Клязьме — общее больное место (Булгаков 9). They [the writers] sat on chairs, on tables, and even on the two window sills.suffering extremely from lack of air….»It must be beautiful on the Klyazma,» Pilot George egged on her colleagues, knowing that the vacation village of Perelygino on the Klyazma River was everybody’s sore spot (9a).

    ♦…Что касается национальности, то отношение к ней… было больным его [Пастернака] местом. Не то чтобы он ее стеснялся — этого не было. Но, являясь по духу глубоко русским поэтом, он терялся и не знал, что делать и что говорить, когда оказывалось, что его еврейское происхождение никогда не забывают и никогда не прощают (Ивинская 1). The matter of his origins… was a sore point with him [Pasternak]. It wasn’t that he was embarrassed by them — there was no question of this. But as a Russian poet to the core of his being, he was at a loss what to do or say whenever he was brought up against the fact that his Jewish descent would never be forgotten or forgiven (1a).

    ♦ Одно она [свекровь] не хотела ей простить -то, что у Настены не было ребятишек. Попрекать не попрекала, помня, что для любой бабы это самое больное место, но на сердце держала… (Распутин 2). The only thing she [the mother-in-law] could never forgive was that Nastyona had no children. She didn’t rebuke her, remembering that for any woman that was the most sensitive spot, but she stored it away… (2a).

    ♦ [Маша:] Чего вы от него хотите? Чтобы он в гениях числился? Главные роли играл? Как вам не стыдно долбить еговбольное место! (Розов 1). [М.:] What do you want of him? То be a genius? To play only the leading roles? Aren’t you all ashamed to keep hitting him where it hurts most’ (1a)

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > больное место

  • 5
    ни за понюшку табаку


    simply throw one’s life away; die for nothing at all

    — Прослыхал я, что бабы колхоз громят и вас за хлеб дерзают: «Ну, — говорю сам себе, — пропадёшь ты, Щукарь, ни за понюшку табаку!» (М. Шолохов, Поднятая целина) — ‘You see, I heard the women were smashing up the collective farm and tearing you to pieces for the grain. Well, I says to myself, this look like the end of you, Shchukar, and for less than a pinch of baccy!’

    — Пропал наш Жорж не за понюх табаку! — вздохнул Борейко. (А. Степанов, Порт-Артур) — ‘Poor George died for nothing at all,’ Boreiko sighed.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > ни за понюшку табаку

См. также в других словарях:

  • Жорж — (George)  фамилия: Жорж, Маргарита Жозефина (1786 1867)  французская актриса. Жорж, Себастиан  «компонист и клавирмейстер» конца XVIII века в Санкт Петербурге. Жорж  имя, производное от Георгий, Юрий, Игорь, Егор: Жорж… …   Википедия

  • жорж — Georges. 1. Галлицизированное мужское русское имя Егор, Георгий. В последнюю субботу Жорж приехал один, и я тогда заметила, что он был очень нежен и часто absent. 1829. Оленина 155. В заключение портрета скажу, что он назывался Григорий… …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

  • жорж — ЖОРЖ, а, ЖОРЖИК, а, м. Пижон, франт, модник; сын богатых родителей, неженка, капризный человек. Фр. собств. Georges; ср. уг. «жорж» мошенник, «жоржик» швейцар …   Словарь русского арго

  • Жорж — іменник чоловічого роду, істота ім я …   Орфографічний словник української мови

  • Жорж М. Ж. — ЖОРЖ (George) (наст. фам. Веймер, Weimer) Маргерит Жозефин (1787–1867), франц. актриса. На сцене с 1802 (в Комеди Франсез и др. т рах Парижа). Обладая строгой красотой, величеств. осанкой, сильным и богатым по диапазону голосом, исполняла… …   Биографический словарь

  • Жорж М. — Мадмуазель Жорж Маргарита Жозефина Жорж (фр. Marguerite Joséphine Wiemer, Веммер, прозванная M lle George; 23 февраля 1787, Bayeux 11 января 1867, Париж) французская актриса, дочь капельмейстера в Амьене Красивая, величественная, прекрасно… …   Википедия

  • Жорж М. Ж. — Мадмуазель Жорж Маргарита Жозефина Жорж (фр. Marguerite Joséphine Wiemer, Веммер, прозванная M lle George; 23 февраля 1787, Bayeux 11 января 1867, Париж) французская актриса, дочь капельмейстера в Амьене Красивая, величественная, прекрасно… …   Википедия

  • Жорж Сёра — Сёра, Жорж Пьер Дата рождения: 2 декабря 1859 Место рождения: Париж, Франция Дата смерти: 29 марта 1891 Место смерти: Париж, Франция Жанр …   Википедия

  • Жорж — I (George)         (настоящая фамилия Веймер; Weimer) Маргерит Жозефин (23.2.1787, Байё, 11.1.1867, Пасен), французская актриса. С 5 летнего возраста выступала на сцене в детских ролях. В 1801 училась у известной драматической артистки Рокур. В… …   Большая советская энциклопедия

  • Жорж С. — Себастиан Жорж «компонист и клавирмейстер» конца XVIII века в Санкт Петербурге, издававший ноты и продававший музыкальные инструменты. Автор комической оперы «Матросские шутки», изданной при типографии Новикова (1780) и представленной в Санкт… …   Википедия

  • ЖОРЖ — (Ж. Санд; см. ЗАНД) Я слушаю вас с нежностью и грустью, Как древняя Сивилла – и Жорж Занд. Цв919 (I,459.2) …   Собственное имя в русской поэзии XX века: словарь личных имён

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Saint George et le dragon, enluminure.jpg

St. George depicted slaying a dragon

Pronunciation English: JORJ
Gender Male
Name day April 23
Meaning farmer
Region of origin Ancient Greece
Other names
Related names Georges, Georgios, Georgius, Gheorghe, Giorgio, Göran, György, Jerzy, Jorge, Joris, Jörg, Jörgen, Jørgen, Jørn, Jüri, Jurgis, Jurģis, Jürgen, Jurij, Juris, Örjan, Ørjan, Sjors, Yegor, Yrjö, Jyrki, Jyri, Yuri/Yury, Đorđe

George Washington, the first president of the United States

George () is a masculine given name derived from the Greek Geōrgios (Γεώργιος; Ancient Greek: [ɡeɔː́rɡi.os], Modern Greek: [ʝeˈorʝi.os]).[1][2][3] The name gained popularity due to its association with the Christian martyr, Saint George (died 23 April 303), a member of the Praetorian Guard who was sentenced to death for his refusal to renounce Christianity, and prior to that, it might have been a theophoric name, with origins in Zeus Georgos, an early title of the Greek god Zeus.[4][5] Today, it is one of the most commonly used names in the Western world, though its religious significance has waned among modern populations. Its diminutives are Geordie and Georgie, with the former being limited primarily to residents of England and Scotland. The most popular feminine forms in the Anglosphere are Georgia, Georgiana, and Georgina.


Etymology and origins[edit]

Its original Greek form, Georgios, is based on the Greek word georgos (γεωργός) ‘farmer’. The word georgos itself is ultimately a combination of two Greek words: ge (γῆ) ‘earth, soil’ and ergon (ἔργον) ‘work’. Aelius Herodianus (fl. 2nd century AD), a Roman-era Greek grammarian and writer, determined Georgios to be a theophoric name, or a name created to honor a deity, a nod to Zeus Georgos, or «Zeus the Farmer» in English. In the early stages of Greek mythology, before Zeus took on a major role in the Greek pantheon as ruler of all the gods and goddesses, he was sacrificed to as an agricultural god, a patron of crops and harvests.[6] The name took on religious significance to followers of Early Christianity in 303 with the supposed martyrdom of Georgios, a Roman soldier of Greek heritage. While the story’s historical accuracy is subject to debate, his character took on real importance to the Christian Church, with Georgios and its variants being used as baptismal names and by religious officials and Christian monarchs, though it did not become common among the laity until after the Middle Ages.


In other languages[edit]

  • Albanian: Gjergj, Gjorgj, Xhorxh, Jorgji
  • Amharic: Giorgis (ጊዮርጊስ)
  • Arabic: Jirjīs (جرجيس), Jirjis (جرجس), Jawrj (جورج)
    • Egyptian Arabic: Gerges (جرجس), Girgis (جرجس)
    • Palestinian Arabic: Jiryes (جريس)
  • Aragonese: Chorche
  • Armenian: Gevorg (Գևորգ), Kevork (Western)
  • Aramaic: Gewargis (ܓܝܘܪܓܝܣ), Gevargis, Gaggi (diminutive), Gaggo (diminutive), Givo (diminutive)
  • Asturian: Xurde
  • Basque: Gorka, Jurgi, Urtzi
  • Belarusian: Yury (Юры), Yurka (Юрка) (diminutive)
  • Breton: Jor, Jord
  • Bulgarian: Georgi (Георги)
  • Catalan: Jordi
  • Chinese: Qiáozhì (乔治 in Simplified Chinese or 喬治 in Traditional Chinese)
    • Cantonese: 佐治 (zo2 zi6 in Jyutping)
  • Coptic: Georgios (Ⲅⲉⲟⲣⲅⲓⲟⲥ), Girgis (Ⲅⲓⲣⲅⲓⲥ)
  • Croatian: Đuro, Juraj, Jure, Jurica
  • Czech: Jiří
  • Danish: Jørgen, Jørn
  • Dutch: Joris, Juriaan/Juriaen (archaic spelling), Sjors
  • English: Geordie (diminutive), George, Georgie (diminutive)
  • Estonian: Georg, Jüri, Jürgen
  • Faroese: Jørundur
  • French: Georges
  • Finnish: Jori, Jyri, Jyrki, Yrjänä, Yrjö
  • Frisian: Jurjen
  • Galician: Xurxo
  • Georgian: Gio (გიო) (diminutive), Giorgi (გიორგი), Gia (გია) (diminutive), Goga (გოგა) (diminutive), Gogi (გოგი) (diminutive)
  • German: Georg, Jirka, Jockel (diminutive), Jörg, Jörgen, Jürg, Jürgen, Jurian, Schorsch
  • Greek: Geórgios (Γεώργιος) (Modern), Geṓrgios (Γεώργιος) (Koine), Tzortz (Τζορτζ) (English)
  • Hindi: Jorj (जॉर्ज)
  • Hungarian: György
  • Icelandic: Georg
  • Irish: Seóirse (also Seoirse)
  • Italian: Giorgio, Giorgino (diminutive), Gino (diminutive)
  • Japanese: Jōji (じょうじ、ジョージ)
  • Korean: Jo-ji (조지)
  • Latin: Georgius
  • Latvian: Georgijs, Georgs, Jurģis, Juris
  • Lithuanian: Georgijus, Jurgis
  • Macedonian: Gjorgji (Ѓорѓи), Gjorgje (Ѓорѓе), Gjorgjija Ѓорѓија (Gjorgjija), Gjoko (Ѓоко)
  • Malayalam: Geevarghese (ഗീവര്ഗീസ്) (when referring to Saint George), Varghese (വര്ഗീസ്); Jēārjj (ജോർജ്ജ്) (based on the English pronunciation)
  • Maltese: Ġorġ, Ġorġa
  • Manx: Shorys
  • Māori: Hori
  • Monegasque: Giorgi
  • Norman: Jore
  • Norwegian: Georg, Jørn, Ørjan, Jørgen
  • Persian: Jurjis (جرجیس)
  • Polish: Jerzy
  • Portuguese: Jorge
  • Romanian: George, Gheorghe, Georgiu
  • Russian: Georgiy (Георгий), Yuriy (Юрий), Yegor (Егор)
  • Samoan: Siaosi
  • Scottish Gaelic: Deòrsa, Seòras
  • Serbian: Đorđe (Ђорђе), Đorđo (Ђорђо), Đukan (Ђукан), Đurađ (Ђурађ), Đurđe (Ђурђе), Đoko (Ђоко), Đoka (Ђока), Đuro (Ђуро), Đura (Ђура), Georgije (Георгије)
  • Slovak: Juraj
  • Slovene: Jure, Jurij
  • Spanish: Jorge
  • Swedish: Georg, Göran, Jörgen, Jörn, Örjan
  • Tamil: Jārj (ஜார்ஜ்)
  • Thai: Čhort (จอร์จ; based on the English pronunciation), Yod (ยอด; a historical distorted interpretation of the name)
  • Tibetan: Rdorje (རྡོ་རྗེ།)
  • Tongan: Siaosi
  • Turkish: Cercis, Circis, Curcis, Yorgi, Gürcü,
  • Ukrainian: Heorhiy (Георгій), Yehor (Єгор), Yuriy (Юрій)
  • Upper Sorbian: Jurij
  • Venetian: Xorxi, Zorzi
  • Vietnamese: Giorgiô
  • Welsh: Siôr

Feminine forms[edit]

  • Bulgarian: Gergana (Гергана)
  • Albanian: Jorgjia, Jorgjica, Gjeorgjina, Gjorgjina, Xhorxhina
  • Czech: Jiřina
  • Dutch: Georgina, Jorien[7]
  • English: Georgeanna, Georgeanne (also George Anne),Georgeana, Georgianna, Georgane, Georgann, Georgene, Georgenne, Georgenna, Georgia (also Jorja), Georgiana, Georgina, Georgie (diminutive), Gina (diminutive, also Geena), Georgette, Georenn
  • French: George, Georgette, Georgine, Gigi
  • Greek: Georgia (Γεωργία)
  • Hungarian: Györgyi, Györgyike (diminutive)
  • Italian: Giorgia, Giorgina (diminutive), Gina (diminutive)
  • Latin: Georgia
  • Portuguese: Jorgina
  • Romanian: Georgeta, Georgiana
  • Spanish: Georgina, Jorgelina

People with the given name[edit]

Late antiquity to early medieval[edit]

  • George of Laodicea (d. 347)
  • George of Cappadocia (d. 361)
  • Georgius Florentius, birth name of Gregory of Tours (d. 594)
  • Giorgio (fl. 610), cardinal under Pope Honorius I
  • George of Izla (d. 615)
  • George of Cyprus (7th century)
  • George of Pisidia (7th century)
  • George of Resh’aina (7th century)
  • George I of Constantinople (d. 686)
  • Patriarch George of Antioch (758–790), Patriarch of Antioch and head of the Syriac Orthodox Church
  • George Syncellus (d. after 810)
  • George Choiroboskos (9th century)
  • George Hamartolos (d. 867)
  • George II of Armenia, catholicos of Armenian Church (877–897)

High to late medieval[edit]

  • Georgius Tzul (fl. 1016)
  • Kingdom of Georgia
    • George I of Georgia (d. 1027)
    • George II of Georgia
    • George III of Georgia
    • George III of Imereti
    • George IV of Georgia
    • George V of Georgia
    • George VI of Georgia
    • George VII of Georgia
    • George VII of Imereti
    • George VIII of Georgia (George I of Kakheti, died 1476)
    • George I of Imereti (late 14th century)
    • George II of Kakheti (1464–1513)
  • George of Chqondidi (d. 1118)
  • Kievan Rus’
    • Yuriy Dolgorukiy (c. 1099 – 1157)
    • Yuri II of Vladimir (1189–1238)
  • Second Bulgarian Empire
    • George I of Bulgaria, emperor of Bulgaria 1280–1292
    • George II of Bulgaria, emperor of Bulgaria 1321–1322
  • Đurađ I Balšić (fl. 1362–78), Lord of Zeta
  • Đurađ II Balšić (1385–1403), Lord of Zeta
  • Đurađ Bogutović (fl. 1370–99), Serbian nobleman
  • Đurađ Branković (1377–1456), Serbian Despot
  • Đurađ Đurašević (fl. 1413–35), Serbian nobleman
  • Đurađ Crnojević (fl. 1489–1514), Lord of Zeta
  • George of Antioch (d. 1252)
  • George Akropolites (d. 1282)
  • George (Ongud king) (d. 1298/9)
  • Georgius Chrysococcas (fl. 1340s)
  • Medieval Albania
    • Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg (1405–1468), Albanian prince and national hero
    • Gjergj Arianiti (1383–1462), Albanian lord who led several campaigns against the Ottoman Empire
    • Gjergj Thopia (died 1392), medieval Albanian nobleman and the lord of Durrës between 1388 and 1392
    • Gjergj Pelini (died 1463), medieval Albanian Catholic priest and diplomat for Skanderbeg and Venice
  • George Sphrantzes (d. 1478)
  • George of Trebizond (d. 1486)

Renaissance to modern[edit]

See: All pages with titles beginning with George
  • George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence (1449–1478)
  • Giorgio Cornaro (1452–1527)
  • György Dózsa (1470–1514)
  • George, Duke of Saxony (1471–1539)
  • Yury Ivanovich (1480–1536)
  • George, Duke of Coimbra (1481–1550), Portuguese Infante, natural son of King John II of Portugal
  • György Szondy (1500–1552)
  • Giorgio Basta (1540–1607)
  • George Weymouth (1585–1612), English explorer
  • George of Lencastre, 2nd Duke of Aveiro (1548–1578), Portuguese prince
  • Giorgio Giorgicci (1614–1660)
  • Kingdom of Great Britain
    • George I of Great Britain (1660–1727)
    • George II of Great Britain (1683–1760)
  • United Kingdom
    • George III of the United Kingdom (1738–1820)
    • George IV of the United Kingdom (1762–1830)
    • George V of the United Kingdom (1865–1936)
    • George VI of the United Kingdom (1895–1952)
  • George Washington (1732–1799), first President of the United States (1789–97), and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States
  • George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron, better known as Lord Byron (1788–1824), English author
  • George Nicholas Eckert (1802–1865), US Congressman
  • George Rex Graham (1813–1894), American magazine editor and publisher
  • George Meade (1815-1872), American Civil War general
  • Kingdom of Greece
    • George I (1845–1913)
    • George II (1890–1947)
  • George W. Melville (1841-1912), U.S. Navy rear admiral
  • George Deardorff McCreary (1846-1915), U.S. Congressman
  • George Eastman (1854–1932), American entrepreneur and founder of the Eastman Kodak Company
  • George Howard Earle Jr. (1856-1928), American lawyer and businessman
  • George Alderink (1889-1977), American businessman and politician
  • George Alice (born Georgia Mannion; 2003), Australian singer-songwriter
  • George Appo (1856–1930), a thief from New York City
  • George Eliot, a pen name for English writer Mary Ann Evans (1819–1880)
  • George B. McFarland (1866–1942), Thai physician
  • George Horace Lorimer (1867-1937), American editor of The Saturday Evening Post
  • George Locke, (1870–1937), Canadian librarian
  • George R. de Silva (1898–1968), Sri Lankan Sinhala politician
  • George Dudley (1894–1960), Canadian ice hockey administrator and Hockey Hall of Fame inductee
  • George Keyt (1901–1993), Sri Lankan painter
  • George Metesky (1903–1994), American bomber and terrorist
  • George Washington Vanderbilt III (1914–1961), American yachtsman and scientific explore
  • George H. W. Bush (1924–2018), 41st President of the United States
  • George Krull (1925–1957), one half of a brother’s criminal duo from Pennsylvania
  • George Christopher Rambukpotha (1884-1943), Sri Lankan Sinhala lawyer and politician, representative for Bibile in the 1st and 2nd State Council of Ceylon
  • George Rajapaksa (1926–1976), Sri Lankan Sinhala politician
  • George Stanich (born 1928), American high jumper
  • George Carlin (1937–2008), American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic, and author
  • George H. Morris (born 1938), American equestrian
  • George Harrison (1943–2001), lead guitarist of the Beatles
  • George Cecil Horry (1907–1981), British-born New Zealand confidence trickster, tailor and convicted murderer
  • George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States; son of George H. W. Bush
  • George Clooney (born 1961), American actor, film producer, director, and activist
  • George Dario Franchitti (born 1973), Scottish racing driver
  • George Zidek (born 1973), Czech basketball player
  • George Floyd (1973–2020), American man murdered by police during an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • George Clanton, American electronic musician
  • George Mayienga, Kenyan basketball coach
  • George Robertson (born 1946), British politician
  • George Russell (born 1958), American thief and serial killer
  • George Hill (disambiguation), multiple people
  • George Michael (1963–2016), English pop singer, songwriter and philanthropist
  • George Seitz (1894–1976), American murder victim
  • George Simion (born 1986), Romanian activist and politician
  • George Piștereanu (born 1990), Romanian actor
  • George Felix Michel Melki (born 1994), Swedish-Lebanese footballer
  • George Russell (born 1998), English racing driver
  • Prince George of Wales (born 2013), second-in-line to the British throne
  • George Alfred Henry Wille (1871–1951), Sri Lankan Burgher proctor, notary public, journalist, and politician

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with George
  • Georg (disambiguation)
  • George (disambiguation)
  • George (surname)
  • Georgeanna
  • Georgeson
  • Georgiev
  • Georgievski
  • Georgios
  • Giorgos
  • Saint George (disambiguation)
  • Georgia (disambiguation)
  • Geordie


  1. ^ Greek Names in English, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Oxford University
  2. ^ Campbell, Mike. «Meaning, origin and history of the name George». Behind the Name. Retrieved August 1, 2019.
  3. ^ γεωργ-ός, γεωργ-έω in Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon.
  4. ^ Jan N. Bremmer, Andrew Erskine, The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations, p. 104, Edinburgh University Press, 2010
  5. ^ Michael York,Pagan Theology: Paganism As A World Religion, p. 132, NYU Press, 2005
  6. ^ J.F. Boissonade, Herodiani partitiones (= Ἐπιμερισμοί, e codd. Paris. 2543 + 2570). London, 1819 (repr. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1963), 172.
    Τὰ διὰ τοῦ ιος προπαροξύτονα ὀνόματα, κύριά τε καὶ ἐπίθετα, καὶ ἀπὸ τόπου λαμβανόμενα, διὰ τοῦ ἰῶτα γράφονται· κύρια μέν· οἷον· Γεώργιος· Δημήτριος· Ἀμμώνιος· ἐπίθετα δέ· οἷον· ἅγιος· κύριος· ὅσιος· λόγιος· ἄξιος· καὶ τὰ λοιπά· ἀπὸ τόπου δὲ λαμβανόμενα· οἷον· Ῥόδιος· Κύπριος· Βυζάντιος· καὶ τὰ ὅμοια.
  7. ^ «NVB — verklaring voornaam Jorien».

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